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Last active December 29, 2015 02:49
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  • Save tfgrahame/7603346 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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class: Person
property: statistics [expectedType: SportsStatistics]
class: SportsTeam
property: statistics [expectedType: SportsStatistics]
class: SportsResult
property: statistics [expectedType: SportsStatistics]
class: Person
property: statistics [expectedType: SportsStatistics]
class: SportsTeam
property: statistics [expectedType: SportsStatistics]
class: SportsResult
property: statistics [expectedType: SportsStatistics]
Class: SportsStatistics
property: bonusPoints [expectedType: Integer]
property: draws [expectedType: Integer]
property: losses [expectedType: Integer]
property: points [expectedType: Integer]
property: pointsDeducted [expectedType: Integer]
property: pointsDifference [expectedType: Integer]
property: pointsScoredAgainst [expectedType: Integer]
property: pointsScoredFor [expectedType: Integer]
property: pointsTotal [expectedType: Integer]
property: rankedPosition [expectedType: Integer]
property: score [expectedType: String]
property: scoreTotal [expectedType: String]
property: wins [expectedType: Integer]
subClass: SoccerStatistic
property: aggregateScore [expectedType: String]
property: corners [expectedType: Integer]
property: fouls [expectedType: Integer]
property: goals [expectedType: Integer]
property: redCards [expectedType: Integer]
property: shotsOnTarget [expectedType: Integer]
property: yellowCards [expectedType: Integer]
subClass: CricketStatistic
property: batting [expectedType: Integer]
property: batting4s [expectedType: Integer]
property: batting6s [expectedType: Integer]
property: battingRuns [expectedType: Integer]
property: bowlingRuns [expectedType: Integer]
property: fallOfWicket [expectedType: Integer]
property: howOut [expectedType: OutType]
property: maidens [expectedType: Integer]
property: minutesAtCrease [expectedType: Integer]
property: overs [expectedType: Float]
property: points [expectedType: Float]
property: pointsDeducted [expectedType: Float]
property: runsWonBy [expectedType: Integer]
property: wickets [expectedType: Integer]
property: wicketsWonBy [expectedType: Integer]
subClass: RugbyStatistic
property: conversions [expectedType: Integer]
property: dropGoals [expectedType: Integer]
property: penalties [expectedType: Integer]
property: triesAgainst [expectedType: Integer]
property: triesFor [expectedType: Integer]
subClass: GolfStatistic
property: coursePar [expectedType: Integer]
property: currentRank [expectedType: GolferRanking]
subClass: GolfPerformance
property: roundScore [expectedType: GolfRoundScore]
property: totalScore [expectedType: Integer]
subClass: GolfRoundScore
property: roundNumber [expectedType: Integer]
property: score [expectedType: Integer]
subClass: GolferRanking
property: rankScore [expectedType: Integer]
property: rankSetDate [expectedType: Integer]
property: rankSetRank [expectedType: Integer]
property: rankingSystem [expectedType: GolfRankSystem]
subClass: IceHockeyStatistic
property: assists
property: plusMinus
property: penaltyMinutes
property: points
property: goals
property: goalsAgainst
property: goalsPowerPlay
property: goalsShortHanded
property: shotsOnGoal
property: shootingPercentage
property: goalieWins
property: goalieLosses
property: goalsAgainstAverage
property: savePercentage
property: shutouts
subClass: MotorsportStatistic
property: numberOfLaps [expectedType: Integer]
subClass: MotorsportCompetitorResult
property: lapsLed [expectedType: Integer]
property: place [expectedType: Integer]
property: startPosition [expectedType: Integer]
subClass: NascarRanking
property: polePositions [expectedType: Integer]
property: rankPosition [expectedType: Integer]
property: series [expectedType: Integer]
property: starts [expectedType: Integer]
property: top5Finishes [expectedType: Integer]
property: top10finishes [expectedType: Integer]
subClass: BoxingStatistic
subClass: BoxerStatistic
property: lastDefenseDate [expectedType: Date]
property: noContests [expectedType: Integer]
property: weightClass [expectedType: BoxingWeightClass]
property: winsByKnockOut [expectedType: Integer]
property: wonTitleOn [expectedType: Date]
subClass: BoxingMatchStatistics
property: scheduledNumberOfRounds [expectedType: Integer]
property: result [expectedType: BoxingMatchResult]
subClass: BoxingMatchResult
property: finishedInRound [expectedType: Integer]
property: duration [expectedType: Duration]
property: resultType [expectedType: BoxingResultType]
property: winner [expectedType: Boxer]
property: competitor [expectedType: Boxer]
subClass: VolleyBallStatistic
property: aces [expectedType: Integer]
property: spikes [expectedType: Integer]
property: blocks [expectedType: Integer]
property: fouls [expectedType: Integer]
subClass: BaseballStatistic
subClass: BaseballPlayerStatistic
property: atBat [expectedType: Integer]
property: basesStolen [expectedType: Integer]
property: battingAverage [expectedType: Integer]
property: gamesPlayed [expectedType: Integer]
property: homeruns [expectedType: Integer]
property: RBI [expectedType: Integer]
property: runs [expectedType: Integer]
property: runsAllowed [expectedType: Integer]
property: saves [expectedType: Integer]
property: strikeouts [expectedType: Integer]
property: walksAllowed [expectedType: Integer]
property: walksTaken [expectedType: Integer]
property: onBasePercentage [expectedType: Integer]
subClass: BaseballGameStatistic [expectedType: Integer]
property: homeruns [expectedType: Integer]
property: runsScored [expectedType: Integer]
property: strikes [expectedType: Integer]
property: basesStolen [expectedType: Integer]
property: homeruns [expectedType: Integer]
property: runs [expectedType: Integer]
property: runsAllowed [expectedType: Integer]
property: saves [expectedType: Integer]
property: strikeouts [expectedType: Integer]
property: walksAllowed [expectedType: Integer]
property: walksTaken [expectedType: Integer]
subClass: BaseballInningStatistic
property: inningNumber [expectedType: Integer]
property: atBat [expectedType: BaseballPlayer]
property: pitchedBy [expectedType: BaseballPlayer]
subClass: GymnasticsStatistic
property: totalScore [expectedType: Integer]
property: rank [expectedType: Integer]
property: difficultyScore [expectedType: Float]
property: executionScore [expectedType: Float]
property: penalty [expectedType: Float]
property: totalScore [expectedType: Float]
subClass: VaultStatistics
property: vaultScore [expectedType: Float]
subClass: TrampolineStatistics
property: flightScore [expectedType: Float]
subClass: TennisStatistic
property: currentRank [expectedType: Integer]
property: highestRank [expectedType: Integer]
property: careerWins [expectedType: Integer]
property: careerLosses [expectedType: Integer]
property: careerTitles [expectedType: Integer]
enumeration OutType
value: Caught
value: Bowled
enumeration GolfRankSystem
value: ??
enumeration BoxingWeightClass
value: Heavyweight
value: Cruiserweight
value: Light heavyweight
enumeration BoxingResultType
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