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Created July 21, 2020 19:10
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clear all;
TMN = '3.1';
countTx = 1;
BW = '20 MHz';
BW = BW(~isspace(BW));
[eNodeBOutput, etm] = LTEAppInternals.Tx(TMN, BW);
% app.LTEAppInternalsProp.CyclicPrefix = etm.CyclicPrefix;
% app.LTEAppInternalsProp.NCellID = etm.NCellID;
% app.LTEAppInternalsProp.SamplingRate = etm.SamplingRate;
% scale the signal and cast to int16
backoff = -3; % dB
RadioRate = 122.88e6*2;
%% transmit waveform using ADALM-PLUTO over a loopback cable and
% receive waveform
% dataRx = obj.PlutoRadio(app, eNodeBOutput, countTx);
% eNodeBOutput = resample(eNodeBOutput,RadioRate,etm.SamplingRate);
Output_max = max([max(abs(real(eNodeBOutput))) max(abs(imag(eNodeBOutput)))]);
eNodeBOutput = eNodeBOutput.*(10^(backoff/20))/Output_max;
eNodeBOutput = int16(eNodeBOutput*2^15);
tx = adi.ADRV9009.Tx();
tx.uri = 'ip:';
tx.EnabledChannels = [2];
tx.EnableCyclicBuffers = true;
rx = adi.ADRV9009.Rx();
rx.uri = 'ip:';
rx.SamplesPerFrame = 2^22;
rx.CenterFrequency = 4e9;
rx.EnabledChannels = [2];
eNodeBOutput = rx();
dataRx = double(eNodeBOutput);
countTx = countTx+1;
%% Resample data to expected rate
% dataRx = resample(dataRx,etm.SamplingRate,RadioRate);
%% demodulate received waveform and compute metrics
[dataRx, frameOffset] = LTEAppInternals.CorrectFreqFrameOffset(dataRx, etm);
% app.LTEAppInternalsProp.FrameOffset = frameOffset/etm.SamplingRate;
% compute freq offset and IQ offset
cec.PilotAverage = 'TestEVM';
[FreqOffset_temp, IQOffset_temp, refGrid, rxGridLow, rxGridHigh, ...
rxWaveform, nSubframes, nFrames, alg, frameEVM] = ...
LTEAppInternals.Sync(etm, cec, dataRx);
app.LTEAppInternalsProp.FreqOffset = FreqOffset_temp;
app.LTEAppInternalsProp.IQOffset = IQOffset_temp;
% stop test if needed
% if obj.stopTest(app)
% return;
% end
% estimate channel
[psd_frame, f, HestLow, HestHigh, allPRBSet] = ...
LTEAppInternals.EstimateChannel(etm, ...
rxWaveform, nSubframes, cec, rxGridLow, rxGridHigh);
app.LTEAppInternalsProp.PSD_x = f;
app.LTEAppInternalsProp.PSD_y = psd_frame;
% compute EVM measurements
gridDims = lteResourceGridSize(etm);
L = gridDims(2);
% evmSymbolPlot = app.evmSymsAxes;
% evmSymbolPlot.XLim = [0 (L*nSubframes)-1];
app.LTEAppInternalsProp.count = 1;
for i=0:nSubframes-1
% app.SummaryTable1_Data{1} = app.LTEAppInternalsProp.CyclicPrefix;
% app.SummaryTable1_Data{2} = app.LTEAppInternalsProp.NCellID;
% stop test if needed
% if obj.stopTest(app)
% return;
% end
% msg = sprintf('Processing Subframe #%d\n', i);
% app.Label.Text = {msg};
% drawnow;
app.LTEAppInternalsProp.SubFrameIndex = i;
[EqGridStruct, EVMStruct, evm, allocatedSymbols, rxSymbols, ...
refSymbols, pdsch_ind, etm] = ...
LTEAppInternals.EVMSubframe(i, nSubframes, etm, allPRBSet, ...
refGrid, rxGridLow, rxGridHigh, HestLow, HestHigh);
app.LTEAppInternalsProp.EqGridStruct = EqGridStruct;
app.LTEAppInternalsProp.DemodSyms = ...
struct('Rec', rxSymbols, 'Ref', refSymbols);
if isfield(EVMStruct, 'PBCH')
app.LTEAppInternalsProp.evm_pbch_RMS = 100*EVMStruct.PBCH;
if isfield(EVMStruct, 'PCFICH')
app.LTEAppInternalsProp.evm_pcfich_RMS = 100*EVMStruct.PCFICH;
if isfield(EVMStruct, 'PHICH')
app.LTEAppInternalsProp.evm_phich_RMS = 100*EVMStruct.PHICH;
if isfield(EVMStruct, 'PDCCH')
app.LTEAppInternalsProp.evm_pdcch_RMS = 100*EVMStruct.PDCCH;
if isfield(EVMStruct, 'RS')
app.LTEAppInternalsProp.evm_rs_RMS = 100*EVMStruct.RS;
if isfield(EVMStruct, 'PSS')
app.LTEAppInternalsProp.evm_pss_RMS = 100*EVMStruct.PSS;
if isfield(EVMStruct, 'SSS')
app.LTEAppInternalsProp.evm_sss_RMS = 100*EVMStruct.SSS;
[SymbEVM, ScEVM, RbEVM, frameLowEVM, frameHighEVM, frameEVM, etm,...
app.LTEAppInternalsProp.count, app.LTEAppInternalsProp.nFrame] = ...
