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Created February 22, 2024 23:14
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lockdown script to load via script tag
// ses@1.2.0
'use strict';
(() => {
const functors = [
// === functors[0] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; $h‍_imports([]); /* global globalThis */
/* eslint-disable no-restricted-globals */
* commons.js
* Declare shorthand functions. Sharing these declarations across modules
* improves on consistency and minification. Unused declarations are
* dropped by the tree shaking process.
* We capture these, not just for brevity, but for security. If any code
* modifies Object to change what 'assign' points to, the Compartment shim
* would be corrupted.
// We cannot use globalThis as the local name since it would capture the
// lexical name.
const universalThis= globalThis;$h‍_once.universalThis(universalThis);
const {
const {
// The feral Error constructor is safe for internal use, but must not be
// revealed to post-lockdown code in any compartment including the start
// compartment since in V8 at least it bears stack inspection capabilities.
const {
prototype: objectPrototype,
const {
species: speciesSymbol,
toStringTag: toStringTagSymbol,
iterator: iteratorSymbol,
matchAll: matchAllSymbol,
unscopables: unscopablesSymbol,
keyFor: symbolKeyFor,
for: symbolFor}=
const { isInteger}= Number;$h‍_once.isInteger(isInteger);
const { stringify: stringifyJson}= JSON;
// Needed only for the Safari bug workaround below
const defineProperty= (object, prop, descriptor)=> {
// We used to do the following, until we had to reopen Safari bug
// Once this is fixed, we may restore it.
// // Object.defineProperty is allowed to fail silently so we use
// // Object.defineProperties instead.
// return defineProperties(object, { [prop]: descriptor });
// Instead, to workaround the Safari bug
const result= originalDefineProperty(object, prop, descriptor);
if( result!== object) {
// See
throw TypeError(
`Please report that the original defineProperty silently failed to set ${stringifyJson(
return result;
const {
get: reflectGet,
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: reflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor,
has: reflectHas,
isExtensible: reflectIsExtensible,
preventExtensions: reflectPreventExtensions,
set: reflectSet}=
const { isArray, prototype: arrayPrototype}= Array;$h‍_once.isArray(isArray);$h‍_once.arrayPrototype(arrayPrototype);
const { prototype: mapPrototype}= Map;$h‍_once.mapPrototype(mapPrototype);
const { revocable: proxyRevocable}= Proxy;$h‍_once.proxyRevocable(proxyRevocable);
const { prototype: regexpPrototype}= RegExp;$h‍_once.regexpPrototype(regexpPrototype);
const { prototype: setPrototype}= Set;$h‍_once.setPrototype(setPrototype);
const { prototype: stringPrototype}= String;$h‍_once.stringPrototype(stringPrototype);
const { prototype: weakmapPrototype}= WeakMap;$h‍_once.weakmapPrototype(weakmapPrototype);
const { prototype: weaksetPrototype}= WeakSet;$h‍_once.weaksetPrototype(weaksetPrototype);
const { prototype: functionPrototype}= Function;$h‍_once.functionPrototype(functionPrototype);
const { prototype: promisePrototype}= Promise;$h‍_once.promisePrototype(promisePrototype);
const typedArrayPrototype= getPrototypeOf(Uint8Array.prototype);$h‍_once.typedArrayPrototype(typedArrayPrototype);
const { bind}= functionPrototype;
* uncurryThis()
* Equivalent of: fn => (thisArg, ...args) => apply(fn, thisArg, args)
* See those reference for a complete explanation:
* which only lives at
* @type {<F extends (this: any, ...args: any[]) => any>(fn: F) => ((thisArg: ThisParameterType<F>, ...args: Parameters<F>) => ReturnType<F>)}
const uncurryThis= bind.bind(; // eslint-disable-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
const objectHasOwnProperty= uncurryThis(objectPrototype.hasOwnProperty);
$h‍_once.objectHasOwnProperty(objectHasOwnProperty);const arrayFilter=uncurryThis(arrayPrototype.filter);$h‍_once.arrayFilter(arrayFilter);
const arrayForEach= uncurryThis(arrayPrototype.forEach);$h‍_once.arrayForEach(arrayForEach);
const arrayIncludes= uncurryThis(arrayPrototype.includes);$h‍_once.arrayIncludes(arrayIncludes);
const arrayJoin= uncurryThis(arrayPrototype.join);
/** @type {<T, U>(thisArg: readonly T[], callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => U, cbThisArg?: any) => U[]} */$h‍_once.arrayJoin(arrayJoin);
const arrayMap= /** @type {any} */ uncurryThis(;$h‍_once.arrayMap(arrayMap);
const arrayPop= uncurryThis(arrayPrototype.pop);
/** @type {<T>(thisArg: T[], ...items: T[]) => number} */$h‍_once.arrayPop(arrayPop);
const arrayPush= uncurryThis(arrayPrototype.push);$h‍_once.arrayPush(arrayPush);
const arraySlice= uncurryThis(arrayPrototype.slice);$h‍_once.arraySlice(arraySlice);
const arraySome= uncurryThis(arrayPrototype.some);$h‍_once.arraySome(arraySome);
const arraySort= uncurryThis(arrayPrototype.sort);$h‍_once.arraySort(arraySort);
const iterateArray= uncurryThis(arrayPrototype[iteratorSymbol]);
$h‍_once.iterateArray(iterateArray);const mapSet=uncurryThis(mapPrototype.set);$h‍_once.mapSet(mapSet);
const mapGet= uncurryThis(mapPrototype.get);$h‍_once.mapGet(mapGet);
const mapHas= uncurryThis(mapPrototype.has);$h‍_once.mapHas(mapHas);
const mapDelete= uncurryThis(mapPrototype.delete);$h‍_once.mapDelete(mapDelete);
const mapEntries= uncurryThis(mapPrototype.entries);$h‍_once.mapEntries(mapEntries);
const iterateMap= uncurryThis(mapPrototype[iteratorSymbol]);
$h‍_once.iterateMap(iterateMap);const setAdd=uncurryThis(setPrototype.add);$h‍_once.setAdd(setAdd);
const setDelete= uncurryThis(setPrototype.delete);$h‍_once.setDelete(setDelete);
const setForEach= uncurryThis(setPrototype.forEach);$h‍_once.setForEach(setForEach);
const setHas= uncurryThis(setPrototype.has);$h‍_once.setHas(setHas);
const iterateSet= uncurryThis(setPrototype[iteratorSymbol]);
$h‍_once.iterateSet(iterateSet);const regexpTest=uncurryThis(regexpPrototype.test);$h‍_once.regexpTest(regexpTest);
const regexpExec= uncurryThis(regexpPrototype.exec);$h‍_once.regexpExec(regexpExec);
const matchAllRegExp= uncurryThis(regexpPrototype[matchAllSymbol]);
$h‍_once.matchAllRegExp(matchAllRegExp);const stringEndsWith=uncurryThis(stringPrototype.endsWith);$h‍_once.stringEndsWith(stringEndsWith);
const stringIncludes= uncurryThis(stringPrototype.includes);$h‍_once.stringIncludes(stringIncludes);
const stringIndexOf= uncurryThis(stringPrototype.indexOf);$h‍_once.stringIndexOf(stringIndexOf);
const stringMatch= uncurryThis(stringPrototype.match);
* @type { &
* ((thisArg: string, searchValue: { [Symbol.replace](string: string, replaceValue: string): string; }, replaceValue: string) => string) &
* ((thisArg: string, searchValue: { [Symbol.replace](string: string, replacer: (substring: string, ...args: any[]) => string): string; }, replacer: (substring: string, ...args: any[]) => string) => string)
* }
const stringReplace= /** @type {any} */
const stringSearch= uncurryThis(;$h‍_once.stringSearch(stringSearch);
const stringSlice= uncurryThis(stringPrototype.slice);
/** @type {(thisArg: string, splitter: string | RegExp | { [Symbol.split](string: string, limit?: number): string[]; }, limit?: number) => string[]} */$h‍_once.stringSlice(stringSlice);
const stringSplit= uncurryThis(stringPrototype.split);$h‍_once.stringSplit(stringSplit);
const stringStartsWith= uncurryThis(stringPrototype.startsWith);$h‍_once.stringStartsWith(stringStartsWith);
const iterateString= uncurryThis(stringPrototype[iteratorSymbol]);
$h‍_once.iterateString(iterateString);const weakmapDelete=uncurryThis(weakmapPrototype.delete);
/** @type {<K extends {}, V>(thisArg: WeakMap<K, V>, ...args: Parameters<WeakMap<K,V>['get']>) => ReturnType<WeakMap<K,V>['get']>} */$h‍_once.weakmapDelete(weakmapDelete);
const weakmapGet= uncurryThis(weakmapPrototype.get);$h‍_once.weakmapGet(weakmapGet);
const weakmapHas= uncurryThis(weakmapPrototype.has);$h‍_once.weakmapHas(weakmapHas);
const weakmapSet= uncurryThis(weakmapPrototype.set);
$h‍_once.weakmapSet(weakmapSet);const weaksetAdd=uncurryThis(weaksetPrototype.add);$h‍_once.weaksetAdd(weaksetAdd);
const weaksetHas= uncurryThis(weaksetPrototype.has);
$h‍_once.weaksetHas(weaksetHas);const functionToString=uncurryThis(functionPrototype.toString);
const promiseAll= (promises)=>apply(all, Promise, [promises]);$h‍_once.promiseAll(promiseAll);
const promiseCatch= uncurryThis(promisePrototype.catch);
/** @type {<T, TResult1 = T, TResult2 = never>(thisArg: T, onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null) => Promise<TResult1 | TResult2>} */$h‍_once.promiseCatch(promiseCatch);
const promiseThen= /** @type {any} */
$h‍_once.promiseThen(promiseThen);const finalizationRegistryRegister=
FinalizationRegistry&& uncurryThis(FinalizationRegistry.prototype.register);$h‍_once.finalizationRegistryRegister(finalizationRegistryRegister);
const finalizationRegistryUnregister=
* getConstructorOf()
* Return the constructor from an instance.
* @param {Function} fn
const getConstructorOf= (fn)=>
reflectGet(getPrototypeOf(fn), 'constructor');
* immutableObject
* An immutable (frozen) empty object that is safe to share.
const immutableObject= freeze(create(null));
* isObject tests whether a value is an object.
* Today, this is equivalent to:
* const isObject = value => {
* if (value === null) return false;
* const type = typeof value;
* return type === 'object' || type === 'function';
* };
* But this is not safe in the face of possible evolution of the language, for
* example new types or semantics of records and tuples.
* We use this implementation despite the unnecessary allocation implied by
* attempting to box a primitive.
* @param {any} value
const isObject= (value)=>Object(value)=== value;
* isError tests whether an object inherits from the intrinsic
* `Error.prototype`.
* We capture the original error constructor as FERAL_ERROR to provide a clear
* signal for reviewers that we are handling an object with excess authority,
* like stack trace inspection, that we are carefully hiding from client code.
* Checking instanceof happens to be safe, but to avoid uttering FERAL_ERROR
* for such a trivial case outside commons.js, we provide a utility function.
* @param {any} value
const isError= (value)=>value instanceof FERAL_ERROR;
// The original unsafe untamed eval function, which must not escape.
// Sample at module initialization time, which is before lockdown can
// repair it. Use it only to build powerless abstractions.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-eval
$h‍_once.isError(isError);const FERAL_EVAL=eval;
// The original unsafe untamed Function constructor, which must not escape.
// Sample at module initialization time, which is before lockdown can
// repair it. Use it only to build powerless abstractions.
const noEvalEvaluate= ()=> {
// See
throw TypeError('Cannot eval with evalTaming set to "noEval" (SES_NO_EVAL)');
// === functors[1] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let TypeError;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["TypeError", [$h‍_a => (TypeError = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
/** getThis returns globalThis in sloppy mode or undefined in strict mode. */
function getThis() {
return this;
if( getThis()) {
// See
throw TypeError( `SES failed to initialize, sloppy mode (SES_NO_SLOPPY)`);
// === functors[2] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; $h‍_imports([]); /* global globalThis */
// @ts-check
// `@endo/env-options` needs to be imported quite early, and so should
// avoid importing from ses or anything that depends on ses.
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Prelude of cheap good - enough imitations of things we'd use or
// do differently if we could depend on ses
const { freeze}= Object;
const { apply}= Reflect;
// Should be equivalent to the one in ses' commons.js even though it
// uses the other technique.
const uncurryThis=
(receiver, ...args)=>
apply(fn, receiver, args);
const arrayPush= uncurryThis(Array.prototype.push);
const arrayIncludes= uncurryThis(Array.prototype.includes);
const stringSplit= uncurryThis(String.prototype.split);
const q= JSON.stringify;
const Fail= (literals, ...args)=> {
let msg= literals[0];
for( let i= 0; i< args.length; i+= 1) {
msg= `${msg}${args[i]}${literals[i+ 1] }`;
throw Error(msg);
// end prelude
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* `makeEnvironmentCaptor` provides a mechanism for getting environment
* variables, if they are needed, and a way to catalog the names of all
* the environment variables that were captured.
* @param {object} aGlobal
* @param {boolean} [dropNames] Defaults to false. If true, don't track
* names used.
const makeEnvironmentCaptor= (aGlobal, dropNames= false)=> {
const capturedEnvironmentOptionNames= [];
* Gets an environment option by name and returns the option value or the
* given default.
* @param {string} optionName
* @param {string} defaultSetting
* @param {string[]} [optOtherValues]
* If provided, the option value must be included or match `defaultSetting`.
* @returns {string}
const getEnvironmentOption= (
optOtherValues= undefined)=>
typeof optionName=== 'string'||
Fail `Environment option name ${q(optionName)} must be a string.`;
typeof defaultSetting=== 'string'||
Fail `Environment option default setting ${q(
} must be a string.`;
/** @type {string} */
let setting= defaultSetting;
const globalProcess= aGlobal.process|| undefined;
const globalEnv=
typeof globalProcess=== 'object'&& globalProcess.env|| undefined;
if( typeof globalEnv=== 'object') {
if( optionName in globalEnv) {
if( !dropNames) {
arrayPush(capturedEnvironmentOptionNames, optionName);
const optionValue= globalEnv[optionName];
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
typeof optionValue=== 'string'||
Fail `Environment option named ${q(
}, if present, must have a corresponding string value, got ${q(
setting= optionValue;
optOtherValues=== undefined||
setting=== defaultSetting||
arrayIncludes(optOtherValues, setting)||
Fail `Unrecognized ${q(optionName)} value ${q(
}. Expected one of ${q([defaultSetting,...optOtherValues]) }`;
return setting;
* @param {string} optionName
* @returns {string[]}
const getEnvironmentOptionsList= (optionName)=>{
const option= getEnvironmentOption(optionName, '');
return freeze(option=== ''? []: stringSplit(option, ','));
const environmentOptionsListHas= (optionName, element)=>
arrayIncludes(getEnvironmentOptionsList(optionName), element);
const getCapturedEnvironmentOptionNames= ()=> {
return freeze([...capturedEnvironmentOptionNames]);
return freeze({
* For the simple case, where the global in question is `globalThis` and no
* reporting of option names is desired.
const {
makeEnvironmentCaptor(globalThis, true);$h‍_once.getEnvironmentOption(getEnvironmentOption);$h‍_once.getEnvironmentOptionsList(getEnvironmentOptionsList);$h‍_once.environmentOptionsListHas(environmentOptionsListHas);
// === functors[3] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; $h‍_imports([["./src/env-options.js", []]]);
// === functors[4] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let Set,String,isArray,arrayJoin,arraySlice,arraySort,arrayMap,keys,fromEntries,freeze,is,isError,setAdd,setHas,stringIncludes,stringStartsWith,stringifyJson,toStringTagSymbol;$h‍_imports([["../commons.js", [["Set", [$h‍_a => (Set = $h‍_a)]],["String", [$h‍_a => (String = $h‍_a)]],["isArray", [$h‍_a => (isArray = $h‍_a)]],["arrayJoin", [$h‍_a => (arrayJoin = $h‍_a)]],["arraySlice", [$h‍_a => (arraySlice = $h‍_a)]],["arraySort", [$h‍_a => (arraySort = $h‍_a)]],["arrayMap", [$h‍_a => (arrayMap = $h‍_a)]],["keys", [$h‍_a => (keys = $h‍_a)]],["fromEntries", [$h‍_a => (fromEntries = $h‍_a)]],["freeze", [$h‍_a => (freeze = $h‍_a)]],["is", [$h‍_a => (is = $h‍_a)]],["isError", [$h‍_a => (isError = $h‍_a)]],["setAdd", [$h‍_a => (setAdd = $h‍_a)]],["setHas", [$h‍_a => (setHas = $h‍_a)]],["stringIncludes", [$h‍_a => (stringIncludes = $h‍_a)]],["stringStartsWith", [$h‍_a => (stringStartsWith = $h‍_a)]],["stringifyJson", [$h‍_a => (stringifyJson = $h‍_a)]],["toStringTagSymbol", [$h‍_a => (toStringTagSymbol = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
* Joins English terms with commas and an optional conjunction.
* @param {(string | StringablePayload)[]} terms
* @param {"and" | "or"} conjunction
const enJoin= (terms, conjunction)=> {
if( terms.length=== 0) {
return '(none)';
}else if( terms.length=== 1) {
return terms[0];
}else if( terms.length=== 2) {
const [first, second]= terms;
return `${first} ${conjunction} ${second}`;
}else {
return `${arrayJoin(arraySlice(terms,0, -1), ', ') }, ${conjunction} ${
terms[terms.length- 1]
* Prepend the correct indefinite article onto a noun, typically a typeof
* result, e.g., "an object" vs. "a number"
* @param {string} str The noun to prepend
* @returns {string} The noun prepended with a/an
const an= (str)=>{
str= `${str}`;
if( str.length>= 1&& stringIncludes('aeiouAEIOU', str[0])) {
return `an ${str}`;
return `a ${str}`;
* Like `JSON.stringify` but does not blow up if given a cycle or a bigint.
* This is not
* intended to be a serialization to support any useful unserialization,
* or any programmatic use of the resulting string. The string is intended
* *only* for showing a human under benign conditions, in order to be
* informative enough for some
* logging purposes. As such, this `bestEffortStringify` has an
* imprecise specification and may change over time.
* The current `bestEffortStringify` possibly emits too many "seen"
* markings: Not only for cycles, but also for repeated subtrees by
* object identity.
* As a best effort only for diagnostic interpretation by humans,
* `bestEffortStringify` also turns various cases that normal
* `JSON.stringify` skips or errors on, like `undefined` or bigints,
* into strings that convey their meaning. To distinguish this from
* strings in the input, these synthesized strings always begin and
* end with square brackets. To distinguish those strings from an
* input string with square brackets, and input string that starts
* with an open square bracket `[` is itself placed in square brackets.
* @param {any} payload
* @param {(string|number)=} spaces
* @returns {string}
const bestEffortStringify= (payload, spaces= undefined)=> {
const seenSet= new Set();
const replacer= (_, val)=> {
switch( typeof val){
case 'object': {
if( val=== null) {
return null;
if( setHas(seenSet, val)) {
return '[Seen]';
setAdd(seenSet, val);
if( isError(val)) {
return `[${}: ${val.message}]`;
if( toStringTagSymbol in val) {
// For the built-ins that have or inherit a `Symbol.toStringTag`-named
// property, most of them inherit the default `toString` method,
// which will print in a similar manner: `"[object Foo]"` vs
// `"[Foo]"`. The exceptions are
// * `Symbol.prototype`, `BigInt.prototype`, `String.prototype`
// which don't matter to us since we handle primitives
// separately and we don't care about primitive wrapper objects.
// * TODO
// `Date.prototype`, `TypedArray.prototype`.
// Hmmm, we probably should make special cases for these. We're
// not using these yet, so it's not urgent. But others will run
// into these.
// Once #2018 is closed, the only objects in our code that have or
// inherit a `Symbol.toStringTag`-named property are remotables
// or their remote presences.
// This printing will do a good job for these without
// violating abstraction layering. This behavior makes sense
// purely in terms of JavaScript concepts. That's some of the
// motivation for choosing that representation of remotables
// and their remote presences in the first place.
return `[${val[toStringTagSymbol]}]`;
if( isArray(val)) {
return val;
const names= keys(val);
if( names.length< 2) {
return val;
let sorted= true;
for( let i= 1; i< names.length; i+= 1) {
if( names[i- 1]>= names[i]) {
sorted= false;
if( sorted) {
return val;
const entries= arrayMap(names, (name)=>[name, val[name]]);
return fromEntries(entries);
case 'function': {
return `[Function ${|| '<anon>' }]`;
case 'string': {
if( stringStartsWith(val, '[')) {
return `[${val}]`;
return val;
case 'undefined':
case 'symbol': {
return `[${String(val)}]`;
case 'bigint': {
return `[${val}n]`;
case 'number': {
if( is(val, NaN)) {
return '[NaN]';
}else if( val=== Infinity) {
return '[Infinity]';
}else if( val=== -Infinity) {
return '[-Infinity]';
return val;
default: {
return val;
try {
return stringifyJson(payload, replacer, spaces);
}catch( _err) {
// Don't do anything more fancy here if there is any
// chance that might throw, unless you surround that
// with another try-catch-recovery. For example,
// the caught thing might be a proxy or other exotic
// object rather than an error. The proxy might throw
// whenever it is possible for it to.
return '[Something that failed to stringify]';
// === functors[5] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; $h‍_imports([]); // @ts-check
* @callback BaseAssert
* The `assert` function itself.
* @param {any} flag The truthy/falsy value
* @param {Details=} optDetails The details to throw
* @param {ErrorConstructor=} ErrorConstructor An optional alternate error
* constructor to use.
* @returns {asserts flag}
* @typedef {object} AssertMakeErrorOptions
* @property {string=} errorName
* @callback AssertMakeError
* The `assert.error` method, recording details for the console.
* The optional `optDetails` can be a string.
* @param {Details=} optDetails The details of what was asserted
* @param {ErrorConstructor=} ErrorConstructor An optional alternate error
* constructor to use.
* @param {AssertMakeErrorOptions=} options
* @returns {Error}
* @callback AssertFail
* The `` method.
* Fail an assertion, recording full details to the console and
* raising an exception with a message in which `details` substitution values
* have been redacted.
* The optional `optDetails` can be a string for backwards compatibility
* with the nodejs assertion library.
* @param {Details=} optDetails The details of what was asserted
* @param {ErrorConstructor=} ErrorConstructor An optional alternate error
* constructor to use.
* @returns {never}
* @callback AssertEqual
* The `assert.equal` method
* Assert that two values must be ``.
* @param {any} actual The value we received
* @param {any} expected What we wanted
* @param {Details=} optDetails The details to throw
* @param {ErrorConstructor=} ErrorConstructor An optional alternate error
* constructor to use.
* @returns {void}
// Type all the overloads of the assertTypeof function.
// There may eventually be a better way to do this, but
// thems the breaks with Typescript 4.0.
* @callback AssertTypeofBigint
* @param {any} specimen
* @param {'bigint'} typename
* @param {Details=} optDetails
* @returns {asserts specimen is bigint}
* @callback AssertTypeofBoolean
* @param {any} specimen
* @param {'boolean'} typename
* @param {Details=} optDetails
* @returns {asserts specimen is boolean}
* @callback AssertTypeofFunction
* @param {any} specimen
* @param {'function'} typename
* @param {Details=} optDetails
* @returns {asserts specimen is Function}
* @callback AssertTypeofNumber
* @param {any} specimen
* @param {'number'} typename
* @param {Details=} optDetails
* @returns {asserts specimen is number}
* @callback AssertTypeofObject
* @param {any} specimen
* @param {'object'} typename
* @param {Details=} optDetails
* @returns {asserts specimen is Record<any, any> | null}
* @callback AssertTypeofString
* @param {any} specimen
* @param {'string'} typename
* @param {Details=} optDetails
* @returns {asserts specimen is string}
* @callback AssertTypeofSymbol
* @param {any} specimen
* @param {'symbol'} typename
* @param {Details=} optDetails
* @returns {asserts specimen is symbol}
* @callback AssertTypeofUndefined
* @param {any} specimen
* @param {'undefined'} typename
* @param {Details=} optDetails
* @returns {asserts specimen is undefined}
* The `assert.typeof` method
* @typedef {AssertTypeofBigint & AssertTypeofBoolean & AssertTypeofFunction & AssertTypeofNumber & AssertTypeofObject & AssertTypeofString & AssertTypeofSymbol & AssertTypeofUndefined} AssertTypeof
* @callback AssertString
* The `assert.string` method.
* `assert.string(v)` is equivalent to `assert.typeof(v, 'string')`. We
* special case this one because it is the most frequently used.
* Assert an expected typeof result.
* @param {any} specimen The value to get the typeof
* @param {Details=} optDetails The details to throw
* @returns {asserts specimen is string}
* @callback AssertNote
* The `assert.note` method.
* Annotate an error with details, potentially to be used by an
* augmented console such as the causal console of `console.js`, to
* provide extra information associated with logged errors.
* @param {Error} error
* @param {Details} detailsNote
* @returns {void}
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* @typedef {{}} DetailsToken
* A call to the `details` template literal makes and returns a fresh details
* token, which is a frozen empty object associated with the arguments of that
* `details` template literal expression.
* @typedef {string | DetailsToken} Details
* Either a plain string, or made by the `details` template literal tag.
* @typedef {object} StringablePayload
* Holds the payload passed to quote so that its printed form is visible.
* @property {() => string} toString How to print the payload
* To "declassify" and quote a substitution value used in a
* ``` details`...` ``` template literal, enclose that substitution expression
* in a call to `quote`. This makes the value appear quoted
* (as if with `JSON.stringify`) in the message of the thrown error. The
* payload itself is still passed unquoted to the console as it would be
* without `quote`.
* For example, the following will reveal the expected sky color, but not the
* actual incorrect sky color, in the thrown error's message:
* ```js
* sky.color === expectedColor || Fail`${sky.color} should be ${quote(expectedColor)}`;
* ```
* // TODO Update SES-shim to new convention, where `details` is
* // renamed to `X` rather than `d`.
* The normal convention is to locally rename `details` to `d` and `quote` to `q`
* like `const { details: d, quote: q } = assert;`, so the above example would then be
* ```js
* sky.color === expectedColor || Fail`${sky.color} should be ${q(expectedColor)}`;
* ```
* @callback AssertQuote
* @param {any} payload What to declassify
* @param {(string|number)=} spaces
* @returns {StringablePayload} The declassified payload
* @callback Raise
* To make an `assert` which terminates some larger unit of computation
* like a transaction, vat, or process, call `makeAssert` with a `Raise`
* callback, where that callback actually performs that larger termination.
* If possible, the callback should also report its `reason` parameter as
* the alleged reason for the termination.
* @param {Error} reason
* @callback MakeAssert
* Makes and returns an `assert` function object that shares the bookkeeping
* state defined by this module with other `assert` function objects made by
* `makeAssert`. This state is per-module-instance and is exposed by the
* `loggedErrorHandler` above. We refer to `assert` as a "function object"
* because it can be called directly as a function, but also has methods that
* can be called.
* If `optRaise` is provided, the returned `assert` function object will call
* `optRaise(reason)` before throwing the error. This enables `optRaise` to
* engage in even more violent termination behavior, like terminating the vat,
* that prevents execution from reaching the following throw. However, if
* `optRaise` returns normally, which would be unusual, the throw following
* `optRaise(reason)` would still happen.
* @param {Raise=} optRaise
* @param {boolean=} unredacted
* @returns {Assert}
* @typedef {(template: TemplateStringsArray | string[], ...args: any) => DetailsToken} DetailsTag
* Use the `details` function as a template literal tag to create
* informative error messages. The assertion functions take such messages
* as optional arguments:
* ```js
* assert(sky.isBlue(), details`${sky.color} should be "blue"`);
* ```
* // TODO Update SES-shim to new convention, where `details` is
* // renamed to `X` rather than `d`.
* or following the normal convention to locally rename `details` to `d`
* and `quote` to `q` like `const { details: d, quote: q } = assert;`:
* ```js
* assert(sky.isBlue(), d`${sky.color} should be "blue"`);
* ```
* However, note that in most cases it is preferable to instead use the `Fail`
* template literal tag (which has the same input signature as `details`
* but automatically creates and throws an error):
* ```js
* sky.isBlue() || Fail`${sky.color} should be "blue"`;
* ```
* The details template tag returns a `DetailsToken` object that can print
* itself with the formatted message in two ways.
* It will report full details to the console, but
* mask embedded substitution values with their typeof information in the thrown error
* to prevent revealing secrets up the exceptional path. In the example
* above, the thrown error may reveal only that `sky.color` is a string,
* whereas the same diagnostic printed to the console reveals that the
* sky was green. This masking can be disabled for an individual substitution value
* using `quote`.
* The `raw` property of an input template array is ignored, so a simple
* array of strings may be provided directly.
* @typedef {(template: TemplateStringsArray | string[], ...args: any) => never} FailTag
* Use the `Fail` function as a template literal tag to efficiently
* create and throw a `details`-style error only when a condition is not satisfied.
* ```js
* condition || Fail`...complaint...`;
* ```
* This avoids the overhead of creating usually-unnecessary errors like
* ```js
* assert(condition, details`...complaint...`);
* ```
* while improving readability over alternatives like
* ```js
* condition ||`...complaint...`);
* ```
* However, due to current weakness in TypeScript, static reasoning
* is less powerful with the `||` patterns than with an `assert` call.
* Until/unless is fixed,
* for `||`-style assertions where this loss of static reasoning is a problem,
* instead express the assertion as
* ```js
* if (!condition) {
* Fail`...complaint...`;
* }
* ```
* or, if needed,
* ```js
* if (!condition) {
* // `throw` is noop since `Fail` throws, but it improves static analysis
* throw Fail`...complaint...`;
* }
* ```
* assert that expr is truthy, with an optional details to describe
* the assertion. It is a tagged template literal like
* ```js
* assert(expr, details`....`);`
* ```
* The literal portions of the template are assumed non-sensitive, as
* are the `typeof` types of the substitution values. These are
* assembled into the thrown error message. The actual contents of the
* substitution values are assumed sensitive, to be revealed to
* the console only. We assume only the virtual platform's owner can read
* what is written to the console, where the owner is in a privileged
* position over computation running on that platform.
* The optional `optDetails` can be a string for backwards compatibility
* with the nodejs assertion library.
* @typedef { BaseAssert & {
* typeof: AssertTypeof,
* error: AssertMakeError,
* fail: AssertFail,
* equal: AssertEqual,
* string: AssertString,
* note: AssertNote,
* details: DetailsTag,
* Fail: FailTag,
* quote: AssertQuote,
* bare: AssertQuote,
* makeAssert: MakeAssert,
* } } Assert
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* @typedef {object} VirtualConsole
* @property {Console['debug']} debug
* @property {Console['log']} log
* @property {Console['info']} info
* @property {Console['warn']} warn
* @property {Console['error']} error
* @property {Console['trace']} trace
* @property {Console['dirxml']} dirxml
* @property {Console['group']} group
* @property {Console['groupCollapsed']} groupCollapsed
* @property {Console['assert']} assert
* @property {Console['timeLog']} timeLog
* @property {Console['clear']} clear
* @property {Console['count']} count
* @property {Console['countReset']} countReset
* @property {Console['dir']} dir
* @property {Console['groupEnd']} groupEnd
* @property {Console['table']} table
* @property {Console['time']} time
* @property {Console['timeEnd']} timeEnd
* @property {Console['timeStamp']} timeStamp
/* This is deliberately *not* JSDoc, it is a regular comment.
* TODO: We'd like to add the following properties to the above
* VirtualConsole, but they currently cause conflicts where
* some Typescript implementations don't have these properties
* on the Console type.
* @property {Console['profile']} profile
* @property {Console['profileEnd']} profileEnd
* @typedef {'debug' | 'log' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error'} LogSeverity
* @typedef ConsoleFilter
* @property {(severity: LogSeverity) => boolean} canLog
* @callback FilterConsole
* @param {VirtualConsole} baseConsole
* @param {ConsoleFilter} filter
* @param {string=} topic
* @returns {VirtualConsole}
// === functors[6] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; $h‍_imports([]); // @ts-check
* @typedef {readonly any[]} LogArgs
* This is an array suitable to be used as arguments of a console
* level message *after* the format string argument. It is the result of
* a `details` template string and consists of alternating literal strings
* and substitution values, starting with a literal string. At least that
* first literal string is always present.
* @callback NoteCallback
* @param {Error} error
* @param {LogArgs} noteLogArgs
* @returns {void}
* @callback GetStackString
* @param {Error} error
* @returns {string=}
* @typedef {object} LoggedErrorHandler
* Used to parameterize `makeCausalConsole` to give it access to potentially
* hidden information to augment the logging of errors.
* @property {GetStackString} getStackString
* @property {(error: Error) => string} tagError
* @property {() => void} resetErrorTagNum for debugging purposes only
* @property {(error: Error) => (LogArgs | undefined)} getMessageLogArgs
* @property {(error: Error) => (LogArgs | undefined)} takeMessageLogArgs
* @property {(error: Error, callback?: NoteCallback) => LogArgs[] } takeNoteLogArgsArray
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* @typedef {readonly [string, ...any[]]} LogRecord
* @typedef {object} LoggingConsoleKit
* @property {VirtualConsole} loggingConsole
* @property {() => readonly LogRecord[]} takeLog
* @typedef {object} MakeLoggingConsoleKitOptions
* @property {boolean=} shouldResetForDebugging
* @callback MakeLoggingConsoleKit
* A logging console just accumulates the contents of all whitelisted calls,
* making them available to callers of `takeLog()`. Calling `takeLog()`
* consumes these, so later calls to `takeLog()` will only provide a log of
* calls that have happened since then.
* @param {LoggedErrorHandler} loggedErrorHandler
* @param {MakeLoggingConsoleKitOptions=} options
* @returns {LoggingConsoleKit}
* @typedef {{ NOTE: 'ERROR_NOTE:', MESSAGE: 'ERROR_MESSAGE:' }} ErrorInfo
* @typedef {ErrorInfo[keyof ErrorInfo]} ErrorInfoKind
* @callback MakeCausalConsole
* Makes a causal console wrapper of a `baseConsole`, where the causal console
* calls methods of the `loggedErrorHandler` to customize how it handles logged
* errors.
* @param {VirtualConsole | undefined} baseConsole
* @param {LoggedErrorHandler} loggedErrorHandler
* @returns {VirtualConsole | undefined}
// === functors[7] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; $h‍_imports([]); // @ts-check
/* eslint-disable @endo/no-polymorphic-call */
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals
const { isSafeInteger}= Number;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals
const { freeze}= Object;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals
const { toStringTag: toStringTagSymbol}= Symbol;
* @template Data
* @typedef {object} DoublyLinkedCell
* A cell of a doubly-linked ring, i.e., a doubly-linked circular list.
* DoublyLinkedCells are not frozen, and so should be closely encapsulated by
* any abstraction that uses them.
* @property {DoublyLinkedCell<Data>} next
* @property {DoublyLinkedCell<Data>} prev
* @property {Data} data
* Makes a new self-linked cell. There are two reasons to do so:
* * To make the head sigil of a new initially-empty doubly-linked ring.
* * To make a non-sigil cell to be `spliceAfter`ed.
* @template Data
* @param {Data} data
* @returns {DoublyLinkedCell<Data>}
const makeSelfCell= (data)=>{
/** @type {Partial<DoublyLinkedCell<Data>>} */
const incompleteCell= {
next: undefined,
prev: undefined,
const selfCell= /** @type {DoublyLinkedCell<Data>} */ incompleteCell; selfCell;
selfCell.prev= selfCell;
// Not frozen!
return selfCell;
* Splices a self-linked non-sigil cell into a ring after `prev`.
* `prev` could be the head sigil, or it could be some other non-sigil
* cell within a ring.
* @template Data
* @param {DoublyLinkedCell<Data>} prev
* @param {DoublyLinkedCell<Data>} selfCell
const spliceAfter= (prev, selfCell)=> {
if( prev=== selfCell) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals
throw TypeError('Cannot splice a cell into itself');
if(!== selfCell|| selfCell.prev!== selfCell) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals
throw TypeError('Expected self-linked cell');
const cell= selfCell;
// rename variable cause it isn't self-linked after this point.
const next=;
cell.prev= prev; next; cell;
next.prev= cell;
// Not frozen!
return cell;
* @template Data
* @param {DoublyLinkedCell<Data>} cell
* No-op if the cell is self-linked.
const spliceOut= (cell)=>{
const { prev, next}= cell; next;
next.prev= prev;
cell.prev= cell; cell;
* The LRUCacheMap is used within the implementation of `assert` and so
* at a layer below SES or harden. Thus, we give it a `WeakMap`-like interface
* rather than a `WeakMapStore`-like interface. To work before `lockdown`,
* the implementation must use `freeze` manually, but still exhaustively.
