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Created July 23, 2021 11:26
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!(function (e, t) {
"object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? t(exports) : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["exports"], t) : t((e.Labelbox = {}));
})(this, function (exports) {
"use strict";
var __assign = function () {
return (__assign =
Object.assign ||
function (e) {
for (var t, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++) for (var i in (t = arguments[r])), i) && (e[i] = t[i]);
return e;
}).apply(this, arguments);
function __awaiter(e, t, r, n) {
return new (r || (r = Promise))(function (i, o) {
function s(e) {
try {
} catch (e) {
function u(e) {
try {
} catch (e) {
function a(e) {
? i(e.value)
: new r(function (t) {
}).then(s, u);
a((n = n.apply(e, t || [])).next());
function __generator(e, t) {
var r,
s = {
label: 0,
sent: function () {
if (1 & i[0]) throw i[1];
return i[1];
trys: [],
ops: [],
return (
(o = { next: u(0), throw: u(1), return: u(2) }),
"function" == typeof Symbol &&
(o[Symbol.iterator] = function () {
return this;
function u(o) {
return function (u) {
return (function (o) {
if (r) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
for (; s; )
try {
if (((r = 1), n && (i = 2 & o[0] ? n.return : o[0] ? n.throw || ((i = n.return) &&, 0) : && !(i =, o[1])).done)) return i;
switch (((n = 0), i && (o = [2 & o[0], i.value]), o[0])) {
case 0:
case 1:
i = o;
case 4:
return s.label++, { value: o[1], done: !1 };
case 5:
s.label++, (n = o[1]), (o = [0]);
case 7:
(o = s.ops.pop()), s.trys.pop();
if (!(i = (i = s.trys).length > 0 && i[i.length - 1]) && (6 === o[0] || 2 === o[0])) {
s = 0;
if (3 === o[0] && (!i || (o[1] > i[0] && o[1] < i[3]))) {
s.label = o[1];
if (6 === o[0] && s.label < i[1]) {
(s.label = i[1]), (i = o);
if (i && s.label < i[2]) {
(s.label = i[2]), s.ops.push(o);
i[2] && s.ops.pop(), s.trys.pop();
o =, s);
} catch (e) {
(o = [6, e]), (n = 0);
} finally {
r = i = 0;
if (5 & o[0]) throw o[1];
return { value: o[0] ? o[1] : void 0, done: !0 };
})([o, u]);
function symbolObservablePonyfill(e) {
var t,
r = e.Symbol;
return "function" == typeof r ? (r.observable ? (t = r.observable) : ((t = r("observable")), (r.observable = t))) : (t = "@@observable"), t;
root = "undefined" != typeof self ? self : "undefined" != typeof window ? window : "undefined" != typeof global ? global : "undefined" != typeof module ? module : Function("return this")();
var result = symbolObservablePonyfill(root),
extendStatics$1 = function (e, t) {
return (extendStatics$1 =
Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&
function (e, t) {
e.__proto__ = t;
}) ||
function (e, t) {
for (var r in t) t.hasOwnProperty(r) && (e[r] = t[r]);
})(e, t);
function __extends$1(e, t) {
function r() {
this.constructor = e;
extendStatics$1(e, t), (e.prototype = null === t ? Object.create(t) : ((r.prototype = t.prototype), new r()));
function isFunction(e) {
return "function" == typeof e;
var _enable_super_gross_mode_that_will_cause_bad_things = !1,
config = {
Promise: void 0,
set useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling(e) {
e && new Error().stack;
_enable_super_gross_mode_that_will_cause_bad_things = e;
get useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling() {
return _enable_super_gross_mode_that_will_cause_bad_things;
function hostReportError(e) {
setTimeout(function () {
throw e;
}, 0);
var empty = {
closed: !0,
next: function (e) {},
error: function (e) {
if (config.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling) throw e;
complete: function () {},
isArray = (function () {
return (
Array.isArray ||
function (e) {
return e && "number" == typeof e.length;
function isObject(e) {
return null !== e && "object" == typeof e;
var UnsubscriptionErrorImpl = (function () {
function e(e) {
return (,
(this.message = e
? e.length +
" errors occurred during unsubscription:\n" +
.map(function (e, t) {
return t + 1 + ") " + e.toString();
.join("\n ")
: ""),
( = "UnsubscriptionError"),
(this.errors = e),
return (e.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype)), e;
UnsubscriptionError = UnsubscriptionErrorImpl,
Subscription = (function () {
function e(e) {
(this.closed = !1), (this._parentOrParents = null), (this._subscriptions = null), e && (this._unsubscribe = e);
var t;
return (
(e.prototype.unsubscribe = function () {
var t;
if (!this.closed) {
var r = this._parentOrParents,
n = this._unsubscribe,
i = this._subscriptions;
if (((this.closed = !0), (this._parentOrParents = null), (this._subscriptions = null), r instanceof e)) r.remove(this);
else if (null !== r)
for (var o = 0; o < r.length; ++o) {
if (isFunction(n))
try {;
} catch (e) {
t = e instanceof UnsubscriptionError ? flattenUnsubscriptionErrors(e.errors) : [e];
if (isArray(i)) {
o = -1;
for (var s = i.length; ++o < s; ) {
var u = i[o];
if (isObject(u))
try {
} catch (e) {
(t = t || []), e instanceof UnsubscriptionError ? (t = t.concat(flattenUnsubscriptionErrors(e.errors))) : t.push(e);
if (t) throw new UnsubscriptionError(t);
(e.prototype.add = function (t) {
var r = t;
if (!t) return e.EMPTY;
switch (typeof t) {
case "function":
r = new e(t);
case "object":
if (r === this || r.closed || "function" != typeof r.unsubscribe) return r;
if (this.closed) return r.unsubscribe(), r;
if (!(r instanceof e)) {
var n = r;
(r = new e())._subscriptions = [n];
throw new Error("unrecognized teardown " + t + " added to Subscription.");
var i = r._parentOrParents;
if (null === i) r._parentOrParents = this;
else if (i instanceof e) {
if (i === this) return r;
r._parentOrParents = [i, this];
} else {
if (-1 !== i.indexOf(this)) return r;
var o = this._subscriptions;
return null === o ? (this._subscriptions = [r]) : o.push(r), r;
(e.prototype.remove = function (e) {
var t = this._subscriptions;
if (t) {
var r = t.indexOf(e);
-1 !== r && t.splice(r, 1);
(e.EMPTY = (((t = new e()).closed = !0), t)),
function flattenUnsubscriptionErrors(e) {
return e.reduce(function (e, t) {
return e.concat(t instanceof UnsubscriptionError ? t.errors : t);
}, []);
var rxSubscriber = (function () {
return "function" == typeof Symbol ? Symbol("rxSubscriber") : "@@rxSubscriber_" + Math.random();
Subscriber = (function (e) {
function t(r, n, i) {
var o = || this;
switch (((o.syncErrorValue = null), (o.syncErrorThrown = !1), (o.syncErrorThrowable = !1), (o.isStopped = !1), arguments.length)) {
case 0:
o.destination = empty;
case 1:
if (!r) {
o.destination = empty;
if ("object" == typeof r) {
r instanceof t ? ((o.syncErrorThrowable = r.syncErrorThrowable), (o.destination = r), r.add(o)) : ((o.syncErrorThrowable = !0), (o.destination = new SafeSubscriber(o, r)));
(o.syncErrorThrowable = !0), (o.destination = new SafeSubscriber(o, r, n, i));
return o;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype[rxSubscriber] = function () {
return this;
(t.create = function (e, r, n) {
var i = new t(e, r, n);
return (i.syncErrorThrowable = !1), i;
( = function (e) {
this.isStopped || this._next(e);
(t.prototype.error = function (e) {
this.isStopped || ((this.isStopped = !0), this._error(e));
(t.prototype.complete = function () {
this.isStopped || ((this.isStopped = !0), this._complete());
(t.prototype.unsubscribe = function () {
this.closed || ((this.isStopped = !0),;
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {;
(t.prototype._error = function (e) {
this.destination.error(e), this.unsubscribe();
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
this.destination.complete(), this.unsubscribe();
(t.prototype._unsubscribeAndRecycle = function () {
var e = this._parentOrParents;
return (this._parentOrParents = null), this.unsubscribe(), (this.closed = !1), (this.isStopped = !1), (this._parentOrParents = e), this;
SafeSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n, i) {
var o,
s = || this;
s._parentSubscriber = t;
var u = s;
return (
isFunction(r) ? (o = r) : r && ((o =, (n = r.error), (i = r.complete), r !== empty && (isFunction((u = Object.create(r)).unsubscribe) && s.add(u.unsubscribe.bind(u)), (u.unsubscribe = s.unsubscribe.bind(s)))),
(s._context = u),
(s._next = o),
(s._error = n),
(s._complete = i),
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
( = function (e) {
if (!this.isStopped && this._next) {
var t = this._parentSubscriber;
config.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling && t.syncErrorThrowable ? this.__tryOrSetError(t, this._next, e) && this.unsubscribe() : this.__tryOrUnsub(this._next, e);
(t.prototype.error = function (e) {
if (!this.isStopped) {
var t = this._parentSubscriber,
r = config.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling;
if (this._error) r && t.syncErrorThrowable ? (this.__tryOrSetError(t, this._error, e), this.unsubscribe()) : (this.__tryOrUnsub(this._error, e), this.unsubscribe());
else if (t.syncErrorThrowable) r ? ((t.syncErrorValue = e), (t.syncErrorThrown = !0)) : hostReportError(e), this.unsubscribe();
else {
if ((this.unsubscribe(), r)) throw e;
(t.prototype.complete = function () {
var e = this;
if (!this.isStopped) {
var t = this._parentSubscriber;
if (this._complete) {
var r = function () {
config.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling && t.syncErrorThrowable ? (this.__tryOrSetError(t, r), this.unsubscribe()) : (this.__tryOrUnsub(r), this.unsubscribe());
} else this.unsubscribe();
(t.prototype.__tryOrUnsub = function (e, t) {
try {, t);
} catch (e) {
if ((this.unsubscribe(), config.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling)) throw e;
(t.prototype.__tryOrSetError = function (e, t, r) {
if (!config.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling) throw new Error("bad call");
try {, r);
} catch (t) {
return config.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling ? ((e.syncErrorValue = t), (e.syncErrorThrown = !0), !0) : (hostReportError(t), !0);
return !1;
(t.prototype._unsubscribe = function () {
var e = this._parentSubscriber;
(this._context = null), (this._parentSubscriber = null), e.unsubscribe();
function canReportError(e) {
for (; e; ) {
var t = e,
r = t.closed,
n = t.destination,
i = t.isStopped;
if (r || i) return !1;
e = n && n instanceof Subscriber ? n : null;
return !0;
function toSubscriber(e, t, r) {
if (e) {
if (e instanceof Subscriber) return e;
if (e[rxSubscriber]) return e[rxSubscriber]();
return e || t || r ? new Subscriber(e, t, r) : new Subscriber(empty);
var observable = (function () {
return ("function" == typeof Symbol && Symbol.observable) || "@@observable";
function identity(e) {
return e;
function pipe() {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
return pipeFromArray(e);
function pipeFromArray(e) {
return 0 === e.length
? identity
: 1 === e.length
? e[0]
: function (t) {
return e.reduce(function (e, t) {
return t(e);
}, t);
var Observable = (function () {
function e(e) {
(this._isScalar = !1), e && (this._subscribe = e);
return (
(e.prototype.lift = function (t) {
var r = new e();
return (r.source = this), (r.operator = t), r;
(e.prototype.subscribe = function (e, t, r) {
var n = this.operator,
i = toSubscriber(e, t, r);
if (
(n ? i.add(, this.source)) : i.add(this.source || (config.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling && !i.syncErrorThrowable) ? this._subscribe(i) : this._trySubscribe(i)),
config.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling && i.syncErrorThrowable && ((i.syncErrorThrowable = !1), i.syncErrorThrown))
throw i.syncErrorValue;
return i;
(e.prototype._trySubscribe = function (e) {
try {
return this._subscribe(e);
} catch (t) {
config.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling && ((e.syncErrorThrown = !0), (e.syncErrorValue = t)), canReportError(e) ? e.error(t) : console.warn(t);
(e.prototype.forEach = function (e, t) {
var r = this;
return new (t = getPromiseCtor(t))(function (t, n) {
var i;
i = r.subscribe(
function (t) {
try {
} catch (e) {
n(e), i && i.unsubscribe();
(e.prototype._subscribe = function (e) {
var t = this.source;
return t && t.subscribe(e);
(e.prototype[observable] = function () {
return this;
(e.prototype.pipe = function () {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
return 0 === e.length ? this : pipeFromArray(e)(this);
(e.prototype.toPromise = function (e) {
var t = this;
return new (e = getPromiseCtor(e))(function (e, r) {
var n;
function (e) {
return (n = e);
function (e) {
return r(e);
function () {
return e(n);
(e.create = function (t) {
return new e(t);
function getPromiseCtor(e) {
if ((e || (e = config.Promise || Promise), !e)) throw new Error("no Promise impl found");
return e;
var ObjectUnsubscribedErrorImpl = (function () {
function e() {
return, (this.message = "object unsubscribed"), ( = "ObjectUnsubscribedError"), this;
return (e.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype)), e;
ObjectUnsubscribedError = ObjectUnsubscribedErrorImpl,
SubjectSubscription = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n = || this;
return (n.subject = t), (n.subscriber = r), (n.closed = !1), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype.unsubscribe = function () {
if (!this.closed) {
this.closed = !0;
var e = this.subject,
t = e.observers;
if (((this.subject = null), t && 0 !== t.length && !e.isStopped && !e.closed)) {
var r = t.indexOf(this.subscriber);
-1 !== r && t.splice(r, 1);
SubjectSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t) {
var r =, t) || this;
return (r.destination = t), r;
return __extends$1(t, e), t;
Subject = (function (e) {
function t() {
var t = || this;
return (t.observers = []), (t.closed = !1), (t.isStopped = !1), (t.hasError = !1), (t.thrownError = null), t;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype[rxSubscriber] = function () {
return new SubjectSubscriber(this);
(t.prototype.lift = function (e) {
var t = new AnonymousSubject(this, this);
return (t.operator = e), t;
( = function (e) {
if (this.closed) throw new ObjectUnsubscribedError();
if (!this.isStopped) for (var t = this.observers, r = t.length, n = t.slice(), i = 0; i < r; i++) n[i].next(e);
(t.prototype.error = function (e) {
if (this.closed) throw new ObjectUnsubscribedError();
(this.hasError = !0), (this.thrownError = e), (this.isStopped = !0);
for (var t = this.observers, r = t.length, n = t.slice(), i = 0; i < r; i++) n[i].error(e);
this.observers.length = 0;
(t.prototype.complete = function () {
if (this.closed) throw new ObjectUnsubscribedError();
this.isStopped = !0;
for (var e = this.observers, t = e.length, r = e.slice(), n = 0; n < t; n++) r[n].complete();
this.observers.length = 0;
(t.prototype.unsubscribe = function () {
(this.isStopped = !0), (this.closed = !0), (this.observers = null);
(t.prototype._trySubscribe = function (t) {
if (this.closed) throw new ObjectUnsubscribedError();
return, t);
(t.prototype._subscribe = function (e) {
if (this.closed) throw new ObjectUnsubscribedError();
return this.hasError ? (e.error(this.thrownError), Subscription.EMPTY) : this.isStopped ? (e.complete(), Subscription.EMPTY) : (this.observers.push(e), new SubjectSubscription(this, e));
(t.prototype.asObservable = function () {
var e = new Observable();
return (e.source = this), e;
(t.create = function (e, t) {
return new AnonymousSubject(e, t);
AnonymousSubject = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n = || this;
return (n.destination = t), (n.source = r), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
( = function (e) {
var t = this.destination;
t && &&;
(t.prototype.error = function (e) {
var t = this.destination;
t && t.error && this.destination.error(e);
(t.prototype.complete = function () {
var e = this.destination;
e && e.complete && this.destination.complete();
(t.prototype._subscribe = function (e) {
return this.source ? this.source.subscribe(e) : Subscription.EMPTY;
function refCount() {
return function (e) {
return e.lift(new RefCountOperator$1(e));
var RefCountOperator$1 = (function () {
function e(e) {
this.connectable = e;
return (
( = function (e, t) {
var r = this.connectable;
var n = new RefCountSubscriber$1(e, r),
i = t.subscribe(n);
return n.closed || (n.connection = r.connect()), i;
RefCountSubscriber$1 = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n =, t) || this;
return (n.connectable = r), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._unsubscribe = function () {
var e = this.connectable;
if (e) {
this.connectable = null;
var t = e._refCount;
if (t <= 0) this.connection = null;
else if (((e._refCount = t - 1), t > 1)) this.connection = null;
else {
var r = this.connection,
n = e._connection;
(this.connection = null), !n || (r && n !== r) || n.unsubscribe();
} else this.connection = null;
ConnectableObservable = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n = || this;
return (n.source = t), (n.subjectFactory = r), (n._refCount = 0), (n._isComplete = !1), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._subscribe = function (e) {
return this.getSubject().subscribe(e);
(t.prototype.getSubject = function () {
var e = this._subject;
return (e && !e.isStopped) || (this._subject = this.subjectFactory()), this._subject;
(t.prototype.connect = function () {
var e = this._connection;
return (
e ||
((this._isComplete = !1),
(e = this._connection = new Subscription()).add(this.source.subscribe(new ConnectableSubscriber(this.getSubject(), this))),
e.closed && ((this._connection = null), (e = Subscription.EMPTY))),
(t.prototype.refCount = function () {
return refCount()(this);
connectableObservableDescriptor = (function () {
var e = ConnectableObservable.prototype;
return {
operator: { value: null },
_refCount: { value: 0, writable: !0 },
_subject: { value: null, writable: !0 },
_connection: { value: null, writable: !0 },
_subscribe: { value: e._subscribe },
_isComplete: { value: e._isComplete, writable: !0 },
getSubject: { value: e.getSubject },
connect: { value: e.connect },
refCount: { value: e.refCount },
ConnectableSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n =, t) || this;
return (n.connectable = r), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._error = function (t) {
this._unsubscribe(),, t);
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
(this.connectable._isComplete = !0), this._unsubscribe(),;
(t.prototype._unsubscribe = function () {
var e = this.connectable;
if (e) {
this.connectable = null;
var t = e._connection;
(e._refCount = 0), (e._subject = null), (e._connection = null), t && t.unsubscribe();
RefCountSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n =, t) || this;
return (n.connectable = r), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._unsubscribe = function () {
var e = this.connectable;
if (e) {
this.connectable = null;
var t = e._refCount;
if (t <= 0) this.connection = null;
else if (((e._refCount = t - 1), t > 1)) this.connection = null;
else {
var r = this.connection,
n = e._connection;
(this.connection = null), !n || (r && n !== r) || n.unsubscribe();
} else this.connection = null;
function groupBy(e, t, r, n) {
return function (i) {
return i.lift(new GroupByOperator(e, t, r, n));
var GroupByOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t, r, n) {
(this.keySelector = e), (this.elementSelector = t), (this.durationSelector = r), (this.subjectSelector = n);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new GroupBySubscriber(e, this.keySelector, this.elementSelector, this.durationSelector, this.subjectSelector));
GroupBySubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n, i, o) {
var s =, t) || this;
return (s.keySelector = r), (s.elementSelector = n), (s.durationSelector = i), (s.subjectSelector = o), (s.groups = null), (s.attemptedToUnsubscribe = !1), (s.count = 0), s;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
var t;
try {
t = this.keySelector(e);
} catch (e) {
return void this.error(e);
this._group(e, t);
(t.prototype._group = function (e, t) {
var r = this.groups;
r || (r = this.groups = new Map());
var n,
i = r.get(t);
if (this.elementSelector)
try {
n = this.elementSelector(e);
} catch (e) {
else n = e;
if (!i) {
(i = this.subjectSelector ? this.subjectSelector() : new Subject()), r.set(t, i);
var o = new GroupedObservable(t, i, this);
if ((, this.durationSelector)) {
var s = void 0;
try {
s = this.durationSelector(new GroupedObservable(t, i));
} catch (e) {
return void this.error(e);
this.add(s.subscribe(new GroupDurationSubscriber(t, i, this)));
i.closed ||;
(t.prototype._error = function (e) {
var t = this.groups;
t &&
(t.forEach(function (t, r) {
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
var e = this.groups;
e &&
(e.forEach(function (e, t) {
(t.prototype.removeGroup = function (e) {
(t.prototype.unsubscribe = function () {
this.closed || ((this.attemptedToUnsubscribe = !0), 0 === this.count &&;
GroupDurationSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
var i =, r) || this;
return (i.key = t), ( = r), (i.parent = n), i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
(t.prototype._unsubscribe = function () {
var e = this.parent,
t = this.key;
(this.key = this.parent = null), e && e.removeGroup(t);
GroupedObservable = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
var i = || this;
return (i.key = t), (i.groupSubject = r), (i.refCountSubscription = n), i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._subscribe = function (e) {
var t = new Subscription(),
r = this.refCountSubscription,
n = this.groupSubject;
return r && !r.closed && t.add(new InnerRefCountSubscription(r)), t.add(n.subscribe(e)), t;
InnerRefCountSubscription = (function (e) {
function t(t) {
var r = || this;
return (r.parent = t), t.count++, r;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype.unsubscribe = function () {
var t = this.parent;
t.closed || this.closed || (, (t.count -= 1), 0 === t.count && t.attemptedToUnsubscribe && t.unsubscribe());
BehaviorSubject = (function (e) {
function t(t) {
var r = || this;
return (r._value = t), r;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "value", {
get: function () {
return this.getValue();
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0,
(t.prototype._subscribe = function (t) {
var r =, t);
return r && !r.closed &&, r;
(t.prototype.getValue = function () {
if (this.hasError) throw this.thrownError;
if (this.closed) throw new ObjectUnsubscribedError();
return this._value;
( = function (t) {, (this._value = t));
Action = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
return || this;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype.schedule = function (e, t) {
return void 0 === t && (t = 0), this;
AsyncAction = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n =, t, r) || this;
return (n.scheduler = t), ( = r), (n.pending = !1), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype.schedule = function (e, t) {
if ((void 0 === t && (t = 0), this.closed)) return this;
this.state = e;
var r =,
n = this.scheduler;
return null != r && ( = this.recycleAsyncId(n, r, t)), (this.pending = !0), (this.delay = t), ( = || this.requestAsyncId(n,, t)), this;
(t.prototype.requestAsyncId = function (e, t, r) {
return void 0 === r && (r = 0), setInterval(e.flush.bind(e, this), r);
(t.prototype.recycleAsyncId = function (e, t, r) {
if ((void 0 === r && (r = 0), null !== r && this.delay === r && !1 === this.pending)) return t;
(t.prototype.execute = function (e, t) {
if (this.closed) return new Error("executing a cancelled action");
this.pending = !1;
var r = this._execute(e, t);
if (r) return r;
!1 === this.pending && null != && ( = this.recycleAsyncId(this.scheduler,, null));
(t.prototype._execute = function (e, t) {
var r = !1,
n = void 0;
try {;
} catch (e) {
(r = !0), (n = (!!e && e) || new Error(e));
if (r) return this.unsubscribe(), n;
(t.prototype._unsubscribe = function () {
var e =,
t = this.scheduler,
r = t.actions,
n = r.indexOf(this);
( = null), (this.state = null), (this.pending = !1), (this.scheduler = null), -1 !== n && r.splice(n, 1), null != e && ( = this.recycleAsyncId(t, e, null)), (this.delay = null);
QueueAction = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n =, t, r) || this;
return (n.scheduler = t), ( = r), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype.schedule = function (t, r) {
return void 0 === r && (r = 0), r > 0 ?, t, r) : ((this.delay = r), (this.state = t), this.scheduler.flush(this), this);
(t.prototype.execute = function (t, r) {
return r > 0 || this.closed ?, t, r) : this._execute(t, r);
(t.prototype.requestAsyncId = function (t, r, n) {
return void 0 === n && (n = 0), (null !== n && n > 0) || (null === n && this.delay > 0) ?, t, r, n) : t.flush(this);
Scheduler = (function () {
function e(t, r) {
void 0 === r && (r =, (this.SchedulerAction = t), ( = r);
return (
(e.prototype.schedule = function (e, t, r) {
return void 0 === t && (t = 0), new this.SchedulerAction(this, e).schedule(r, t);
( = function () {
AsyncScheduler = (function (e) {
function t(r, n) {
void 0 === n && (n =;
var i =, r, function () {
return t.delegate && t.delegate !== i ? : n();
}) || this;
return (i.actions = []), ( = !1), (i.scheduled = void 0), i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype.schedule = function (r, n, i) {
return void 0 === n && (n = 0), t.delegate && t.delegate !== this ? t.delegate.schedule(r, n, i) :, r, n, i);
(t.prototype.flush = function (e) {
var t = this.actions;
if ( t.push(e);
else {
var r; = !0;
do {
if ((r = e.execute(e.state, e.delay))) break;
} while ((e = t.shift()));
if ((( = !1), r)) {
for (; (e = t.shift()); ) e.unsubscribe();
throw r;
QueueScheduler = (function (e) {
function t() {
return (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this;
return __extends$1(t, e), t;
queueScheduler = new QueueScheduler(QueueAction),
queue = queueScheduler,
EMPTY = new Observable(function (e) {
return e.complete();
function empty$1(e) {
return e ? emptyScheduled(e) : EMPTY;
function emptyScheduled(e) {
return new Observable(function (t) {
return e.schedule(function () {
return t.complete();
function isScheduler(e) {
return e && "function" == typeof e.schedule;
var subscribeToArray = function (e) {
return function (t) {
for (var r = 0, n = e.length; r < n && !t.closed; r++)[r]);
function scheduleArray(e, t) {
return new Observable(function (r) {
var n = new Subscription(),
i = 0;
return (
t.schedule(function () {
i !== e.length ? ([i++]), r.closed || n.add(this.schedule())) : r.complete();
function fromArray(e, t) {
return t ? scheduleArray(e, t) : new Observable(subscribeToArray(e));
function of() {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
var r = e[e.length - 1];
return isScheduler(r) ? (e.pop(), scheduleArray(e, r)) : fromArray(e);
function throwError(e, t) {
return new Observable(
? function (r) {
return t.schedule(dispatch, 0, { error: e, subscriber: r });
: function (t) {
return t.error(e);
function dispatch(e) {
var t = e.error;
NotificationKind || (NotificationKind = {});
var Notification = (function () {
function e(e, t, r) {
(this.kind = e), (this.value = t), (this.error = r), (this.hasValue = "N" === e);
return (
(e.prototype.observe = function (e) {
switch (this.kind) {
case "N":
return &&;
case "E":
return e.error && e.error(this.error);
case "C":
return e.complete && e.complete();
( = function (e, t, r) {
switch (this.kind) {
case "N":
return e && e(this.value);
case "E":
return t && t(this.error);
case "C":
return r && r();
(e.prototype.accept = function (e, t, r) {
return e && "function" == typeof ? this.observe(e) :, t, r);
(e.prototype.toObservable = function () {
switch (this.kind) {
case "N":
return of(this.value);
case "E":
return throwError(this.error);
case "C":
return empty$1();
throw new Error("unexpected notification kind value");
(e.createNext = function (t) {
return void 0 !== t ? new e("N", t) : e.undefinedValueNotification;
(e.createError = function (t) {
return new e("E", void 0, t);
(e.createComplete = function () {
return e.completeNotification;
(e.completeNotification = new e("C")),
(e.undefinedValueNotification = new e("N", void 0)),
function observeOn(e, t) {
return (
void 0 === t && (t = 0),
function (r) {
return r.lift(new ObserveOnOperator(e, t));
var ObserveOnOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t) {
void 0 === t && (t = 0), (this.scheduler = e), (this.delay = t);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new ObserveOnSubscriber(e, this.scheduler, this.delay));
ObserveOnSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
void 0 === n && (n = 0);
var i =, t) || this;
return (i.scheduler = r), (i.delay = n), i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.dispatch = function (e) {
var t = e.notification,
r = e.destination;
t.observe(r), this.unsubscribe();
(t.prototype.scheduleMessage = function (e) {
this.destination.add(this.scheduler.schedule(t.dispatch, this.delay, new ObserveOnMessage(e, this.destination)));
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
(t.prototype._error = function (e) {
this.scheduleMessage(Notification.createError(e)), this.unsubscribe();
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
this.scheduleMessage(Notification.createComplete()), this.unsubscribe();
ObserveOnMessage = (function () {
return function (e, t) {
(this.notification = e), (this.destination = t);
ReplaySubject = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
void 0 === t && (t = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY), void 0 === r && (r = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
var i = || this;
return (
(i.scheduler = n),
(i._events = []),
(i._infiniteTimeWindow = !1),
(i._bufferSize = t < 1 ? 1 : t),
(i._windowTime = r < 1 ? 1 : r),
r === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ? ((i._infiniteTimeWindow = !0), ( = i.nextInfiniteTimeWindow)) : ( = i.nextTimeWindow),
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype.nextInfiniteTimeWindow = function (t) {
var r = this._events;
r.push(t), r.length > this._bufferSize && r.shift(),, t);
(t.prototype.nextTimeWindow = function (t) {
this._events.push(new ReplayEvent(this._getNow(), t)), this._trimBufferThenGetEvents(),, t);
(t.prototype._subscribe = function (e) {
var t,
r = this._infiniteTimeWindow,
n = r ? this._events : this._trimBufferThenGetEvents(),
i = this.scheduler,
o = n.length;
if (this.closed) throw new ObjectUnsubscribedError();
if ((this.isStopped || this.hasError ? (t = Subscription.EMPTY) : (this.observers.push(e), (t = new SubjectSubscription(this, e))), i && e.add((e = new ObserveOnSubscriber(e, i))), r))
for (var s = 0; s < o && !e.closed; s++)[s]);
else for (s = 0; s < o && !e.closed; s++)[s].value);
return this.hasError ? e.error(this.thrownError) : this.isStopped && e.complete(), t;
(t.prototype._getNow = function () {
return (this.scheduler || queue).now();
(t.prototype._trimBufferThenGetEvents = function () {
for (var e = this._getNow(), t = this._bufferSize, r = this._windowTime, n = this._events, i = n.length, o = 0; o < i && !(e - n[o].time < r); ) o++;
return i > t && (o = Math.max(o, i - t)), o > 0 && n.splice(0, o), n;
ReplayEvent = (function () {
return function (e, t) {
(this.time = e), (this.value = t);
AsyncSubject = (function (e) {
function t() {
var t = (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this;
return (t.value = null), (t.hasNext = !1), (t.hasCompleted = !1), t;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._subscribe = function (t) {
return this.hasError ? (t.error(this.thrownError), Subscription.EMPTY) : this.hasCompleted && this.hasNext ? (, t.complete(), Subscription.EMPTY) :, t);
( = function (e) {
this.hasCompleted || ((this.value = e), (this.hasNext = !0));
(t.prototype.error = function (t) {
this.hasCompleted ||, t);
(t.prototype.complete = function () {
(this.hasCompleted = !0), this.hasNext &&, this.value),;
nextHandle = 1,
RESOLVED = (function () {
return Promise.resolve();
activeHandles = {};
function findAndClearHandle(e) {
return e in activeHandles && (delete activeHandles[e], !0);
var Immediate = {
setImmediate: function (e) {
var t = nextHandle++;
return (
(activeHandles[t] = !0),
RESOLVED.then(function () {
return findAndClearHandle(t) && e();
clearImmediate: function (e) {
AsapAction = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n =, t, r) || this;
return (n.scheduler = t), ( = r), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype.requestAsyncId = function (t, r, n) {
return void 0 === n && (n = 0), null !== n && n > 0 ?, t, r, n) : (t.actions.push(this), t.scheduled || (t.scheduled = Immediate.setImmediate(t.flush.bind(t, null))));
(t.prototype.recycleAsyncId = function (t, r, n) {
if ((void 0 === n && (n = 0), (null !== n && n > 0) || (null === n && this.delay > 0))) return, t, r, n);
0 === t.actions.length && (Immediate.clearImmediate(r), (t.scheduled = void 0));
AsapScheduler = (function (e) {
function t() {
return (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype.flush = function (e) {
( = !0), (this.scheduled = void 0);
var t,
r = this.actions,
n = -1,
i = r.length;
e = e || r.shift();
do {
if ((t = e.execute(e.state, e.delay))) break;
} while (++n < i && (e = r.shift()));
if ((( = !1), t)) {
for (; ++n < i && (e = r.shift()); ) e.unsubscribe();
throw t;
asapScheduler = new AsapScheduler(AsapAction),
asap = asapScheduler,
asyncScheduler = new AsyncScheduler(AsyncAction),
async = asyncScheduler,
AnimationFrameAction = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n =, t, r) || this;
return (n.scheduler = t), ( = r), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype.requestAsyncId = function (t, r, n) {
return (
void 0 === n && (n = 0),
null !== n && n > 0
?, t, r, n)
: (t.actions.push(this),
t.scheduled ||
(t.scheduled = requestAnimationFrame(function () {
return t.flush(null);
(t.prototype.recycleAsyncId = function (t, r, n) {
if ((void 0 === n && (n = 0), (null !== n && n > 0) || (null === n && this.delay > 0))) return, t, r, n);
0 === t.actions.length && (cancelAnimationFrame(r), (t.scheduled = void 0));
AnimationFrameScheduler = (function (e) {
function t() {
return (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype.flush = function (e) {
( = !0), (this.scheduled = void 0);
var t,
r = this.actions,
n = -1,
i = r.length;
e = e || r.shift();
do {
if ((t = e.execute(e.state, e.delay))) break;
} while (++n < i && (e = r.shift()));
if ((( = !1), t)) {
for (; ++n < i && (e = r.shift()); ) e.unsubscribe();
throw t;
animationFrameScheduler = new AnimationFrameScheduler(AnimationFrameAction),
animationFrame = animationFrameScheduler,
VirtualTimeScheduler = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
void 0 === t && (t = VirtualAction), void 0 === r && (r = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
var n =, t, function () {
return n.frame;
}) || this;
return (n.maxFrames = r), (n.frame = 0), (n.index = -1), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype.flush = function () {
for (var e, t, r = this.actions, n = this.maxFrames; (t = r[0]) && t.delay <= n && (r.shift(), (this.frame = t.delay), !(e = t.execute(t.state, t.delay))); );
if (e) {
for (; (t = r.shift()); ) t.unsubscribe();
throw e;
(t.frameTimeFactor = 10),
VirtualAction = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
void 0 === n && (n = t.index += 1);
var i =, t, r) || this;
return (i.scheduler = t), ( = r), (i.index = n), ( = !0), (i.index = t.index = n), i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype.schedule = function (r, n) {
if ((void 0 === n && (n = 0), ! return, r, n); = !1;
var i = new t(this.scheduler,;
return this.add(i), i.schedule(r, n);
(t.prototype.requestAsyncId = function (e, r, n) {
void 0 === n && (n = 0), (this.delay = e.frame + n);
var i = e.actions;
return i.push(this), i.sort(t.sortActions), !0;
(t.prototype.recycleAsyncId = function (e, t, r) {
void 0 === r && (r = 0);
(t.prototype._execute = function (t, r) {
if (!0 === return, t, r);
(t.sortActions = function (e, t) {
return e.delay === t.delay ? (e.index === t.index ? 0 : e.index > t.index ? 1 : -1) : e.delay > t.delay ? 1 : -1;
function noop() {}
function isObservable(e) {
