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Last active August 20, 2023 11:26
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Neat Fractals in Racket
#lang racket
(require 2htdp/image)
(define (koch-curve n)
[(zero? n) (line 20 0 (pen "black" 8 "solid" "butt" "miter"))]
(local [(define smaller (koch-curve (- n 1)))]
(beside/align "bottom"
(rotate 60 smaller)
(rotate -60 smaller)
(define curve (koch-curve 7))
(define bg (rectangle (image-width curve) (image-height curve) "solid" "white"))
(save-svg-image (overlay/align "center" "bottom" curve bg) "koch.svg")
#lang racket
(require racket/draw)
(define (make-mandelbrot-bitmap #:width w #:height h #:filename filename)
(define bmp (make-bitmap w h))
(make-mandelbrot-dc #:bitmap bmp)
(send bmp save-file filename 'png))
(define (make-mandelbrot-dc #:bitmap bmp #:z [z 0] #:i [i 30])
(define dc (new bitmap-dc% [bitmap bmp]))
(define w (send bmp get-width))
(define h (send bmp get-height))
(for* ([x (in-range 0 w)]
[y (in-range 0 h)])
(when (converges? (make-rectangular
(x-pos->x-coord x w) (y-pos->y-coord y h)) z i)
(send dc set-pixel x y (make-color 100 100 100)))))
(define (converges? c z i)
[(> (magnitude z) 2) #f]
[(zero? i) #t]
[else (converges? c (f z c) (sub1 i))]))
(define (x-pos->x-coord x width)
(* (- x (/ width 2)) 0.001))
(define (y-pos->y-coord y height)
(* (- y (/ height 2)) 0.001))
(define (f z c) (+ (expt z 2) c))
#:width 4000
#:height 2000
#:filename "mandelbrot.png")
#lang racket
(require 2htdp/image)
(define (sierpinski-carpet n)
[(zero? n) (square 1 "solid" "black")]
(local [(define c (sierpinski-carpet (- n 1)))
(define i (square (image-width c) "solid" "white"))]
(above (beside c c c)
(beside c i c)
(beside c c c)))]))
(save-image (sierpinski-carpet 5) "scarpet.png")
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