* It implements the WeakMap interface, and holds its keys weakly. Cached
* values are only held while the key is held by the user and the key/value
* bookkeeping cell has not been pushed off the end of the cache by `budget`
* number of more recently referenced cells. If the key is dropped by the user,
* the value will no longer be held by the cache, but the bookkeeping cell
* itself will stay in memory.
* @template {{}} K
* @template {unknown} V
* @param {number} keysBudget
* @returns {WeakMap<K,V>}
const makeLRUCacheMap= (keysBudget)=>{
if( !isSafeInteger(keysBudget)|| keysBudget< 0) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals
throw TypeError('keysBudget must be a safe non-negative integer number');
/** @typedef {DoublyLinkedCell<WeakMap<K, V> | undefined>} LRUCacheCell */
/** @type {WeakMap<K, LRUCacheCell>} */
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals
const keyToCell= new WeakMap();
let size= 0; // `size` must remain <= `keysBudget`
// As a sigil, `head` uniquely is not in the `keyToCell` map.
/** @type {LRUCacheCell} */
const head= makeSelfCell(undefined);
const touchCell= (key)=>{
const cell= keyToCell.get(key);
if( cell=== undefined|| undefined) {
// Either the key was GCed, or the cell was condemned.
return undefined;
// Becomes most recently used
spliceAfter(head, cell);
return cell;
* @param {K} key
const has= (key)=>touchCell(key)!== undefined;
* @param {K} key
// Prefer: const get = key => touchCell(key)?.data?.get(key);
const get= (key)=>{
const cell= touchCell(key);
return cell&&;
* @param {K} key
* @param {V} value
const set= (key, value)=> {
if( keysBudget< 1) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
return lruCacheMap; // Implements WeakMap.set
let cell= touchCell(key);
if( cell=== undefined) {
cell= makeSelfCell(undefined);
spliceAfter(head, cell); // start most recently used
if( ! {
// Either a fresh cell or a reused condemned cell.
size+= 1;
// Add its data.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals new WeakMap();
// Advertise the cell for this key.
keyToCell.set(key, cell);
while( size> keysBudget) {
const condemned= head.prev;
spliceOut(condemned); // Drop least recently used undefined;
size-= 1;
// Update the data., value);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
return lruCacheMap; // Implements WeakMap.set
// "delete" is a keyword.
* @param {K} key
const deleteIt= (key)=>{
const cell= keyToCell.get(key);
if( cell=== undefined) {
return false;
if( undefined) {
// Already condemned.
return false;
} undefined;
size-= 1;
return true;
const lruCacheMap= freeze({
delete: deleteIt,
// eslint-disable-next-line jsdoc/check-types
[/** @type {typeof Symbol.toStringTag} */ toStringTagSymbol]:
return lruCacheMap;
// === functors[8] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let makeLRUCacheMap;$h‍_imports([["../make-lru-cachemap.js", [["makeLRUCacheMap", [$h‍_a => (makeLRUCacheMap = $h‍_a)]]]],["./internal-types.js", []]]);
const { freeze}= Object;
const { isSafeInteger}= Number;
const defaultLoggedErrorsBudget= 1000;
const defaultArgsPerErrorBudget= 100;
* @param {number} [errorsBudget]
* @param {number} [argsPerErrorBudget]
const makeNoteLogArgsArrayKit= (
errorsBudget= defaultLoggedErrorsBudget,
argsPerErrorBudget= defaultArgsPerErrorBudget)=>
if( !isSafeInteger(argsPerErrorBudget)|| argsPerErrorBudget< 1) {
throw TypeError(
'argsPerErrorBudget must be a safe positive integer number');
* @type {WeakMap<Error, LogArgs[]>}
* Maps from an error to an array of log args, where each log args is
* remembered as an annotation on that error. This can be used, for example,
* to keep track of additional causes of the error. The elements of any
* log args may include errors which are associated with further annotations.
* An augmented console, like the causal console of `console.js`, could
* then retrieve the graph of such annotations.
const noteLogArgsArrayMap= makeLRUCacheMap(errorsBudget);
* @param {Error} error
* @param {LogArgs} logArgs
const addLogArgs= (error, logArgs)=> {
const logArgsArray= noteLogArgsArrayMap.get(error);
if( logArgsArray!== undefined) {
if( logArgsArray.length>= argsPerErrorBudget) {
}else {
noteLogArgsArrayMap.set(error, [logArgs]);
* @param {Error} error
* @returns {LogArgs[] | undefined}
const takeLogArgsArray= (error)=>{
const result= noteLogArgsArrayMap.get(error);
return result;
return freeze({
// === functors[9] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let RangeError,TypeError,WeakMap,arrayJoin,arrayMap,arrayPop,arrayPush,assign,freeze,globalThis,is,isError,regexpTest,stringIndexOf,stringReplace,stringSlice,stringStartsWith,weakmapDelete,weakmapGet,weakmapHas,weakmapSet,an,bestEffortStringify,makeNoteLogArgsArrayKit;$h‍_imports([["../commons.js", [["RangeError", [$h‍_a => (RangeError = $h‍_a)]],["TypeError", [$h‍_a => (TypeError = $h‍_a)]],["WeakMap", [$h‍_a => (WeakMap = $h‍_a)]],["arrayJoin", [$h‍_a => (arrayJoin = $h‍_a)]],["arrayMap", [$h‍_a => (arrayMap = $h‍_a)]],["arrayPop", [$h‍_a => (arrayPop = $h‍_a)]],["arrayPush", [$h‍_a => (arrayPush = $h‍_a)]],["assign", [$h‍_a => (assign = $h‍_a)]],["freeze", [$h‍_a => (freeze = $h‍_a)]],["globalThis", [$h‍_a => (globalThis = $h‍_a)]],["is", [$h‍_a => (is = $h‍_a)]],["isError", [$h‍_a => (isError = $h‍_a)]],["regexpTest", [$h‍_a => (regexpTest = $h‍_a)]],["stringIndexOf", [$h‍_a => (stringIndexOf = $h‍_a)]],["stringReplace", [$h‍_a => (stringReplace = $h‍_a)]],["stringSlice", [$h‍_a => (stringSlice = $h‍_a)]],["stringStartsWith", [$h‍_a => (stringStartsWith = $h‍_a)]],["weakmapDelete", [$h‍_a => (weakmapDelete = $h‍_a)]],["weakmapGet", [$h‍_a => (weakmapGet = $h‍_a)]],["weakmapHas", [$h‍_a => (weakmapHas = $h‍_a)]],["weakmapSet", [$h‍_a => (weakmapSet = $h‍_a)]]]],["./stringify-utils.js", [["an", [$h‍_a => (an = $h‍_a)]],["bestEffortStringify", [$h‍_a => (bestEffortStringify = $h‍_a)]]]],["./types.js", []],["./internal-types.js", []],["./note-log-args.js", [["makeNoteLogArgsArrayKit", [$h‍_a => (makeNoteLogArgsArrayKit = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
// For our internal debugging purposes, uncomment
// const internalDebugConsole = console;
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/** @type {WeakMap<StringablePayload, any>} */
const declassifiers= new WeakMap();
/** @type {AssertQuote} */
const quote= (payload, spaces= undefined)=> {
const result= freeze({
toString: freeze(()=> bestEffortStringify(payload, spaces))});
weakmapSet(declassifiers, result, payload);
return result;
const canBeBare= freeze(/^[\w:-]( ?[\w:-])*$/);
* Embed a string directly into error details without wrapping punctuation.
* To avoid injection attacks that exploit quoting confusion, this must NEVER
* be used with data that is possibly attacker-controlled.
* As a further safeguard, we fall back to quoting any input that is not a
* string of sufficiently word-like parts separated by isolated spaces (rather
* than throwing an exception, which could hide the original problem for which
* explanatory details are being constructed---i.e., ``` assert.details`...` ```
* should never be the source of a new exception, nor should an attempt to
* render its output, although we _could_ instead decide to handle the latter
* by inline replacement similar to that of `bestEffortStringify` for producing
* rendered messages like `(an object) was tagged "[Unsafe bare string]"`).
* @type {AssertQuote}
const bare= (payload, spaces= undefined)=> {
if( typeof payload!== 'string'|| !regexpTest(canBeBare, payload)) {
return quote(payload, spaces);
const result= freeze({
toString: freeze(()=> payload)});
weakmapSet(declassifiers, result, payload);
return result;
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* @typedef {object} HiddenDetails
* Captures the arguments passed to the `details` template string tag.
* @property {TemplateStringsArray | string[]} template
* @property {any[]} args
* @type {WeakMap<DetailsToken, HiddenDetails>}
* Maps from a details token which a `details` template literal returned
* to a record of the contents of that template literal expression.
const hiddenDetailsMap= new WeakMap();
* @param {HiddenDetails} hiddenDetails
* @returns {string}
const getMessageString= ({ template, args})=> {
const parts= [template[0]];
for( let i= 0; i< args.length; i+= 1) {
const arg= args[i];
let argStr;
if( weakmapHas(declassifiers, arg)) {
argStr= `${arg}`;
}else if( isError(arg)) {
argStr= `(${an(})`;
}else {
argStr= `(${an(typeof arg)})`;
arrayPush(parts, argStr, template[i+ 1]);
return arrayJoin(parts, '');
* Give detailsTokens a toString behavior. To minimize the overhead of
* creating new detailsTokens, we do this with an
* inherited `this` sensitive `toString` method, even though we normally
* avoid `this` sensitivity. To protect the method from inappropriate
* `this` application, it does something interesting only for objects
* registered in `redactedDetails`, which should be exactly the detailsTokens.
* The printing behavior must not reveal anything redacted, so we just use
* the same `getMessageString` we use to construct the redacted message
* string for a thrown assertion error.
const DetailsTokenProto= freeze({
toString() {
const hiddenDetails= weakmapGet(hiddenDetailsMap, this);
if( hiddenDetails=== undefined) {
return '[Not a DetailsToken]';
return getMessageString(hiddenDetails);
* Normally this is the function exported as `assert.details` and often
* spelled `d`. However, if the `{errorTaming: 'unsafe'}` option is given to
* `lockdown`, then `unredactedDetails` is used instead.
* There are some unconditional uses of `redactedDetails` in this module. All
* of them should be uses where the template literal has no redacted
* substitution values. In those cases, the two are equivalent.
* @type {DetailsTag}
const redactedDetails= (template, ...args)=> {
// Keep in mind that the vast majority of calls to `details` creates
// a details token that is never used, so this path must remain as fast as
// possible. Hence we store what we've got with little processing, postponing
// all the work to happen only if needed, for example, if an assertion fails.
const detailsToken= freeze({ __proto__: DetailsTokenProto});
weakmapSet(hiddenDetailsMap, detailsToken, { template, args});
return detailsToken;
* `unredactedDetails` is like `details` except that it does not redact
* anything. It acts like `details` would act if all substitution values
* were wrapped with the `quote` function above (the function normally
* spelled `q`). If the `{errorTaming: 'unsafe'}` option is given to
* `lockdown`, then the lockdown-shim arranges for the global `assert` to be
* one whose `details` property is `unredactedDetails`.
* This setting optimizes the debugging and testing experience at the price
* of safety. `unredactedDetails` also sacrifices the speed of `details`,
* which is usually fine in debugging and testing.
* @type {DetailsTag}
const unredactedDetails= (template, ...args)=> {
args= arrayMap(args, (arg)=>
weakmapHas(declassifiers, arg)? arg: quote(arg));
return redactedDetails(template, ...args);
* @param {HiddenDetails} hiddenDetails
* @returns {LogArgs}
const getLogArgs= ({ template, args})=> {
const logArgs= [template[0]];
for( let i= 0; i< args.length; i+= 1) {
let arg= args[i];
if( weakmapHas(declassifiers, arg)) {
arg= weakmapGet(declassifiers, arg);
// Remove the extra spaces (since console.error puts them
// between each cause).
const priorWithoutSpace= stringReplace(arrayPop(logArgs)|| '', / $/, '');
if( priorWithoutSpace!== '') {
arrayPush(logArgs, priorWithoutSpace);
const nextWithoutSpace= stringReplace(template[i+ 1], /^ /, '');
arrayPush(logArgs, arg, nextWithoutSpace);
if( logArgs[logArgs.length- 1]=== '') {
return logArgs;
* @type {WeakMap<Error, LogArgs>}
* Maps from an error object to the log args that are a more informative
* alternative message for that error. When logging the error, these
* log args should be preferred to `error.message`.
const hiddenMessageLogArgs= new WeakMap();
// So each error tag will be unique.
let errorTagNum= 0;
* @type {WeakMap<Error, string>}
const errorTags= new WeakMap();
* @param {Error} err
* @param {string=} optErrorName
* @returns {string}
const tagError= (err, optErrorName=> {
let errorTag= weakmapGet(errorTags, err);
if( errorTag!== undefined) {
return errorTag;
errorTagNum+= 1;
errorTag= `${optErrorName}#${errorTagNum}`;
weakmapSet(errorTags, err, errorTag);
return errorTag;
* @type {AssertMakeError}
const makeError= (
optDetails= redactedDetails `Assert failed`,
ErrorConstructor= globalThis.Error,
{ errorName= undefined}= {})=>
if( typeof optDetails=== 'string') {
// If it is a string, use it as the literal part of the template so
// it doesn't get quoted.
optDetails= redactedDetails([optDetails]);
const hiddenDetails= weakmapGet(hiddenDetailsMap, optDetails);
if( hiddenDetails=== undefined) {
throw TypeError( `unrecognized details ${quote(optDetails)}`);
const messageString= getMessageString(hiddenDetails);
const error= new ErrorConstructor(messageString);
weakmapSet(hiddenMessageLogArgs, error, getLogArgs(hiddenDetails));
if( errorName!== undefined) {
tagError(error, errorName);
// The next line is a particularly fruitful place to put a breakpoint.
return error;
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
const { addLogArgs, takeLogArgsArray}= makeNoteLogArgsArrayKit();
* @type {WeakMap<Error, NoteCallback[]>}
* An augmented console will normally only take the hidden noteArgs array once,
* when it logs the error being annotated. Once that happens, further
* annotations of that error should go to the console immediately. We arrange
* that by accepting a note-callback function from the console as an optional
* part of that taking operation. Normally there will only be at most one
* callback per error, but that depends on console behavior which we should not
* assume. We make this an array of callbacks so multiple registrations
* are independent.
const hiddenNoteCallbackArrays= new WeakMap();
/** @type {AssertNote} */
const note= (error, detailsNote)=> {
if( typeof detailsNote=== 'string') {
// If it is a string, use it as the literal part of the template so
// it doesn't get quoted.
detailsNote= redactedDetails([detailsNote]);
const hiddenDetails= weakmapGet(hiddenDetailsMap, detailsNote);
if( hiddenDetails=== undefined) {
throw TypeError( `unrecognized details ${quote(detailsNote)}`);
const logArgs= getLogArgs(hiddenDetails);
const callbacks= weakmapGet(hiddenNoteCallbackArrays, error);
if( callbacks!== undefined) {
for( const callback of callbacks) {
callback(error, logArgs);
}else {
addLogArgs(error, logArgs);
* The unprivileged form that just uses the de facto `error.stack` property.
* The start compartment normally has a privileged `globalThis.getStackString`
* which should be preferred if present.
* @param {Error} error
* @returns {string}
const defaultGetStackString= (error)=>{
if( !('stack'in error)) {
return '';
const stackString= `${error.stack}`;
const pos= stringIndexOf(stackString, '\n');
if( stringStartsWith(stackString, ' ')|| pos=== -1) {
return stackString;
return stringSlice(stackString, pos+ 1); // exclude the initial newline
/** @type {LoggedErrorHandler} */
const loggedErrorHandler= {
getStackString: globalThis.getStackString|| defaultGetStackString,
tagError: (error)=>tagError(error),
resetErrorTagNum: ()=> {
errorTagNum= 0;
getMessageLogArgs: (error)=>weakmapGet(hiddenMessageLogArgs, error),
takeMessageLogArgs: (error)=>{
const result= weakmapGet(hiddenMessageLogArgs, error);
weakmapDelete(hiddenMessageLogArgs, error);
return result;
takeNoteLogArgsArray: (error, callback)=> {
const result= takeLogArgsArray(error);
if( callback!== undefined) {
const callbacks= weakmapGet(hiddenNoteCallbackArrays, error);
if( callbacks) {
arrayPush(callbacks, callback);
}else {
weakmapSet(hiddenNoteCallbackArrays, error, [callback]);
return result|| [];
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* @type {MakeAssert}
const makeAssert= (optRaise= undefined, unredacted= false)=> {
const details= unredacted? unredactedDetails: redactedDetails;
const assertFailedDetails= details `Check failed`;
/** @type {AssertFail} */
const fail= (
optDetails= assertFailedDetails,
ErrorConstructor= globalThis.Error)=>
const reason= makeError(optDetails, ErrorConstructor);
if( optRaise!== undefined) {
throw reason;
/** @type {FailTag} */
const Fail= (template, ...args)=> fail(details(template, ...args));
// Don't freeze or export `baseAssert` until we add methods.
// TODO If I change this from a `function` function to an arrow
// function, I seem to get type errors from TypeScript. Why?
/** @type {BaseAssert} */
function baseAssert(
optDetails= undefined,
ErrorConstructor= undefined)
flag|| fail(optDetails, ErrorConstructor);
/** @type {AssertEqual} */
const equal= (
optDetails= undefined,
ErrorConstructor= undefined)=>
is(actual, expected)||
optDetails|| details `Expected ${actual} is same as ${expected}`,
ErrorConstructor|| RangeError);
/** @type {AssertTypeof} */
const assertTypeof= (specimen, typename, optDetails)=> {
// This will safely fall through if typename is not a string,
// which is what we want.
// eslint-disable-next-line valid-typeof
if( typeof specimen=== typename) {
typeof typename=== 'string'|| Fail `${quote(typename)} must be a string`;
if( optDetails=== undefined) {
// Embed the type phrase without quotes.
const typeWithDeterminer= an(typename);
optDetails= details `${specimen} must be ${bare(typeWithDeterminer)}`;
fail(optDetails, TypeError);
/** @type {AssertString} */
const assertString= (specimen, optDetails= undefined)=>
assertTypeof(specimen, 'string', optDetails);
// Note that "assert === baseAssert"
/** @type {Assert} */
const assert= assign(baseAssert, {
error: makeError,
typeof: assertTypeof,
string: assertString,
return freeze(assert);
/** @type {Assert} */
const assert= makeAssert();$h‍_once.assert(assert);
// === functors[10] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let Set,String,TypeError,WeakMap,WeakSet,globalThis,apply,arrayForEach,defineProperty,freeze,getOwnPropertyDescriptor,getOwnPropertyDescriptors,getPrototypeOf,isInteger,isObject,objectHasOwnProperty,ownKeys,preventExtensions,setAdd,setForEach,setHas,toStringTagSymbol,typedArrayPrototype,weakmapGet,weakmapSet,weaksetAdd,weaksetHas,assert;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["Set", [$h‍_a => (Set = $h‍_a)]],["String", [$h‍_a => (String = $h‍_a)]],["TypeError", [$h‍_a => (TypeError = $h‍_a)]],["WeakMap", [$h‍_a => (WeakMap = $h‍_a)]],["WeakSet", [$h‍_a => (WeakSet = $h‍_a)]],["globalThis", [$h‍_a => (globalThis = $h‍_a)]],["apply", [$h‍_a => (apply = $h‍_a)]],["arrayForEach", [$h‍_a => (arrayForEach = $h‍_a)]],["defineProperty", [$h‍_a => (defineProperty = $h‍_a)]],["freeze", [$h‍_a => (freeze = $h‍_a)]],["getOwnPropertyDescriptor", [$h‍_a => (getOwnPropertyDescriptor = $h‍_a)]],["getOwnPropertyDescriptors", [$h‍_a => (getOwnPropertyDescriptors = $h‍_a)]],["getPrototypeOf", [$h‍_a => (getPrototypeOf = $h‍_a)]],["isInteger", [$h‍_a => (isInteger = $h‍_a)]],["isObject", [$h‍_a => (isObject = $h‍_a)]],["objectHasOwnProperty", [$h‍_a => (objectHasOwnProperty = $h‍_a)]],["ownKeys", [$h‍_a => (ownKeys = $h‍_a)]],["preventExtensions", [$h‍_a => (preventExtensions = $h‍_a)]],["setAdd", [$h‍_a => (setAdd = $h‍_a)]],["setForEach", [$h‍_a => (setForEach = $h‍_a)]],["setHas", [$h‍_a => (setHas = $h‍_a)]],["toStringTagSymbol", [$h‍_a => (toStringTagSymbol = $h‍_a)]],["typedArrayPrototype", [$h‍_a => (typedArrayPrototype = $h‍_a)]],["weakmapGet", [$h‍_a => (weakmapGet = $h‍_a)]],["weakmapSet", [$h‍_a => (weakmapSet = $h‍_a)]],["weaksetAdd", [$h‍_a => (weaksetAdd = $h‍_a)]],["weaksetHas", [$h‍_a => (weaksetHas = $h‍_a)]]]],["./error/assert.js", [["assert", [$h‍_a => (assert = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
* @typedef {import('../types.js').Harden} Harden
// Obtain the string tag accessor of of TypedArray so we can indirectly use the
// TypedArray brand check it employs.
const typedArrayToStringTag= getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
const getTypedArrayToStringTag= typedArrayToStringTag.get;
// Exported for tests.
* Duplicates packages/marshal/src/helpers/passStyle-helpers.js to avoid a dependency.
* @param {unknown} object
const isTypedArray= (object)=>{
// The object must pass a brand check or toStringTag will return undefined.
const tag= apply(getTypedArrayToStringTag, object, []);
return tag!== undefined;
* Tests if a property key is an integer-valued canonical numeric index.
* @param {string | symbol} propertyKey
const isCanonicalIntegerIndexString= (propertyKey)=>{
const n= +String(propertyKey);
return isInteger(n)&& String(n)=== propertyKey;
* @template T
* @param {ArrayLike<T>} array
const freezeTypedArray= (array)=>{
// Downgrade writable expandos to readonly, even if non-configurable.
// We get each descriptor individually rather than using
// getOwnPropertyDescriptors in order to fail safe when encountering
// an obscure GraalJS issue where getOwnPropertyDescriptor returns
// undefined for a property that does exist.
arrayForEach(ownKeys(array), (/** @type {string | symbol} */ name)=> {
const desc= getOwnPropertyDescriptor(array, name);
// TypedArrays are integer-indexed exotic objects, which define special
// treatment for property names in canonical numeric form:
// integers in range are permanently writable and non-configurable.
// This is analogous to the data of a hardened Map or Set,
// so we carve out this exceptional behavior but make all other
// properties non-configurable.
if( !isCanonicalIntegerIndexString(name)) {
defineProperty(array, name, {
writable: false,
configurable: false});
* Create a `harden` function.
* @returns {Harden}
const makeHardener= ()=> {
// Use a native hardener if possible.
if( typeof globalThis.harden=== 'function') {
const safeHarden= globalThis.harden;
return safeHarden;
const hardened= new WeakSet();
const { harden}= {
* @template T
* @param {T} root
* @returns {T}
harden(root) {
const toFreeze= new Set();
const paths= new WeakMap();
// If val is something we should be freezing but aren't yet,
// add it to toFreeze.
* @param {any} val
* @param {string} [path]
function enqueue(val, path= undefined) {
if( !isObject(val)) {
// ignore primitives
const type= typeof val;
if( type!== 'object'&& type!== 'function') {
// future proof: break until someone figures out what it should do
throw TypeError( `Unexpected typeof: ${type}`);
if( weaksetHas(hardened, val)|| setHas(toFreeze, val)) {
// Ignore if this is an exit, or we've already visited it
// console.warn(`adding ${val} to toFreeze`, val);
setAdd(toFreeze, val);
weakmapSet(paths, val, path);
* @param {any} obj
function freezeAndTraverse(obj) {
// Now freeze the object to ensure reactive
// objects such as proxies won't add properties
// during traversal, before they get frozen.
// Object are verified before being enqueued,
// therefore this is a valid candidate.
// Throws if this fails (strict mode).
// Also throws if the object is an ArrayBuffer or any TypedArray.
if( isTypedArray(obj)) {
}else {
// we rely upon certain commitments of Object.freeze and proxies here
// get stable/immutable outbound links before a Proxy has a chance to do
// something sneaky.
const path= weakmapGet(paths, obj)|| 'unknown';
const descs= getOwnPropertyDescriptors(obj);
const proto= getPrototypeOf(obj);
enqueue(proto, `${path}.__proto__`);
arrayForEach(ownKeys(descs), (/** @type {string | symbol} */ name)=> {
const pathname= `${path}.${String(name)}`;
// The 'name' may be a symbol, and TypeScript doesn't like us to
// index arbitrary symbols on objects, so we pretend they're just
// strings.
const desc= descs[/** @type {string} */ name];
// getOwnPropertyDescriptors is guaranteed to return well-formed
// descriptors, but they still inherit from Object.prototype. If
// someone has poisoned Object.prototype to add 'value' or 'get'
// properties, then a simple 'if ("value" in desc)' or 'desc.value'
// test could be confused. We use hasOwnProperty to be sure about
// whether 'value' is present or not, which tells us for sure that
// this is a data property.
if( objectHasOwnProperty(desc, 'value')) {
enqueue(desc.value, `${pathname}`);
}else {
enqueue(desc.get, `${pathname}(get)`);
enqueue(desc.set, `${pathname}(set)`);
function dequeue() {
// New values added before forEach() has finished will be visited.
setForEach(toFreeze, freezeAndTraverse);
/** @param {any} value */
function markHardened(value) {
weaksetAdd(hardened, value);
function commit() {
setForEach(toFreeze, markHardened);
// console.warn("toFreeze set:", toFreeze);
return root;
return harden;
// === functors[11] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; $h‍_imports([]); /* eslint-disable no-restricted-globals */
* @file Exports {@code whitelist}, a recursively defined
* JSON record enumerating all intrinsics and their properties
* according to ECMA specs.
* @author JF Paradis
* @author Mark S. Miller
/* eslint max-lines: 0 */
* constantProperties
* non-configurable, non-writable data properties of all global objects.
* Must be powerless.
* Maps from property name to the actual value
const constantProperties= {
// *** Value Properties of the Global Object
* universalPropertyNames
* Properties of all global objects.
* Must be powerless.
* Maps from property name to the intrinsic name in the whitelist.
const universalPropertyNames= {
// *** Function Properties of the Global Object
isFinite: 'isFinite',
isNaN: 'isNaN',
parseFloat: 'parseFloat',
parseInt: 'parseInt',
decodeURI: 'decodeURI',
decodeURIComponent: 'decodeURIComponent',
encodeURI: 'encodeURI',
encodeURIComponent: 'encodeURIComponent',
// *** Constructor Properties of the Global Object
Array: 'Array',
ArrayBuffer: 'ArrayBuffer',
BigInt: 'BigInt',
BigInt64Array: 'BigInt64Array',
BigUint64Array: 'BigUint64Array',
Boolean: 'Boolean',
DataView: 'DataView',
EvalError: 'EvalError',
Float16Array: 'Float16Array',
Float32Array: 'Float32Array',
Float64Array: 'Float64Array',
Int8Array: 'Int8Array',
Int16Array: 'Int16Array',
Int32Array: 'Int32Array',
Map: 'Map',
Number: 'Number',
Object: 'Object',
Promise: 'Promise',
Proxy: 'Proxy',
RangeError: 'RangeError',
ReferenceError: 'ReferenceError',
Set: 'Set',
String: 'String',
SyntaxError: 'SyntaxError',
TypeError: 'TypeError',
Uint8Array: 'Uint8Array',
Uint8ClampedArray: 'Uint8ClampedArray',
Uint16Array: 'Uint16Array',
Uint32Array: 'Uint32Array',
URIError: 'URIError',
WeakMap: 'WeakMap',
WeakSet: 'WeakSet',
Iterator: 'Iterator',
AsyncIterator: 'AsyncIterator',
// *** Other Properties of the Global Object
Reflect: 'Reflect',
// *** Annex B
escape: 'escape',
unescape: 'unescape',
// ESNext
lockdown: 'lockdown',
harden: 'harden',
HandledPromise: 'HandledPromise' // TODO: Until Promise.delegate (see below).
* initialGlobalPropertyNames
* Those found only on the initial global, i.e., the global of the
* start compartment, as well as any compartments created before lockdown.
* These may provide much of the power provided by the original.
* Maps from property name to the intrinsic name in the whitelist.
const initialGlobalPropertyNames= {
// *** Constructor Properties of the Global Object
Date: '%InitialDate%',
Error: '%InitialError%',
RegExp: '%InitialRegExp%',
// Omit `Symbol`, because we want the original to appear on the
// start compartment without passing through the whitelist mechanism, since
// we want to preserve all its properties, even if we never heard of them.
// Symbol: '%InitialSymbol%',
// *** Other Properties of the Global Object
Math: '%InitialMath%',
// ESNext
// From Error-stack proposal
// Only on initial global. No corresponding
// powerless form for other globals.
getStackString: '%InitialGetStackString%'
// Need initial WeakRef and FinalizationGroup in
// start compartment only.
* sharedGlobalPropertyNames
* Those found only on the globals of new compartments created after lockdown,
* which must therefore be powerless.
* Maps from property name to the intrinsic name in the whitelist.
const sharedGlobalPropertyNames= {
// *** Constructor Properties of the Global Object
Date: '%SharedDate%',
Error: '%SharedError%',
RegExp: '%SharedRegExp%',
Symbol: '%SharedSymbol%',
// *** Other Properties of the Global Object
Math: '%SharedMath%'};
* uniqueGlobalPropertyNames
* Those made separately for each global, including the initial global
* of the start compartment.
* Maps from property name to the intrinsic name in the whitelist
* (which is currently always the same).
const uniqueGlobalPropertyNames= {
// *** Value Properties of the Global Object
globalThis: '%UniqueGlobalThis%',
// *** Function Properties of the Global Object
eval: '%UniqueEval%',
// *** Constructor Properties of the Global Object
Function: '%UniqueFunction%',
// *** Other Properties of the Global Object
// ESNext
Compartment: '%UniqueCompartment%'
// According to current agreements, eventually the Realm constructor too.
// 'Realm',
// All the "subclasses" of Error. These are collectively represented in the
// ECMAScript spec by the meta variable NativeError.
// TODO Add AggregateError
$h‍_once.uniqueGlobalPropertyNames(uniqueGlobalPropertyNames);const NativeErrors=[
* <p>Each JSON record enumerates the disposition of the properties on
* some corresponding intrinsic object.
* <p>All records are made of key-value pairs where the key
* is the property to process, and the value is the associated
* dispositions a.k.a. the "permit". Those permits can be:
* <ul>
* <li>The boolean value "false", in which case this property is
* blacklisted and simply removed. Properties not mentioned
* are also considered blacklisted and are removed.
* <li>A string value equal to a primitive ("number", "string", etc),
* in which case the property is whitelisted if its value property
* is typeof the given type. For example, {@code "Infinity"} leads to
* "number" and property values that fail {@code typeof "number"}.
* are removed.
* <li>A string value equal to an intinsic name ("ObjectPrototype",
* "Array", etc), in which case the property whitelisted if its
* value property is equal to the value of the corresponfing
* intrinsics. For example, {@code Map.prototype} leads to
* "MapPrototype" and the property is removed if its value is
* not equal to %MapPrototype%
* <li>Another record, in which case this property is simply
* whitelisted and that next record represents the disposition of
* the object which is its value. For example, {@code "Object"}
* leads to another record explaining what properties {@code
* "Object"} may have and how each such property should be treated.
* <p>Notes:
* <li>"[[Proto]]" is used to refer to the "[[Prototype]]" internal
* slot, which says which object this object inherits from.
* <li>"--proto--" is used to refer to the "__proto__" property name,
* which is the name of an accessor property on Object.prototype.
* In practice, it is used to access the [[Proto]] internal slot,
* but is distinct from the internal slot itself. We use
* "--proto--" rather than "__proto__" below because "__proto__"
* in an object literal is special syntax rather than a normal
* property definition.
* <li>"ObjectPrototype" is the default "[[Proto]]" (when not specified).
* <li>Constants "fn" and "getter" are used to keep the structure DRY.
* <li>Symbol properties are listed as follow:
* <li>Well-known symbols use the "@@name" form.
* <li>Registered symbols use the "RegisteredSymbol(key)" form.
* <li>Unique symbols use the "UniqueSymbol(description)" form.
// Function Instances
$h‍_once.NativeErrors(NativeErrors);const FunctionInstance={
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
length: 'number',
name: 'string'
// Do not specify "prototype" here, since only Function instances that can
// be used as a constructor have a prototype property. For constructors,
// since prototype properties are instance-specific, we define it there.
// AsyncFunction Instances
$h‍_once.FunctionInstance(FunctionInstance);const AsyncFunctionInstance={
// This property is not mentioned in ECMA 262, but is present in V8 and
// necessary for lockdown to succeed.
'[[Proto]]': '%AsyncFunctionPrototype%'};
// Aliases
$h‍_once.AsyncFunctionInstance(AsyncFunctionInstance);const fn=FunctionInstance;
const asyncFn= AsyncFunctionInstance;
const getter= {
get: fn,
set: 'undefined'};
// Possible but not encountered in the specs
// export const setter = {
// get: 'undefined',
// set: fn,
// };
const accessor= {
get: fn,
set: fn};
const isAccessorPermit= (permit)=>{
return permit=== getter|| permit=== accessor;
// NativeError Object Structure
$h‍_once.isAccessorPermit(isAccessorPermit);function NativeError(prototype){
return {
// Properties of the NativeError Constructors
'[[Proto]]': '%SharedError%',
// NativeError.prototype
function NativeErrorPrototype(constructor) {
return {
// Properties of the NativeError Prototype Objects
'[[Proto]]': '%ErrorPrototype%',
message: 'string',
name: 'string',
// Redundantly present only on v8. Safe to remove.
toString: false,
// Superfluously present in some versions of V8.
cause: false};
// The TypedArray Constructors
function TypedArray(prototype) {
return {
// Properties of the TypedArray Constructors
'[[Proto]]': '%TypedArray%',
function TypedArrayPrototype(constructor) {
return {
// Properties of the TypedArray Prototype Objects
'[[Proto]]': '%TypedArrayPrototype%',
// Without Math.random
const CommonMath= {
E: 'number',
LN10: 'number',
LN2: 'number',
LOG10E: 'number',
LOG2E: 'number',
PI: 'number',
SQRT1_2: 'number',
SQRT2: 'number',
'@@toStringTag': 'string',
abs: fn,
acos: fn,
acosh: fn,
asin: fn,
asinh: fn,
atan: fn,
atanh: fn,
atan2: fn,
cbrt: fn,
ceil: fn,
clz32: fn,
cos: fn,
cosh: fn,
exp: fn,
expm1: fn,
floor: fn,
fround: fn,
hypot: fn,
imul: fn,
log: fn,
log1p: fn,
log10: fn,
log2: fn,
max: fn,
min: fn,
pow: fn,
round: fn,
sign: fn,
sin: fn,
sinh: fn,
sqrt: fn,
tan: fn,
tanh: fn,
trunc: fn,
// See
idiv: false,
// See
idivmod: false,
// See
imod: false,
// See
imuldiv: false,
// See
irem: false,
// See
mod: false,
// See
irandom: false};
const permitted= {
// The intrinsics object has no prototype to avoid conflicts.
'[[Proto]]': null,
// %ThrowTypeError%
'%ThrowTypeError%': fn,
// *** The Global Object
// *** Value Properties of the Global Object
Infinity: 'number',
NaN: 'number',
undefined: 'undefined',
// *** Function Properties of the Global Object
// eval
'%UniqueEval%': fn,
isFinite: fn,
isNaN: fn,
parseFloat: fn,
parseInt: fn,
decodeURI: fn,
decodeURIComponent: fn,
encodeURI: fn,
encodeURIComponent: fn,
// *** Fundamental Objects
Object: {
// Properties of the Object Constructor
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
assign: fn,
create: fn,
defineProperties: fn,
defineProperty: fn,
entries: fn,
freeze: fn,
fromEntries: fn,
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: fn,
getOwnPropertyDescriptors: fn,
getOwnPropertyNames: fn,
getOwnPropertySymbols: fn,
getPrototypeOf: fn,
hasOwn: fn,
is: fn,
isExtensible: fn,
isFrozen: fn,
isSealed: fn,
keys: fn,
preventExtensions: fn,
prototype: '%ObjectPrototype%',
seal: fn,
setPrototypeOf: fn,
values: fn,
groupBy: fn,
// Seen on QuickJS
__getClass: false},
'%ObjectPrototype%': {
// Properties of the Object Prototype Object
'[[Proto]]': null,
constructor: 'Object',
hasOwnProperty: fn,
isPrototypeOf: fn,
propertyIsEnumerable: fn,
toLocaleString: fn,
toString: fn,
valueOf: fn,
// Annex B: Additional Properties of the Object.prototype Object
// See note in header about the difference between [[Proto]] and --proto--
// special notations.