return !!e && (e instanceof Observable || ("function" == typeof e.lift && "function" == typeof e.subscribe));
var ArgumentOutOfRangeErrorImpl = (function () {
function e() {
return, (this.message = "argument out of range"), ( = "ArgumentOutOfRangeError"), this;
return (e.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype)), e;
ArgumentOutOfRangeError = ArgumentOutOfRangeErrorImpl,
EmptyErrorImpl = (function () {
function e() {
return, (this.message = "no elements in sequence"), ( = "EmptyError"), this;
return (e.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype)), e;
EmptyError = EmptyErrorImpl,
TimeoutErrorImpl = (function () {
function e() {
return, (this.message = "Timeout has occurred"), ( = "TimeoutError"), this;
return (e.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype)), e;
TimeoutError = TimeoutErrorImpl;
function map(e, t) {
return function (r) {
if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("argument is not a function. Are you looking for `mapTo()`?");
return r.lift(new MapOperator(e, t));
var MapOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t) {
(this.project = e), (this.thisArg = t);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new MapSubscriber(e, this.project, this.thisArg));
MapSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
var i =, t) || this;
return (i.project = r), (i.count = 0), (i.thisArg = n || i), i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
var t;
try {
t =, e, this.count++);
} catch (e) {
return void this.destination.error(e);
function bindCallback(e, t, r) {
if (t) {
if (!isScheduler(t))
return function () {
for (var n = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) n[i] = arguments[i];
return bindCallback(e, r)
.apply(void 0, n)
map(function (e) {
return isArray(e) ? t.apply(void 0, e) : t(e);
r = t;
return function () {
for (var t = [], n = 0; n < arguments.length; n++) t[n] = arguments[n];
var i,
o = this,
s = { context: o, subject: i, callbackFunc: e, scheduler: r };
return new Observable(function (n) {
if (r) {
var u = { args: t, subscriber: n, params: s };
return r.schedule(dispatch$1, 0, u);
if (!i) {
i = new AsyncSubject();
try {
function () {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t]; <= 1 ? e[0] : e), i.complete();
} catch (e) {
canReportError(i) ? i.error(e) : console.warn(e);
return i.subscribe(n);
function dispatch$1(e) {
var t = this,
r = e.args,
n = e.subscriber,
i = e.params,
o = i.callbackFunc,
s = i.context,
u = i.scheduler,
a = i.subject;
if (!a) {
a = i.subject = new AsyncSubject();
try {
function () {
for (var e = [], r = 0; r < arguments.length; r++) e[r] = arguments[r];
var n = e.length <= 1 ? e[0] : e;
t.add(u.schedule(dispatchNext, 0, { value: n, subject: a }));
} catch (e) {
function dispatchNext(e) {
var t = e.value,
r = e.subject;, r.complete();
function bindNodeCallback(e, t, r) {
if (t) {
if (!isScheduler(t))
return function () {
for (var n = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) n[i] = arguments[i];
return bindNodeCallback(e, r)
.apply(void 0, n)
map(function (e) {
return isArray(e) ? t.apply(void 0, e) : t(e);
r = t;
return function () {
for (var t = [], n = 0; n < arguments.length; n++) t[n] = arguments[n];
var i = { subject: void 0, args: t, callbackFunc: e, scheduler: r, context: this };
return new Observable(function (n) {
var o = i.context,
s = i.subject;
if (r) return r.schedule(dispatch$2, 0, { params: i, subscriber: n, context: o });
if (!s) {
s = i.subject = new AsyncSubject();
try {
function () {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
var r = e.shift();
r ? s.error(r) : ( <= 1 ? e[0] : e), s.complete());
} catch (e) {
canReportError(s) ? s.error(e) : console.warn(e);
return s.subscribe(n);
function dispatch$2(e) {
var t = this,
r = e.params,
n = e.subscriber,
i = e.context,
o = r.callbackFunc,
s = r.args,
u = r.scheduler,
a = r.subject;
if (!a) {
a = r.subject = new AsyncSubject();
try {
function () {
for (var e = [], r = 0; r < arguments.length; r++) e[r] = arguments[r];
var n = e.shift();
if (n) t.add(u.schedule(dispatchError$1, 0, { err: n, subject: a }));
else {
var i = e.length <= 1 ? e[0] : e;
t.add(u.schedule(dispatchNext$1, 0, { value: i, subject: a }));
} catch (e) {
this.add(u.schedule(dispatchError$1, 0, { err: e, subject: a }));
function dispatchNext$1(e) {
var t = e.value,
r = e.subject;, r.complete();
function dispatchError$1(e) {
var t = e.err;
var OuterSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t() {
return (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype.notifyNext = function (e, t, r, n, i) {;
(t.prototype.notifyError = function (e, t) {
(t.prototype.notifyComplete = function (e) {
InnerSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
var i = || this;
return (i.parent = t), (i.outerValue = r), (i.outerIndex = n), (i.index = 0), i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
this.parent.notifyNext(this.outerValue, e, this.outerIndex, this.index++, this);
(t.prototype._error = function (e) {
this.parent.notifyError(e, this), this.unsubscribe();
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
this.parent.notifyComplete(this), this.unsubscribe();
subscribeToPromise = function (e) {
return function (t) {
return (
function (e) {
t.closed || (, t.complete());
function (e) {
return t.error(e);
.then(null, hostReportError),
function getSymbolIterator() {
return "function" == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator";
var iterator = getSymbolIterator(),
subscribeToIterable = function (e) {
return function (t) {
for (var r = e[iterator](); ; ) {
var n = void 0;
try {
n =;
} catch (e) {
return t.error(e), t;
if (n.done) {
if ((, t.closed)) break;
return (
"function" == typeof r.return &&
t.add(function () {
r.return && r.return();
subscribeToObservable = function (e) {
return function (t) {
var r = e[observable]();
if ("function" != typeof r.subscribe) throw new TypeError("Provided object does not correctly implement Symbol.observable");
return r.subscribe(t);
isArrayLike = function (e) {
return e && "number" == typeof e.length && "function" != typeof e;
function isPromise(e) {
return !!e && "function" != typeof e.subscribe && "function" == typeof e.then;
var subscribeTo = function (e) {
if (e && "function" == typeof e[observable]) return subscribeToObservable(e);
if (isArrayLike(e)) return subscribeToArray(e);
if (isPromise(e)) return subscribeToPromise(e);
if (e && "function" == typeof e[iterator]) return subscribeToIterable(e);
var t = isObject(e) ? "an invalid object" : "'" + e + "'";
throw new TypeError("You provided " + t + " where a stream was expected. You can provide an Observable, Promise, Array, or Iterable.");
function subscribeToResult(e, t, r, n, i) {
if ((void 0 === i && (i = new InnerSubscriber(e, r, n)), !i.closed)) return t instanceof Observable ? t.subscribe(i) : subscribeTo(t)(i);
var NONE = {};
function combineLatest() {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
var r = null,
n = null;
return isScheduler(e[e.length - 1]) && (n = e.pop()), "function" == typeof e[e.length - 1] && (r = e.pop()), 1 === e.length && isArray(e[0]) && (e = e[0]), fromArray(e, n).lift(new CombineLatestOperator(r));
var CombineLatestOperator = (function () {
function e(e) {
this.resultSelector = e;
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new CombineLatestSubscriber(e, this.resultSelector));
CombineLatestSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n =, t) || this;
return (n.resultSelector = r), ( = 0), (n.values = []), (n.observables = []), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
this.values.push(NONE), this.observables.push(e);
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
var e = this.observables,
t = e.length;
if (0 === t) this.destination.complete();
else {
( = t), (this.toRespond = t);
for (var r = 0; r < t; r++) {
var n = e[r];
this.add(subscribeToResult(this, n, n, r));
(t.prototype.notifyComplete = function (e) {
0 == ( -= 1) && this.destination.complete();
(t.prototype.notifyNext = function (e, t, r, n, i) {
var o = this.values,
s = o[r],
u = this.toRespond ? (s === NONE ? --this.toRespond : this.toRespond) : 0;
(o[r] = t), 0 === u && (this.resultSelector ? this._tryResultSelector(o) :;
(t.prototype._tryResultSelector = function (e) {
var t;
try {
t = this.resultSelector.apply(this, e);
} catch (e) {
return void this.destination.error(e);
function scheduleObservable(e, t) {
return new Observable(function (r) {
var n = new Subscription();
return (
t.schedule(function () {
var i = e[observable]();
next: function (e) {
t.schedule(function () {
error: function (e) {
t.schedule(function () {
return r.error(e);
complete: function () {
t.schedule(function () {
return r.complete();
function schedulePromise(e, t) {
return new Observable(function (r) {
var n = new Subscription();
return (
t.schedule(function () {
return e.then(
function (e) {
t.schedule(function () {,
t.schedule(function () {
return r.complete();
function (e) {
t.schedule(function () {
return r.error(e);
function scheduleIterable(e, t) {
if (!e) throw new Error("Iterable cannot be null");
return new Observable(function (r) {
var n,
i = new Subscription();
return (
i.add(function () {
n && "function" == typeof n.return && n.return();
t.schedule(function () {
(n = e[iterator]()),
t.schedule(function () {
if (!r.closed) {
var e, t;
try {
var i =;
(e = i.value), (t = i.done);
} catch (e) {
return void r.error(e);
t ? r.complete() : (, this.schedule());
function isInteropObservable(e) {
return e && "function" == typeof e[observable];
function isIterable(e) {
return e && "function" == typeof e[iterator];
function scheduled(e, t) {
if (null != e) {
if (isInteropObservable(e)) return scheduleObservable(e, t);
if (isPromise(e)) return schedulePromise(e, t);
if (isArrayLike(e)) return scheduleArray(e, t);
if (isIterable(e) || "string" == typeof e) return scheduleIterable(e, t);
throw new TypeError(((null !== e && typeof e) || e) + " is not observable");
function from(e, t) {
return t ? scheduled(e, t) : e instanceof Observable ? e : new Observable(subscribeTo(e));
function mergeMap(e, t, r) {
return (
void 0 === r && (r = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY),
"function" == typeof t
? function (n) {
return n.pipe(
mergeMap(function (r, n) {
return from(e(r, n)).pipe(
map(function (e, i) {
return t(r, e, n, i);
}, r)
: ("number" == typeof t && (r = t),
function (t) {
return t.lift(new MergeMapOperator(e, r));
var MergeMapOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t) {
void 0 === t && (t = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY), (this.project = e), (this.concurrent = t);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new MergeMapSubscriber(e, this.project, this.concurrent));
MergeMapSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
void 0 === n && (n = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
var i =, t) || this;
return (i.project = r), (i.concurrent = n), (i.hasCompleted = !1), (i.buffer = []), ( = 0), (i.index = 0), i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) { < this.concurrent ? this._tryNext(e) : this.buffer.push(e);
(t.prototype._tryNext = function (e) {
var t,
r = this.index++;
try {
t = this.project(e, r);
} catch (e) {
return void this.destination.error(e);
}, this._innerSub(t, e, r);
(t.prototype._innerSub = function (e, t, r) {
var n = new InnerSubscriber(this, t, r),
i = this.destination;
var o = subscribeToResult(this, e, void 0, void 0, n);
o !== n && i.add(o);
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
(this.hasCompleted = !0), 0 === && 0 === this.buffer.length && this.destination.complete(), this.unsubscribe();
(t.prototype.notifyNext = function (e, t, r, n, i) {;
(t.prototype.notifyComplete = function (e) {
var t = this.buffer;
this.remove(e),, t.length > 0 ? this._next(t.shift()) : 0 === && this.hasCompleted && this.destination.complete();
flatMap = mergeMap;
function mergeAll(e) {
return void 0 === e && (e = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY), mergeMap(identity, e);
function concatAll() {
return mergeAll(1);
function concat() {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
return concatAll()(of.apply(void 0, e));
function defer(e) {
return new Observable(function (t) {
var r;
try {
r = e();
} catch (e) {
return void t.error(e);
return (r ? from(r) : empty$1()).subscribe(t);
function forkJoin() {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
if (1 === e.length) {
var r = e[0];
if (isArray(r)) return forkJoinInternal(r, null);
if (isObject(r) && Object.getPrototypeOf(r) === Object.prototype) {
var n = Object.keys(r);
return forkJoinInternal( (e) {
return r[e];
if ("function" == typeof e[e.length - 1]) {
var i = e.pop();
return forkJoinInternal((e = 1 === e.length && isArray(e[0]) ? e[0] : e), null).pipe(
map(function (e) {
return i.apply(void 0, e);
return forkJoinInternal(e, null);
function forkJoinInternal(e, t) {
return new Observable(function (r) {
var n = e.length;
if (0 !== n)
for (
var i = new Array(n),
o = 0,
s = 0,
u = function (u) {
var a = from(e[u]),
c = !1;
next: function (e) {
c || ((c = !0), s++), (i[u] = e);
error: function (e) {
return r.error(e);
complete: function () {
(++o !== n && c) ||
(s === n &&
? t.reduce(function (e, t, r) {
return (e[t] = i[r]), e;
}, {})
: i
a = 0;
a < n;
else r.complete();
function fromEvent(e, t, r, n) {
return (
isFunction(r) && ((n = r), (r = void 0)),
? fromEvent(e, t, r).pipe(
map(function (e) {
return isArray(e) ? n.apply(void 0, e) : n(e);
: new Observable(function (n) {
function (e) {
arguments.length > 1 ? :;
function setupSubscription(e, t, r, n, i) {
var o;
if (isEventTarget(e)) {
var s = e;
e.addEventListener(t, r, i),
(o = function () {
return s.removeEventListener(t, r, i);
} else if (isJQueryStyleEventEmitter(e)) {
var u = e;
e.on(t, r),
(o = function () {
return, r);
} else if (isNodeStyleEventEmitter(e)) {
var a = e;
e.addListener(t, r),
(o = function () {
return a.removeListener(t, r);
} else {
if (!e || !e.length) throw new TypeError("Invalid event target");
for (var c = 0, l = e.length; c < l; c++) setupSubscription(e[c], t, r, n, i);
function isNodeStyleEventEmitter(e) {
return e && "function" == typeof e.addListener && "function" == typeof e.removeListener;
function isJQueryStyleEventEmitter(e) {
return e && "function" == typeof e.on && "function" == typeof;
function isEventTarget(e) {
return e && "function" == typeof e.addEventListener && "function" == typeof e.removeEventListener;
function fromEventPattern(e, t, r) {
return r
? fromEventPattern(e, t).pipe(
map(function (e) {
return isArray(e) ? r.apply(void 0, e) : r(e);
: new Observable(function (r) {
var n,
i = function () {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
return === e.length ? e[0] : e);
try {
n = e(i);
} catch (e) {
return void r.error(e);
if (isFunction(t))
return function () {
return t(i, n);
function generate(e, t, r, n, i) {
var o, s;
if (1 == arguments.length) {
var u = e;
(s = u.initialState), (t = u.condition), (r = u.iterate), (o = u.resultSelector || identity), (i = u.scheduler);
} else void 0 === n || isScheduler(n) ? ((s = e), (o = identity), (i = n)) : ((s = e), (o = n));
return new Observable(function (e) {
var n = s;
if (i) return i.schedule(dispatch$3, 0, { subscriber: e, iterate: r, condition: t, resultSelector: o, state: n });
for (;;) {
if (t) {
var u = void 0;
try {
u = t(n);
} catch (t) {
return void e.error(t);
if (!u) {
var a = void 0;
try {
a = o(n);
} catch (t) {
return void e.error(t);
if ((, e.closed)) break;
try {
n = r(n);
} catch (t) {
return void e.error(t);
function dispatch$3(e) {
var t = e.subscriber,
r = e.condition;
if (!t.closed) {
if (e.needIterate)
try {
e.state = e.iterate(e.state);
} catch (e) {
return void t.error(e);
else e.needIterate = !0;
if (r) {
var n = void 0;
try {
n = r(e.state);
} catch (e) {
return void t.error(e);
if (!n) return void t.complete();
if (t.closed) return;
var i;
try {
i = e.resultSelector(e.state);
} catch (e) {
return void t.error(e);
if (!t.closed && (, !t.closed)) return this.schedule(e);
function iif(e, t, r) {
return (
void 0 === t && (t = EMPTY),
void 0 === r && (r = EMPTY),
defer(function () {
return e() ? t : r;
function isNumeric(e) {
return !isArray(e) && e - parseFloat(e) + 1 >= 0;
function interval(e, t) {
return (
void 0 === e && (e = 0),
void 0 === t && (t = async),
(!isNumeric(e) || e < 0) && (e = 0),
(t && "function" == typeof t.schedule) || (t = async),
new Observable(function (r) {
return r.add(t.schedule(dispatch$4, e, { subscriber: r, counter: 0, period: e })), r;
function dispatch$4(e) {
var t = e.subscriber,
r = e.counter,
n = e.period;, this.schedule({ subscriber: t, counter: r + 1, period: n }, n);
function merge() {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
n = null,
i = e[e.length - 1];
return (
isScheduler(i) ? ((n = e.pop()), e.length > 1 && "number" == typeof e[e.length - 1] && (r = e.pop())) : "number" == typeof i && (r = e.pop()),
null === n && 1 === e.length && e[0] instanceof Observable ? e[0] : mergeAll(r)(fromArray(e, n))
var NEVER = new Observable(noop);
function never() {
return NEVER;
function onErrorResumeNext() {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
if (0 === e.length) return EMPTY;
var r = e[0],
n = e.slice(1);
return 1 === e.length && isArray(r)
? onErrorResumeNext.apply(void 0, r)
: new Observable(function (e) {
var t = function () {
return e.add(onErrorResumeNext.apply(void 0, n).subscribe(e));
return from(r).subscribe({
next: function (t) {;
error: t,
complete: t,
function pairs(e, t) {
return new Observable(
? function (r) {
var n = Object.keys(e),
i = new Subscription();
return i.add(t.schedule(dispatch$5, 0, { keys: n, index: 0, subscriber: r, subscription: i, obj: e })), i;
: function (t) {
for (var r = Object.keys(e), n = 0; n < r.length && !t.closed; n++) {
var i = r[n];
e.hasOwnProperty(i) &&[i, e[i]]);
function dispatch$5(e) {
var t = e.keys,
r = e.index,
n = e.subscriber,
i = e.subscription,
o = e.obj;
if (!n.closed)
if (r < t.length) {
var s = t[r];[s, o[s]]), i.add(this.schedule({ keys: t, index: r + 1, subscriber: n, subscription: i, obj: o }));
} else n.complete();
function not(e, t) {
function r() {
return !r.pred.apply(r.thisArg, arguments);
return (r.pred = e), (r.thisArg = t), r;
function filter(e, t) {
return function (r) {
return r.lift(new FilterOperator(e, t));
var FilterOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t) {
(this.predicate = e), (this.thisArg = t);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new FilterSubscriber(e, this.predicate, this.thisArg));
FilterSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
var i =, t) || this;
return (i.predicate = r), (i.thisArg = n), (i.count = 0), i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
var t;
try {
t =, e, this.count++);
} catch (e) {
return void this.destination.error(e);
t &&;
function partition(e, t, r) {
return [filter(t, r)(new Observable(subscribeTo(e))), filter(not(t, r))(new Observable(subscribeTo(e)))];
function race() {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
if (1 === e.length) {
if (!isArray(e[0])) return e[0];
e = e[0];
return fromArray(e, void 0).lift(new RaceOperator());
var RaceOperator = (function () {
function e() {}
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new RaceSubscriber(e));
RaceSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t) {
var r =, t) || this;
return (r.hasFirst = !1), (r.observables = []), (r.subscriptions = []), r;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
var e = this.observables,
t = e.length;
if (0 === t) this.destination.complete();
else {
for (var r = 0; r < t && !this.hasFirst; r++) {
var n = e[r],
i = subscribeToResult(this, n, n, r);
this.subscriptions && this.subscriptions.push(i), this.add(i);
this.observables = null;
(t.prototype.notifyNext = function (e, t, r, n, i) {
if (!this.hasFirst) {
this.hasFirst = !0;
for (var o = 0; o < this.subscriptions.length; o++)
if (o !== r) {
var s = this.subscriptions[o];
s.unsubscribe(), this.remove(s);
this.subscriptions = null;
function range(e, t, r) {
return (
void 0 === e && (e = 0),
new Observable(function (n) {
void 0 === t && ((t = e), (e = 0));
var i = 0,
o = e;
if (r) return r.schedule(dispatch$6, 0, { index: i, count: t, start: e, subscriber: n });
for (;;) {
if (i++ >= t) {
if ((, n.closed)) break;
function dispatch$6(e) {
var t = e.start,
r = e.index,
n = e.count,
i = e.subscriber;
r >= n ? i.complete() : (, i.closed || ((e.index = r + 1), (e.start = t + 1), this.schedule(e)));
function timer(e, t, r) {
void 0 === e && (e = 0);
var n = -1;
return (
isNumeric(t) ? (n = Number(t) < 1 ? 1 : Number(t)) : isScheduler(t) && (r = t),
isScheduler(r) || (r = async),
new Observable(function (t) {
var i = isNumeric(e) ? e : +e -;
return r.schedule(dispatch$7, i, { index: 0, period: n, subscriber: t });
function dispatch$7(e) {
var t = e.index,
r = e.period,
n = e.subscriber;
if ((, !n.closed)) {
if (-1 === r) return n.complete();
(e.index = t + 1), this.schedule(e, r);
function using(e, t) {
return new Observable(function (r) {
var n, i;
try {
n = e();
} catch (e) {
return void r.error(e);
try {
i = t(n);
} catch (e) {
return void r.error(e);
var o = (i ? from(i) : EMPTY).subscribe(r);
return function () {
o.unsubscribe(), n && n.unsubscribe();
function zip() {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
var r = e[e.length - 1];
return "function" == typeof r && e.pop(), fromArray(e, void 0).lift(new ZipOperator(r));
var ZipOperator = (function () {
function e(e) {
this.resultSelector = e;
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new ZipSubscriber(e, this.resultSelector));
ZipSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
void 0 === n && (n = Object.create(null));
var i =, t) || this;
return (i.iterators = []), ( = 0), (i.resultSelector = "function" == typeof r ? r : null), (i.values = n), i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
var t = this.iterators;
isArray(e) ? t.push(new StaticArrayIterator(e)) : "function" == typeof e[iterator] ? t.push(new StaticIterator(e[iterator]())) : t.push(new ZipBufferIterator(this.destination, this, e));
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
var e = this.iterators,
t = e.length;
if ((this.unsubscribe(), 0 !== t)) { = t;
for (var r = 0; r < t; r++) {
var n = e[r];
if (n.stillUnsubscribed) this.destination.add(n.subscribe(n, r));
} else this.destination.complete();
(t.prototype.notifyInactive = function () {, 0 === && this.destination.complete();
(t.prototype.checkIterators = function () {
for (var e = this.iterators, t = e.length, r = this.destination, n = 0; n < t; n++) {
if ("function" == typeof (s = e[n]).hasValue && !s.hasValue()) return;
var i = !1,
o = [];
for (n = 0; n < t; n++) {
var s,
u = (s = e[n]).next();
if ((s.hasCompleted() && (i = !0), u.done)) return void r.complete();
this.resultSelector ? this._tryresultSelector(o) :, i && r.complete();
(t.prototype._tryresultSelector = function (e) {
var t;
try {
t = this.resultSelector.apply(this, e);
} catch (e) {
return void this.destination.error(e);
StaticIterator = (function () {
function e(e) {
(this.iterator = e), (this.nextResult =;
return (
(e.prototype.hasValue = function () {
return !0;
( = function () {
var e = this.nextResult;
return (this.nextResult =, e;
(e.prototype.hasCompleted = function () {
var e = this.nextResult;
return e && e.done;
StaticArrayIterator = (function () {
function e(e) {
(this.array = e), (this.index = 0), (this.length = 0), (this.length = e.length);
return (
(e.prototype[iterator] = function () {
return this;
( = function (e) {
var t = this.index++,
r = this.array;
return t < this.length ? { value: r[t], done: !1 } : { value: null, done: !0 };
(e.prototype.hasValue = function () {
return this.array.length > this.index;
(e.prototype.hasCompleted = function () {
return this.array.length === this.index;
ZipBufferIterator = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
var i =, t) || this;
return (i.parent = r), (i.observable = n), (i.stillUnsubscribed = !0), (i.buffer = []), (i.isComplete = !1), i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype[iterator] = function () {
return this;
( = function () {
var e = this.buffer;
return 0 === e.length && this.isComplete ? { value: null, done: !0 } : { value: e.shift(), done: !1 };
(t.prototype.hasValue = function () {
return this.buffer.length > 0;
(t.prototype.hasCompleted = function () {
return 0 === this.buffer.length && this.isComplete;
(t.prototype.notifyComplete = function () {
this.buffer.length > 0 ? ((this.isComplete = !0), this.parent.notifyInactive()) : this.destination.complete();
(t.prototype.notifyNext = function (e, t, r, n, i) {
this.buffer.push(t), this.parent.checkIterators();
(t.prototype.subscribe = function (e, t) {
return subscribeToResult(this, this.observable, this, t);
_esm5 = Object.freeze({
Observable: Observable,
ConnectableObservable: ConnectableObservable,
GroupedObservable: GroupedObservable,
observable: observable,
Subject: Subject,
BehaviorSubject: BehaviorSubject,
ReplaySubject: ReplaySubject,
AsyncSubject: AsyncSubject,
asap: asap,
asapScheduler: asapScheduler,
async: async,
asyncScheduler: asyncScheduler,
queue: queue,
queueScheduler: queueScheduler,
animationFrame: animationFrame,
animationFrameScheduler: animationFrameScheduler,
VirtualTimeScheduler: VirtualTimeScheduler,
VirtualAction: VirtualAction,
Scheduler: Scheduler,
Subscription: Subscription,
Subscriber: Subscriber,
Notification: Notification,
get NotificationKind() {
return NotificationKind;
pipe: pipe,
noop: noop,
identity: identity,
isObservable: isObservable,
ArgumentOutOfRangeError: ArgumentOutOfRangeError,
EmptyError: EmptyError,
ObjectUnsubscribedError: ObjectUnsubscribedError,
UnsubscriptionError: UnsubscriptionError,
TimeoutError: TimeoutError,
bindCallback: bindCallback,
bindNodeCallback: bindNodeCallback,
combineLatest: combineLatest,
concat: concat,
defer: defer,
empty: empty$1,
forkJoin: forkJoin,
from: from,
fromEvent: fromEvent,
fromEventPattern: fromEventPattern,
generate: generate,
iif: iif,
interval: interval,
merge: merge,
never: never,
of: of,
onErrorResumeNext: onErrorResumeNext,
pairs: pairs,
partition: partition,
race: race,
range: range,
throwError: throwError,
timer: timer,
using: using,
zip: zip,
scheduled: scheduled,
config: config,
function audit(e) {
return function (t) {
return t.lift(new AuditOperator(e));
var AuditOperator = (function () {
function e(e) {
this.durationSelector = e;
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new AuditSubscriber(e, this.durationSelector));
AuditSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n =, t) || this;
return (n.durationSelector = r), (n.hasValue = !1), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
if (((this.value = e), (this.hasValue = !0), !this.throttled)) {
var t = void 0;
try {
t = (0, this.durationSelector)(e);
} catch (e) {
return this.destination.error(e);
var r = subscribeToResult(this, t);
!r || r.closed ? this.clearThrottle() : this.add((this.throttled = r));
(t.prototype.clearThrottle = function () {
var e = this.value,
t = this.hasValue,
r = this.throttled;
r && (this.remove(r), (this.throttled = null), r.unsubscribe()), t && ((this.value = null), (this.hasValue = !1),;
(t.prototype.notifyNext = function (e, t, r, n) {
(t.prototype.notifyComplete = function () {
function auditTime(e, t) {
return (
void 0 === t && (t = async),
audit(function () {
return timer(e, t);
function buffer(e) {
return function (t) {
return t.lift(new BufferOperator(e));
var BufferOperator = (function () {
function e(e) {
this.closingNotifier = e;
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new BufferSubscriber(e, this.closingNotifier));
BufferSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n =, t) || this;
return (n.buffer = []), n.add(subscribeToResult(n, r)), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
(t.prototype.notifyNext = function (e, t, r, n, i) {
var o = this.buffer;
(this.buffer = []),;
function bufferCount(e, t) {
return (
void 0 === t && (t = null),
function (r) {
return r.lift(new BufferCountOperator(e, t));
var BufferCountOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t) {
(this.bufferSize = e), (this.startBufferEvery = t), (this.subscriberClass = t && e !== t ? BufferSkipCountSubscriber : BufferCountSubscriber);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new this.subscriberClass(e, this.bufferSize, this.startBufferEvery));
BufferCountSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n =, t) || this;
return (n.bufferSize = r), (n.buffer = []), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
var t = this.buffer;
t.push(e), t.length == this.bufferSize && (, (this.buffer = []));
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
var t = this.buffer;
t.length > 0 &&,;
BufferSkipCountSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
var i =, t) || this;
return (i.bufferSize = r), (i.startBufferEvery = n), (i.buffers = []), (i.count = 0), i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
var t = this.bufferSize,
r = this.startBufferEvery,
n = this.buffers,
i = this.count;
this.count++, i % r == 0 && n.push([]);
for (var o = n.length; o--; ) {
var s = n[o];
s.push(e), s.length === t && (n.splice(o, 1),;
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
for (var t = this.buffers, r = this.destination; t.length > 0; ) {
var n = t.shift();
n.length > 0 &&;
function bufferTime(e) {
var t = arguments.length,
r = async;
isScheduler(arguments[arguments.length - 1]) && ((r = arguments[arguments.length - 1]), t--);
var n = null;
t >= 2 && (n = arguments[1]);
return (
t >= 3 && (i = arguments[2]),
function (t) {
return t.lift(new BufferTimeOperator(e, n, i, r));
var BufferTimeOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t, r, n) {
(this.bufferTimeSpan = e), (this.bufferCreationInterval = t), (this.maxBufferSize = r), (this.scheduler = n);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new BufferTimeSubscriber(e, this.bufferTimeSpan, this.bufferCreationInterval, this.maxBufferSize, this.scheduler));
Context = (function () {
return function () {
this.buffer = [];
BufferTimeSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n, i, o) {
var s =, t) || this;
(s.bufferTimeSpan = r), (s.bufferCreationInterval = n), (s.maxBufferSize = i), (s.scheduler = o), (s.contexts = []);
var u = s.openContext();
if (((s.timespanOnly = null == n || n < 0), s.timespanOnly)) {
var a = { subscriber: s, context: u, bufferTimeSpan: r };
s.add((u.closeAction = o.schedule(dispatchBufferTimeSpanOnly, r, a)));
} else {
var c = { subscriber: s, context: u },
l = { bufferTimeSpan: r, bufferCreationInterval: n, subscriber: s, scheduler: o };
s.add((u.closeAction = o.schedule(dispatchBufferClose, r, c))), s.add(o.schedule(dispatchBufferCreation, n, l));
return s;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
for (var t, r = this.contexts, n = r.length, i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var o = r[i],
s = o.buffer;
s.push(e), s.length == this.maxBufferSize && (t = o);
t && this.onBufferFull(t);
(t.prototype._error = function (t) {
(this.contexts.length = 0),, t);
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
for (var t = this.contexts, r = this.destination; t.length > 0; ) {
var n = t.shift();;
(t.prototype._unsubscribe = function () {
this.contexts = null;
(t.prototype.onBufferFull = function (e) {
var t = e.closeAction;
if ((t.unsubscribe(), this.remove(t), !this.closed && this.timespanOnly)) {
e = this.openContext();
var r = this.bufferTimeSpan,
n = { subscriber: this, context: e, bufferTimeSpan: r };
this.add((e.closeAction = this.scheduler.schedule(dispatchBufferTimeSpanOnly, r, n)));
(t.prototype.openContext = function () {
var e = new Context();
return this.contexts.push(e), e;
(t.prototype.closeContext = function (e) {;
var t = this.contexts;
(t ? t.indexOf(e) : -1) >= 0 && t.splice(t.indexOf(e), 1);
function dispatchBufferTimeSpanOnly(e) {
var t = e.subscriber,
r = e.context;
r && t.closeContext(r), t.closed || ((e.context = t.openContext()), (e.context.closeAction = this.schedule(e, e.bufferTimeSpan)));
function dispatchBufferCreation(e) {
var t = e.bufferCreationInterval,
r = e.bufferTimeSpan,
n = e.subscriber,
i = e.scheduler,
o = n.openContext();
n.closed || (n.add((o.closeAction = i.schedule(dispatchBufferClose, r, { subscriber: n, context: o }))), this.schedule(e, t));
function dispatchBufferClose(e) {
var t = e.subscriber,
r = e.context;
function bufferToggle(e, t) {
return function (r) {
return r.lift(new BufferToggleOperator(e, t));
var BufferToggleOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t) {
(this.openings = e), (this.closingSelector = t);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new BufferToggleSubscriber(e, this.openings, this.closingSelector));
BufferToggleSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
var i =, t) || this;
return (i.openings = r), (i.closingSelector = n), (i.contexts = []), i.add(subscribeToResult(i, r)), i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
for (var t = this.contexts, r = t.length, n = 0; n < r; n++) t[n].buffer.push(e);
(t.prototype._error = function (t) {
for (var r = this.contexts; r.length > 0; ) {
var n = r.shift();
n.subscription.unsubscribe(), (n.buffer = null), (n.subscription = null);
(this.contexts = null),, t);
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
for (var t = this.contexts; t.length > 0; ) {
var r = t.shift();, r.subscription.unsubscribe(), (r.buffer = null), (r.subscription = null);
(this.contexts = null),;
(t.prototype.notifyNext = function (e, t, r, n, i) {
e ? this.closeBuffer(e) : this.openBuffer(t);
(t.prototype.notifyComplete = function (e) {
(t.prototype.openBuffer = function (e) {
try {
var t =, e);
t && this.trySubscribe(t);
} catch (e) {
(t.prototype.closeBuffer = function (e) {
var t = this.contexts;
if (t && e) {
var r = e.buffer,
n = e.subscription;, t.splice(t.indexOf(e), 1), this.remove(n), n.unsubscribe();
(t.prototype.trySubscribe = function (e) {
var t = this.contexts,
r = new Subscription(),
n = { buffer: [], subscription: r };
var i = subscribeToResult(this, e, n);
!i || i.closed ? this.closeBuffer(n) : ((i.context = n), this.add(i), r.add(i));
function bufferWhen(e) {
return function (t) {
return t.lift(new BufferWhenOperator(e));
var BufferWhenOperator = (function () {
function e(e) {
this.closingSelector = e;
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new BufferWhenSubscriber(e, this.closingSelector));
BufferWhenSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n =, t) || this;
return (n.closingSelector = r), (n.subscribing = !1), n.openBuffer(), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
var t = this.buffer;
t &&,;
(t.prototype._unsubscribe = function () {
(this.buffer = null), (this.subscribing = !1);
(t.prototype.notifyNext = function (e, t, r, n, i) {
(t.prototype.notifyComplete = function () {
this.subscribing ? this.complete() : this.openBuffer();
(t.prototype.openBuffer = function () {
var e = this.closingSubscription;
e && (this.remove(e), e.unsubscribe());
var t,
r = this.buffer;
this.buffer &&, (this.buffer = []);
try {
t = (0, this.closingSelector)();
} catch (e) {
return this.error(e);
(e = new Subscription()), (this.closingSubscription = e), this.add(e), (this.subscribing = !0), e.add(subscribeToResult(this, t)), (this.subscribing = !1);
function catchError(e) {
return function (t) {
var r = new CatchOperator(e),
n = t.lift(r);
return (r.caught = n);
var CatchOperator = (function () {
function e(e) {
this.selector = e;
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new CatchSubscriber(e, this.selector, this.caught));
CatchSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
var i =, t) || this;
return (i.selector = r), (i.caught = n), i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype.error = function (t) {
if (!this.isStopped) {
var r = void 0;
try {
r = this.selector(t, this.caught);
} catch (t) {
return void, t);
