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Last active May 28, 2018 21:57
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Map Pfam domain with HMMER3
## Map Pfam Domains to Proteins with HMMER3 ##
## Author: Thomas Girke
## Date: May 11, 2018
## Utility: mapping of Pfam domains to protein sequences.
## The module load and Pfam database paths given below are specific to the HPCC/biocluster system.
## For details consult the man page for hmmscan from the command-line with 'hmmscan -h'
## Note: the file myseq.txt contains yours protein sequences and Pfam-A.hmm is the Pfam database available on HPCC cluster
system("hmmscan -E 0.1 --acc --domtblout output.pfam /srv/projects/db/pfam/2017-06-11-Pfam31.0/Pfam-A.hmm myseq.txt > /dev/null")
## Read Pfam mapping results into R
pfdf <- read.table("output.pfam", comment="#", header=FALSE)
## For fast import use fread from data.table package
pfdf <- fread("grep -v '^#' output.pfam") # syntax to ignore lines starting with `#`
colnames(pfdf) <- c("target name", "accession1", "tlen", "query name", "accession2", "qlen", "E-value", "score1", "bias1", "No", "of", "c-Evalue", "i-Evalue", "score2", "bias2", "from1", "to`", "from2", "to2", "from3", "to3", "acc", "description of target")
## tibbles from dplyr are a more modern version of data.frames
library(dplyr, quietly=TRUE)
pfdf <- as_data_frame(pfdf)
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