'--proto--': accessor,
__defineGetter__: fn,
__defineSetter__: fn,
__lookupGetter__: fn,
__lookupSetter__: fn},
'%UniqueFunction%': {
// Properties of the Function Constructor
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
prototype: '%FunctionPrototype%'},
'%InertFunction%': {
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
prototype: '%FunctionPrototype%'},
'%FunctionPrototype%': {
apply: fn,
bind: fn,
call: fn,
constructor: '%InertFunction%',
toString: fn,
'@@hasInstance': fn,
// proposed but not yet std. To be removed if there
caller: false,
// proposed but not yet std. To be removed if there
arguments: false,
// Seen on QuickJS. TODO grab getter for use by console
fileName: false,
// Seen on QuickJS. TODO grab getter for use by console
lineNumber: false},
Boolean: {
// Properties of the Boolean Constructor
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
prototype: '%BooleanPrototype%'},
'%BooleanPrototype%': {
constructor: 'Boolean',
toString: fn,
valueOf: fn},
'%SharedSymbol%': {
// Properties of the Symbol Constructor
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
asyncDispose: 'symbol',
asyncIterator: 'symbol',
dispose: 'symbol',
for: fn,
hasInstance: 'symbol',
isConcatSpreadable: 'symbol',
iterator: 'symbol',
keyFor: fn,
match: 'symbol',
matchAll: 'symbol',
prototype: '%SymbolPrototype%',
replace: 'symbol',
search: 'symbol',
species: 'symbol',
split: 'symbol',
toPrimitive: 'symbol',
toStringTag: 'symbol',
unscopables: 'symbol',
// Seen at core-js
useSimple: false,
// Seen at core-js
useSetter: false,
// Seen on QuickJS
operatorSet: false},
'%SymbolPrototype%': {
// Properties of the Symbol Prototype Object
constructor: '%SharedSymbol%',
description: getter,
toString: fn,
valueOf: fn,
'@@toPrimitive': fn,
'@@toStringTag': 'string'},
'%InitialError%': {
// Properties of the Error Constructor
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
prototype: '%ErrorPrototype%',
// Non standard, v8 only, used by tap
captureStackTrace: fn,
// Non standard, v8 only, used by tap, tamed to accessor
stackTraceLimit: accessor,
// Non standard, v8 only, used by several, tamed to accessor
prepareStackTrace: accessor},
'%SharedError%': {
// Properties of the Error Constructor
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
prototype: '%ErrorPrototype%',
// Non standard, v8 only, used by tap
captureStackTrace: fn,
// Non standard, v8 only, used by tap, tamed to accessor
stackTraceLimit: accessor,
// Non standard, v8 only, used by several, tamed to accessor
prepareStackTrace: accessor},
'%ErrorPrototype%': {
constructor: '%SharedError%',
message: 'string',
name: 'string',
toString: fn,
// proposed de-facto, assumed TODO
// Seen on FF Nightly 88.0a1
at: false,
// Seen on FF and XS
stack: accessor,
// Superfluously present in some versions of V8.
cause: false},
// NativeError
EvalError: NativeError('%EvalErrorPrototype%'),
RangeError: NativeError('%RangeErrorPrototype%'),
ReferenceError: NativeError('%ReferenceErrorPrototype%'),
SyntaxError: NativeError('%SyntaxErrorPrototype%'),
TypeError: NativeError('%TypeErrorPrototype%'),
URIError: NativeError('%URIErrorPrototype%'),
'%EvalErrorPrototype%': NativeErrorPrototype('EvalError'),
'%RangeErrorPrototype%': NativeErrorPrototype('RangeError'),
'%ReferenceErrorPrototype%': NativeErrorPrototype('ReferenceError'),
'%SyntaxErrorPrototype%': NativeErrorPrototype('SyntaxError'),
'%TypeErrorPrototype%': NativeErrorPrototype('TypeError'),
'%URIErrorPrototype%': NativeErrorPrototype('URIError'),
// *** Numbers and Dates
Number: {
// Properties of the Number Constructor
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
EPSILON: 'number',
isFinite: fn,
isInteger: fn,
isNaN: fn,
isSafeInteger: fn,
MAX_VALUE: 'number',
MIN_VALUE: 'number',
NaN: 'number',
parseFloat: fn,
parseInt: fn,
prototype: '%NumberPrototype%'},
'%NumberPrototype%': {
// Properties of the Number Prototype Object
constructor: 'Number',
toExponential: fn,
toFixed: fn,
toLocaleString: fn,
toPrecision: fn,
toString: fn,
valueOf: fn},
BigInt: {
// Properties of the BigInt Constructor
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
asIntN: fn,
asUintN: fn,
prototype: '%BigIntPrototype%',
// See
bitLength: false,
// See
fromArrayBuffer: false,
// Seen on QuickJS
tdiv: false,
// Seen on QuickJS
fdiv: false,
// Seen on QuickJS
cdiv: false,
// Seen on QuickJS
ediv: false,
// Seen on QuickJS
tdivrem: false,
// Seen on QuickJS
fdivrem: false,
// Seen on QuickJS
cdivrem: false,
// Seen on QuickJS
edivrem: false,
// Seen on QuickJS
sqrt: false,
// Seen on QuickJS
sqrtrem: false,
// Seen on QuickJS
floorLog2: false,
// Seen on QuickJS
ctz: false},
'%BigIntPrototype%': {
constructor: 'BigInt',
toLocaleString: fn,
toString: fn,
valueOf: fn,
'@@toStringTag': 'string'},
'%InitialMath%': {
// `%InitialMath%.random()` has the standard unsafe behavior
random: fn},
'%SharedMath%': {
// `%SharedMath%.random()` is tamed to always throw
random: fn},
'%InitialDate%': {
// Properties of the Date Constructor
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
now: fn,
parse: fn,
prototype: '%DatePrototype%',
UTC: fn},
'%SharedDate%': {
// Properties of the Date Constructor
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
// `` is tamed to always throw
now: fn,
parse: fn,
prototype: '%DatePrototype%',
UTC: fn},
'%DatePrototype%': {
constructor: '%SharedDate%',
getDate: fn,
getDay: fn,
getFullYear: fn,
getHours: fn,
getMilliseconds: fn,
getMinutes: fn,
getMonth: fn,
getSeconds: fn,
getTime: fn,
getTimezoneOffset: fn,
getUTCDate: fn,
getUTCDay: fn,
getUTCFullYear: fn,
getUTCHours: fn,
getUTCMilliseconds: fn,
getUTCMinutes: fn,
getUTCMonth: fn,
getUTCSeconds: fn,
setDate: fn,
setFullYear: fn,
setHours: fn,
setMilliseconds: fn,
setMinutes: fn,
setMonth: fn,
setSeconds: fn,
setTime: fn,
setUTCDate: fn,
setUTCFullYear: fn,
setUTCHours: fn,
setUTCMilliseconds: fn,
setUTCMinutes: fn,
setUTCMonth: fn,
setUTCSeconds: fn,
toDateString: fn,
toISOString: fn,
toJSON: fn,
toLocaleDateString: fn,
toLocaleString: fn,
toLocaleTimeString: fn,
toString: fn,
toTimeString: fn,
toUTCString: fn,
valueOf: fn,
'@@toPrimitive': fn,
// Annex B: Additional Properties of the Date.prototype Object
getYear: fn,
setYear: fn,
toGMTString: fn},
// Text Processing
String: {
// Properties of the String Constructor
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
fromCharCode: fn,
fromCodePoint: fn,
prototype: '%StringPrototype%',
raw: fn,
// See
fromArrayBuffer: false},
'%StringPrototype%': {
// Properties of the String Prototype Object
length: 'number',
at: fn,
charAt: fn,
charCodeAt: fn,
codePointAt: fn,
concat: fn,
constructor: 'String',
endsWith: fn,
includes: fn,
indexOf: fn,
lastIndexOf: fn,
localeCompare: fn,
match: fn,
matchAll: fn,
normalize: fn,
padEnd: fn,
padStart: fn,
repeat: fn,
replace: fn,
replaceAll: fn, // ES2021
search: fn,
slice: fn,
split: fn,
startsWith: fn,
substring: fn,
toLocaleLowerCase: fn,
toLocaleUpperCase: fn,
toLowerCase: fn,
toString: fn,
toUpperCase: fn,
trim: fn,
trimEnd: fn,
trimStart: fn,
valueOf: fn,
'@@iterator': fn,
// Annex B: Additional Properties of the String.prototype Object
substr: fn,
anchor: fn,
big: fn,
blink: fn,
bold: fn,
fixed: fn,
fontcolor: fn,
fontsize: fn,
italics: fn,
link: fn,
small: fn,
strike: fn,
sub: fn,
sup: fn,
trimLeft: fn,
trimRight: fn,
// See
compare: false,
isWellFormed: fn,
toWellFormed: fn,
unicodeSets: fn,
// Seen on QuickJS
__quote: false},
'%StringIteratorPrototype%': {
'[[Proto]]': '%IteratorPrototype%',
next: fn,
'@@toStringTag': 'string'},
'%InitialRegExp%': {
// Properties of the RegExp Constructor
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
prototype: '%RegExpPrototype%',
'@@species': getter,
// The
// are all optional, unsafe, and omitted
input: false,
$_: false,
lastMatch: false,
'$&': false,
lastParen: false,
'$+': false,
leftContext: false,
'$`': false,
rightContext: false,
"$'": false,
$1: false,
$2: false,
$3: false,
$4: false,
$5: false,
$6: false,
$7: false,
$8: false,
$9: false},
'%SharedRegExp%': {
// Properties of the RegExp Constructor
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
prototype: '%RegExpPrototype%',
'@@species': getter},
'%RegExpPrototype%': {
// Properties of the RegExp Prototype Object
constructor: '%SharedRegExp%',
exec: fn,
dotAll: getter,
flags: getter,
global: getter,
hasIndices: getter,
ignoreCase: getter,
'@@match': fn,
'@@matchAll': fn,
multiline: getter,
'@@replace': fn,
'@@search': fn,
source: getter,
'@@split': fn,
sticky: getter,
test: fn,
toString: fn,
unicode: getter,
unicodeSets: getter,
// Annex B: Additional Properties of the RegExp.prototype Object
compile: false // UNSAFE and suppressed.
'%RegExpStringIteratorPrototype%': {
// The %RegExpStringIteratorPrototype% Object
'[[Proto]]': '%IteratorPrototype%',
next: fn,
'@@toStringTag': 'string'},
// Indexed Collections
Array: {
// Properties of the Array Constructor
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
from: fn,
isArray: fn,
of: fn,
prototype: '%ArrayPrototype%',
'@@species': getter,
// Stage 3:
at: fn,
fromAsync: fn},
'%ArrayPrototype%': {
// Properties of the Array Prototype Object
at: fn,
length: 'number',
concat: fn,
constructor: 'Array',
copyWithin: fn,
entries: fn,
every: fn,
fill: fn,
filter: fn,
find: fn,
findIndex: fn,
flat: fn,
flatMap: fn,
forEach: fn,
includes: fn,
indexOf: fn,
join: fn,
keys: fn,
lastIndexOf: fn,
map: fn,
pop: fn,
push: fn,
reduce: fn,
reduceRight: fn,
reverse: fn,
shift: fn,
slice: fn,
some: fn,
sort: fn,
splice: fn,
toLocaleString: fn,
toString: fn,
unshift: fn,
values: fn,
'@@iterator': fn,
'@@unscopables': {
'[[Proto]]': null,
copyWithin: 'boolean',
entries: 'boolean',
fill: 'boolean',
find: 'boolean',
findIndex: 'boolean',
flat: 'boolean',
flatMap: 'boolean',
includes: 'boolean',
keys: 'boolean',
values: 'boolean',
// Failed tc39 proposal
// Seen on FF Nightly 88.0a1
at: 'boolean',
// See
findLast: 'boolean',
findLastIndex: 'boolean',
toReversed: 'boolean',
toSorted: 'boolean',
toSpliced: 'boolean',
with: 'boolean',
group: 'boolean',
groupToMap: 'boolean',
groupBy: 'boolean'},
// See
findLast: fn,
findLastIndex: fn,
toReversed: fn,
toSorted: fn,
toSpliced: fn,
with: fn,
group: fn, // Not in proposal? Where?
groupToMap: fn, // Not in proposal? Where?
groupBy: fn},
'%ArrayIteratorPrototype%': {
// The %ArrayIteratorPrototype% Object
'[[Proto]]': '%IteratorPrototype%',
next: fn,
'@@toStringTag': 'string'},
// *** TypedArray Objects
'%TypedArray%': {
// Properties of the %TypedArray% Intrinsic Object
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
from: fn,
of: fn,
prototype: '%TypedArrayPrototype%',
'@@species': getter},
'%TypedArrayPrototype%': {
at: fn,
buffer: getter,
byteLength: getter,
byteOffset: getter,
constructor: '%TypedArray%',
copyWithin: fn,
entries: fn,
every: fn,
fill: fn,
filter: fn,
find: fn,
findIndex: fn,
forEach: fn,
includes: fn,
indexOf: fn,
join: fn,
keys: fn,
lastIndexOf: fn,
length: getter,
map: fn,
reduce: fn,
reduceRight: fn,
reverse: fn,
set: fn,
slice: fn,
some: fn,
sort: fn,
subarray: fn,
toLocaleString: fn,
toString: fn,
values: fn,
'@@iterator': fn,
'@@toStringTag': getter,
// See
findLast: fn,
findLastIndex: fn,
toReversed: fn,
toSorted: fn,
with: fn},
// The TypedArray Constructors
BigInt64Array: TypedArray('%BigInt64ArrayPrototype%'),
BigUint64Array: TypedArray('%BigUint64ArrayPrototype%'),
Float16Array: TypedArray('%Float16ArrayPrototype%'),
Float32Array: TypedArray('%Float32ArrayPrototype%'),
Float64Array: TypedArray('%Float64ArrayPrototype%'),
Int16Array: TypedArray('%Int16ArrayPrototype%'),
Int32Array: TypedArray('%Int32ArrayPrototype%'),
Int8Array: TypedArray('%Int8ArrayPrototype%'),
Uint16Array: TypedArray('%Uint16ArrayPrototype%'),
Uint32Array: TypedArray('%Uint32ArrayPrototype%'),
Uint8Array: TypedArray('%Uint8ArrayPrototype%'),
Uint8ClampedArray: TypedArray('%Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype%'),
'%BigInt64ArrayPrototype%': TypedArrayPrototype('BigInt64Array'),
'%BigUint64ArrayPrototype%': TypedArrayPrototype('BigUint64Array'),
'%Float16ArrayPrototype%': TypedArrayPrototype('Float16Array'),
'%Float32ArrayPrototype%': TypedArrayPrototype('Float32Array'),
'%Float64ArrayPrototype%': TypedArrayPrototype('Float64Array'),
'%Int16ArrayPrototype%': TypedArrayPrototype('Int16Array'),
'%Int32ArrayPrototype%': TypedArrayPrototype('Int32Array'),
'%Int8ArrayPrototype%': TypedArrayPrototype('Int8Array'),
'%Uint16ArrayPrototype%': TypedArrayPrototype('Uint16Array'),
'%Uint32ArrayPrototype%': TypedArrayPrototype('Uint32Array'),
'%Uint8ArrayPrototype%': TypedArrayPrototype('Uint8Array'),
'%Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype%': TypedArrayPrototype('Uint8ClampedArray'),
// *** Keyed Collections
Map: {
// Properties of the Map Constructor
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
'@@species': getter,
prototype: '%MapPrototype%',
groupBy: fn},
'%MapPrototype%': {
clear: fn,
constructor: 'Map',
delete: fn,
entries: fn,
forEach: fn,
get: fn,
has: fn,
keys: fn,
set: fn,
size: getter,
values: fn,
'@@iterator': fn,
'@@toStringTag': 'string'},
'%MapIteratorPrototype%': {
// The %MapIteratorPrototype% Object
'[[Proto]]': '%IteratorPrototype%',
next: fn,
'@@toStringTag': 'string'},
Set: {
// Properties of the Set Constructor
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
prototype: '%SetPrototype%',
'@@species': getter,
// Seen on QuickJS
groupBy: false},
'%SetPrototype%': {
add: fn,
clear: fn,
constructor: 'Set',
delete: fn,
entries: fn,
forEach: fn,
has: fn,
keys: fn,
size: getter,
values: fn,
'@@iterator': fn,
'@@toStringTag': 'string',
// See
intersection: fn,
// See
union: fn,
// See
difference: fn,
// See
symmetricDifference: fn,
// See
isSubsetOf: fn,
// See
isSupersetOf: fn,
// See
isDisjointFrom: fn},
'%SetIteratorPrototype%': {
// The %SetIteratorPrototype% Object
'[[Proto]]': '%IteratorPrototype%',
next: fn,
'@@toStringTag': 'string'},
WeakMap: {
// Properties of the WeakMap Constructor
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
prototype: '%WeakMapPrototype%'},
'%WeakMapPrototype%': {
constructor: 'WeakMap',
delete: fn,
get: fn,
has: fn,
set: fn,
'@@toStringTag': 'string'},
WeakSet: {
// Properties of the WeakSet Constructor
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
prototype: '%WeakSetPrototype%'},
'%WeakSetPrototype%': {
add: fn,
constructor: 'WeakSet',
delete: fn,
has: fn,
'@@toStringTag': 'string'},
// *** Structured Data
ArrayBuffer: {
// Properties of the ArrayBuffer Constructor
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
isView: fn,
prototype: '%ArrayBufferPrototype%',
'@@species': getter,
// See
fromString: false,
// See
fromBigInt: false},
'%ArrayBufferPrototype%': {
byteLength: getter,
constructor: 'ArrayBuffer',
slice: fn,
'@@toStringTag': 'string',
// See
concat: false,
// See
transfer: fn,
resize: fn,
resizable: getter,
maxByteLength: getter,
transferToFixedLength: fn,
detached: getter},
// SharedArrayBuffer Objects
SharedArrayBuffer: false, // UNSAFE and purposely suppressed.
'%SharedArrayBufferPrototype%': false, // UNSAFE and purposely suppressed.
DataView: {
// Properties of the DataView Constructor
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: 'number', // Non std but undeletable on Safari.
prototype: '%DataViewPrototype%'},
'%DataViewPrototype%': {
buffer: getter,
byteLength: getter,
byteOffset: getter,
constructor: 'DataView',
getBigInt64: fn,
getBigUint64: fn,
getFloat16: fn,
getFloat32: fn,
getFloat64: fn,
getInt8: fn,
getInt16: fn,
getInt32: fn,
getUint8: fn,
getUint16: fn,
getUint32: fn,
setBigInt64: fn,
setBigUint64: fn,
setFloat16: fn,
setFloat32: fn,
setFloat64: fn,
setInt8: fn,
setInt16: fn,
setInt32: fn,
setUint8: fn,
setUint16: fn,
setUint32: fn,
'@@toStringTag': 'string'},
// Atomics
Atomics: false, // UNSAFE and suppressed.
parse: fn,
stringify: fn,
'@@toStringTag': 'string',
rawJSON: fn,
isRawJSON: fn},
// *** Control Abstraction Objects
Iterator: {
// Properties of the Iterator Constructor
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
prototype: '%IteratorPrototype%',
from: fn},
'%IteratorPrototype%': {
// The %IteratorPrototype% Object
'@@iterator': fn,
constructor: 'Iterator',
map: fn,
filter: fn,
take: fn,
drop: fn,
flatMap: fn,
reduce: fn,
toArray: fn,
forEach: fn,
some: fn,
every: fn,
find: fn,
'@@toStringTag': 'string',
toAsync: fn,
// See
'@@dispose': false},
'%WrapForValidIteratorPrototype%': {
'[[Proto]]': '%IteratorPrototype%',
next: fn,
return: fn},
'%IteratorHelperPrototype%': {
'[[Proto]]': '%IteratorPrototype%',
next: fn,
return: fn,
'@@toStringTag': 'string'},
AsyncIterator: {
// Properties of the Iterator Constructor
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
prototype: '%AsyncIteratorPrototype%',
from: fn},
'%AsyncIteratorPrototype%': {
// The %AsyncIteratorPrototype% Object
'@@asyncIterator': fn,
constructor: 'AsyncIterator',
map: fn,
filter: fn,
take: fn,
drop: fn,
flatMap: fn,
reduce: fn,
toArray: fn,
forEach: fn,
some: fn,
every: fn,
find: fn,
'@@toStringTag': 'string',
// See
'@@asyncDispose': false},
'%WrapForValidAsyncIteratorPrototype%': {
'[[Proto]]': '%AsyncIteratorPrototype%',
next: fn,
return: fn},
'%AsyncIteratorHelperPrototype%': {
'[[Proto]]': '%AsyncIteratorPrototype%',
next: fn,
return: fn,
'@@toStringTag': 'string'},
'%InertGeneratorFunction%': {
// Properties of the GeneratorFunction Constructor
'[[Proto]]': '%InertFunction%',
prototype: '%Generator%'},
'%Generator%': {
// Properties of the GeneratorFunction Prototype Object
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
constructor: '%InertGeneratorFunction%',
prototype: '%GeneratorPrototype%',
'@@toStringTag': 'string'},
'%InertAsyncGeneratorFunction%': {
// Properties of the AsyncGeneratorFunction Constructor
'[[Proto]]': '%InertFunction%',
prototype: '%AsyncGenerator%'},
'%AsyncGenerator%': {
// Properties of the AsyncGeneratorFunction Prototype Object
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
constructor: '%InertAsyncGeneratorFunction%',
prototype: '%AsyncGeneratorPrototype%',
// length prop added here for React Native jsc-android
length: 'number',
'@@toStringTag': 'string'},
'%GeneratorPrototype%': {
// Properties of the Generator Prototype Object
'[[Proto]]': '%IteratorPrototype%',
constructor: '%Generator%',
next: fn,
return: fn,
throw: fn,
'@@toStringTag': 'string'},
'%AsyncGeneratorPrototype%': {
// Properties of the AsyncGenerator Prototype Object
'[[Proto]]': '%AsyncIteratorPrototype%',
constructor: '%AsyncGenerator%',
next: fn,
return: fn,
throw: fn,
'@@toStringTag': 'string'},
// TODO: To be replaced with Promise.delegate
// The HandledPromise global variable shimmed by `@agoric/eventual-send/shim`
// implements an initial version of the eventual send specification at:
// We will likely change this to add a property to Promise called
// Promise.delegate and put static methods on it, which will necessitate
// another whitelist change to update to the current proposed standard.
HandledPromise: {
'[[Proto]]': 'Promise',
applyFunction: fn,
applyFunctionSendOnly: fn,
applyMethod: fn,
applyMethodSendOnly: fn,
get: fn,
getSendOnly: fn,
prototype: '%PromisePrototype%',
resolve: fn},
Promise: {
// Properties of the Promise Constructor
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
all: fn,
allSettled: fn,
// To transition from `false` to `fn` once we also have `AggregateError`
any: false, // ES2021
prototype: '%PromisePrototype%',
race: fn,
reject: fn,
resolve: fn,
withResolvers: fn,
'@@species': getter},
'%PromisePrototype%': {
// Properties of the Promise Prototype Object
catch: fn,
constructor: 'Promise',
finally: fn,
then: fn,
'@@toStringTag': 'string',
// Non-standard, used in node to prevent async_hooks from breaking
'UniqueSymbol(async_id_symbol)': accessor,
'UniqueSymbol(trigger_async_id_symbol)': accessor,
'UniqueSymbol(destroyed)': accessor},
'%InertAsyncFunction%': {
// Properties of the AsyncFunction Constructor
'[[Proto]]': '%InertFunction%',
prototype: '%AsyncFunctionPrototype%'},
'%AsyncFunctionPrototype%': {
// Properties of the AsyncFunction Prototype Object
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
constructor: '%InertAsyncFunction%',
// length prop added here for React Native jsc-android
length: 'number',
'@@toStringTag': 'string'},
// Reflection
Reflect: {
// The Reflect Object
// Not a function object.
apply: fn,
construct: fn,
defineProperty: fn,
deleteProperty: fn,
get: fn,
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: fn,
getPrototypeOf: fn,
has: fn,
isExtensible: fn,
ownKeys: fn,
preventExtensions: fn,
set: fn,
setPrototypeOf: fn,
'@@toStringTag': 'string'},
Proxy: {
// Properties of the Proxy Constructor
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
revocable: fn},
// Appendix B
// Annex B: Additional Properties of the Global Object
escape: fn,
unescape: fn,
// Proposed
'%UniqueCompartment%': {
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
prototype: '%CompartmentPrototype%',
toString: fn},
'%InertCompartment%': {
'[[Proto]]': '%FunctionPrototype%',
prototype: '%CompartmentPrototype%',
toString: fn},
'%CompartmentPrototype%': {
constructor: '%InertCompartment%',
evaluate: fn,
globalThis: getter,
name: getter,
import: asyncFn,
load: asyncFn,
importNow: fn,
module: fn,
'@@toStringTag': 'string'},
lockdown: fn,
harden: { ...fn, isFake: 'boolean'},
'%InitialGetStackString%': fn};$h‍_once.permitted(permitted);
// === functors[12] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let TypeError,WeakSet,arrayFilter,create,defineProperty,entries,freeze,getOwnPropertyDescriptor,getOwnPropertyDescriptors,globalThis,is,isObject,objectHasOwnProperty,values,weaksetHas,constantProperties,sharedGlobalPropertyNames,universalPropertyNames,permitted;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["TypeError", [$h‍_a => (TypeError = $h‍_a)]],["WeakSet", [$h‍_a => (WeakSet = $h‍_a)]],["arrayFilter", [$h‍_a => (arrayFilter = $h‍_a)]],["create", [$h‍_a => (create = $h‍_a)]],["defineProperty", [$h‍_a => (defineProperty = $h‍_a)]],["entries", [$h‍_a => (entries = $h‍_a)]],["freeze", [$h‍_a => (freeze = $h‍_a)]],["getOwnPropertyDescriptor", [$h‍_a => (getOwnPropertyDescriptor = $h‍_a)]],["getOwnPropertyDescriptors", [$h‍_a => (getOwnPropertyDescriptors = $h‍_a)]],["globalThis", [$h‍_a => (globalThis = $h‍_a)]],["is", [$h‍_a => (is = $h‍_a)]],["isObject", [$h‍_a => (isObject = $h‍_a)]],["objectHasOwnProperty", [$h‍_a => (objectHasOwnProperty = $h‍_a)]],["values", [$h‍_a => (values = $h‍_a)]],["weaksetHas", [$h‍_a => (weaksetHas = $h‍_a)]]]],["./permits.js", [["constantProperties", [$h‍_a => (constantProperties = $h‍_a)]],["sharedGlobalPropertyNames", [$h‍_a => (sharedGlobalPropertyNames = $h‍_a)]],["universalPropertyNames", [$h‍_a => (universalPropertyNames = $h‍_a)]],["permitted", [$h‍_a => (permitted = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
const isFunction= (obj)=>typeof obj=== 'function';
// Like defineProperty, but throws if it would modify an existing property.
// We use this to ensure that two conflicting attempts to define the same
// property throws, causing SES initialization to fail. Otherwise, a
// conflict between, for example, two of SES's internal whitelists might
// get masked as one overwrites the other. Accordingly, the thrown error
// complains of a "Conflicting definition".
function initProperty(obj, name, desc) {
if( objectHasOwnProperty(obj, name)) {
const preDesc= getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, name);
!is(preDesc.value, desc.value)||
preDesc.get!== desc.get||
preDesc.set!== desc.set||
preDesc.writable!== desc.writable||
preDesc.enumerable!== desc.enumerable||
preDesc.configurable!== desc.configurable)
throw TypeError( `Conflicting definitions of ${name}`);
defineProperty(obj, name, desc);
// Like defineProperties, but throws if it would modify an existing property.
// This ensures that the intrinsics added to the intrinsics collector object
// graph do not overlap.
function initProperties(obj, descs) {
for( const [name, desc]of entries(descs)) {
initProperty(obj, name, desc);
// sampleGlobals creates an intrinsics object, suitable for
// interinsicsCollector.addIntrinsics, from the named properties of a global
// object.
function sampleGlobals(globalObject, newPropertyNames) {
const newIntrinsics= { __proto__: null};
for( const [globalName, intrinsicName]of entries(newPropertyNames)) {
if( objectHasOwnProperty(globalObject, globalName)) {
newIntrinsics[intrinsicName]= globalObject[globalName];
return newIntrinsics;
const makeIntrinsicsCollector= ()=> {
/** @type {Record<any, any>} */
const intrinsics= create(null);
let pseudoNatives;
const addIntrinsics= (newIntrinsics)=>{
initProperties(intrinsics, getOwnPropertyDescriptors(newIntrinsics));
// For each intrinsic, if it has a `.prototype` property, use the
// whitelist to find out the intrinsic name for that prototype and add it
// to the intrinsics.
const completePrototypes= ()=> {
for( const [name, intrinsic]of entries(intrinsics)) {
if( !isObject(intrinsic)) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-continue
if( !objectHasOwnProperty(intrinsic, 'prototype')) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-continue
const permit= permitted[name];
if( typeof permit!== 'object') {
throw TypeError( `Expected permit object at whitelist.${name}`);
const namePrototype= permit.prototype;
if( !namePrototype) {
throw TypeError( `${name}.prototype property not whitelisted`);
typeof namePrototype!== 'string'||
!objectHasOwnProperty(permitted, namePrototype))
throw TypeError( `Unrecognized ${name}.prototype whitelist entry`);
const intrinsicPrototype= intrinsic.prototype;
if( objectHasOwnProperty(intrinsics, namePrototype)) {
if( intrinsics[namePrototype]!== intrinsicPrototype) {
throw TypeError( `Conflicting bindings of ${namePrototype}`);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-continue
intrinsics[namePrototype]= intrinsicPrototype;
const finalIntrinsics= ()=> {
pseudoNatives= new WeakSet(arrayFilter(values(intrinsics), isFunction));
return intrinsics;
const isPseudoNative= (obj)=>{
if( !pseudoNatives) {
throw TypeError(
'isPseudoNative can only be called after finalIntrinsics');
return weaksetHas(pseudoNatives, obj);
const intrinsicsCollector= {
addIntrinsics(sampleGlobals(globalThis, universalPropertyNames));
return intrinsicsCollector;
* getGlobalIntrinsics()
* Doesn't tame, delete, or modify anything. Samples globalObject to create an
* intrinsics record containing only the whitelisted global variables, listed
* by the intrinsic names appropriate for new globals, i.e., the globals of
* newly constructed compartments.
* If run before lockdown, the returned intrinsics record will carry the
* *original* unsafe (feral, untamed) bindings of these global variables.
* @param {object} globalObject
const getGlobalIntrinsics= (globalObject)=>{
const { addIntrinsics, finalIntrinsics}= makeIntrinsicsCollector();
addIntrinsics(sampleGlobals(globalObject, sharedGlobalPropertyNames));
return finalIntrinsics();
// === functors[13] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let permitted,FunctionInstance,isAccessorPermit,Map,String,Symbol,TypeError,arrayFilter,arrayIncludes,arrayMap,entries,getOwnPropertyDescriptor,getPrototypeOf,isObject,mapGet,objectHasOwnProperty,ownKeys,symbolKeyFor;$h‍_imports([["./permits.js", [["permitted", [$h‍_a => (permitted = $h‍_a)]],["FunctionInstance", [$h‍_a => (FunctionInstance = $h‍_a)]],["isAccessorPermit", [$h‍_a => (isAccessorPermit = $h‍_a)]]]],["./commons.js", [["Map", [$h‍_a => (Map = $h‍_a)]],["String", [$h‍_a => (String = $h‍_a)]],["Symbol", [$h‍_a => (Symbol = $h‍_a)]],["TypeError", [$h‍_a => (TypeError = $h‍_a)]],["arrayFilter", [$h‍_a => (arrayFilter = $h‍_a)]],["arrayIncludes", [$h‍_a => (arrayIncludes = $h‍_a)]],["arrayMap", [$h‍_a => (arrayMap = $h‍_a)]],["entries", [$h‍_a => (entries = $h‍_a)]],["getOwnPropertyDescriptor", [$h‍_a => (getOwnPropertyDescriptor = $h‍_a)]],["getPrototypeOf", [$h‍_a => (getPrototypeOf = $h‍_a)]],["isObject", [$h‍_a => (isObject = $h‍_a)]],["mapGet", [$h‍_a => (mapGet = $h‍_a)]],["objectHasOwnProperty", [$h‍_a => (objectHasOwnProperty = $h‍_a)]],["ownKeys", [$h‍_a => (ownKeys = $h‍_a)]],["symbolKeyFor", [$h‍_a => (symbolKeyFor = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
* whitelistIntrinsics()
* Removes all non-allowed properties found by recursively and
* reflectively walking own property chains.
* @param {object} intrinsics
* @param {(object) => void} markVirtualizedNativeFunction
function whitelistIntrinsics(
let groupStarted= false;
const inConsoleGroup= (level, ...args)=> {
if( !groupStarted) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
console.groupCollapsed('Removing unpermitted intrinsics');
groupStarted= true;
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
return console[level](...args);
// These primitives are allowed for permits.
const primitives= ['undefined', 'boolean', 'number', 'string', 'symbol'];
// These symbols are allowed as well-known symbols
const wellKnownSymbolNames= new Map(
([name, permit])=>
permit=== 'symbol'&& typeof Symbol[name]=== 'symbol'),
([name])=> [Symbol[name], `@@${name}`]):
* asStringPropertyName()
* @param {string} path
* @param {string | symbol} prop
function asStringPropertyName(path, prop) {
if( typeof prop=== 'string') {
return prop;
const wellKnownSymbol= mapGet(wellKnownSymbolNames, prop);
if( typeof prop=== 'symbol') {
if( wellKnownSymbol) {
return wellKnownSymbol;
}else {
const registeredKey= symbolKeyFor(prop);
if( registeredKey!== undefined) {
return `RegisteredSymbol(${registeredKey})`;
}else {
return `Unique${String(prop)}`;
throw TypeError( `Unexpected property name type ${path} ${prop}`);
* visitPrototype()
* Validate the object's [[prototype]] against a permit.
function visitPrototype(path, obj, protoName) {
if( !isObject(obj)) {
throw TypeError( `Object expected: ${path}, ${obj}, ${protoName}`);
const proto= getPrototypeOf(obj);
// Null prototype.
if( proto=== null&& protoName=== null) {
// Assert: protoName, if provided, is a string.
if( protoName!== undefined&& typeof protoName!== 'string') {
throw TypeError( `Malformed whitelist permit ${path}.__proto__`);
// If permit not specified, default to Object.prototype.
if( proto=== intrinsics[protoName|| '%ObjectPrototype%']) {
// We can't clean [[prototype]], therefore abort.
throw TypeError( `Unexpected intrinsic ${path}.__proto__ at ${protoName}`);
* isAllowedPropertyValue()
* Whitelist a single property value against a permit.
function isAllowedPropertyValue(path, value, prop, permit) {
if( typeof permit=== 'object') {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
visitProperties(path, value, permit);
// The property is allowed.
return true;
if( permit=== false) {
// A boolan 'false' permit specifies the removal of a property.
// We require a more specific permit instead of allowing 'true'.
return false;
if( typeof permit=== 'string') {
// A string permit can have one of two meanings:
if( prop=== 'prototype'|| prop=== 'constructor') {
// For prototype and constructor value properties, the permit
// is the name of an intrinsic.
// Assumption: prototype and constructor cannot be primitives.
// Assert: the permit is the name of an intrinsic.
// Assert: the property value is equal to that intrinsic.
if( objectHasOwnProperty(intrinsics, permit)) {
if( value!== intrinsics[permit]) {
throw TypeError( `Does not match whitelist ${path}`);
return true;
}else {
// For all other properties, the permit is the name of a primitive.
// Assert: the permit is the name of a primitive.
// Assert: the property value type is equal to that primitive.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-lonely-if
if( arrayIncludes(primitives, permit)) {
// eslint-disable-next-line valid-typeof
if( typeof value!== permit) {
throw TypeError(
`At ${path} expected ${permit} not ${typeof value}`);
return true;
throw TypeError( `Unexpected whitelist permit ${permit} at ${path}`);
* isAllowedProperty()
* Check whether a single property is allowed.
function isAllowedProperty(path, obj, prop, permit) {
const desc= getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop);
if( !desc) {
throw TypeError( `Property ${prop} not found at ${path}`);
// Is this a value property?
if( objectHasOwnProperty(desc, 'value')) {
if( isAccessorPermit(permit)) {
throw TypeError( `Accessor expected at ${path}`);
return isAllowedPropertyValue(path, desc.value, prop, permit);
if( !isAccessorPermit(permit)) {
throw TypeError( `Accessor not expected at ${path}`);
isAllowedPropertyValue( `${path}<get>`,desc.get, prop, permit.get)&&
isAllowedPropertyValue( `${path}<set>`,desc.set, prop, permit.set));
* getSubPermit()
function getSubPermit(obj, permit, prop) {
const permitProp= prop=== '__proto__'? '--proto--': prop;
if( objectHasOwnProperty(permit, permitProp)) {
return permit[permitProp];
if( typeof obj=== 'function') {
if( objectHasOwnProperty(FunctionInstance, permitProp)) {
return FunctionInstance[permitProp];
return undefined;
* visitProperties()
* Visit all properties for a permit.
function visitProperties(path, obj, permit) {
if( obj=== undefined|| obj=== null) {
const protoName= permit['[[Proto]]'];
visitPrototype(path, obj, protoName);
if( typeof obj=== 'function') {
for( const prop of ownKeys(obj)) {
const propString= asStringPropertyName(path, prop);
const subPath= `${path}.${propString}`;
const subPermit= getSubPermit(obj, permit, propString);
if( !subPermit|| !isAllowedProperty(subPath, obj, prop, subPermit)) {
// Either the object lacks a permit or the object doesn't match the
// permit.