var n = new InnerSubscriber(this, void 0, void 0);
var i = subscribeToResult(this, r, void 0, void 0, n);
i !== n && this.add(i);
function combineAll(e) {
return function (t) {
return t.lift(new CombineLatestOperator(e));
function combineLatest$1() {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
var r = null;
return (
"function" == typeof e[e.length - 1] && (r = e.pop()),
1 === e.length && isArray(e[0]) && (e = e[0].slice()),
function (t) {
return[t].concat(e)), new CombineLatestOperator(r));
function concat$1() {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
return function (t) {
return 0, [t].concat(e)));
function concatMap(e, t) {
return mergeMap(e, t, 1);
function concatMapTo(e, t) {
return concatMap(function () {
return e;
}, t);
function count(e) {
return function (t) {
return t.lift(new CountOperator(e, t));
var CountOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t) {
(this.predicate = e), (this.source = t);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new CountSubscriber(e, this.predicate, this.source));
CountSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
var i =, t) || this;
return (i.predicate = r), (i.source = n), (i.count = 0), (i.index = 0), i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
this.predicate ? this._tryPredicate(e) : this.count++;
(t.prototype._tryPredicate = function (e) {
var t;
try {
t = this.predicate(e, this.index++, this.source);
} catch (e) {
return void this.destination.error(e);
t && this.count++;
(t.prototype._complete = function () {, this.destination.complete();
function debounce(e) {
return function (t) {
return t.lift(new DebounceOperator(e));
var DebounceOperator = (function () {
function e(e) {
this.durationSelector = e;
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new DebounceSubscriber(e, this.durationSelector));
DebounceSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n =, t) || this;
return (n.durationSelector = r), (n.hasValue = !1), (n.durationSubscription = null), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
try {
var t =, e);
t && this._tryNext(e, t);
} catch (e) {
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
this.emitValue(), this.destination.complete();
(t.prototype._tryNext = function (e, t) {
var r = this.durationSubscription;
(this.value = e), (this.hasValue = !0), r && (r.unsubscribe(), this.remove(r)), (r = subscribeToResult(this, t)) && !r.closed && this.add((this.durationSubscription = r));
(t.prototype.notifyNext = function (e, t, r, n, i) {
(t.prototype.notifyComplete = function () {
(t.prototype.emitValue = function () {
if (this.hasValue) {
var t = this.value,
r = this.durationSubscription;
r && ((this.durationSubscription = null), r.unsubscribe(), this.remove(r)), (this.value = null), (this.hasValue = !1),, t);
function debounceTime(e, t) {
return (
void 0 === t && (t = async),
function (r) {
return r.lift(new DebounceTimeOperator(e, t));
var DebounceTimeOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t) {
(this.dueTime = e), (this.scheduler = t);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new DebounceTimeSubscriber(e, this.dueTime, this.scheduler));
DebounceTimeSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
var i =, t) || this;
return (i.dueTime = r), (i.scheduler = n), (i.debouncedSubscription = null), (i.lastValue = null), (i.hasValue = !1), i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
this.clearDebounce(), (this.lastValue = e), (this.hasValue = !0), this.add((this.debouncedSubscription = this.scheduler.schedule(dispatchNext$2, this.dueTime, this)));
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
this.debouncedNext(), this.destination.complete();
(t.prototype.debouncedNext = function () {
if ((this.clearDebounce(), this.hasValue)) {
var e = this.lastValue;
(this.lastValue = null), (this.hasValue = !1),;
(t.prototype.clearDebounce = function () {
var e = this.debouncedSubscription;
null !== e && (this.remove(e), e.unsubscribe(), (this.debouncedSubscription = null));
function dispatchNext$2(e) {
function defaultIfEmpty(e) {
return (
void 0 === e && (e = null),
function (t) {
return t.lift(new DefaultIfEmptyOperator(e));
var DefaultIfEmptyOperator = (function () {
function e(e) {
this.defaultValue = e;
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new DefaultIfEmptySubscriber(e, this.defaultValue));
DefaultIfEmptySubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n =, t) || this;
return (n.defaultValue = r), (n.isEmpty = !0), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
(this.isEmpty = !1),;
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
this.isEmpty &&, this.destination.complete();
function isDate(e) {
return e instanceof Date && !isNaN(+e);
function delay(e, t) {
void 0 === t && (t = async);
var r = isDate(e) ? +e - : Math.abs(e);
return function (e) {
return e.lift(new DelayOperator(r, t));
var DelayOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t) {
(this.delay = e), (this.scheduler = t);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new DelaySubscriber(e, this.delay, this.scheduler));
DelaySubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
var i =, t) || this;
return (i.delay = r), (i.scheduler = n), (i.queue = []), ( = !1), (i.errored = !1), i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.dispatch = function (e) {
for (var t = e.source, r = t.queue, n = e.scheduler, i = e.destination; r.length > 0 && r[0].time - <= 0; ) r.shift().notification.observe(i);
if (r.length > 0) {
var o = Math.max(0, r[0].time -;
this.schedule(e, o);
} else this.unsubscribe(), ( = !1);
(t.prototype._schedule = function (e) {
( = !0), this.destination.add(e.schedule(t.dispatch, this.delay, { source: this, destination: this.destination, scheduler: e }));
(t.prototype.scheduleNotification = function (e) {
if (!0 !== this.errored) {
var t = this.scheduler,
r = new DelayMessage( + this.delay, e);
this.queue.push(r), !1 === && this._schedule(t);
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
(t.prototype._error = function (e) {
(this.errored = !0), (this.queue = []), this.destination.error(e), this.unsubscribe();
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
this.scheduleNotification(Notification.createComplete()), this.unsubscribe();
DelayMessage = (function () {
return function (e, t) {
(this.time = e), (this.notification = t);
function delayWhen(e, t) {
return t
? function (r) {
return new SubscriptionDelayObservable(r, t).lift(new DelayWhenOperator(e));
: function (t) {
return t.lift(new DelayWhenOperator(e));
var DelayWhenOperator = (function () {
function e(e) {
this.delayDurationSelector = e;
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new DelayWhenSubscriber(e, this.delayDurationSelector));
DelayWhenSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n =, t) || this;
return (n.delayDurationSelector = r), (n.completed = !1), (n.delayNotifierSubscriptions = []), (n.index = 0), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype.notifyNext = function (e, t, r, n, i) {, this.removeSubscription(i), this.tryComplete();
(t.prototype.notifyError = function (e, t) {
(t.prototype.notifyComplete = function (e) {
var t = this.removeSubscription(e);
t &&, this.tryComplete();
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
var t = this.index++;
try {
var r = this.delayDurationSelector(e, t);
r && this.tryDelay(r, e);
} catch (e) {
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
(this.completed = !0), this.tryComplete(), this.unsubscribe();
(t.prototype.removeSubscription = function (e) {
var t = this.delayNotifierSubscriptions.indexOf(e);
return -1 !== t && this.delayNotifierSubscriptions.splice(t, 1), e.outerValue;
(t.prototype.tryDelay = function (e, t) {
var r = subscribeToResult(this, e, t);
r && !r.closed && (this.destination.add(r), this.delayNotifierSubscriptions.push(r));
(t.prototype.tryComplete = function () {
this.completed && 0 === this.delayNotifierSubscriptions.length && this.destination.complete();
SubscriptionDelayObservable = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n = || this;
return (n.source = t), (n.subscriptionDelay = r), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._subscribe = function (e) {
this.subscriptionDelay.subscribe(new SubscriptionDelaySubscriber(e, this.source));
SubscriptionDelaySubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n = || this;
return (n.parent = t), (n.source = r), (n.sourceSubscribed = !1), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
(t.prototype._error = function (e) {
this.unsubscribe(), this.parent.error(e);
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
this.unsubscribe(), this.subscribeToSource();
(t.prototype.subscribeToSource = function () {
this.sourceSubscribed || ((this.sourceSubscribed = !0), this.unsubscribe(), this.source.subscribe(this.parent));
function dematerialize() {
return function (e) {
return e.lift(new DeMaterializeOperator());
var DeMaterializeOperator = (function () {
function e() {}
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new DeMaterializeSubscriber(e));
DeMaterializeSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t) {
return, t) || this;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
function distinct(e, t) {
return function (r) {
return r.lift(new DistinctOperator(e, t));
var DistinctOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t) {
(this.keySelector = e), (this.flushes = t);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new DistinctSubscriber(e, this.keySelector, this.flushes));
DistinctSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
var i =, t) || this;
return (i.keySelector = r), (i.values = new Set()), n && i.add(subscribeToResult(i, n)), i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype.notifyNext = function (e, t, r, n, i) {
(t.prototype.notifyError = function (e, t) {
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
this.keySelector ? this._useKeySelector(e) : this._finalizeNext(e, e);
(t.prototype._useKeySelector = function (e) {
var t,
r = this.destination;
try {
t = this.keySelector(e);
} catch (e) {
return void r.error(e);
this._finalizeNext(t, e);
(t.prototype._finalizeNext = function (e, t) {
var r = this.values;
r.has(e) || (r.add(e),;
function distinctUntilChanged(e, t) {
return function (r) {
return r.lift(new DistinctUntilChangedOperator(e, t));
var DistinctUntilChangedOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t) {
( = e), (this.keySelector = t);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new DistinctUntilChangedSubscriber(e,, this.keySelector));
DistinctUntilChangedSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
var i =, t) || this;
return (i.keySelector = n), (i.hasKey = !1), "function" == typeof r && ( = r), i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
( = function (e, t) {
return e === t;
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
var t;
try {
var r = this.keySelector;
t = r ? r(e) : e;
} catch (e) {
return this.destination.error(e);
var n = !1;
if (this.hasKey)
try {
n = (0,, t);
} catch (e) {
return this.destination.error(e);
else this.hasKey = !0;
n || ((this.key = t),;
function distinctUntilKeyChanged(e, t) {
return distinctUntilChanged(function (r, n) {
return t ? t(r[e], n[e]) : r[e] === n[e];
function throwIfEmpty(e) {
return (
void 0 === e && (e = defaultErrorFactory),
function (t) {
return t.lift(new ThrowIfEmptyOperator(e));
var ThrowIfEmptyOperator = (function () {
function e(e) {
this.errorFactory = e;
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new ThrowIfEmptySubscriber(e, this.errorFactory));
ThrowIfEmptySubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n =, t) || this;
return (n.errorFactory = r), (n.hasValue = !1), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
(this.hasValue = !0),;
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
if (this.hasValue) return this.destination.complete();
var e = void 0;
try {
e = this.errorFactory();
} catch (t) {
e = t;
function defaultErrorFactory() {
return new EmptyError();
function take(e) {
return function (t) {
return 0 === e ? empty$1() : t.lift(new TakeOperator(e));
var TakeOperator = (function () {
function e(e) {
if ((( = e), < 0)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeError();
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new TakeSubscriber(e,;
TakeSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n =, t) || this;
return ( = r), (n.count = 0), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
var t =,
r = ++this.count;
r <= t && (, r === t && (this.destination.complete(), this.unsubscribe()));
function elementAt(e, t) {
if (e < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeError();
var r = arguments.length >= 2;
return function (n) {
return n.pipe(
filter(function (t, r) {
return r === e;
? defaultIfEmpty(t)
: throwIfEmpty(function () {
return new ArgumentOutOfRangeError();
function endWith() {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
return function (t) {
return concat(t, of.apply(void 0, e));
function every(e, t) {
return function (r) {
return r.lift(new EveryOperator(e, t, r));
var EveryOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t, r) {
(this.predicate = e), (this.thisArg = t), (this.source = r);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new EverySubscriber(e, this.predicate, this.thisArg, this.source));
EverySubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n, i) {
var o =, t) || this;
return (o.predicate = r), (o.thisArg = n), (o.source = i), (o.index = 0), (o.thisArg = n || o), o;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype.notifyComplete = function (e) {, this.destination.complete();
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
var t = !1;
try {
t =, e, this.index++, this.source);
} catch (e) {
return void this.destination.error(e);
t || this.notifyComplete(!1);
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
function exhaust() {
return function (e) {
return e.lift(new SwitchFirstOperator());
var SwitchFirstOperator = (function () {
function e() {}
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new SwitchFirstSubscriber(e));
SwitchFirstSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t) {
var r =, t) || this;
return (r.hasCompleted = !1), (r.hasSubscription = !1), r;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
this.hasSubscription || ((this.hasSubscription = !0), this.add(subscribeToResult(this, e)));
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
(this.hasCompleted = !0), this.hasSubscription || this.destination.complete();
(t.prototype.notifyComplete = function (e) {
this.remove(e), (this.hasSubscription = !1), this.hasCompleted && this.destination.complete();
function exhaustMap(e, t) {
return t
? function (r) {
return r.pipe(
exhaustMap(function (r, n) {
return from(e(r, n)).pipe(
map(function (e, i) {
return t(r, e, n, i);
: function (t) {
return t.lift(new ExhaustMapOperator(e));
var ExhaustMapOperator = (function () {
function e(e) {
this.project = e;
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new ExhaustMapSubscriber(e, this.project));
ExhaustMapSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n =, t) || this;
return (n.project = r), (n.hasSubscription = !1), (n.hasCompleted = !1), (n.index = 0), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
this.hasSubscription || this.tryNext(e);
(t.prototype.tryNext = function (e) {
var t,
r = this.index++;
try {
t = this.project(e, r);
} catch (e) {
return void this.destination.error(e);
(this.hasSubscription = !0), this._innerSub(t, e, r);
(t.prototype._innerSub = function (e, t, r) {
var n = new InnerSubscriber(this, t, r),
i = this.destination;
var o = subscribeToResult(this, e, void 0, void 0, n);
o !== n && i.add(o);
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
(this.hasCompleted = !0), this.hasSubscription || this.destination.complete(), this.unsubscribe();
(t.prototype.notifyNext = function (e, t, r, n, i) {;
(t.prototype.notifyError = function (e) {
(t.prototype.notifyComplete = function (e) {
this.destination.remove(e), (this.hasSubscription = !1), this.hasCompleted && this.destination.complete();
function expand(e, t, r) {
return (
void 0 === t && (t = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY),
void 0 === r && (r = void 0),
(t = (t || 0) < 1 ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : t),
function (n) {
return n.lift(new ExpandOperator(e, t, r));
var ExpandOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t, r) {
(this.project = e), (this.concurrent = t), (this.scheduler = r);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new ExpandSubscriber(e, this.project, this.concurrent, this.scheduler));
ExpandSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n, i) {
var o =, t) || this;
return (o.project = r), (o.concurrent = n), (o.scheduler = i), (o.index = 0), ( = 0), (o.hasCompleted = !1), n < Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY && (o.buffer = []), o;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.dispatch = function (e) {
var t = e.subscriber,
r = e.result,
n = e.value,
i = e.index;
t.subscribeToProjection(r, n, i);
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
var r = this.destination;
if (r.closed) this._complete();
else {
var n = this.index++;
if ( < this.concurrent) {;
try {
var i = (0, this.project)(e, n);
if (this.scheduler) {
var o = { subscriber: this, result: i, value: e, index: n };
this.destination.add(this.scheduler.schedule(t.dispatch, 0, o));
} else this.subscribeToProjection(i, e, n);
} catch (e) {
} else this.buffer.push(e);
(t.prototype.subscribeToProjection = function (e, t, r) {, this.destination.add(subscribeToResult(this, e, t, r));
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
(this.hasCompleted = !0), this.hasCompleted && 0 === && this.destination.complete(), this.unsubscribe();
(t.prototype.notifyNext = function (e, t, r, n, i) {
(t.prototype.notifyComplete = function (e) {
var t = this.buffer;
this.destination.remove(e),, t && t.length > 0 && this._next(t.shift()), this.hasCompleted && 0 === && this.destination.complete();
function finalize(e) {
return function (t) {
return t.lift(new FinallyOperator(e));
var FinallyOperator = (function () {
function e(e) {
this.callback = e;
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new FinallySubscriber(e, this.callback));
FinallySubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n =, t) || this;
return n.add(new Subscription(r)), n;
return __extends$1(t, e), t;
function find(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("predicate is not a function");
return function (r) {
return r.lift(new FindValueOperator(e, r, !1, t));
var FindValueOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t, r, n) {
(this.predicate = e), (this.source = t), (this.yieldIndex = r), (this.thisArg = n);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new FindValueSubscriber(e, this.predicate, this.source, this.yieldIndex, this.thisArg));
FindValueSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n, i, o) {
var s =, t) || this;
return (s.predicate = r), (s.source = n), (s.yieldIndex = i), (s.thisArg = o), (s.index = 0), s;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype.notifyComplete = function (e) {
var t = this.destination;, t.complete(), this.unsubscribe();
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
var t = this.predicate,
r = this.thisArg,
n = this.index++;
try { || this, e, n, this.source) && this.notifyComplete(this.yieldIndex ? n : e);
} catch (e) {
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
this.notifyComplete(this.yieldIndex ? -1 : void 0);
function findIndex(e, t) {
return function (r) {
return r.lift(new FindValueOperator(e, r, !0, t));
function first(e, t) {
var r = arguments.length >= 2;
return function (n) {
return n.pipe(
? filter(function (t, r) {
return e(t, r, n);
: identity,
? defaultIfEmpty(t)
: throwIfEmpty(function () {
return new EmptyError();
function ignoreElements() {
return function (e) {
return e.lift(new IgnoreElementsOperator());
var IgnoreElementsOperator = (function () {
function e() {}
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new IgnoreElementsSubscriber(e));
IgnoreElementsSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t() {
return (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this;
return __extends$1(t, e), (t.prototype._next = function (e) {}), t;
function isEmpty() {
return function (e) {
return e.lift(new IsEmptyOperator());
var IsEmptyOperator = (function () {
function e() {}
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new IsEmptySubscriber(e));
IsEmptySubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t) {
return, t) || this;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype.notifyComplete = function (e) {
var t = this.destination;, t.complete();
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
function takeLast(e) {
return function (t) {
return 0 === e ? empty$1() : t.lift(new TakeLastOperator(e));
var TakeLastOperator = (function () {
function e(e) {
if ((( = e), < 0)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeError();
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new TakeLastSubscriber(e,;
TakeLastSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n =, t) || this;
return ( = r), (n.ring = new Array()), (n.count = 0), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
var t = this.ring,
r =,
n = this.count++;
t.length < r ? t.push(e) : (t[n % r] = e);
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
var e = this.destination,
t = this.count;
if (t > 0)
for (var r = this.count >= ? : this.count, n = this.ring, i = 0; i < r; i++) {
var o = t++ % r;[o]);
function last(e, t) {
var r = arguments.length >= 2;
return function (n) {
return n.pipe(
? filter(function (t, r) {
return e(t, r, n);
: identity,
? defaultIfEmpty(t)
: throwIfEmpty(function () {
return new EmptyError();
function mapTo(e) {
return function (t) {
return t.lift(new MapToOperator(e));
var MapToOperator = (function () {
function e(e) {
this.value = e;
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new MapToSubscriber(e, this.value));
MapToSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n =, t) || this;
return (n.value = r), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {;
function materialize() {
return function (e) {
return e.lift(new MaterializeOperator());
var MaterializeOperator = (function () {
function e() {}
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new MaterializeSubscriber(e));
MaterializeSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t) {
return, t) || this;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {;
(t.prototype._error = function (e) {
var t = this.destination;, t.complete();
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
var e = this.destination;, e.complete();
function scan(e, t) {
var r = !1;
return (
arguments.length >= 2 && (r = !0),
function (n) {
return n.lift(new ScanOperator(e, t, r));
var ScanOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t, r) {
void 0 === r && (r = !1), (this.accumulator = e), (this.seed = t), (this.hasSeed = r);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new ScanSubscriber(e, this.accumulator, this.seed, this.hasSeed));
ScanSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n, i) {
var o =, t) || this;
return (o.accumulator = r), (o._seed = n), (o.hasSeed = i), (o.index = 0), o;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "seed", {
get: function () {
return this._seed;
set: function (e) {
(this.hasSeed = !0), (this._seed = e);
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0,
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
if (this.hasSeed) return this._tryNext(e);
(this.seed = e),;
(t.prototype._tryNext = function (e) {
var t,
r = this.index++;
try {
t = this.accumulator(this.seed, e, r);
} catch (e) {
(this.seed = t),;
function reduce(e, t) {
return arguments.length >= 2
? function (r) {
return pipe(scan(e, t), takeLast(1), defaultIfEmpty(t))(r);
: function (t) {
return pipe(
scan(function (t, r, n) {
return e(t, r, n + 1);
function max(e) {
return reduce(
"function" == typeof e
? function (t, r) {
return e(t, r) > 0 ? t : r;
: function (e, t) {
return e > t ? e : t;
function merge$1() {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
return function (t) {
return 0, [t].concat(e)));
function mergeMapTo(e, t, r) {
return (
void 0 === r && (r = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY),
"function" == typeof t
? mergeMap(
function () {
return e;
: ("number" == typeof t && (r = t),
mergeMap(function () {
return e;
}, r))
function mergeScan(e, t, r) {
return (
void 0 === r && (r = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY),
function (n) {
return n.lift(new MergeScanOperator(e, t, r));
var MergeScanOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t, r) {
(this.accumulator = e), (this.seed = t), (this.concurrent = r);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new MergeScanSubscriber(e, this.accumulator, this.seed, this.concurrent));
MergeScanSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n, i) {
var o =, t) || this;
return (o.accumulator = r), (o.acc = n), (o.concurrent = i), (o.hasValue = !1), (o.hasCompleted = !1), (o.buffer = []), ( = 0), (o.index = 0), o;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
if ( < this.concurrent) {
var t = this.index++,
r = this.destination,
n = void 0;
try {
n = (0, this.accumulator)(this.acc, e, t);
} catch (e) {
return r.error(e);
}, this._innerSub(n, e, t);
} else this.buffer.push(e);
(t.prototype._innerSub = function (e, t, r) {
var n = new InnerSubscriber(this, t, r),
i = this.destination;
var o = subscribeToResult(this, e, void 0, void 0, n);
o !== n && i.add(o);
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
(this.hasCompleted = !0), 0 === && 0 === this.buffer.length && (!1 === this.hasValue &&, this.destination.complete()), this.unsubscribe();
(t.prototype.notifyNext = function (e, t, r, n, i) {
var o = this.destination;
(this.acc = t), (this.hasValue = !0),;
(t.prototype.notifyComplete = function (e) {
var t = this.buffer;
this.destination.remove(e),, t.length > 0 ? this._next(t.shift()) : 0 === && this.hasCompleted && (!1 === this.hasValue &&, this.destination.complete());
function min(e) {
return reduce(
"function" == typeof e
? function (t, r) {
return e(t, r) < 0 ? t : r;
: function (e, t) {
return e < t ? e : t;
function multicast(e, t) {
return function (r) {
var n;
if (
((n =
"function" == typeof e
? e
: function () {
return e;
"function" == typeof t)
return r.lift(new MulticastOperator(n, t));
var i = Object.create(r, connectableObservableDescriptor);
return (i.source = r), (i.subjectFactory = n), i;
var MulticastOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t) {
(this.subjectFactory = e), (this.selector = t);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
var r = this.selector,
n = this.subjectFactory(),
i = r(n).subscribe(e);
return i.add(t.subscribe(n)), i;
function onErrorResumeNext$1() {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
return (
1 === e.length && isArray(e[0]) && (e = e[0]),
function (t) {
return t.lift(new OnErrorResumeNextOperator(e));
var OnErrorResumeNextOperator = (function () {
function e(e) {
this.nextSources = e;
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new OnErrorResumeNextSubscriber(e, this.nextSources));
OnErrorResumeNextSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n =, t) || this;
return (n.destination = t), (n.nextSources = r), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype.notifyError = function (e, t) {
(t.prototype.notifyComplete = function (e) {
(t.prototype._error = function (e) {
this.subscribeToNextSource(), this.unsubscribe();
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
this.subscribeToNextSource(), this.unsubscribe();
(t.prototype.subscribeToNextSource = function () {
var e = this.nextSources.shift();
if (e) {
var t = new InnerSubscriber(this, void 0, void 0),
r = this.destination;
var n = subscribeToResult(this, e, void 0, void 0, t);
n !== t && r.add(n);
} else this.destination.complete();
function pairwise() {
return function (e) {
return e.lift(new PairwiseOperator());
var PairwiseOperator = (function () {
function e() {}
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new PairwiseSubscriber(e));
PairwiseSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t) {
var r =, t) || this;
return (r.hasPrev = !1), r;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
var t;
this.hasPrev ? (t = [this.prev, e]) : (this.hasPrev = !0), (this.prev = e), t &&;
function partition$1(e, t) {
return function (r) {
return [filter(e, t)(r), filter(not(e, t))(r)];
function pluck() {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
var r = e.length;
if (0 === r) throw new Error("list of properties cannot be empty.");
return function (t) {
return map(plucker(e, r))(t);
function plucker(e, t) {
return function (r) {
for (var n = r, i = 0; i < t; i++) {
var o = null != n ? n[e[i]] : void 0;
if (void 0 === o) return;
n = o;
return n;
function publish(e) {
return e
? multicast(function () {
return new Subject();
}, e)
: multicast(new Subject());
function publishBehavior(e) {
return function (t) {
return multicast(new BehaviorSubject(e))(t);
function publishLast() {
return function (e) {
return multicast(new AsyncSubject())(e);
function publishReplay(e, t, r, n) {
r && "function" != typeof r && (n = r);
var i = "function" == typeof r ? r : void 0,
o = new ReplaySubject(e, t, n);
return function (e) {
return multicast(function () {
return o;
}, i)(e);
function race$1() {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
return function (t) {
return 1 === e.length && isArray(e[0]) && (e = e[0]), 0, [t].concat(e)));
function repeat(e) {
return (
void 0 === e && (e = -1),
function (t) {
return 0 === e ? empty$1() : e < 0 ? t.lift(new RepeatOperator(-1, t)) : t.lift(new RepeatOperator(e - 1, t));
var RepeatOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t) {
(this.count = e), (this.source = t);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new RepeatSubscriber(e, this.count, this.source));
RepeatSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
var i =, t) || this;
return (i.count = r), (i.source = n), i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype.complete = function () {
if (!this.isStopped) {
var t = this.source,
r = this.count;
if (0 === r) return;
r > -1 && (this.count = r - 1), t.subscribe(this._unsubscribeAndRecycle());
function repeatWhen(e) {
return function (t) {
return t.lift(new RepeatWhenOperator(e));
var RepeatWhenOperator = (function () {
function e(e) {
this.notifier = e;
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new RepeatWhenSubscriber(e, this.notifier, t));
RepeatWhenSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
var i =, t) || this;
return (i.notifier = r), (i.source = n), (i.sourceIsBeingSubscribedTo = !0), i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype.notifyNext = function (e, t, r, n, i) {
(this.sourceIsBeingSubscribedTo = !0), this.source.subscribe(this);
(t.prototype.notifyComplete = function (t) {
if (!1 === this.sourceIsBeingSubscribedTo) return;
(t.prototype.complete = function () {
if (((this.sourceIsBeingSubscribedTo = !1), !this.isStopped)) {
if ((this.retries || this.subscribeToRetries(), !this.retriesSubscription || this.retriesSubscription.closed)) return;
(t.prototype._unsubscribe = function () {
var e = this.notifications,
t = this.retriesSubscription;
e && (e.unsubscribe(), (this.notifications = null)), t && (t.unsubscribe(), (this.retriesSubscription = null)), (this.retries = null);
(t.prototype._unsubscribeAndRecycle = function () {
var t = this._unsubscribe;
return (this._unsubscribe = null),, (this._unsubscribe = t), this;
(t.prototype.subscribeToRetries = function () {
var t;
this.notifications = new Subject();
try {
t = (0, this.notifier)(this.notifications);
} catch (t) {
(this.retries = t), (this.retriesSubscription = subscribeToResult(this, t));
function retry(e) {
return (
void 0 === e && (e = -1),
function (t) {
return t.lift(new RetryOperator(e, t));
var RetryOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t) {
(this.count = e), (this.source = t);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new RetrySubscriber(e, this.count, this.source));
RetrySubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
var i =, t) || this;
return (i.count = r), (i.source = n), i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype.error = function (t) {
if (!this.isStopped) {
var r = this.source,
n = this.count;
if (0 === n) return, t);
n > -1 && (this.count = n - 1), r.subscribe(this._unsubscribeAndRecycle());
function retryWhen(e) {
return function (t) {
return t.lift(new RetryWhenOperator(e, t));
var RetryWhenOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t) {
(this.notifier = e), (this.source = t);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new RetryWhenSubscriber(e, this.notifier, this.source));
RetryWhenSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
var i =, t) || this;
return (i.notifier = r), (i.source = n), i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype.error = function (t) {
if (!this.isStopped) {
var r = this.errors,
n = this.retries,
i = this.retriesSubscription;
if (n) (this.errors = null), (this.retriesSubscription = null);
else {
r = new Subject();
try {
n = (0, this.notifier)(r);
} catch (t) {
return, t);
i = subscribeToResult(this, n);
this._unsubscribeAndRecycle(), (this.errors = r), (this.retries = n), (this.retriesSubscription = i),;
(t.prototype._unsubscribe = function () {
var e = this.errors,
t = this.retriesSubscription;
e && (e.unsubscribe(), (this.errors = null)), t && (t.unsubscribe(), (this.retriesSubscription = null)), (this.retries = null);
(t.prototype.notifyNext = function (e, t, r, n, i) {
var o = this._unsubscribe;
(this._unsubscribe = null), this._unsubscribeAndRecycle(), (this._unsubscribe = o), this.source.subscribe(this);
function sample(e) {
return function (t) {
return t.lift(new SampleOperator(e));
var SampleOperator = (function () {
function e(e) {
this.notifier = e;
return (
( = function (e, t) {
var r = new SampleSubscriber(e),
n = t.subscribe(r);
return n.add(subscribeToResult(r, this.notifier)), n;
SampleSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t() {
var t = (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this;
return (t.hasValue = !1), t;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
(this.value = e), (this.hasValue = !0);
(t.prototype.notifyNext = function (e, t, r, n, i) {
(t.prototype.notifyComplete = function () {
(t.prototype.emitValue = function () {
this.hasValue && ((this.hasValue = !1),;
function sampleTime(e, t) {
return (
void 0 === t && (t = async),
function (r) {
return r.lift(new SampleTimeOperator(e, t));
var SampleTimeOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t) {
(this.period = e), (this.scheduler = t);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new SampleTimeSubscriber(e, this.period, this.scheduler));
SampleTimeSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
var i =, t) || this;
return (i.period = r), (i.scheduler = n), (i.hasValue = !1), i.add(n.schedule(dispatchNotification, r, { subscriber: i, period: r })), i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
(this.lastValue = e), (this.hasValue = !0);
(t.prototype.notifyNext = function () {
this.hasValue && ((this.hasValue = !1),;
function dispatchNotification(e) {
var t = e.subscriber,
r = e.period;
t.notifyNext(), this.schedule(e, r);
function sequenceEqual(e, t) {
return function (r) {
return r.lift(new SequenceEqualOperator(e, t));
var SequenceEqualOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t) {
(this.compareTo = e), (this.comparator = t);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new SequenceEqualSubscriber(e, this.compareTo, this.comparator));
SequenceEqualSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
