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Last active October 26, 2023 15:09
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Script that activates a window by name so it can be configured to a global hotkey. If the window is not open, then it will launch the app/program. Requires linux and genome.
# Use "wmctrl -l" to get list of all window names if needed
# when setting the target window name. May need to install wmctrl.
# Example output:
# 0x00e00003 0 dell-XPS Hyper
# 0x03600003 0 dell-XPS Script that activates a window by name so it can be configured to a global hotkey. If the window is not open, then it will launch the app/program. Requires linux and genome. and 9 more pages - Personal - Microsoft​ Edge Dev
# 0x03600083 0 dell-XPS Flathub - RedisInsight | Flathub
# 0x0360009a 0 dell-XPS GNOME Shell Extensions - Personal - Microsoft​ Edge Dev
# 0x06600060 0 dell-XPS Settings
# 0x06800003 0 dell-XPS Untitled-1 - PyGen - Visual Studio Code - Insiders
# 0x06800015 0 dell-XPS ● #!/bin/bash • Untitled-1 - Visual Studio Code - Insiders
# This function activates a window with the given name if it exists, otherwise it launches the program.
# If xdotool is not installed, it prompts the user to install it and exits if the user chooses not to install it.
# Parameters:
# $1: The name of the window or program to activate
activate_window() {
# Check if the number of arguments is 1. If not, print error message and exit.
if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Illegal number of parameters. Please provide a single argument with the name of the window or program to activate."
exit 1
local window_name="$1"
# Check if xdotool is installed. If not, prompt user if they want to install it with yes/no. If no, exit script.
if ! command -v xdotool &>/dev/null; then
echo "xdotool could not be found"
read -p "Would you like to install it? (y/n) " -n 1 -r
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
sudo apt update && sudo apt install xdotool
exit 1
# Get the window ID of the last active window with the given name
window_id=$(xdotool search --name "$window_name" | tail -1)
# If the window ID is not empty, activate the window
if [ -n "$window_id" ]; then
xdotool windowactivate $window_id
# If the window ID is empty, launch the program
$1 &
activate_window $WINDOW_NAME
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