// If the permit is specifically false, not merely undefined,
// this is a property we expect to see because we know it exists in
// some environments and we have expressly decided to exclude it.
// Any other disallowed property is one we have not audited and we log
// that we are removing it so we know to look into it, as happens when
// the language evolves new features to existing intrinsics.
if( subPermit!== false) {
inConsoleGroup('warn', `Removing ${subPath}`);
try {
delete obj[prop];
}catch( err) {
if( prop in obj) {
if( typeof obj=== 'function'&& prop=== 'prototype') {
obj.prototype= undefined;
if( obj.prototype=== undefined) {
`Tolerating undeletable ${subPath} === undefined`);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-continue
inConsoleGroup('error', `failed to delete ${subPath}`,err);
}else {
inConsoleGroup('error', `deleting ${subPath} threw`,err);
throw err;
try {
// Start path with 'intrinsics' to clarify that properties are not
// removed from the global object by the whitelisting operation.
visitProperties('intrinsics', intrinsics, permitted);
}finally {
if( groupStarted) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
}$h‍_once.default( whitelistIntrinsics);
// === functors[14] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let FERAL_FUNCTION,SyntaxError,TypeError,defineProperties,getPrototypeOf,setPrototypeOf,freeze;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["FERAL_FUNCTION", [$h‍_a => (FERAL_FUNCTION = $h‍_a)]],["SyntaxError", [$h‍_a => (SyntaxError = $h‍_a)]],["TypeError", [$h‍_a => (TypeError = $h‍_a)]],["defineProperties", [$h‍_a => (defineProperties = $h‍_a)]],["getPrototypeOf", [$h‍_a => (getPrototypeOf = $h‍_a)]],["setPrototypeOf", [$h‍_a => (setPrototypeOf = $h‍_a)]],["freeze", [$h‍_a => (freeze = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
// This module replaces the original `Function` constructor, and the original
// `%GeneratorFunction%`, `%AsyncFunction%` and `%AsyncGeneratorFunction%`,
// with safe replacements that throw if invoked.
// These are all reachable via syntax, so it isn't sufficient to just
// replace global properties with safe versions. Our main goal is to prevent
// access to the `Function` constructor through these starting points.
// After modules block is done, the originals must no longer be reachable,
// unless a copy has been made, and functions can only be created by syntax
// (using eval) or by invoking a previously saved reference to the originals.
// Typically, this module will not be used directly, but via the
// [lockdown - shim] which handles all necessary repairs and taming in SES.
// Relation to ECMA specifications
// The taming of constructors really wants to be part of the standard, because
// new constructors may be added in the future, reachable from syntax, and this
// list must be updated to match.
// In addition, the standard needs to define four new intrinsics for the safe
// replacement functions. See [./permits-intrinsics.js].
// Adapted from SES/Caja
// Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc.
* tameFunctionConstructors()
* This block replaces the original Function constructor, and the original
* %GeneratorFunction% %AsyncFunction% and %AsyncGeneratorFunction%, with
* safe replacements that throw if invoked.
function tameFunctionConstructors() {
try {
// Verify that the method is not callable.
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
FERAL_FUNCTION.prototype.constructor('return 1');
}catch( ignore) {
// Throws, no need to patch.
return freeze({});
const newIntrinsics= {};
* The process to repair constructors:
* 1. Create an instance of the function by evaluating syntax
* 2. Obtain the prototype from the instance
* 3. Create a substitute tamed constructor
* 4. Replace the original constructor with the tamed constructor
* 5. Replace tamed constructor prototype property with the original one
* 6. Replace its [[Prototype]] slot with the tamed constructor of Function
function repairFunction(name, intrinsicName, declaration) {
let FunctionInstance;
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-eval, no-restricted-globals
FunctionInstance= (0, eval)(declaration);
}catch( e) {
if( e instanceof SyntaxError) {
// Prevent failure on platforms where async and/or generators
// are not supported.
// Re-throw
throw e;
const FunctionPrototype= getPrototypeOf(FunctionInstance);
// Prevents the evaluation of source when calling constructor on the
// prototype of functions.
// eslint-disable-next-line func-names
const InertConstructor= function() {
throw TypeError(
'Function.prototype.constructor is not a valid constructor.');
defineProperties(InertConstructor, {
prototype: { value: FunctionPrototype},
name: {
value: name,
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true}});
defineProperties(FunctionPrototype, {
constructor: { value: InertConstructor}});
// Reconstructs the inheritance among the new tamed constructors
// to mirror the original specified in normal JS.
if( InertConstructor!== FERAL_FUNCTION.prototype.constructor) {
setPrototypeOf(InertConstructor, FERAL_FUNCTION.prototype.constructor);
newIntrinsics[intrinsicName]= InertConstructor;
// Here, the order of operation is important: Function needs to be repaired
// first since the other repaired constructors need to inherit from the
// tamed Function function constructor.
repairFunction('Function', '%InertFunction%', '(function(){})');
'(async function(){})');
'(async function*(){})');
return newIntrinsics;
}$h‍_once.default( tameFunctionConstructors);
// === functors[15] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let Date,TypeError,apply,construct,defineProperties;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["Date", [$h‍_a => (Date = $h‍_a)]],["TypeError", [$h‍_a => (TypeError = $h‍_a)]],["apply", [$h‍_a => (apply = $h‍_a)]],["construct", [$h‍_a => (construct = $h‍_a)]],["defineProperties", [$h‍_a => (defineProperties = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
function tameDateConstructor(dateTaming= 'safe') {
if( dateTaming!== 'safe'&& dateTaming!== 'unsafe') {
throw TypeError( `unrecognized dateTaming ${dateTaming}`);
const OriginalDate= Date;
const DatePrototype= OriginalDate.prototype;
// Use concise methods to obtain named functions without constructors.
const tamedMethods= {
* `` throw a `TypeError` starting with "secure mode".
* See
now() {
throw TypeError('secure mode Calling throws');
* Tame the Date constructor.
* See
* Common behavior
* * `new Date(x)` coerces x into a number and then returns a Date
* for that number of millis since the epoch
* * `new Date(NaN)` returns a Date object which stringifies to
* 'Invalid Date'
* * `new Date(undefined)` returns a Date object which stringifies to
* 'Invalid Date'
* OriginalDate (normal standard) behavior preserved by
* `%InitialDate%`.
* * `Date(anything)` gives a string with the current time
* * `new Date()` returns the current time, as a Date object
* `%SharedDate%` behavior
* * `Date(anything)` throws a TypeError starting with "secure mode"
* * `new Date()` throws a TypeError starting with "secure mode"
* @param {{powers?: string}} [opts]
const makeDateConstructor= ({ powers= 'none'}= {})=> {
let ResultDate;
if( powers=== 'original') {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
ResultDate= function Date( {
if( undefined) {
return apply(OriginalDate, undefined, rest);
return construct(OriginalDate, rest,;
}else {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
ResultDate= function Date( {
if( undefined) {
throw TypeError(
'secure mode Calling %SharedDate% constructor as a function throws');
if( rest.length=== 0) {
throw TypeError(
'secure mode Calling new %SharedDate%() with no arguments throws');
return construct(OriginalDate, rest,;
defineProperties(ResultDate, {
length: { value: 7},
prototype: {
value: DatePrototype,
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: false},
parse: {
value: OriginalDate.parse,
writable: true,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true},
UTC: {
value: OriginalDate.UTC,
writable: true,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true}});
return ResultDate;
const InitialDate= makeDateConstructor({ powers: 'original'});
const SharedDate= makeDateConstructor({ powers: 'none'});
defineProperties(InitialDate, {
now: {
writable: true,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true}});
defineProperties(SharedDate, {
now: {
writable: true,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true}});
defineProperties(DatePrototype, {
constructor: { value: SharedDate}});
return {
'%InitialDate%': InitialDate,
'%SharedDate%': SharedDate};
}$h‍_once.default( tameDateConstructor);
// === functors[16] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let Math,TypeError,create,getOwnPropertyDescriptors,objectPrototype;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["Math", [$h‍_a => (Math = $h‍_a)]],["TypeError", [$h‍_a => (TypeError = $h‍_a)]],["create", [$h‍_a => (create = $h‍_a)]],["getOwnPropertyDescriptors", [$h‍_a => (getOwnPropertyDescriptors = $h‍_a)]],["objectPrototype", [$h‍_a => (objectPrototype = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
function tameMathObject(mathTaming= 'safe') {
if( mathTaming!== 'safe'&& mathTaming!== 'unsafe') {
throw TypeError( `unrecognized mathTaming ${mathTaming}`);
const originalMath= Math;
const initialMath= originalMath; // to follow the naming pattern
const { random: _, ...otherDescriptors}=
// Use concise methods to obtain named functions without constructors.
const tamedMethods= {
* `%SharedMath%.random()` throws a TypeError starting with "secure mode".
* See
random() {
throw TypeError('secure mode %SharedMath%.random() throws');
const sharedMath= create(objectPrototype, {
random: {
value: tamedMethods.random,
writable: true,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true}});
return {
'%InitialMath%': initialMath,
'%SharedMath%': sharedMath};
}$h‍_once.default( tameMathObject);
// === functors[17] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let FERAL_REG_EXP,TypeError,construct,defineProperties,getOwnPropertyDescriptor,speciesSymbol;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["FERAL_REG_EXP", [$h‍_a => (FERAL_REG_EXP = $h‍_a)]],["TypeError", [$h‍_a => (TypeError = $h‍_a)]],["construct", [$h‍_a => (construct = $h‍_a)]],["defineProperties", [$h‍_a => (defineProperties = $h‍_a)]],["getOwnPropertyDescriptor", [$h‍_a => (getOwnPropertyDescriptor = $h‍_a)]],["speciesSymbol", [$h‍_a => (speciesSymbol = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
function tameRegExpConstructor(regExpTaming= 'safe') {
if( regExpTaming!== 'safe'&& regExpTaming!== 'unsafe') {
throw TypeError( `unrecognized regExpTaming ${regExpTaming}`);
const RegExpPrototype= FERAL_REG_EXP.prototype;
const makeRegExpConstructor= (_= {})=> {
// RegExp has non-writable static properties we need to omit.
* @param {Parameters<typeof FERAL_REG_EXP>} rest
const ResultRegExp= function RegExp( {
if( undefined) {
return FERAL_REG_EXP(;
return construct(FERAL_REG_EXP, rest,;
const speciesDesc= getOwnPropertyDescriptor(FERAL_REG_EXP, speciesSymbol);
if( !speciesDesc) {
throw TypeError('no RegExp[Symbol.species] descriptor');
defineProperties(ResultRegExp, {
length: { value: 2},
prototype: {
value: RegExpPrototype,
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: false},
[speciesSymbol]: speciesDesc});
return ResultRegExp;
const InitialRegExp= makeRegExpConstructor();
const SharedRegExp= makeRegExpConstructor();
if( regExpTaming!== 'unsafe') {
// @ts-expect-error Deleted properties must be optional
delete RegExpPrototype.compile;
defineProperties(RegExpPrototype, {
constructor: { value: SharedRegExp}});
return {
'%InitialRegExp%': InitialRegExp,
'%SharedRegExp%': SharedRegExp};
}$h‍_once.default( tameRegExpConstructor);
// === functors[18] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let toStringTagSymbol,iteratorSymbol;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["toStringTagSymbol", [$h‍_a => (toStringTagSymbol = $h‍_a)]],["iteratorSymbol", [$h‍_a => (iteratorSymbol = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
* @file Exports {@code enablements}, a recursively defined
* JSON record defining the optimum set of intrinsics properties
* that need to be "repaired" before hardening is applied on
* enviromments subject to the override mistake.
* @author JF Paradis
* @author Mark S. Miller
* <p>Because "repairing" replaces data properties with accessors, every
* time a repaired property is accessed, the associated getter is invoked,
* which degrades the runtime performance of all code executing in the
* repaired enviromment, compared to the non-repaired case. In order
* to maintain performance, we only repair the properties of objects
* for which hardening causes a breakage of their normal intended usage.
* There are three unwanted cases:
* <ul>
* <li>Overriding properties on objects typically used as records,
* namely {@code "Object"} and {@code "Array"}. In the case of arrays,
* the situation is unintentional, a given program might not be aware
* that non-numerical properties are stored on the underlying object
* instance, not on the array. When an object is typically used as a
* map, we repair all of its prototype properties.
* <li>Overriding properties on objects that provide defaults on their
* prototype and that programs typically set using an assignment, such as
* {@code "Error.prototype.message"} and {@code ""}
* (both default to "").
* <li>Setting-up a prototype chain, where a constructor is set to extend
* another one. This is typically set by assignment, for example
* {@code "Child.prototype.constructor = Child"}, instead of invoking
* Object.defineProperty();
* <p>Each JSON record enumerates the disposition of the properties on
* some corresponding intrinsic object.
* <p>For each such record, the values associated with its property
* names can be:
* <ul>
* <li>true, in which case this property is simply repaired. The
* value associated with that property is not traversed. For
* example, {@code ""} leads to true,
* meaning that the {@code "name"} property of {@code
* "Function.prototype"} should be repaired (which is needed
* when inheriting from @code{Function} and setting the subclass's
* {@code ""} property). If the property is
* already an accessor property, it is not repaired (because
* accessors are not subject to the override mistake).
* <li>"*", in which case this property is not repaired but the
* value associated with that property are traversed and repaired.
* <li>Another record, in which case this property is not repaired
* and that next record represents the disposition of the object
* which is its value. For example,{@code "FunctionPrototype"}
* leads to another record explaining which properties {@code
* Function.prototype} need to be repaired.
* Minimal enablements when all the code is modern and known not to
* step into the override mistake, except for the following pervasive
* cases.
const minEnablements= {
'%ObjectPrototype%': {
toString: true},
'%FunctionPrototype%': {
toString: true // set by "rollup"
'%ErrorPrototype%': {
name: true // set by "precond", "ava", "node-fetch"
'%IteratorPrototype%': {
toString: true,
constructor: true,
[toStringTagSymbol]: true}};
* Moderate enablements are usually good enough for legacy compat.
const moderateEnablements= {
'%ObjectPrototype%': {
toString: true,
valueOf: true},
'%ArrayPrototype%': {
toString: true,
push: true, // set by "Google Analytics"
concat: true, // set by mobx generated code (old TS compiler?)
[iteratorSymbol]: true // set by mobx generated code (old TS compiler?)
// Function.prototype has no 'prototype' property to enable.
// Function instances have their own 'name' and 'length' properties
// which are configurable and non-writable. Thus, they are already
// non-assignable anyway.
'%FunctionPrototype%': {
constructor: true, // set by "regenerator-runtime"
bind: true, // set by "underscore", "express"
toString: true // set by "rollup"
'%ErrorPrototype%': {
constructor: true, // set by "fast-json-patch", "node-fetch"
message: true,
name: true, // set by "precond", "ava", "node-fetch", "node 14"
toString: true // set by "bluebird"
'%TypeErrorPrototype%': {
constructor: true, // set by "readable-stream"
message: true, // set by "tape"
name: true // set by "readable-stream", "node 14"
'%SyntaxErrorPrototype%': {
message: true, // to match TypeErrorPrototype.message
name: true // set by "node 14"
'%RangeErrorPrototype%': {
message: true, // to match TypeErrorPrototype.message
name: true // set by "node 14"
'%URIErrorPrototype%': {
message: true, // to match TypeErrorPrototype.message
name: true // set by "node 14"
'%EvalErrorPrototype%': {
message: true, // to match TypeErrorPrototype.message
name: true // set by "node 14"
'%ReferenceErrorPrototype%': {
message: true, // to match TypeErrorPrototype.message
name: true // set by "node 14"
'%PromisePrototype%': {
constructor: true // set by "core-js"
'%TypedArrayPrototype%': '*', // set by
'%Generator%': {
constructor: true,
name: true,
toString: true},
'%IteratorPrototype%': {
toString: true,
constructor: true,
[toStringTagSymbol]: true}};
* The 'severe' enablement are needed because of issues tracked at
* They are like the `moderate` enablements except for the entries below.
const severeEnablements= {
* Rollup (as used at least by vega) and webpack
* (as used at least by regenerator) both turn exports into assignments
* to a big `exports` object that inherits directly from
* `Object.prototype`. Some of the exported names we've seen include
* `hasOwnProperty`, `constructor`, and `toString`. But the strategy used
* by rollup and webpack potentionally turns any exported name
* into an assignment rejected by the override mistake. That's why
* the `severe` enablements takes the extreme step of enabling
* everything on `Object.prototype`.
* In addition, code doing inheritance manually will often override
* the `constructor` property on the new prototype by assignment. We've
* seen this several times.
* The cost of enabling all these is that they create a miserable debugging
* experience specifically on Node.
* explains how it confused the Node console.
* (TODO Reexamine the vscode situation. I think it may have improved
* since the following paragraph was written.)
* The vscode debugger's object inspector shows the own data properties of
* an object, which is typically what you want, but also shows both getter
* and setter for every accessor property whether inherited or own.
* With the `'*'` setting here, all the properties inherited from
* `Object.prototype` are accessors, creating an unusable display as seen
* at As explained at
* Open the triangles at the bottom of that section.
'%ObjectPrototype%': '*',
* The widely used Buffer defined at
* on initialization, manually creates the equivalent of a subclass of
* `TypedArray`, which it then initializes by assignment. These assignments
* include enough of the `TypeArray` methods that here, the `severe`
* enablements just enable them all.
'%TypedArrayPrototype%': '*',
* Needed to work with Immer before
* is accepted.
'%MapPrototype%': '*',
* Needed to work with Immer before
* is accepted.
'%SetPrototype%': '*'};$h‍_once.severeEnablements(severeEnablements);
// === functors[19] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let Set,String,TypeError,arrayForEach,defineProperty,getOwnPropertyDescriptor,getOwnPropertyDescriptors,isObject,objectHasOwnProperty,ownKeys,setHas,minEnablements,moderateEnablements,severeEnablements;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["Set", [$h‍_a => (Set = $h‍_a)]],["String", [$h‍_a => (String = $h‍_a)]],["TypeError", [$h‍_a => (TypeError = $h‍_a)]],["arrayForEach", [$h‍_a => (arrayForEach = $h‍_a)]],["defineProperty", [$h‍_a => (defineProperty = $h‍_a)]],["getOwnPropertyDescriptor", [$h‍_a => (getOwnPropertyDescriptor = $h‍_a)]],["getOwnPropertyDescriptors", [$h‍_a => (getOwnPropertyDescriptors = $h‍_a)]],["isObject", [$h‍_a => (isObject = $h‍_a)]],["objectHasOwnProperty", [$h‍_a => (objectHasOwnProperty = $h‍_a)]],["ownKeys", [$h‍_a => (ownKeys = $h‍_a)]],["setHas", [$h‍_a => (setHas = $h‍_a)]]]],["./enablements.js", [["minEnablements", [$h‍_a => (minEnablements = $h‍_a)]],["moderateEnablements", [$h‍_a => (moderateEnablements = $h‍_a)]],["severeEnablements", [$h‍_a => (severeEnablements = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
* For a special set of properties defined in the `enablement` whitelist,
* `enablePropertyOverrides` ensures that the effect of freezing does not
* suppress the ability to override these properties on derived objects by
* simple assignment.
* Because of lack of sufficient foresight at the time, ES5 unfortunately
* specified that a simple assignment to a non-existent property must fail if
* it would override an non-writable data property of the same name in the
* shadow of the prototype chain. In retrospect, this was a mistake, the
* so-called "override mistake". But it is now too late and we must live with
* the consequences.
* As a result, simply freezing an object to make it tamper proof has the
* unfortunate side effect of breaking previously correct code that is
* considered to have followed JS best practices, if this previous code used
* assignment to override.
* For the enabled properties, `enablePropertyOverrides` effectively shims what
* the assignment behavior would have been in the absence of the override
* mistake. However, the shim produces an imperfect emulation. It shims the
* behavior by turning these data properties into accessor properties, where
* the accessor's getter and setter provide the desired behavior. For
* non-reflective operations, the illusion is perfect. However, reflective
* operations like `getOwnPropertyDescriptor` see the descriptor of an accessor
* property rather than the descriptor of a data property. At the time of this
* writing, this is the best we know how to do.
* To the getter of the accessor we add a property named
* `'originalValue'` whose value is, as it says, the value that the
* data property had before being converted to an accessor property. We add
* this extra property to the getter for two reason:
* The harden algorithm walks the own properties reflectively, i.e., with
* `getOwnPropertyDescriptor` semantics, rather than `[[Get]]` semantics. When
* it sees an accessor property, it does not invoke the getter. Rather, it
* proceeds to walk both the getter and setter as part of its transitive
* traversal. Without this extra property, `enablePropertyOverrides` would have
* hidden the original data property value from `harden`, which would be bad.
* Instead, by exposing that value in an own data property on the getter,
* `harden` finds and walks it anyway.
* We enable a form of cooperative emulation, giving reflective code an
* opportunity to cooperate in upholding the illusion. When such cooperative
* reflective code sees an accessor property, where the accessor's getter
* has an `originalValue` property, it knows that the getter is
* alleging that it is the result of the `enablePropertyOverrides` conversion
* pattern, so it can decide to cooperatively "pretend" that it sees a data
* property with that value.
* @param {Record<string, any>} intrinsics
* @param {'min' | 'moderate' | 'severe'} overrideTaming
* @param {Iterable<string | symbol>} [overrideDebug]
function enablePropertyOverrides(
overrideDebug= [])
const debugProperties= new Set(overrideDebug);
function enable(path, obj, prop, desc) {
if( 'value'in desc&& desc.configurable) {
const { value}= desc;
const isDebug= setHas(debugProperties, prop);
// We use concise method syntax to be `this` sensitive, but still
// omit a prototype property or [[Construct]] behavior.
// @ts-expect-error We know there is an accessor descriptor there
const { get: getter, set: setter}= getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
get[ prop]() {
return value;
set[ prop](newValue) {
if( obj=== this) {
throw TypeError(
`Cannot assign to read only property '${String(
}' of '${path}'`);
if( objectHasOwnProperty(this, prop)) {
this[prop]= newValue;
}else {
if( isDebug) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
console.error(TypeError( `Override property ${prop}`));
defineProperty(this, prop, {
value: newValue,
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true});
defineProperty(getter, 'originalValue', {
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: false});
defineProperty(obj, prop, {
get: getter,
set: setter,
enumerable: desc.enumerable,
configurable: desc.configurable});
function enableProperty(path, obj, prop) {
const desc= getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop);
if( !desc) {
enable(path, obj, prop, desc);
function enableAllProperties(path, obj) {
const descs= getOwnPropertyDescriptors(obj);
if( !descs) {
// TypeScript does not allow symbols to be used as indexes because it
// cannot recokon types of symbolized properties.
arrayForEach(ownKeys(descs), (prop)=>enable(path, obj, prop, descs[prop]));
function enableProperties(path, obj, plan) {
for( const prop of ownKeys(plan)) {
const desc= getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop);
if( !desc|| desc.get|| desc.set) {
// No not a value property, nothing to do.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-continue
// In case `prop` is a symbol, we first coerce it with `String`,
// purely for diagnostic purposes.
const subPath= `${path}.${String(prop)}`;
const subPlan= plan[prop];
if( subPlan=== true) {
enableProperty(subPath, obj, prop);
}else if( subPlan=== '*') {
enableAllProperties(subPath, desc.value);
}else if( isObject(subPlan)) {
enableProperties(subPath, desc.value, subPlan);
}else {
throw TypeError( `Unexpected override enablement plan ${subPath}`);
let plan;
switch( overrideTaming){
case 'min': {
plan= minEnablements;
case 'moderate': {
plan= moderateEnablements;
case 'severe': {
plan= severeEnablements;
default: {
throw TypeError( `unrecognized overrideTaming ${overrideTaming}`);
// Do the repair.
enableProperties('root', intrinsics, plan);
}$h‍_once.default( enablePropertyOverrides);
// === functors[20] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let Number,String,TypeError,defineProperty,getOwnPropertyNames,isObject,regexpExec,assert;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["Number", [$h‍_a => (Number = $h‍_a)]],["String", [$h‍_a => (String = $h‍_a)]],["TypeError", [$h‍_a => (TypeError = $h‍_a)]],["defineProperty", [$h‍_a => (defineProperty = $h‍_a)]],["getOwnPropertyNames", [$h‍_a => (getOwnPropertyNames = $h‍_a)]],["isObject", [$h‍_a => (isObject = $h‍_a)]],["regexpExec", [$h‍_a => (regexpExec = $h‍_a)]]]],["./error/assert.js", [["assert", [$h‍_a => (assert = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
const { Fail, quote: q}= assert;
const localePattern= /^(\w*[a-z])Locale([A-Z]\w*)$/;
// Use concise methods to obtain named functions without constructor
// behavior or `.prototype` property.
const tamedMethods= {
// See
localeCompare(arg) {
if( this=== null|| this=== undefined) {
throw TypeError(
'Cannot localeCompare with null or undefined "this" value');
const s= `${this}`;
const that= `${arg}`;
if( s< that) {
return -1;
if( s> that) {
return 1;
s=== that|| Fail `expected ${q(s)} and ${q(that)} to compare`;
return 0;
toString() {
return `${this}`;
const nonLocaleCompare= tamedMethods.localeCompare;
const numberToString= tamedMethods.toString;
function tameLocaleMethods(intrinsics, localeTaming= 'safe') {
if( localeTaming!== 'safe'&& localeTaming!== 'unsafe') {
throw TypeError( `unrecognized localeTaming ${localeTaming}`);
if( localeTaming=== 'unsafe') {
defineProperty(String.prototype, 'localeCompare', {
value: nonLocaleCompare});
for( const intrinsicName of getOwnPropertyNames(intrinsics)) {
const intrinsic= intrinsics[intrinsicName];
if( isObject(intrinsic)) {
for( const methodName of getOwnPropertyNames(intrinsic)) {
const match= regexpExec(localePattern, methodName);
if( match) {
typeof intrinsic[methodName]=== 'function'||
Fail `expected ${q(methodName)} to be a function`;
const nonLocaleMethodName= `${match[1]}${match[2]}`;
const method= intrinsic[nonLocaleMethodName];
typeof method=== 'function'||
Fail `function ${q(nonLocaleMethodName)} not found`;
defineProperty(intrinsic, methodName, { value: method});
// Numbers are special because toString accepts a radix instead of ignoring
// all of the arguments that we would otherwise forward.
defineProperty(Number.prototype, 'toLocaleString', {
value: numberToString});
}$h‍_once.default( tameLocaleMethods);
// === functors[21] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; $h‍_imports([]); /**
* makeEvalFunction()
* A safe version of the native eval function which relies on
* the safety of safeEvaluate for confinement.
* @param {Function} safeEvaluate
const makeEvalFunction= (safeEvaluate)=>{
// We use the the concise method syntax to create an eval without a
// [[Construct]] behavior (such that the invocation "new eval()" throws
// TypeError: eval is not a constructor"), but which still accepts a
// 'this' binding.
const newEval= {
eval(source) {
if( typeof source!== 'string') {
// As per the runtime semantic of PerformEval [ECMAScript]:
// If Type(source) is not String, return source.
// TODO Recent proposals from Mike Samuel may change this non-string
// rule. Track.
return source;
return safeEvaluate(source);
return newEval;
// === functors[22] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let FERAL_FUNCTION,arrayJoin,arrayPop,defineProperties,getPrototypeOf,assert;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["FERAL_FUNCTION", [$h‍_a => (FERAL_FUNCTION = $h‍_a)]],["arrayJoin", [$h‍_a => (arrayJoin = $h‍_a)]],["arrayPop", [$h‍_a => (arrayPop = $h‍_a)]],["defineProperties", [$h‍_a => (defineProperties = $h‍_a)]],["getPrototypeOf", [$h‍_a => (getPrototypeOf = $h‍_a)]]]],["./error/assert.js", [["assert", [$h‍_a => (assert = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
const { Fail}= assert;
* makeFunctionConstructor()
* A safe version of the native Function which relies on
* the safety of safeEvaluate for confinement.
const makeFunctionConstructor= (safeEvaluate)=>{
// Define an unused parameter to ensure Function.length === 1
const newFunction= function Function(_body) {
// Sanitize all parameters at the entry point.
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-rest-params
const bodyText= `${arrayPop(arguments)|| '' }`;
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-rest-params
const parameters= `${arrayJoin(arguments,',') }`;
// Are parameters and bodyText valid code, or is someone
// attempting an injection attack? This will throw a SyntaxError if:
// - parameters doesn't parse as parameters
// - bodyText doesn't parse as a function body
// - either contain a call to super() or references a super property.
// It seems that XS may still be vulnerable to the attack explained at
// where `new Function('/*', '*/ ) {')` would incorrectly validate.
// Before we worried about this, we check the parameters and bodyText
// together in one call
// ```js
// new FERAL_FUNCTION(parameters, bodyTest);
// ```
// However, this check is vulnerable to that bug. Aside from that case,
// all engines do seem to validate the parameters, taken by themselves,
// correctly. And all engines do seem to validate the bodyText, taken
// by itself correctly. So with the following two checks, SES builds a
// correct safe `Function` constructor by composing two calls to an
// original unsafe `Function` constructor that may suffer from this bug
// but is otherwise correctly validating.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-new
new FERAL_FUNCTION(parameters, '');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-new
new FERAL_FUNCTION(bodyText);
// Safe to be combined. Defeat potential trailing comments.
// TODO: since we create an anonymous function, the 'this' value
// isn't bound to the global object as per specs, but set as undefined.
const src= `(function anonymous(${parameters}\n) {\n${bodyText}\n})`;
return safeEvaluate(src);
defineProperties(newFunction, {
// Ensure that any function created in any evaluator in a realm is an
// instance of Function in any evaluator of the same realm.
prototype: {
value: FERAL_FUNCTION.prototype,
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: false}});
// Assert identity of Function.__proto__ accross all compartments
getPrototypeOf(FERAL_FUNCTION)=== FERAL_FUNCTION.prototype||
Fail `Function prototype is the same accross compartments`;
getPrototypeOf(newFunction)=== FERAL_FUNCTION.prototype||
Fail `Function constructor prototype is the same accross compartments`;
return newFunction;
// === functors[23] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let TypeError,assign,create,defineProperty,entries,freeze,objectHasOwnProperty,unscopablesSymbol,makeEvalFunction,makeFunctionConstructor,constantProperties,universalPropertyNames;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["TypeError", [$h‍_a => (TypeError = $h‍_a)]],["assign", [$h‍_a => (assign = $h‍_a)]],["create", [$h‍_a => (create = $h‍_a)]],["defineProperty", [$h‍_a => (defineProperty = $h‍_a)]],["entries", [$h‍_a => (entries = $h‍_a)]],["freeze", [$h‍_a => (freeze = $h‍_a)]],["objectHasOwnProperty", [$h‍_a => (objectHasOwnProperty = $h‍_a)]],["unscopablesSymbol", [$h‍_a => (unscopablesSymbol = $h‍_a)]]]],["./make-eval-function.js", [["makeEvalFunction", [$h‍_a => (makeEvalFunction = $h‍_a)]]]],["./make-function-constructor.js", [["makeFunctionConstructor", [$h‍_a => (makeFunctionConstructor = $h‍_a)]]]],["./permits.js", [["constantProperties", [$h‍_a => (constantProperties = $h‍_a)]],["universalPropertyNames", [$h‍_a => (universalPropertyNames = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
* The host's ordinary global object is not provided by a `with` block, so
* assigning to Symbol.unscopables has no effect.
* Since this shim uses `with` blocks to create a confined lexical scope for
* guest programs, we cannot emulate the proper behavior.
* With this shim, assigning Symbol.unscopables causes the given lexical
* names to fall through to the terminal scope proxy.
* But, we can install this setter to prevent a program from proceding on
* this false assumption.
* @param {object} globalObject
const setGlobalObjectSymbolUnscopables= (globalObject)=>{
assign(create(null), {
set: freeze(()=> {
throw TypeError(
`Cannot set Symbol.unscopables of a Compartment's globalThis`);
enumerable: false,
configurable: false})));
* setGlobalObjectConstantProperties()
* Initializes a new global object using a process similar to ECMA specifications
* (SetDefaultGlobalBindings). This process is split between this function and
* `setGlobalObjectMutableProperties`.
* @param {object} globalObject
const setGlobalObjectConstantProperties= (globalObject)=>{
for( const [name, constant]of entries(constantProperties)) {
defineProperty(globalObject, name, {
value: constant,
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: false});
* setGlobalObjectMutableProperties()
* Create new global object using a process similar to ECMA specifications
* (portions of SetRealmGlobalObject and SetDefaultGlobalBindings).
* `newGlobalPropertyNames` should be either `initialGlobalPropertyNames` or
* `sharedGlobalPropertyNames`.
* @param {object} globalObject
* @param {object} param1
* @param {object} param1.intrinsics
* @param {object} param1.newGlobalPropertyNames
* @param {Function} param1.makeCompartmentConstructor
* @param {(object) => void} param1.markVirtualizedNativeFunction
const setGlobalObjectMutableProperties= (
for( const [name, intrinsicName]of entries(universalPropertyNames)) {
if( objectHasOwnProperty(intrinsics, intrinsicName)) {
defineProperty(globalObject, name, {
value: intrinsics[intrinsicName],
writable: true,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true});
for( const [name, intrinsicName]of entries(newGlobalPropertyNames)) {
if( objectHasOwnProperty(intrinsics, intrinsicName)) {
defineProperty(globalObject, name, {
value: intrinsics[intrinsicName],
writable: true,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true});
const perCompartmentGlobals= {
globalThis: globalObject};
perCompartmentGlobals.Compartment= freeze(
// TODO These should still be tamed according to the whitelist before
// being made available.
for( const [name, value]of entries(perCompartmentGlobals)) {
defineProperty(globalObject, name, {
writable: true,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true});
if( typeof value=== 'function') {
* setGlobalObjectEvaluators()
* Set the eval and the Function evaluator on the global object with given evalTaming policy.
* @param {object} globalObject
* @param {Function} evaluator
* @param {(object) => void} markVirtualizedNativeFunction
const setGlobalObjectEvaluators= (
const f= freeze(makeEvalFunction(evaluator));
defineProperty(globalObject, 'eval', {
value: f,
writable: true,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true});
const f= freeze(makeFunctionConstructor(evaluator));
defineProperty(globalObject, 'Function', {
value: f,
writable: true,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true});
// === functors[24] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let Proxy,String,TypeError,ReferenceError,create,freeze,getOwnPropertyDescriptors,globalThis,immutableObject,assert;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["Proxy", [$h‍_a => (Proxy = $h‍_a)]],["String", [$h‍_a => (String = $h‍_a)]],["TypeError", [$h‍_a => (TypeError = $h‍_a)]],["ReferenceError", [$h‍_a => (ReferenceError = $h‍_a)]],["create", [$h‍_a => (create = $h‍_a)]],["freeze", [$h‍_a => (freeze = $h‍_a)]],["getOwnPropertyDescriptors", [$h‍_a => (getOwnPropertyDescriptors = $h‍_a)]],["globalThis", [$h‍_a => (globalThis = $h‍_a)]],["immutableObject", [$h‍_a => (immutableObject = $h‍_a)]]]],["./error/assert.js", [["assert", [$h‍_a => (assert = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
const { Fail, quote: q}= assert;
* alwaysThrowHandler
* This is an object that throws if any property is called. It's used as
* a proxy handler which throws on any trap called.