var i =, t) || this;
return (i.compareTo = r), (i.comparator = n), (i._a = []), (i._b = []), (i._oneComplete = !1), i.destination.add(r.subscribe(new SequenceEqualCompareToSubscriber(t, i))), i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
this._oneComplete && 0 === this._b.length ? this.emit(!1) : (this._a.push(e), this.checkValues());
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
this._oneComplete ? this.emit(0 === this._a.length && 0 === this._b.length) : (this._oneComplete = !0), this.unsubscribe();
(t.prototype.checkValues = function () {
for (var e = this._a, t = this._b, r = this.comparator; e.length > 0 && t.length > 0; ) {
var n = e.shift(),
i = t.shift(),
o = !1;
try {
o = r ? r(n, i) : n === i;
} catch (e) {
o || this.emit(!1);
(t.prototype.emit = function (e) {
var t = this.destination;, t.complete();
(t.prototype.nextB = function (e) {
this._oneComplete && 0 === this._a.length ? this.emit(!1) : (this._b.push(e), this.checkValues());
(t.prototype.completeB = function () {
this._oneComplete ? this.emit(0 === this._a.length && 0 === this._b.length) : (this._oneComplete = !0);
SequenceEqualCompareToSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n =, t) || this;
return (n.parent = r), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
(t.prototype._error = function (e) {
this.parent.error(e), this.unsubscribe();
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
this.parent.completeB(), this.unsubscribe();
function shareSubjectFactory() {
return new Subject();
function share() {
return function (e) {
return refCount()(multicast(shareSubjectFactory)(e));
function shareReplay(e, t, r) {
var n;
return (
(n = e && "object" == typeof e ? e : { bufferSize: e, windowTime: t, refCount: !1, scheduler: r }),
function (e) {
return e.lift(shareReplayOperator(n));
function shareReplayOperator(e) {
var t,
n = e.bufferSize,
i = void 0 === n ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : n,
o = e.windowTime,
s = void 0 === o ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : o,
u = e.refCount,
a = e.scheduler,
c = 0,
l = !1,
f = !1;
return function (e) {
var n;
!t || l
? ((l = !1),
(t = new ReplaySubject(i, s, a)),
(n = t.subscribe(this)),
(r = e.subscribe({
next: function (e) {;
error: function (e) {
(l = !0), t.error(e);
complete: function () {
(f = !0), (r = void 0), t.complete();
: (n = t.subscribe(this)),
this.add(function () {
c--, n.unsubscribe(), r && !f && u && 0 === c && (r.unsubscribe(), (r = void 0), (t = void 0));
function single(e) {
return function (t) {
return t.lift(new SingleOperator(e, t));
var SingleOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t) {
(this.predicate = e), (this.source = t);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new SingleSubscriber(e, this.predicate, this.source));
SingleSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
var i =, t) || this;
return (i.predicate = r), (i.source = n), (i.seenValue = !1), (i.index = 0), i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype.applySingleValue = function (e) {
this.seenValue ? this.destination.error("Sequence contains more than one element") : ((this.seenValue = !0), (this.singleValue = e));
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
var t = this.index++;
this.predicate ? this.tryNext(e, t) : this.applySingleValue(e);
(t.prototype.tryNext = function (e, t) {
try {
this.predicate(e, t, this.source) && this.applySingleValue(e);
} catch (e) {
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
var e = this.destination;
this.index > 0 ? ( ? this.singleValue : void 0), e.complete()) : e.error(new EmptyError());
function skip$1(e) {
return function (t) {
return t.lift(new SkipOperator(e));
var SkipOperator = (function () {
function e(e) { = e;
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new SkipSubscriber(e,;
SkipSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n =, t) || this;
return ( = r), (n.count = 0), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
++this.count > &&;
function skipLast(e) {
return function (t) {
return t.lift(new SkipLastOperator(e));
var SkipLastOperator = (function () {
function e(e) {
if (((this._skipCount = e), this._skipCount < 0)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeError();
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return 0 === this._skipCount ? t.subscribe(new Subscriber(e)) : t.subscribe(new SkipLastSubscriber(e, this._skipCount));
SkipLastSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n =, t) || this;
return (n._skipCount = r), (n._count = 0), (n._ring = new Array(r)), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
var t = this._skipCount,
r = this._count++;
if (r < t) this._ring[r] = e;
else {
var n = r % t,
i = this._ring,
o = i[n];
(i[n] = e),;
function skipUntil(e) {
return function (t) {
return t.lift(new SkipUntilOperator(e));
var SkipUntilOperator = (function () {
function e(e) {
this.notifier = e;
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new SkipUntilSubscriber(e, this.notifier));
SkipUntilSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n =, t) || this;
n.hasValue = !1;
var i = new InnerSubscriber(n, void 0, void 0);
n.add(i), (n.innerSubscription = i);
var o = subscribeToResult(n, r, void 0, void 0, i);
return o !== i && (n.add(o), (n.innerSubscription = o)), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (t) {
this.hasValue &&, t);
(t.prototype.notifyNext = function (e, t, r, n, i) {
(this.hasValue = !0), this.innerSubscription && this.innerSubscription.unsubscribe();
(t.prototype.notifyComplete = function () {}),
function skipWhile(e) {
return function (t) {
return t.lift(new SkipWhileOperator(e));
var SkipWhileOperator = (function () {
function e(e) {
this.predicate = e;
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new SkipWhileSubscriber(e, this.predicate));
SkipWhileSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n =, t) || this;
return (n.predicate = r), (n.skipping = !0), (n.index = 0), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
var t = this.destination;
this.skipping && this.tryCallPredicate(e), this.skipping ||;
(t.prototype.tryCallPredicate = function (e) {
try {
var t = this.predicate(e, this.index++);
this.skipping = Boolean(t);
} catch (e) {
function startWith() {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
var r = e[e.length - 1];
return isScheduler(r)
? (e.pop(),
function (t) {
return concat(e, t, r);
: function (t) {
return concat(e, t);
var SubscribeOnObservable = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
void 0 === r && (r = 0), void 0 === n && (n = asap);
var i = || this;
return (i.source = t), (i.delayTime = r), (i.scheduler = n), (!isNumeric(r) || r < 0) && (i.delayTime = 0), (n && "function" == typeof n.schedule) || (i.scheduler = asap), i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.create = function (e, r, n) {
return void 0 === r && (r = 0), void 0 === n && (n = asap), new t(e, r, n);
(t.dispatch = function (e) {
var t = e.source,
r = e.subscriber;
return this.add(t.subscribe(r));
(t.prototype._subscribe = function (e) {
var r = this.delayTime,
n = this.source;
return this.scheduler.schedule(t.dispatch, r, { source: n, subscriber: e });
function subscribeOn(e, t) {
return (
void 0 === t && (t = 0),
function (r) {
return r.lift(new SubscribeOnOperator(e, t));
var SubscribeOnOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t) {
(this.scheduler = e), (this.delay = t);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return new SubscribeOnObservable(t, this.delay, this.scheduler).subscribe(e);
function switchMap(e, t) {
return "function" == typeof t
? function (r) {
return r.pipe(
switchMap(function (r, n) {
return from(e(r, n)).pipe(
map(function (e, i) {
return t(r, e, n, i);
: function (t) {
return t.lift(new SwitchMapOperator(e));
var SwitchMapOperator = (function () {
function e(e) {
this.project = e;
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new SwitchMapSubscriber(e, this.project));
SwitchMapSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n =, t) || this;
return (n.project = r), (n.index = 0), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
var t,
r = this.index++;
try {
t = this.project(e, r);
} catch (e) {
return void this.destination.error(e);
this._innerSub(t, e, r);
(t.prototype._innerSub = function (e, t, r) {
var n = this.innerSubscription;
n && n.unsubscribe();
var i = new InnerSubscriber(this, t, r),
o = this.destination;
o.add(i), (this.innerSubscription = subscribeToResult(this, e, void 0, void 0, i)), this.innerSubscription !== i && o.add(this.innerSubscription);
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
var t = this.innerSubscription;
(t && !t.closed) ||, this.unsubscribe();
(t.prototype._unsubscribe = function () {
this.innerSubscription = null;
(t.prototype.notifyComplete = function (t) {
this.destination.remove(t), (this.innerSubscription = null), this.isStopped &&;
(t.prototype.notifyNext = function (e, t, r, n, i) {;
function switchAll() {
return switchMap(identity);
function switchMapTo(e, t) {
return t
? switchMap(function () {
return e;
}, t)
: switchMap(function () {
return e;
function takeUntil(e) {
return function (t) {
return t.lift(new TakeUntilOperator(e));
var TakeUntilOperator = (function () {
function e(e) {
this.notifier = e;
return (
( = function (e, t) {
var r = new TakeUntilSubscriber(e),
n = subscribeToResult(r, this.notifier);
return n && !r.seenValue ? (r.add(n), t.subscribe(r)) : r;
TakeUntilSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t) {
var r =, t) || this;
return (r.seenValue = !1), r;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype.notifyNext = function (e, t, r, n, i) {
(this.seenValue = !0), this.complete();
(t.prototype.notifyComplete = function () {}),
function takeWhile(e, t) {
return (
void 0 === t && (t = !1),
function (r) {
return r.lift(new TakeWhileOperator(e, t));
var TakeWhileOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t) {
(this.predicate = e), (this.inclusive = t);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new TakeWhileSubscriber(e, this.predicate, this.inclusive));
TakeWhileSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
var i =, t) || this;
return (i.predicate = r), (i.inclusive = n), (i.index = 0), i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
var t,
r = this.destination;
try {
t = this.predicate(e, this.index++);
} catch (e) {
return void r.error(e);
this.nextOrComplete(e, t);
(t.prototype.nextOrComplete = function (e, t) {
var r = this.destination;
Boolean(t) ? : (this.inclusive &&, r.complete());
function tap(e, t, r) {
return function (n) {
return n.lift(new DoOperator(e, t, r));
var DoOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t, r) {
(this.nextOrObserver = e), (this.error = t), (this.complete = r);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new TapSubscriber(e, this.nextOrObserver, this.error, this.complete));
TapSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n, i) {
var o =, t) || this;
return (
(o._tapNext = noop),
(o._tapError = noop),
(o._tapComplete = noop),
(o._tapError = n || noop),
(o._tapComplete = i || noop),
isFunction(r) ? ((o._context = o), (o._tapNext = r)) : r && ((o._context = r), (o._tapNext = || noop), (o._tapError = r.error || noop), (o._tapComplete = r.complete || noop)),
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
try {, e);
} catch (e) {
return void this.destination.error(e);
(t.prototype._error = function (e) {
try {, e);
} catch (e) {
return void this.destination.error(e);
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
try {;
} catch (e) {
return void this.destination.error(e);
return this.destination.complete();
defaultThrottleConfig = { leading: !0, trailing: !1 };
function throttle(e, t) {
return (
void 0 === t && (t = defaultThrottleConfig),
function (r) {
return r.lift(new ThrottleOperator(e, t.leading, t.trailing));
var ThrottleOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t, r) {
(this.durationSelector = e), (this.leading = t), (this.trailing = r);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new ThrottleSubscriber(e, this.durationSelector, this.leading, this.trailing));
ThrottleSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n, i) {
var o =, t) || this;
return (o.destination = t), (o.durationSelector = r), (o._leading = n), (o._trailing = i), (o._hasValue = !1), o;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
(this._hasValue = !0), (this._sendValue = e), this._throttled || (this._leading ? this.send() : this.throttle(e));
(t.prototype.send = function () {
var e = this._hasValue,
t = this._sendValue;
e && (, this.throttle(t)), (this._hasValue = !1), (this._sendValue = null);
(t.prototype.throttle = function (e) {
var t = this.tryDurationSelector(e);
t && this.add((this._throttled = subscribeToResult(this, t)));
(t.prototype.tryDurationSelector = function (e) {
try {
return this.durationSelector(e);
} catch (e) {
return this.destination.error(e), null;
(t.prototype.throttlingDone = function () {
var e = this._throttled,
t = this._trailing;
e && e.unsubscribe(), (this._throttled = null), t && this.send();
(t.prototype.notifyNext = function (e, t, r, n, i) {
(t.prototype.notifyComplete = function () {
function throttleTime(e, t, r) {
return (
void 0 === t && (t = async),
void 0 === r && (r = defaultThrottleConfig),
function (n) {
return n.lift(new ThrottleTimeOperator(e, t, r.leading, r.trailing));
var ThrottleTimeOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t, r, n) {
(this.duration = e), (this.scheduler = t), (this.leading = r), (this.trailing = n);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new ThrottleTimeSubscriber(e, this.duration, this.scheduler, this.leading, this.trailing));
ThrottleTimeSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n, i, o) {
var s =, t) || this;
return (s.duration = r), (s.scheduler = n), (s.leading = i), (s.trailing = o), (s._hasTrailingValue = !1), (s._trailingValue = null), s;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
? this.trailing && ((this._trailingValue = e), (this._hasTrailingValue = !0))
: (this.add((this.throttled = this.scheduler.schedule(dispatchNext$3, this.duration, { subscriber: this }))),
this.leading ? : this.trailing && ((this._trailingValue = e), (this._hasTrailingValue = !0)));
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
this._hasTrailingValue ? (, this.destination.complete()) : this.destination.complete();
(t.prototype.clearThrottle = function () {
var e = this.throttled;
e && (this.trailing && this._hasTrailingValue && (, (this._trailingValue = null), (this._hasTrailingValue = !1)), e.unsubscribe(), this.remove(e), (this.throttled = null));
function dispatchNext$3(e) {
function timeInterval(e) {
return (
void 0 === e && (e = async),
function (t) {
return defer(function () {
return t.pipe(
function (t, r) {
var n = t.current;
return { value: r, current:, last: n };
{ current:, value: void 0, last: void 0 }
map(function (e) {
var t = e.current,
r = e.last,
n = e.value;
return new TimeInterval(n, t - r);
var TimeInterval = (function () {
return function (e, t) {
(this.value = e), (this.interval = t);
function timeoutWith(e, t, r) {
return (
void 0 === r && (r = async),
function (n) {
var i = isDate(e),
o = i ? +e - : Math.abs(e);
return n.lift(new TimeoutWithOperator(o, i, t, r));
var TimeoutWithOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t, r, n) {
(this.waitFor = e), (this.absoluteTimeout = t), (this.withObservable = r), (this.scheduler = n);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new TimeoutWithSubscriber(e, this.absoluteTimeout, this.waitFor, this.withObservable, this.scheduler));
TimeoutWithSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n, i, o) {
var s =, t) || this;
return (s.absoluteTimeout = r), (s.waitFor = n), (s.withObservable = i), (s.scheduler = o), (s.action = null), s.scheduleTimeout(), s;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.dispatchTimeout = function (e) {
var t = e.withObservable;
e._unsubscribeAndRecycle(), e.add(subscribeToResult(e, t));
(t.prototype.scheduleTimeout = function () {
var e = this.action;
e ? (this.action = e.schedule(this, this.waitFor)) : this.add((this.action = this.scheduler.schedule(t.dispatchTimeout, this.waitFor, this)));
(t.prototype._next = function (t) {
this.absoluteTimeout || this.scheduleTimeout(),, t);
(t.prototype._unsubscribe = function () {
(this.action = null), (this.scheduler = null), (this.withObservable = null);
function timeout(e, t) {
return void 0 === t && (t = async), timeoutWith(e, throwError(new TimeoutError()), t);
function timestamp(e) {
return (
void 0 === e && (e = async),
map(function (t) {
return new Timestamp(t,;
var Timestamp = (function () {
return function (e, t) {
(this.value = e), (this.timestamp = t);
function toArrayReducer(e, t, r) {
return 0 === r ? [t] : (e.push(t), e);
function toArray() {
return reduce(toArrayReducer, []);
function window$1(e) {
return function (t) {
return t.lift(new WindowOperator(e));
var WindowOperator = (function () {
function e(e) {
this.windowBoundaries = e;
return (
( = function (e, t) {
var r = new WindowSubscriber(e),
n = t.subscribe(r);
return n.closed || r.add(subscribeToResult(r, this.windowBoundaries)), n;
WindowSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t) {
var r =, t) || this;
return (r.window = new Subject()),, r;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype.notifyNext = function (e, t, r, n, i) {
(t.prototype.notifyError = function (e, t) {
(t.prototype.notifyComplete = function (e) {
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {;
(t.prototype._error = function (e) {
this.window.error(e), this.destination.error(e);
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
this.window.complete(), this.destination.complete();
(t.prototype._unsubscribe = function () {
this.window = null;
(t.prototype.openWindow = function () {
var e = this.window;
e && e.complete();
var t = this.destination,
r = (this.window = new Subject());;
function windowCount(e, t) {
return (
void 0 === t && (t = 0),
function (r) {
return r.lift(new WindowCountOperator(e, t));
var WindowCountOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t) {
(this.windowSize = e), (this.startWindowEvery = t);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new WindowCountSubscriber(e, this.windowSize, this.startWindowEvery));
WindowCountSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
var i =, t) || this;
return (i.destination = t), (i.windowSize = r), (i.startWindowEvery = n), ( = [new Subject()]), (i.count = 0),[0]), i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
for (var t = this.startWindowEvery > 0 ? this.startWindowEvery : this.windowSize, r = this.destination, n = this.windowSize, i =, o = i.length, s = 0; s < o && !this.closed; s++) i[s].next(e);
var u = this.count - n + 1;
if ((u >= 0 && u % t == 0 && !this.closed && i.shift().complete(), ++this.count % t == 0 && !this.closed)) {
var a = new Subject();
(t.prototype._error = function (e) {
var t =;
if (t) for (; t.length > 0 && !this.closed; ) t.shift().error(e);
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
var e =;
if (e) for (; e.length > 0 && !this.closed; ) e.shift().complete();
(t.prototype._unsubscribe = function () {
(this.count = 0), ( = null);
function windowTime(e) {
var t = async,
r = null,
return (
isScheduler(arguments[3]) && (t = arguments[3]),
isScheduler(arguments[2]) ? (t = arguments[2]) : isNumeric(arguments[2]) && (n = Number(arguments[2])),
isScheduler(arguments[1]) ? (t = arguments[1]) : isNumeric(arguments[1]) && (r = Number(arguments[1])),
function (i) {
return i.lift(new WindowTimeOperator(e, r, n, t));
var WindowTimeOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t, r, n) {
(this.windowTimeSpan = e), (this.windowCreationInterval = t), (this.maxWindowSize = r), (this.scheduler = n);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new WindowTimeSubscriber(e, this.windowTimeSpan, this.windowCreationInterval, this.maxWindowSize, this.scheduler));
CountedSubject = (function (e) {
function t() {
var t = (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this;
return (t._numberOfNextedValues = 0), t;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
( = function (t) {
this._numberOfNextedValues++,, t);
Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "numberOfNextedValues", {
get: function () {
return this._numberOfNextedValues;
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0,
WindowTimeSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n, i, o) {
var s =, t) || this;
(s.destination = t), (s.windowTimeSpan = r), (s.windowCreationInterval = n), (s.maxWindowSize = i), (s.scheduler = o), ( = []);
var u = s.openWindow();
if (null !== n && n >= 0) {
var a = { subscriber: s, window: u, context: null },
c = { windowTimeSpan: r, windowCreationInterval: n, subscriber: s, scheduler: o };
s.add(o.schedule(dispatchWindowClose, r, a)), s.add(o.schedule(dispatchWindowCreation, n, c));
} else {
var l = { subscriber: s, window: u, windowTimeSpan: r };
s.add(o.schedule(dispatchWindowTimeSpanOnly, r, l));
return s;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
for (var t =, r = t.length, n = 0; n < r; n++) {
var i = t[n];
i.closed || (, i.numberOfNextedValues >= this.maxWindowSize && this.closeWindow(i));
(t.prototype._error = function (e) {
for (var t =; t.length > 0; ) t.shift().error(e);
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
for (var e =; e.length > 0; ) {
var t = e.shift();
t.closed || t.complete();
(t.prototype.openWindow = function () {
var e = new CountedSubject();
return,, e;
(t.prototype.closeWindow = function (e) {
var t =;
t.splice(t.indexOf(e), 1);
function dispatchWindowTimeSpanOnly(e) {
var t = e.subscriber,
r = e.windowTimeSpan,
n = e.window;
n && t.closeWindow(n), (e.window = t.openWindow()), this.schedule(e, r);
function dispatchWindowCreation(e) {
var t = e.windowTimeSpan,
r = e.subscriber,
n = e.scheduler,
i = e.windowCreationInterval,
o = { action: this, subscription: null },
s = { subscriber: r, window: r.openWindow(), context: o };
(o.subscription = n.schedule(dispatchWindowClose, t, s)), this.add(o.subscription), this.schedule(e, i);
function dispatchWindowClose(e) {
var t = e.subscriber,
r = e.window,
n = e.context;
n && n.action && n.subscription && n.action.remove(n.subscription), t.closeWindow(r);
function windowToggle(e, t) {
return function (r) {
return r.lift(new WindowToggleOperator(e, t));
var WindowToggleOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t) {
(this.openings = e), (this.closingSelector = t);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new WindowToggleSubscriber(e, this.openings, this.closingSelector));
WindowToggleSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
var i =, t) || this;
return (i.openings = r), (i.closingSelector = n), (i.contexts = []), i.add((i.openSubscription = subscribeToResult(i, r, r))), i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
var t = this.contexts;
if (t) for (var r = t.length, n = 0; n < r; n++) t[n];
(t.prototype._error = function (t) {
var r = this.contexts;
if (((this.contexts = null), r))
for (var n = r.length, i = -1; ++i < n; ) {
var o = r[i];
o.window.error(t), o.subscription.unsubscribe();
}, t);
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
var t = this.contexts;
if (((this.contexts = null), t))
for (var r = t.length, n = -1; ++n < r; ) {
var i = t[n];
i.window.complete(), i.subscription.unsubscribe();
(t.prototype._unsubscribe = function () {
var e = this.contexts;
if (((this.contexts = null), e))
for (var t = e.length, r = -1; ++r < t; ) {
var n = e[r];
n.window.unsubscribe(), n.subscription.unsubscribe();
(t.prototype.notifyNext = function (e, t, r, n, i) {
if (e === this.openings) {
var o = void 0;
try {
o = (0, this.closingSelector)(t);
} catch (e) {
return this.error(e);
var s = new Subject(),
u = new Subscription(),
a = { window: s, subscription: u };
var c = subscribeToResult(this, o, a);
c.closed ? this.closeWindow(this.contexts.length - 1) : ((c.context = a), u.add(c)),;
} else this.closeWindow(this.contexts.indexOf(e));
(t.prototype.notifyError = function (e) {
(t.prototype.notifyComplete = function (e) {
e !== this.openSubscription && this.closeWindow(this.contexts.indexOf(e.context));
(t.prototype.closeWindow = function (e) {
if (-1 !== e) {
var t = this.contexts,
r = t[e],
n = r.window,
i = r.subscription;
t.splice(e, 1), n.complete(), i.unsubscribe();
function windowWhen(e) {
return function (t) {
return t.lift(new WindowOperator$1(e));
var WindowOperator$1 = (function () {
function e(e) {
this.closingSelector = e;
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new WindowSubscriber$1(e, this.closingSelector));
WindowSubscriber$1 = (function (e) {
function t(t, r) {
var n =, t) || this;
return (n.destination = t), (n.closingSelector = r), n.openWindow(), n;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype.notifyNext = function (e, t, r, n, i) {
(t.prototype.notifyError = function (e, t) {
(t.prototype.notifyComplete = function (e) {
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {;
(t.prototype._error = function (e) {
this.window.error(e), this.destination.error(e), this.unsubscribeClosingNotification();
(t.prototype._complete = function () {
this.window.complete(), this.destination.complete(), this.unsubscribeClosingNotification();
(t.prototype.unsubscribeClosingNotification = function () {
this.closingNotification && this.closingNotification.unsubscribe();
(t.prototype.openWindow = function (e) {
void 0 === e && (e = null), e && (this.remove(e), e.unsubscribe());
var t = this.window;
t && t.complete();
var r,
n = (this.window = new Subject());;
try {
r = (0, this.closingSelector)();
} catch (e) {
return this.destination.error(e), void this.window.error(e);
this.add((this.closingNotification = subscribeToResult(this, r)));
function withLatestFrom() {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
return function (t) {
var r;
"function" == typeof e[e.length - 1] && (r = e.pop());
var n = e;
return t.lift(new WithLatestFromOperator(n, r));
var WithLatestFromOperator = (function () {
function e(e, t) {
(this.observables = e), (this.project = t);
return (
( = function (e, t) {
return t.subscribe(new WithLatestFromSubscriber(e, this.observables, this.project));
WithLatestFromSubscriber = (function (e) {
function t(t, r, n) {
var i =, t) || this;
(i.observables = r), (i.project = n), (i.toRespond = []);
var o = r.length;
i.values = new Array(o);
for (var s = 0; s < o; s++) i.toRespond.push(s);
for (s = 0; s < o; s++) {
var u = r[s];
i.add(subscribeToResult(i, u, u, s));
return i;
return (
__extends$1(t, e),
(t.prototype.notifyNext = function (e, t, r, n, i) {
this.values[r] = t;
var o = this.toRespond;
if (o.length > 0) {
var s = o.indexOf(r);
-1 !== s && o.splice(s, 1);
(t.prototype.notifyComplete = function () {}),
(t.prototype._next = function (e) {
if (0 === this.toRespond.length) {
var t = [e].concat(this.values);
this.project ? this._tryProject(t) :;
(t.prototype._tryProject = function (e) {
var t;
try {
t = this.project.apply(this, e);
} catch (e) {
return void this.destination.error(e);
function zip$1() {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
return function (t) {
return 0, [t].concat(e)));
function zipAll(e) {
return function (t) {
return t.lift(new ZipOperator(e));
var operators_1 = Object.freeze({
audit: audit,
auditTime: auditTime,
buffer: buffer,
bufferCount: bufferCount,
bufferTime: bufferTime,
bufferToggle: bufferToggle,
bufferWhen: bufferWhen,
catchError: catchError,
combineAll: combineAll,
combineLatest: combineLatest$1,
concat: concat$1,
concatAll: concatAll,
concatMap: concatMap,
concatMapTo: concatMapTo,
count: count,
debounce: debounce,
debounceTime: debounceTime,
defaultIfEmpty: defaultIfEmpty,
delay: delay,
delayWhen: delayWhen,
dematerialize: dematerialize,
distinct: distinct,
distinctUntilChanged: distinctUntilChanged,
distinctUntilKeyChanged: distinctUntilKeyChanged,
elementAt: elementAt,
endWith: endWith,
every: every,
exhaust: exhaust,
exhaustMap: exhaustMap,
expand: expand,
filter: filter,
finalize: finalize,
find: find,
findIndex: findIndex,
first: first,
groupBy: groupBy,
ignoreElements: ignoreElements,
isEmpty: isEmpty,
last: last,
map: map,
mapTo: mapTo,
materialize: materialize,
max: max,
merge: merge$1,
mergeAll: mergeAll,
mergeMap: mergeMap,
flatMap: flatMap,
mergeMapTo: mergeMapTo,
mergeScan: mergeScan,
min: min,
multicast: multicast,
observeOn: observeOn,
onErrorResumeNext: onErrorResumeNext$1,
pairwise: pairwise,
partition: partition$1,
pluck: pluck,
publish: publish,
publishBehavior: publishBehavior,
publishLast: publishLast,
publishReplay: publishReplay,
race: race$1,
reduce: reduce,
repeat: repeat,
repeatWhen: repeatWhen,
retry: retry,
retryWhen: retryWhen,
refCount: refCount,
sample: sample,
sampleTime: sampleTime,
scan: scan,
sequenceEqual: sequenceEqual,
share: share,
shareReplay: shareReplay,
single: single,
skip: skip$1,
skipLast: skipLast,
skipUntil: skipUntil,
skipWhile: skipWhile,
startWith: startWith,
subscribeOn: subscribeOn,
switchAll: switchAll,
switchMap: switchMap,
switchMapTo: switchMapTo,
take: take,
takeLast: takeLast,
takeUntil: takeUntil,
takeWhile: takeWhile,
tap: tap,
throttle: throttle,
throttleTime: throttleTime,
throwIfEmpty: throwIfEmpty,
timeInterval: timeInterval,
timeout: timeout,
timeoutWith: timeoutWith,
timestamp: timestamp,
toArray: toArray,
window: window$1,
windowCount: windowCount,
windowTime: windowTime,
windowToggle: windowToggle,
windowWhen: windowWhen,
withLatestFrom: withLatestFrom,
zip: zip$1,
zipAll: zipAll,
commonjsGlobal = "undefined" != typeof window ? window : "undefined" != typeof global ? global : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : {};
function unwrapExports(e) {
return e && e.__esModule &&, "default") ? e.default : e;
function createCommonjsModule(e, t) {
return e((t = { exports: {} }), t.exports), t.exports;
var map_1 = createCommonjsModule(function (e, t) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }),
( = function (e, t) {
return, t)(this);
var map_2 =,
map$3 = createCommonjsModule(function (e, t) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), ( =;
var map$1 = createCommonjsModule(function (e, t) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var take_1 = createCommonjsModule(function (e, t) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }),
(t.take = function (e) {
return operators_1.take(e)(this);
var take_2 = take_1.take,
take$3 = createCommonjsModule(function (e, t) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (_esm5.Observable.prototype.take = take_1.take);
var take$1 = createCommonjsModule(function (e, t) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var filter_1 = createCommonjsModule(function (e, t) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }),
(t.filter = function (e, t) {
return operators_1.filter(e, t)(this);
var filter_2 = filter_1.filter,
filter$3 = createCommonjsModule(function (e, t) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (_esm5.Observable.prototype.filter = filter_1.filter);
var filter$1 = createCommonjsModule(function (e, t) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
function getCurrentUrl() {
return window.location.href;
function getQueryParam(e, t) {
return new URL(e).searchParams.get(t) || void 0;
function removeQueryParams(e, t) {
for (var r = new URL(e), n = 0, i = t; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
return r.toString();
function setQueryParam(e, t, r) {
if (void 0 === r) return removeQueryParams(e, [t]);
var n = new URL(e);
return n.searchParams.set(t, r), n.toString();
function getEnvironment() {
return getQueryParam(window.location.href, "local") ? Environments.DEV : Environments.PROD;
(function (e) {
(e.PROD = "prod"), (e.DEV = "dev");
})(Environments || (Environments = {})),
(window.env = window.env || {});
var getEnvVar = function (e) {
if (window.env && e in window.env) return window.env[e];
serverUrl = { dev: "http://localhost:8080/graphql", prod: getEnvVar("API_URL") || "" }[getEnvironment()],
labelboxDomain = { dev: "http://localhost:3000", prod: getEnvVar("APP_URL") || "" }[getEnvironment()],
_this$2 = void 0,
userAgentName = "js-sdk",
userAgentVersion = "1.1.2",
userAgent = userAgentName + "/" + userAgentVersion,
shouldAddOperationNameToUrl = function () {
return Boolean(localStorage.getItem("DEBUG_LABELBOX"));
getDynamicUri = function (e) {
if (shouldAddOperationNameToUrl() && e && e.query) {
var t = /^(query|mutation) (\w+)/.exec(e.query);
if (t) {
var r = t[2];
return serverUrl + "?op=" + (r || "none");
return serverUrl;
postJSON = function (e) {
var t = e.headers,
r = void 0 === t ? {} : t,
n = e.body;
return __awaiter(_this$2, void 0, void 0, function () {
var e, t;
return __generator(this, function (i) {
switch (i.label) {
case 0:
return (e = getDynamicUri(n)), [4, window.fetch(e, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(n), headers: __assign({ "Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Labelbox-UA": userAgent }, r) })];
case 1:
return (t = i.sent()).ok ? [2, t.json()] : [2, t.text()];
exchangeAuthorizationCode = "mutation ExchangeAuthorizationCode($code: String!) {\n exchangeAuthorizationCode(code: $code) {\n accessToken\n }\n}\n",
_this$3 = void 0,
sendAuthQuery = function (e) {
return __awaiter(_this$3, void 0, void 0, function () {
return __generator(this, function (t) {
return [2, postJSON({ body: { query: exchangeAuthorizationCode, variables: e } })];
callOnce = function (e) {
var t = 0;
return function () {
for (var r = [], n = 0; n < arguments.length; n++) r[n] = arguments[n];
0 === t && ((t += 1), e.apply(void 0, r));
function wait(e) {
return new Promise(function (t) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, e);
var get = function (e) {
try {
return e();
} catch (e) {
LocalTokenStorage = (function () {
function e() {
this.key = "labelbox-jwt";
return (
(e.prototype.get = function () {
return localStorage.getItem(this.key);
(e.prototype.set = function (e) {
return localStorage.setItem(this.key, e);
(e.prototype.clear = function () {
return localStorage.removeItem(this.key);
AccessToken$1 = (function () {
function e(e) {
void 0 === e && (e = {});
var t = this,
r = e.currentUrl || getCurrentUrl(); = || new LocalTokenStorage();
var n = getQueryParam(r, "code"),
i = getQueryParam(r, "token") || null;
if (n || i) {
var o = removeQueryParams(r, ["code", "token"]);
window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, o);
? (this.token = sendAuthQuery({ code: n })
.then(function (e) {
return (
get(function () {
}) || null
.then(function (e) {
return t.updateStorage(e);
: (i && this.updateStorage(i), (this.token = Promise.resolve(i)));
return (
(e.prototype.updateStorage = function (e) {
return e ? :, e;
(e.prototype.getToken = function () {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
return __generator(this, function (e) {
switch (e.label) {
case 0:
return [4, this.token];
case 1:
return [2, e.sent() ||];
(e.prototype.removeToken = function () {
this.updateStorage(null), (this.token = Promise.resolve(null));
AccessToken = new AccessToken$1(),
_this$1 = void 0,
sendQuery = function (e) {
var t = e.query,
r = e.variables;
return __awaiter(_this$1, void 0, void 0, function () {
var e;
return __generator(this, function (n) {
switch (n.label) {
case 0:
return [4, AccessToken.getToken()];
case 1:
return (e = n.sent()), [2, postJSON({ body: { query: t, variables: r || {} }, headers: { authorization: e ? "Bearer " + e : "" } })];
getUserQuery = "query GetUser {\n user {\n id\n name\n email\n organization {\n id\n }\n }\n}\n";
function fetchUser() {
return sendQuery({ query: getUserQuery }).then(function (e) {
if (e && {
var t =;
return { id:, name:, email:, organizationId: };
var debugLSKey = "DEBUG_LABELBOX",
isDebugModeEnabled = function () {
return Boolean(localStorage.getItem(debugLSKey));
