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Created May 4, 2011 06:07
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$ = require('jquery')
_ = require('underscore')
isbn_pattern = /[0-9]{10}/g
get_isbns = (s) -> s.match isbn_pattern
print = (s) -> console.log s
# Examples taken from
print "too short: #{ get_isbns "032134960" } "
print "ISBN-10: #{ get_isbns "0321349601" } "
print "ISBN-13: #{ get_isbns "978-0321349606" } "
print "too long: #{ get_isbns "978-10321349606" } "
print "a long example: #{ get_isbns """The ISBN number can be both 0321349601 and
978-0321349606, but who knows""" } "
example_content = """
<!DOCTYPE html>
h3 { margin: 0; }
div,span,p {
width: 80px;
height: 40px;
padding: 10px;
margin: 10px;
background-color: #EEEEEE;
<div>DIV with isbn: 0321349601 and 1321349601</div>
<span>SPAN with 1234567890</span>
<p>P <button>Button with isbn: 1111111111</button></p>
print _.uniq $(example_content).find("*").map( -> get_isbns this.text ).get()
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