* It's made from a proxy with a get trap that throws. It's safe to
* create one and share it between all Proxy handlers.
const alwaysThrowHandler= new Proxy(
get(_shadow, prop) {
Fail `Please report unexpected scope handler trap: ${q(String(prop))}`;
* scopeProxyHandlerProperties
* scopeTerminatorHandler manages a strictScopeTerminator Proxy which serves as
* the final scope boundary that will always return "undefined" in order
* to prevent access to "start compartment globals".
const scopeProxyHandlerProperties= {
get(_shadow, _prop) {
return undefined;
set(_shadow, prop, _value) {
// We should only hit this if the has() hook returned true matches the v8
// ReferenceError message "Uncaught ReferenceError: xyz is not defined"
throw ReferenceError( `${String(prop)} is not defined`);
has(_shadow, prop) {
// we must at least return true for all properties on the realm globalThis
return prop in globalThis;
// note: this is likely a bug of safari
getPrototypeOf(_shadow) {
return null;
// See
// TODO: report as bug to v8 or Chrome, and record issue link here.
getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_shadow, prop) {
// Coerce with `String` in case prop is a symbol.
const quotedProp= q(String(prop));
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
`getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap on scopeTerminatorHandler for ${quotedProp}`,
return undefined;
// See
// TODO Report bug to JSC or Safari
ownKeys(_shadow) {
return [];
// The scope handler's prototype is a proxy that throws if any trap other
// than get/set/has are run (like getOwnPropertyDescriptors, apply,
// getPrototypeOf).
const strictScopeTerminatorHandler= freeze(
const strictScopeTerminator= new Proxy(
// === functors[25] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let Proxy,create,freeze,getOwnPropertyDescriptors,immutableObject,reflectSet,strictScopeTerminatorHandler,alwaysThrowHandler;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["Proxy", [$h‍_a => (Proxy = $h‍_a)]],["create", [$h‍_a => (create = $h‍_a)]],["freeze", [$h‍_a => (freeze = $h‍_a)]],["getOwnPropertyDescriptors", [$h‍_a => (getOwnPropertyDescriptors = $h‍_a)]],["immutableObject", [$h‍_a => (immutableObject = $h‍_a)]],["reflectSet", [$h‍_a => (reflectSet = $h‍_a)]]]],["./strict-scope-terminator.js", [["strictScopeTerminatorHandler", [$h‍_a => (strictScopeTerminatorHandler = $h‍_a)]],["alwaysThrowHandler", [$h‍_a => (alwaysThrowHandler = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
* createSloppyGlobalsScopeTerminator()
* strictScopeTerminatorHandler manages a scopeTerminator Proxy which serves as
* the final scope boundary that will always return "undefined" in order
* to prevent access to "start compartment globals". When "sloppyGlobalsMode"
* is true, the Proxy will perform sets on the "globalObject".
const createSloppyGlobalsScopeTerminator= (globalObject)=>{
const scopeProxyHandlerProperties= {
// inherit scopeTerminator behavior
// Redirect set properties to the globalObject.
set(_shadow, prop, value) {
return reflectSet(globalObject, prop, value);
// Always claim to have a potential property in order to be the recipient of a set
has(_shadow, _prop) {
return true;
// The scope handler's prototype is a proxy that throws if any trap other
// than get/set/has are run (like getOwnPropertyDescriptors, apply,
// getPrototypeOf).
const sloppyGlobalsScopeTerminatorHandler= freeze(
const sloppyGlobalsScopeTerminator= new Proxy(
return sloppyGlobalsScopeTerminator;
// === functors[26] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let FERAL_EVAL,create,defineProperties,freeze,assert;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["FERAL_EVAL", [$h‍_a => (FERAL_EVAL = $h‍_a)]],["create", [$h‍_a => (create = $h‍_a)]],["defineProperties", [$h‍_a => (defineProperties = $h‍_a)]],["freeze", [$h‍_a => (freeze = $h‍_a)]]]],["./error/assert.js", [["assert", [$h‍_a => (assert = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
const { Fail}= assert;
// We attempt to frustrate stack bumping attacks on the safe evaluator
// (`make-safe-evaluator.js`).
// A stack bumping attack forces an API call to throw a stack overflow
// `RangeError` at an inopportune time.
// The attacker arranges for the stack to be sufficiently deep that the API
// consumes exactly enough stack frames to throw an exception.
// For the safe evaluator, an exception thrown between adding and then deleting
// `eval` on `evalScope` could leak the real `eval` to an attacker's lexical
// scope.
// This would be sufficiently disastrous that we guard against it twice.
// First, we delete `eval` from `evalScope` immediately before rendering it to
// the guest program's lexical scope.
// If the attacker manages to arrange for `eval` to throw an exception after we
// call `allowNextEvalToBeUnsafe` but before the guest program accesses `eval`,
// it would be able to access `eval` once more in its own code.
// Although they could do no harm with a direct `eval`, they would be able to
// escape to the true global scope with an indirect `eval`.
// prepareStack(depth, () => {
// (eval)('');
// });
// const unsafeEval = (eval);
// const safeEval = (eval);
// const realGlobal = unsafeEval('globalThis');
// To protect against that case, we also delete `eval` from the `evalScope` in
// a `finally` block surrounding the call to the safe evaluator.
// The only way to reach this case is if `eval` remains on `evalScope` due to
// an attack, so we assume that attack would have have invalided our isolation
// and revoke all future access to the evaluator.
// To defeat a stack bumping attack, we must use fewer stack frames to recover
// in that `finally` block than we used in the `try` block.
// We have no reliable guarantees about how many stack frames a block of
// JavaScript will consume.
// Function inlining, tail-call optimization, variations in the size of a stack
// frame, and block scopes may affect the depth of the stack.
// The only number of acceptable stack frames to use in the finally block is
// zero.
// We only use property assignment and deletion in the safe evaluator's
// `finally` block.
// We use `delete evalScope.eval` to withhold the evaluator.
// We assign an envelope object over `evalScopeKit.revoked` to revoke the
// evaluator.
// This is why we supply a meaningfully named function for
// `allowNextEvalToBeUnsafe` but do not provide a corresponding
// `revokeAccessToUnsafeEval` or even simply `revoke`.
// These recovery routines are expressed inline in the safe evaluator.
const makeEvalScopeKit= ()=> {
const evalScope= create(null);
const oneTimeEvalProperties= freeze({
eval: {
get() {
delete evalScope.eval;
return FERAL_EVAL;
enumerable: false,
configurable: true}});
const evalScopeKit= {
allowNextEvalToBeUnsafe() {
const { revoked}= evalScopeKit;
if( revoked!== null) {
Fail `a handler did not reset allowNextEvalToBeUnsafe ${revoked.err}`;
// Allow next reference to eval produce the unsafe FERAL_EVAL.
// We avoid defineProperty because it consumes an extra stack frame taming
// its return value.
defineProperties(evalScope, oneTimeEvalProperties);
/** @type {null | { err: any }} */
revoked: null};
return evalScopeKit;
// === functors[27] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let FERAL_REG_EXP,regexpExec,stringSlice;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["FERAL_REG_EXP", [$h‍_a => (FERAL_REG_EXP = $h‍_a)]],["regexpExec", [$h‍_a => (regexpExec = $h‍_a)]],["stringSlice", [$h‍_a => (stringSlice = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
// Captures a key and value of the form #key=value or @key=value
const sourceMetaEntryRegExp=
// Captures either a one-line or multi-line comment containing
// one #key=value or @key=value.
// Produces two pairs of capture groups, but the initial two may be undefined.
// On account of the mechanics of regular expressions, scanning from the end
// does not allow us to capture every pair, so getSourceURL must capture and
// trim until there are no matching comments.
const sourceMetaEntriesRegExp= new FERAL_REG_EXP(
* @param {string} src
const getSourceURL= (src)=>{
let sourceURL= '<unknown>';
// Our regular expression matches the last one or two comments with key value
// pairs at the end of the source, avoiding a scan over the entire length of
// the string, but at the expense of being able to capture all the (key,
// value) pair meta comments at the end of the source, which may include
// sourceMapURL in addition to sourceURL.
// So, we sublimate the comments out of the source until no source or no
// comments remain.
while( src.length> 0) {
const match= regexpExec(sourceMetaEntriesRegExp, src);
if( match=== null) {
src= stringSlice(src, 0, src.length- match[0].length);
// We skip $0 since it contains the entire match.
// The match contains four capture groups,
// two (key, value) pairs, the first of which
// may be undefined.
// On the off-chance someone put two sourceURL comments in their code with
// different commenting conventions, the latter has precedence.
if( match[3]=== 'sourceURL') {
sourceURL= match[4];
}else if( match[1]=== 'sourceURL') {
sourceURL= match[2];
return sourceURL;
// === functors[28] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let FERAL_REG_EXP,SyntaxError,stringReplace,stringSearch,stringSlice,stringSplit,freeze,getSourceURL;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["FERAL_REG_EXP", [$h‍_a => (FERAL_REG_EXP = $h‍_a)]],["SyntaxError", [$h‍_a => (SyntaxError = $h‍_a)]],["stringReplace", [$h‍_a => (stringReplace = $h‍_a)]],["stringSearch", [$h‍_a => (stringSearch = $h‍_a)]],["stringSlice", [$h‍_a => (stringSlice = $h‍_a)]],["stringSplit", [$h‍_a => (stringSplit = $h‍_a)]],["freeze", [$h‍_a => (freeze = $h‍_a)]]]],["./get-source-url.js", [["getSourceURL", [$h‍_a => (getSourceURL = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
* Find the first occurence of the given pattern and return
* the location as the approximate line number.
* @param {string} src
* @param {RegExp} pattern
* @returns {number}
function getLineNumber(src, pattern) {
const index= stringSearch(src, pattern);
if( index< 0) {
return -1;
// The importPattern incidentally captures an initial \n in
// an attempt to reject a . prefix, so we need to offset
// the line number in that case.
const adjustment= src[index]=== '\n'? 1: 0;
return stringSplit(stringSlice(src, 0, index), '\n').length+ adjustment;
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
const htmlCommentPattern= new FERAL_REG_EXP( `(?:${'<'}!--|--${'>'})`,'g');
* Conservatively reject the source text if it may contain text that some
* JavaScript parsers may treat as an html-like comment. To reject without
* parsing, `rejectHtmlComments` will also reject some other text as well.
* explains that JavaScript parsers may or may not recognize html
* comment tokens "<" immediately followed by "!--" and "--"
* immediately followed by ">" in non-module source text, and treat
* them as a kind of line comment. Since otherwise both of these can
* appear in normal JavaScript source code as a sequence of operators,
* we have the terrifying possibility of the same source code parsing
* one way on one correct JavaScript implementation, and another way
* on another.
* This shim takes the conservative strategy of just rejecting source
* text that contains these strings anywhere. Note that this very
* source file is written strangely to avoid mentioning these
* character strings explicitly.
* We do not write the regexp in a straightforward way, so that an
* apparennt html comment does not appear in this file. Thus, we avoid
* rejection by the overly eager rejectDangerousSources.
* @param {string} src
* @returns {string}
const rejectHtmlComments= (src)=>{
const lineNumber= getLineNumber(src, htmlCommentPattern);
if( lineNumber< 0) {
return src;
const name= getSourceURL(src);
// See
throw SyntaxError(
`Possible HTML comment rejected at ${name}:${lineNumber}. (SES_HTML_COMMENT_REJECTED)`);
* An optional transform to place ahead of `rejectHtmlComments` to evade *that*
* rejection. However, it may change the meaning of the program.
* This evasion replaces each alleged html comment with the space-separated
* JavaScript operator sequence that it may mean, assuming that it appears
* outside of a comment or literal string, in source code where the JS
* parser makes no special case for html comments (like module source code).
* In that case, this evasion preserves the meaning of the program, though it
* does change the souce column numbers on each effected line.
* If the html comment appeared in a literal (a string literal, regexp literal,
* or a template literal), then this evasion will change the meaning of the
* program by changing the text of that literal.
* If the html comment appeared in a JavaScript comment, then this evasion does
* not change the meaning of the program because it only changes the contents of
* those comments.
* @param {string} src
* @returns {string}
const evadeHtmlCommentTest= (src)=>{
const replaceFn= (match)=> match[0]=== '<'? '< ! --': '-- >';
return stringReplace(src, htmlCommentPattern, replaceFn);
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
const importPattern= new FERAL_REG_EXP(
* Conservatively reject the source text if it may contain a dynamic
* import expression. To reject without parsing, `rejectImportExpressions` will
* also reject some other text as well.
* The proposed dynamic import expression is the only syntax currently
* proposed, that can appear in non-module JavaScript code, that
* enables direct access to the outside world that cannot be
* suppressed or intercepted without parsing and rewriting. Instead,
* this shim conservatively rejects any source text that seems to
* contain such an expression. To do this safely without parsing, we
* must also reject some valid programs, i.e., those containing
* apparent import expressions in literal strings or comments.
* The current conservative rule looks for the identifier "import"
* followed by either an open paren or something that looks like the
* beginning of a comment. We assume that we do not need to worry
* about html comment syntax because that was already rejected by
* rejectHtmlComments.
* this \s *must* match all kinds of syntax-defined whitespace. If e.g.
* U+2028 (LINE SEPARATOR) or U+2029 (PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR) is treated as
* whitespace by the parser, but not matched by /\s/, then this would admit
* an attack like: import\u2028('power.js') . We're trying to distinguish
* something like that from something like importnotreally('power.js') which
* is perfectly safe.
* @param {string} src
* @returns {string}
const rejectImportExpressions= (src)=>{
const lineNumber= getLineNumber(src, importPattern);
if( lineNumber< 0) {
return src;
const name= getSourceURL(src);
// See
throw SyntaxError(
`Possible import expression rejected at ${name}:${lineNumber}. (SES_IMPORT_REJECTED)`);
* An optional transform to place ahead of `rejectImportExpressions` to evade
* *that* rejection. However, it may change the meaning of the program.
* This evasion replaces each suspicious `import` identifier with `__import__`.
* If the alleged import expression appears in a JavaScript comment, this
* evasion will not change the meaning of the program. If it appears in a
* literal (string literal, regexp literal, or a template literal), then this
* evasion will change the contents of that literal. If it appears as code
* where it would be parsed as an expression, then it might or might not change
* the meaning of the program, depending on the binding, if any, of the lexical
* variable `__import__`.
* @param {string} src
* @returns {string}
const evadeImportExpressionTest= (src)=>{
const replaceFn= (_, p1, p2)=> `${p1}__import__${p2}`;
return stringReplace(src, importPattern, replaceFn);
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
const someDirectEvalPattern= new FERAL_REG_EXP(
* Heuristically reject some text that seems to contain a direct eval
* expression, with both false positives and false negavives. To reject without
* parsing, `rejectSomeDirectEvalExpressions` may will also reject some other
* text as well. It may also accept source text that contains a direct eval
* written oddly, such as `(eval)(src)`. This false negative is not a security
* vulnerability. Rather it is a compat hazard because it will execute as
* an indirect eval under the SES-shim but as a direct eval on platforms that
* support SES directly (like XS).
* The shim cannot correctly emulate a direct eval as explained at
* If we did not reject direct eval syntax, we would
* accidentally evaluate these with an emulation of indirect eval. To
* prevent future compatibility problems, in shifting from use of the
* shim to genuine platform support for the proposal, we should
* instead statically reject code that seems to contain a direct eval
* expression.
* As with the dynamic import expression, to avoid a full parse, we do
* this approximately with a regexp, that will also reject strings
* that appear safely in comments or strings. Unlike dynamic import,
* if we miss some, this only creates future compat problems, not
* security problems. Thus, we are only trying to catch innocent
* occurrences, not malicious one. In particular, `(eval)(...)` is
* direct eval syntax that would not be caught by the following regexp.
* Exported for unit tests.
* @param {string} src
* @returns {string}
const rejectSomeDirectEvalExpressions= (src)=>{
const lineNumber= getLineNumber(src, someDirectEvalPattern);
if( lineNumber< 0) {
return src;
const name= getSourceURL(src);
// See
throw SyntaxError(
`Possible direct eval expression rejected at ${name}:${lineNumber}. (SES_EVAL_REJECTED)`);
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* A transform that bundles together the transforms that must unconditionally
* happen last in order to ensure safe evaluation without parsing.
* @param {string} source
* @returns {string}
const mandatoryTransforms= (source)=>{
source= rejectHtmlComments(source);
source= rejectImportExpressions(source);
return source;
* Starting with `source`, apply each transform to the result of the
* previous one, returning the result of the last transformation.
* @param {string} source
* @param {((str: string) => string)[]} transforms
* @returns {string}
const applyTransforms= (source, transforms)=> {
for( const transform of transforms) {
source= transform(source);
return source;
// export all as a frozen object
$h‍_once.applyTransforms(applyTransforms);const transforms=freeze({
rejectHtmlComments: freeze(rejectHtmlComments),
evadeHtmlCommentTest: freeze(evadeHtmlCommentTest),
rejectImportExpressions: freeze(rejectImportExpressions),
evadeImportExpressionTest: freeze(evadeImportExpressionTest),
rejectSomeDirectEvalExpressions: freeze(rejectSomeDirectEvalExpressions),
mandatoryTransforms: freeze(mandatoryTransforms),
applyTransforms: freeze(applyTransforms)});$h‍_once.transforms(transforms);
// === functors[29] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let arrayFilter,arrayIncludes,getOwnPropertyDescriptor,getOwnPropertyNames,objectHasOwnProperty,regexpTest;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["arrayFilter", [$h‍_a => (arrayFilter = $h‍_a)]],["arrayIncludes", [$h‍_a => (arrayIncludes = $h‍_a)]],["getOwnPropertyDescriptor", [$h‍_a => (getOwnPropertyDescriptor = $h‍_a)]],["getOwnPropertyNames", [$h‍_a => (getOwnPropertyNames = $h‍_a)]],["objectHasOwnProperty", [$h‍_a => (objectHasOwnProperty = $h‍_a)]],["regexpTest", [$h‍_a => (regexpTest = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
* keywords
* In JavaScript you cannot use these reserved words as variables.
* See 11.6.1 Identifier Names
const keywords= [
// Keywords
// Also reserved when parsing strict mode code
// Future Reserved Words
// Also reserved when parsing strict mode code
// Reserved but not mentioned in specs
* identifierPattern
* Simplified validation of identifier names: may only contain alphanumeric
* characters (or "$" or "_"), and may not start with a digit. This is safe
* and does not reduces the compatibility of the shim. The motivation for
* this limitation was to decrease the complexity of the implementation,
* and to maintain a resonable level of performance.
* Note: \w is equivalent [a-zA-Z_0-9]
* See 11.6.1 Identifier Names
const identifierPattern= /^[a-zA-Z_$][\w$]*$/;
* isValidIdentifierName()
* What variable names might it bring into scope? These include all
* property names which can be variable names, including the names
* of inherited properties. It excludes symbols and names which are
* keywords. We drop symbols safely. Currently, this shim refuses
* service if any of the names are keywords or keyword-like. This is
* safe and only prevent performance optimization.
* @param {string} name
const isValidIdentifierName= (name)=>{
// Ensure we have a valid identifier. We use regexpTest rather than
// /../.test() to guard against the case where RegExp has been poisoned.
name!== 'eval'&&
!arrayIncludes(keywords, name)&&
regexpTest(identifierPattern, name));
* isImmutableDataProperty
function isImmutableDataProperty(obj, name) {
const desc= getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, name);
// The getters will not have .writable, don't let the falsyness of
// 'undefined' trick us: test with === false, not ! . However descriptors
// inherit from the (potentially poisoned) global object, so we might see
// extra properties which weren't really there. Accessor properties have
// 'get/set/enumerable/configurable', while data properties have
// 'value/writable/enumerable/configurable'.
desc.configurable=== false&&
desc.writable=== false&&
// Checks for data properties because they're the only ones we can
// optimize (accessors are most likely non-constant). Descriptors can't
// can't have accessors and value properties at the same time, therefore
// this check is sufficient. Using explicit own property deal with the
// case where Object.prototype has been poisoned.
objectHasOwnProperty(desc, 'value'));
* getScopeConstants()
* What variable names might it bring into scope? These include all
* property names which can be variable names, including the names
* of inherited properties. It excludes symbols and names which are
* keywords. We drop symbols safely. Currently, this shim refuses
* service if any of the names are keywords or keyword-like. This is
* safe and only prevent performance optimization.
* @param {object} globalObject
* @param {object} moduleLexicals
const getScopeConstants= (globalObject, moduleLexicals= {})=> {
// getOwnPropertyNames() does ignore Symbols so we don't need to
// filter them out.
const globalObjectNames= getOwnPropertyNames(globalObject);
const moduleLexicalNames= getOwnPropertyNames(moduleLexicals);
// Collect all valid & immutable identifiers from the endowments.
const moduleLexicalConstants= arrayFilter(
isImmutableDataProperty(moduleLexicals, name));
// Collect all valid & immutable identifiers from the global that
// are also not present in the endowments (immutable or not).
const globalObjectConstants= arrayFilter(
// Can't define a constant: it would prevent a
// lookup on the endowments.
!arrayIncludes(moduleLexicalNames, name)&&
isImmutableDataProperty(globalObject, name));
return {
// === functors[30] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let FERAL_FUNCTION,arrayJoin,apply,getScopeConstants;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["FERAL_FUNCTION", [$h‍_a => (FERAL_FUNCTION = $h‍_a)]],["arrayJoin", [$h‍_a => (arrayJoin = $h‍_a)]],["apply", [$h‍_a => (apply = $h‍_a)]]]],["./scope-constants.js", [["getScopeConstants", [$h‍_a => (getScopeConstants = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
* buildOptimizer()
* Given an array of identifiers, the optimizer returns a `const` declaration
* destructuring `this.${name}`.
* @param {Array<string>} constants
* @param {string} name
function buildOptimizer(constants, name) {
// No need to build an optimizer when there are no constants.
if( constants.length=== 0) return '';
// Use 'this' to avoid going through the scope proxy, which is unnecessary
// since the optimizer only needs references to the safe global.
// Destructure the constants from the target scope object.
return `const {${arrayJoin(constants,',') }} = this.${name};`;
* makeEvaluate()
* Create an 'evaluate' function with the correct optimizer inserted.
* @param {object} context
* @param {object} context.evalScope
* @param {object} context.moduleLexicals
* @param {object} context.globalObject
* @param {object} context.scopeTerminator
const makeEvaluate= (context)=>{
const { globalObjectConstants, moduleLexicalConstants}= getScopeConstants(
const globalObjectOptimizer= buildOptimizer(
const moduleLexicalOptimizer= buildOptimizer(
// Create a function in sloppy mode, so that we can use 'with'. It returns
// a function in strict mode that evaluates the provided code using direct
// eval, and thus in strict mode in the same scope. We must be very careful
// to not create new names in this scope
// 1: we use multiple nested 'with' to catch all free variable names. The
// `this` value of the outer sloppy function holds the different scope
// layers, from inner to outer:
// a) `evalScope` which must release the `FERAL_EVAL` as 'eval' once for
// every invocation of the inner `evaluate` function in order to
// trigger direct eval. The direct eval semantics is what allows the
// evaluated code to lookup free variable names on the other scope
// objects and not in global scope.
// b) `moduleLexicals` which provide a way to introduce free variables
// that are not available on the globalObject.
// c) `globalObject` is the global scope object of the evaluator, aka the
// Compartment's `globalThis`.
// d) `scopeTerminator` is a proxy object which prevents free variable
// lookups to escape to the start compartment's global object.
// 2: `optimizer`s catch constant variable names for speed.
// 3: The inner strict `evaluate` function should be passed two parameters:
// a) its arguments[0] is the source to be directly evaluated.
// b) its 'this' is the this binding seen by the code being
// directly evaluated (the globalObject).
// Notes:
// - The `optimizer` strings only lookup values on the `globalObject` and
// `moduleLexicals` objects by construct. Keywords like 'function' are
// reserved and cannot be used as a variable, so they are excluded from the
// optimizer. Furthermore to prevent shadowing 'eval', while a valid
// identifier, that name is also explicitly excluded.
// - when 'eval' is looked up in the `evalScope`, the powerful unsafe eval
// intrinsic is returned after automatically removing it from the
// `evalScope`. Any further reference to 'eval' in the evaluate string will
// get the tamed evaluator from the `globalObject`, if any.
// The optimizer currently runs under sloppy mode, and although we doubt that
// there is any vulnerability introduced just by running the optimizer
// sloppy, we are much more confident in the semantics of strict mode.
// The `evaluate` function can be and is reused across multiple evaluations.
// Since the optimizer should not be re-evaluated every time, it cannot be
// inside the `evaluate` closure. While we could potentially nest an
// intermediate layer of `() => {'use strict'; ${optimizers}; ...`, it
// doesn't seem worth the overhead and complexity.
const evaluateFactory= FERAL_FUNCTION( `
with (this.scopeTerminator) {
with (this.globalObject) {
with (this.moduleLexicals) {
with (this.evalScope) {
${globalObjectOptimizer }
${moduleLexicalOptimizer }
return function() {
'use strict';
return eval(arguments[0]);
return apply(evaluateFactory, context, []);
// === functors[31] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let apply,freeze,strictScopeTerminator,createSloppyGlobalsScopeTerminator,makeEvalScopeKit,applyTransforms,mandatoryTransforms,makeEvaluate,assert;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["apply", [$h‍_a => (apply = $h‍_a)]],["freeze", [$h‍_a => (freeze = $h‍_a)]]]],["./strict-scope-terminator.js", [["strictScopeTerminator", [$h‍_a => (strictScopeTerminator = $h‍_a)]]]],["./sloppy-globals-scope-terminator.js", [["createSloppyGlobalsScopeTerminator", [$h‍_a => (createSloppyGlobalsScopeTerminator = $h‍_a)]]]],["./eval-scope.js", [["makeEvalScopeKit", [$h‍_a => (makeEvalScopeKit = $h‍_a)]]]],["./transforms.js", [["applyTransforms", [$h‍_a => (applyTransforms = $h‍_a)]],["mandatoryTransforms", [$h‍_a => (mandatoryTransforms = $h‍_a)]]]],["./make-evaluate.js", [["makeEvaluate", [$h‍_a => (makeEvaluate = $h‍_a)]]]],["./error/assert.js", [["assert", [$h‍_a => (assert = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
const { Fail}= assert;
* makeSafeEvaluator()
* Build the low-level operation used by all evaluators:
* eval(), Function(), Compartment.prototype.evaluate().
* @param {object} options
* @param {object} options.globalObject
* @param {object} [options.moduleLexicals]
* @param {Array<import('./lockdown.js').Transform>} [options.globalTransforms]
* @param {boolean} [options.sloppyGlobalsMode]
const makeSafeEvaluator= ({
moduleLexicals= {},
globalTransforms= [],
sloppyGlobalsMode= false})=>
const scopeTerminator= sloppyGlobalsMode?
const evalScopeKit= makeEvalScopeKit();
const { evalScope}= evalScopeKit;
const evaluateContext= freeze({
// Defer creating the actual evaluator to first use.
// Creating a compartment should be possible in no-eval environments
// It also allows more global constants to be captured by the optimizer
let evaluate;
const provideEvaluate= ()=> {
if( !evaluate) {
evaluate= makeEvaluate(evaluateContext);
* @param {string} source
* @param {object} [options]
* @param {Array<import('./lockdown.js').Transform>} [options.localTransforms]
const safeEvaluate= (source, options)=> {
const { localTransforms= []}= options|| {};
// Execute the mandatory transforms last to ensure that any rewritten code
// meets those mandatory requirements.
source= applyTransforms(source, [
let err;
try {
// Allow next reference to eval produce the unsafe FERAL_EVAL.
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
// Ensure that "this" resolves to the safe global.
return apply(evaluate, globalObject, [source]);
}catch( e) {
// stash the child-code error in hopes of debugging the internal failure
err= e;
throw e;
}finally {
const unsafeEvalWasStillExposed=( 'eval'in evalScope);
delete evalScope.eval;
if( unsafeEvalWasStillExposed) {
// Barring a defect in the SES shim, the evalScope should allow the
// powerful, unsafe `eval` to be used by `evaluate` exactly once, as the
// very first name that it attempts to access from the lexical scope.
// A defect in the SES shim could throw an exception after we set
// `evalScope.eval` and before `evaluate` calls `eval` internally.
// If we get here, SES is very broken.
// This condition is one where this vat is now hopelessly confused, and
// the vat as a whole should be aborted.
// No further code should run.
// All immediately reachable state should be abandoned.
// However, that is not yet possible, so we at least prevent further
// variable resolution via the scopeHandler, and throw an error with
// diagnostic info including the thrown error if any from evaluating the
// source code.
evalScopeKit.revoked= { err};
// TODO A GOOD PLACE TO PANIC(), i.e., kill the vat incarnation.
// See
Fail `handler did not reset allowNextEvalToBeUnsafe ${err}`;
return { safeEvaluate};
// === functors[32] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let WeakSet,defineProperty,freeze,functionPrototype,functionToString,stringEndsWith,weaksetAdd,weaksetHas;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["WeakSet", [$h‍_a => (WeakSet = $h‍_a)]],["defineProperty", [$h‍_a => (defineProperty = $h‍_a)]],["freeze", [$h‍_a => (freeze = $h‍_a)]],["functionPrototype", [$h‍_a => (functionPrototype = $h‍_a)]],["functionToString", [$h‍_a => (functionToString = $h‍_a)]],["stringEndsWith", [$h‍_a => (stringEndsWith = $h‍_a)]],["weaksetAdd", [$h‍_a => (weaksetAdd = $h‍_a)]],["weaksetHas", [$h‍_a => (weaksetHas = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
const nativeSuffix= ') { [native code] }';
// Note: Top level mutable state. Does not make anything worse, since the
// patching of `Function.prototype.toString` is also globally stateful. We
// use this top level state so that multiple calls to `tameFunctionToString` are
// idempotent, rather than creating redundant indirections.
let markVirtualizedNativeFunction;
* Replace `Function.prototype.toString` with one that recognizes
* shimmed functions as honorary native functions.
const tameFunctionToString= ()=> {
if( markVirtualizedNativeFunction=== undefined) {
const virtualizedNativeFunctions= new WeakSet();
const tamingMethods= {
toString() {
const str= functionToString(this);
stringEndsWith(str, nativeSuffix)||
!weaksetHas(virtualizedNativeFunctions, this))
return str;
return `function ${}() { [native code] }`;
defineProperty(functionPrototype, 'toString', {
value: tamingMethods.toString});
markVirtualizedNativeFunction= freeze((func)=>
weaksetAdd(virtualizedNativeFunctions, func));
return markVirtualizedNativeFunction;
// === functors[33] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let TypeError,globalThis,getOwnPropertyDescriptor,defineProperty;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["TypeError", [$h‍_a => (TypeError = $h‍_a)]],["globalThis", [$h‍_a => (globalThis = $h‍_a)]],["getOwnPropertyDescriptor", [$h‍_a => (getOwnPropertyDescriptor = $h‍_a)]],["defineProperty", [$h‍_a => (defineProperty = $h‍_a)]]]]]);Object.defineProperty(tameDomains, 'name', {value: "tameDomains"});$h‍_once.tameDomains(tameDomains);
function tameDomains(domainTaming= 'safe') {
if( domainTaming!== 'safe'&& domainTaming!== 'unsafe') {
throw TypeError( `unrecognized domainTaming ${domainTaming}`);
if( domainTaming=== 'unsafe') {
// Protect against the hazard presented by Node.js domains.
const globalProcess= globalThis.process|| undefined;
if( typeof globalProcess=== 'object') {
// Check whether domains were initialized.
const domainDescriptor= getOwnPropertyDescriptor(globalProcess, 'domain');
if( domainDescriptor!== undefined&& domainDescriptor.get!== undefined) {
// The domain descriptor on Node.js initially has value: null, which
// becomes a get, set pair after domains initialize.
// See
throw TypeError(
`SES failed to lockdown, Node.js domains have been initialized (SES_NO_DOMAINS)`);
// Prevent domains from initializing.
// This is clunky because the exception thrown from the domains package does
// not direct the user's gaze toward a knowledge base about the problem.
// The domain module merely throws an exception when it attempts to define
// the domain property of the process global during its initialization.
// We have no better recourse because Node.js uses defineProperty too.
defineProperty(globalProcess, 'domain', {
value: null,
configurable: false,
writable: false,
enumerable: false});
// === functors[34] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let WeakSet,arrayFilter,arrayMap,arrayPush,defineProperty,freeze,fromEntries,isError,stringEndsWith,weaksetAdd,weaksetHas;$h‍_imports([["../commons.js", [["WeakSet", [$h‍_a => (WeakSet = $h‍_a)]],["arrayFilter", [$h‍_a => (arrayFilter = $h‍_a)]],["arrayMap", [$h‍_a => (arrayMap = $h‍_a)]],["arrayPush", [$h‍_a => (arrayPush = $h‍_a)]],["defineProperty", [$h‍_a => (defineProperty = $h‍_a)]],["freeze", [$h‍_a => (freeze = $h‍_a)]],["fromEntries", [$h‍_a => (fromEntries = $h‍_a)]],["isError", [$h‍_a => (isError = $h‍_a)]],["stringEndsWith", [$h‍_a => (stringEndsWith = $h‍_a)]],["weaksetAdd", [$h‍_a => (weaksetAdd = $h‍_a)]],["weaksetHas", [$h‍_a => (weaksetHas = $h‍_a)]]]],["./types.js", []],["./internal-types.js", []]]);
// For our internal debugging purposes, uncomment
// const internalDebugConsole = console;
// The whitelists of console methods, from:
// Whatwg "living standard"
// Node
// MDN
// TypeScript
// Chrome
// All console level methods have parameters (fmt?, ...args)
// where the argument sequence `fmt?, ...args` formats args according to
// fmt if fmt is a format string. Otherwise, it just renders them all as values
// separated by spaces.
// For the causal console, all occurrences of `fmt, ...args` or `...args` by
// itself must check for the presence of an error to ask the
// `loggedErrorHandler` to handle.
// In theory we should do a deep inspection to detect for example an array
// containing an error. We currently do not detect these and may never.
/** @typedef {keyof VirtualConsole | 'profile' | 'profileEnd'} ConsoleProps */
/** @type {readonly [ConsoleProps, LogSeverity | undefined][]} */
const consoleLevelMethods= freeze([
['debug', 'debug'], // (fmt?, ...args) verbose level on Chrome
['log', 'log'], // (fmt?, ...args) info level on Chrome
['info', 'info'], // (fmt?, ...args)
['warn', 'warn'], // (fmt?, ...args)
['error', 'error'], // (fmt?, ...args)
['trace', 'log'], // (fmt?, ...args)
['dirxml', 'log'], // (fmt?, ...args)
['group', 'log'], // (fmt?, ...args)
['groupCollapsed', 'log'] // (fmt?, ...args)
/** @type {readonly [ConsoleProps, LogSeverity | undefined][]} */
const consoleOtherMethods= freeze([
['assert', 'error'], // (value, fmt?, ...args)
['timeLog', 'log'], // (label?, ...args) no fmt string
// Insensitive to whether any argument is an error. All arguments can pass
// thru to baseConsole as is.
['clear', undefined], // ()
['count', 'info'], // (label?)
['countReset', undefined], // (label?)
['dir', 'log'], // (item, options?)
['groupEnd', 'log'], // ()
// In theory tabular data may be or contain an error. However, we currently
// do not detect these and may never.
['table', 'log'], // (tabularData, properties?)
['time', 'info'], // (label?)
['timeEnd', 'info'], // (label?)
// Node Inspector only, MDN, and TypeScript, but not whatwg
['profile', undefined], // (label?)
['profileEnd', undefined], // (label?)
['timeStamp', undefined] // (label?)
/** @type {readonly [ConsoleProps, LogSeverity | undefined][]} */
const consoleWhitelist= freeze([
* consoleOmittedProperties is currently unused. I record and maintain it here
* with the intention that it be treated like the `false` entries in the main
* SES whitelist: that seeing these on the original console is expected, but
* seeing anything else that's outside the whitelist is surprising and should
* provide a diagnostic.
* const consoleOmittedProperties = freeze([
* 'memory', // Chrome
* 'exception', // FF, MDN
* '_ignoreErrors', // Node
* '_stderr', // Node
* '_stderrErrorHandler', // Node
* '_stdout', // Node
* '_stdoutErrorHandler', // Node
* '_times', // Node
* 'context', // Chrome, Node
* 'record', // Safari
* 'recordEnd', // Safari
* 'screenshot', // Safari
* // Symbols
* '@@toStringTag', // Chrome: "Object", Safari: "Console"
* // A variety of other symbols also seen on Node
* ]);
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/** @type {MakeLoggingConsoleKit} */$h‍_once.consoleWhitelist(consoleWhitelist);
const makeLoggingConsoleKit= (
{ shouldResetForDebugging= false}= {})=>
if( shouldResetForDebugging) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
// Not frozen!
let logArray= [];
const loggingConsole= fromEntries(
arrayMap(consoleWhitelist, ([name, _])=> {
// Use an arrow function so that it doesn't come with its own name in
// its printed form. Instead, we're hoping that tooling uses only
// the `.name` property set below.