LTEAppInternals.DemodSymbs(i, pdsch_ind, nFrames, ...
app.LTEAppInternalsProp.count, alg, etm, evm, ...
allocatedSymbols, frameEVM, nSubframes);
SymbEVM.evmSymbolRMS(1) = SymbEVM.evmSymbolRMS(2);
SymbEVM.evmSymbolPeak(1) = SymbEVM.evmSymbolPeak(2);
app.LTEAppInternalsProp.evmSC = ...
struct('RMS', ScEVM.evmSubcarrierRMS, 'Peak', ScEVM.evmSubcarrierPeak, ...
'EVMGrid', ScEVM.evmGrid);
PDSCHevm_temp = ScEVM.evmGrid(:);
app.LTEAppInternalsProp.PDSCHevm = mean(PDSCHevm_temp(PDSCHevm_temp~=0));
app.LTEAppInternalsProp.evmRB = ...
struct('RMS', RbEVM.evmRBRMS, 'Peak', RbEVM.evmRBPeak);
app.LTEAppInternalsProp.evmSymbol = ...
struct('RMS', SymbEVM.evmSymbolRMS, 'Peak', SymbEVM.evmSymbolPeak);
gg = inline('20*log10(x/100)','x');
if (mod(i, 10)==9 || (nFrames==0 && i==nSubframes-1))
app.LTEAppInternalsProp.FrameEVM = ...
struct('Low', frameLowEVM, ...
'High', frameHighEVM, 'Overall', frameEVM);
fprintf("frameLowEVM %f\nframeHighEVM %f\nOverall %f\n",frameLowEVM.RMS,frameHighEVM.RMS,frameEVM.RMS);
fprintf("frameLowEVM %f\nframeHighEVM %f\nOverall %f\n",gg(frameLowEVM.RMS),gg(frameHighEVM.RMS),gg(frameEVM.RMS));
% if (i == 0)
% app.SummaryTable1.Data(:, 2) = app.SummaryTable1_Data;
% end
% app.SummaryTable2.Data(:, 3) = app.SummaryTable2_Data;
% if (i == nSubframes-1)
% temp_SummaryTable3 = cell(8, 1);
% for ii = 1:8
% app.SummaryTable3_Data(ii, 3) = ...
% app.SummaryTable3_Data(ii, 1)/app.SummaryTable3_Data(ii, 2);
% if strcmp(app.dBPercentDropDown.Value, 'dB')
% temp_SummaryTable3{ii} = ...
% sprintf('%2.3f', 20*log10(0.01*app.SummaryTable3_Data(ii, 3)));
% else
% temp_SummaryTable3{ii} = sprintf('%2.3f', app.SummaryTable3_Data(ii, 3));
% end
% end
% app.SummaryTable3.Data(:, 2) = temp_SummaryTable3;
% app.SummaryTable1.Data{end, 2} = temp_SummaryTable3{end};
% end
% if (strcmp(app.StepOrPlayButton, 'step') && (i == nSubframes-1))
% app.Label.Text = {'Test stopped.'};
% app.PlayStopButton.Enable = 'on';
% app.StepButton.Enable = 'on';
% app.DocButton.Enable = 'on';
% app.GridButton.Enable = 'on';
% app.dBPercentDropDown.Enable = 'on';
% app.TMNDropDown.Enable = 'on';
% app.BWDropDown.Enable = 'on';
% app.LOEditField.Enable = 'on';
% app.PBCHCheckBox.Enable = 'on';
% app.PCFICHCheckBox.Enable = 'on';
% app.PHICHCheckBox.Enable = 'on';
% app.PDCCHCheckBox.Enable = 'on';
% app.RSCheckBox.Enable = 'on';
% app.PSSCheckBox.Enable = 'on';
% app.SSSCheckBox.Enable = 'on';
% app.PDSCHCheckBox.Enable = 'on';
% app.EVMScCheckBox.Enable = 'on';
% app.EVMRbCheckBox.Enable = 'on';
% app.EVMSymsCheckBox.Enable = 'on';
% app.ConstCheckBox.Enable = 'on';
% app.PSDCheckBox.Enable = 'on';
% drawnow;
% return;
% end
% Final Mean EVM across all frames
app.LTEAppInternalsProp.FinalEVM = lteEVM(cat(1, frameEVM(:).EV));
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