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Last active August 7, 2018 18:49
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Dynamic list with upsort
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
module Reflex.Dom.Contrib.Widgets.DynamicListWithUpsort where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Monoid
import Reflex
import Reflex.Dom.Core
:: MonadWidget t m
=> (Int -> a -> Event t a -> m b)
-- ^ Widget used to display each item
-> (b -> Dynamic t a)
-- ^ Access of current value
-> (b -> Event t ())
-- ^ upSort trigger
-> (b -> Event t ())
-- ^ Function that gets a remove event from the return value of each item
-> (b -> Event t a)
-- ^ Event that adds a new item to the list that is somehow based on an
-- existing item. If you don't want anything like this, use `const never`.
-> Event t a
-- ^ Event that adds a new item to the list that is not based on an
-- existing item.
-> [a]
-- ^ Initial list of items
-> m (Dynamic t [b])
dynamicListWithUpSort w extractVal removeEvent upEvt addFunc addEvent initList = do
let initMap = M.fromList $ zip [0..] initList
rec let vals = mergeWith (<>)
[ attachWith addNew (current res) addEvent
, addSpecific (current res)
, remove (current res)
, up (current res)
res <- listWithKeyShallowDiff initMap vals w
return $ M.elems <$> res
addSpecific res = switch (foo <$> res)
foo m = leftmost $ map (fmap (addNew m) . addFunc) $ M.elems m
addNew m a = M.singleton k (Just a)
k = if M.null m then 0 else fst (M.findMax m) + 1
remove res = switch (mergeWith (<>) . map f . M.toList <$> res)
f (k,b) = M.singleton k Nothing <$ removeEvent b
up res = switch (mergeWith (<>) . switchPair . L.sortOn fst . M.toList <$> res)
switchPair [] = []
switchPair [x] = []
switchPair ((k1,v1):(k2,v2):xs) =
let upEvt' = upEvt v2
val1 = (M.singleton k1 . Just) <$> tagPromptlyDyn (extractVal v2) upEvt'
val2 = (M.singleton k2 . Just) <$> tagPromptlyDyn (extractVal v1) upEvt'
in [val1, val2] ++ switchPair ((k2,v2):xs)
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