* @param {...any} args
const method= (...args)=> {
arrayPush(logArray, [name, ...args]);
defineProperty(method, 'name', { value: name});
return [name, freeze(method)];
const takeLog= ()=> {
const result= freeze(logArray);
logArray= [];
return result;
const typedLoggingConsole= /** @type {VirtualConsole} */ loggingConsole;
return freeze({ loggingConsole: typedLoggingConsole, takeLog});
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/** @type {ErrorInfo} */
const ErrorInfo= {
/** @type {MakeCausalConsole} */
const makeCausalConsole= (baseConsole, loggedErrorHandler)=> {
if( !baseConsole) {
return undefined;
const { getStackString, tagError, takeMessageLogArgs, takeNoteLogArgsArray}=
* @param {ReadonlyArray<any>} logArgs
* @param {Array<any>} subErrorsSink
* @returns {any}
const extractErrorArgs= (logArgs, subErrorsSink)=> {
const argTags= arrayMap(logArgs, (arg)=>{
if( isError(arg)) {
arrayPush(subErrorsSink, arg);
return `(${tagError(arg)})`;
return arg;
return argTags;
* @param {LogSeverity} severity
* @param {Error} error
* @param {ErrorInfoKind} kind
* @param {readonly any[]} logArgs
* @param {Array<Error>} subErrorsSink
const logErrorInfo= (severity, error, kind, logArgs, subErrorsSink)=> {
const errorTag= tagError(error);
const errorName=
kind=== ErrorInfo.MESSAGE? `${errorTag}:`: `${errorTag} ${kind}`;
const argTags= extractErrorArgs(logArgs, subErrorsSink);
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
baseConsole[severity](errorName, ...argTags);
* Logs the `subErrors` within a group name mentioning `optTag`.
* @param {LogSeverity} severity
* @param {Error[]} subErrors
* @param {string | undefined} optTag
* @returns {void}
const logSubErrors= (severity, subErrors, optTag= undefined)=> {
if( subErrors.length=== 0) {
if( subErrors.length=== 1&& optTag=== undefined) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
logError(severity, subErrors[0]);
let label;
if( subErrors.length=== 1) {
label= `Nested error`;
}else {
label= `Nested ${subErrors.length} errors`;
if( optTag!== undefined) {
label= `${label} under ${optTag}`;
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call;
try {
for( const subError of subErrors) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
logError(severity, subError);
}finally {
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
const errorsLogged= new WeakSet();
/** @type {(severity: LogSeverity) => NoteCallback} */
const makeNoteCallback= (severity)=>(error, noteLogArgs)=> {
const subErrors= [];
// Annotation arrived after the error has already been logged,
// so just log the annotation immediately, rather than remembering it.
logErrorInfo(severity, error, ErrorInfo.NOTE, noteLogArgs, subErrors);
logSubErrors(severity, subErrors, tagError(error));
* @param {LogSeverity} severity
* @param {Error} error
const logError= (severity, error)=> {
if( weaksetHas(errorsLogged, error)) {
const errorTag= tagError(error);
weaksetAdd(errorsLogged, error);
const subErrors= [];
const messageLogArgs= takeMessageLogArgs(error);
const noteLogArgsArray= takeNoteLogArgsArray(
// Show the error's most informative error message
if( messageLogArgs=== undefined) {
// If there is no message log args, then just show the message that
// the error itself carries.
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
baseConsole[severity]( `${errorTag}:`,error.message);
}else {
// If there is one, we take it to be strictly more informative than the
// message string carried by the error, so show it *instead*.
// After the message but before any other annotations, show the stack.
let stackString= getStackString(error);
typeof stackString=== 'string'&&
stackString.length>= 1&&
!stringEndsWith(stackString, '\n'))
stackString+= '\n';
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
// Show the other annotations on error
for( const noteLogArgs of noteLogArgsArray) {
logErrorInfo(severity, error, ErrorInfo.NOTE, noteLogArgs, subErrors);
// explain all the errors seen in the messages already emitted.
logSubErrors(severity, subErrors, errorTag);
const levelMethods= arrayMap(consoleLevelMethods, ([level, _])=> {
* @param {...any} logArgs
const levelMethod= (...logArgs)=> {
const subErrors= [];
const argTags= extractErrorArgs(logArgs, subErrors);
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
// @ts-expect-error ConsoleProp vs LogSeverity mismatch
logSubErrors(level, subErrors);
defineProperty(levelMethod, 'name', { value: level});
return [level, freeze(levelMethod)];
const otherMethodNames= arrayFilter(
([name, _])=> name in baseConsole);
const otherMethods= arrayMap(otherMethodNames, ([name, _])=> {
* @param {...any} args
const otherMethod= (...args)=> {
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
return undefined;
defineProperty(otherMethod, 'name', { value: name});
return [name, freeze(otherMethod)];
const causalConsole= fromEntries([...levelMethods, ...otherMethods]);
return (/** @type {VirtualConsole} */ freeze(causalConsole));
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/** @type {FilterConsole} */
const filterConsole= (baseConsole, filter, _topic= undefined)=> {
// TODO do something with optional topic string
const whitelist= arrayFilter(
([name, _])=> name in baseConsole);
const methods= arrayMap(whitelist, ([name, severity])=> {
* @param {...any} args
const method= (...args)=> {
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
if( severity=== undefined|| filter.canLog(severity)) {
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
return [name, freeze(method)];
const filteringConsole= fromEntries(methods);
return (/** @type {VirtualConsole} */ freeze(filteringConsole));
// === functors[35] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let FinalizationRegistry,Map,mapGet,mapDelete,WeakMap,mapSet,finalizationRegistryRegister,weakmapSet,weakmapGet,mapEntries,mapHas;$h‍_imports([["../commons.js", [["FinalizationRegistry", [$h‍_a => (FinalizationRegistry = $h‍_a)]],["Map", [$h‍_a => (Map = $h‍_a)]],["mapGet", [$h‍_a => (mapGet = $h‍_a)]],["mapDelete", [$h‍_a => (mapDelete = $h‍_a)]],["WeakMap", [$h‍_a => (WeakMap = $h‍_a)]],["mapSet", [$h‍_a => (mapSet = $h‍_a)]],["finalizationRegistryRegister", [$h‍_a => (finalizationRegistryRegister = $h‍_a)]],["weakmapSet", [$h‍_a => (weakmapSet = $h‍_a)]],["weakmapGet", [$h‍_a => (weakmapGet = $h‍_a)]],["mapEntries", [$h‍_a => (mapEntries = $h‍_a)]],["mapHas", [$h‍_a => (mapHas = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
* Create rejection-tracking machinery compatible with Node.js and browsers.
* Note that modern browsers *prevent* access to the 'unhandledrejection' and
* 'rejectionhandled' events needed:
* - in cross-origin mode, like when served from file://
* - in the browser console (interactively typed-in code)
* - in the debugger
* Then, they just look like: `Uncaught (in promise) Error: ...` and don't
* implement the machinery.
* The solution is to serve your web page from an http:// or https:// web server
* and execute actual code.
* @param {(reason: unknown) => void} reportReason report the reason for an
* unhandled rejection.
const makeRejectionHandlers= (reportReason)=>{
if( FinalizationRegistry=== undefined) {
return undefined;
/** @typedef {number} ReasonId */
let lastReasonId= 0;
/** @type {Map<ReasonId, unknown>} */
const idToReason= new Map();
/** @type {(() => void) | undefined} */
let cancelChecking;
const removeReasonId= (reasonId)=>{
mapDelete(idToReason, reasonId);
if( cancelChecking&& idToReason.size=== 0) {
// No more unhandled rejections to check, just cancel the check.
cancelChecking= undefined;
/** @type {WeakMap<Promise, ReasonId>} */
const promiseToReasonId= new WeakMap();
* Clean up and report the reason for a GCed unhandled rejection.
* @param {ReasonId} heldReasonId
const finalizeDroppedPromise= (heldReasonId)=>{
if( mapHas(idToReason, heldReasonId)) {
const reason= mapGet(idToReason, heldReasonId);
/** @type {FinalizationRegistry<ReasonId>} */
const promiseToReason= new FinalizationRegistry(finalizeDroppedPromise);
* Track a rejected promise and its corresponding reason if there is no
* rejection handler synchronously attached.
* @param {unknown} reason
* @param {Promise} pr
const unhandledRejectionHandler= (reason, pr)=> {
lastReasonId+= 1;
const reasonId= lastReasonId;
// Update bookkeeping.
mapSet(idToReason, reasonId, reason);
weakmapSet(promiseToReasonId, pr, reasonId);
finalizationRegistryRegister(promiseToReason, pr, reasonId, pr);
* Deal with the addition of a handler to a previously rejected promise.
* Just remove it from our list. Let the FinalizationRegistry or
* processTermination report any GCed unhandled rejected promises.
* @param {Promise} pr
const rejectionHandledHandler= (pr)=>{
const reasonId= weakmapGet(promiseToReasonId, pr);
* Report all the unhandled rejections, now that we are abruptly terminating
* the agent cluster.
const processTerminationHandler= ()=> {
for( const [reasonId, reason]of mapEntries(idToReason)) {
return {
// === functors[36] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let TypeError,apply,defineProperty,freeze,globalThis,defaultHandler,makeCausalConsole,makeRejectionHandlers;$h‍_imports([["../commons.js", [["TypeError", [$h‍_a => (TypeError = $h‍_a)]],["apply", [$h‍_a => (apply = $h‍_a)]],["defineProperty", [$h‍_a => (defineProperty = $h‍_a)]],["freeze", [$h‍_a => (freeze = $h‍_a)]],["globalThis", [$h‍_a => (globalThis = $h‍_a)]]]],["./assert.js", [["loggedErrorHandler", [$h‍_a => (defaultHandler = $h‍_a)]]]],["./console.js", [["makeCausalConsole", [$h‍_a => (makeCausalConsole = $h‍_a)]]]],["./unhandled-rejection.js", [["makeRejectionHandlers", [$h‍_a => (makeRejectionHandlers = $h‍_a)]]]],["./types.js", []],["./internal-types.js", []]]);
const failFast= (message)=>{
throw TypeError(message);
const wrapLogger= (logger, thisArg)=>
freeze((...args)=> apply(logger, thisArg, args));
* Wrap console unless suppressed.
* At the moment, the console is considered a host power in the start
* compartment, and not a primordial. Hence it is absent from the whilelist
* and bypasses the intrinsicsCollector.
* @param {"safe" | "unsafe"} consoleTaming
* @param {"platform" | "exit" | "abort" | "report" | "none"} [errorTrapping]
* @param {"report" | "none"} [unhandledRejectionTrapping]
* @param {GetStackString=} optGetStackString
const tameConsole= (
consoleTaming= 'safe',
errorTrapping= 'platform',
unhandledRejectionTrapping= 'report',
optGetStackString= undefined)=>
consoleTaming=== 'safe'||
consoleTaming=== 'unsafe'||
failFast( `unrecognized consoleTaming ${consoleTaming}`);
let loggedErrorHandler;
if( optGetStackString=== undefined) {
loggedErrorHandler= defaultHandler;
}else {
loggedErrorHandler= {
getStackString: optGetStackString};
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals
const originalConsole= /** @type {VirtualConsole} */
// eslint-disable-next-line no-nested-ternary
typeof globalThis.console!== 'undefined'?
typeof globalThis.print=== 'function'?
// Make a good-enough console for eshost (including only functions that
// log at a specific level with no special argument interpretation).
((p)=>freeze({ debug: p, log: p, info: p, warn: p, error: p}))(
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
// Upgrade a log-only console (as in `eshost -h SpiderMonkey`).
if( originalConsole&& originalConsole.log) {
for( const methodName of ['warn', 'error']) {
if( !originalConsole[methodName]) {
defineProperty(originalConsole, methodName, {
value: wrapLogger(originalConsole.log, originalConsole)});
const ourConsole= /** @type {VirtualConsole} */
consoleTaming=== 'unsafe'?
makeCausalConsole(originalConsole, loggedErrorHandler);
// Attach platform-specific error traps such that any error that gets thrown
// at top-of-turn (the bottom of stack) will get logged by our causal
// console, revealing the diagnostic information associated with the error,
// including the stack from when the error was created.
// In the following Node.js and web browser cases, `process` and `window` are
// spelled as `globalThis` properties to avoid the overweaning gaze of
// Parcel, which dutifully installs an unnecessary `process` shim if we ever
// utter that. That unnecessary shim forces the whole bundle into sloppy mode,
// which in turn breaks SES's strict mode invariant.
// Disable the polymorphic check for the rest of this file. It's too noisy
// when dealing with platform APIs.
/* eslint-disable @endo/no-polymorphic-call */
// Node.js
const globalProcess= globalThis.process|| undefined;
errorTrapping!== 'none'&&
typeof globalProcess=== 'object'&&
typeof globalProcess.on=== 'function')
let terminate;
if( errorTrapping=== 'platform'|| errorTrapping=== 'exit') {
const { exit}= globalProcess;
// If there is a function-valued process.on but no function-valued process.exit,
// fail early without caring whether errorTrapping is "platform" only by default.
typeof exit=== 'function'|| failFast('missing process.exit');
terminate= ()=> exit(globalProcess.exitCode|| -1);
}else if( errorTrapping=== 'abort') {
terminate= globalProcess.abort;
typeof terminate=== 'function'|| failFast('missing process.abort');
globalProcess.on('uncaughtException', (error)=>{
// causalConsole is born frozen so not vulnerable to method tampering.
if( terminate) {
unhandledRejectionTrapping!== 'none'&&
typeof globalProcess=== 'object'&&
typeof globalProcess.on=== 'function')
const handleRejection= (reason)=>{
// 'platform' and 'report' just log the reason.
ourConsole.error('SES_UNHANDLED_REJECTION:', reason);
// Maybe track unhandled promise rejections.
const h= makeRejectionHandlers(handleRejection);
if( h) {
// Rejection handlers are supported.
globalProcess.on('unhandledRejection', h.unhandledRejectionHandler);
globalProcess.on('rejectionHandled', h.rejectionHandledHandler);
globalProcess.on('exit', h.processTerminationHandler);
// Browser
const globalWindow= globalThis.window|| undefined;
errorTrapping!== 'none'&&
typeof globalWindow=== 'object'&&
typeof globalWindow.addEventListener=== 'function')
globalWindow.addEventListener('error', (event)=>{
// 'platform' and 'report' just log the reason.
if( errorTrapping=== 'exit'|| errorTrapping=== 'abort') {
globalWindow.location.href= `about:blank`;
unhandledRejectionTrapping!== 'none'&&
typeof globalWindow=== 'object'&&
typeof globalWindow.addEventListener=== 'function')
const handleRejection= (reason)=>{
ourConsole.error('SES_UNHANDLED_REJECTION:', reason);
const h= makeRejectionHandlers(handleRejection);
if( h) {
// Rejection handlers are supported.
globalWindow.addEventListener('unhandledrejection', (event)=>{
h.unhandledRejectionHandler(event.reason, event.promise);
globalWindow.addEventListener('rejectionhandled', (event)=>{
globalWindow.addEventListener('beforeunload', (_event)=>{
/* eslint-enable @endo/no-polymorphic-call */
return { console: ourConsole};
// === functors[37] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let WeakMap,WeakSet,apply,arrayFilter,arrayJoin,arrayMap,arraySlice,create,defineProperties,fromEntries,reflectSet,regexpExec,regexpTest,weakmapGet,weakmapSet,weaksetAdd,weaksetHas;$h‍_imports([["../commons.js", [["WeakMap", [$h‍_a => (WeakMap = $h‍_a)]],["WeakSet", [$h‍_a => (WeakSet = $h‍_a)]],["apply", [$h‍_a => (apply = $h‍_a)]],["arrayFilter", [$h‍_a => (arrayFilter = $h‍_a)]],["arrayJoin", [$h‍_a => (arrayJoin = $h‍_a)]],["arrayMap", [$h‍_a => (arrayMap = $h‍_a)]],["arraySlice", [$h‍_a => (arraySlice = $h‍_a)]],["create", [$h‍_a => (create = $h‍_a)]],["defineProperties", [$h‍_a => (defineProperties = $h‍_a)]],["fromEntries", [$h‍_a => (fromEntries = $h‍_a)]],["reflectSet", [$h‍_a => (reflectSet = $h‍_a)]],["regexpExec", [$h‍_a => (regexpExec = $h‍_a)]],["regexpTest", [$h‍_a => (regexpTest = $h‍_a)]],["weakmapGet", [$h‍_a => (weakmapGet = $h‍_a)]],["weakmapSet", [$h‍_a => (weakmapSet = $h‍_a)]],["weaksetAdd", [$h‍_a => (weaksetAdd = $h‍_a)]],["weaksetHas", [$h‍_a => (weaksetHas = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
// Whitelist names from
// Whitelisting only the names used by error-stack-shim/src/v8StackFrames
// callSiteToFrame to shim the error stack proposal.
const safeV8CallSiteMethodNames= [
// suppress 'getThis' definitely
// suppress 'getFunction' definitely
// suppress 'isPromiseAll' for now
// suppress 'getPromiseIndex' for now
// Additional names found by experiment, absent from
'toString' // TODO replace to use only whitelisted info
// TODO this is a ridiculously expensive way to attenuate callsites.
// Before that matters, we should switch to a reasonable representation.
const safeV8CallSiteFacet= (callSite)=>{
const methodEntry= (name)=>{
const method= callSite[name];
return [name, ()=> apply(method, callSite, [])];
const o= fromEntries(arrayMap(safeV8CallSiteMethodNames, methodEntry));
return create(o, {});
const safeV8SST= (sst)=>arrayMap(sst, safeV8CallSiteFacet);
// If it has `/node_modules/` anywhere in it, on Node it is likely
// to be a dependent package of the current package, and so to
// be an infrastructure frame to be dropped from concise stack traces.
const FILENAME_NODE_DEPENDENTS_CENSOR= /\/node_modules\//;
// If it begins with `internal/` or `node:internal` then it is likely
// part of the node infrustructre itself, to be dropped from concise
// stack traces.
const FILENAME_NODE_INTERNALS_CENSOR= /^(?:node:)?internal\//;
// Frames within the `assert.js` package should be dropped from
// concise stack traces, as these are just steps towards creating the
// error object in question.
const FILENAME_ASSERT_CENSOR= /\/packages\/ses\/src\/error\/assert.js$/;
// Frames within the `eventual-send` shim should be dropped so that concise
// deep stacks omit the internals of the eventual-sending mechanism causing
// asynchronous messages to be sent.
// Note that the eventual-send package will move from agoric-sdk to
// Endo, so this rule will be of general interest.
const FILENAME_EVENTUAL_SEND_CENSOR= /\/packages\/eventual-send\/src\//;
// Any stack frame whose `fileName` matches any of these censor patterns
// will be omitted from concise stacks.
// TODO Enable users to configure FILENAME_CENSORS via `lockdown` options.
// Should a stack frame with this as its fileName be included in a concise
// stack trace?
// Exported only so it can be unit tested.
// TODO Move so that it applies not just to v8.
const filterFileName= (fileName)=>{
if( !fileName) {
// Stack frames with no fileName should appear in concise stack traces.
return true;
for( const filter of FILENAME_CENSORS) {
if( regexpTest(filter, fileName)) {
return false;
return true;
// The ad-hoc rule of the current pattern is that any likely-file-path or
// likely url-path prefix, ending in a `/.../` should get dropped.
// Anything to the left of the likely path text is kept.
// Everything to the right of `/.../` is kept. Thus
// `' (/vat-v1/.../eventual-send/test/test-deep-send.js:13:21)'`
// simplifies to
// `' (eventual-send/test/test-deep-send.js:13:21)'`.
// See thread starting at
$h‍_once.filterFileName(filterFileName);const CALLSITE_ELLIPSES_PATTERN=/^((?:.*[( ])?)[:/\w_-]*\/\.\.\.\/(.+)$/;
// The ad-hoc rule of the current pattern is that any likely-file-path or
// likely url-path prefix, ending in a `/` and prior to `package/` should get
// dropped.
// Anything to the left of the likely path prefix text is kept. `package/` and
// everything to its right is kept. Thus
// `' (/Users/markmiller/src/ongithub/agoric/agoric-sdk/packages/eventual-send/test/test-deep-send.js:13:21)'`
// simplifies to
// `' (packages/eventual-send/test/test-deep-send.js:13:21)'`.
// Note that `/packages/` is a convention for monorepos encouraged by
// lerna.
const CALLSITE_PACKAGES_PATTERN= /^((?:.*[( ])?)[:/\w_-]*\/(packages\/.+)$/;
// The use of these callSite patterns below assumes that any match will bind
// capture groups containing the parts of the original string we want
// to keep. The parts outside those capture groups will be dropped from concise
// stacks.
// TODO Enable users to configure CALLSITE_PATTERNS via `lockdown` options.
// For a stack frame that should be included in a concise stack trace, if
// `callSiteString` is the original stringified stack frame, return the
// possibly-shorter stringified stack frame that should be shown instead.
// Exported only so it can be unit tested.
// TODO Move so that it applies not just to v8.
const shortenCallSiteString= (callSiteString)=>{
for( const filter of CALLSITE_PATTERNS) {
const match= regexpExec(filter, callSiteString);
if( match) {
return arrayJoin(arraySlice(match, 1), '');
return callSiteString;
const tameV8ErrorConstructor= (
// TODO: Proper CallSite types
/** @typedef {{}} CallSite */
const originalCaptureStackTrace= OriginalError.captureStackTrace;
// const callSiteFilter = _callSite => true;
const callSiteFilter= (callSite)=>{
if( stackFiltering=== 'verbose') {
return true;
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
return filterFileName(callSite.getFileName());
const callSiteStringifier= (callSite)=>{
let callSiteString= `${callSite}`;
if( stackFiltering=== 'concise') {
callSiteString= shortenCallSiteString(callSiteString);
return `\n at ${callSiteString}`;
const stackStringFromSST= (_error, sst)=>
arrayMap(arrayFilter(sst, callSiteFilter), callSiteStringifier),
* @typedef {object} StructuredStackInfo
* @property {CallSite[]} callSites
* @property {undefined} [stackString]
* @typedef {object} ParsedStackInfo
* @property {undefined} [callSites]
* @property {string} stackString
// Mapping from error instance to the stack for that instance.
// The stack info is either the structured stack trace
// or the generated tamed stack string
/** @type {WeakMap<Error, ParsedStackInfo | StructuredStackInfo>} */
const stackInfos= new WeakMap();
// Use concise methods to obtain named functions without constructors.
const tamedMethods= {
// The optional `optFn` argument is for cutting off the bottom of
// the stack --- for capturing the stack only above the topmost
// call to that function. Since this isn't the "real" captureStackTrace
// but instead calls the real one, if no other cutoff is provided,
// we cut this one off.
captureStackTrace(error, optFn= tamedMethods.captureStackTrace) {
if( typeof originalCaptureStackTrace=== 'function') {
// OriginalError.captureStackTrace is only on v8
apply(originalCaptureStackTrace, OriginalError, [error, optFn]);
reflectSet(error, 'stack', '');
// Shim of proposed special power, to reside by default only
// in the start compartment, for getting the stack traceback
// string associated with an error.
// See
getStackString(error) {
let stackInfo= weakmapGet(stackInfos, error);
if( stackInfo=== undefined) {
// The following will call `prepareStackTrace()` synchronously
// which will populate stackInfos
// eslint-disable-next-line no-void
void error.stack;
stackInfo= weakmapGet(stackInfos, error);
if( !stackInfo) {
stackInfo= { stackString: ''};
weakmapSet(stackInfos, error, stackInfo);
// prepareStackTrace() may generate the stackString
// if errorTaming === 'unsafe'
if( stackInfo.stackString!== undefined) {
return stackInfo.stackString;
const stackString= stackStringFromSST(error, stackInfo.callSites);
weakmapSet(stackInfos, error, { stackString});
return stackString;
prepareStackTrace(error, sst) {
if( errorTaming=== 'unsafe') {
const stackString= stackStringFromSST(error, sst);
weakmapSet(stackInfos, error, { stackString});
return `${error}${stackString}`;
}else {
weakmapSet(stackInfos, error, { callSites: sst});
return '';
// A prepareFn is a prepareStackTrace function.
// An sst is a `structuredStackTrace`, which is an array of
// callsites.
// A user prepareFn is a prepareFn defined by a client of this API,
// and provided by assigning to `Error.prepareStackTrace`.
// A user prepareFn should only receive an attenuated sst, which
// is an array of attenuated callsites.
// A system prepareFn is the prepareFn created by this module to
// be installed on the real `Error` constructor, to receive
// an original sst, i.e., an array of unattenuated callsites.
// An input prepareFn is a function the user assigns to
// `Error.prepareStackTrace`, which might be a user prepareFn or
// a system prepareFn previously obtained by reading
// `Error.prepareStackTrace`.
const defaultPrepareFn= tamedMethods.prepareStackTrace;
OriginalError.prepareStackTrace= defaultPrepareFn;
// A weakset branding some functions as system prepareFns, all of which
// must be defined by this module, since they can receive an
// unattenuated sst.
const systemPrepareFnSet= new WeakSet([defaultPrepareFn]);
const systemPrepareFnFor= (inputPrepareFn)=>{
if( weaksetHas(systemPrepareFnSet, inputPrepareFn)) {
return inputPrepareFn;
// Use concise methods to obtain named functions without constructors.
const systemMethods= {
prepareStackTrace(error, sst) {
weakmapSet(stackInfos, error, { callSites: sst});
return inputPrepareFn(error, safeV8SST(sst));
weaksetAdd(systemPrepareFnSet, systemMethods.prepareStackTrace);
return systemMethods.prepareStackTrace;
// Note `stackTraceLimit` accessor already defined by
// tame-error-constructor.js
defineProperties(InitialError, {
captureStackTrace: {
value: tamedMethods.captureStackTrace,
writable: true,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true},
prepareStackTrace: {
get() {
return OriginalError.prepareStackTrace;
set(inputPrepareStackTraceFn) {
if( typeof inputPrepareStackTraceFn=== 'function') {
const systemPrepareFn= systemPrepareFnFor(inputPrepareStackTraceFn);
OriginalError.prepareStackTrace= systemPrepareFn;
}else {
OriginalError.prepareStackTrace= defaultPrepareFn;
enumerable: false,
configurable: true}});
return tamedMethods.getStackString;
// === functors[38] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let FERAL_ERROR,TypeError,apply,construct,defineProperties,setPrototypeOf,getOwnPropertyDescriptor,defineProperty,NativeErrors,tameV8ErrorConstructor;$h‍_imports([["../commons.js", [["FERAL_ERROR", [$h‍_a => (FERAL_ERROR = $h‍_a)]],["TypeError", [$h‍_a => (TypeError = $h‍_a)]],["apply", [$h‍_a => (apply = $h‍_a)]],["construct", [$h‍_a => (construct = $h‍_a)]],["defineProperties", [$h‍_a => (defineProperties = $h‍_a)]],["setPrototypeOf", [$h‍_a => (setPrototypeOf = $h‍_a)]],["getOwnPropertyDescriptor", [$h‍_a => (getOwnPropertyDescriptor = $h‍_a)]],["defineProperty", [$h‍_a => (defineProperty = $h‍_a)]]]],["../permits.js", [["NativeErrors", [$h‍_a => (NativeErrors = $h‍_a)]]]],["./tame-v8-error-constructor.js", [["tameV8ErrorConstructor", [$h‍_a => (tameV8ErrorConstructor = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
// Present on at least FF and XS. Proposed by Error-proposal. The original
// is dangerous, so tameErrorConstructor replaces it with a safe one.
// We grab the original here before it gets replaced.
const stackDesc= getOwnPropertyDescriptor(FERAL_ERROR.prototype, 'stack');
const stackGetter= stackDesc&& stackDesc.get;
// Use concise methods to obtain named functions without constructors.
const tamedMethods= {
getStackString(error) {
if( typeof stackGetter=== 'function') {
return apply(stackGetter, error, []);
}else if( 'stack'in error) {
// The fallback is to just use the de facto `error.stack` if present
return `${error.stack}`;
return '';
function tameErrorConstructor(
errorTaming= 'safe',
stackFiltering= 'concise')
if( errorTaming!== 'safe'&& errorTaming!== 'unsafe') {
throw TypeError( `unrecognized errorTaming ${errorTaming}`);
if( stackFiltering!== 'concise'&& stackFiltering!== 'verbose') {
throw TypeError( `unrecognized stackFiltering ${stackFiltering}`);
const ErrorPrototype= FERAL_ERROR.prototype;
const platform=
typeof FERAL_ERROR.captureStackTrace=== 'function'? 'v8': 'unknown';
const { captureStackTrace: originalCaptureStackTrace}= FERAL_ERROR;
const makeErrorConstructor= (_= {})=> {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
const ResultError= function Error( {
let error;
if( undefined) {
error= apply(FERAL_ERROR, this, rest);
}else {
error= construct(FERAL_ERROR, rest,;
if( platform=== 'v8') {
// TODO Likely expensive!
apply(originalCaptureStackTrace, FERAL_ERROR, [error, ResultError]);
return error;
defineProperties(ResultError, {
length: { value: 1},
prototype: {
value: ErrorPrototype,
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: false}});
return ResultError;
const InitialError= makeErrorConstructor({ powers: 'original'});
const SharedError= makeErrorConstructor({ powers: 'none'});
defineProperties(ErrorPrototype, {
constructor: { value: SharedError}});
for( const NativeError of NativeErrors) {
setPrototypeOf(NativeError, SharedError);
// advises that
// programmers can "always" set `Error.stackTraceLimit`
// even on non-v8 platforms. On non-v8
// it will have no effect, but this advice only makes sense
// if the assignment itself does not fail, which it would
// if `Error` were naively frozen. Hence, we add setters that
// accept but ignore the assignment on non-v8 platforms.
defineProperties(InitialError, {
stackTraceLimit: {
get() {
if( typeof FERAL_ERROR.stackTraceLimit=== 'number') {
// FERAL_ERROR.stackTraceLimit is only on v8
return FERAL_ERROR.stackTraceLimit;
return undefined;
set(newLimit) {
if( typeof newLimit!== 'number') {
// silently do nothing. This behavior doesn't precisely
// emulate v8 edge-case behavior. But given the purpose
// of this emulation, having edge cases err towards
// harmless seems the safer option.
if( typeof FERAL_ERROR.stackTraceLimit=== 'number') {
// FERAL_ERROR.stackTraceLimit is only on v8
FERAL_ERROR.stackTraceLimit= newLimit;
// We place the useless return on the next line to ensure
// that anything we place after the if in the future only
// happens if the then-case does not.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-return
// WTF on v8 stackTraceLimit is enumerable
enumerable: false,
configurable: true}});
// The default SharedError much be completely powerless even on v8,
// so the lenient `stackTraceLimit` accessor does nothing on all
// platforms.
defineProperties(SharedError, {
stackTraceLimit: {
get() {
return undefined;
set(_newLimit) {
// do nothing
enumerable: false,
configurable: true}});
if( platform=== 'v8') {
// `SharedError.prepareStackTrace`, if it exists, must also be
// powerless. However, from what we've heard, depd expects to be able to
// assign to it without the assignment throwing. It is normally a function
// that returns a stack string to be magically added to error objects.
// However, as long as we're adding a lenient standin, we may as well
// accommodate any who expect to get a function they can call and get
// a string back. This prepareStackTrace is a do-nothing function that
// always returns the empty string.
defineProperties(SharedError, {
prepareStackTrace: {
get() {
return ()=> '';
set(_prepareFn) {
// do nothing
enumerable: false,
configurable: true},
captureStackTrace: {
value: (errorish, _constructorOpt)=> {
defineProperty(errorish, 'stack', {
value: ''});
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true}});
let initialGetStackString= tamedMethods.getStackString;
if( platform=== 'v8') {
initialGetStackString= tameV8ErrorConstructor(
}else if( errorTaming=== 'unsafe') {
// v8 has too much magic around their 'stack' own property for it to
// coexist cleanly with this accessor. So only install it on non-v8
// Error.prototype.stack property as proposed at
// with the fix proposed at
// On others, this still protects from the override mistake,
// essentially like enable-property-overrides.js would
// once this accessor property itself is frozen, as will happen
// later during lockdown.
// However, there is here a change from the intent in the current
// state of the proposal. If experience tells us whether this change
// is a good idea, we should modify the proposal accordingly. There is
// much code in the world that assumes `error.stack` is a string. So
// where the proposal accommodates secure operation by making the
// property optional, we instead accommodate secure operation by
// having the secure form always return only the stable part, the
// stringified error instance, and omitting all the frame information
// rather than omitting the property.
defineProperties(ErrorPrototype, {
stack: {
get() {
return initialGetStackString(this);
set(newValue) {
defineProperties(this, {
stack: {
value: newValue,
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true}});
}else {
// v8 has too much magic around their 'stack' own property for it to
// coexist cleanly with this accessor. So only install it on non-v8
defineProperties(ErrorPrototype, {
stack: {
get() {
// allows this to not add an unpleasant newline. Otherwise
// we should fix this.
return `${this}`;
set(newValue) {
defineProperties(this, {
stack: {
value: newValue,
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true}});
return {
'%InitialGetStackString%': initialGetStackString,
'%InitialError%': InitialError,
'%SharedError%': SharedError};
}$h‍_once.default( tameErrorConstructor);
// === functors[39] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let ReferenceError,TypeError,Map,Set,arrayJoin,arrayMap,arrayPush,create,freeze,mapGet,mapHas,mapSet,setAdd,promiseCatch,promiseThen,values,weakmapGet,assert;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["ReferenceError", [$h‍_a => (ReferenceError = $h‍_a)]],["TypeError", [$h‍_a => (TypeError = $h‍_a)]],["Map", [$h‍_a => (Map = $h‍_a)]],["Set", [$h‍_a => (Set = $h‍_a)]],["arrayJoin", [$h‍_a => (arrayJoin = $h‍_a)]],["arrayMap", [$h‍_a => (arrayMap = $h‍_a)]],["arrayPush", [$h‍_a => (arrayPush = $h‍_a)]],["create", [$h‍_a => (create = $h‍_a)]],["freeze", [$h‍_a => (freeze = $h‍_a)]],["mapGet", [$h‍_a => (mapGet = $h‍_a)]],["mapHas", [$h‍_a => (mapHas = $h‍_a)]],["mapSet", [$h‍_a => (mapSet = $h‍_a)]],["setAdd", [$h‍_a => (setAdd = $h‍_a)]],["promiseCatch", [$h‍_a => (promiseCatch = $h‍_a)]],["promiseThen", [$h‍_a => (promiseThen = $h‍_a)]],["values", [$h‍_a => (values = $h‍_a)]],["weakmapGet", [$h‍_a => (weakmapGet = $h‍_a)]]]],["./error/assert.js", [["assert", [$h‍_a => (assert = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
const { Fail, details: d, quote: q}= assert;
const noop= ()=> { };
// `makeAlias` constructs compartment specifier tuples for the `aliases`
// private field of compartments.
// These aliases allow a compartment to alias an internal module specifier to a
// module specifier in an external compartment, and also to create internal
// aliases.
// Both are facilitated by the moduleMap Compartment constructor option.
const makeAlias= (compartment, specifier)=>
// `resolveAll` pre-computes resolutions of all imports within the compartment
// in which a module was loaded.