debugLog = function () {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
isDebugModeEnabled() && console.log.apply(console, e);
registerPreloader = function (e) {
if (preloader) throw new Error("Error: A preloading function has been registered already, and only one can be registered at a time.");
return (preloader = e), !0;
getPreloader = function () {
return preloader;
templateCustomizationQuery = "query GetTemplateCustomization($projectId: ID!) {\n project(where: { id: $projectId }) {\n id\n ontology {\n id\n normalized\n }\n }\n}\n",
build_umd = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) {
var factory;
(factory = function () {
return (function (e) {
var t = {};
function r(n) {
if (t[n]) return t[n].exports;
var i = (t[n] = { i: n, l: !1, exports: {} });
return e[n].call(i.exports, i, i.exports, r), (i.l = !0), i.exports;
return (
(r.m = e),
(r.c = t),
(r.d = function (e, t, n) {
r.o(e, t) || Object.defineProperty(e, t, { enumerable: !0, get: n });
(r.r = function (e) {
"undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }), Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
(r.t = function (e, t) {
if ((1 & t && (e = r(e)), 8 & t)) return e;
if (4 & t && "object" == typeof e && e && e.__esModule) return e;
var n = Object.create(null);
if ((r.r(n), Object.defineProperty(n, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: e }), 2 & t && "string" != typeof e))
for (var i in e)
function (t) {
return e[t];
}.bind(null, i)
return n;
(r.n = function (e) {
var t =
e && e.__esModule
? function () {
return e.default;
: function () {
return e;
return r.d(t, "a", t), t;
(r.o = function (e, t) {
return, t);
(r.p = ""),
r((r.s = 8))
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }),
(t.default = function (e, t) {
if (null == e) return {};
var r = {};
return (
Object.keys(e).forEach(function (n) {
r[n] = t(e[n]);
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }),
(t.setActive = function (e) {
s = e;
(t.default = function (e) {
var t = e.addRequest,
r = e.addResponse,
o = e.shouldCloneResponse,
a = void 0 !== o && o,
c = XMLHttpRequest,
l = new WeakMap(),
f = !1;
return (
(window._lrXMLHttpRequest = XMLHttpRequest),
(XMLHttpRequest = function (e, o) {
var p = new c(e, o);
if (!s) return p;
l.set(p, { xhrId: ++u, headers: {} }),
(0, i.default)(p, "open", function (e, t) {
if (!f) {
var r = l.get(p);
(r.method = e), (r.url = t);
(0, i.default)(p, "send", function (e) {
if (!f) {
var r = l.get(p);
if (r) {
var i = {
url: r.url,
method: r.method && r.method.toUpperCase(),
headers: (0, n.default)(r.headers || {}, function (e) {
return e.join(", ");
body: e,
t("xhr-" + r.xhrId, i);
(0, i.default)(p, "setRequestHeader", function (e, t) {
if (!f) {
var r = l.get(p);
r && ((r.headers = r.headers || {}), (r.headers[e] = r.headers[e] || []), r.headers[e].push(t));
var d = {
readystatechange: function () {
if (!f && 4 === p.readyState) {
var e = l.get(p);
if (!e) return;
var t = p
.reduce(function (e, t) {
var r = e,
n = t.split(": ");
if (n.length > 0) {
var i = n.shift(),
o = n.join(": ");
e[i] ? (r[i] += ", " + o) : (r[i] = o);
return r;
}, {}),
n = void 0;
try {
switch (p.responseType) {
case "json":
n = a ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(p.response)) : p.response;
case "arraybuffer":
case "blob":
n = p.response;
case "document":
n = p.responseXML;
case "text":
case "":
n = p.responseText;
n = "";
} catch (e) {
n = "LogRocket: Error accessing response.";
var i = { url: e.url, status: p.status, headers: t, body: n, method: (e.method || "").toUpperCase() };
r("xhr-" + e.xhrId, i);
return (
Object.keys(d).forEach(function (e) {
p.addEventListener(e, d[e]);
(XMLHttpRequest.prototype = c.prototype),
["UNSENT", "OPENED", "HEADERS_RECEIVED", "LOADING", "DONE"].forEach(function (e) {
XMLHttpRequest[e] = c[e];
function () {
(f = !0), (XMLHttpRequest = c);
var n = o(r(0)),
i = o(r(2));
function o(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e };
var s = !0;
var u = 0;
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }),
(t.default = function (e, t, r) {
var n = e[t];
return (
(e[t] = function () {
for (var e = void 0, t = arguments.length, i = Array(t), o = 0; o < t; o++) i[o] = arguments[o];
return n && (e = n.apply(this, i)), r.apply(this, i), e;
function () {
e[t] = n;
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.Capture = t.registerExceptions = void 0);
var n,
i = r(16),
o = (n = i) && n.__esModule ? n : { default: n },
s = (function (e) {
if (e && e.__esModule) return e;
var t = {};
if (null != e) for (var r in e), r) && (t[r] = e[r]);
return (t.default = e), t;
(t.registerExceptions = o.default), (t.Capture = s);
function (module, exports) {
var g;
g = (function () {
return this;
try {
g = g || Function("return this")() || eval("this");
} catch (e) {
"object" == typeof window && (g = window);
module.exports = g;
function (e, t, r) {
(function (t) {
var r = { collectWindowErrors: !0, debug: !1 },
n = "undefined" != typeof window ? window : void 0 !== t ? t : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : {},
i = [].slice,
o = "?",
s = /^(?:Uncaught (?:exception: )?)?((?:Eval|Internal|Range|Reference|Syntax|Type|URI)Error): ?(.*)$/;
function u() {
return "undefined" == typeof document || void 0 === document.location ? "" : document.location.href;
( = (function () {
var e,
a = [],
c = null,
l = null,
f = null;
function p(e, t) {
var n = null;
if (!t || r.collectWindowErrors) {
for (var o in a)
if (a.hasOwnProperty(o))
try {
a[o].apply(null, [e].concat(, 2)));
} catch (e) {
n = e;
if (n) throw n;
function d(t, n, i, a, c) {
if (f) r.computeStackTrace.augmentStackTraceWithInitialElement(f, n, i, t), h();
else if (c) p(r.computeStackTrace(c), !0);
else {
var l,
d = { url: n, line: i, column: a },
b = void 0,
y = t;
if ("[object String]" === {} (l = t.match(s)) && ((b = l[1]), (y = l[2]));
(d.func = o), p({ name: b, message: y, url: u(), stack: [d] }, !0);
return !!e && e.apply(this, arguments);
function h() {
var e = f,
t = c;
(c = null), (f = null), (l = null), p.apply(null, [e, !1].concat(t));
function b(e, t) {
var n =, 1);
if (f) {
if (l === e) return;
var o = r.computeStackTrace(e);
if (
((f = o),
(l = e),
(c = n),
function () {
l === e && h();
o.incomplete ? 2e3 : 0
!1 !== t)
throw e;
return (
(b.subscribe = function (r) {
t || ((e = n.onerror), (n.onerror = d), (t = !0)), a.push(r);
(b.unsubscribe = function (e) {
for (var t = a.length - 1; t >= 0; --t) a[t] === e && a.splice(t, 1);
(b.uninstall = function () {
t && ((n.onerror = e), (t = !1), (e = void 0)), (a = []);
(r.computeStackTrace = (function () {
function e(e) {
if (void 0 !== e.stack && e.stack) {
for (
var t,
n = /^\s*at (.*?) ?\(((?:file|https?|blob|chrome-extension|native|eval|<anonymous>).*?)(?::(\d+))?(?::(\d+))?\)?\s*$/i,
i = /^\s*(.*?)(?:\((.*?)\))?(?:^|@)((?:file|https?|blob|chrome|resource|\[native).*?)(?::(\d+))?(?::(\d+))?\s*$/i,
s = /^\s*at (?:((?:\[object object\])?.+) )?\(?((?:file|ms-appx|https?|blob):.*?):(\d+)(?::(\d+))?\)?\s*$/i,
a = e.stack.split("\n"),
c = [],
l = (/^(.*) is undefined$/.exec(e.message), 0),
f = a.length;
l < f;
) {
if ((t = n.exec(a[l]))) {
var p = t[2] && -1 !== t[2].indexOf("native");
r = { url: p ? null : t[2], func: t[1] || o, args: p ? [t[2]] : [], line: t[3] ? +t[3] : null, column: t[4] ? +t[4] : null };
} else if ((t = s.exec(a[l]))) r = { url: t[2], func: t[1] || o, args: [], line: +t[3], column: t[4] ? +t[4] : null };
else {
if (!(t = i.exec(a[l]))) continue;
r = { url: t[3], func: t[1] || o, args: t[2] ? t[2].split(",") : [], line: t[4] ? +t[4] : null, column: t[5] ? +t[5] : null };
!r.func && r.line && (r.func = o), c.push(r);
return c.length ? (c[0].column || void 0 === e.columnNumber || (c[0].column = e.columnNumber + 1), { name:, message: e.message, url: u(), stack: c }) : null;
function t(e, t, r, n) {
var i = { url: t, line: r };
if (i.url && i.line) {
if (((e.incomplete = !1), i.func || (i.func = o), e.stack.length > 0 && e.stack[0].url === i.url)) {
if (e.stack[0].line === i.line) return !1;
if (!e.stack[0].line && e.stack[0].func === i.func) return (e.stack[0].line = i.line), !1;
return e.stack.unshift(i), (e.partial = !0), !0;
return (e.incomplete = !0), !1;
function n(e, s) {
for (var a, c, l = /function\s+([_$a-zA-Z\xA0-\uFFFF][_$a-zA-Z0-9\xA0-\uFFFF]*)?\s*\(/i, f = [], p = {}, d = !1, h = n.caller; h && !d; h = h.caller)
if (h !== i && h !== {
if (((c = { url: null, func: o, line: null, column: null }), ? (c.func = : (a = l.exec(h.toString())) && (c.func = a[1]), void 0 === c.func))
try {
c.func = a.input.substring(0, a.input.indexOf("{"));
} catch (e) {}
p["" + h] ? (d = !0) : (p["" + h] = !0), f.push(c);
s && f.splice(0, s);
var b = { name:, message: e.message, url: u(), stack: f };
return t(b, e.sourceURL || e.fileName, e.line || e.lineNumber, e.message || e.description), b;
function i(t, i) {
var o = null;
i = null == i ? 0 : +i;
try {
if ((o = e(t))) return o;
} catch (e) {
if (r.debug) throw e;
try {
if ((o = n(t, i + 1))) return o;
} catch (e) {
if (r.debug) throw e;
return { name:, message: t.message, url: u() };
return (i.augmentStackTraceWithInitialElement = t), (i.computeStackTraceFromStackProp = e), i;
(e.exports = r);
}.call(this, r(4)));
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var n =
"function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator
? function (e) {
return typeof e;
: function (e) {
return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e;
(t.captureMessage = function (e, t) {
var r = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {},
n = { exceptionType: arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] && arguments[3] ? "CONSOLE" : "MESSAGE", message: t, browserHref: window.location.href };
a(n, r),
e.addEvent("lr.core.Exception", function () {
return n;
(t.captureException = function (e, t) {
var r = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {},
n = (arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : null) || i.default.computeStackTrace(t),
s = { exceptionType: "WINDOW", errorType:, message: n.message, browserHref: window.location.href };
a(s, r);
var u = { _stackTrace: (0, o.default)(n) };
function () {
return s;
var i = s(r(5)),
o = s(r(18));
function s(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e };
function u(e) {
return /boolean|number|string/.test(void 0 === e ? "undefined" : n(e));
function a(e, t) {
if (t) {
var r = !0,
n = !1,
i = void 0;
try {
for (var o, s = ["level", "logger"][Symbol.iterator](); !(r = (o =; r = !0) {
var a = o.value,
c = t[a];
u(c) && (e[a] = c.toString());
} catch (e) {
(n = !0), (i = e);
} finally {
try {
!r && s.return && s.return();
} finally {
if (n) throw i;
var l = !0,
f = !1,
p = void 0;
try {
for (var d, h = ["tags", "extra"][Symbol.iterator](); !(l = (d =; l = !0) {
var b = d.value,
y = t[b] || {},
v = {},
m = !0,
_ = !1,
g = void 0;
try {
for (var w, S = Object.keys(y)[Symbol.iterator](); !(m = (w =; m = !0) {
var x = w.value,
E = y[x];
u(E) && (v[x.toString()] = E.toString());
} catch (e) {
(_ = !0), (g = e);
} finally {
try {
!m && S.return && S.return();
} finally {
if (_) throw g;
e[b] = v;
} catch (e) {
(f = !0), (p = e);
} finally {
try {
!l && h.return && h.return();
} finally {
if (f) throw p;
function (e, t) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var r =,
n = r();
(t.default =
"undefined" != typeof performance &&
: function () {
return r() - n;
(e.exports = t.default);
function (e, t, r) {
e.exports = r(9);
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var n,
i = r(10);
var o = (0, ((n = i) && n.__esModule ? n : { default: n }).default)();
(t.default = o), (e.exports = t.default);
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }),
(t.default = function () {
var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {},
t = e.enterpriseServer,
r = e.sdkVersion,
n = void 0 === r ? "1.0.3" : r,
i = (function (e, t) {
var r = {};
for (var n in e) t.indexOf(n) >= 0 || (, n) && (r[n] = e[n]));
return r;
})(e, ["enterpriseServer", "sdkVersion"]),
u = "",
a = void 0;
if ("script" === n)
try {
var c = document.currentScript,
l = c.src.match(/^(https?:\/\/([^\\]+))\/.+$/),
f = l && l[2];
f && s[f] && ((u = l && l[1]), (a = s[f]));
} catch (e) {}
else (u = ""), (a = "");
var p = i.sdkServer || t,
d = i.ingestServer || t || a,
h = (0, o.default)(function () {
var e = document.createElement("script");
d && (void 0 === window.__SDKCONFIG__ && (window.__SDKCONFIG__ = {}), (window.__SDKCONFIG__.serverURL = d + "/i"), (window.__SDKCONFIG__.statsURL = d + "/s")),
? (e.src = p + "/logger.min.js")
: window.__SDKCONFIG__ && window.__SDKCONFIG__.loggerURL
? (e.src = window.__SDKCONFIG__.loggerURL)
: window._lrAsyncScript
? (e.src = window._lrAsyncScript)
: (e.src = u + "/logger.min.js"),
(e.async = !0),
(e.onload = function () {
"function" == typeof window._LRLogger
? h.onLogger(new window._LRLogger({ sdkVersion: n }))
: (console.warn("LogRocket: script execution has been blocked by a product or service."), h.uninstall());
(e.onerror = function () {
console.warn("LogRocket: script could not load. Check that you have a valid network connection."), h.uninstall();
return h;
var n,
i = r(11),
o = (n = i) && n.__esModule ? n : { default: n };
var s = {
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
e.exports = t.default;
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }),
(t.default = function () {
var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : function () {};
if ("undefined" != typeof navigator && "ReactNative" === navigator.product) throw new Error(s);
if ("undefined" != typeof window) {
if (window._disableLogRocket) return u();
if (window.MutationObserver && window.WeakMap) {
window._lrMutationObserver = window.MutationObserver;
var t = new o.default();
return e(t), t;
return u();
var n,
i = r(12),
o = (n = i) && n.__esModule ? n : { default: n };
var s = "LogRocket does not yet support React Native.",
u = function () {
return {
init: function () {},
uninstall: function () {},
log: function () {},
info: function () {},
warn: function () {},
error: function () {},
debug: function () {},
addEvent: function () {},
identify: function () {},
start: function () {},
get threadID() {
return null;
get recordingID() {
return null;
get recordingURL() {
return null;
reduxEnhancer: function () {
return function (e) {
return function () {
return e.apply(void 0, arguments);
reduxMiddleware: function () {
return function () {
return function (e) {
return function (t) {
return e(t);
track: function () {},
getSessionURL: function () {},
getVersion: function () {},
startNewSession: function () {},
onLogger: function () {},
setClock: function () {},
captureMessage: function () {},
captureException: function () {},
e.exports = t.default;
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.MAX_QUEUE_SIZE = void 0);
var n = (function () {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var n = t[r];
(n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1), (n.configurable = !0), "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, n.key, n);
return function (t, r, n) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), n && e(t, n), t;
i =
Object.assign ||
function (e) {
for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
var r = arguments[t];
for (var n in r), n) && (e[n] = r[n]);
return e;
o = c(r(13)),
s = r(3),
u = c(r(19)),
a = r(21);
function c(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e };
var l = (t.MAX_QUEUE_SIZE = 1e3),
f = function () {
var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {},
t = e.ingestServer,
r = (function (e, t) {
var r = {};
for (var n in e) t.indexOf(n) >= 0 || (, n) && (r[n] = e[n]));
return r;
})(e, ["ingestServer"]);
return t ? i({ serverURL: t + "/i", statsURL: t + "/s" }, r) : r;
p = (function () {
function e() {
var t = this;
!(function (e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
})(this, e),
(this._buffer = []),
["log", "info", "warn", "error", "debug"].forEach(function (e) {
t[e] = function () {
for (var r = arguments.length, n = Array(r), i = 0; i < r; i++) n[i] = arguments[i];
function () {
var r = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {};
return "error" === e && r.shouldAggregateConsoleErrors && s.Capture.captureMessage(t, n[0], {}, !0), { logLevel: e.toUpperCase(), args: n };
{ shouldCaptureStackTrace: !0 }
(this._isInitialized = !1),
(this._installed = []);
return (
n(e, [
key: "addEvent",
value: function (e, t) {
var r = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {},
n =;
this._run(function (o) {
o.addEvent(e, t, i({}, r, { timeOverride: n }));
key: "onLogger",
value: function (e) {
for (this._logger = e; this._buffer.length > 0; ) {
key: "_run",
value: function (e) {
if (!this._isDisabled)
if (this._logger) e(this._logger);
else {
if (this._buffer.length >= l) return (this._isDisabled = !0), console.warn("LogRocket: script did not load. Check that you have a valid network connection."), void this.uninstall();
key: "init",
value: function (e, t) {
this._isInitialized ||
(this._installed.push((0, s.registerExceptions)(this)),
this._installed.push((0, o.default)(this)),
this._installed.push((0, u.default)(this)),
(this._isInitialized = !0),
this._run(function (r) {
r.init(e, f(t));
key: "start",
value: function () {
this._run(function (e) {
key: "uninstall",
value: function () {
this._installed.forEach(function (e) {
return e();
(this._buffer = []),
this._run(function (e) {
key: "identify",
value: function (e, t) {
this._run(function (r) {
r.identify(e, t);
key: "startNewSession",
value: function () {
this._run(function (e) {
key: "track",
value: function (e) {
this._run(function (t) {
key: "getSessionURL",
value: function (e) {
if ("function" != typeof e) throw new Error("LogRocket: must pass callback to getSessionURL()");
this._run(function (t) {
t.getSessionURL ? t.getSessionURL(e) : e(t.recordingURL);
key: "getVersion",
value: function (e) {
this._run(function (t) {
key: "startTransaction",
value: function (e) {
this.addEvent("lr.filter.Start", function () {
return { id: e };
key: "endTransaction",
value: function (e) {
this.addEvent("lr.filter.End", function () {
return { id: e };
key: "captureMessage",
value: function (e) {
var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {};
s.Capture.captureMessage(this, e, t);
key: "captureException",
value: function (e) {
var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {};
s.Capture.captureException(this, e, t);
key: "reduxEnhancer",
value: function () {
var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {};
return (0, a.createEnhancer)(this, e);
key: "reduxMiddleware",
value: function () {
var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {};
return (0, a.createMiddleware)(this, e);
key: "version",
get: function () {
return this._logger && this._logger.version;
key: "sessionURL",
get: function () {
return this._logger && this._logger.recordingURL;
key: "recordingURL",
get: function () {
return this._logger && this._logger.recordingURL;
key: "recordingID",
get: function () {
return this._logger && this._logger.recordingID;
key: "threadID",
get: function () {
return this._logger && this._logger.threadID;
key: "tabID",
get: function () {
return this._logger && this._logger.tabID;
t.default = p;
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var n =
"function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator
? function (e) {
return typeof e;
: function (e) {
return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e;
t.default = function (e) {
var t = {},
r = function (e) {
var t = e;
if ("object" === (void 0 === e ? "undefined" : n(e)) && null != e) {
var r = Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
(r !== Object.prototype && null !== r) || (t = JSON.stringify(e));
if (t && t.length && t.length > 4096e3 && "string" == typeof t) {
var i = t.substring(0, 1e3);
return i + " ... LogRocket truncating to first 1000 characters.\n Keep data under 4MB to prevent truncation.";
return e;
u = function (n, i) {
var o = i.method;
e.addEvent("", function () {
var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {},
u = e.isEnabled,
a = void 0 === u || u,
c = e.requestSanitizer,
l =
void 0 === c
? function (e) {
return e;
: c;
if (!a) return null;
var f = null;
try {
f = l(i);
} catch (e) {
if (f) {
var p = document.createElement("a");
return (
(p.href = f.url),
reqId: n,
url: p.href,
headers: (0, s.default)(f.headers, function (e) {
return "" + e;
body: r(f.body),
method: o,
referrer: f.referrer || void 0,
mode: f.mode || void 0,
credentials: f.credentials || void 0,
return (t[n] = !0), null;
a = function (n, i) {
var o = i.method,
u = i.status;
e.addEvent("", function () {
var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {},
a = e.isEnabled,
c = void 0 === a || a,
l = e.responseSanitizer,
f =
void 0 === l
? function (e) {
return e;
: l;
if (!c) return null;
if (t[n]) return delete t[n], null;
var p = null;
try {
p = f(i);
} catch (e) {
return p
? {
reqId: n,
status: p.status,
headers: (0, s.default)(p.headers, function (e) {
return "" + e;
body: r(p.body),
method: o,
: { reqId: n, status: u, headers: {}, body: null, method: o };
c = (0, i.default)({ addRequest: u, addResponse: a }),
l = (0, o.default)({ addRequest: u, addResponse: a, shouldCloneResponse: e._shouldCloneResponse });
return function () {
c(), l();
var i = u(r(14)),
o = u(r(1)),
s = u(r(0));
function u(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e };
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var n =
Object.assign ||
function (e) {
for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
var r = arguments[t];
for (var n in r), n) && (e[n] = r[n]);
return e;
t.default = function (e) {
var t = e.addRequest,
r = e.addResponse,
i = {};
return o.default.register({
request: function (e) {
for (var r = arguments.length, o = Array(r > 1 ? r - 1 : 0), s = 1; s < r; s++) o[s - 1] = arguments[s];
return ("undefined" != typeof Request && o[0] instanceof Request
? o[0]
.then(function (e) {
return n({}, a(o[0]), { body: e });
: Promise.resolve(n({}, a(o[1]), { url: "" + o[0], body: (o[1] || {}).body }))
).then(function (r) {
return (i[e] = r.method), t("fetch-" + e, r), o;
requestError: function (e, t) {
return Promise.reject(t);
response: function (e, t) {
var n = void 0;
try {
n = t.clone().text();
} catch (e) {
n = Promise.resolve("LogRocket fetch error: " + e.message);
return n.then(function (n) {
var o = { url: t.url, status: t.status, headers: u(t.headers), body: n, method: i[e] };
return delete i[e], r("fetch-" + e, o), t;
responseError: function (e, t) {
var n = { url: void 0, status: 0, headers: {}, body: "" + t };
return r("fetch-" + e, n), Promise.reject(t);
var i = s(r(0)),
o = s(r(15));
function s(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e };
var u = function (e) {
return (0, i.default)(
(function (e) {
if (null == e || "function" != typeof e.forEach) return e;
var t = {};
return (
e.forEach(function (e, r) {
t[r] ? (t[r] = t[r] + "," + e) : (t[r] = "" + e);
function (e) {
return "" + e;
function a() {
var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {};
return { url: e.url, headers: u(e.headers), method: e.method && e.method.toUpperCase(), referrer: e.referrer || void 0, mode: e.mode || void 0, credentials: e.credentials || void 0 };
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var n = r(1);
function i(e) {
if (Array.isArray(e)) {
for (var t = 0, r = Array(e.length); t < e.length; t++) r[t] = e[t];
return r;
return Array.from(e);
var o = [];
function s(e) {
if (e.fetch && e.Promise) {
var t,
s = e.fetch.polyfill;
(e.fetch =
((t = e.fetch),
(r = 0),
function () {
for (var e = arguments.length, s = Array(e), u = 0; u < e; u++) s[u] = arguments[u];
return function (e, t) {
for (var r = arguments.length, s = Array(r > 2 ? r - 2 : 0), u = 2; u < r; u++) s[u - 2] = arguments[u];
var a = o.reduce(function (e, t) {
return [t].concat(e);
}, []),
c = Promise.resolve(s);
return (
a.forEach(function (e) {
var r = e.request,
n = e.requestError;
(r || n) &&
(c = c.then(
function (e) {
return r.apply(void 0, [t].concat(i(e)));
function (e) {
return n.apply(void 0, [t].concat(i(e)));
(c = c.then(function (t) {
(0, n.setActive)(!1);
var r = void 0,
o = void 0;
try {
r = e.apply(void 0, i(t));
} catch (e) {
o = e;
if (((0, n.setActive)(!0), o)) throw o;
return r;
a.forEach(function (e) {
var r = e.response,
n = e.responseError;
(r || n) &&
(c = c.then(
function (e) {
return r(t, e);
function (e) {
return n && n(t, e);
}.apply(void 0, [t, r++].concat(s));
s && (e.fetch.polyfill = s);
var u = !1;
t.default = {
register: function (e) {
return (
u || ((u = !0), s(window)),
function () {
var t = o.indexOf(e);
t >= 0 && o.splice(t, 1);
clear: function () {
o = [];
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }),
(t.default = function (e) {
var t = new o.default({
captureException: function (t) {
s.captureException(e, null, null, t);
r = function (t) {
e.addEvent("lr.core.Exception", function () {
return { exceptionType: "UNHANDLED_REJECTION", message: t.reason || "Unhandled Promise rejection" };
return (
window.addEventListener("unhandledrejection", r),
function () {
window.removeEventListener("unhandledrejection", r), t.uninstall();
var n,
i = r(17),
o = (n = i) && n.__esModule ? n : { default: n },
s = (function (e) {
if (e && e.__esModule) return e;
var t = {};
if (null != e) for (var r in e), r) && (t[r] = e[r]);
return (t.default = e), t;
function (e, t, r) {
(function (e) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var n,
i = (function () {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var n = t[r];
(n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1), (n.configurable = !0), "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, n.key, n);
return function (t, r, n) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), n && e(t, n), t;
o = r(5),
s = (n = o) && n.__esModule ? n : { default: n };
var u = Object.prototype;
function a(e) {
return "function" == typeof e;
function c(e, t, r, n) {
var i = e[t];
(e[t] = r(i)), n && n.push([e, t, i]);
var l = "undefined" != typeof window ? window : void 0 !== e ? e : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : {},
f =
(function () {
function e(t) {
var r = t.captureException;
!(function (e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
})(this, e),
(this._errorHandler = this._errorHandler.bind(this)),
(this._ignoreOnError = 0),
(this._wrappedBuiltIns = []),
(this.captureException = r),,
return (
i(e, [
key: "uninstall",
value: function () {
var e;
for (; this._wrappedBuiltIns.length; ) {
var t = (e = this._wrappedBuiltIns.shift())[0],
r = e[1],
n = e[2];
t[r] = n;
key: "_errorHandler",
value: function (e) {
this._ignoreOnError || this.captureException(e);
key: "_ignoreNextOnError",
value: function () {
var e = this;
(this._ignoreOnError += 1),
setTimeout(function () {
e._ignoreOnError -= 1;
key: "context",
value: function (e, t, r) {
return a(e) && ((r = t || []), (t = e), (e = void 0)), this.wrap(e, t).apply(this, r);
key: "wrap",
value: function (e, t, r) {
var n,
o = this;
if (void 0 === t && !a(e)) return e;
if ((a(e) && ((t = e), (e = void 0)), !a(t))) return t;
try {
if (t.__lr__) return t;
if (t.__lr_wrapper__) return t.__lr_wrapper__;
} catch (e) {
return t;
function c() {
var n = [],
i = arguments.length,
u = !e || (e && !1 !== e.deep);
for (r && a(r) && r.apply(this, arguments); i--; ) n[i] = u ? o.wrap(e, arguments[i]) : arguments[i];
try {
return t.apply(this, n);
} catch (t) {
throw (o._ignoreNextOnError(), o.captureException(s.default.computeStackTrace(t), e), t);
for (var l in t) (n = t), (i = l),, i) && (c[l] = t[l]);
return (c.prototype = t.prototype), (t.__lr_wrapper__ = c), (c.__lr__ = !0), (c.__inner__ = t), c;
key: "_instrumentTryCatch",
value: function () {
var e = this,
t = e._wrappedBuiltIns;
function r(t) {
return function (r, n) {
for (var i = new Array(arguments.length), o = 0; o < i.length; ++o) i[o] = arguments[o];
var s = i[0];
return a(s) && (i[0] = e.wrap(s)), t.apply ? t.apply(this, i) : t(i[0], i[1]);
c(l, "setTimeout", r, t),
c(l, "setInterval", r, t),
l.requestAnimationFrame &&
function (t) {
return function (r) {
return t(e.wrap(r));
for (
var n,
o = [
s = 0;
s < o.length;
(i = void 0),
(i = l[(n = o[s])] && l[n].prototype) &&
i.hasOwnProperty &&
i.hasOwnProperty("addEventListener") &&
function (t) {
return function (r, n, i, o) {
try {
n && n.handleEvent && (n.handleEvent = e.wrap(n.handleEvent));
} catch (e) {}
return, r, e.wrap(n, void 0, void 0), i, o);
function (e) {
return function (t, r, n, i) {
try {
r = r && (r.__lr_wrapper__ ? r.__lr_wrapper__ : r);
} catch (e) {}
return, t, r, n, i);
var u = l.jQuery || l.$;
u &&
u.fn &&
u.fn.ready &&
function (t) {
return function (r) {
return, e.wrap(r));
t.default = f;
}.call(this, r(4)));
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }),
(t.default = function (e) {
function t(e) {
return null === e ? void 0 : e;
return e.stack
? (e) {
return { lineNumber: t(e.line), columnNumber: t(e.column), fileName: t(e.url), functionName: t(e.func) };
: void 0;
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var n,
i = r(20),
o = (n = i) && n.__esModule ? n : { default: n };
t.default = o.default;
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var n =
"function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator
? function (e) {
return typeof e;
: function (e) {
return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e;
t.default = function (e) {
var t = [];
return (
["log", "warn", "info", "error", "debug"].forEach(function (r) {
(0, s.default)(console, r, function () {
for (var t = arguments.length, i = Array(t), o = 0; o < t; o++) i[o] = arguments[o];
e.addEvent("lr.core.LogEvent", function () {
var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {},
o = t.isEnabled;
return ("object" === (void 0 === o ? "undefined" : n(o)) && !1 === o[r]) || !1 === o
? null
: ("error" === r && t.shouldAggregateConsoleErrors && u.Capture.captureMessage(e, i[0], {}, !0), { logLevel: r.toUpperCase(), args: i });
function () {
t.forEach(function (e) {
return e();
var i,
o = r(2),
s = (i = o) && i.__esModule ? i : { default: i },
u = r(3);
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.createEnhancer = t.createMiddleware = void 0);
var n = o(r(22)),
i = o(r(23));
function o(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e };
(t.createMiddleware = i.default), (t.createEnhancer = n.default);
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var n =
Object.assign ||
function (e) {
for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
var r = arguments[t];
for (var n in r), n) && (e[n] = r[n]);
return e;
t.default = function (e) {
var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {},
r = t.stateSanitizer,
i =
void 0 === r
? function (e) {
return e;
: r,
o = t.actionSanitizer,
a =
void 0 === o
? function (e) {
return e;
: o;
return function (t) {
return function (r, o, c) {
var l = t(r, o, c),
f = l.dispatch,
p = u++;
e.addEvent("lr.redux.InitialState", function () {
var e = void 0;
try {
e = i(l.getState());
} catch (e) {
return { state: e, storeId: p };
return n({}, l, {
dispatch: function (t) {
var r = (0, s.default)(),
n = void 0,
o = void 0;
try {
o = f(t);
} catch (e) {
n = e;
} finally {
var u = (0, s.default)() - r;
e.addEvent("lr.redux.ReduxAction", function () {
var e = null,
r = null;
try {
(e = i(l.getState())), (r = a(t));
} catch (e) {
return e && r ? { storeId: p, action: r, duration: u, stateDelta: e } : null;
if (n) throw n;
return o;
var i,
o = r(7),
s = (i = o) && i.__esModule ? i : { default: i };
var u = 0;
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }),
(t.default = function (e) {
var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {},
r = t.stateSanitizer,
n =
void 0 === r
? function (e) {
return e;
: r,
i = t.actionSanitizer,
u =
void 0 === i
? function (e) {
return e;
: i;
return function (t) {
var r = s++;
return (
e.addEvent("lr.redux.InitialState", function () {
var e = void 0;
try {
e = n(t.getState());
} catch (e) {
return { state: e, storeId: r };
function (i) {
return function (s) {
var a = (0, o.default)(),
c = void 0,
l = void 0;
try {
l = i(s);
} catch (e) {
c = e;
} finally {
var f = (0, o.default)() - a;
e.addEvent("lr.redux.ReduxAction", function () {
var e = null,
i = null;
try {
(e = n(t.getState())), (i = u(s));
} catch (e) {
return e && i ? { storeId: r, action: i, duration: f, stateDelta: e } : null;
if (c) throw c;
return l;
var n,
i = r(7),
o = (n = i) && n.__esModule ? n : { default: n };
var s = 0;
(module.exports = factory());
LogRocket = unwrapExports(build_umd),
randomString = function () {
return Math.random().toString(36).substring(7).split("").join(".");
ActionTypes = {
INIT: "@@redux/INIT" + randomString(),
REPLACE: "@@redux/REPLACE" + randomString(),
return "@@redux/PROBE_UNKNOWN_ACTION" + randomString();
function isPlainObject(e) {
if ("object" != typeof e || null === e) return !1;
for (var t = e; null !== Object.getPrototypeOf(t); ) t = Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
return Object.getPrototypeOf(e) === t;
function createStore(e, t, r) {
var n;
if (("function" == typeof t && "function" == typeof r) || ("function" == typeof r && "function" == typeof arguments[3]))
throw new Error("It looks like you are passing several store enhancers to createStore(). This is not supported. Instead, compose them together to a single function.");
if (("function" == typeof t && void 0 === r && ((r = t), (t = void 0)), void 0 !== r)) {
if ("function" != typeof r) throw new Error("Expected the enhancer to be a function.");
return r(createStore)(e, t);
if ("function" != typeof e) throw new Error("Expected the reducer to be a function.");
var i = e,
o = t,
s = [],
u = s,
a = !1;
function c() {
u === s && (u = s.slice());
function l() {
if (a) throw new Error("You may not call store.getState() while the reducer is executing. The reducer has already received the state as an argument. Pass it down from the top reducer instead of reading it from the store.");
return o;
function f(e) {
if ("function" != typeof e) throw new Error("Expected the listener to be a function.");
if (a)
throw new Error(
"You may not call store.subscribe() while the reducer is executing. If you would like to be notified after the store has been updated, subscribe from a component and invoke store.getState() in the callback to access the latest state. See for more details."
var t = !0;
return (
function () {
if (t) {
if (a) throw new Error("You may not unsubscribe from a store listener while the reducer is executing. See for more details.");
(t = !1), c();
var r = u.indexOf(e);
u.splice(r, 1), (s = null);
function p(e) {
if (!isPlainObject(e)) throw new Error("Actions must be plain objects. Use custom middleware for async actions.");
if (void 0 === e.type) throw new Error('Actions may not have an undefined "type" property. Have you misspelled a constant?');
if (a) throw new Error("Reducers may not dispatch actions.");
try {
(a = !0), (o = i(o, e));
} finally {
a = !1;
for (var t = (s = u), r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
(0, t[r])();
return e;
return (
p({ type: ActionTypes.INIT }),
((n = {
dispatch: p,
subscribe: f,
getState: l,
replaceReducer: function (e) {
if ("function" != typeof e) throw new Error("Expected the nextReducer to be a function.");
(i = e), p({ type: ActionTypes.REPLACE });
})[result] = function () {
var e,
t = f;
return (
((e = {
subscribe: function (e) {
if ("object" != typeof e || null === e) throw new TypeError("Expected the observer to be an object.");
function r() { &&;
return r(), { unsubscribe: t(r) };
})[result] = function () {
return this;
function _defineProperty(e, t, r) {
return t in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: r, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : (e[t] = r), e;
function ownKeys(e, t) {
var r = Object.keys(e);
return (
Object.getOwnPropertySymbols && r.push.apply(r, Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e)),
t &&
(r = r.filter(function (t) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable;
