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Created December 1, 2023 17:03
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import iio
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
import time
def gen_data(fs, fc):
N = 1024
ts = 1 / float(fs)
t = np.arange(0, N * ts, ts)
i = np.cos(2 * np.pi * t * fc) * 2 ** 14
q = np.sin(2 * np.pi * t * fc) * 2 ** 14
iq = i + 1j * q
return iq
def test_complex_buffer():
fs = 4e6
lo = 1e9
fcd = 1e5
ctx = iio.Context('ip:analog.local')
dev = ctx.find_device('ad9361-phy')
dev_rx = ctx.find_device('cf-ad9361-lpc')
dev_tx = ctx.find_device('cf-ad9361-dds-core-lpc')
chan = dev.find_channel('voltage0')
chan.attrs['sampling_frequency'].value = str(int(fs))
chan.attrs['rf_bandwidth'].value = str(int(fs))
achan = dev.find_channel('altvoltage0', True)
achan.attrs['frequency'].value = str(int(lo))
achan = dev.find_channel('altvoltage1', True)
achan.attrs['frequency'].value = str(int(lo))
dev.debug_attrs['loopback'].value = '1'
## DDS
for N in [1]:
for IQ in ['I', 'Q']:
chan = f'TX1_{IQ}_F{N}'
dds = dev_tx.find_channel(chan, True)
if not dds:
raise Exception(f"Could not find channel {chan}")
dds.attrs['frequency'].value = str(int(fcd))
dds.attrs['scale'].value = '1.0'
if IQ == 'I':
dds.attrs['phase'].value = '90000'
dds.attrs['phase'].value = '0.0'
## Buffer stuff
# RX Side
chan1 = dev_rx.find_channel('voltage0')
chan2 = dev_rx.find_channel('voltage1')
mask = iio.ChannelsMask(dev_rx)
mask.channels = [chan1, chan2]
buf = iio.Buffer(dev_rx, mask)
stream = iio.Stream(buf, 1024)
# TX Side
chan1_tx = dev_tx.find_channel('voltage0', True)
chan2_tx = dev_tx.find_channel('voltage1', True)
mask_tx = iio.ChannelsMask(dev_tx)
mask_tx.channels = [chan1_tx, chan2_tx]
# Create a sinewave waveform
fc = 1e5
iq = gen_data(fs, fc)
# Send data
buf_tx = iio.Buffer(dev_tx, mask_tx)
## Stream version (Does not support cyclic?)
# tx_stream = iio.Stream(buf_tx, 1024)
# block_tx = next(tx_stream)
# block_tx.write(iq)
# block_tx.enqueue(None, True)
# Block version
block_tx = iio.Block(buf_tx, len(iq))
# convert iq to interleaved int16 byte array
iqb = np.array(iq, dtype=np.int16)
iqb = np.stack((iqb.real, iqb.imag), axis=-1)
iqb = iqb.flatten()
iqb = bytearray(iqb)
block_tx.enqueue(None, True)
for r in range(20):
block = next(stream)
# Single buffer read
if False:
x = np.frombuffer(, dtype=np.int16)
x = x[0::2] + 1j*x[1::2]
# Buffer read by channel
re = mask.channels[0].read(block)
re = np.frombuffer(re, dtype=np.int16)
im = mask.channels[1].read(block)
im = np.frombuffer(im, dtype=np.int16)
x = re + 1j*im
f, Pxx_den = signal.periodogram(x, fs)
plt.semilogy(f, Pxx_den)
plt.ylim([1e-7, 1e2])
plt.xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
plt.ylabel("PSD [V**2/Hz]")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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