$h‍_once.makeAlias(makeAlias);const resolveAll=(imports,resolveHook,fullReferrerSpecifier)=>{
const resolvedImports= create(null);
for( const importSpecifier of imports) {
const fullSpecifier= resolveHook(importSpecifier, fullReferrerSpecifier);
resolvedImports[importSpecifier]= fullSpecifier;
return freeze(resolvedImports);
const loadRecord= (
const { resolveHook, moduleRecords}= weakmapGet(
// resolve all imports relative to this referrer module.
const resolvedImports= resolveAll(
const moduleRecord= freeze({
// Enqueue jobs to load this module's shallow dependencies.
for( const fullSpecifier of values(resolvedImports)) {
// Behold: recursion.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
const dependencyLoaded= memoizedLoadWithErrorAnnotation(
promiseThen(dependencyLoaded, noop, (error)=>{
arrayPush(errors, error);
// Memoize.
mapSet(moduleRecords, moduleSpecifier, moduleRecord);
return moduleRecord;
const loadWithoutErrorAnnotation= async(
const { importHook, moduleMap, moduleMapHook, moduleRecords}= weakmapGet(
// Follow moduleMap, or moduleMapHook if present.
let aliasNamespace= moduleMap[moduleSpecifier];
if( aliasNamespace=== undefined&& moduleMapHook!== undefined) {
aliasNamespace= moduleMapHook(moduleSpecifier);
if( typeof aliasNamespace=== 'string') {
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
d `Cannot map module ${q(moduleSpecifier)} to ${q(
} in parent compartment, not yet implemented`,
}else if( aliasNamespace!== undefined) {
const alias= weakmapGet(moduleAliases, aliasNamespace);
if( alias=== undefined) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
d `Cannot map module ${q(
} because the value is not a module exports namespace, or is from another realm`,
// Behold: recursion.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
const aliasRecord= await memoizedLoadWithErrorAnnotation(
mapSet(moduleRecords, moduleSpecifier, aliasRecord);
return aliasRecord;
if( mapHas(moduleRecords, moduleSpecifier)) {
return mapGet(moduleRecords, moduleSpecifier);
const staticModuleRecord= await importHook(moduleSpecifier);
if( staticModuleRecord=== null|| typeof staticModuleRecord!== 'object') {
Fail `importHook must return a promise for an object, for module ${q(
} in compartment ${q(}`;
// check if record is a RedirectStaticModuleInterface
if( staticModuleRecord.specifier!== undefined) {
// check if this redirect with an explicit record
if( staticModuleRecord.record!== undefined) {
// ensure expected record shape
if( staticModuleRecord.compartment!== undefined) {
throw TypeError(
'Cannot redirect to an explicit record with a specified compartment');
const {
compartment: aliasCompartment= compartment,
specifier: aliasSpecifier= moduleSpecifier,
record: aliasModuleRecord,
const aliasRecord= loadRecord(
mapSet(moduleRecords, moduleSpecifier, aliasRecord);
return aliasRecord;
// check if this redirect with an explicit compartment
if( staticModuleRecord.compartment!== undefined) {
// ensure expected record shape
if( staticModuleRecord.importMeta!== undefined) {
throw TypeError(
'Cannot redirect to an implicit record with a specified importMeta');
// Behold: recursion.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
const aliasRecord= await memoizedLoadWithErrorAnnotation(
mapSet(moduleRecords, moduleSpecifier, aliasRecord);
return aliasRecord;
throw TypeError('Unnexpected RedirectStaticModuleInterface record shape');
return loadRecord(
const memoizedLoadWithErrorAnnotation= async(
const { name: compartmentName}= weakmapGet(
// Prevent data-lock from recursion into branches visited in dependent loads.
let compartmentLoading= mapGet(moduleLoads, compartment);
if( compartmentLoading=== undefined) {
compartmentLoading= new Map();
mapSet(moduleLoads, compartment, compartmentLoading);
let moduleLoading= mapGet(compartmentLoading, moduleSpecifier);
if( moduleLoading!== undefined) {
return moduleLoading;
moduleLoading= promiseCatch(
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
d `${error.message}, loading ${q(moduleSpecifier)} in compartment ${q(
throw error;
mapSet(compartmentLoading, moduleSpecifier, moduleLoading);
return moduleLoading;
* `load` asynchronously gathers the `StaticModuleRecord`s for a module and its
* transitive dependencies.
* The module records refer to each other by a reference to the dependency's
* compartment and the specifier of the module within its own compartment.
* This graph is then ready to be synchronously linked and executed.
const load= async(
const { name: compartmentName}= weakmapGet(
/** @type {Set<Promise<undefined>>} */
const pendingJobs= new Set();
/** @type {Map<object, Map<string, Promise<Record<any, any>>>>} */
const moduleLoads= new Map();
/** @type {Array<Error>} */
const errors= [];
const dependencyLoaded= memoizedLoadWithErrorAnnotation(
promiseThen(dependencyLoaded, noop, (error)=>{
arrayPush(errors, error);
// Drain pending jobs queue.
// Each job is a promise for undefined, regardless of success or failure.
// Before we add a job to the queue, we catch any error and push it into the
// `errors` accumulator.
for( const job of pendingJobs) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
await job;
// Throw an aggregate error if there were any errors.
if( errors.length> 0) {
throw TypeError(
`Failed to load module ${q(moduleSpecifier)} in package ${q(
} (${errors.length} underlying failures: ${arrayJoin(
arrayMap(errors, (error)=>error.message),
', ')
// === functors[40] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let makeAlias,Proxy,TypeError,create,freeze,mapGet,mapHas,mapSet,ownKeys,reflectGet,reflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor,reflectHas,reflectIsExtensible,reflectPreventExtensions,toStringTagSymbol,weakmapSet,assert;$h‍_imports([["./module-load.js", [["makeAlias", [$h‍_a => (makeAlias = $h‍_a)]]]],["./commons.js", [["Proxy", [$h‍_a => (Proxy = $h‍_a)]],["TypeError", [$h‍_a => (TypeError = $h‍_a)]],["create", [$h‍_a => (create = $h‍_a)]],["freeze", [$h‍_a => (freeze = $h‍_a)]],["mapGet", [$h‍_a => (mapGet = $h‍_a)]],["mapHas", [$h‍_a => (mapHas = $h‍_a)]],["mapSet", [$h‍_a => (mapSet = $h‍_a)]],["ownKeys", [$h‍_a => (ownKeys = $h‍_a)]],["reflectGet", [$h‍_a => (reflectGet = $h‍_a)]],["reflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor", [$h‍_a => (reflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor = $h‍_a)]],["reflectHas", [$h‍_a => (reflectHas = $h‍_a)]],["reflectIsExtensible", [$h‍_a => (reflectIsExtensible = $h‍_a)]],["reflectPreventExtensions", [$h‍_a => (reflectPreventExtensions = $h‍_a)]],["toStringTagSymbol", [$h‍_a => (toStringTagSymbol = $h‍_a)]],["weakmapSet", [$h‍_a => (weakmapSet = $h‍_a)]]]],["./error/assert.js", [["assert", [$h‍_a => (assert = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
const { quote: q}= assert;
// `deferExports` creates a module's exports proxy, proxied exports, and
// activator.
// A `Compartment` can create a module for any module specifier, regardless of
// whether it is loadable or executable, and use that object as a token that
// can be fed into another compartment's module map.
// Only after the specified module has been analyzed is it possible for the
// module namespace proxy to behave properly, so it throws exceptions until
// after the compartment has begun executing the module.
// The module instance must freeze the proxied exports and activate the exports
// proxy before executing the module.
// The module exports proxy's behavior differs from the ECMAScript 262
// specification for "module namespace exotic objects" only in that according
// to the specification value property descriptors have a non-writable "value"
// and this implementation models all properties with accessors.
const deferExports= ()=> {
let active= false;
const exportsTarget= create(null, {
// Make this appear like an ESM module namespace object.
[toStringTagSymbol]: {
value: 'Module',
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: false}});
return freeze({
activate() {
active= true;
exportsProxy: new Proxy(exportsTarget, {
get(_target, name, receiver) {
if( !active) {
throw TypeError(
`Cannot get property ${q(
} of module exports namespace, the module has not yet begun to execute`);
return reflectGet(exportsTarget, name, receiver);
set(_target, name, _value) {
throw TypeError(
`Cannot set property ${q(name)} of module exports namespace`);
has(_target, name) {
if( !active) {
throw TypeError(
`Cannot check property ${q(
}, the module has not yet begun to execute`);
return reflectHas(exportsTarget, name);
deleteProperty(_target, name) {
throw TypeError(
`Cannot delete property ${q(name)}s of module exports namespace`);
ownKeys(_target) {
if( !active) {
throw TypeError(
'Cannot enumerate keys, the module has not yet begun to execute');
return ownKeys(exportsTarget);
getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_target, name) {
if( !active) {
throw TypeError(
`Cannot get own property descriptor ${q(
}, the module has not yet begun to execute`);
return reflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(exportsTarget, name);
preventExtensions(_target) {
if( !active) {
throw TypeError(
'Cannot prevent extensions of module exports namespace, the module has not yet begun to execute');
return reflectPreventExtensions(exportsTarget);
isExtensible() {
if( !active) {
throw TypeError(
'Cannot check extensibility of module exports namespace, the module has not yet begun to execute');
return reflectIsExtensible(exportsTarget);
getPrototypeOf(_target) {
return null;
setPrototypeOf(_target, _proto) {
throw TypeError('Cannot set prototype of module exports namespace');
defineProperty(_target, name, _descriptor) {
throw TypeError(
`Cannot define property ${q(name)} of module exports namespace`);
apply(_target, _thisArg, _args) {
throw TypeError(
'Cannot call module exports namespace, it is not a function');
construct(_target, _args) {
throw TypeError(
'Cannot construct module exports namespace, it is not a constructor');
* @typedef {object} DeferredExports
* @property {Record<string, any>} exportsTarget - The object to which a
* module's exports will be added.
* @property {Record<string, any>} exportsProxy - A proxy over the `exportsTarget`,
* used to expose its "exports" to other compartments.
* @property {() => void} activate - Activate the `exportsProxy` such that it can
* be used as a module namespace object.
* Memoizes the creation of a deferred module exports namespace proxy for any
* arbitrary full specifier in a compartment. It also records the compartment
* and specifier affiliated with that module exports namespace proxy so it
* can be used as an alias into another compartment when threaded through
* a compartment's `moduleMap` argument.
* @param {*} compartment - The compartment to retrieve deferred exports from.
* @param {*} compartmentPrivateFields - The private fields of the compartment.
* @param {*} moduleAliases - The module aliases of the compartment.
* @param {string} specifier - The module specifier to retrieve deferred exports for.
* @returns {DeferredExports} - The deferred exports for the module specifier of
* the compartment.
const getDeferredExports= (
const { deferredExports}= compartmentPrivateFields;
if( !mapHas(deferredExports, specifier)) {
const deferred= deferExports();
makeAlias(compartment, specifier));
mapSet(deferredExports, specifier, deferred);
return mapGet(deferredExports, specifier);
// === functors[41] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let TypeError,arrayPush,create,getOwnPropertyDescriptors,evadeHtmlCommentTest,evadeImportExpressionTest,rejectSomeDirectEvalExpressions,makeSafeEvaluator;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["TypeError", [$h‍_a => (TypeError = $h‍_a)]],["arrayPush", [$h‍_a => (arrayPush = $h‍_a)]],["create", [$h‍_a => (create = $h‍_a)]],["getOwnPropertyDescriptors", [$h‍_a => (getOwnPropertyDescriptors = $h‍_a)]]]],["./transforms.js", [["evadeHtmlCommentTest", [$h‍_a => (evadeHtmlCommentTest = $h‍_a)]],["evadeImportExpressionTest", [$h‍_a => (evadeImportExpressionTest = $h‍_a)]],["rejectSomeDirectEvalExpressions", [$h‍_a => (rejectSomeDirectEvalExpressions = $h‍_a)]]]],["./make-safe-evaluator.js", [["makeSafeEvaluator", [$h‍_a => (makeSafeEvaluator = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
const provideCompartmentEvaluator= (compartmentFields, options)=> {
const { sloppyGlobalsMode= false, __moduleShimLexicals__= undefined}=
let safeEvaluate;
if( __moduleShimLexicals__=== undefined&& !sloppyGlobalsMode) {
({ safeEvaluate}= compartmentFields);
}else {
// The scope proxy or global lexicals are different from the
// shared evaluator so we need to build a new one
let { globalTransforms}= compartmentFields;
const { globalObject}= compartmentFields;
let moduleLexicals;
if( __moduleShimLexicals__!== undefined) {
// When using `evaluate` for ESM modules, as should only occur from the
// module-shim's module-instance.js, we do not reveal the SES-shim's
// module-to-program translation, as this is not standardizable behavior.
// However, the `localTransforms` will come from the `__shimTransforms__`
// Compartment option in this case, which is a non-standardizable escape
// hatch so programs designed specifically for the SES-shim
// implementation may opt-in to use the same transforms for `evaluate`
// and `import`, at the expense of being tightly coupled to SES-shim.
globalTransforms= undefined;
moduleLexicals= create(
({ safeEvaluate}= makeSafeEvaluator({
return { safeEvaluate};
const compartmentEvaluate= (compartmentFields, source, options)=> {
// Perform this check first to avoid unnecessary sanitizing.
// TODO Maybe relax string check and coerce instead:
if( typeof source!== 'string') {
throw TypeError('first argument of evaluate() must be a string');
// Extract options, and shallow-clone transforms.
const {
transforms= [],
__evadeHtmlCommentTest__= false,
__evadeImportExpressionTest__= false,
__rejectSomeDirectEvalExpressions__= true // Note default on
}= options;
const localTransforms= [...transforms];
if( __evadeHtmlCommentTest__=== true) {
arrayPush(localTransforms, evadeHtmlCommentTest);
if( __evadeImportExpressionTest__=== true) {
arrayPush(localTransforms, evadeImportExpressionTest);
if( __rejectSomeDirectEvalExpressions__=== true) {
arrayPush(localTransforms, rejectSomeDirectEvalExpressions);
const { safeEvaluate}= provideCompartmentEvaluator(
return safeEvaluate(source, {
// === functors[42] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let assert,getDeferredExports,ReferenceError,SyntaxError,TypeError,arrayForEach,arrayIncludes,arrayPush,arraySome,arraySort,create,defineProperty,entries,freeze,isArray,keys,mapGet,weakmapGet,reflectHas,assign,compartmentEvaluate;$h‍_imports([["./error/assert.js", [["assert", [$h‍_a => (assert = $h‍_a)]]]],["./module-proxy.js", [["getDeferredExports", [$h‍_a => (getDeferredExports = $h‍_a)]]]],["./commons.js", [["ReferenceError", [$h‍_a => (ReferenceError = $h‍_a)]],["SyntaxError", [$h‍_a => (SyntaxError = $h‍_a)]],["TypeError", [$h‍_a => (TypeError = $h‍_a)]],["arrayForEach", [$h‍_a => (arrayForEach = $h‍_a)]],["arrayIncludes", [$h‍_a => (arrayIncludes = $h‍_a)]],["arrayPush", [$h‍_a => (arrayPush = $h‍_a)]],["arraySome", [$h‍_a => (arraySome = $h‍_a)]],["arraySort", [$h‍_a => (arraySort = $h‍_a)]],["create", [$h‍_a => (create = $h‍_a)]],["defineProperty", [$h‍_a => (defineProperty = $h‍_a)]],["entries", [$h‍_a => (entries = $h‍_a)]],["freeze", [$h‍_a => (freeze = $h‍_a)]],["isArray", [$h‍_a => (isArray = $h‍_a)]],["keys", [$h‍_a => (keys = $h‍_a)]],["mapGet", [$h‍_a => (mapGet = $h‍_a)]],["weakmapGet", [$h‍_a => (weakmapGet = $h‍_a)]],["reflectHas", [$h‍_a => (reflectHas = $h‍_a)]],["assign", [$h‍_a => (assign = $h‍_a)]]]],["./compartment-evaluate.js", [["compartmentEvaluate", [$h‍_a => (compartmentEvaluate = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
const { quote: q}= assert;
const makeThirdPartyModuleInstance= (
const { exportsProxy, exportsTarget, activate}= getDeferredExports(
weakmapGet(compartmentPrivateFields, compartment),
const notifiers= create(null);
if( staticModuleRecord.exports) {
arraySome(staticModuleRecord.exports, (name)=>typeof name!== 'string'))
throw TypeError(
`SES third-party static module record "exports" property must be an array of strings for module ${moduleSpecifier}`);
arrayForEach(staticModuleRecord.exports, (name)=>{
let value= exportsTarget[name];
const updaters= [];
const get= ()=> value;
const set= (newValue)=>{
value= newValue;
for( const updater of updaters) {
defineProperty(exportsTarget, name, {
enumerable: true,
configurable: false});
notifiers[name]= (update)=>{
arrayPush(updaters, update);
// This is enough to support import * from cjs - the '*' field doesn't need to be in exports nor exportsTarget because import will only ever access it via notifiers
notifiers['*']= (update)=>{
const localState= {
activated: false};
return freeze({
execute() {
if( reflectHas(localState, 'errorFromExecute')) {
throw localState.errorFromExecute;
if( !localState.activated) {
localState.activated= true;
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
}catch( err) {
localState.errorFromExecute= err;
throw err;
// `makeModuleInstance` takes a module's compartment record, the live import
// namespace, and a global object; and produces a module instance.
// The module instance carries the proxied module exports namespace (the
// "exports"), notifiers to update the module's internal import namespace, and
// an idempotent execute function.
// The module exports namespace is a proxy to the proxied exports namespace
// that the execution of the module instance populates.
$h‍_once.makeThirdPartyModuleInstance(makeThirdPartyModuleInstance);const makeModuleInstance=(
const {
importMeta: moduleRecordMeta}=
const {
reexports: exportAlls= [],
__syncModuleProgram__: functorSource,
__fixedExportMap__: fixedExportMap= {},
__liveExportMap__: liveExportMap= {},
__reexportMap__: reexportMap= {},
__needsImportMeta__: needsImportMeta= false,
const compartmentFields= weakmapGet(privateFields, compartment);
const { __shimTransforms__, importMetaHook}= compartmentFields;
const { exportsProxy, exportsTarget, activate}= getDeferredExports(
// {_exportName_: getter} module exports namespace
// object (eventually proxied).
const exportsProps= create(null);
// {_localName_: accessor} proxy traps for moduleLexicals and live bindings.
// The moduleLexicals object is frozen and the corresponding properties of
// moduleLexicals must be immutable, so we copy the descriptors.
const moduleLexicals= create(null);
// {_localName_: init(initValue) -> initValue} used by the
// rewritten code to initialize exported fixed bindings.
const onceVar= create(null);
// {_localName_: update(newValue)} used by the rewritten code to
// both initialize and update live bindings.
const liveVar= create(null);
const importMeta= create(null);
if( moduleRecordMeta) {
assign(importMeta, moduleRecordMeta);
if( needsImportMeta&& importMetaHook) {
importMetaHook(moduleSpecifier, importMeta);
// {_localName_: [{get, set, notify}]} used to merge all the export updaters.
const localGetNotify= create(null);
// {[importName: string]: notify(update(newValue))} Used by code that imports
// one of this module's exports, so that their update function will
// be notified when this binding is initialized or updated.
const notifiers= create(null);
arrayForEach(entries(fixedExportMap), ([fixedExportName, [localName]])=> {
let fixedGetNotify= localGetNotify[localName];
if( !fixedGetNotify) {
// fixed binding state
let value;
let tdz= true;
/** @type {null | Array<(value: any) => void>} */
let optUpdaters= [];
// tdz sensitive getter
const get= ()=> {
if( tdz) {
throw ReferenceError( `binding ${q(localName)} not yet initialized`);
return value;
// leave tdz once
const init= freeze((initValue)=>{
// init with initValue of a declared const binding, and return
// it.
if( !tdz) {
throw TypeError(
`Internal: binding ${q(localName)} already initialized`);
value= initValue;
const updaters= optUpdaters;
optUpdaters= null;
tdz= false;
for( const updater of updaters|| []) {
return initValue;
// If still tdz, register update for notification later.
// Otherwise, update now.
const notify= (updater)=>{
if( updater=== init) {
// Prevent recursion.
if( tdz) {
arrayPush(optUpdaters|| [], updater);
}else {
// Need these for additional exports of the local variable.
fixedGetNotify= {
localGetNotify[localName]= fixedGetNotify;
onceVar[localName]= init;
exportsProps[fixedExportName]= {
get: fixedGetNotify.get,
set: undefined,
enumerable: true,
configurable: false};
notifiers[fixedExportName]= fixedGetNotify.notify;
([liveExportName, [localName, setProxyTrap]])=> {
let liveGetNotify= localGetNotify[localName];
if( !liveGetNotify) {
// live binding state
let value;
let tdz= true;
const updaters= [];
// tdz sensitive getter
const get= ()=> {
if( tdz) {
throw ReferenceError(
`binding ${q(liveExportName)} not yet initialized`);
return value;
// This must be usable locally for the translation of initializing
// a declared local live binding variable.
// For reexported variable, this is also an update function to
// register for notification with the downstream import, which we
// must assume to be live. Thus, it can be called independent of
// tdz but always leaves tdz. Such reexporting creates a tree of
// bindings. This lets the tree be hooked up even if the imported
// module instance isn't initialized yet, as may happen in cycles.
const update= freeze((newValue)=>{
value= newValue;
tdz= false;
for( const updater of updaters) {
// tdz sensitive setter
const set= (newValue)=>{
if( tdz) {
throw ReferenceError( `binding ${q(localName)} not yet initialized`);
value= newValue;
for( const updater of updaters) {
// Always register the updater function.
// If not in tdz, also update now.
const notify= (updater)=>{
if( updater=== update) {
// Prevent recursion.
arrayPush(updaters, updater);
if( !tdz) {
liveGetNotify= {
localGetNotify[localName]= liveGetNotify;
if( setProxyTrap) {
defineProperty(moduleLexicals, localName, {
enumerable: true,
configurable: false});
liveVar[localName]= update;
exportsProps[liveExportName]= {
get: liveGetNotify.get,
set: undefined,
enumerable: true,
configurable: false};
notifiers[liveExportName]= liveGetNotify.notify;
const notifyStar= (update)=>{
notifiers['*']= notifyStar;
// Per the calling convention for the moduleFunctor generated from
// an ESM, the `imports` function gets called once up front
// to populate or arrange the population of imports and reexports.
// The generated code produces an `updateRecord`: the means for
// the linker to update the imports and exports of the module.
// The updateRecord must conform to moduleAnalysis.imports
// updateRecord = Map<specifier, importUpdaters>
// importUpdaters = Map<importName, [update(newValue)*]>
function imports(updateRecord) {
// By the time imports is called, the importedInstances should already be
// initialized with module instances that satisfy
// imports.
// importedInstances = Map[_specifier_, { notifiers, module, execute }]
// notifiers = { [importName: string]: notify(update(newValue))}
// export * cannot export default.
const candidateAll= create(null);
candidateAll.default= false;
for( const [specifier, importUpdaters]of updateRecord) {
const instance= mapGet(importedInstances, specifier);
// The module instance object is an internal literal, does not bind this,
// and never revealed outside the SES shim.
// There are two instantiation sites for instances and they are both in
// this module.
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
instance.execute(); // bottom up cycle tolerant
const { notifiers: importNotifiers}= instance;
for( const [importName, updaters]of importUpdaters) {
const importNotify= importNotifiers[importName];
if( !importNotify) {
throw SyntaxError(
`The requested module '${specifier}' does not provide an export named '${importName}'`);
for( const updater of updaters) {
if( arrayIncludes(exportAlls, specifier)) {
// Make all these imports candidates.
// Note names don't change in reexporting all
for( const [importAndExportName, importNotify]of entries(
if( candidateAll[importAndExportName]=== undefined) {
candidateAll[importAndExportName]= importNotify;
}else {
// Already a candidate: remove ambiguity.
candidateAll[importAndExportName]= false;
if( reexportMap[specifier]) {
// Make named reexports candidates too.
for( const [localName, exportedName]of reexportMap[specifier]) {
candidateAll[exportedName]= importNotifiers[localName];
for( const [exportName, notify]of entries(candidateAll)) {
if( !notifiers[exportName]&& notify!== false) {
notifiers[exportName]= notify;
// exported live binding state
let value;
const update= (newValue)=> value= newValue;
exportsProps[exportName]= {
get() {
return value;
set: undefined,
enumerable: true,
configurable: false};
// Sort the module exports namespace as per spec.
// The module exports namespace will be wrapped in a module namespace
// exports proxy which will serve as a "module exports namespace exotic
// object".
// Sorting properties is not generally reliable because some properties may
// be symbols, and symbols do not have an inherent relative order, but
// since all properties of the exports namespace must be keyed by a string
// and the string must correspond to a valid identifier, sorting these
// properties works for this specific case.
arrayForEach(arraySort(keys(exportsProps)), (k)=>
defineProperty(exportsTarget, k, exportsProps[k]));
let optFunctor;
if( __syncModuleFunctor__!== undefined) {
optFunctor= __syncModuleFunctor__;
}else {
optFunctor= compartmentEvaluate(compartmentFields, functorSource, {
globalObject: compartment.globalThis,
transforms: __shimTransforms__,
__moduleShimLexicals__: moduleLexicals});
let didThrow= false;
let thrownError;
function execute() {
if( optFunctor) {
// uninitialized
const functor= optFunctor;
optFunctor= null;
// initializing - call with `this` of `undefined`.
try {
imports: freeze(imports),
onceVar: freeze(onceVar),
liveVar: freeze(liveVar),
}catch( e) {
didThrow= true;
thrownError= e;
// initialized
if( didThrow) {
throw thrownError;
return freeze({
// === functors[43] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let assert,makeModuleInstance,makeThirdPartyModuleInstance,Map,ReferenceError,TypeError,entries,isArray,isObject,mapGet,mapHas,mapSet,weakmapGet;$h‍_imports([["./error/assert.js", [["assert", [$h‍_a => (assert = $h‍_a)]]]],["./module-instance.js", [["makeModuleInstance", [$h‍_a => (makeModuleInstance = $h‍_a)]],["makeThirdPartyModuleInstance", [$h‍_a => (makeThirdPartyModuleInstance = $h‍_a)]]]],["./commons.js", [["Map", [$h‍_a => (Map = $h‍_a)]],["ReferenceError", [$h‍_a => (ReferenceError = $h‍_a)]],["TypeError", [$h‍_a => (TypeError = $h‍_a)]],["entries", [$h‍_a => (entries = $h‍_a)]],["isArray", [$h‍_a => (isArray = $h‍_a)]],["isObject", [$h‍_a => (isObject = $h‍_a)]],["mapGet", [$h‍_a => (mapGet = $h‍_a)]],["mapHas", [$h‍_a => (mapHas = $h‍_a)]],["mapSet", [$h‍_a => (mapSet = $h‍_a)]],["weakmapGet", [$h‍_a => (weakmapGet = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
const { Fail, quote: q}= assert;
// `link` creates `ModuleInstances` and `ModuleNamespaces` for a module and its
// transitive dependencies and connects their imports and exports.
// After linking, the resulting working set is ready to be executed.
// The linker only concerns itself with module namespaces that are objects with
// property descriptors for their exports, which the Compartment proxies with
// the actual `ModuleNamespace`.
const link= (
const { name: compartmentName, moduleRecords}= weakmapGet(
const moduleRecord= mapGet(moduleRecords, moduleSpecifier);
if( moduleRecord=== undefined) {
throw ReferenceError(
`Missing link to module ${q(moduleSpecifier)} from compartment ${q(
// Mutual recursion so there's no confusion about which
// compartment is in context: the module record may be in another
// compartment, denoted by moduleRecord.compartment.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
return instantiate(compartmentPrivateFields, moduleAliases, moduleRecord);
function isPrecompiled(staticModuleRecord) {
return typeof staticModuleRecord.__syncModuleProgram__=== 'string';
function validatePrecompiledStaticModuleRecord(
const { __fixedExportMap__, __liveExportMap__}= staticModuleRecord;
Fail `Property '__fixedExportMap__' of a precompiled module record must be an object, got ${q(
}, for module ${q(moduleSpecifier)}`;
Fail `Property '__liveExportMap__' of a precompiled module record must be an object, got ${q(
}, for module ${q(moduleSpecifier)}`;
function isThirdParty(staticModuleRecord) {
return typeof staticModuleRecord.execute=== 'function';
function validateThirdPartyStaticModuleRecord(
const { exports}= staticModuleRecord;
Fail `Property 'exports' of a third-party static module record must be an array, got ${q(
}, for module ${q(moduleSpecifier)}`;
function validateStaticModuleRecord(staticModuleRecord, moduleSpecifier) {
Fail `Static module records must be of type object, got ${q(
}, for module ${q(moduleSpecifier)}`;
const { imports, exports, reexports= []}= staticModuleRecord;
Fail `Property 'imports' of a static module record must be an array, got ${q(
}, for module ${q(moduleSpecifier)}`;
Fail `Property 'exports' of a precompiled module record must be an array, got ${q(
}, for module ${q(moduleSpecifier)}`;
Fail `Property 'reexports' of a precompiled module record must be an array if present, got ${q(
}, for module ${q(moduleSpecifier)}`;
const instantiate= (
const { compartment, moduleSpecifier, resolvedImports, staticModuleRecord}=
const { instances}= weakmapGet(compartmentPrivateFields, compartment);
// Memoize.
if( mapHas(instances, moduleSpecifier)) {
return mapGet(instances, moduleSpecifier);
validateStaticModuleRecord(staticModuleRecord, moduleSpecifier);
const importedInstances= new Map();
let moduleInstance;
if( isPrecompiled(staticModuleRecord)) {
validatePrecompiledStaticModuleRecord(staticModuleRecord, moduleSpecifier);
moduleInstance= makeModuleInstance(
}else if( isThirdParty(staticModuleRecord)) {
validateThirdPartyStaticModuleRecord(staticModuleRecord, moduleSpecifier);
moduleInstance= makeThirdPartyModuleInstance(
}else {
throw TypeError(
`importHook must return a static module record, got ${q(
// Memoize.
mapSet(instances, moduleSpecifier, moduleInstance);
// Link dependency modules.
for( const [importSpecifier, resolvedSpecifier]of entries(resolvedImports)) {
const importedInstance= link(
mapSet(importedInstances, importSpecifier, importedInstance);
return moduleInstance;
// === functors[44] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let Map,ReferenceError,TypeError,WeakMap,assign,defineProperties,entries,promiseThen,toStringTagSymbol,weakmapGet,weakmapSet,setGlobalObjectSymbolUnscopables,setGlobalObjectConstantProperties,setGlobalObjectMutableProperties,setGlobalObjectEvaluators,sharedGlobalPropertyNames,load,link,getDeferredExports,assert,compartmentEvaluate,makeSafeEvaluator;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["Map", [$h‍_a => (Map = $h‍_a)]],["ReferenceError", [$h‍_a => (ReferenceError = $h‍_a)]],["TypeError", [$h‍_a => (TypeError = $h‍_a)]],["WeakMap", [$h‍_a => (WeakMap = $h‍_a)]],["assign", [$h‍_a => (assign = $h‍_a)]],["defineProperties", [$h‍_a => (defineProperties = $h‍_a)]],["entries", [$h‍_a => (entries = $h‍_a)]],["promiseThen", [$h‍_a => (promiseThen = $h‍_a)]],["toStringTagSymbol", [$h‍_a => (toStringTagSymbol = $h‍_a)]],["weakmapGet", [$h‍_a => (weakmapGet = $h‍_a)]],["weakmapSet", [$h‍_a => (weakmapSet = $h‍_a)]]]],["./global-object.js", [["setGlobalObjectSymbolUnscopables", [$h‍_a => (setGlobalObjectSymbolUnscopables = $h‍_a)]],["setGlobalObjectConstantProperties", [$h‍_a => (setGlobalObjectConstantProperties = $h‍_a)]],["setGlobalObjectMutableProperties", [$h‍_a => (setGlobalObjectMutableProperties = $h‍_a)]],["setGlobalObjectEvaluators", [$h‍_a => (setGlobalObjectEvaluators = $h‍_a)]]]],["./permits.js", [["sharedGlobalPropertyNames", [$h‍_a => (sharedGlobalPropertyNames = $h‍_a)]]]],["./module-load.js", [["load", [$h‍_a => (load = $h‍_a)]]]],["./module-link.js", [["link", [$h‍_a => (link = $h‍_a)]]]],["./module-proxy.js", [["getDeferredExports", [$h‍_a => (getDeferredExports = $h‍_a)]]]],["./error/assert.js", [["assert", [$h‍_a => (assert = $h‍_a)]]]],["./compartment-evaluate.js", [["compartmentEvaluate", [$h‍_a => (compartmentEvaluate = $h‍_a)]]]],["./make-safe-evaluator.js", [["makeSafeEvaluator", [$h‍_a => (makeSafeEvaluator = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
const { quote: q}= assert;
// moduleAliases associates every public module exports namespace with its
// corresponding compartment and specifier so they can be used to link modules
// across compartments.
// The mechanism to thread an alias is to use the compartment.module function
// to obtain the exports namespace of a foreign module and pass it into another
// compartment's moduleMap constructor option.
const moduleAliases= new WeakMap();
// privateFields captures the private state for each compartment.
const privateFields= new WeakMap();
// Compartments do not need an importHook or resolveHook to be useful
// as a vessel for evaluating programs.
// However, any method that operates the module system will throw an exception
// if these hooks are not available.
const assertModuleHooks= (compartment)=>{
const { importHook, resolveHook}= weakmapGet(privateFields, compartment);
if( typeof importHook!== 'function'|| typeof resolveHook!== 'function') {
throw TypeError(
'Compartment must be constructed with an importHook and a resolveHook for it to be able to load modules');
const InertCompartment= function Compartment(
_endowments= {},
_modules= {},
_options= {})
throw TypeError(
'Compartment.prototype.constructor is not a valid constructor.');
* @param {Compartment} compartment
* @param {string} specifier
const compartmentImportNow= (compartment, specifier)=> {
const { execute, exportsProxy}= link(
return exportsProxy;
const CompartmentPrototype= {
constructor: InertCompartment,
get globalThis() {
return weakmapGet(privateFields, this).globalObject;
get name() {
return weakmapGet(privateFields, this).name;
* @param {string} source is a JavaScript program grammar construction.
* @param {object} [options]
* @param {Array<import('./lockdown-shim').Transform>} [options.transforms]
* @param {boolean} [options.sloppyGlobalsMode]
* @param {object} [options.__moduleShimLexicals__]
* @param {boolean} [options.__evadeHtmlCommentTest__]
* @param {boolean} [options.__evadeImportExpressionTest__]
* @param {boolean} [options.__rejectSomeDirectEvalExpressions__]
evaluate(source, options= {}) {
const compartmentFields= weakmapGet(privateFields, this);
return compartmentEvaluate(compartmentFields, source, options);
module(specifier) {
if( typeof specifier!== 'string') {
throw TypeError('first argument of module() must be a string');
const { exportsProxy}= getDeferredExports(
weakmapGet(privateFields, this),
return exportsProxy;
async import(specifier){
if( typeof specifier!== 'string') {
throw TypeError('first argument of import() must be a string');
return promiseThen(
load(privateFields, moduleAliases, this, specifier),
()=> {
// The namespace box is a contentious design and likely to be a breaking
// change in an appropriately numbered future version.
const namespace= compartmentImportNow(
/** @type {Compartment} */ this,
return { namespace};
async load(specifier){
if( typeof specifier!== 'string') {
throw TypeError('first argument of load() must be a string');
return load(privateFields, moduleAliases, this, specifier);
importNow(specifier) {
if( typeof specifier!== 'string') {
throw TypeError('first argument of importNow() must be a string');
return compartmentImportNow(/** @type {Compartment} */ this, specifier);
// This causes `String(new Compartment())` to evaluate to `[object Compartment]`.
// The descriptor follows the conventions of other globals with @@toStringTag
// properties, e.g. Math.
[toStringTagSymbol]: {
value: 'Compartment',
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true}});
defineProperties(InertCompartment, {
prototype: { value: CompartmentPrototype}});
* @callback MakeCompartmentConstructor
* @param {MakeCompartmentConstructor} targetMakeCompartmentConstructor
* @param {Record<string, any>} intrinsics
* @param {(object: object) => void} markVirtualizedNativeFunction
* @returns {Compartment['constructor']}
/** @type {MakeCompartmentConstructor} */
const makeCompartmentConstructor= (
function Compartment(endowments= {}, moduleMap= {}, options= {}) {
if( undefined) {
throw TypeError(
"Class constructor Compartment cannot be invoked without 'new'");
// Extract options, and shallow-clone transforms.
const {
name= '<unknown>',
transforms= [],
__shimTransforms__= [],
const globalTransforms= [...transforms, ...__shimTransforms__];
// Map<FullSpecifier, ModuleCompartmentRecord>
const moduleRecords= new Map();
// Map<FullSpecifier, ModuleInstance>
const instances= new Map();
// Map<FullSpecifier, {ExportsProxy, ProxiedExports, activate()}>
const deferredExports= new Map();
// Validate given moduleMap.
// The module map gets translated on-demand in module-load.js and the
// moduleMap can be invalid in ways that cannot be detected in the
// constructor, but these checks allow us to throw early for a better
// developer experience.
for( const [specifier, aliasNamespace]of entries(moduleMap|| {})) {
if( typeof aliasNamespace=== 'string') {
// TODO implement parent module record retrieval.
throw TypeError(
`Cannot map module ${q(specifier)} to ${q(
} in parent compartment`);
}else if( weakmapGet(moduleAliases, aliasNamespace)=== undefined) {
// TODO create and link a synthetic module instance from the given
// namespace object.
throw ReferenceError(
`Cannot map module ${q(
} because it has no known compartment in this realm`);
const globalObject= {};
// We must initialize all constant properties first because
// `makeSafeEvaluator` may use them to create optimized bindings
// in the evaluator.
