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Last active August 26, 2019 14:14
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Automate deploying with the mLab Management API
# Automate deploying with the mLab Management API #
# Link Here: #
# STEP 0: Setup #
import os # for getting environment variables
import requests # for making HTTP requests
import json # for formatting JSON responses
from time import sleep # for sleeping between status requests
from pymongo import MongoClient # for querying the cluster
json_settings = {
'sort_keys': True,
'indent': 4
# Get your key headers from environment variables
headers = {
'access-key-id': os.getenv('MLAB_KEY_ID'),
'access-key-secret': os.getenv('MLAB_KEY_SECRET')
# STEP 1: Get Account ID #
# Send a request to /me
response = requests.get(f'{BASE_URL}/me', headers=headers)
response.raise_for_status() # Raise an error if not a 2XX status code
print("me Response:\n" + json.dumps(response.json(), **json_settings) + "\n")
# Get your account ID from the request
account_id = response.json()['account']['_id']
print("Account ID:\n" + account_id + "\n")
# STEP 2: Create a Cluster #
json_data = {
'plan': 'aws-m1-std-cluster-v2',
'provider': 'aws',
'region': 'us-east-1',
'dbName': 'test-database',
'initialDbUser': {
'username': 'db_user',
'password': 'secure_pass' # Make sure to use a secure password
'sslMode': 'deployment',
'name': 'new_deployment',
'environment': 'EnvironmentId' # Substitute your own environment ID
response ='{BASE_URL}/accounts/{account_id}/deployments', headers=headers, json=json_data)
response.raise_for_status() # Raise an error if not a 2XX status code
deployment = response.json()
deployment_id = deployment['_id']
print("Provisioning request enqueued:\n" + json.dumps(deployment, **json_settings) + "\n")
connection_uri = deployment['connectionInfo']['uriTemplate'].format(**options.initialDbUser)
# STEP 3: Check when cluster is built #
status = ''
while status != 'OK':
uri = f'{BASE_URL}/accounts/{account_id}/deployments/{deployment_id}/status'
response = requests.get(uri, headers=headers)
response.raise_for_status() # Raise an error if not a 2XX status code
status = response.json()['status']
print("Status: " + status)
# If there's a problem building the cluster, throw an error.
if status == 'ERROR':
raise Exception("Error building cluster")
# STEP 4: Add firewall rules #
firewall_rules = {
'inboundAllowRules': [
'description': 'Open internet',
'ipAddressSpace': ''
response = requests.put(f'{BASE_URL}/accounts/{account_id}/deployments/{deployment_id}/firewall', headers=headers, json=firewall_rules)
response.raise_for_status() # Raise an error if not a 2XX status code
print("Added firewall rule:\n" + json.dumps(response.json(), **json_settings) + "\n")
# STEP 5: Query cluster with pymongo #
client = MongoClient(connection_uri)
db = client[options['dbName']]
db['test_collection'].insert_one({'firstname': 'Ada', 'lastname': 'Lovelace'})
print("Query result:\n" + db['test_collection'].find_one())
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Yes thank you, I had a look at this API, but unfortunately I didn't see anything that suggest I could create a new deployment, aka new database via this new mongdb API , which is where I wanted to get to.

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