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Last active April 27, 2020 09:19
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Example stats model
@prefix sport: <> .
@prefix stat: <http://example-ontology/statistics/> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
<event1> a sport:SportsCompetition ;
sport:awayCompetitor <team1> ;
sport:homeCompetitor <team2> ;
stat:hasTeamStatistics <teamStats1> , <teamStats2> .
<team1> a sport:CompetitiveSportingOrganisation ;
stat:hasStatistics <teamStats1> .
<team2> a sport:CompetitiveSportingOrganisation ;
stat:hasStatistics <teamStats2> .
<teamStats1> a stat:Statistics ;
stat:score "1"^^xsd:integer .
<teamStats2> a stat:Statistics ;
stat:score "0"^^xsd:integer.
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