function _objectSpread2(e) {
for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
var r = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {};
t % 2
? ownKeys(r, !0).forEach(function (t) {
_defineProperty(e, t, r[t]);
: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors
? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(r))
: ownKeys(r).forEach(function (t) {
Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, t));
return e;
function compose() {
for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), r = 0; r < e; r++) t[r] = arguments[r];
return 0 === t.length
? function (e) {
return e;
: 1 === t.length
? t[0]
: t.reduce(function (e, t) {
return function () {
return e(t.apply(void 0, arguments));
function applyMiddleware() {
for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), r = 0; r < e; r++) t[r] = arguments[r];
return function (e) {
return function () {
var r = e.apply(void 0, arguments),
n = function () {
throw new Error("Dispatching while constructing your middleware is not allowed. Other middleware would not be applied to this dispatch.");
i = {
getState: r.getState,
dispatch: function () {
return n.apply(void 0, arguments);
o = (e) {
return e(i);
return _objectSpread2({}, r, { dispatch: (n = compose.apply(void 0, o)(r.dispatch)) });
var keyHasType = function (e, t) {
return e === t || ("function" == typeof t && e === t.toString());
ofType = function () {
for (var e = arguments.length, t = Array(e), r = 0; r < e; r++) t[r] = arguments[r];
return function (e) {
return e.pipe(
filter(function (e) {
var r = e.type,
n = t.length;
if (1 === n) return keyHasType(r, t[0]);
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) if (keyHasType(r, t[i])) return !0;
return !1;
_createClass = (function () {
function e(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var n = t[r];
(n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1), (n.configurable = !0), "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, n.key, n);
return function (t, r, n) {
return r && e(t.prototype, r), n && e(t, n), t;
function _classCallCheck(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function _possibleConstructorReturn(e, t) {
if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return !t || ("object" != typeof t && "function" != typeof t) ? e : t;
function _inherits(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t);
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : (e.__proto__ = t));
var ActionsObservable = (function (e) {
function t(e) {
_classCallCheck(this, t);
var r = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this));
return (r.source = e), r;
return (
_inherits(t, Observable),
_createClass(t, null, [
key: "of",
value: function () {
return new this(of.apply(void 0, arguments));
key: "from",
value: function (e, t) {
return new this(from(e, t));
_createClass(t, [
key: "lift",
value: function (e) {
var r = new t(this);
return (r.operator = e), r;
key: "ofType",
value: function () {
return ofType.apply(void 0, arguments)(this);
function _classCallCheck$1(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function _possibleConstructorReturn$1(e, t) {
if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return !t || ("object" != typeof t && "function" != typeof t) ? e : t;
function _inherits$1(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t);
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : (e.__proto__ = t));
var StateObservable = (function (e) {
function t(e, r) {
_classCallCheck$1(this, t);
var n = _possibleConstructorReturn$1(
(t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, function (e) {
var t = n.__notifier.subscribe(e);
return t && !t.closed &&, t;
return (
(n.value = r),
(n.__notifier = new Subject()),
(n.__subscription = e.subscribe(function (e) {
e !== n.value && ((n.value = e),;
return _inherits$1(t, Observable), t;
_typeof =
"function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator
? function (e) {
return typeof e;
: function (e) {
return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e;
consoleWarn =
"object" === ("undefined" == typeof console ? "undefined" : _typeof(console)) && "function" == typeof console.warn
? function () {
var e;
return (e = console).warn.apply(e, arguments);
: function () {};
function createEpicMiddleware() {
var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {},
t = new (0, queueScheduler.constructor)(queueScheduler.SchedulerAction),
r = new Subject(),
n = void 0,
i = function (i) {
n = i;
var o = new Subject().pipe(observeOn(t)),
s = new Subject().pipe(observeOn(t)),
u = new ActionsObservable(o),
a = new StateObservable(s, n.getState());
return (
map(function (t) {
var r = "dependencies" in e ? t(u, a, e.dependencies) : t(u, a);
if (!r) throw new TypeError('Your root Epic "' + ( || "<anonymous>") + "\" does not return a stream. Double check you're not missing a return statement!");
return r;
mergeMap(function (e) {
return from(e).pipe(subscribeOn(t), observeOn(t));
function (e) {
return function (t) {
var r = e(t);
return,, r;
return (
( = function (e) {;
function _toConsumableArray(e) {
if (Array.isArray(e)) {
for (var t = 0, r = Array(e.length); t < e.length; t++) r[t] = e[t];
return r;
return Array.from(e);
var combineEpics = function () {
for (var e = arguments.length, t = Array(e), r = 0; r < e; r++) t[r] = arguments[r];
var n = function () {
for (var e = arguments.length, r = Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++) r[n] = arguments[n];
return merge.apply(
void 0,
_toConsumableArray( (e) {
var t = e.apply(void 0, r);
if (!t) throw new TypeError('combineEpics: one of the provided Epics "' + ( || "<anonymous>") + "\" does not return a stream. Double check you're not missing a return statement!");
return t;
try {
Object.defineProperty(n, "name", {
"combineEpics(" +
.map(function (e) {
return || "<anonymous>";
.join(", ") +
} catch (e) {}
return n;
trackEvent = "mutation TrackLabelingAPIEvent($name: String!, $properties: Json) {\n track(data: { name: $name, properties: $properties }) {\n success\n }\n}\n",
logRocketKey = getEnvVar("LOG_ROCKET_KEY"),
logRocketHost = getEnvVar("LOG_ROCKET_HOST"),
useLogRocket = function () {
return Boolean(logRocketKey) && (void 0 === logRocketHost || "labeling-api" === logRocketHost);
if (useLogRocket()) {
var releaseTag = getEnvVar("RELEASE_TAG"),
releaseOptions = releaseTag ? { release: releaseTag } : {},
options = __assign({ rootHostname: "" }, releaseOptions);
LogRocket.init(logRocketKey, options);
function track(e, t, r) {
var n =,
i =,
o =;
if ((void 0 === r && (r = {}), n)) {
var s = getEnvVar("SEGMENT_KEY");
if (s) {
var u = btoa(s + ":"),
a = (useLogRocket() && LogRocket.sessionURL) || void 0;
.fetch("", {
body: JSON.stringify({ sessionURL: a, event: t, properties: __assign({ name: i, email: o }, r), userId: n }),
headers: { Authorization: "Basic " + u, "Content-Type": "application/json" },
method: "POST",
.catch(function (e) {
debugLog("Error recording tracking event: " + e);
} else sendQuery({ query: trackEvent, variables: { name: t, properties: r } });
var identifyUser = callOnce(function (e) {
useLogRocket() && LogRocket.identify(, { name:, email:, preferDarkMode: JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("darkTheme") || "false") });
function _isPlaceholder(e) {
return null != e && "object" == typeof e && !0 === e["@@functional/placeholder"];
function _curry1(e) {
return function t(r) {
return 0 === arguments.length || _isPlaceholder(r) ? t : e.apply(this, arguments);
var always = _curry1(function (e) {
return function () {
return e;
F = always(!1),
T = always(!0);
function _curry2(e) {
return function t(r, n) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
return t;
case 1:
return _isPlaceholder(r)
? t
: _curry1(function (t) {
return e(r, t);
return _isPlaceholder(r) && _isPlaceholder(n)
? t
: _isPlaceholder(r)
? _curry1(function (t) {
return e(t, n);
: _isPlaceholder(n)
? _curry1(function (t) {
return e(r, t);
: e(r, n);
var add = _curry2(function (e, t) {
return Number(e) + Number(t);
function _concat(e, t) {
var r;
(e = e || []), (t = t || []);
var n = e.length,
i = t.length,
o = [];
for (r = 0; r < n; ) (o[o.length] = e[r]), (r += 1);
for (r = 0; r < i; ) (o[o.length] = t[r]), (r += 1);
return o;
function _arity(e, t) {
switch (e) {
case 0:
return function () {
return t.apply(this, arguments);
case 1:
return function (e) {
return t.apply(this, arguments);
case 2:
return function (e, r) {
return t.apply(this, arguments);
case 3:
return function (e, r, n) {
return t.apply(this, arguments);
case 4:
return function (e, r, n, i) {
return t.apply(this, arguments);
case 5:
return function (e, r, n, i, o) {
return t.apply(this, arguments);
case 6:
return function (e, r, n, i, o, s) {
return t.apply(this, arguments);
case 7:
return function (e, r, n, i, o, s, u) {
return t.apply(this, arguments);
case 8:
return function (e, r, n, i, o, s, u, a) {
return t.apply(this, arguments);
case 9:
return function (e, r, n, i, o, s, u, a, c) {
return t.apply(this, arguments);
case 10:
return function (e, r, n, i, o, s, u, a, c, l) {
return t.apply(this, arguments);
throw new Error("First argument to _arity must be a non-negative integer no greater than ten");
function _curryN(e, t, r) {
return function () {
for (var n = [], i = 0, o = e, s = 0; s < t.length || i < arguments.length; ) {
var u;
s < t.length && (!_isPlaceholder(t[s]) || i >= arguments.length) ? (u = t[s]) : ((u = arguments[i]), (i += 1)), (n[s] = u), _isPlaceholder(u) || (o -= 1), (s += 1);
return o <= 0 ? r.apply(this, n) : _arity(o, _curryN(e, n, r));
var curryN = _curry2(function (e, t) {
return 1 === e ? _curry1(t) : _arity(e, _curryN(e, [], t));
function _curry3(e) {
return function t(r, n, i) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
return t;
case 1:
return _isPlaceholder(r)
? t
: _curry2(function (t, n) {
return e(r, t, n);
case 2:
return _isPlaceholder(r) && _isPlaceholder(n)
? t
: _isPlaceholder(r)
? _curry2(function (t, r) {
return e(t, n, r);
: _isPlaceholder(n)
? _curry2(function (t, n) {
return e(r, t, n);
: _curry1(function (t) {
return e(r, n, t);
return _isPlaceholder(r) && _isPlaceholder(n) && _isPlaceholder(i)
? t
: _isPlaceholder(r) && _isPlaceholder(n)
? _curry2(function (t, r) {
return e(t, r, i);
: _isPlaceholder(r) && _isPlaceholder(i)
? _curry2(function (t, r) {
return e(t, n, r);
: _isPlaceholder(n) && _isPlaceholder(i)
? _curry2(function (t, n) {
return e(r, t, n);
: _isPlaceholder(r)
? _curry1(function (t) {
return e(t, n, i);
: _isPlaceholder(n)
? _curry1(function (t) {
return e(r, t, i);
: _isPlaceholder(i)
? _curry1(function (t) {
return e(r, n, t);
: e(r, n, i);
var _isArray =
Array.isArray ||
function (e) {
return null != e && e.length >= 0 && "[object Array]" ===;
function _isTransformer(e) {
return "function" == typeof e["@@transducer/step"];
function _dispatchable(e, t, r) {
return function () {
if (0 === arguments.length) return r();
var n =, 0),
i = n.pop();
if (!_isArray(i)) {
for (var o = 0; o < e.length; ) {
if ("function" == typeof i[e[o]]) return i[e[o]].apply(i, n);
o += 1;
if (_isTransformer(i)) return t.apply(null, n)(i);
return r.apply(this, arguments);
var _xfBase = {
init: function () {
return this.xf["@@transducer/init"]();
result: function (e) {
return this.xf["@@transducer/result"](e);
max$1 = _curry2(function (e, t) {
return t > e ? t : e;
function _map(e, t) {
for (var r = 0, n = t.length, i = Array(n); r < n; ) (i[r] = e(t[r])), (r += 1);
return i;
function _isString(e) {
return "[object String]" ===;
var _isArrayLike = _curry1(function (e) {
return !!_isArray(e) || (!!e && "object" == typeof e && !_isString(e) && (1 === e.nodeType ? !!e.length : 0 === e.length || (e.length > 0 && e.hasOwnProperty(0) && e.hasOwnProperty(e.length - 1))));
XWrap = (function () {
function e(e) {
this.f = e;
return (
(e.prototype["@@transducer/init"] = function () {
throw new Error("init not implemented on XWrap");
(e.prototype["@@transducer/result"] = function (e) {
return e;
(e.prototype["@@transducer/step"] = function (e, t) {
return this.f(e, t);
function _xwrap(e) {
return new XWrap(e);
var bind = _curry2(function (e, t) {
return _arity(e.length, function () {
return e.apply(t, arguments);
function _arrayReduce(e, t, r) {
for (var n = 0, i = r.length; n < i; ) {
if ((t = e["@@transducer/step"](t, r[n])) && t["@@transducer/reduced"]) {
t = t["@@transducer/value"];
n += 1;
return e["@@transducer/result"](t);
function _iterableReduce(e, t, r) {
for (var n =; !n.done; ) {
if ((t = e["@@transducer/step"](t, n.value)) && t["@@transducer/reduced"]) {
t = t["@@transducer/value"];
n =;
return e["@@transducer/result"](t);
function _methodReduce(e, t, r, n) {
return e["@@transducer/result"](r[n](bind(e["@@transducer/step"], e), t));
var symIterator = "undefined" != typeof Symbol ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator";
function _reduce(e, t, r) {
if (("function" == typeof e && (e = _xwrap(e)), _isArrayLike(r))) return _arrayReduce(e, t, r);
if ("function" == typeof r["fantasy-land/reduce"]) return _methodReduce(e, t, r, "fantasy-land/reduce");
if (null != r[symIterator]) return _iterableReduce(e, t, r[symIterator]());
if ("function" == typeof return _iterableReduce(e, t, r);
if ("function" == typeof r.reduce) return _methodReduce(e, t, r, "reduce");
throw new TypeError("reduce: list must be array or iterable");
var XMap = (function () {
function e(e, t) {
(this.xf = t), (this.f = e);
return (
(e.prototype["@@transducer/init"] = _xfBase.init),
(e.prototype["@@transducer/result"] = _xfBase.result),
(e.prototype["@@transducer/step"] = function (e, t) {
return this.xf["@@transducer/step"](e, this.f(t));
_xmap = _curry2(function (e, t) {
return new XMap(e, t);
function _has(e, t) {
return, e);
var toString$1 = Object.prototype.toString,
_isArguments = function () {
return "[object Arguments]" === toString$
? function (e) {
return "[object Arguments]" === toString$;
: function (e) {
return _has("callee", e);
hasEnumBug = !{ toString: null }.propertyIsEnumerable("toString"),
nonEnumerableProps = ["constructor", "valueOf", "isPrototypeOf", "toString", "propertyIsEnumerable", "hasOwnProperty", "toLocaleString"],
hasArgsEnumBug = (function () {
return arguments.propertyIsEnumerable("length");
contains = function (e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < e.length; ) {
if (e[r] === t) return !0;
r += 1;
return !1;
_keys =
"function" != typeof Object.keys || hasArgsEnumBug
? function (e) {
if (Object(e) !== e) return [];
var t,
n = [],
i = hasArgsEnumBug && _isArguments(e);
for (t in e) !_has(t, e) || (i && "length" === t) || (n[n.length] = t);
if (hasEnumBug) for (r = nonEnumerableProps.length - 1; r >= 0; ) _has((t = nonEnumerableProps[r]), e) && !contains(n, t) && (n[n.length] = t), (r -= 1);
return n;
: function (e) {
return Object(e) !== e ? [] : Object.keys(e);
keys = _curry1(_keys),
map$6 = _curry2(
_dispatchable(["fantasy-land/map", "map"], _xmap, function (e, t) {
switch ( {
case "[object Function]":
return curryN(t.length, function () {
return, t.apply(this, arguments));
case "[object Object]":
return _reduce(
function (r, n) {
return (r[n] = e(t[n])), r;
return _map(e, t);
path = _curry2(function (e, t) {
for (var r = t, n = 0; n < e.length; ) {
if (null == r) return;
(r = r[e[n]]), (n += 1);
return r;
prop = _curry2(function (e, t) {
return path([e], t);
pluck$1 = _curry2(function (e, t) {
return map$6(prop(e), t);
reduce$1 = _curry3(_reduce),
ap = _curry2(function (e, t) {
return "function" == typeof t["fantasy-land/ap"]
? t["fantasy-land/ap"](e)
: "function" == typeof e.ap
? e.ap(t)
: "function" == typeof e
? function (r) {
return e(r)(t(r));
: _reduce(
function (e, r) {
return _concat(e, map$6(r, t));
values = _curry1(function (e) {
for (var t = keys(e), r = t.length, n = [], i = 0; i < r; ) (n[i] = e[t[i]]), (i += 1);
return n;
function _isFunction(e) {
return "[object Function]" ===;
var liftN = _curry2(function (e, t) {
var r = curryN(e, t);
return curryN(e, function () {
return _reduce(ap, map$6(r, arguments[0]),, 1));
lift = _curry1(function (e) {
return liftN(e.length, e);
curry = _curry1(function (e) {
return curryN(e.length, e);
call = curry(function (e) {
return e.apply(this,, 1));
function _makeFlat(e) {
return function t(r) {
for (var n, i, o, s = [], u = 0, a = r.length; u < a; ) {
if (_isArrayLike(r[u])) for (o = 0, i = (n = e ? t(r[u]) : r[u]).length; o < i; ) (s[s.length] = n[o]), (o += 1);
else s[s.length] = r[u];
u += 1;
return s;
function _forceReduced(e) {
return { "@@transducer/value": e, "@@transducer/reduced": !0 };
var preservingReduced = function (e) {
return {
"@@transducer/init": _xfBase.init,
"@@transducer/result": function (t) {
return e["@@transducer/result"](t);
"@@transducer/step": function (t, r) {
var n = e["@@transducer/step"](t, r);
return n["@@transducer/reduced"] ? _forceReduced(n) : n;
_flatCat = function (e) {
var t = preservingReduced(e);
return {
"@@transducer/init": _xfBase.init,
"@@transducer/result": function (e) {
return t["@@transducer/result"](e);
"@@transducer/step": function (e, r) {
return _isArrayLike(r) ? _reduce(t, e, r) : _reduce(t, e, [r]);
_xchain = _curry2(function (e, t) {
return map$6(e, _flatCat(t));
chain = _curry2(
_dispatchable(["fantasy-land/chain", "chain"], _xchain, function (e, t) {
return "function" == typeof t
? function (r) {
return e(t(r))(r);
: _makeFlat(!1)(map$6(e, t));
type = _curry1(function (e) {
return null === e ? "Null" : void 0 === e ? "Undefined" :, -1);
not$1 = _curry1(function (e) {
return !e;
complement = lift(not$1);
function _pipe(e, t) {
return function () {
return, e.apply(this, arguments));
function _checkForMethod(e, t) {
return function () {
var r = arguments.length;
if (0 === r) return t();
var n = arguments[r - 1];
return _isArray(n) || "function" != typeof n[e] ? t.apply(this, arguments) : n[e].apply(n,, 0, r - 1));
var slice = _curry3(
_checkForMethod("slice", function (e, t, r) {
return, e, t);
tail = _curry1(_checkForMethod("tail", slice(1, 1 / 0)));
function pipe$1() {
if (0 === arguments.length) throw new Error("pipe requires at least one argument");
return _arity(arguments[0].length, reduce$1(_pipe, arguments[0], tail(arguments)));
var reverse = _curry1(function (e) {
return _isString(e) ? e.split("").reverse().join("") :, 0).reverse();
function compose$1() {
if (0 === arguments.length) throw new Error("compose requires at least one argument");
return pipe$1.apply(this, reverse(arguments));
function _arrayFromIterator(e) {
for (var t, r = []; !(t =; ) r.push(t.value);
return r;
function _containsWith(e, t, r) {
for (var n = 0, i = r.length; n < i; ) {
if (e(t, r[n])) return !0;
n += 1;
return !1;
function _functionName(e) {
var t = String(e).match(/^function (\w*)/);
return null == t ? "" : t[1];
var identical = _curry2(function (e, t) {
return e === t ? 0 !== e || 1 / e == 1 / t : e != e && t != t;
function _uniqContentEquals(e, t, r, n) {
var i = _arrayFromIterator(e);
function o(e, t) {
return _equals(e, t, r.slice(), n.slice());
return !_containsWith(
function (e, t) {
return !_containsWith(o, t, e);
function _equals(e, t, r, n) {
if (identical(e, t)) return !0;
var i = type(e);
if (i !== type(t)) return !1;
if (null == e || null == t) return !1;
if ("function" == typeof e["fantasy-land/equals"] || "function" == typeof t["fantasy-land/equals"])
return "function" == typeof e["fantasy-land/equals"] && e["fantasy-land/equals"](t) && "function" == typeof t["fantasy-land/equals"] && t["fantasy-land/equals"](e);
if ("function" == typeof e.equals || "function" == typeof t.equals) return "function" == typeof e.equals && e.equals(t) && "function" == typeof t.equals && t.equals(e);
switch (i) {
case "Arguments":
case "Array":
case "Object":
if ("function" == typeof e.constructor && "Promise" === _functionName(e.constructor)) return e === t;
case "Boolean":
case "Number":
case "String":
if (typeof e != typeof t || !identical(e.valueOf(), t.valueOf())) return !1;
case "Date":
if (!identical(e.valueOf(), t.valueOf())) return !1;
case "Error":
return === && e.message === t.message;
case "RegExp":
if (e.source !== t.source || !== || e.ignoreCase !== t.ignoreCase || e.multiline !== t.multiline || e.sticky !== t.sticky || e.unicode !== t.unicode) return !1;
for (var o = r.length - 1; o >= 0; ) {
if (r[o] === e) return n[o] === t;
o -= 1;
switch (i) {
case "Map":
return e.size === t.size && _uniqContentEquals(e.entries(), t.entries(), r.concat([e]), n.concat([t]));
case "Set":
return e.size === t.size && _uniqContentEquals(e.values(), t.values(), r.concat([e]), n.concat([t]));
case "Arguments":
case "Array":
case "Object":
case "Boolean":
case "Number":
case "String":
case "Date":
case "Error":
case "RegExp":
case "Int8Array":
case "Uint8Array":
case "Uint8ClampedArray":
case "Int16Array":
case "Uint16Array":
case "Int32Array":
case "Uint32Array":
case "Float32Array":
case "Float64Array":
case "ArrayBuffer":
return !1;
var s = keys(e);
if (s.length !== keys(t).length) return !1;
var u = r.concat([e]),
a = n.concat([t]);
for (o = s.length - 1; o >= 0; ) {
var c = s[o];
if (!_has(c, t) || !_equals(t[c], e[c], u, a)) return !1;
o -= 1;
return !0;
var equals = _curry2(function (e, t) {
return _equals(e, t, [], []);
function _indexOf(e, t, r) {
var n, i;
if ("function" == typeof e.indexOf)
switch (typeof t) {
case "number":
if (0 === t) {
for (n = 1 / t; r < e.length; ) {
if (0 === (i = e[r]) && 1 / i === n) return r;
r += 1;
return -1;
if (t != t) {
for (; r < e.length; ) {
if ("number" == typeof (i = e[r]) && i != i) return r;
r += 1;
return -1;
return e.indexOf(t, r);
case "string":
case "boolean":
case "function":
case "undefined":
return e.indexOf(t, r);
case "object":
if (null === t) return e.indexOf(t, r);
for (; r < e.length; ) {
if (equals(e[r], t)) return r;
r += 1;
return -1;
function _contains(e, t) {
return _indexOf(t, e, 0) >= 0;
function _quote(e) {
return '"' + e.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/[\b]/g, "\\b").replace(/\f/g, "\\f").replace(/\n/g, "\\n").replace(/\r/g, "\\r").replace(/\t/g, "\\t").replace(/\v/g, "\\v").replace(/\0/g, "\\0").replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"';
var pad = function (e) {
return (e < 10 ? "0" : "") + e;
_toISOString =
"function" == typeof Date.prototype.toISOString
? function (e) {
return e.toISOString();
: function (e) {
return (
e.getUTCFullYear() +
"-" +
pad(e.getUTCMonth() + 1) +
"-" +
pad(e.getUTCDate()) +
"T" +
pad(e.getUTCHours()) +
":" +
pad(e.getUTCMinutes()) +
":" +
pad(e.getUTCSeconds()) +
"." +
(e.getUTCMilliseconds() / 1e3).toFixed(3).slice(2, 5) +
function _complement(e) {
return function () {
return !e.apply(this, arguments);
function _filter(e, t) {
for (var r = 0, n = t.length, i = []; r < n; ) e(t[r]) && (i[i.length] = t[r]), (r += 1);
return i;
function _isObject(e) {
return "[object Object]" ===;
var XFilter = (function () {
function e(e, t) {
(this.xf = t), (this.f = e);
return (
(e.prototype["@@transducer/init"] = _xfBase.init),
(e.prototype["@@transducer/result"] = _xfBase.result),
(e.prototype["@@transducer/step"] = function (e, t) {
return this.f(t) ? this.xf["@@transducer/step"](e, t) : e;
_xfilter = _curry2(function (e, t) {
return new XFilter(e, t);
filter$6 = _curry2(
_dispatchable(["filter"], _xfilter, function (e, t) {
return _isObject(t)
? _reduce(
function (r, n) {
return e(t[n]) && (r[n] = t[n]), r;
: _filter(e, t);
reject = _curry2(function (e, t) {
return filter$6(_complement(e), t);
function _toString(e, t) {
var r = function (r) {
var n = t.concat([e]);
return _contains(r, n) ? "<Circular>" : _toString(r, n);
n = function (e, t) {
return _map(function (t) {
return _quote(t) + ": " + r(e[t]);
}, t.slice().sort());
switch ( {
case "[object Arguments]":
return "(function() { return arguments; }(" + _map(r, e).join(", ") + "))";
case "[object Array]":
return (
"[" +
_map(r, e)
reject(function (e) {
return /^\d+$/.test(e);
}, keys(e))
.join(", ") +
case "[object Boolean]":
return "object" == typeof e ? "new Boolean(" + r(e.valueOf()) + ")" : e.toString();
case "[object Date]":
return "new Date(" + (isNaN(e.valueOf()) ? r(NaN) : _quote(_toISOString(e))) + ")";
case "[object Null]":
return "null";
case "[object Number]":
return "object" == typeof e ? "new Number(" + r(e.valueOf()) + ")" : 1 / e == -1 / 0 ? "-0" : e.toString(10);
case "[object String]":
return "object" == typeof e ? "new String(" + r(e.valueOf()) + ")" : _quote(e);
case "[object Undefined]":
return "undefined";
if ("function" == typeof e.toString) {
var i = e.toString();
if ("[object Object]" !== i) return i;
return "{" + n(e, keys(e)).join(", ") + "}";
var toString$2 = _curry1(function (e) {
return _toString(e, []);
converge = _curry2(function (e, t) {
return curryN(reduce$1(max$1, 0, pluck$1("length", t)), function () {
var r = arguments,
n = this;
return e.apply(
_map(function (e) {
return e.apply(n, r);
}, t)
XReduceBy = (function () {
function e(e, t, r, n) {
(this.valueFn = e), (this.valueAcc = t), (this.keyFn = r), (this.xf = n), (this.inputs = {});
return (
(e.prototype["@@transducer/init"] = _xfBase.init),
(e.prototype["@@transducer/result"] = function (e) {
var t;
for (t in this.inputs)
if (_has(t, this.inputs) && (e = this.xf["@@transducer/step"](e, this.inputs[t]))["@@transducer/reduced"]) {
e = e["@@transducer/value"];
return (this.inputs = null), this.xf["@@transducer/result"](e);
(e.prototype["@@transducer/step"] = function (e, t) {
var r = this.keyFn(t);
return (this.inputs[r] = this.inputs[r] || [r, this.valueAcc]), (this.inputs[r][1] = this.valueFn(this.inputs[r][1], t)), e;
_xreduceBy = _curryN(4, [], function (e, t, r, n) {
return new XReduceBy(e, t, r, n);
reduceBy = _curryN(
_dispatchable([], _xreduceBy, function (e, t, r, n) {
return _reduce(
function (n, i) {
var o = r(i);
return (n[o] = e(_has(o, n) ? n[o] : t, i)), n;
countBy = reduceBy(function (e, t) {
return e + 1;
}, 0),
dec = add(-1),
XDropRepeatsWith = (function () {
function e(e, t) {
(this.xf = t), (this.pred = e), (this.lastValue = void 0), (this.seenFirstValue = !1);
return (
(e.prototype["@@transducer/init"] = _xfBase.init),
(e.prototype["@@transducer/result"] = _xfBase.result),
(e.prototype["@@transducer/step"] = function (e, t) {
var r = !1;
return this.seenFirstValue ? this.pred(this.lastValue, t) && (r = !0) : (this.seenFirstValue = !0), (this.lastValue = t), r ? e : this.xf["@@transducer/step"](e, t);
_xdropRepeatsWith = _curry2(function (e, t) {
return new XDropRepeatsWith(e, t);
nth = _curry2(function (e, t) {
var r = e < 0 ? t.length + e : e;
return _isString(t) ? t.charAt(r) : t[r];
last$1 = nth(-1),
dropRepeatsWith = _curry2(
_dispatchable([], _xdropRepeatsWith, function (e, t) {
var r = [],
n = 1,
i = t.length;
if (0 !== i) for (r[0] = t[0]; n < i; ) e(last$1(r), t[n]) || (r[r.length] = t[n]), (n += 1);
return r;
dropRepeats = _curry1(_dispatchable([], _xdropRepeatsWith(equals), dropRepeatsWith(equals))),
flip = _curry1(function (e) {
return curryN(e.length, function (t, r) {
var n =, 0);
return (n[0] = r), (n[1] = t), e.apply(this, n);
groupBy$1 = _curry2(
reduceBy(function (e, t) {
return null == e && (e = []), e.push(t), e;
}, null)
head = nth(0);
function _identity(e) {
return e;
var identity$1 = _curry1(_identity),
inc = add(1),
indexBy = reduceBy(function (e, t) {
return t;
}, null),
init = slice(0, -1),
_Set = (function () {
function e() {
(this._nativeSet = "function" == typeof Set ? new Set() : null), (this._items = {});
return (
(e.prototype.add = function (e) {
return !hasOrAdd(e, !0, this);
(e.prototype.has = function (e) {
return hasOrAdd(e, !1, this);
function hasOrAdd(e, t, r) {
var n,
i = typeof e;
switch (i) {
case "string":
case "number":
return 0 === e && 1 / e == -1 / 0
? !!r._items["-0"] || (t && (r._items["-0"] = !0), !1)
: null !== r._nativeSet
? t
? ((n = r._nativeSet.size), r._nativeSet.add(e), r._nativeSet.size === n)
: r._nativeSet.has(e)
: i in r._items
? e in r._items[i] || (t && (r._items[i][e] = !0), !1)
: (t && ((r._items[i] = {}), (r._items[i][e] = !0)), !1);
case "boolean":
if (i in r._items) {
var o = e ? 1 : 0;
return !!r._items[i][o] || (t && (r._items[i][o] = !0), !1);
return t && (r._items[i] = e ? [!1, !0] : [!0, !1]), !1;
case "function":
return null !== r._nativeSet
? t
? ((n = r._nativeSet.size), r._nativeSet.add(e), r._nativeSet.size === n)
: r._nativeSet.has(e)
: i in r._items
? !!_contains(e, r._items[i]) || (t && r._items[i].push(e), !1)
: (t && (r._items[i] = [e]), !1);
case "undefined":
return !!r._items[i] || (t && (r._items[i] = !0), !1);
case "object":
if (null === e) return !!r._items.null || (t && (r._items.null = !0), !1);
return (i = in r._items ? !!_contains(e, r._items[i]) || (t && r._items[i].push(e), !1) : (t && (r._items[i] = [e]), !1);
var uniqBy = _curry2(function (e, t) {
for (var r, n, i = new _Set(), o = [], s = 0; s < t.length; ) (r = e((n = t[s]))), i.add(r) && o.push(n), (s += 1);
return o;
uniq = uniqBy(identity$1),
invoker = _curry2(function (e, t) {
return curryN(e + 1, function () {
var r = arguments[e];
if (null != r && _isFunction(r[t])) return r[t].apply(r,, 0, e));
throw new TypeError(toString$2(r) + ' does not have a method named "' + t + '"');
join = invoker(1, "join"),
juxt = _curry1(function (e) {
return converge(function () {
return, 0);
}, e);
sum = reduce$1(add, 0),
memoizeWith = _curry2(function (e, t) {
var r = {};
return _arity(t.length, function () {
var n = e.apply(this, arguments);
return _has(n, r) || (r[n] = t.apply(this, arguments)), r[n];
memoize = memoizeWith(function () {
return toString$2(arguments);
multiply = _curry2(function (e, t) {
return e * t;
function _createPartialApplicator(e) {
return _curry2(function (t, r) {
return _arity(Math.max(0, t.length - r.length), function () {
return t.apply(this, e(r, arguments));
var partialRight = _createPartialApplicator(flip(_concat)),
partition$2 = juxt([filter$6, reject]),
pickAll = _curry2(function (e, t) {
for (var r = {}, n = 0, i = e.length; n < i; ) {
var o = e[n];
(r[o] = t[o]), (n += 1);
return r;
product = reduce$1(multiply, 1),
useWith = _curry2(function (e, t) {
return curryN(t.length, function () {
for (var r = [], n = 0; n < t.length; ) r.push(t[n].call(this, arguments[n])), (n += 1);
return e.apply(this, r.concat(, t.length)));
project = useWith(_map, [pickAll, identity$1]),
split = invoker(1, "split"),
toLower = invoker(0, "toLowerCase"),
toUpper = invoker(0, "toUpperCase"),
transduce = curryN(4, function (e, t, r, n) {
return _reduce(e("function" == typeof t ? _xwrap(t) : t), r, n);
ws = "\t\n\v\f\r  ᠎              \u2028\u2029\ufeff",
zeroWidth = "​",
hasProtoTrim = "function" == typeof String.prototype.trim,
_trim =
hasProtoTrim && !ws.trim() && zeroWidth.trim()
? function (e) {
return e.trim();
: function (e) {
var t = new RegExp("^[" + ws + "][" + ws + "]*"),
r = new RegExp("[" + ws + "][" + ws + "]*$");
return e.replace(t, "").replace(r, "");
union = _curry2(compose$1(uniq, _concat)),
unnest = chain(_identity),
activePredictionModel = "query GetProjectPredictionModel($projectId: ID!) {\n project(where: { id: $projectId }) {\n id\n activePredictionModel {\n id\n }\n }\n}\n",
getProjectPredictionModelId = memoize(function (e) {
return sendQuery({ query: activePredictionModel, variables: { projectId: e } }).then(function (e) {
var t = e && && &&;
return t && t.activePredictionModel &&;
selectAsset = function (e, t) {
return void 0 === t && (t = ""), e.assets[t];
selectProjectId = function (e) {
return e.projectId;
selectCurrentAssetId = function (e) {
return e.currentAsset &&;
selectCurrentAsset = function (e) {
return selectAsset(e, selectCurrentAssetId(e));
selectCurrentAssetLabelId = function (e) {
return (selectCurrentAsset(e) || {}).labelId;
whitelistCurrentAssetForDeveloper = function (e) {
return (
e && {
dataRowId: e.datarowId,
label: e.label,
previous: e.previousLabelId,
next: e.nextLabelId,
createdAt: e.createdAt,
createdBy: e.createdBy,
typeName: e.typeName,
labelTemplateId: e.labelTemplateId,
labelTemplates: e.labelTemplates || void 0,
externalId: e.externalId,
metadata: e.metadata,
template: e.template,
logId: e.logId,
selectUnlabeledAsset = function (e) {
return values(e.assets)
.filter(function (e) {
var t = e.label,
r = e.labelBeingSaved;
return void 0 === t && !r;
.sort(function (e, t) {
return e.fetchedAt - t.fetchedAt;
selectNextAssetIdToLabel = function (e) {
var t = selectUnlabeledAsset(e)[0];
return t ? : void 0;
shouldPreloadNewAsset = function (e) {
return selectUnlabeledAsset(e).length < 2;
selectCurrentAssetStartTime = function (e) {
return e.currentAsset ? e.currentAsset.startTime : void 0;
selectUser = function (e) {
return e.user;
hasPreviousAssetId = function (e) {
return Boolean(e.currentAssetHistory[0]);
selectRecommendTemplateId = function (e) {
var t = e.labelTemplates,
r = e.activePredictionModelId,
n =
t &&
t.find(function (e) {
var t = e.predictionModel;
return Boolean(t && === r);
if (n) return;
var i =
t &&
t.find(function (e) {
var t = e.predictionModel;
return !Boolean(t);
return i ? : void 0;
!(function (e) {
(e.Reviewing = "Reviewing"), (e.Labeling = "Labeling");
})(Mode || (Mode = {})),
(function (e) {
var setNewCurrentAsset = function (e, t) {
return __assign({}, e, { currentAsset: t, currentAssetHistory: [t].concat(e.currentAssetHistory) });
defaultState = { currentAsset: void 0, currentAssetHistory: [], assets: {}, preloading: !1, error: null, mode: Mode.Labeling };
function reducer(e, t) {
var r, n, i, o, s;
void 0 === e && (e = defaultState);
var u = t || {},
a = u.type,
c = void 0 === a ? void 0 : a,
l = u.payload,
f = void 0 === l ? void 0 : l;
switch (c) {
return f.mode !== e.mode ? __assign({}, e, { mode: f.mode }) : e;
var p = f.startTime ? setNewCurrentAsset(e, { id:, startTime: f.startTime }) : e;
return __assign({}, p, { fetchingAssetId: f.asset.labelId === e.fetchingAssetId ? void 0 : e.fetchingAssetId, assets: __assign({}, e.assets, ((r = {}), (r[] = f.asset), r)) });
return __assign({}, e, { fetchingAssetId: f });
return __assign({}, e, { fetchingAssetId: e.fetchingAssetId === f ? void 0 : e.fetchingAssetId });
return __assign({}, e, { error: null });
return console.error("An error occurred prepping for label submission."), __assign({}, e, { error: __assign({}, e.error, { invalidState: f.message }) });
var d = selectCurrentAsset(e);
if (!d) return console.warn("Called set as labeled with no current asset"), e;
var h =,
b = e.assets[h];
return (
(b.label || b.labelId) && console.warn("Asset is already marked as label"),
b.labelId !== f.labelId && console.warn("Existing label has been replaced with a new label"),
__assign({}, e, { assets: __assign({}, e.assets, ((n = {}), (n[h] = __assign({}, b, { label: f.label, labelId: f.labelId, typeName: f.typeName })), n)) })
return console.error("An error occurred saving the label"), __assign({}, e, { error: __assign({}, e.error, { savingLabel: f.error.errors }) });
var y = f.projectId,
v = f.token;
return __assign({}, e, { projectId: y, token: v });
return __assign({}, e, { user: f.user });
return __assign({}, e, {
assets: __assign(
((i = {}), (i[f.assetId] = __assign({}, e.assets[f.assetId], { label: f.label, labelBeingSaved: !1, labelId: f.labelId, typeName: f.typeName, createdAt: f.createdAt, createdBy: })), i)
return __assign({}, e, { customizationOptions: f.customizationOptions });
return __assign({}, e, { assets: __assign({}, e.assets, ((o = {}), (o[f.assetId] = __assign({}, e.assets[f.assetId], { previousLabelId: f.previousId, nextLabelId: f.nextId })), o)) });
return __assign({}, e, { currentAsset: e.currentAssetHistory[0] });
var m = selectNextAssetIdToLabel(e);
if (m) {
var _ = e.currentAssetHistory.find(function (e) {
var t =;
return m === t;
return setNewCurrentAsset(e, __assign({}, _ || { id: m }, { startTime: new Date().getTime() }));
return __assign({}, e, { currentAsset: void 0 });
return __assign({}, e, { assets: __assign({}, e.assets, ((s = {}), (s[f.assetId] = __assign({}, e.assets[f.assetId], { labelBeingSaved: !0 })), s)) });
return __assign({}, e, { currentAsset: void 0 });
return e;
