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Created May 18, 2017 17:24
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A Groovyfied version of [Gabriel Landini Convex Hull Plus]( It is a work in progress
//@ImagePlus imp
// Obtains the 2D Convex Hull ROI from a 2D binary image
// TODO: Use imagej.ops / net.imglib2.roi.geometric.Polygon
import ij.process.ImageProcessor;
import ij.gui.PolygonRoi;
def run(ImageProcessor ip) {
def x = []
def y = []
for (j in 0..ip.getHeight()) {
for (i in 0..ip.getWidth()) {
if (ip.getPixel(i,j) != 0) {
//cnvx hull
int n=x.size(), min = 0, ney=0, px, py, h, h2, dx, dy, temp, ax, ay;
double minangle, th, t, v, zxmi=0;
temp = x[0]; x[0] = x[min]; x[min] = temp;
temp = y[0]; y[0] = y[min]; y[min] = temp;
min = 0;
for (i=1; i<n; i++) {
if (y[i] == y[0]) {
ney ++;
if (x[i] < x[min]) min = i;
temp = x[0]; x[0] = x[min]; x[min] = temp;
temp = y[0]; y[0] = y[min]; y[min] = temp;
//first point x(0), y(0)
px = x[0];
py = y[0];
min = 0;
m = -1;
x[n] = x[min];
y[n] = y[min];
if (ney > 0)
minangle = -1;
minangle = 0;
while (min != n+0 ) {
m = m + 1;
temp = x[m]; x[m] = x[min]; x[min] = temp;
temp = y[m]; y[m] = y[min]; y[min] = temp;
min = n ; //+1
v = minangle;
minangle = 360.0;
h2 = 0;
for (i = m + 1; i<n+1; i++) {
dx = x[i] - x[m];
ax = Math.abs(dx);
dy = y[i] - y[m];
ay = Math.abs(dy);
if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)
t = 0.0;
t = (double)dy / (double)(ax + ay);
if (dx < 0)
t = 2.0 - t;
else if (dy < 0)
t = 4.0 + t;
th = t * 90.0;
if (th > v) {
if (th < minangle) {
min = i;
minangle = th;
h2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
} else if (th == minangle) {
h = dx * dx + dy * dy;
if (h > h2) {
min = i;
h2 = h;
px = x[min];
py = y[min];
zxmi = zxmi + Math.sqrt(h2);
int[] hx = new int[m];// ROI polygon array
int[] hy = new int[m];
for (i=0; i<m; i++) {
hx[i] = x[i]; // copy to new polygon array
hy[i] = y[i];
imp.setRoi(new PolygonRoi(hx, hy, hx.length, 2)); // roi.POLYGON
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