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Last active July 1, 2022 20:12
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import ComposableArchitecture
import SwiftUI
public enum ControlledStore {}
extension ControlledStore {
public enum Command: Equatable {
case run
case pause
public struct Start { public init() {} }
public struct Stop { public init() {} }
public struct Restart { public init() {} }
public struct Send<Action> {
var action: Action
var delay: TimeInterval?
var animation: Animation?
public init(
_ action: Action, after delay: TimeInterval? = nil, animation: Animation? = nil
) {
self.action = action
self.delay = delay
self.animation = animation
public struct Wait {
let duration: TimeInterval
public init(seconds: TimeInterval = 0) {
self.duration = seconds
public struct WithControlledStore<State, Action, Content: View>: View {
let content: Content
let store: Store<State, Action>
let actions: [ControlledStore.Action]
let command: (() -> ControlledStore.Command?)?
@StateObject var storeController = StoreController()
public init(
_ store: Store<State, Action>,
@ControlledStore.ActionsBuilder<Action> actions: () -> [ControlledStore.Action],
controllerState command: (() -> ControlledStore.Command?)? = nil,
@ViewBuilder content: (Store<State, Action>) -> Content
) { = store
self.command = command
self.content = content(store)
self.actions = actions()
public var body: some View {
.task {
storeController.register(store: store, actions: actions)
if let command = command {
} else if case .command(.run) = actions.first {
.onChange(of: command?(), perform: storeController.send)
extension ControlledStore {
struct State {
init(actions: [Action]) {
self.actions = actions
var actions: [Action]
var nextActions: [Action] = []
var inFlight: Action?
mutating func extractNextAction() -> Action? {
guard !nextActions.isEmpty else { return nil }
inFlight = nextActions.first
return inFlight
extension WithControlledStore {
final class StoreController: ObservableObject {
var controllerStore: Store<ControlledStore.State, ControlledStore.Action>?
var controllerViewStore: ViewStore<Void, ControlledStore.Action>?
var store: Any?
init() {}
func register<State>(store: Store<State, Action>, actions: [ControlledStore.Action]) {
guard controllerStore == nil else { return } = store
let viewStore = ViewStore(store.stateless)
let id = ObjectIdentifier(self)
let reducer = Reducer<ControlledStore.State, ControlledStore.Action, Void> { state, action, _ in
switch action {
case let .send(action, delay, animation):
let nextAction = state.extractNextAction()
return .merge(
.fireAndForget { viewStore.send(action as! Action, animation: animation) },
Effect(value: nextAction ?? .end)
for: .seconds(delay ?? 0),
scheduler: DispatchQueue.main.eraseToAnyScheduler()
.cancellable(id: id, cancelInFlight: true)
case .command(.run):
// Prime if needed
if state.nextActions.isEmpty, state.inFlight == nil {
state.nextActions = actions
var nextAction = state.extractNextAction()
while case .command(.run) = nextAction, nextAction != nil {
nextAction = state.extractNextAction()
return Effect(value: nextAction ?? .end)
case .command(.pause):
if let inFlight = state.inFlight {
state.nextActions.insert(inFlight, at: 0)
state.inFlight = nil
return .cancel(id: id)
case .end:
state.inFlight = nil
state.nextActions = []
return .cancel(id: id)
case .restart:
state.nextActions = state.actions
let nextAction = state.extractNextAction()
return Effect(value: nextAction ?? .end)
case let .next(delay):
let nextAction = state.extractNextAction()
return Effect(value: nextAction ?? .end)
for: .seconds(delay ?? 0),
scheduler: DispatchQueue.main.eraseToAnyScheduler()
.cancellable(id: id, cancelInFlight: true)
self.controllerStore = Store(initialState: .init(actions: actions), reducer: reducer, environment: ())
self.controllerViewStore = ViewStore(controllerStore!.stateless)
func send(_ command: ControlledStore.Command?) {
guard let command = command else { return }
extension ControlledStore {
public enum Action {
case send(Any, after: TimeInterval? = 0, animation: Animation? = nil)
case command(Command)
case end
case restart
case next(after: TimeInterval? = 0)
extension ControlledStore {
public enum ActionsBuilder<Action> {
public static func buildBlock(_ components: [ControlledStore.Action]...) -> [ControlledStore
components.flatMap { $0 }
public static func buildExpression(_ expression: ()) -> [ControlledStore.Action] {
public static func buildExpression(_ expression: Start) -> [ControlledStore.Action] {
public static func buildExpression(_ expression: Stop) -> [ControlledStore.Action] {
public static func buildExpression(_ expression: Restart) -> [ControlledStore.Action] {
public static func buildExpression(_ expression: Send<Action>) -> [ControlledStore.Action] {
[.send(expression.action, after: expression.delay, animation: expression.animation)]
public static func buildExpression(_ expression: Wait) -> [ControlledStore.Action] {
[.next(after: expression.duration)]
public static func buildExpression(_ expression: Action) -> [ControlledStore.Action] {
public static func buildOptional(_ component: [ControlledStore.Action]?) -> [ControlledStore
component ?? []
public static func buildEither(first component: [ControlledStore.Action]) -> [ControlledStore
return component
public static func buildEither(second component: [ControlledStore.Action]) -> [ControlledStore
return component
public static func buildArray(_ components: [[ControlledStore.Action]]) -> [ControlledStore
components.flatMap { $0 }
public static func buildLimitedAvailability(_ component: [ControlledStore.Action])
-> [ControlledStore.Action]
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