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Created January 3, 2019 18:55
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Ruby script to transfer Davical ics and vcf data from database to database. Maybe usefull if standard migration procedures fail
# If all davical updates failed: create a new instance on your new system
# and transfer your data with this script and curl from your old server
# to your new server. The example below does this with your calendar data.
# Change URL, caldav_type and file extension and you can transfer your
# vcards as well. I did this a few days ago and it worked very well.
require 'pg'
conn = PG.connect :dbname => 'davical', :user => 'davical_app'
# for vcards use VCARD as caldav_type
# replace <ID> with a valid user id
result = conn.exec("select caldav_data from caldav_data where user_no = <ID> and caldav_type = 'VEVENT'")
result.each do |row|
data = row['caldav_data']
id = data.scan(/UID:(.+)/).first.last.strip
# for Events use .ics as file extension, use .vcf for vcards
# Files will be saved to 'dump' subdir - create it! or remove 'dump/'
open("dump/#{id}.ics", 'w') do |d|
d.puts data
# again: change file extension as needed
# set user and password as needed
# the default calendar url ends in /caldav.php/USER/calendar/
# the default vcard url ends in /caldav.php/USER/addresses/
`curl -u user:pass --upload-file dump/#{id}.ics URL`
rescue PG::Error => err
puts "DB error: #{err.message}"
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