var appInit = function (e) {
var t = e.projectId,
r = e.token,
n = e.labelId;
return { type: ACTION_NAMES.APPLICATION_INIT, payload: { projectId: t, token: r, labelId: n } };
setMode = function (e) {
return { type: ACTION_NAMES.SET_MODE, payload: { mode: e } };
assetFetched = function (e, t) {
return void 0 === t && (t = !1), { type: ACTION_NAMES.ASSET_FETCHED, payload: __assign({ asset: e, current: t }, t ? { startTime: new Date().getTime() } : {}) };
startedFetchingAsset = function (e) {
return { type: ACTION_NAMES.STARTED_FETCHING_ASSET, payload: e };
assetFetchFailed = function (e) {
return { type: ACTION_NAMES.ASSET_FETCH_FAILED, payload: e };
userFetchedFromServer = function (e) {
return { type: ACTION_NAMES.USER_FETCHED_FROM_SERVER, payload: { user: e } };
userRequestNextUnlabeledAsset = function () {
failedToExtendReservations = function () {
reservationsExtended = function () {
return { type: ACTION_NAMES.RESERVATIONS_EXTENDED, payload: {} };
setCustomizationOptions = function (e) {
return { type: ACTION_NAMES.UPDATE_CUSTOMIZATION_OPTIONS, payload: { customizationOptions: e } };
labelChangeSuccess = function (e, t, r, n, i) {
return { type: ACTION_NAMES.LABEL_SAVE_SUCCESS, payload: { assetId: e, label: t, labelId: r, typeName: n, createdAt: i } };
setLabelAsCurrentAsset$1 = function (e) {
return { type: ACTION_NAMES.SET_LABEL_AS_CURRENT_ASSET, payload: { labelId: e } };
labelHistorySuccessfullyFetchedForAsset = function (e, t, r) {
return { type: ACTION_NAMES.LABEL_HISTORY_FETCHED, payload: { assetId: e, previousId: t, nextId: r } };
noMoreItemsToLabel = function () {
return { type: ACTION_NAMES.NO_MORE_ITEMS_TO_LABEL, payload: {} };
assetPreloaded = function (e) {
return { type: ACTION_NAMES.ASSET_PRELOADED, payload: { assetId: e } };
fetchAsset = function (e) {
var t = e.setAsCurrent;
return { type: ACTION_NAMES.FETCH_ASSET, payload: { setAsCurrent: t } };
labelSubmitted = function (e) {
return { type: ACTION_NAMES.LABEL_SUBMITTED, payload: e };
assetMarkedAsLabeled = function (e) {
return { type: ACTION_NAMES.ASSET_MARKED_AS_LABELED, payload: e };
bodyNode$ = new Promise(function (e) {
return (setNode = e);
function getBodyNode() {
return bodyNode$;
window.addEventListener("load", function () {
return setNode(document.body);
var sendMessage = callOnce(function (e) {
getBodyNode().then(function (t) {
t.innerHTML = e;
getLabeledAssetQuery =
"query GetLabeledAsset($labelId: ID!) {\n label(where: { id: $labelId }) {\n id\n label\n createdAt\n project {\n id\n }\n createdBy {\n email\n }\n dataRow {\n id\n rowData\n externalId\n skippedBy {\n id\n }\n metadata {\n id\n metaType\n metaValue\n }\n }\n eventLog {\n id\n }\n type {\n id\n name\n }\n }\n}\n";
function fetchLabeledAsset(e) {
return sendQuery({ query: getLabeledAssetQuery, variables: { labelId: e } }).then(function (e) {
var t = e &&;
if (t)
return {
data: t.dataRow.rowData,
label: t.label,
externalId: t.dataRow.externalId,
createdAt: t.createdAt,
metadata: t.dataRow.metadata,
logId: t.eventLog &&,
var getNextRow =
"query GetNextRow($projectId: ID!, $dataRowIdsToSkip: [ID!]!) {\n nextDataRowToLabel(\n projectId: $projectId\n dataRowIdsToSkip: $dataRowIdsToSkip\n ) {\n id\n rowData\n externalId\n labelTemplates {\n id\n label\n predictionModel {\n id\n }\n }\n metadata {\n id\n metaType\n metaValue\n }\n eventLog {\n id\n }\n template {\n ... on LabelTemplate {\n id\n __typename\n sourceLabel {\n id\n label\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
!(function (e) {
(e.LOGIN = "Please Login"), (e.UNAUTHORIZED = "Unauthorized"), (e.NOT_FOUND = "Project not found"), (e.NO_MORE_LABELS = "NO_MORE_LABELS"), (e.SKIP_CHECKOUT = "Checkout disabled");
})(Errors || (Errors = {}));
var getNextRowToLabel = function (e) {
var t = e.projectId,
r = e.dataRowIdsToSkip,
n = void 0 === r ? [] : r;
return "false" === new URL(window.location.href).searchParams.get("checkout")
? Promise.reject(Errors.SKIP_CHECKOUT)
: new Promise(function (e, r) {
sendQuery({ query: getNextRow, variables: { projectId: t, dataRowIdsToSkip: n } }).then(function (t) {
if (!t) return r(Errors.UNAUTHORIZED);
if (t.errors) {
if (
t.errors.some(function (e) {
return 3008 === e.code;
return r(Errors.UNAUTHORIZED);
var n = t.errors[0] && t.errors[0].functionError;
return "Unauthorized" === n
: "Project not found" === n
? r(Errors.NOT_FOUND)
: "Please Login" === n
? r(Errors.LOGIN)
: (console.error("Unknown error for getNextRow", JSON.stringify(t.errors)), r(Errors.UNAUTHORIZED));
var i =;
if (!i) return r(Errors.NO_MORE_LABELS);
var o =,
s = i.rowData,
u = i.labelTemplates,
a = i.externalId,
c = i.metadata,
l = i.template,
f = i.eventLog;
e({ id: o, rowData: s, labelTemplates: u, externalId: a, metadata: c, labelLog: f &&, template: l && "Prediction" === l.__typename ? null : l });
function onInitEffects(e, t) {
var r = e.projectId,
n = e.token;
0 === window.location.href.indexOf("file://")
? sendMessage(
'\n Please open this file in a local server.<br><br>\n If you look at the url it says "file://" and your browser won\'t let you communicate with the Labelbox server.<br></br>\n Dont worry this is easy to fix!<br><br>\n\n If your on chrome you can install <a href="">this extension</a> and then select this folder.<br></br>\n\n OR<br></br>\n\n You can also start a local server via the command line. "python -m SimpleHTTPServer" or "npm install -g http-server; http-server -p 8080"\n '
: r
? n || window.location.assign(labelboxDomain + "/signin?redirect_project=" + r)
: window.location.assign(labelboxDomain + "/signin?development_url=" + window.location.href.split("?")[0]),
window.addEventListener("message", function (e) {
var r =;
if (r) {
var n = r.changeLabel,
i = r.mode;
n && t(setLabelAsCurrentAsset$1(n)), i && t(setMode(i));
}), && &&{ status: "ready-for-commands" }, "*");
var getProjectQueueStatus = "query GetProjectQueueState($projectId: ID!) {\n project(where: { id: $projectId }) {\n id\n queueIsBuilding\n }\n}\n";
function isQueueBuilt(e) {
return sendQuery({ query: getProjectQueueStatus, variables: { projectId: e } }).then(function (e) {
return e && && ? !Boolean( : (console.log("Project not found", e), !1);
function resolveWhenQueueIsBuilt(e, t, r) {
var n = this;
return (
void 0 === r && (r = 0),
isQueueBuilt(e).then(function (i) {
return __awaiter(n, void 0, void 0, function () {
return __generator(this, function (n) {
switch (n.label) {
case 0:
return i
? [2, i]
: (r % 10 == 0 && track(t, "Queue is stuck building", { sla: !0, description: "ProjectId: " + e }),
4 === r && track(t, "Queue is slow to build", { frustration: !0, description: "ProjectId: " + e }),
[4, wait(3e3)]);
case 1:
return n.sent(), [2, resolveWhenQueueIsBuilt(e, t, r + 1)];
var sweetalert_min = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) {
module.exports = (function () {
return (function (e) {
function t(n) {
if (r[n]) return r[n].exports;
var i = (r[n] = { i: n, l: !1, exports: {} });
return e[n].call(i.exports, i, i.exports, t), (i.l = !0), i.exports;
var r = {};
return (
(t.m = e),
(t.c = r),
(t.d = function (e, r, n) {
t.o(e, r) || Object.defineProperty(e, r, { configurable: !1, enumerable: !0, get: n });
(t.n = function (e) {
var r =
e && e.__esModule
? function () {
return e.default;
: function () {
return e;
return t.d(r, "a", r), r;
(t.o = function (e, t) {
return, t);
(t.p = ""),
t((t.s = 8))
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var n = "swal-button";
MODAL: "swal-modal",
OVERLAY: "swal-overlay",
SHOW_MODAL: "swal-overlay--show-modal",
MODAL_TITLE: "swal-title",
MODAL_TEXT: "swal-text",
ICON: "swal-icon",
ICON_CUSTOM: "swal-icon--custom",
CONTENT: "swal-content",
FOOTER: "swal-footer",
BUTTON_CONTAINER: "swal-button-container",
CONFIRM_BUTTON: n + "--confirm",
CANCEL_BUTTON: n + "--cancel",
DANGER_BUTTON: n + "--danger",
BUTTON_LOADING: n + "--loading",
BUTTON_LOADER: n + "__loader",
(t.default = t.CLASS_NAMES);
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }),
(t.getNode = function (e) {
var t = "." + e;
return document.querySelector(t);
(t.stringToNode = function (e) {
var t = document.createElement("div");
return (t.innerHTML = e.trim()), t.firstChild;
(t.insertAfter = function (e, t) {
var r = t.nextSibling;
t.parentNode.insertBefore(e, r);
(t.removeNode = function (e) {
(t.throwErr = function (e) {
throw "SweetAlert: " + (e = (e = e.replace(/ +(?= )/g, "")).trim());
(t.isPlainObject = function (e) {
if ("[object Object]" !== return !1;
var t = Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
return null === t || t === Object.prototype;
(t.ordinalSuffixOf = function (e) {
var t = e % 10,
r = e % 100;
return 1 === t && 11 !== r ? e + "st" : 2 === t && 12 !== r ? e + "nd" : 3 === t && 13 !== r ? e + "rd" : e + "th";
function (e, t, r) {
function n(e) {
for (var r in e) t.hasOwnProperty(r) || (t[r] = e[r]);
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), n(r(25));
var i = r(26);
(t.overlayMarkup = i.default), n(r(27)), n(r(28)), n(r(29));
var o = r(0),
s = o.default.MODAL_TITLE,
u = o.default.MODAL_TEXT,
a = o.default.ICON,
c = o.default.FOOTER;
(t.iconMarkup = '\n <div class="' + a + '"></div>'),
(t.titleMarkup = '\n <div class="' + s + '"></div>\n'),
(t.textMarkup = '\n <div class="' + u + '"></div>'),
(t.footerMarkup = '\n <div class="' + c + '"></div>\n');
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var n = r(1);
(t.CONFIRM_KEY = "confirm"), (t.CANCEL_KEY = "cancel");
var i = { visible: !0, text: null, value: null, className: "", closeModal: !0 },
o = Object.assign({}, i, { visible: !1, text: "Cancel", value: null }),
s = Object.assign({}, i, { text: "OK", value: !0 });
t.defaultButtonList = { cancel: o, confirm: s };
var u = function (e) {
switch (e) {
return s;
case t.CANCEL_KEY:
return o;
var r = e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1);
return Object.assign({}, i, { text: r, value: e });
a = function (e, t) {
var r = u(e);
return !0 === t
? Object.assign({}, r, { visible: !0 })
: "string" == typeof t
? Object.assign({}, r, { visible: !0, text: t })
: n.isPlainObject(t)
? Object.assign({ visible: !0 }, r, t)
: Object.assign({}, r, { visible: !1 });
c = function (e) {
var r = {};
switch (e.length) {
case 1:
r[t.CANCEL_KEY] = Object.assign({}, o, { visible: !1 });
case 2:
(r[t.CANCEL_KEY] = a(t.CANCEL_KEY, e[0])), (r[t.CONFIRM_KEY] = a(t.CONFIRM_KEY, e[1]));
n.throwErr("Invalid number of 'buttons' in array (" + e.length + ").\n If you want more than 2 buttons, you need to use an object!");
return r;
t.getButtonListOpts = function (e) {
var r = t.defaultButtonList;
return (
"string" == typeof e
? (r[t.CONFIRM_KEY] = a(t.CONFIRM_KEY, e))
: Array.isArray(e)
? (r = c(e))
: n.isPlainObject(e)
? (r = (function (e) {
for (var t = {}, r = 0, n = Object.keys(e); r < n.length; r++) {
var i = n[r],
s = e[i],
u = a(i, s);
t[i] = u;
return t.cancel || (t.cancel = o), t;
: !0 === e
? (r = c([!0, !0]))
: !1 === e
? (r = c([!1, !1]))
: void 0 === e && (r = t.defaultButtonList),
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var n = r(1),
i = r(2),
o = r(0),
s = o.default.MODAL,
u = o.default.OVERLAY,
a = r(30),
c = r(31),
l = r(32),
f = r(33);
t.injectElIntoModal = function (e) {
var t = n.getNode(s),
r = n.stringToNode(e);
return t.appendChild(r), r;
var p = function (e, t) {
!(function (e) {
(e.className = s), (e.textContent = "");
var r = t.className;
r && e.classList.add(r);
(t.initModalContent = function (e) {
var t = n.getNode(s);
p(t, e), a.default(e.icon), c.initTitle(e.title), c.initText(e.text), f.default(e.content), l.default(e.buttons, e.dangerMode);
(t.default = function () {
var e = n.getNode(u),
t = n.stringToNode(i.modalMarkup);
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var n = r(3),
i = { isOpen: !1, promise: null, actions: {}, timer: null },
o = Object.assign({}, i);
(t.resetState = function () {
o = Object.assign({}, i);
(t.setActionValue = function (e) {
if ("string" == typeof e) return s(n.CONFIRM_KEY, e);
for (var t in e) s(t, e[t]);
var s = function (e, t) {
o.actions[e] || (o.actions[e] = {}), Object.assign(o.actions[e], { value: t });
(t.setActionOptionsFor = function (e, t) {
var r = (void 0 === t ? {} : t).closeModal,
n = void 0 === r || r;
Object.assign(o.actions[e], { closeModal: n });
(t.default = o);
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var n = r(1),
i = r(3),
o = r(0),
s = o.default.OVERLAY,
u = o.default.SHOW_MODAL,
a = o.default.BUTTON,
c = o.default.BUTTON_LOADING,
l = r(5);
(t.openModal = function () {
n.getNode(s).classList.add(u), (l.default.isOpen = !0);
(t.onAction = function (e) {
void 0 === e && (e = i.CANCEL_KEY);
var t = l.default.actions[e],
r = t.value;
if (!1 === t.closeModal) {
var o = a + "--" + e;
} else n.getNode(s).classList.remove(u), (l.default.isOpen = !1);
(t.getState = function () {
var e = Object.assign({}, l.default);
return delete e.promise, delete e.timer, e;
(t.stopLoading = function () {
for (var e = document.querySelectorAll("." + a), t = 0; t < e.length; t++) e[t].classList.remove(c);
function (t, e) {
var n;
n = (function () {
return this;
try {
n = n || Function("return this")() || eval("this");
} catch (t) {
"object" == typeof window && (n = window);
t.exports = n;
function (e, t, r) {
(function (t) {
e.exports = t.sweetAlert = r(9);
}.call(t, r(7)));
function (e, t, r) {
(function (t) {
e.exports = t.swal = r(10);
}.call(t, r(7)));
function (e, t, r) {
"undefined" != typeof window && r(11), r(16);
var n = r(23).default;
e.exports = n;
function (e, t, r) {
var n = r(12);
"string" == typeof n && (n = [[e.i, n, ""]]);
var i = { insertAt: "top", transform: void 0 };
r(14)(n, i), n.locals && (e.exports = n.locals);
function (e, t, r) {
(e.exports = r(13)(void 0)).push([
'.swal-icon--error{border-color:#f27474;-webkit-animation:animateErrorIcon .5s;animation:animateErrorIcon .5s}.swal-icon--error__x-mark{position:relative;display:block;-webkit-animation:animateXMark .5s;animation:animateXMark .5s}.swal-icon--error__line{position:absolute;height:5px;width:47px;background-color:#f27474;display:block;top:37px;border-radius:2px}.swal-icon--error__line--left{-webkit-transform:rotate(45deg);transform:rotate(45deg);left:17px}.swal-icon--error__line--right{-webkit-transform:rotate(-45deg);transform:rotate(-45deg);right:16px}@-webkit-keyframes animateErrorIcon{0%{-webkit-transform:rotateX(100deg);transform:rotateX(100deg);opacity:0}to{-webkit-transform:rotateX(0deg);transform:rotateX(0deg);opacity:1}}@keyframes animateErrorIcon{0%{-webkit-transform:rotateX(100deg);transform:rotateX(100deg);opacity:0}to{-webkit-transform:rotateX(0deg);transform:rotateX(0deg);opacity:1}}@-webkit-keyframes animateXMark{0%{-webkit-transform:scale(.4);transform:scale(.4);margin-top:26px;opacity:0}50%{-webkit-transform:scale(.4);transform:scale(.4);margin-top:26px;opacity:0}80%{-webkit-transform:scale(1.15);transform:scale(1.15);margin-top:-6px}to{-webkit-transform:scale(1);transform:scale(1);margin-top:0;opacity:1}}@keyframes animateXMark{0%{-webkit-transform:scale(.4);transform:scale(.4);margin-top:26px;opacity:0}50%{-webkit-transform:scale(.4);transform:scale(.4);margin-top:26px;opacity:0}80%{-webkit-transform:scale(1.15);transform:scale(1.15);margin-top:-6px}to{-webkit-transform:scale(1);transform:scale(1);margin-top:0;opacity:1}}.swal-icon--warning{border-color:#f8bb86;-webkit-animation:pulseWarning .75s infinite alternate;animation:pulseWarning .75s infinite alternate}.swal-icon--warning__body{width:5px;height:47px;top:10px;border-radius:2px;margin-left:-2px}.swal-icon--warning__body,.swal-icon--warning__dot{position:absolute;left:50%;background-color:#f8bb86}.swal-icon--warning__dot{width:7px;height:7px;border-radius:50%;margin-left:-4px;bottom:-11px}@-webkit-keyframes pulseWarning{0%{border-color:#f8d486}to{border-color:#f8bb86}}@keyframes pulseWarning{0%{border-color:#f8d486}to{border-color:#f8bb86}}.swal-icon--success{border-color:#a5dc86}.swal-icon--success:after,.swal-icon--success:before{content:"";border-radius:50%;position:absolute;width:60px;height:120px;background:#fff;-webkit-transform:rotate(45deg);transform:rotate(45deg)}.swal-icon--success:before{border-radius:120px 0 0 120px;top:-7px;left:-33px;-webkit-transform:rotate(-45deg);transform:rotate(-45deg);-webkit-transform-origin:60px 60px;transform-origin:60px 60px}.swal-icon--success:after{border-radius:0 120px 120px 0;top:-11px;left:30px;-webkit-transform:rotate(-45deg);transform:rotate(-45deg);-webkit-transform-origin:0 60px;transform-origin:0 60px;-webkit-animation:rotatePlaceholder 4.25s ease-in;animation:rotatePlaceholder 4.25s ease-in}.swal-icon--success__ring{width:80px;height:80px;border:4px solid hsla(98,55%,69%,.2);border-radius:50%;box-sizing:content-box;position:absolute;left:-4px;top:-4px;z-index:2}.swal-icon--success__hide-corners{width:5px;height:90px;background-color:#fff;padding:1px;position:absolute;left:28px;top:8px;z-index:1;-webkit-transform:rotate(-45deg);transform:rotate(-45deg)}.swal-icon--success__line{height:5px;background-color:#a5dc86;display:block;border-radius:2px;position:absolute;z-index:2}.swal-icon--success__line--tip{width:25px;left:14px;top:46px;-webkit-transform:rotate(45deg);transform:rotate(45deg);-webkit-animation:animateSuccessTip .75s;animation:animateSuccessTip .75s}.swal-icon--success__line--long{width:47px;right:8px;top:38px;-webkit-transform:rotate(-45deg);transform:rotate(-45deg);-webkit-animation:animateSuccessLong .75s;animation:animateSuccessLong .75s}@-webkit-keyframes rotatePlaceholder{0%{-webkit-transform:rotate(-45deg);transform:rotate(-45deg)}5%{-webkit-transform:rotate(-45deg);transform:rotate(-45deg)}12%{-webkit-transform:rotate(-405deg);transform:rotate(-405deg)}to{-webkit-transform:rotate(-405deg);transform:rotate(-405deg)}}@keyframes rotatePlaceholder{0%{-webkit-transform:rotate(-45deg);transform:rotate(-45deg)}5%{-webkit-transform:rotate(-45deg);transform:rotate(-45deg)}12%{-webkit-transform:rotate(-405deg);transform:rotate(-405deg)}to{-webkit-transform:rotate(-405deg);transform:rotate(-405deg)}}@-webkit-keyframes animateSuccessTip{0%{width:0;left:1px;top:19px}54%{width:0;left:1px;top:19px}70%{width:50px;left:-8px;top:37px}84%{width:17px;left:21px;top:48px}to{width:25px;left:14px;top:45px}}@keyframes animateSuccessTip{0%{width:0;left:1px;top:19px}54%{width:0;left:1px;top:19px}70%{width:50px;left:-8px;top:37px}84%{width:17px;left:21px;top:48px}to{width:25px;left:14px;top:45px}}@-webkit-keyframes animateSuccessLong{0%{width:0;right:46px;top:54px}65%{width:0;right:46px;top:54px}84%{width:55px;right:0;top:35px}to{width:47px;right:8px;top:38px}}@keyframes animateSuccessLong{0%{width:0;right:46px;top:54px}65%{width:0;right:46px;top:54px}84%{width:55px;right:0;top:35px}to{width:47px;right:8px;top:38px}}.swal-icon--info{border-color:#c9dae1}.swal-icon--info:before{width:5px;height:29px;bottom:17px;border-radius:2px;margin-left:-2px}.swal-icon--info:after,.swal-icon--info:before{content:"";position:absolute;left:50%;background-color:#c9dae1}.swal-icon--info:after{width:7px;height:7px;border-radius:50%;margin-left:-3px;top:19px}.swal-icon{width:80px;height:80px;border-width:4px;border-style:solid;border-radius:50%;padding:0;position:relative;box-sizing:content-box;margin:20px auto}.swal-icon:first-child{margin-top:32px}.swal-icon--custom{width:auto;height:auto;max-width:100%;border:none;border-radius:0}.swal-icon img{max-width:100%;max-height:100%}.swal-title{color:rgba(0,0,0,.65);font-weight:600;text-transform:none;position:relative;display:block;padding:13px 16px;font-size:27px;line-height:normal;text-align:center;margin-bottom:0}.swal-title:first-child{margin-top:26px}.swal-title:not(:first-child){padding-bottom:0}.swal-title:not(:last-child){margin-bottom:13px}.swal-text{font-size:16px;position:relative;float:none;line-height:normal;vertical-align:top;text-align:left;display:inline-block;margin:0;padding:0 10px;font-weight:400;color:rgba(0,0,0,.64);max-width:calc(100% - 20px);overflow-wrap:break-word;box-sizing:border-box}.swal-text:first-child{margin-top:45px}.swal-text:last-child{margin-bottom:45px}.swal-footer{text-align:right;padding-top:13px;margin-top:13px;padding:13px 16px;border-radius:inherit;border-top-left-radius:0;border-top-right-radius:0}.swal-button-container{margin:5px;display:inline-block;position:relative}.swal-button{background-color:#7cd1f9;color:#fff;border:none;box-shadow:none;border-radius:5px;font-weight:600;font-size:14px;padding:10px 24px;margin:0;cursor:pointer}.swal-button[not:disabled]:hover{background-color:#78cbf2}.swal-button:active{background-color:#70bce0}.swal-button:focus{outline:none;box-shadow:0 0 0 1px #fff,0 0 0 3px rgba(43,114,165,.29)}.swal-button[disabled]{opacity:.5;cursor:default}.swal-button::-moz-focus-inner{border:0}.swal-button--cancel{color:#555;background-color:#efefef}.swal-button--cancel[not:disabled]:hover{background-color:#e8e8e8}.swal-button--cancel:active{background-color:#d7d7d7}.swal-button--cancel:focus{box-shadow:0 0 0 1px #fff,0 0 0 3px rgba(116,136,150,.29)}.swal-button--danger{background-color:#e64942}.swal-button--danger[not:disabled]:hover{background-color:#df4740}.swal-button--danger:active{background-color:#cf423b}.swal-button--danger:focus{box-shadow:0 0 0 1px #fff,0 0 0 3px rgba(165,43,43,.29)}.swal-content{padding:0 20px;margin-top:20px;font-size:medium}.swal-content:last-child{margin-bottom:20px}.swal-content__input,.swal-content__textarea{-webkit-appearance:none;background-color:#fff;border:none;font-size:14px;display:block;box-sizing:border-box;width:100%;border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.14);padding:10px 13px;border-radius:2px;transition:border-color .2s}.swal-content__input:focus,.swal-content__textarea:focus{outline:none;border-color:#6db8ff}.swal-content__textarea{resize:vertical}.swal-button--loading{color:transparent}.swal-button--loading~.swal-button__loader{opacity:1}.swal-button__loader{position:absolute;height:auto;width:43px;z-index:2;left:50%;top:50%;-webkit-transform:translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%);transform:translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%);text-align:center;pointer-events:none;opacity:0}.swal-button__loader div{display:inline-block;float:none;vertical-align:baseline;width:9px;height:9px;padding:0;border:none;margin:2px;opacity:.4;border-radius:7px;background-color:hsla(0,0%,100%,.9);transition:background .2s;-webkit-animation:swal-loading-anim 1s infinite;animation:swal-loading-anim 1s infinite}.swal-button__loader div:nth-child(3n+2){-webkit-animation-delay:.15s;animation-delay:.15s}.swal-button__loader div:nth-child(3n+3){-webkit-animation-delay:.3s;animation-delay:.3s}@-webkit-keyframes swal-loading-anim{0%{opacity:.4}20%{opacity:.4}50%{opacity:1}to{opacity:.4}}@keyframes swal-loading-anim{0%{opacity:.4}20%{opacity:.4}50%{opacity:1}to{opacity:.4}}.swal-overlay{position:fixed;top:0;bottom:0;left:0;right:0;text-align:center;font-size:0;overflow-y:auto;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.4);z-index:10000;pointer-events:none;opacity:0;transition:opacity .3s}.swal-overlay:before{content:" ";display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;height:100%}.swal-overlay--show-modal{opacity:1;pointer-events:auto}.swal-overlay--show-modal .swal-modal{opacity:1;pointer-events:auto;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-animation:showSweetAlert .3s;animation:showSweetAlert .3s;will-change:transform}.swal-modal{width:478px;opacity:0;pointer-events:none;background-color:#fff;text-align:center;border-radius:5px;position:static;margin:20px auto;display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;-webkit-transform:scale(1);transform:scale(1);-webkit-transform-origin:50% 50%;transform-origin:50% 50%;z-index:10001;transition:opacity .2s,-webkit-transform .3s;transition:transform .3s,opacity .2s;transition:transform .3s,opacity .2s,-webkit-transform .3s}@media (max-width:500px){.swal-modal{width:calc(100% - 20px)}}@-webkit-keyframes showSweetAlert{0%{-webkit-transform:scale(1);transform:scale(1)}1%{-webkit-transform:scale(.5);transform:scale(.5)}45%{-webkit-transform:scale(1.05);transform:scale(1.05)}80%{-webkit-transform:scale(.95);transform:scale(.95)}to{-webkit-transform:scale(1);transform:scale(1)}}@keyframes showSweetAlert{0%{-webkit-transform:scale(1);transform:scale(1)}1%{-webkit-transform:scale(.5);transform:scale(.5)}45%{-webkit-transform:scale(1.05);transform:scale(1.05)}80%{-webkit-transform:scale(.95);transform:scale(.95)}to{-webkit-transform:scale(1);transform:scale(1)}}',
function (e, t) {
function r(e, t) {
var r = e[1] || "",
n = e[3];
if (!n) return r;
if (t && "function" == typeof btoa) {
var i = (function (e) {
return "/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64," + btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(e)))) + " */";
return [r]
.concat( (e) {
return "/*# sourceURL=" + n.sourceRoot + e + " */";
return [r].join("\n");
e.exports = function (e) {
var t = [];
return (
(t.toString = function () {
return (t) {
var n = r(t, e);
return t[2] ? "@media " + t[2] + "{" + n + "}" : n;
(t.i = function (e, r) {
"string" == typeof e && (e = [[null, e, ""]]);
for (var n = {}, i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
var o = this[i][0];
"number" == typeof o && (n[o] = !0);
for (i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
var s = e[i];
("number" == typeof s[0] && n[s[0]]) || (r && !s[2] ? (s[2] = r) : r && (s[2] = "(" + s[2] + ") and (" + r + ")"), t.push(s));
function (e, t, r) {
function n(e, t) {
for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) {
var n = e[r],
i = p[];
if (i) {
for (var o = 0; o <; o++)[o]([o]);
for (; o <; o++)[o], t));
} else {
for (var s = [], o = 0; o <; o++) s.push(l([o], t));
p[] = { id:, refs: 1, parts: s };
function i(e, t) {
for (var r = [], n = {}, i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
var o = e[i],
s = t.base ? o[0] + t.base : o[0],
u = o[1],
a = o[2],
c = o[3],
l = { css: u, media: a, sourceMap: c };
n[s] ? n[s].parts.push(l) : r.push((n[s] = { id: s, parts: [l] }));
return r;
function o(e, t) {
var r = h(e.insertInto);
if (!r) throw new Error("Couldn't find a style target. This probably means that the value for the 'insertInto' parameter is invalid.");
var n = v[v.length - 1];
if ("top" === e.insertAt) n ? (n.nextSibling ? r.insertBefore(t, n.nextSibling) : r.appendChild(t)) : r.insertBefore(t, r.firstChild), v.push(t);
else {
if ("bottom" !== e.insertAt) throw new Error("Invalid value for parameter 'insertAt'. Must be 'top' or 'bottom'.");
function s(e) {
if (null === e.parentNode) return !1;
var t = v.indexOf(e);
t >= 0 && v.splice(t, 1);
function u(e) {
var t = document.createElement("style");
return (e.attrs.type = "text/css"), c(t, e.attrs), o(e, t), t;
function a(e) {
var t = document.createElement("link");
return (e.attrs.type = "text/css"), (e.attrs.rel = "stylesheet"), c(t, e.attrs), o(e, t), t;
function c(e, t) {
Object.keys(t).forEach(function (r) {
e.setAttribute(r, t[r]);
function l(e, t) {
var r, n, i, o;
if (t.transform && e.css) {
if (!(o = t.transform(e.css))) return function () {};
e.css = o;
if (t.singleton) {
var c = y++;
(r = b || (b = u(t))), (n = f.bind(null, r, c, !1)), (i = f.bind(null, r, c, !0));
} else
e.sourceMap && "function" == typeof URL && "function" == typeof URL.createObjectURL && "function" == typeof URL.revokeObjectURL && "function" == typeof Blob && "function" == typeof btoa
? ((r = a(t)),
(n = function (e, t, r) {
var n = r.css,
i = r.sourceMap,
o = void 0 === t.convertToAbsoluteUrls && i;
(t.convertToAbsoluteUrls || o) && (n = m(n)), i && (n += "\n/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64," + btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(i)))) + " */");
var s = new Blob([n], { type: "text/css" }),
u = e.href;
(e.href = URL.createObjectURL(s)), u && URL.revokeObjectURL(u);
}.bind(null, r, t)),
(i = function () {
s(r), r.href && URL.revokeObjectURL(r.href);
: ((r = u(t)),
(n = function (e, t) {
var r = t.css,
n =;
if ((n && e.setAttribute("media", n), e.styleSheet)) e.styleSheet.cssText = r;
else {
for (; e.firstChild; ) e.removeChild(e.firstChild);
}.bind(null, r)),
(i = function () {
return (
function (t) {
if (t) {
if (t.css === e.css && === && t.sourceMap === e.sourceMap) return;
n((e = t));
} else i();
function f(e, t, r, n) {
var i = r ? "" : n.css;
if (e.styleSheet) e.styleSheet.cssText = _(t, i);
else {
var o = document.createTextNode(i),
s = e.childNodes;
s[t] && e.removeChild(s[t]), s.length ? e.insertBefore(o, s[t]) : e.appendChild(o);
var p = {},
d = (function (e) {
var t;
return function () {
return (
void 0 === t &&
(t = function () {
return window && document && document.all && !window.atob;
}.apply(this, arguments)),
h = (function (e) {
var t = {};
return function (e) {
return (
void 0 === t[e] &&
(t[e] = function (e) {
return document.querySelector(e);
}.call(this, e)),
b = null,
y = 0,
v = [],
m = r(15);
e.exports = function (e, t) {
if ("undefined" != typeof DEBUG && DEBUG && "object" != typeof document) throw new Error("The style-loader cannot be used in a non-browser environment");
((t = t || {}).attrs = "object" == typeof t.attrs ? t.attrs : {}), t.singleton || (t.singleton = d()), t.insertInto || (t.insertInto = "head"), t.insertAt || (t.insertAt = "bottom");
var r = i(e, t);
return (
n(r, t),
function (e) {
for (var o = [], s = 0; s < r.length; s++) {
var u = r[s],
a = p[];
a.refs--, o.push(a);
e && n(i(e, t), t);
for (var s = 0; s < o.length; s++) {
var a = o[s];
if (0 === a.refs) {
for (var c = 0; c <; c++)[c]();
delete p[];
var _ = (function () {
var e = [];
return function (t, r) {
return (e[t] = r), e.filter(Boolean).join("\n");
function (e, t) {
e.exports = function (e) {
var t = "undefined" != typeof window && window.location;
if (!t) throw new Error("fixUrls requires window.location");
if (!e || "string" != typeof e) return e;
var r = t.protocol + "//" +,
n = r + t.pathname.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, "/");
return e.replace(/url\s*\(((?:[^)(]|\((?:[^)(]+|\([^)(]*\))*\))*)\)/gi, function (e, t) {
var i,
o = t
.replace(/^"(.*)"$/, function (e, t) {
return t;
.replace(/^'(.*)'$/, function (e, t) {
return t;
return /^(#|data:|http:\/\/|https:\/\/|file:\/\/\/)/i.test(o) ? e : ((i = 0 === o.indexOf("//") ? o : 0 === o.indexOf("/") ? r + o : n + o.replace(/^\.\//, "")), "url(" + JSON.stringify(i) + ")");
function (e, t, r) {
var n = r(17);
"undefined" == typeof window || window.Promise || (window.Promise = n),
String.prototype.includes ||
(String.prototype.includes = function (e, t) {
return "number" != typeof t && (t = 0), !(t + e.length > this.length) && -1 !== this.indexOf(e, t);
Array.prototype.includes ||
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "includes", {
value: function (e, t) {
if (null == this) throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined');
var r = Object(this),
n = r.length >>> 0;
if (0 === n) return !1;
for (var i = 0 | t, o = Math.max(i >= 0 ? i : n - Math.abs(i), 0); o < n; ) {
if (
(function (e, t) {
return e === t || ("number" == typeof e && "number" == typeof t && isNaN(e) && isNaN(t));
})(r[o], e)
return !0;
return !1;
"undefined" != typeof window &&
(function (e) {
e.forEach(function (e) {
e.hasOwnProperty("remove") ||
Object.defineProperty(e, "remove", {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
writable: !0,
value: function () {
})([Element.prototype, CharacterData.prototype, DocumentType.prototype]);
function (e, t, r) {
(function (t) {
!(function (r) {
function n() {}
function i(e) {
if ("object" != typeof this) throw new TypeError("Promises must be constructed via new");
if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("not a function");
(this._state = 0), (this._handled = !1), (this._value = void 0), (this._deferreds = []), c(e, this);
function o(e, t) {
for (; 3 === e._state; ) e = e._value;
0 !== e._state
? ((e._handled = !0),
i._immediateFn(function () {
var r = 1 === e._state ? t.onFulfilled : t.onRejected;
if (null !== r) {
var n;
try {
n = r(e._value);
} catch (e) {
return void u(t.promise, e);
s(t.promise, n);
} else (1 === e._state ? s : u)(t.promise, e._value);
: e._deferreds.push(t);
function s(e, t) {
try {
if (t === e) throw new TypeError("A promise cannot be resolved with itself.");
if (t && ("object" == typeof t || "function" == typeof t)) {
var r = t.then;
if (t instanceof i) return (e._state = 3), (e._value = t), void a(e);
if ("function" == typeof r)
return void c(
(function (e, t) {
return function () {
e.apply(t, arguments);
})(r, t),
(e._state = 1), (e._value = t), a(e);
} catch (t) {
u(e, t);
function u(e, t) {
(e._state = 2), (e._value = t), a(e);
function a(e) {
2 === e._state &&
0 === e._deferreds.length &&
i._immediateFn(function () {
e._handled || i._unhandledRejectionFn(e._value);
for (var t = 0, r = e._deferreds.length; t < r; t++) o(e, e._deferreds[t]);
e._deferreds = null;
function c(e, t) {
var r = !1;
try {
function (e) {
r || ((r = !0), s(t, e));
function (e) {
r || ((r = !0), u(t, e));
} catch (e) {
if (r) return;
(r = !0), u(t, e);
var l = setTimeout;
(i.prototype.catch = function (e) {
return this.then(null, e);
(i.prototype.then = function (e, t) {
var r = new this.constructor(n);
return (
new (function (e, t, r) {
(this.onFulfilled = "function" == typeof e ? e : null), (this.onRejected = "function" == typeof t ? t : null), (this.promise = r);
})(e, t, r)
(i.all = function (e) {
var t =;
return new i(function (e, r) {
function n(o, s) {
try {
if (s && ("object" == typeof s || "function" == typeof s)) {
var u = s.then;
if ("function" == typeof u)
return void
function (e) {
n(o, e);
(t[o] = s), 0 == --i && e(t);
} catch (e) {
if (0 === t.length) return e([]);
for (var i = t.length, o = 0; o < t.length; o++) n(o, t[o]);
(i.resolve = function (e) {
return e && "object" == typeof e && e.constructor === i
? e
: new i(function (t) {
(i.reject = function (e) {
return new i(function (t, r) {
(i.race = function (e) {
return new i(function (t, r) {
for (var n = 0, i = e.length; n < i; n++) e[n].then(t, r);
(i._immediateFn =
("function" == typeof t &&
function (e) {
}) ||
function (e) {
l(e, 0);
(i._unhandledRejectionFn = function (e) {
"undefined" != typeof console && console && console.warn("Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection:", e);
(i._setImmediateFn = function (e) {
i._immediateFn = e;
(i._setUnhandledRejectionFn = function (e) {
i._unhandledRejectionFn = e;
void 0 !== e && e.exports ? (e.exports = i) : r.Promise || (r.Promise = i);
}.call(t, r(18).setImmediate));
function (e, t, r) {
function n(e, t) {
(this._id = e), (this._clearFn = t);
var i = Function.prototype.apply;
(t.setTimeout = function () {
return new n(, window, arguments), clearTimeout);
(t.setInterval = function () {
return new n(, window, arguments), clearInterval);
(t.clearTimeout = t.clearInterval = function (e) {
e && e.close();
(n.prototype.unref = n.prototype.ref = function () {}),
(n.prototype.close = function () {, this._id);
(t.enroll = function (e, t) {
clearTimeout(e._idleTimeoutId), (e._idleTimeout = t);
(t.unenroll = function (e) {
clearTimeout(e._idleTimeoutId), (e._idleTimeout = -1);
(t._unrefActive = = function (e) {
var t = e._idleTimeout;
t >= 0 &&
(e._idleTimeoutId = setTimeout(function () {
e._onTimeout && e._onTimeout();
}, t));
(t.setImmediate = setImmediate),
(t.clearImmediate = clearImmediate);
function (e, t, r) {
(function (e, t) {
!(function (e, r) {
function n(e) {
delete u[e];
function i(e) {
if (a) setTimeout(i, 0, e);
else {
var t = u[e];
if (t) {
a = !0;
try {
!(function (e) {
var t = e.callback,
n = e.args;
switch (n.length) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
t(n[0], n[1]);
case 3:
t(n[0], n[1], n[2]);
t.apply(r, n);
} finally {
n(e), (a = !1);
if (!e.setImmediate) {
var o,
s = 1,
u = {},
a = !1,
c = e.document,
l = Object.getPrototypeOf && Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
(l = l && l.setTimeout ? l : e),
"[object process]" === {}
? (o = function (e) {
t.nextTick(function () {
: (function () {
if (e.postMessage && !e.importScripts) {
