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Created July 18, 2013 17:16
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Example CFC for elasticSearch interface
<cfcomponent output="false" >
<cffunction name="init" access="public" returntype="any" >
<!--- this just sets up the CFC with the elasticSearch URL and port --->
<cfargument name="searchEndPoint" type="string" required="true"/>
<cfargument name="searchPort" type="string" required="true"/>
<cfset variables.searchEndPoint = arguments.searchEndPoint />
<cfset variables.searchPort = arguments.searchPort />
<cfreturn this />
<cffunction name="search" access="public" returntype="Struct">
<cfargument name="collection" type="string" required="true"> <!--- this is your "collection". Think database name --->
<cfargument name="type" type="string" required="true"> <!--- this is object type. Think table name --->
<cfargument name="sQuery" type="struct" required="true"> <!--- the query struct --->
<cfargument name="routing" type="string" required="true" default=""> <!--- optional routing - see docs --->
<cfset var pURL = "#variables.searchEndPoint#/#arguments.collection#/#arguments.type#/_search">
<cfif arguments.routing neq "">
<cfset pURL = "#pURL#?routing=#arguments.routing#">
<cfhttp port="#variables.searchPort#" url="#pURL#" method="POST">
<cfhttpparam type="header" name="content-type" value="application/json">
<cfhttpparam type="body" name="json" value="#SerializeJSON(sQuery)#">
<cfset var stResponse = {}>
<cfif cfhttp.statusCode neq "200 OK">
<cfset stResponse.success=false />
<cfset stResponse.statusCode=cfhttp.statusCode />
<cfset stResponse.result = DeSerializeJSON(cfhttp.fileContent)/>
<cfset stResponse.incoming =sQuery>
<cfset stResponse.success=true />
<cfset stResponse.result = DeSerializeJSON(cfhttp.fileContent)/>
<cfreturn stResponse />
<cffunction name="delete" access="public" returntype="void">
<cfargument name="collection" type="string" required="true">
<cfhttp port="#variables.searchPort#" url="#variables.searchEndPoint#/#arguments.collection#" method="DELETE">
<cffunction name="addItem" access="public" returntype="any">
<cfargument name="collection" type="string" required="true"><!--- this is your "collection" --->
<cfargument name="type" type="string" required="true"> <!--- this is your object type --->
<cfargument name="id" type="string" required="true"> <!--- unique object ID --->
<cfargument name="item" type="struct" required="true"> <!--- the json object --->
<cfargument name="routing" type="string" required="true" default="">
<cfset var pURL = "#variables.searchEndPoint#/#collection#/#arguments.type#/">
<cfif arguments.routing neq "">
<cfset pURL = "#pURL#?routing=#arguments.routing#">
<cfhttp method="POST" port="#variables.searchPort#" url="#pURL#" result="httpRequest" timeout="20" charset="utf-8">
<cfhttpparam type="header" name="Content-Type" value="application/json; charset=utf-8" />
<cfhttpparam type="body" value="#SerializeJSON(arguments.item)#">
<cfreturn httpRequest>
// a very simple query string type search:
<cfset var sQuery = {}>
<cfset sQuery["size"] = 10> <!--- size of returned results --->
<cfset sQuery["from"] = 1> <!--- start row --->
<!--- this will return everything --->
<cfset sQuery["query"]["filtered"]["query"]["match_all"] = {}>
<!--- this will return a simple queried result --->
<cfset sQuery["query"]["filtered"]["query"]["query_string"]["query"] = "Test">
<!--- this will return a specific attribute, for example a product type --->
<cfset sQuery["query"]["filtered"]["query"]["match"]["ProductType"] = "Used">
<!--- let's do the search --->
<cfset results ="@collectionName@",'@type@',sQuery)>
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tgmweb commented Jul 18, 2013

The first query returns everything for the elasticSearch collection. In SQL terms, this might be like Select * from Products;

The second returns a result where any attribute has the value "test". There's no real SQL comparison here, other than "Select * from Products where allcolums LIKE '%Test%'

The third returns a result based on a attribute. Think Select * from Products where Product Type = 'Used'.

You could also do the second and third together. That would be similar to: Select * from Products where productType = 'Used' AND anycolumn LIKE '%Test%'

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