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Last active October 25, 2017 17:11
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import qualified Data.Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding
import qualified Hasql.Batch
import qualified Hasql.Connection
import qualified Hasql.DecodeResult
import qualified Hasql.Statement
main :: IO ()
main = do
let utf8 = Data.Text.Encoding.encodeUtf8 . Data.Text.pack
let host = utf8 ""
let port = 5432
let settings = Hasql.Connection.TCPConnectionSettings host port
let username = utf8 "postgres"
let password = mempty
let database = Just (utf8 "postgres")
let handler = print
putStrLn "Connecting ..."
connectionResult <- settings username password database handler
connection <- case connectionResult of
Left problem -> fail (show problem)
Right connection -> pure connection
putStrLn "Connected."
let template = utf8 "select 1"
let encoder = mempty
let decoder = Hasql.DecodeResult.ignore
let statement = Hasql.Statement.prepared template encoder decoder
let batch = Hasql.Batch.statement statement ()
putStrLn "Querying ..."
-- This statement hangs forever.
sessionResult <- Hasql.Connection.batch connection batch
case sessionResult of
Left problem -> fail (show problem)
Right unit -> pure unit
putStrLn "Queried."
putStrLn "Closing ..."
Hasql.Connection.close connection
putStrLn "Closed."
name: hasql-example
version: 0.0.0
- base
- hasql
- text
- -rtsopts
- -threaded
- -Wall
main: Main.hs
resolver: ghc-8.2.1
- aeson-
- attoparsec-
- base-compat-0.9.3
- base-orphans-0.6
- base-prelude-
- basement-0.0.3
- bifunctors-5.4.2
- binary-parser-0.5.5
- bug-1.0.1
- bytestring-strict-builder-0.4.5
- cabal-doctest-1.0.2
- case-insensitive-
- cereal-
- charset-
- comonad-5.0.2
- contravariant-1.4
- cryptohash-md5-
- cryptohash-sha1-
- cryptonite-0.22
- data-bword-
- data-checked-0.3
- data-default-class-
- data-dword-
- data-endian-0.1.1
- data-serializer-0.3
- data-textual-
- deque-0.2
- distributive-0.5.3
- dlist-
- entropy-0.3.8
- exceptions-0.8.3
- focus-
- foldl-1.3.2
- foundation-0.0.16
- free-4.12.4
- hashable-
- hasql-
- integer-logarithms-1.0.2
- list-t-
- loch-th-0.2.1
- managed-1.0.5
- math-functions-
- memory-0.14.8
- mmorph-1.1.0
- monad-control-
- mtl-2.2.1
- mwc-random-
- network-
- network-info-
- network-ip-
- parsec-3.1.11
- parsers-0.12.7
- partial-handler-1.0.2
- persistent-vector-0.1.1
- placeholders-0.1
- postgresql-binary-0.12.1
- prelude-extras-
- primitive-
- profunctors-5.2.1
- random-1.1
- scanner-0.2
- scientific-
- semigroupoids-5.2.1
- semigroups-0.18.3
- slave-thread-1.0.2
- StateVar-
- stm-
- stm-containers-0.2.16
- tagged-0.8.5
- text-
- text-latin1-0.3
- text-printer-0.5
- th-abstraction-
- time-locale-compat-
- transformers-base-0.4.4
- transformers-compat-
- type-hint-0.1
- unordered-containers-
- uuid-1.3.13
- uuid-types-1.0.3
- vector-
- vector-builder-
- vector-th-unbox-
- void-0.7.2
old-locale: false
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