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Created November 17, 2012 23:16
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## (A) Add fingerprint folding argument to desc2fp ##
## Intersect and Venn Diagram Functions ##
## Author: Thomas Girke
## Last update: March 24, 2012
## Utilities:
## (1) Venn Intersects
## Computation of Venn intersects among 2-20 or more sample sets using the typical
## 'only in' intersect logic of Venn comparisons, such as: objects present only in
## set A, objects present only in the intersect of A & B, etc. Due to this restrictive
## intersect logic, the combined Venn sets contain no duplicates.
## (2) Regular Intersects
## Computation of regular intersects among 2-20 or more sample sets using the
## following intersect logic: objects present in the intersect of A & B, objects present
## in the intersect of A & B & C, etc. The approach results usually in many duplications
## of objects among the intersect sets.
## (3) Graphical Utilities
## - Venn diagrams of 2-5 sample sets.
## - Bar plots for the results of Venn intersect and all intersect approaches derived
## from many samples sets.
## Detailed instructions for using the functions of this script are available on this page:
## Revision history:
## March 24, 2012: fixed substring problem in plotVenn function
## Define Generic Intersect Function ##
## Computation of (1) Venn Intersects and (2) Regular Intersects
overLapper <- function(setlist=setlist, complexity=1:length(setlist), sep="-", cleanup=FALSE, keepdups=FALSE, type) {
## Clean up of sample sets to minimize formatting issues
if(cleanup==TRUE) {
## Set all characters to upper case
setlist <- sapply(setlist, function(x) gsub("([A-Z])", "\\U\\1", x, perl=T,
## Remove leading and trailing spaces
setlist <- sapply(setlist, function(x) gsub("^ {1,}| {1,}$", "", x, perl=T,
## Append object counter to retain duplicates
if(keepdups==TRUE) {
dupCount <- function(setlist=setlist) {
count <- table(setlist)
paste(rep(names(count), count), unlist(sapply(count, function(x) seq(1, x))), sep=".")
mynames <- names(setlist)
setlist <- lapply(setlist, function(x) dupCount(x)) # lapply necessary for numeric data!
names(setlist) <- mynames
## Create intersect matrix (removes duplicates!)
setunion <- sort(unique(unlist(setlist)))
setmatrix <- sapply(names(setlist), function(x) setunion %in% unique(setlist[[x]]))
rownames(setmatrix) <- setunion
storage.mode(setmatrix) <- "numeric"
## Create all possible sample combinations within requested complexity levels
labels <- names(setlist)
allcombl <- lapply(complexity, function(x) combn(labels, m=x, simplify=FALSE))
allcombl <- unlist(allcombl, recursive=FALSE)
complevels <- sapply(allcombl, length)
## Return intersect list for generated sample combinations
if(type=="intersects") {
OLlist <- sapply(seq(along=allcombl), function(x) setunion[rowSums(setmatrix[, rep(allcombl[[x]], 2)]) == 2 * length(allcombl[[x]])])
names(OLlist) <- sapply(allcombl, paste, collapse=sep)
return(list(Set_List=setlist, Intersect_Matrix=setmatrix, Complexity_Levels=complevels, Intersect_List=OLlist))
## Return Venn intersect list for generated sample combinations
if(type=="vennsets") {
vennSets <- function(setmatrix=setmatrix, allcombl=allcombl, index=1) {
mycol1 <- which(colnames(setmatrix) %in% allcombl[[index]])
mycol2 <- which(!colnames(setmatrix) %in% allcombl[[index]])
cond1 <- rowSums(setmatrix[, rep(mycol1, 2)]) == 2 * length(mycol1)
cond2 <- rowSums(setmatrix[, rep(mycol2, 2)]) == 0
return(setunion[cond1 & cond2])
vennOLlist <- sapply(seq(along=allcombl), function(x) vennSets(setmatrix=setmatrix, allcombl=allcombl, index=x))
names(vennOLlist) <- sapply(allcombl, paste, collapse=sep)
return(list(Set_List=setlist, Intersect_Matrix=setmatrix, Complexity_Levels=complevels, Venn_List=vennOLlist))
## Define Venn Diagram Plotting Function ##
vennPlot <- function(counts=counts, mymain="Venn Diagram", mysub="default", setlabels="default", yoffset=seq(0,10,by=0.34), ccol=rep(1,31), colmode=1, lcol=c("#FF0000", "#008B00", "#0000FF", "#FF00FF", "#CD8500"), lines=c("#FF0000", "#008B00", "#0000FF", "#FF00FF", "#CD8500"), mylwd=3, diacol=1, type="ellipse", ccex=1.0, lcex=1.0, sepsplit="_", ...) {
## Enforce list structure to support multiple venn sets
if(is.list(counts)==FALSE) {
counts <- list(counts)
## Check for supported number of Venn counts: 3, 7, 15 and 31
if(!length(counts[[1]]) %in% c(3,7,15,31)) stop("Only the counts from 2-5 way venn comparisons are supported.")
