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Created November 8, 2023 06:43
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The Boxed Protocol Types example
public protocol Shape {
func draw() -> String
struct Triangle: Shape {
typealias T = Int
var size: Int
func draw() -> String {
var result: [String] = []
for length in 1...size {
result.append(String(repeating: "*", count: length))
return result.joined(separator: "\n")
struct Square: Shape {
typealias T = Int
var size: Int
func draw() -> String {
let line = String(repeating: "*", count: size)
let result = Array<String>(repeating: line, count: size)
return result.joined(separator: "\n")
struct VerticalShapes: Shape {
var shapes: [any Shape] // boxed Shape elements by adding any before the name of a protocol
func draw() -> String {
return { $0.draw() }.joined(separator: "\n\n")
let largeTriangle = Triangle(size: 5)
let largeSquare = Square(size: 5)
let vertical = VerticalShapes(shapes: [largeTriangle, largeSquare])
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