var t = !0,
r = e.onmessage;
return (
(e.onmessage = function () {
t = !1;
e.postMessage("", "*"),
(e.onmessage = r),
? (function () {
var t = "setImmediate$" + Math.random() + "$",
r = function (r) {
r.source === e && "string" == typeof && 0 === && i(;
e.addEventListener ? e.addEventListener("message", r, !1) : e.attachEvent("onmessage", r),
(o = function (r) {
e.postMessage(t + r, "*");
: e.MessageChannel
? (function () {
var e = new MessageChannel();
(e.port1.onmessage = function (e) {
(o = function (t) {
: c && "onreadystatechange" in c.createElement("script")
? (function () {
var e = c.documentElement;
o = function (t) {
var r = c.createElement("script");
(r.onreadystatechange = function () {
i(t), (r.onreadystatechange = null), e.removeChild(r), (r = null);
: (o = function (e) {
setTimeout(i, 0, e);
(l.setImmediate = function (e) {
"function" != typeof e && (e = new Function("" + e));
for (var t = new Array(arguments.length - 1), r = 0; r < t.length; r++) t[r] = arguments[r + 1];
var n = { callback: e, args: t };
return (u[s] = n), o(s), s++;
(l.clearImmediate = n);
})("undefined" == typeof self ? (void 0 === e ? this : e) : self);
}.call(t, r(7), r(20)));
function (e, t) {
function r() {
throw new Error("setTimeout has not been defined");
function n() {
throw new Error("clearTimeout has not been defined");
function i(e) {
if (c === setTimeout) return setTimeout(e, 0);
if ((c === r || !c) && setTimeout) return (c = setTimeout), setTimeout(e, 0);
try {
return c(e, 0);
} catch (t) {
try {
return, e, 0);
} catch (t) {
return, e, 0);
function o() {
h && p && ((h = !1), p.length ? (d = p.concat(d)) : (b = -1), d.length && s());
function s() {
if (!h) {
var e = i(o);
h = !0;
for (var t = d.length; t; ) {
for (p = d, d = []; ++b < t; ) p && p[b].run();
(b = -1), (t = d.length);
(p = null),
(h = !1),
(function (e) {
if (l === clearTimeout) return clearTimeout(e);
if ((l === n || !l) && clearTimeout) return (l = clearTimeout), clearTimeout(e);
try {
} catch (t) {
try {
return, e);
} catch (t) {
return, e);
function u(e, t) {
( = e), (this.array = t);
function a() {}
var c,
f = (e.exports = {});
!(function () {
try {
c = "function" == typeof setTimeout ? setTimeout : r;
} catch (e) {
c = r;
try {
l = "function" == typeof clearTimeout ? clearTimeout : n;
} catch (e) {
l = n;
var p,
d = [],
h = !1,
b = -1;
(f.nextTick = function (e) {
var t = new Array(arguments.length - 1);
if (arguments.length > 1) for (var r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) t[r - 1] = arguments[r];
d.push(new u(e, t)), 1 !== d.length || h || i(s);
( = function () {, this.array);
(f.title = "browser"),
(f.browser = !0),
(f.env = {}),
(f.argv = []),
(f.version = ""),
(f.versions = {}),
(f.on = a),
(f.addListener = a),
(f.once = a),
( = a),
(f.removeListener = a),
(f.removeAllListeners = a),
(f.emit = a),
(f.prependListener = a),
(f.prependOnceListener = a),
(f.listeners = function (e) {
return [];
(f.binding = function (e) {
throw new Error("process.binding is not supported");
(f.cwd = function () {
return "/";
(f.chdir = function (e) {
throw new Error("process.chdir is not supported");
(f.umask = function () {
return 0;
function (e, t, r) {
function (e, t, r) {
function n(e, t) {
if (void 0 === e || null === e) throw new TypeError("Cannot convert first argument to object");
for (var r = Object(e), n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) {
var i = arguments[n];
if (void 0 !== i && null !== i)
for (var o = Object.keys(Object(i)), s = 0, u = o.length; s < u; s++) {
var a = o[s],
c = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(i, a);
void 0 !== c && c.enumerable && (r[a] = i[a]);
return r;
e.exports = {
assign: n,
polyfill: function () {
Object.assign || Object.defineProperty(Object, "assign", { enumerable: !1, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: n });
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var n = r(24),
i = r(6),
o = r(5),
s = r(36),
u = function () {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
if ("undefined" != typeof window) {
var r = s.getOpts.apply(void 0, e);
return new Promise(function (e, t) {
(o.default.promise = { resolve: e, reject: t }),
setTimeout(function () {
(u.close = i.onAction), (u.getState = i.getState), (u.setActionValue = o.setActionValue), (u.stopLoading = i.stopLoading), (u.setDefaults = s.setDefaults), (t.default = u);
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var n = r(1),
i = r(0),
o = i.default.MODAL,
s = r(4),
u = r(34),
a = r(35),
c = r(1);
(t.init = function (e) {
n.getNode(o) || (document.body || c.throwErr("You can only use SweetAlert AFTER the DOM has loaded!"), u.default(), s.default()), s.initModalContent(e), a.default(e);
(t.default = t.init);
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var n = r(0),
i = n.default.MODAL;
(t.modalMarkup = '\n <div class="' + i + '" role="dialog" aria-modal="true"></div>'), (t.default = t.modalMarkup);
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var n = r(0),
i = n.default.OVERLAY,
o = '<div \n class="' + i + '"\n tabIndex="-1">\n </div>';
t.default = o;
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var n = r(0),
i = n.default.ICON;
(t.errorIconMarkup = function () {
var e = i + "--error",
t = e + "__line";
return '\n <div class="' + e + '__x-mark">\n <span class="' + t + " " + t + '--left"></span>\n <span class="' + t + " " + t + '--right"></span>\n </div>\n ';
(t.warningIconMarkup = function () {
var e = i + "--warning";
return '\n <span class="' + e + '__body">\n <span class="' + e + '__dot"></span>\n </span>\n ';
(t.successIconMarkup = function () {
var e = i + "--success";
return (
'\n <span class="' +
e +
"__line " +
e +
'__line--long"></span>\n <span class="' +
e +
"__line " +
e +
'__line--tip"></span>\n\n <div class="' +
e +
'__ring"></div>\n <div class="' +
e +
'__hide-corners"></div>\n '
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var n = r(0),
i = n.default.CONTENT;
t.contentMarkup = '\n <div class="' + i + '">\n\n </div>\n';
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var n = r(0),
i = n.default.BUTTON_CONTAINER,
o = n.default.BUTTON,
s = n.default.BUTTON_LOADER;
t.buttonMarkup =
'\n <div class="' + i + '">\n\n <button\n class="' + o + '"\n ></button>\n\n <div class="' + s + '">\n <div></div>\n <div></div>\n <div></div>\n </div>\n\n </div>\n';
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var n = r(4),
i = r(2),
o = r(0),
s = o.default.ICON,
u = o.default.ICON_CUSTOM,
a = ["error", "warning", "success", "info"],
c = { error: i.errorIconMarkup(), warning: i.warningIconMarkup(), success: i.successIconMarkup() };
t.default = function (e) {
if (e) {
var t = n.injectElIntoModal(i.iconMarkup);
? (function (e, t) {
var r = s + "--" + e;
var n = c[e];
n && (t.innerHTML = n);
})(e, t)
: (function (e, t) {
var r = document.createElement("img");
(r.src = e), t.appendChild(r);
})(e, t);
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var n = r(2),
i = r(4),
o = function (e) {
navigator.userAgent.includes("AppleWebKit") && (( = "none"), e.offsetHeight, ( = ""));
(t.initTitle = function (e) {
if (e) {
var t = i.injectElIntoModal(n.titleMarkup);
(t.textContent = e), o(t);
(t.initText = function (e) {
if (e) {
var t = document.createDocumentFragment();
e.split("\n").forEach(function (e, r, n) {
t.appendChild(document.createTextNode(e)), r < n.length - 1 && t.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
var r = i.injectElIntoModal(n.textMarkup);
r.appendChild(t), o(r);
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var n = r(1),
i = r(4),
o = r(0),
s = o.default.BUTTON,
u = o.default.DANGER_BUTTON,
a = r(3),
c = r(2),
l = r(6),
f = r(5),
p = function (e, t, r) {
var i = t.text,
o = t.value,
p = t.className,
d = t.closeModal,
h = n.stringToNode(c.buttonMarkup),
b = h.querySelector("." + s),
y = s + "--" + e;
p &&
(Array.isArray(p) ? p : p.split(" "))
.filter(function (e) {
return e.length > 0;
.forEach(function (e) {
r && e === a.CONFIRM_KEY && b.classList.add(u),
(b.textContent = i);
var v = {};
return (
(v[e] = o),
f.setActionOptionsFor(e, { closeModal: d }),
b.addEventListener("click", function () {
return l.onAction(e);
t.default = function (e, t) {
var r = i.injectElIntoModal(c.footerMarkup);
for (var n in e) {
var o = e[n],
s = p(n, o, t);
o.visible && r.appendChild(s);
0 === r.children.length && r.remove();
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var n = r(3),
i = r(4),
o = r(2),
s = r(5),
u = r(6),
a = r(0),
c = a.default.CONTENT,
l = function (e) {
e.addEventListener("input", function (e) {
var t =,
r = t.value;
e.addEventListener("keyup", function (e) {
if ("Enter" === e.key) return u.onAction(n.CONFIRM_KEY);
setTimeout(function () {
e.focus(), s.setActionValue("");
}, 0);
t.default = function (e) {
if (e) {
var t = i.injectElIntoModal(o.contentMarkup),
r = e.element,
n = e.attributes;
"string" == typeof r
? (function (e, t, r) {
var n = document.createElement(t),
i = c + "__" + t;
for (var o in (n.classList.add(i), r)) {
var s = r[o];
n[o] = s;
"input" === t && l(n), e.appendChild(n);
})(t, r, n)
: t.appendChild(r);
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var n = r(1),
i = r(2);
t.default = function () {
var e = n.stringToNode(i.overlayMarkup);
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var n = r(5),
i = r(6),
o = r(1),
s = r(3),
u = r(0),
a = u.default.MODAL,
c = u.default.BUTTON,
l = u.default.OVERLAY,
f = function (e) {
if (n.default.isOpen)
switch (e.key) {
case "Escape":
return i.onAction(s.CANCEL_KEY);
p = function (e) {
if (n.default.isOpen)
switch (e.key) {
case "Tab":
return (function (e) {
e.preventDefault(), h();
d = function (e) {
if (n.default.isOpen)
return "Tab" === e.key && e.shiftKey
? (function (e) {
e.preventDefault(), b();
: void 0;
h = function () {
var e = o.getNode(c);
e && ((e.tabIndex = 0), e.focus());
b = function () {
var e = o.getNode(a),
t = e.querySelectorAll("." + c),
r = t.length - 1,
n = t[r];
n && n.focus();
y = function () {
var e = o.getNode(a),
t = e.querySelectorAll("." + c);
t.length &&
((function (e) {
e[e.length - 1].addEventListener("keydown", p);
(function (e) {
e[0].addEventListener("keydown", d);
v = function (e) {
if (o.getNode(l) === return i.onAction(s.CANCEL_KEY);
t.default = function (e) {
e.closeOnEsc ? document.addEventListener("keyup", f) : document.removeEventListener("keyup", f),
e.dangerMode ? h() : b(),
(function (e) {
var t = o.getNode(l);
t.removeEventListener("click", v), e && t.addEventListener("click", v);
(function (e) {
n.default.timer && clearTimeout(n.default.timer),
e &&
(n.default.timer = window.setTimeout(function () {
return i.onAction(s.CANCEL_KEY);
}, e));
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var n = r(1),
i = r(3),
o = r(37),
s = r(38),
u = { title: null, text: null, icon: null, buttons: i.defaultButtonList, content: null, className: null, closeOnClickOutside: !0, closeOnEsc: !0, dangerMode: !1, timer: null },
a = Object.assign({}, u);
t.setDefaults = function (e) {
a = Object.assign({}, u, e);
var c = function (e) {
var t = e && e.button,
r = e && e.buttons;
return void 0 !== t && void 0 !== r && n.throwErr("Cannot set both 'button' and 'buttons' options!"), void 0 !== t ? { confirm: t } : r;
l = function (e) {
return n.ordinalSuffixOf(e + 1);
f = function (e, t) {
n.throwErr(l(t) + " argument ('" + e + "') is invalid");
p = function (e, t) {
var r = e + 1,
i = t[r];
n.isPlainObject(i) || void 0 === i || n.throwErr("Expected " + l(r) + " argument ('" + i + "') to be a plain object");
d = function (e, t, r, i) {
var o = typeof t,
s = "string" === o,
u = t instanceof Element;
if (s) {
if (0 === r) return { text: t };
if (1 === r) return { text: t, title: i[0] };
if (2 === r) return p(r, i), { icon: t };
f(t, r);
} else {
if (u && 0 === r) return p(r, i), { content: t };
if (n.isPlainObject(t))
return (
(function (e, t) {
var r = e + 1,
i = t[r];
void 0 !== i && n.throwErr("Unexpected " + l(r) + " argument (" + i + ")");
})(r, i),
f(t, r);
t.getOpts = function () {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
var r = {};
e.forEach(function (t, n) {
var i = d(0, t, n, e);
Object.assign(r, i);
var n = c(r);
(r.buttons = i.getButtonListOpts(n)), delete r.button, (r.content = o.getContentOpts(r.content));
var l = Object.assign({}, u, a, r);
return (
Object.keys(l).forEach(function (e) {
s.DEPRECATED_OPTS[e] && s.logDeprecation(e);
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var n = r(1),
i = { element: "input", attributes: { placeholder: "" } };
t.getContentOpts = function (e) {
return n.isPlainObject(e) ? Object.assign({}, e) : e instanceof Element ? { element: e } : "input" === e ? i : null;
function (e, t, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }),
(t.logDeprecation = function (e) {
var r = t.DEPRECATED_OPTS[e],
n = r.onlyRename,
i = r.replacement,
o = r.subOption,
s =,
u = n ? "renamed" : "deprecated",
a = 'SweetAlert warning: "' + e + '" option has been ' + u + ".";
i && (a += " Please use" + (o ? ' "' + o + '" in ' : " ") + '"' + i + '" instead.');
var c = "";
(a += s ? " More details: " + c + s : " More details: " + c + "/guides/#upgrading-from-1x"), console.warn(a);
type: { replacement: "icon", link: "/docs/#icon" },
imageUrl: { replacement: "icon", link: "/docs/#icon" },
customClass: { replacement: "className", onlyRename: !0, link: "/docs/#classname" },
imageSize: {},
showCancelButton: { replacement: "buttons", link: "/docs/#buttons" },
showConfirmButton: { replacement: "button", link: "/docs/#button" },
confirmButtonText: { replacement: "button", link: "/docs/#button" },
confirmButtonColor: {},
cancelButtonText: { replacement: "buttons", link: "/docs/#buttons" },
closeOnConfirm: { replacement: "button", subOption: "closeModal", link: "/docs/#button" },
closeOnCancel: { replacement: "buttons", subOption: "closeModal", link: "/docs/#buttons" },
showLoaderOnConfirm: { replacement: "buttons" },
animation: {},
inputType: { replacement: "content", link: "/docs/#content" },
inputValue: { replacement: "content", link: "/docs/#content" },
inputPlaceholder: { replacement: "content", link: "/docs/#content" },
html: { replacement: "content", link: "/docs/#content" },
allowEscapeKey: { replacement: "closeOnEsc", onlyRename: !0, link: "/docs/#closeonesc" },
allowClickOutside: { replacement: "closeOnClickOutside", onlyRename: !0, link: "/docs/#closeonclickoutside" },
swal = unwrapExports(sweetalert_min),
sweetalert_min_1 = sweetalert_min.swal,
labelTooLongCheck = function (e) {
return Boolean(
e &&
e.errors &&
e.errors.some(function (e) {
return 3007 === e.code;
notLoggedInChecked = function (e) {
return Boolean(
e &&
e.errors &&
e.errors.some(function (e) {
return "Please sign in" === e.message;
function showLabelTooLongErrorMessage() {
var e = document.createElement("div");
(e.innerHTML =
'Currently the maximum label size is 256kb. If you are labeling a map please break it into smaller pieces with our <a href="" target="_blank">bounds parameter</a>. Also please reach out to our support team or comment on our <a href="" target="_blank">github issue</a>. Labelbox is alerted anytime a user hits this error.'),
swal({ title: "Label Exceeds Maximum Supported Size", content: e });
function unauthorizedTroubleShoot() {
return AccessToken.getToken().then(function (e) {
e && (AccessToken.removeToken(), window.location.reload());
function troubleShootLabelChangeRequest(e, t) {
if (labelTooLongCheck(t)) {
var r = selectUser(e);
return showLabelTooLongErrorMessage(), void (r && track(r, "Label Update Failed: Label too long", { alert: !0 }));
notLoggedInChecked(t) && unauthorizedTroubleShoot();
function showAllDone(e) {
var t = e.canCloseModal,
r = e.userCanTurnOnRealtime,
n = { text: "Close", value: ResponsesToAllDone.Close, visible: !0, className: "", closeModal: !0 },
i = { text: "Go to project overview", value: ResponsesToAllDone.ProjectHome, visible: !0, className: "", closeModal: !0 },
o = { text: "Wait for next asset", value: ResponsesToAllDone.TurnOnRealtime, visible: !0, className: "", closeModal: !0 },
s = !== window.self,
u = swal(
{ title: "All done!", html: "No more items to label.", icon: "success" },
(function (e, t, r) {
if (e) return { button: !1, text: " " };
if (t) return r ? { buttons: [i, o] } : { buttons: [n, i] };
var s = { closeOnClickOutside: !1, closeOnEsc: !1, className: "no-" };
return __assign(r ? { buttons: [i, o] } : { button: i }, s);
})(s, t, r)
return t || (document.querySelector(".swal-overlay").style = "background-color: #dddddd;"), u;
!(function (e) {
(e.ProjectHome = "projectHome"), (e.TurnOnRealtime = "turnOnRealtime"), (e.Close = "close");
})(ResponsesToAllDone || (ResponsesToAllDone = {}));
var projectLabelingHistoryCursor =
"query GetProjectLabelingHistoryCursor($projectId: ID!, $labelId: ID) {\n project(where: { id: $projectId }) {\n labelingHistoryCursor(where: { labelId: $labelId }) {\n previous {\n id\n }\n next {\n id\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
waitForQueueToBuild = memoize(resolveWhenQueueIsBuilt);
function getActionToDispatchNextRowToLabel(e) {
var t = this,
r = e.projectId,
n = e.shouldBeCurrentAsset,
i = e.assets,
o = values(i)
.filter(function (e) {
return !e.labelId;
.map(function (e) {
return e.datarowId;
return getNextRowToLabel({ projectId: r, dataRowIdsToSkip: o }).then(
function (e) {
return __awaiter(t, void 0, void 0, function () {
var t, i, o, s;
return __generator(this, function (u) {
switch (u.label) {
case 0:
return e
? ((t = assetFetched),
(i = { id:, datarowId:, fetchedAt: new Date().getTime(), data: e.rowData, label: void 0 }),
(o = selectRecommendTemplateId),
(s = { labelTemplates: e.labelTemplates }),
[4, getProjectPredictionModelId(r)])
: [3, 2];
case 1:
return [
t.apply(void 0, [
((i.labelTemplateId = o.apply(void 0, [((s.activePredictionModelId = u.sent()), s)])),
(i.labelTemplates = e.labelTemplates),
(i.externalId = e.externalId),
(i.metadata = e.metadata),
(i.template = e.template),
(i.logId = e.labelLog),
case 2:
if (n) return [2, noMoreItemsToLabel()];
u.label = 3;
case 3:
return [2];
function (e) {
if (e === Errors.NO_MORE_LABELS) {
if (n) return noMoreItemsToLabel();
} else if (e === Errors.UNAUTHORIZED) unauthorizedTroubleShoot();
else {
if (e === Errors.SKIP_CHECKOUT) return;
var loadHistoryForAsset = function (e) {
var t = e.dispatch,
r = e.projectId,
n = e.assetId,
i = e.labelId;
sendQuery({ query: projectLabelingHistoryCursor, variables: { projectId: r, labelId: i } })
.then(function (e) {
var o = e &&;
if (o) {
var s = o.previous,
u =;
t(labelHistorySuccessfullyFetchedForAsset(n, s &&, u &&;
} else console.error("can't fetch label history cursor for projectID: " + r + " and labelID: " + i);
.catch(function (e) {
return console.warn("Error occurred loading cursor history ", e);
function onAction(e, t, r) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var n, i, o, s, u, a, c, l, f, p;
return __generator(this, function (d) {
switch (d.label) {
case 0:
return (
(n = window.location.href),
(i = getQueryParam(n, "label")),
(o = selectCurrentAssetLabelId(e)),
(i || o) && e.currentAsset && i !== o && ((s = setQueryParam(n, "label", o)), window.history.pushState({ path: s }, "", s)),
? (onInitEffects(t.payload, r),
function (e) {
e ? (identifyUser(e), r(userFetchedFromServer(e))) : unauthorizedTroubleShoot();
function () {
? (t.payload.labelId ? r(setLabelAsCurrentAsset$1(t.payload.labelId)) : r(userRequestNextUnlabeledAsset()), [2])
: (console.error("Cant load any labels because the project is unknown", t.payload), [2]))
: (u = selectProjectId(e))
((a = selectNextAssetIdToLabel(e))
? (((c = e.assets[a]).previousLabelId && c.nextLabelId) || loadHistoryForAsset({ dispatch: r, projectId: u, assetId: a, labelId: c.label }),
shouldPreloadNewAsset(e) && r(fetchAsset({ setAsCurrent: !1 })))
: r(fetchAsset({ setAsCurrent: !0 }))),
t.type !== ACTION_NAMES.FETCH_ASSET ? [3, 2] : [4, waitForQueueToBuild(u, selectUser(e) || {})])
: [2]
case 1:
getActionToDispatchNextRowToLabel({ projectId: u, shouldBeCurrentAsset: t.payload.setAsCurrent, assets: e.assets }).then(function (e) {
e && r(e);
(d.label = 2);
case 2:
if (
(t.type === ACTION_NAMES.LABEL_SAVE_SUCCESS && (l = selectCurrentAsset(e)) && loadHistoryForAsset({ dispatch: r, projectId: u, assetId:, labelId: l.labelId }),
) {
if (((f = t.payload.labelId), e.assets[f])) return r(assetFetched(e.assets[f], !0)), [2];
if (f === e.fetchingAssetId) return [2];
function (t) {
if (t) {
if (t.projectId !== u) {
var n = new URL(window.location.href);
n.searchParams.set("project", t.projectId), n.searchParams.set("label", f), n.searchParams.set("token", e.token || "");
var i = n.href;
return window.location.assign(i);
r(assetFetched(t, !0));
} else r(assetFetchFailed(f)), unauthorizedTroubleShoot();
function () {
r(assetFetchFailed(f)), unauthorizedTroubleShoot();
if (
(t.payload.current && ((p = t.payload.asset.labelId), loadHistoryForAsset({ dispatch: r, projectId: u, assetId:, labelId: p })),
shouldPreloadNewAsset(e) && r(fetchAsset({ setAsCurrent: !1 }))),
) {
if (e.mode === Mode.Reviewing) return [2];
showAllDone({ canCloseModal: hasPreviousAssetId(e), userCanTurnOnRealtime: Boolean(e.customizationOptions && e.customizationOptions.realTime) }).then(function (t) {
if (t === ResponsesToAllDone.ProjectHome) window.location.assign(labelboxDomain + "/projects/" + u);
else if (t === ResponsesToAllDone.TurnOnRealtime) {
title: "Waiting for task...",
icon: "info",
text: "The next asset will appear automatically when ready. Leave this window open.",
button: !1,
closeOnClickOutside: !1,
closeOnEsc: !1,
className: "no-",
var n = setInterval(function () {
getActionToDispatchNextRowToLabel({ projectId: u, shouldBeCurrentAsset: !0, assets: e.assets }).then(function (e) {
e && e.type === ACTION_NAMES.ASSET_FETCHED && (new Audio("").play(), clearInterval(n), swal.close(), r(e));
}, 1e4);
return [2];
(LabelTypes = exports.LabelTypes || (exports.LabelTypes = {})), (LabelTypes.ANY = "Any"), (LabelTypes.SKIP = "Skip");
var createLabelMutation =
"mutation CreateLabel(\n $id: ID!\n $label: String!\n $secondsToLabel: Float!\n $rowId: ID!\n $projectId: ID!\n $typeName: String!\n $templateId: String\n) {\n createLabel(\n data: {\n id: $id\n label: $label\n secondsToLabel: $secondsToLabel\n dataRow: { connect: { id: $rowId } }\n project: { connect: { id: $projectId } }\n type: { connect: { name: $typeName } }\n templateId: $templateId\n }\n ) {\n id\n createdAt\n type {\n name\n }\n }\n}\n";
function createLabel$1(e) {
var t =,
r = e.projectId,
n = e.rowId,
i = e.label,
o = e.user,
s = e.secondsToLabel,
u = e.typeName,
a = e.templateId;
return (
track(o, "Labeled Data"),
sendQuery({ query: createLabelMutation, variables: { id: t, label: i, projectId: r, rowId: n, secondsToLabel: s, typeName: u, templateId: a } }).then(function (e) {
var t = e && &&;
if (!t) throw e;
var r =,
i = t.createdAt,
o =;
return { id: r, createdAt: i, assetId: n, typeName: o };
var updateLabelMutation =
"mutation UpdateLabel($id: ID!, $label: String!, $typeName: String!) {\n updateLabel(\n where: { id: $id }\n data: { label: $label, type: { connect: { name: $typeName } } }\n ) {\n id\n createdAt\n updatedAt\n type {\n name\n }\n }\n}\n";
function updateLabel(e, t, r) {
return sendQuery({ query: updateLabelMutation, variables: { id: e, label: t, typeName: r } }).then(function (e) {
var t = e && &&;
if (!t) throw e;
var r =;
return { id: r, createdAt: t.createdAt, updatedAt: t.updatedAt, assetId: r, typeName: };
var pad$1 = function (e, t) {
var r = "000000000" + e;
return r.substr(r.length - t);
env = "object" == typeof window ? window : self,
globalCount = Object.keys(env).length,
mimeTypesLength = navigator.mimeTypes ? navigator.mimeTypes.length : 0,
clientId = pad$1((mimeTypesLength + navigator.userAgent.length).toString(36) + globalCount.toString(36), 4),
fingerprint_browser = function () {
return clientId;
crypto = ("undefined" != typeof window && (window.crypto || window.msCrypto)) || ("undefined" != typeof self && self.crypto);
if (crypto) {
var lim = Math.pow(2, 32) - 1;
getRandomValue = function () {
return Math.abs(crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(1))[0] / lim);
} else getRandomValue = Math.random;
var getRandomValue_browser = getRandomValue,
c = 0,
blockSize = 4,
base = 36,
discreteValues = Math.pow(base, blockSize);
function randomBlock() {
return pad$1(((getRandomValue_browser() * discreteValues) << 0).toString(base), blockSize);
function safeCounter() {
return (c = c < discreteValues ? c : 0), ++c - 1;
function cuid() {
return "c" + new Date().getTime().toString(base) + pad$1(safeCounter().toString(base), blockSize) + fingerprint_browser() + (randomBlock() + randomBlock());
(cuid.slug = function () {
var e = new Date().getTime().toString(36),
t = safeCounter().toString(36).slice(-4),
r = fingerprint_browser().slice(0, 1) + fingerprint_browser().slice(-1),
n = randomBlock().slice(-2);
return e.slice(-2) + t + r + n;
(cuid.isCuid = function (e) {
return "string" == typeof e && !!e.startsWith("c");
(cuid.isSlug = function (e) {
if ("string" != typeof e) return !1;
var t = e.length;
return t >= 7 && t <= 10;
(cuid.fingerprint = fingerprint_browser);
var cuid_1 = cuid,
createLabelIdFactory = function (e) {
void 0 === e && (e = cuid_1);
var t = new Map();
return {
get: function (r) {
var n = t.get(r);
if (n) return n;
var i = e();
return t.set(r, i), i;
remove: function (e) {
return t.delete(e);
function secondsBetweenTimes(e, t) {
return Math.abs((e - t) / 1e3);
var checkForErrors = function (e, t) {
var r = selectCurrentAssetStartTime(e),
n = selectCurrentAsset(e);
return selectUser(e)
? e.projectId
? n
? "string" != typeof t
? "Label must be a string not " + typeof t + ". Label: " + JSON.stringify(t)
: r
? null
: "Start time not found for asset"
: "No current asset"
: "No current project"
: "User not yet loaded";
idFactory = createLabelIdFactory(),
initiateLabelCreation = function (e, t) {
var r = t.typeName,
n = t.label,
i = t.templateId,
o = selectCurrentAsset(e),
s = selectUser(e),
u = selectCurrentAssetStartTime(e),
a = o.datarowId;
return createLabel$1({
id: idFactory.get(a),
projectId: e.projectId,
rowId: o.datarowId,
label: n,
user: s,
secondsToLabel: secondsBetweenTimes(u, new Date().getTime()),
typeName: r,
templateId: i || void 0,
}).then(function (e) {
return idFactory.remove(a), e;
retryStrategy = function (e) {
var t = void 0 === e ? {} : e,
r = t.maxRetryAttempts,
n = void 0 === r ? 3 : r,
i = t.scalingDuration,
o = void 0 === i ? 500 : i,
s = t.noRetryChecks,
u = void 0 === s ? [] : s;
return function (e) {
return e.pipe(
mergeMap(function (e, t) {
var r = t + 1;
return (
console.log("Error", e),
r > n ||
u.some(function (t) {
return t(e);
? throwError(e)
: (console.log("Attempt " + r + ": retrying in " + r * o + "ms"), timer(r * o))
createdIds = new Set(),
labelSubmissionEpic = function (e, t) {
var r = e.pipe(
map(function (e) {
var t = e[0],
r = e[1],
n = t.payload.label,
i = checkForErrors(r, n);
return i ? { error: !0, message: i, state: r } : { error: !1, action: t, state: r };
return merge(
filter(function (e) {
return e.error;
map(function (e) {
var t = e.message;
return { type: ACTION_NAMES.STATE_INVALID_FOR_LABELING, payload: { message: t } };
filter(function (e) {
return !e.error;
concatMap(function (e) {
var t = e.state,
r = e.action;
return defer(function () {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var e, n, i, o, s, u, a, c;
return __generator(this, function (l) {
if (((e = selectCurrentAsset(t)), !r)) return console.log("Action is undefined"), [2, { response: null }];
if (!e) return console.log("Error: CurrentAsset is undefined"), [2, { response: null }];
if (((n = e.datarowId), (i = r.payload), (o = i.label), (s = i.typeName), (u = i.templateId), (a = s || e.typeName || exports.LabelTypes.ANY), e.label && e.labelId)) {
if ((debugLog("Updating " + n), !e.labelId)) return console.log("Error: CurrentAsset.labelId is Undefined" + JSON.stringify(e)), [2, { response: null }];
c = updateLabel(e.labelId, o, a);
} else
? (debugLog("Aborting any action. Asset " + e.datarowId + " was already labeled."), (c = Promise.resolve(null)))
: (debugLog("Saving " + n),
(c = initiateLabelCreation(t, { label: o, typeName: a, templateId: u }).then(function (e) {
return createdIds.add(n), e;
return [
c.then(function (e) {
return { response: e, action: r };
filter(function (e) {
return null !== e.response;
retryWhen(retryStrategy({ maxRetryAttempts: 5, noRetryChecks: [labelTooLongCheck, notLoggedInChecked] })),
map(function (e) {
var t = e.response,
r =,
n = t.createdAt,
i = t.assetId,
o = t.typeName,
s = e.action;
return labelChangeSuccess(i, s.payload.label, r, o, n);
catchError(function (e) {
return troubleShootLabelChangeRequest(t, e), of({ type: ACTION_NAMES.FAILED_TO_SAVE_LABEL, payload: { error: e } });
extendReservations = "mutation ExtendReservations($projectId: ID!) {\n extendReservations(projectId: $projectId, queueType: LabelingQueue)\n}\n";
function keepReservationsFromExpiring(e, t) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
return __generator(this, function (r) {
return t ? [2, e({ query: extendReservations, variables: { projectId: t } })] : [2];
var every10Minutes = 6e5,
extendReservationsEpic = function (e, t) {
return e.pipe(
switchMap(function () {
return t.pipe(map(selectProjectId), filter(Boolean), distinctUntilChanged());
switchMap(function (e) {
return timer(0, every10Minutes).pipe(
switchMap(function () {
return keepReservationsFromExpiring(sendQuery, e);
map(function () {
return reservationsExtended();
catchError(function (e) {
return console.log("Extending Reservation Failed", e), of(failedToExtendReservations());
preloadAssetEpic = function (e) {
return e.ofType(ACTION_NAMES.ASSET_FETCHED).pipe(
filter(function (e) {
return !e.payload.current;
mergeMap(function (e) {
var t = getPreloader();
if (!t) return of(!1);
var r = whitelistCurrentAssetForDeveloper(e.payload.asset);
if (!r) return console.error("Unable to preload undefined asset"), of(!1);
try {
var n = t(r);
return "function" != typeof n.then
? (console.error("Preloading function must return a promise that resolves when the asset is loaded."), of(!1))
: defer(function () {
return n
.then(function () {
return r;
.catch(function (e) {
return console.warn("Error occurred preloading next asset:", e), !1;
} catch (e) {
return console.warn("Error occurred preloading next asset:", e), of(!1);
map(function (e) {
return assetPreloaded(;
rootEpic = combineEpics(labelSubmissionEpic, preloadAssetEpic, extendReservationsEpic),
epicMiddleware = createEpicMiddleware(),
effectMiddleware = function (e) {
var t = e.dispatch,
r = e.getState;
return function (e) {
return function (n) {
var i = e(n);
return onAction(r(), n, t), i;
logger = function (e) {
return function (t) {
return function (r) {
debugLog("dispatching", r);
var n = t(r);
return debugLog("next state", e.getState()), n;
middlewares = [logger, epicMiddleware, effectMiddleware];
useLogRocket() && middlewares.push(LogRocket.reduxMiddleware());
var configureStore = function () {
var e = createStore(reducer, applyMiddleware.apply(void 0, middlewares));
return, e;
store = configureStore(),
state$ = new BehaviorSubject(store.getState()),
getState = function () {
return store.getState();
store.subscribe(function () {
return state$.next(store.getState());
var dispatch$8 = function (e) {
function generateTemplateCustomizationFunction(e) {
var t = e.projectId,
r = t
? sendQuery({ query: templateCustomizationQuery, variables: { projectId: t } })
.then(function (e) {
.then(function (e) {
return e || debugLog("Error: No ontology found for projectId: '" + t + "'"), dispatch$8(setCustomizationOptions(e)), e;
.catch(function () {
return null;
: Promise.resolve({ tools: [], classifications: [] }),
n = [];
return (
window.addEventListener("message", function (e) {
var t =;
t &&
t.customizationUpdate &&
n.forEach(function (e) {
e(t.customizationUpdate), dispatch$8(setCustomizationOptions(t.customizationUpdate));
function () {
return {
subscribe: function (e) {
return (
r.then(function (t) {
t && e(t);
unsubscribe: function () {
var t = n.indexOf(e);
n = n.slice(0, t).concat(n.slice(t + 1));
(AttachmentType = exports.AttachmentType || (exports.AttachmentType = {})),
(AttachmentType.IMAGE = "IMAGE"),
(AttachmentType.TEXT = "TEXT"),
(AttachmentType.VIDEO = "VIDEO"),
(function (e) {
(e.agreement_ASC = "agreement_ASC"),
(e.agreement_DESC = "agreement_DESC"),
(e.benchmarkAgreement_ASC = "benchmarkAgreement_ASC"),
(e.benchmarkAgreement_DESC = "benchmarkAgreement_DESC"),
(e.createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC"),
(e.createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC"),
(e.deleted_ASC = "deleted_ASC"),
(e.deleted_DESC = "deleted_DESC"),
(e.id_ASC = "id_ASC"),
(e.id_DESC = "id_DESC"),
(e.label_ASC = "label_ASC"),
(e.label_DESC = "label_DESC"),
(e.secondsToLabel_ASC = "secondsToLabel_ASC"),
(e.secondsToLabel_DESC = "secondsToLabel_DESC"),
(e.updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC"),
(e.updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC");
})(LabelOrderByInput || (LabelOrderByInput = {}));
var _this = void 0,
initURL = window.location.href,
initialProjectId = getQueryParam(initURL, "project");
function setLabelForAsset(e, t, r) {
return (
dispatch$8(labelSubmitted({ label: e, typeName: t, templateId: r })),
map(function (e) {
return selectCurrentAsset(e);
filter(function (t) {
return Boolean(t && t.label === e && !t.labelBeingSaved);
map(function (e) {
if (e) return { dataRowId: e.datarowId, data:, label: e.label };
filter(function (e) {
return Boolean(e.error);
map(function (e) {
return e.error;
mergeMap(function (e) {
return throwError(e);
function fetchNextAssetToLabel() {
var e = selectCurrentAsset(getState()),
t = e &&,
r = state$
filter(function (e) {
return Boolean(e && !== t);
map(function (e) {
return dispatch$8(userRequestNextUnlabeledAsset()), r;
window.addEventListener("load", function () {
return AccessToken.getToken().then(function (e) {
dispatch$8(appInit({ projectId: initialProjectId, labelId: getQueryParam(initURL, "label"), token: e }));
var setLabelAsCurrentAsset$$1 = function (e) {
return dispatch$8(setLabelAsCurrentAsset$1(e));
getTemplateCustomization = generateTemplateCustomizationFunction({ projectId: initialProjectId }),
currentAsset = function () {
return state$.pipe(
distinctUntilChanged(function (e, t) {
return equals(e, t);
tap(function (e) {
return debugLog("Emitting asset: ", e);
skip = function () {
return setLabelForAsset("Skip", exports.LabelTypes.SKIP);
update = function () {
return setLabelForAsset("Any", exports.LabelTypes.ANY);
enablePreloading = function (e) {
var t = e.preloadFunction;
"function" == typeof t ? registerPreloader(t) : console.error("Please call Labelbox.enablePreloading({preloadFunction: YOUR_FUNCTION_TO_PRELOAD}).");
function markAssetAsLabeled(e) {
var t = e.label,
r = e.labelId,
n = e.typeName;
return dispatch$8(assetMarkedAsLabeled({ label: t, labelId: r, typeName: n })), !0;
var getCurrentUser = function () {
return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var e, t, r, n;
return __generator(this, function (i) {
switch (i.label) {
case 0:
return [4, AccessToken.getToken()];
case 1:
return i.sent(), [4, fetchUser()];
case 2:
return (e = i.sent()) ? ((t =, (r =, (n =, [2, { id: t, email: r, name: n }]) : [2, null];
_createIdFactory = createLabelIdFactory;
(exports.setLabelForAsset = setLabelForAsset),
(exports.fetchNextAssetToLabel = fetchNextAssetToLabel),
(exports.setLabelAsCurrentAsset = setLabelAsCurrentAsset$$1),
(exports.getTemplateCustomization = getTemplateCustomization),
(exports.currentAsset = currentAsset),
(exports.skip = skip),
(exports.update = update),
(exports.enablePreloading = enablePreloading),
(exports.markAssetAsLabeled = markAssetAsLabeled),
(exports.getCurrentUser = getCurrentUser),
(exports._createIdFactory = _createIdFactory),
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
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