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Travis F. Collins tfcollins

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clear all;
TMN = '3.1';
countTx = 1;
BW = '20 MHz';
BW = BW(~isspace(BW));
[eNodeBOutput, etm] = LTEAppInternals.Tx(TMN, BW);
% app.LTEAppInternalsProp.CyclicPrefix = etm.CyclicPrefix;
% app.LTEAppInternalsProp.NCellID = etm.NCellID;
% app.LTEAppInternalsProp.SamplingRate = etm.SamplingRate;
screen -S Installer -dm bash -c "$1/$2/bin/matlab $3 -r 'genLTEPAInstaller'"
echo "MATLAB launched"
for ii in {1..500}
echo $ii
echo "Active MATLAB session IDs: $(pidof MATLAB)"
screen -list | grep Installer
if [ -f LTEPA/for_redistribution/LTEPAInstaller.install ]; then
clear all;
FilterOrder = 128-1; % Make odd to force linear phase
Bands = 2;
SampleRate = 1e6;
N = 2^20;
% Some filter we want to compensate for
b = 2^(-14)*[-53 0 313 0 -1155 0 4989 8192 4989 0 -1155 0 313 0 -53];
a = 1;
git clone --recursive
find TransceiverToolbox -type f -exec sed -i 's/matlabshared\.libiio\./mwlibiio\./g' {} \;
find TransceiverToolbox -type f -exec sed -i "s/calllib('libiio'/calllib(obj\.libName/g" {} \;
cp -r libiio_mw_totest_6262020 TransceiverToolbox
make -C TransceiverToolbox/CI/scripts add_libad9361 > /dev/null 2>&1
/usr/local/MATLAB/R2020a/bin/matlab -nodisplay -nodesktop -nosplash -r "cd('TransceiverToolbox');addpath(genpath('libiio_mw_totest_6262020'));addpath(genpath('deps'));rx=adi.Pluto.Rx;rx.uri='ip:';rx();exit()"
bash  ✔  9403  09:32:24
Cloning into 'TransceiverToolbox'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 307, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (307/307), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (223/223), done.
remote: Total 1355 (delta 132), reused 215 (delta 79), pack-reused 1048
Receiving objects: 100% (1355/1355), 22.35 MiB | 12.10 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (622/622), done.
Submodule '+adi/+common' ( registered for path '+adi/+common'
Cloning into '/tmp/TransceiverToolbox/+adi/+common'...
# Copyright (C) 2019 Analog Devices, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
# are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
# - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in

libiio: Python Bindings

This package contains the python bindings for libiio, a library for interfacing with Linux IIO devices.

libiio is used to interface to the Linux Industrial Input/Output (IIO) Subsystem. The Linux IIO subsystem is intended to provide support for devices that in some sense are analog to digital or digital to analog converters (ADCs, DACs). This includes, but is not limited to ADCs, Accelerometers, Gyros, IMUs, Capacitance to Digital Converters (CDCs), Pressure Sensors, Color, Light and Proximity Sensors, Temperature Sensors, Magnetometers, DACs, DDS (Direct Digital Synthesis), PLLs (Phase Locked Loops), Variable/Programmable Gain Amplifiers (VGA, PGA), and RF transceivers. You can use libiio natively on an embedded Linux target (local mode), or use libiio to communicate remotely to that same target from a host Linux, Windows or MAC over USB or Ethernet or Serial.

[Build Status](

echo '-----Setup-----'
iio_attr -q -a -c ad9361-phy voltage0 sampling_frequency 3000000
iio_attr -q -a -c ad9361-phy out voltage_filter_fir_en 0
cat > /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device1/filter_fir_config
iio_attr -q -a -o -c ad9361-phy voltage0 hardwaregain -10
echo '----------------'
iio_attr -a -o -c ad9361-phy voltage0 hardwaregain -50
"monitor": {
"interval": 30000,
"numberOfBuilds": 8,
"latestBuildOnly": false,
"sortOrder": "project",
"errorsFirst": false,
"expandEnvironmentVariables": false,
"debug": true