## Function to return for a set label the index of matches in the name field of a counts object
grepLabel <- function(label, x=names(counts[[1]])) {
x <- strsplit(x, sepsplit)
as.numeric(which(sapply(x, function(y) any(y==label))))
## 2-way Venn diagram
if(length(counts[[1]])==3) {
## Define subtitle
if(mysub=="default") {
n <- names(counts[[1]])[1:2]
if(!all(rowSums(sapply(n, function(x) sapply(n, function(y) grepl(y, x)))) == 1)) { # Checks if one or more set labels are substrings of one another
sample_counts <- sapply(n, function(x) sum(counts[[1]][grepLabel(x, names(counts[[1]]))]))
if(sum(grepl(sepsplit, n)) > 0 | !all(grepl(sepsplit, names(counts[[1]][-c(1:length(n))])))) { sample_counts <- rep("?", length(n)); warning("Set labels are substrings of one another. To fix this, the set labels need to be separated by character provided under \"sepsplit\", but the individual names cannot contain this character themselves.") }
} else {
sample_counts <- sapply(n, function(x) sum(counts[[1]][grep(x, names(counts[[1]]))]))
mysub <- paste(paste("Unique objects: All =", sum(counts[[1]])), paste("; S1 =", sample_counts[1]), paste("; S2 =", sample_counts[2]), sep="")
} else {
mysub <- mysub
## Plot venn shapes
symbols(x=c(4, 6), y = c(6, 6), circles=c(2, 2), xlim=c(0, 10), ylim=c(0, 10), inches=F, main=mymain, sub=mysub, lwd=mylwd, xlab="", ylab="", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", bty="n", fg=lines, ...);
## Add counts
for(i in seq(along=counts)) {
olDF <- data.frame(x=c(3.1, 7.0, 5.0),
y=c(6.0, 6.0, 6.0),
if(colmode==1) { text(olDF$x, olDF$y + yoffset[i], olDF$counts, col=ccol, cex=ccex, ...) }
if(colmode==2) { text(olDF$x, olDF$y + yoffset[i], olDF$counts, col=ccol[[i]], cex=ccex[i], ...) } # For coloring several numbers per intersect differently. ccol can needs to be list to color each field differently..
## Add sample labels
if(length(setlabels)==1 & setlabels[1]=="default") {
setlabels <- names(counts[[1]][1:2])
} else {
setlabels <- setlabels
text(c(2.0, 8.0), c(8.8, 8.8), labels=setlabels, col=lcol, cex=lcex, ...)
## 3-way Venn diagram
if(length(counts[[1]])==7) {
## Define subtitle
if(mysub=="default") {
n <- names(counts[[1]])[1:3]
if(!all(rowSums(sapply(n, function(x) sapply(n, function(y) grepl(y, x)))) == 1)) { # Checks if one or more set labels are substrings of one another
sample_counts <- sapply(n, function(x) sum(counts[[1]][grepLabel(x, names(counts[[1]]))]))
if(sum(grepl(sepsplit, n)) > 0 | !all(grepl(sepsplit, names(counts[[1]][-c(1:length(n))])))) { sample_counts <- rep("?", length(n)); warning("Set labels are substrings of one another. To fix this, the set labels need to be separated by character provided under \"sepsplit\", but the individual names cannot contain this character themselves.") }
} else {
sample_counts <- sapply(n, function(x) sum(counts[[1]][grepLabel(x, names(counts[[1]]))]))
mysub <- paste(paste("Unique objects: All =", sum(counts[[1]])), paste("; S1 =", sample_counts[1]), paste("; S2 =", sample_counts[2]), paste("; S3 =", sample_counts[3]), sep="")
} else {
mysub <- mysub
## Plot venn shapes
symbols(x=c(4, 6, 5), y=c(6, 6, 4), circles=c(2, 2, 2), xlim=c(0, 10), ylim=c(0, 10), inches=FALSE, main=mymain, sub=mysub, lwd=mylwd, xlab="", ylab="", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", bty="n", fg=lines, ...)
