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Last active November 19, 2015 05:12
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Stuff for the Sail Buddy App

NMEA Documentation

NMEA 0183 Specification

Fragmented evidence on depth sounder sentences:

Scroll Views

C Interface

Customized Table Sections

Today Widget

Using Optionals

Variable declarations

var foo:Int? // declare an optional value: use foo! to unwrap
var foo:Int! // implicitly unwrapped optional: foo! is not required

Class member access

var foo = bar?.bat // optional chaining: foo is nil if bar is nil
var foo = bar!.bat // runtime error if bar is nil


var foo as ClassName  // ordinary casting will fail for down casting
var foo as? ClassName // downcast to optional: return nil on failure
var foo as! ClassName // forced downcast: runtime error on failure

Function returns

func doSomething() -> Int { }    // ordinary return
func doSomething() -> Int? { }   // return optional
func doSomething() -> Int! { }   // return implicitly unwrapped value: not sure how this is useful

Exception Handling

var foo = try  funcThatThrows() // call a throwing function in the context of a do { }
var foo = try? funcThatThrows() // foo is nil if function throws an exception
var foo = try! funcThatThrows() // disable exception throwing when you know function will succeed
/* Sets up a TCP or UDP broadcast process point that emulates the base unit of a sail timer wind vane
Supported arguments:
--port=port_number (default: 55554)
--input=data_file (default: sailtimer.txt)
--mode=1 - transmits data in randomly-sized blocks instead of complete nmea sentences (default: 0)
--type=tcp|udp - set socket type (default: udp)
Some resources:
$ip_address = getHostByName(getHostName());
$port = 55554;
$input_file = 'sailtimer.txt';
$mode = 0;
$ntype = 'udp';
$args = $argv;
while( substr($args[0],0,2) === '--' ) {
list($key,$value) = explode('=', substr($args[0],2), 2);
switch($key) {
case 'port':
$port = $value;
case 'input':
$input_file = $value;
case 'type':
$ntype = $value;
case 'mode':
$mode = $value;
if( $ntype == 'tcp' ) {
print "Initiating $ntype connection at $ip_address on port $port\n";
$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
if( $socket === false ) { die("socket_create failed.\n"); }
if( socket_bind($socket, $ip_address, $port) === false ) {
die("socket_bind() failed: " . socket_strerror(socket_last_error($socket)) . "\n");
if( socket_listen($socket, 5) === false ) {
die("socket_listen() failed: " . socket_strerror(socket_last_error($socket)) . "\n");
if( ($socketConnection = socket_accept($socket)) === false ) {
die("socket_accept() failed: " . socket_strerror(socket_last_error($socket)) . "\n");
socket_getpeername($socketConnection, $peerAddress);
print "Connection accepted: $peerAddress\n";
elseif( $ntype == 'udp' ) {
print "Initiating $ntype connection on port $port\n";
$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP);
if( $socket === false ) { die("socket_create failed.\n"); }
//Set socket options.
socket_set_option($socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, 1);
socket_set_option($socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1);
if (defined('SO_REUSEPORT'))
socket_set_option($socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, 1);
else {
die("Unknown connection type: $ntype\n");
//Bind to any address & port
if(!socket_bind($socket, '', 0))
die("socket_bind failed.\n");
$contents = file_get_contents($input_file);
$len = strlen($contents);
$m = 0;
// ping every 2 seconds
while( true ) {
$msg = '';
if( $mode == 0 ) {
while( true ) {
$i = substr($contents, $m, 1);
$msg .= $i;
if( $m == $len ) {
$m = 0;
elseif( ord($i) == 0x0a ) break;
else {
$i = rand(1,32) + 8;
$i = min($len - $m, $i);
$msg = substr($contents, $m, $i);
$m += $i;
if( $len == $m ) $m = 0;
if( $ntype == 'tcp' ) {
if( @socket_recv($socketConnection, $tmpBuffer, 1, MSG_PEEK|MSG_DONTWAIT) === false ) {
$errorcode = socket_last_error($socketConnection);
if( $errorcode != 35 ) {
print "closing. error is $errorcode / " . socket_strerror($errorcode) . "\n";
socket_write($socketConnection, $msg, strlen($msg));
elseif( $ntype == 'udp' ) {
socket_sendto($socket, $msg, strlen($msg), 0, '', $port);
# print $msg;
# sleep randomly, 0.5-2.0 seconds
usleep((500 + rand(0,1500)) * 1000);
//Wait for data.
$read = array($socket); $write = NULL; $except = NULL;
while(socket_select($read, $write, $except, NULL)) {
//Read received packets with a maximum size of 5120 bytes.
while(is_string($data = socket_read($socket, 5120))) {
echo $data;
function tws($awa,$aws,$cog,$sog) {
$speed = $aws * $aws + $sog * $sog - 2.0 * $aws * $sog * cos( deg2rad($awa*$cog) );
return sqrt( $speed );
function twa($awa, $aws, $cog, $sog) {
$speed = tws($awa, $aws, $cog, $sog);
if( $speed == 0 ) {
return 0; // we're not moving
$angle = acos( ($aws * cos( deg2rad($awa)) - $sog) / $speed);
if( $awa > 180 ) $angle *= -1;
return rad2deg( $angle );
$args = $argv;
list($awa, $aws, $cog, $sog) = $args;
$angle = twa($awa, $aws, $cog, $sog);
$speed = tws($awa, $aws, $cog, $sog);
print <<<HERE
AWA: $awa
AWS: $aws
TWA: $angle
TWS: $speed
COG: $cog
SOG: $sog
// Using these calculations:
var trueWindSpeed:CLLocationSpeed? {
if let course = self.course, aws = apparentWindSpeed, awa = apparentWindAngle, sog = self.speed {
var speed:Double = aws*aws + sog*sog - 2.0*aws*sog * cos(deg2rad(degnormalize(awa+course)))
return sqrt(speed)
return nil
var trueWindAngle:CLLocationDirection? {
if let aws = apparentWindSpeed, awa = apparentWindAngle, sog = self.speed, tws = trueWindSpeed {
// trap for div by 0
if tws == 0.0 {
return 0
var angle:Double = acos( (aws*cos(deg2rad(awa)) - sog) / tws)
if awa > 180 {
angle *= -1
return rad2deg(angle)
return nil
func deg2rad(degrees: CLLocationDirection) -> Double {
return degrees * 3.14159 / 180.0
func rad2deg(rad: Double) -> CLLocationDirection {
return round(rad * 180.0 / 3.14159)
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