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Last active October 30, 2019 02:33
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'elasticsearch'
require 'json'
require 'pp'
#client ={log: true, hosts: { host: 'localhost'}})
client ={hosts: { host: 'localhost', port: 9291 }})
q ='water'
from = 0
size = 20
res = client.msearch \
body: [
{ index: 'meo', type: 'mdb_common' } ,
{ from: from, size: size, _source: ['identifier', 'name'], sort: ['_id'], query: { multi_match: {fields: [ 'name', 'alternateNames'], query: "#{q}", operator: 'and'} }},
{ index: 'strain', type: 'mdb_common' },
{ from: from, size: size, _source: ['identifier', 'name'], sort: ['_id'], query: { multi_match: {fields: [ 'name', 'alternateNames'], query: "#{q}", operator: 'and'} }},
{ index: 'mpo', type: 'mdb_common'},
{ from: from, size: size, _source: ['identifier', 'name'], sort: ['_id'], query: { multi_match: {fields: [ 'name', 'alternateNames'], query: "#{q}", operator: 'and'} }},
{ index: 'hmado', type: 'mdb_common'},
{ from: from, size: size, _source: ['identifier', 'name'], sort: ['_id'], query: { multi_match: {fields: [ 'name', 'alternateNames'], query: "#{q}", operator: 'and'} }},
{ index: 'pdo', type: 'mdb_common'},
{ from: from, size: size, _source: ['identifier', 'name'], sort: ['_id'], query: { multi_match: {fields: [ 'name', 'alternateNames'], query: "#{q}", operator: 'and'} }},
{ index: 'kegg', type: 'mdb_common'},
{ from: from, size: size, _source: ['identifier', 'name'], sort: ['_id'], query: { multi_match: {fields: [ 'name', 'alternateNames'], query: "#{q}", operator: 'and'} }},
{ index: 'taxonomy', type: 'mdb_common'},
{ from: from, size: size, _source: ['identifier', 'name'], sort: ['_id'], query: { multi_match: {fields: [ 'name', 'alternateNames'], query: "#{q}", operator: 'and'} }},
{ index: 'sample', type: 'mdb_common'},
{ from: from, size: size, _source: ['identifier', 'name'], sort: ['_id'], query: { multi_match: {fields: [ 'name', 'alternateNames'], query: "#{q}", operator: 'and'} }},
{ index: 'mbgd', type: 'mdb_common'},
{ from: from, size: size, _source: ['identifier', 'name'], sort: ['_id'], query: { multi_match: {fields: [ 'name', 'alternateNames'], query: "#{q}", operator: 'and'} }}
res["responses"].each do |idx|
#pp idx
puts "count: #{idx['hits']['total']}"
pp idx['hits']['hits'].map{ |hit| [hit['_source'], hit['_index']]}
rescue Exception => ex
puts ex.backtrace.first + ": #{ex.message} (#{ex.class})"
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