## Add counts
for(i in seq(along=counts)) {
olDF <- data.frame(x=c(3.0, 7.0, 5.0, 5.0, 3.8, 6.3, 5.0),
y=c(6.5, 6.5, 3.0, 7.0, 4.6, 4.6, 5.3),
if(colmode==1) { text(olDF$x, olDF$y + yoffset[i], olDF$counts, col=ccol, cex=ccex, ...) }
if(colmode==2) { text(olDF$x, olDF$y + yoffset[i], olDF$counts, col=ccol[[i]], cex=ccex[i], ...) }
## Add sample labels
if(length(setlabels)==1 & setlabels[1]=="default") {
setlabels <- names(counts[[1]][1:3])
} else {
setlabels <- setlabels
text(c(2.0, 8.0, 6.0), c(8.8, 8.8, 1.1), labels=setlabels, col=lcol, cex=lcex, ...)
## 4-way Venn diagram with ellipses
if(length(counts[[1]])==15 & type=="ellipse") {
## Define subtitle
if(mysub=="default") {
n <- names(counts[[1]])[1:4]
if(!all(rowSums(sapply(n, function(x) sapply(n, function(y) grepl(y, x)))) == 1)) { # Checks if one or more set labels are substrings of one another
sample_counts <- sapply(n, function(x) sum(counts[[1]][grepLabel(x, names(counts[[1]]))]))
if(sum(grepl(sepsplit, n)) > 0 | !all(grepl(sepsplit, names(counts[[1]][-c(1:length(n))])))) { sample_counts <- rep("?", length(n)); warning("Set labels are substrings of one another. To fix this, the set labels need to be separated by character provided under \"sepsplit\", but the individual names cannot contain this character themselves.") }
} else {
sample_counts <- sapply(n, function(x) sum(counts[[1]][grepLabel(x, names(counts[[1]]))]))
mysub <- paste(paste("Unique objects: All =", sum(counts[[1]])), paste("; S1 =", sample_counts[1]), paste("; S2 =", sample_counts[2]), paste("; S3 =", sample_counts[3]), paste("; S4 =", sample_counts[4]), sep="")
} else {
mysub <- mysub
## Plot ellipse
plotellipse <- function (center=c(1,1), radius=c(1,2), rotate=1, segments=360, xlab="", ylab="", ...) {
angles <- (0:segments) * 2 * pi/segments
rotate <- rotate*pi/180
ellipse <- cbind(radius[1] * cos(angles), radius[2] * sin(angles))
ellipse <- cbind( ellipse[,1]*cos(rotate) + ellipse[,2]*sin(rotate), ellipse[,2]*cos(rotate) - ellipse[,1]*sin(rotate) )
ellipse <- cbind(center[1]+ellipse[,1], center[2]+ellipse[,2])
plot(ellipse, type = "l", xlim = c(0, 10), ylim = c(0, 10), xlab = "", ylab = "", ...)
## Plot ellipse as 4-way venn diagram
ellipseVenn <- function(...) {
plotellipse(center=c(3.5,3.6), radius=c(2,4), rotate=-35, segments=360, xlab="", ylab="", col=lines[1], axes=FALSE, main=mymain, sub=mysub, lwd=mylwd, ...)
screen(1, new=FALSE)
plotellipse(center=c(4.7,4.4), radius=c(2,4), rotate=-35, segments=360, xlab="", ylab="", col=lines[2], axes=FALSE, lwd=mylwd, ...)
screen(1, new=FALSE)
plotellipse(center=c(5.3,4.4), radius=c(2,4), rotate=35, segments=360, xlab="", ylab="", col=lines[3], axes=FALSE, lwd=mylwd, ...)
screen(1, new=FALSE)
plotellipse(center=c(6.5,3.6), radius=c(2,4), rotate=35, segments=360, xlab="", ylab="", col=lines[4], axes=FALSE, lwd=mylwd, ...)
## Add counts
for(i in seq(along=counts)) {
olDF <- data.frame(x=c(1.5, 3.5, 6.5, 8.5, 2.9, 3.1, 5.0, 5.0, 6.9, 7.1, 3.6, 5.8, 4.2, 6.4, 5.0),
y=c(4.8, 7.2, 7.2, 4.8, 5.9, 2.2, 0.7, 6.0, 2.2, 5.9, 4.0, 1.4, 1.4, 4.0, 2.8),
if(colmode==1) { text(olDF$x, olDF$y + yoffset[i], olDF$counts, col=ccol, cex=ccex, ...) }
if(colmode==2) { text(olDF$x, olDF$y + yoffset[i], olDF$counts, col=ccol[[i]], cex=ccex[i], ...) }
## Add sample labels
if(length(setlabels)==1 & setlabels[1]=="default") {
setlabels <- names(counts[[1]][1:4])
} else {
setlabels <- setlabels
text(c(0.4, 2.8, 7.5, 9.4), c(7.3, 8.3, 8.3, 7.3), labels=setlabels, col=lcol, cex=lcex, ...)
