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Forked from danslimmon/read_opentsdb.r
Created February 22, 2017 21:02
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Reads data from OpenTSDB into an R data frame.
# Loads data from OpenTSDB.
# `server.url`: The URL of the OpenTSDB server (e.g. '')
# `metrics`: List of strings specifying the metrics to pull (e.g.
# c("avg:web.cpu.user{host=*}", "sum:web.requests{type=login}")
# )
# `start.dt`: How far to go back in the time series, in any format OpenTSDB
# (e.g. "4h-ago")
# `end.dt`: Where to end the results (defaults to now)
# `datify`: Whether to convert timestamps to POSIXlt objects (defaults to TRUE)
# Returns a data frame like
# metric timestamp value host type
# 1 web.cpu.user 1367769600 31.1 web01 <NA>
# 2 web.cpu.user 1367769603 14.2 web03 <NA>
# 3 web.requests 1367769610 219.46 <NA> login
# 4 web.cpu.user 1367769610 34.8 web01 <NA>
read.opentsdb <- function(server.url, metrics, start.dt, end.dt=NA, datify=T) {
metric.serial <- paste(metrics, collapse="&m=");
query.url <- paste(server.url,
"/q?ascii&m=", metric.serial,
"&start=", start.dt,
if (! {query.url <- paste(query.url, "&end=", end.dt, sep="")}
# Need to give col.names to make sure that read.delim2 doesn't get confused about
# rows with more tags that occur later in the file <- read.delim2(query.url, sep=" ", fill=T, header=F,
col.names=c("metric", "timestamp", "value", paste("tag", 1:10, sep=""))
)$timestamp <- as.numeric($timestamp)$value <- as.numeric($value)
# Reformat the tags into per-tag columns
m <- melt(, id.vars=1:3,"tag")
m <- na.omit(m)
m <- subset(m, tag != "")
m$ <- sub("=.*", "", m$tag)
m$tag.value <- sub(".*=", "", m$tag)
m <- (dcast(metric + timestamp + value ~, data=m, value.var="tag.value"))
if (datify) { m$timestamp = as.POSIXlt(m$timestamp, origin="1970-01-01") }
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