## 4-way Venn diagram with circles (pseudo-venn diagram that misses two overlap sectors)
if(length(counts[[1]])==15 & type=="circle") {
## Define subtitle
if(mysub=="default") {
n <- names(counts[[1]])[1:4]
if(!all(rowSums(sapply(n, function(x) sapply(n, function(y) grepl(y, x)))) == 1)) { # Checks if one or more set labels are substrings of one another
sample_counts <- sapply(n, function(x) sum(counts[[1]][grepLabel(x, names(counts[[1]]))]))
if(sum(grepl(sepsplit, n)) > 0 | !all(grepl(sepsplit, names(counts[[1]][-c(1:length(n))])))) { sample_counts <- rep("?", length(n)); warning("Set labels are substrings of one another. To fix this, the set labels need to be separated by character provided under \"sepsplit\", but the individual names cannot contain this character themselves.") }
} else {
sample_counts <- sapply(n, function(x) sum(counts[[1]][grepLabel(x, names(counts[[1]]))]))
mysub <- paste(paste("Unique objects: All =", sum(counts[[1]])), paste("; S1 =", sample_counts[1]), paste("; S2 =", sample_counts[2]), paste("; S3 =", sample_counts[3]), paste("; S4 =", sample_counts[4]), sep="")
} else {
mysub <- mysub
## Plot venn shapes
symbols(x=c(4, 5.5, 4, 5.5), y = c(6, 6, 4.5, 4.5), circles=c(2, 2, 2, 2), xlim=c(0, 10), ylim=c(0, 10), inches=FALSE, main=mymain, sub=mysub, lwd=mylwd, xlab="", ylab="", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", bty="n", fg=lines, ...)
## Add counts
for(i in seq(along=counts)) {
olDF <- data.frame(x=c(3.0, 6.5, 3.0, 6.5, 4.8, 3.0, 4.8, 4.8, 6.5, 4.8, 3.9, 5.7, 3.9, 5.7, 4.8),
y=c(7.2, 7.2, 3.2, 3.2, 7.2, 5.2, 0.4, 0.4, 5.2, 3.2, 6.3, 6.3, 4.2, 4.2, 5.2),
if(colmode==1) { text(olDF$x[-c(7,8)], olDF$y[-c(7,8)] + yoffset[i], olDF$counts[-c(7,8)], col=ccol, cex=ccex, ...) } # rows 14-15 of olDF are printed in next step
if(colmode==2) { text(olDF$x[-c(7,8)], olDF$y[-c(7,8)] + yoffset[i], olDF$counts[-c(7,8)], col=ccol[[i]], cex=ccex[i], ...) }
text(c(4.8), c(0.8) + yoffset[i], paste("Only in ", names(counts[[1]][1]), " & ", names(counts[[1]][4]), ": ", olDF$counts[7], "; Only in ", names(counts[[1]][2]), " & ", names(counts[[1]][3]), ": ", olDF$counts[8], sep=""), col=diacol, cex=ccex, ...)
## Add sample labels
if(length(setlabels)==1 & setlabels[1]=="default") {
setlabels <- names(counts[[1]][1:4])
} else {
setlabels <- setlabels
text(c(2.0, 7.5, 2.0, 7.5), c(8.3, 8.3, 2.0, 2.0), labels=setlabels, col=lcol, cex=lcex, ...)
## 5-way Venn diagram
if(length(counts[[1]])==31) {
## Define subtitle
if(mysub=="default") {
n <- names(counts[[1]])[1:5]
if(!all(rowSums(sapply(n, function(x) sapply(n, function(y) grepl(y, x)))) == 1)) { # Checks if one or more set labels are substrings of one another
sample_counts <- sapply(n, function(x) sum(counts[[1]][grepLabel(x, names(counts[[1]]))]))
if(sum(grepl(sepsplit, n)) > 0 | !all(grepl(sepsplit, names(counts[[1]][-c(1:length(n))])))) { sample_counts <- rep("?", length(n)); warning("Set labels are substrings of one another. To fix this, the set labels need to be separated by character provided under \"sepsplit\", but the individual names cannot contain this character themselves.") }
} else {
sample_counts <- sapply(n, function(x) sum(counts[[1]][grepLabel(x, names(counts[[1]]))]))
mysub <- paste(paste("Unique objects: All =", sum(counts[[1]])), paste("; S1 =", sample_counts[1]), paste("; S2 =", sample_counts[2]), paste("; S3 =", sample_counts[3]), paste("; S4 =", sample_counts[4]), paste("; S5 =", sample_counts[5]), sep="")
} else {
mysub <- mysub
## Plot ellipse
plotellipse <- function (center=c(1,1), radius=c(1,2), rotate=1, segments=360, xlab="", ylab="", ...) {
angles <- (0:segments) * 2 * pi/segments
rotate <- rotate*pi/180
ellipse <- cbind(radius[1] * cos(angles), radius[2] * sin(angles))
ellipse <- cbind( ellipse[,1]*cos(rotate) + ellipse[,2]*sin(rotate), ellipse[,2]*cos(rotate) - ellipse[,1]*sin(rotate) )
ellipse <- cbind(center[1]+ellipse[,1], center[2]+ellipse[,2])
plot(ellipse, type = "l", xlim = c(0, 10), ylim = c(0, 10), xlab = "", ylab = "", ...)
## Plot ellipse as 5-way venn diagram
ellipseVenn <- function(...) {
screen(1, new=FALSE)
plotellipse(center=c(4.83,6.2), radius=c(1.43,4.11), rotate=0, segments=360, xlab="", ylab="", col=lines[1], axes=FALSE, main=mymain, sub=mysub, lwd=mylwd, ...)
screen(1, new=FALSE)
plotellipse(center=c(6.25,5.4), radius=c(1.7,3.6), rotate=66, segments=360, xlab="", ylab="", col=lines[2], axes=FALSE, lwd=mylwd, ...)
screen(1, new=FALSE)
plotellipse(center=c(6.1,3.5), radius=c(1.55,3.9), rotate=150, segments=360, xlab="", ylab="", col=lines[3], axes=FALSE, lwd=mylwd, ...)
screen(1, new=FALSE)
plotellipse(center=c(4.48,3.15), radius=c(1.55,3.92), rotate=210, segments=360, xlab="", ylab="", col=lines[4], axes=FALSE, lwd=mylwd, ...)
screen(1, new=FALSE)
plotellipse(center=c(3.7,4.8), radius=c(1.7,3.6), rotate=293.5, segments=360, xlab="", ylab="", col=lines[5], axes=FALSE, lwd=mylwd, ...)
## Add counts
for(i in seq(along=counts)) {
olDF <- data.frame(x=c(4.85, 8.0, 7.1, 3.5, 2.0, 5.90, 4.4, 4.60, 3.60, 7.1, 6.5, 3.2, 5.4, 6.65, 3.40, 5.00, 6.02, 3.60, 5.20, 4.03, 4.20, 6.45, 6.8, 3.39, 6.03, 5.74, 4.15, 3.95, 5.2, 6.40, 5.1),
y=c(8.30, 6.2, 1.9, 1.6, 5.4, 6.85, 6.6, 2.45, 6.40, 4.3, 6.0, 4.6, 2.1, 3.40, 3.25, 6.43, 6.38, 5.10, 2.49, 6.25, 3.08, 5.30, 4.0, 3.80, 3.20, 5.95, 5.75, 3.75, 3.0, 4.50, 4.6),
if(colmode==1) { text(olDF$x, olDF$y + yoffset[i], olDF$counts, col=ccol, cex=ccex, ...) }
if(colmode==2) { text(olDF$x, olDF$y + yoffset[i], olDF$counts, col=ccol[[i]], cex=ccex[i], ...) }
## Add sample labels
if(length(setlabels)==1 & setlabels[1]=="default") {
setlabels <- names(counts[[1]][1:5])
} else {
setlabels <- setlabels
text(c(5.7, 7.9, 8.5, 4.2, 0.8), c(9.9, 7.9, 1.9, 0.0, 7.3), adj=c(0, 0.5), labels=setlabels, col=lcol, cex=lcex, ...)
## Define Bar Plot Function ##
## Plots the counts of Venn/regular intersects generated by the overLapper function
olBarplot <- function(OLlist=OLlist, mycol="default", margins=c(6, 10, 3, 2), mincount=0, mysub="default", ...) {
## Generate counts and allow lower limit
counts <- sapply(OLlist[[4]], length)
mylogical <- counts >= mincount
counts <- counts[mylogical]
## Color bars by default by complexity levels
if(mycol=="default") {
mycol <- OLlist$Complexity_Levels
mycol <- mycol[mylogical]
} else {
mycol <- mycol
## Define subtitle
if(mysub=="default") {
mysub <- paste("Min Count:", mincount)
} else {
mysub <- mysub
## Generate bar plot with defined margins
par(mar=margins) # Define margins to allow long labels
barplot(counts, col=mycol, sub=mysub, ...)
par(mar=c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1) # Set margins back to default
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