// TODO: consider merging into a single initialization if internal
// evaluator is no longer eagerly created
const { safeEvaluate}= makeSafeEvaluator({
sloppyGlobalsMode: false});
setGlobalObjectMutableProperties(globalObject, {
newGlobalPropertyNames: sharedGlobalPropertyNames,
makeCompartmentConstructor: targetMakeCompartmentConstructor,
// TODO: maybe add evalTaming to the Compartment constructor 3rd options?
assign(globalObject, endowments);
weakmapSet(privateFields, this, {
name: `${name}`,
Compartment.prototype= CompartmentPrototype;
return Compartment;
// === functors[45] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let FERAL_FUNCTION,Float32Array,Map,Set,String,getOwnPropertyDescriptor,getPrototypeOf,iterateArray,iterateMap,iterateSet,iterateString,matchAllRegExp,matchAllSymbol,regexpPrototype,globalThis,InertCompartment;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["FERAL_FUNCTION", [$h‍_a => (FERAL_FUNCTION = $h‍_a)]],["Float32Array", [$h‍_a => (Float32Array = $h‍_a)]],["Map", [$h‍_a => (Map = $h‍_a)]],["Set", [$h‍_a => (Set = $h‍_a)]],["String", [$h‍_a => (String = $h‍_a)]],["getOwnPropertyDescriptor", [$h‍_a => (getOwnPropertyDescriptor = $h‍_a)]],["getPrototypeOf", [$h‍_a => (getPrototypeOf = $h‍_a)]],["iterateArray", [$h‍_a => (iterateArray = $h‍_a)]],["iterateMap", [$h‍_a => (iterateMap = $h‍_a)]],["iterateSet", [$h‍_a => (iterateSet = $h‍_a)]],["iterateString", [$h‍_a => (iterateString = $h‍_a)]],["matchAllRegExp", [$h‍_a => (matchAllRegExp = $h‍_a)]],["matchAllSymbol", [$h‍_a => (matchAllSymbol = $h‍_a)]],["regexpPrototype", [$h‍_a => (regexpPrototype = $h‍_a)]],["globalThis", [$h‍_a => (globalThis = $h‍_a)]]]],["./compartment.js", [["InertCompartment", [$h‍_a => (InertCompartment = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
* Object.getConstructorOf()
* Helper function to improve readability, similar to Object.getPrototypeOf().
* @param {object} obj
function getConstructorOf(obj) {
return getPrototypeOf(obj).constructor;
// getAnonymousIntrinsics uses a utility function to construct an arguments
// object, since it cannot have one of its own and also be a const export.
function makeArguments() {
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-rest-params
return arguments;
* getAnonymousIntrinsics()
* Get the intrinsics not otherwise reachable by named own property
* traversal from the global object.
* @returns {object}
const getAnonymousIntrinsics= ()=> {
const InertFunction= FERAL_FUNCTION.prototype.constructor;
// %ThrowTypeError%
const argsCalleeDesc= getOwnPropertyDescriptor(makeArguments(), 'callee');
const ThrowTypeError= argsCalleeDesc&& argsCalleeDesc.get;
// The %StringIteratorPrototype% Object
// eslint-disable-next-line no-new-wrappers
const StringIteratorObject= iterateString(new String());
const StringIteratorPrototype= getPrototypeOf(StringIteratorObject);
// The %RegExpStringIteratorPrototype% Object
const RegExpStringIterator=
regexpPrototype[matchAllSymbol]&& matchAllRegExp(/./);
const RegExpStringIteratorPrototype=
RegExpStringIterator&& getPrototypeOf(RegExpStringIterator);
// The %ArrayIteratorPrototype% Object
// eslint-disable-next-line no-array-constructor
const ArrayIteratorObject= iterateArray([]);
const ArrayIteratorPrototype= getPrototypeOf(ArrayIteratorObject);
// 22.2.1 The %TypedArray% Intrinsic Object
const TypedArray= getPrototypeOf(Float32Array);
// The %MapIteratorPrototype% Object
const MapIteratorObject= iterateMap(new Map());
const MapIteratorPrototype= getPrototypeOf(MapIteratorObject);
// The %SetIteratorPrototype% Object
const SetIteratorObject= iterateSet(new Set());
const SetIteratorPrototype= getPrototypeOf(SetIteratorObject);
// 25.1.2 The %IteratorPrototype% Object
const IteratorPrototype= getPrototypeOf(ArrayIteratorPrototype);
// 25.2.1 The GeneratorFunction Constructor
// eslint-disable-next-line no-empty-function
function* GeneratorFunctionInstance() { }
const GeneratorFunction= getConstructorOf(GeneratorFunctionInstance);
// 25.2.3 Properties of the GeneratorFunction Prototype Object
const Generator= GeneratorFunction.prototype;
// 25.3.1 The AsyncGeneratorFunction Constructor
// eslint-disable-next-line no-empty-function
async function* AsyncGeneratorFunctionInstance() { }
const AsyncGeneratorFunction= getConstructorOf(
// AsyncGeneratorFunction.prototype
const AsyncGenerator= AsyncGeneratorFunction.prototype;
// 25.5.1 Properties of the AsyncGenerator Prototype Object
const AsyncGeneratorPrototype= AsyncGenerator.prototype;
const AsyncIteratorPrototype= getPrototypeOf(AsyncGeneratorPrototype);
// 25.7.1 The AsyncFunction Constructor
// eslint-disable-next-line no-empty-function
async function AsyncFunctionInstance() { }
const AsyncFunction= getConstructorOf(AsyncFunctionInstance);
const intrinsics= {
'%InertFunction%': InertFunction,
'%ArrayIteratorPrototype%': ArrayIteratorPrototype,
'%InertAsyncFunction%': AsyncFunction,
'%AsyncGenerator%': AsyncGenerator,
'%InertAsyncGeneratorFunction%': AsyncGeneratorFunction,
'%AsyncGeneratorPrototype%': AsyncGeneratorPrototype,
'%AsyncIteratorPrototype%': AsyncIteratorPrototype,
'%Generator%': Generator,
'%InertGeneratorFunction%': GeneratorFunction,
'%IteratorPrototype%': IteratorPrototype,
'%MapIteratorPrototype%': MapIteratorPrototype,
'%RegExpStringIteratorPrototype%': RegExpStringIteratorPrototype,
'%SetIteratorPrototype%': SetIteratorPrototype,
'%StringIteratorPrototype%': StringIteratorPrototype,
'%ThrowTypeError%': ThrowTypeError,
'%TypedArray%': TypedArray,
'%InertCompartment%': InertCompartment};
if( globalThis.Iterator) {
intrinsics['%IteratorHelperPrototype%']= getPrototypeOf(
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
intrinsics['%WrapForValidIteratorPrototype%']= getPrototypeOf(
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
globalThis.Iterator.from({ next() { }}));
if( globalThis.AsyncIterator) {
intrinsics['%AsyncIteratorHelperPrototype%']= getPrototypeOf(
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
intrinsics['%WrapForValidAsyncIteratorPrototype%']= getPrototypeOf(
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
globalThis.AsyncIterator.from({ next() { }}));
return intrinsics;
// === functors[46] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let TypeError,freeze;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["TypeError", [$h‍_a => (TypeError = $h‍_a)]],["freeze", [$h‍_a => (freeze = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
const tameHarden= (safeHarden, hardenTaming)=> {
if( hardenTaming!== 'safe'&& hardenTaming!== 'unsafe') {
throw TypeError( `unrecognized fakeHardenOption ${hardenTaming}`);
if( hardenTaming=== 'safe') {
return safeHarden;
// In on the joke
Object.isExtensible= ()=> false;
Object.isFrozen= ()=> true;
Object.isSealed= ()=> true;
Reflect.isExtensible= ()=> false;
if( safeHarden.isFake) {
// The "safe" hardener is already a fake hardener.
// Just use it.
return safeHarden;
const fakeHarden= (arg)=>arg;
fakeHarden.isFake= true;
return freeze(fakeHarden);
// === functors[47] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let Symbol,entries,fromEntries,getOwnPropertyDescriptors,defineProperties,arrayMap;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["Symbol", [$h‍_a => (Symbol = $h‍_a)]],["entries", [$h‍_a => (entries = $h‍_a)]],["fromEntries", [$h‍_a => (fromEntries = $h‍_a)]],["getOwnPropertyDescriptors", [$h‍_a => (getOwnPropertyDescriptors = $h‍_a)]],["defineProperties", [$h‍_a => (defineProperties = $h‍_a)]],["arrayMap", [$h‍_a => (arrayMap = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
* This taming provides a tamed alternative to the original `Symbol` constructor
* that starts off identical, except that all its properties are "temporarily"
* configurable. The original `Symbol` constructor remains unmodified on
* the start compartment's global. The tamed alternative is used as the shared
* `Symbol` constructor on constructed compartments.
* Starting these properties as configurable assumes two succeeding phases of
* processing: A whitelisting phase, that
* removes all properties not on the whitelist (which requires them to be
* configurable) and a global hardening step that freezes all primordials,
* returning these properties to their expected non-configurable status.
* The ses shim is constructed to eventually enable vetted shims to run between
* repair and global hardening. However, such vetted shims would normally
* run in the start compartment, which continues to use the original unmodified
* `Symbol`, so they should not normally be affected by the temporary
* configurability of these properties.
* Note that the spec refers to the global `Symbol` function as the
* ["Symbol Constructor"](
* even though it has a call behavior (can be called as a function) and does not
* not have a construct behavior (cannot be called with `new`). Accordingly,
* to tame it, we must replace it with a function without a construct
* behavior.
const tameSymbolConstructor= ()=> {
const OriginalSymbol= Symbol;
const SymbolPrototype= OriginalSymbol.prototype;
const SharedSymbol= {
Symbol(description) {
return OriginalSymbol(description);
defineProperties(SymbolPrototype, {
constructor: {
value: SharedSymbol
// leave other `constructor` attributes as is
const originalDescsEntries= entries(
const descs= fromEntries(
arrayMap(originalDescsEntries, ([name, desc])=> [
{ ...desc, configurable: true}]));
defineProperties(SharedSymbol, descs);
return { '%SharedSymbol%': SharedSymbol};
// === functors[48] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let getOwnPropertyDescriptor,apply,defineProperty,toStringTagSymbol;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["getOwnPropertyDescriptor", [$h‍_a => (getOwnPropertyDescriptor = $h‍_a)]],["apply", [$h‍_a => (apply = $h‍_a)]],["defineProperty", [$h‍_a => (defineProperty = $h‍_a)]],["toStringTagSymbol", [$h‍_a => (toStringTagSymbol = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
const throws= (thunk)=>{
try {
return false;
}catch( er) {
return true;
* Exported for convenience of unit testing. Harmless, but not expected
* to be useful by itself.
* @param {any} obj
* @param {string|symbol} prop
* @param {any} expectedValue
* @returns {boolean}
* Returns whether `tameFauxDataProperty` turned the property in question
* from an apparent faux data property into the actual data property it
* seemed to emulate.
* If this function returns `false`, then we hope no effects happened.
* However, sniffing out if an accessor property seems to be a faux data
* property requires invoking the getter and setter functions that might
* possibly have side effects.
* `tameFauxDataProperty` is not in a position to tell.
const tameFauxDataProperty= (obj, prop, expectedValue)=> {
if( obj=== undefined) {
// The object does not exist in this version of the platform
return false;
const desc= getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop);
if( !desc|| 'value'in desc) {
// The property either doesn't exist, or is already an actual data property.
return false;
const { get, set}= desc;
if( typeof get!== 'function'|| typeof set!== 'function') {
// A faux data property has both a getter and a setter
return false;
if( get()!== expectedValue) {
// The getter called by itself should produce the expectedValue
return false;
if( apply(get, obj, [])!== expectedValue) {
// The getter called with `this === obj` should also return the
// expectedValue.
return false;
const testValue= 'Seems to be a setter';
const subject1= { __proto__: null};
apply(set, subject1, [testValue]);
if( subject1[prop]!== testValue) {
// The setter called with an unrelated object as `this` should
// set the property on the object.
return false;
const subject2= { __proto__: obj};
apply(set, subject2, [testValue]);
if( subject2[prop]!== testValue) {
// The setter called on an object that inherits from `obj` should
// override the property from `obj` as if by assignment.
return false;
if( !throws(()=> apply(set, obj, [expectedValue]))) {
// The setter called with `this === obj` should throw without having
// caused any effect.
// This is the test that has the greatest danger of leaving behind some
// persistent side effect. The most obvious one is to emulate a
// successful assignment to the property. That's why this test
// uses `expectedValue`, so that case is likely not to actually
// change anything.
return false;
if( 'originalValue'in get) {
// The ses-shim uniquely, as far as we know, puts an `originalValue`
// property on the getter, so that reflect property tranversal algorithms,
// like `harden`, will traverse into the enulated value without
// calling the getter. That does not happen until `permits-intrinsics.js`
// which is much later. So if we see one this early, we should
// not assume we understand what's going on.
return false;
// We assume that this code runs before any untrusted code runs, so
// we do not need to worry about the above conditions passing because of
// malicious intent. In fact, it runs even before vetted shims are supposed
// to run, between repair and hardening. Given that, after all these tests
// pass, we have adequately validated that the property in question is
// an accessor function whose purpose is suppressing the override mistake,
// i.e., enabling a non-writable property to be overridden by assignment.
// In that case, here we *temporarily* turn it into the data property
// it seems to emulate, but writable so that it does not trigger the
// override mistake while in this temporary state.
// For those properties that are also listed in `enablements.js`,
// that phase will re-enable override for these properties, but
// via accessor functions that SES controls, so we know what they are
// doing. In addition, the getter functions installed by
// `enable-property-overrides.js` have an `originalValue` field
// enabling meta-traversal code like harden to visit the original value
// without calling the getter.
if( desc.configurable=== false) {
// Even though it seems to be a faux data property, we're unable to fix it.
return false;
// Many of the `return false;` cases above plausibly should be turned into
// errors, or an least generate warnings. However, for those, the checks
// following this phase are likely to signal an error anyway.
// At this point, we have passed all our sniff checks for validating that
// it seems to be a faux data property with the expected value. Turn
// it into the actual data property it emulates, but writable so there is
// not yet an override mistake problem.
defineProperty(obj, prop, {
value: expectedValue,
writable: true,
enumerable: desc.enumerable,
configurable: true});
return true;
* In JavaScript, the so-called "override mistake" is the inability to
* override an inherited non-writable data property by assignment. A common
* workaround is to instead define an accessor property that acts like
* a non-writable data property, except that it allows an object that
* inherits this property to override it by assignment. Let's call
* an access property that acts this way a "faux data property". In this
* ses-shim, `enable-property-overrides.js` makes the properties listed in
* `enablements.js` into faux data properties.
* But the ses-shim is not alone in use of this trick. Starting with the
* [Iterator Helpers proposal](,
* some properties are defined as (what we call) faux data properties.
* Some of these are new properties (`Interator.prototype.constructor`) and
* some are old data properties converted to accessor properties
* (`Iterator.prototype[String.toStringTag]`). So the ses-shim needs to be
* prepared for some enumerated set of properties to already be faux data
* properties in the platform prior to our initialization.
* For these possible faux data properties, it is important that
* `permits.js` describe each as a data property, so that it can further
* constrain the apparent value (that allegedly would be returned by the
* getter) according to its own permits.
* However, at the time of this writing, the precise behavior specified
* by the iterator-helpers proposal for these faux data properties is
* novel. We should not be too confident that all further such platform
* additions do what we would now expect. So, for each of these possible
* faux data properties, we do some sniffing to see if it behaves as we
* currently expect a faux data property to act. If not, then
* `tameFauxDataProperties` tries not to modify it, leaving it to later
* checks, especially `permits-intrinsics.js`, to error when it sees an
* unexpected accessor.
* If one of these enumerated accessor properties does seem to be
* a faithful faux data property, then `tameFauxDataProperties` itself
* *tempoarily* turns it into the actual data property that it seems to emulate.
* This data property starts as writable, so that in this state it will
* not trigger the override mistake, i.e., assignment to an object inheriting
* this property is allowed to succeed at overriding this property.
* For those properties that should be a faux data property rather than an
* actual one, such as those from the iterator-helpers proposal,
* they should be listed as such in `enablements.js`, so
* `enable-property-overrides.js` will turn it back into a faux data property.
* But one controlled by the ses-shim, whose behavior we understand.
* `tameFauxDataProperties`, which turns these into actual data properties,
* happens during the `repairIntrinsics` phase
* of `lockdown`, before even vetted shim are supposed to run.
* `enable-property-overrides.js` runs after vetted shims, turning the
* appropriate ones back into faux data properties. Thus vetted shims
* can observe the possibly non-conforming state where these are temporarily
* actual data properties, rather than faux data properties.
* Coordinate the property enumeration here
* with `enablements.js`, so the appropriate properties are
* turned back to faux data properties.
* @param {Record<any,any>} intrinsics
const tameFauxDataProperties= (intrinsics)=>{
// === functors[49] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let getenv,FERAL_FUNCTION,FERAL_EVAL,TypeError,arrayFilter,globalThis,is,ownKeys,stringSplit,noEvalEvaluate,getOwnPropertyNames,getPrototypeOf,makeHardener,makeIntrinsicsCollector,whitelistIntrinsics,tameFunctionConstructors,tameDateConstructor,tameMathObject,tameRegExpConstructor,enablePropertyOverrides,tameLocaleMethods,setGlobalObjectConstantProperties,setGlobalObjectMutableProperties,setGlobalObjectEvaluators,makeSafeEvaluator,initialGlobalPropertyNames,tameFunctionToString,tameDomains,tameConsole,tameErrorConstructor,assert,makeAssert,getAnonymousIntrinsics,makeCompartmentConstructor,tameHarden,tameSymbolConstructor,tameFauxDataProperties;$h‍_imports([["@endo/env-options", [["getEnvironmentOption", [$h‍_a => (getenv = $h‍_a)]]]],["./commons.js", [["FERAL_FUNCTION", [$h‍_a => (FERAL_FUNCTION = $h‍_a)]],["FERAL_EVAL", [$h‍_a => (FERAL_EVAL = $h‍_a)]],["TypeError", [$h‍_a => (TypeError = $h‍_a)]],["arrayFilter", [$h‍_a => (arrayFilter = $h‍_a)]],["globalThis", [$h‍_a => (globalThis = $h‍_a)]],["is", [$h‍_a => (is = $h‍_a)]],["ownKeys", [$h‍_a => (ownKeys = $h‍_a)]],["stringSplit", [$h‍_a => (stringSplit = $h‍_a)]],["noEvalEvaluate", [$h‍_a => (noEvalEvaluate = $h‍_a)]],["getOwnPropertyNames", [$h‍_a => (getOwnPropertyNames = $h‍_a)]],["getPrototypeOf", [$h‍_a => (getPrototypeOf = $h‍_a)]]]],["./make-hardener.js", [["makeHardener", [$h‍_a => (makeHardener = $h‍_a)]]]],["./intrinsics.js", [["makeIntrinsicsCollector", [$h‍_a => (makeIntrinsicsCollector = $h‍_a)]]]],["./permits-intrinsics.js", [["default", [$h‍_a => (whitelistIntrinsics = $h‍_a)]]]],["./tame-function-constructors.js", [["default", [$h‍_a => (tameFunctionConstructors = $h‍_a)]]]],["./tame-date-constructor.js", [["default", [$h‍_a => (tameDateConstructor = $h‍_a)]]]],["./tame-math-object.js", [["default", [$h‍_a => (tameMathObject = $h‍_a)]]]],["./tame-regexp-constructor.js", [["default", [$h‍_a => (tameRegExpConstructor = $h‍_a)]]]],["./enable-property-overrides.js", [["default", [$h‍_a => (enablePropertyOverrides = $h‍_a)]]]],["./tame-locale-methods.js", [["default", [$h‍_a => (tameLocaleMethods = $h‍_a)]]]],["./global-object.js", [["setGlobalObjectConstantProperties", [$h‍_a => (setGlobalObjectConstantProperties = $h‍_a)]],["setGlobalObjectMutableProperties", [$h‍_a => (setGlobalObjectMutableProperties = $h‍_a)]],["setGlobalObjectEvaluators", [$h‍_a => (setGlobalObjectEvaluators = $h‍_a)]]]],["./make-safe-evaluator.js", [["makeSafeEvaluator", [$h‍_a => (makeSafeEvaluator = $h‍_a)]]]],["./permits.js", [["initialGlobalPropertyNames", [$h‍_a => (initialGlobalPropertyNames = $h‍_a)]]]],["./tame-function-tostring.js", [["tameFunctionToString", [$h‍_a => (tameFunctionToString = $h‍_a)]]]],["./tame-domains.js", [["tameDomains", [$h‍_a => (tameDomains = $h‍_a)]]]],["./error/tame-console.js", [["tameConsole", [$h‍_a => (tameConsole = $h‍_a)]]]],["./error/tame-error-constructor.js", [["default", [$h‍_a => (tameErrorConstructor = $h‍_a)]]]],["./error/assert.js", [["assert", [$h‍_a => (assert = $h‍_a)]],["makeAssert", [$h‍_a => (makeAssert = $h‍_a)]]]],["./get-anonymous-intrinsics.js", [["getAnonymousIntrinsics", [$h‍_a => (getAnonymousIntrinsics = $h‍_a)]]]],["./compartment.js", [["makeCompartmentConstructor", [$h‍_a => (makeCompartmentConstructor = $h‍_a)]]]],["./tame-harden.js", [["tameHarden", [$h‍_a => (tameHarden = $h‍_a)]]]],["./tame-symbol-constructor.js", [["tameSymbolConstructor", [$h‍_a => (tameSymbolConstructor = $h‍_a)]]]],["./tame-faux-data-properties.js", [["tameFauxDataProperties", [$h‍_a => (tameFauxDataProperties = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
/** @typedef {import('../types.js').LockdownOptions} LockdownOptions */
const { Fail, details: d, quote: q}= assert;
/** @type {Error=} */
let priorRepairIntrinsics;
/** @type {Error=} */
let priorHardenIntrinsics;
// Build a harden() with an empty fringe.
// Gate it on lockdown.
* @template T
* @param {T} ref
* @returns {T}
const safeHarden= makeHardener();
* @callback Transform
* @param {string} source
* @returns {string}
* @callback CompartmentConstructor
* @param {object} endowments
* @param {object} moduleMap
* @param {object} [options]
* @param {Array<Transform>} [options.transforms]
* @param {Array<Transform>} [options.__shimTransforms__]
// Lockdown currently allows multiple calls provided that the specified options
// of every call agree. With experience, we have observed that lockdown should
// only ever need to be called once and that simplifying lockdown will improve
// the quality of audits.
const assertDirectEvalAvailable= ()=> {
let allowed= false;
try {
eval("SES_changed = true");
return SES_changed;
FERAL_EVAL, false);
// If we get here and SES_changed stayed false, that means the eval was sloppy
// and indirect, which generally creates a new global.
// We are going to throw an exception for failing to initialize SES, but
// good neighbors clean up.
if( !allowed) {
delete globalThis.SES_changed;
}catch( _error) {
// We reach here if eval is outright forbidden by a Content Security Policy.
// We allow this for SES usage that delegates the responsibility to isolate
// guest code to production code generation.
allowed= true;
if( !allowed) {
// See
throw TypeError(
`SES cannot initialize unless 'eval' is the original intrinsic 'eval', suitable for direct-eval (dynamically scoped eval) (SES_DIRECT_EVAL)`);
* @param {LockdownOptions} [options]
const repairIntrinsics= (options= {})=> {
// First time, absent options default to 'safe'.
// Subsequent times, absent options default to first options.
// Thus, all present options must agree with first options.
// Reconstructing `option` here also ensures that it is a well
// behaved record, with only own data properties.
// The `overrideTaming` is not a safety issue. Rather it is a tradeoff
// between code compatibility, which is better with the `'moderate'`
// setting, and tool compatibility, which is better with the `'min'`
// setting. See
// for an explanation of when to use which.
// The `stackFiltering` is not a safety issue. Rather it is a tradeoff
// between relevance and completeness of the stack frames shown on the
// console. Setting`stackFiltering` to `'verbose'` applies no filters, providing
// the raw stack frames that can be quite versbose. Setting
// `stackFrameFiltering` to`'concise'` limits the display to the stack frame
// information most likely to be relevant, eliminating distracting frames
// such as those from the infrastructure. However, the bug you're trying to
// track down might be in the infrastrure, in which case the `'verbose'` setting
// is useful. See
// [`stackFiltering` options](
// for an explanation.
const {
errorTaming= getenv('LOCKDOWN_ERROR_TAMING', 'safe'),
errorTrapping= /** @type {"platform" | "none" | "report" | "abort" | "exit" | undefined} */
getenv('LOCKDOWN_ERROR_TRAPPING', 'platform'),
unhandledRejectionTrapping= /** @type {"none" | "report" | undefined} */
regExpTaming= getenv('LOCKDOWN_REGEXP_TAMING', 'safe'),
localeTaming= getenv('LOCKDOWN_LOCALE_TAMING', 'safe'),
consoleTaming= /** @type {'unsafe' | 'safe' | undefined} */
getenv('LOCKDOWN_CONSOLE_TAMING', 'safe'),
overrideTaming= getenv('LOCKDOWN_OVERRIDE_TAMING', 'moderate'),
stackFiltering= getenv('LOCKDOWN_STACK_FILTERING', 'concise'),
domainTaming= getenv('LOCKDOWN_DOMAIN_TAMING', 'safe'),
evalTaming= getenv('LOCKDOWN_EVAL_TAMING', 'safeEval'),
overrideDebug= arrayFilter(
stringSplit(getenv('LOCKDOWN_OVERRIDE_DEBUG', ''), ','),
/** @param {string} debugName */
(debugName)=>debugName!== ''),
__hardenTaming__= getenv('LOCKDOWN_HARDEN_TAMING', 'safe'),
dateTaming= 'safe', // deprecated
mathTaming= 'safe', // deprecated
evalTaming=== 'unsafeEval'||
evalTaming=== 'safeEval'||
evalTaming=== 'noEval'||
Fail `lockdown(): non supported option evalTaming: ${q(evalTaming)}`;
// Assert that only supported options were passed.
// Use Reflect.ownKeys to reject symbol-named properties as well.
const extraOptionsNames= ownKeys(extraOptions);
extraOptionsNames.length=== 0||
Fail `lockdown(): non supported option ${q(extraOptionsNames)}`;
priorRepairIntrinsics=== undefined||
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
d `Already locked down at ${priorRepairIntrinsics} (SES_ALREADY_LOCKED_DOWN)`,
// See
priorRepairIntrinsics= TypeError('Prior lockdown (SES_ALREADY_LOCKED_DOWN)');
// Tease V8 to generate the stack string and release the closures the stack
// trace retained:
* Because of packagers and bundlers, etc, multiple invocations of lockdown
* might happen in separate instantiations of the source of this module.
* In that case, each one sees its own `firstOptions` variable, so the test
* above will not detect that lockdown has already happened. We
* unreliably test some telltale signs that lockdown has run, to avoid
* trying to lock down a locked down environment. Although the test is
* unreliable, this is consistent with the SES threat model. SES provides
* security only if it runs first in a given realm, or if everything that
* runs before it is SES-aware and cooperative. Neither SES nor anything
* can protect itself from corrupting code that runs first. For these
* purposes, code that turns a realm into something that passes these
* tests without actually locking down counts as corrupting code.
* The specifics of what this tests for may change over time, but it
* should be consistent with any setting of the lockdown options.
const seemsToBeLockedDown= ()=> {
globalThis.Function.prototype.constructor!== globalThis.Function&&
// @ts-ignore harden is absent on globalThis type def.
typeof globalThis.harden=== 'function'&&
// @ts-ignore lockdown is absent on globalThis type def.
typeof globalThis.lockdown=== 'function'&&
globalThis.Date.prototype.constructor!== globalThis.Date&&
typeof 'function'&&
// @ts-ignore does not recognize that Date constructor is a special
// Function.
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
is(, NaN));
if( seemsToBeLockedDown()) {
// See
throw TypeError(
`Already locked down but not by this SES instance (SES_MULTIPLE_INSTANCES)`);
* 1. TAME powers & gather intrinsics first.
// Replace Function.prototype.toString with one that recognizes
// shimmed functions as honorary native functions.
const markVirtualizedNativeFunction= tameFunctionToString();
const { addIntrinsics, completePrototypes, finalIntrinsics}=
const tamedHarden= tameHarden(safeHarden, __hardenTaming__);
addIntrinsics({ harden: tamedHarden});
addIntrinsics(tameErrorConstructor(errorTaming, stackFiltering));
const intrinsics= finalIntrinsics();
const hostIntrinsics= { __proto__: null};
// The Node.js Buffer is a derived class of Uint8Array, and as such is often
// passed around where a Uint8Array is expected.
if( typeof globalThis.Buffer=== 'function') {
hostIntrinsics.Buffer= globalThis.Buffer;
* Wrap console unless suppressed.
* At the moment, the console is considered a host power in the start
* compartment, and not a primordial. Hence it is absent from the whilelist
* and bypasses the intrinsicsCollector.
* @type {((error: any) => string | undefined) | undefined}
let optGetStackString;
if( errorTaming!== 'unsafe') {
optGetStackString= intrinsics['%InitialGetStackString%'];
const consoleRecord= tameConsole(
globalThis.console= /** @type {Console} */ consoleRecord.console;
// The untamed Node.js console cannot itself be hardened as it has mutable
// internal properties, but some of these properties expose internal versions
// of classes from node's "primordials" concept.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle
if( typeof /** @type {any} */ consoleRecord.console. _times=== 'object') {
// SafeMap is a derived Map class used internally by Node
// There doesn't seem to be a cleaner way to reach it.
hostIntrinsics.SafeMap= getPrototypeOf(
// eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle
/** @type {any} */ consoleRecord.console. _times);
// @ts-ignore assert is absent on globalThis type def.
if( errorTaming=== 'unsafe'&& globalThis.assert=== assert) {
// If errorTaming is 'unsafe' we replace the global assert with
// one whose `details` template literal tag does not redact
// unmarked substitution values. IOW, it blabs information that
// was supposed to be secret from callers, as an aid to debugging
// at a further cost in safety.
// @ts-ignore assert is absent on globalThis type def.
globalThis.assert= makeAssert(undefined, true);
// Replace *Locale* methods with their non-locale equivalents
tameLocaleMethods(intrinsics, localeTaming);
* 2. WHITELIST to standardize the environment.
// Remove non-standard properties.
// All remaining function encountered during whitelisting are
// branded as honorary native functions.
whitelistIntrinsics(intrinsics, markVirtualizedNativeFunction);
// Initialize the powerful initial global, i.e., the global of the
// start compartment, from the intrinsics.
setGlobalObjectMutableProperties(globalThis, {
newGlobalPropertyNames: initialGlobalPropertyNames,
if( evalTaming=== 'noEval') {
}else if( evalTaming=== 'safeEval') {
const { safeEvaluate}= makeSafeEvaluator({ globalObject: globalThis});
}else if( evalTaming=== 'unsafeEval') {
// Leave eval function and Function constructor of the initial compartment in-tact.
// Other compartments will not have access to these evaluators unless a guest program
// escapes containment.
* 3. HARDEN to share the intrinsics.
* We define hardenIntrinsics here so that options are in scope, but return
* it to the caller because we intend to eventually allow vetted shims to run
* between repairs and the hardening of intrinsics and so we can benchmark
* repair separately from hardening.
const hardenIntrinsics= ()=> {
priorHardenIntrinsics=== undefined||
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
d `Already locked down at ${priorHardenIntrinsics} (SES_ALREADY_LOCKED_DOWN)`,
// See
priorHardenIntrinsics= TypeError(
'Prior lockdown (SES_ALREADY_LOCKED_DOWN)');
// Tease V8 to generate the stack string and release the closures the stack
// trace retained:
// Circumvent the override mistake.
// TODO consider moving this to the end of the repair phase, and
// therefore before vetted shims rather than afterwards. It is not
// clear yet which is better.
// @ts-ignore enablePropertyOverrides does its own input validation
enablePropertyOverrides(intrinsics, overrideTaming, overrideDebug);
// Finally register and optionally freeze all the intrinsics. This
// must be the operation that modifies the intrinsics.
const toHarden= {
globals: {
// Harden evaluators
Function: globalThis.Function,
eval: globalThis.eval,
// @ts-ignore Compartment does exist on globalThis
Compartment: globalThis.Compartment,
// Harden Symbol
Symbol: globalThis.Symbol}};
// Harden Symbol and properties for initialGlobalPropertyNames in the host realm
for( const prop of getOwnPropertyNames(initialGlobalPropertyNames)) {
toHarden.globals[prop]= globalThis[prop];
return tamedHarden;
return hardenIntrinsics;
// === functors[50] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let globalThis,repairIntrinsics;$h‍_imports([["./assert-sloppy-mode.js", []],["./commons.js", [["globalThis", [$h‍_a => (globalThis = $h‍_a)]]]],["./lockdown.js", [["repairIntrinsics", [$h‍_a => (repairIntrinsics = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
* @param {import('./lockdown.js').LockdownOptions} options
globalThis.lockdown= (options)=>{
const hardenIntrinsics= repairIntrinsics(options);
globalThis.harden= hardenIntrinsics();
* @param {import('./lockdown.js').LockdownOptions} options
globalThis.repairIntrinsics= (options)=>{
const hardenIntrinsics= repairIntrinsics(options);
// Reveal hardenIntrinsics after repairs.
globalThis.hardenIntrinsics= ()=> {
// Reveal harden after hardenIntrinsics.
// Harden is dangerous before hardenIntrinsics because hardening just
// about anything will inadvertently render intrinsics irreparable.
// Also, for modules that must work both before or after lockdown (code
// that is portable between JS and SES), the existence of harden in global
// scope signals whether such code should attempt to use harden in the
// defense of its own API.
// @ts-ignore harden not yet recognized on globalThis.
globalThis.harden= hardenIntrinsics();
// === functors[51] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let globalThis,makeCompartmentConstructor,tameFunctionToString,getGlobalIntrinsics;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["globalThis", [$h‍_a => (globalThis = $h‍_a)]]]],["./compartment.js", [["makeCompartmentConstructor", [$h‍_a => (makeCompartmentConstructor = $h‍_a)]]]],["./tame-function-tostring.js", [["tameFunctionToString", [$h‍_a => (tameFunctionToString = $h‍_a)]]]],["./intrinsics.js", [["getGlobalIntrinsics", [$h‍_a => (getGlobalIntrinsics = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
const markVirtualizedNativeFunction= tameFunctionToString();
// @ts-ignore Compartment is definitely on globalThis.
globalThis.Compartment= makeCompartmentConstructor(
// === functors[52] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; let globalThis,assert;$h‍_imports([["./commons.js", [["globalThis", [$h‍_a => (globalThis = $h‍_a)]]]],["./error/assert.js", [["assert", [$h‍_a => (assert = $h‍_a)]]]]]);
globalThis.assert= assert;
// === functors[53] ===
({ imports: $h‍_imports, liveVar: $h‍_live, onceVar: $h‍_once, importMeta: $h‍____meta, }) => (function () { 'use strict'; $h‍_imports([["./src/lockdown-shim.js", []],["./src/compartment-shim.js", []],["./src/assert-shim.js", []]]);
]; // functors end
const cell = (name, value = undefined) => {
const observers = [];
return Object.freeze({
get: Object.freeze(() => {
return value;
set: Object.freeze((newValue) => {
value = newValue;
for (const observe of observers) {
observe: Object.freeze((observe) => {
enumerable: true,
const cells = [
globalThis: cell("globalThis"),
Array: cell("Array"),
Date: cell("Date"),
FinalizationRegistry: cell("FinalizationRegistry"),
Float32Array: cell("Float32Array"),
JSON: cell("JSON"),
Map: cell("Map"),
Math: cell("Math"),
Number: cell("Number"),
Object: cell("Object"),
Promise: cell("Promise"),
Proxy: cell("Proxy"),
Reflect: cell("Reflect"),
Set: cell("Set"),
String: cell("String"),
Symbol: cell("Symbol"),
WeakMap: cell("WeakMap"),
WeakSet: cell("WeakSet"),
RangeError: cell("RangeError"),
ReferenceError: cell("ReferenceError"),
SyntaxError: cell("SyntaxError"),
TypeError: cell("TypeError"),
assign: cell("assign"),
create: cell("create"),
defineProperties: cell("defineProperties"),
entries: cell("entries"),
freeze: cell("freeze"),
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: cell("getOwnPropertyDescriptor"),
getOwnPropertyDescriptors: cell("getOwnPropertyDescriptors"),
getOwnPropertyNames: cell("getOwnPropertyNames"),
getPrototypeOf: cell("getPrototypeOf"),
is: cell("is"),
isFrozen: cell("isFrozen"),
isSealed: cell("isSealed"),
isExtensible: cell("isExtensible"),
keys: cell("keys"),
objectPrototype: cell("objectPrototype"),
seal: cell("seal"),
preventExtensions: cell("preventExtensions"),
setPrototypeOf: cell("setPrototypeOf"),
values: cell("values"),
fromEntries: cell("fromEntries"),
speciesSymbol: cell("speciesSymbol"),
toStringTagSymbol: cell("toStringTagSymbol"),
iteratorSymbol: cell("iteratorSymbol"),
matchAllSymbol: cell("matchAllSymbol"),
unscopablesSymbol: cell("unscopablesSymbol"),
symbolKeyFor: cell("symbolKeyFor"),
symbolFor: cell("symbolFor"),
isInteger: cell("isInteger"),
stringifyJson: cell("stringifyJson"),
defineProperty: cell("defineProperty"),
apply: cell("apply"),
construct: cell("construct"),
reflectGet: cell("reflectGet"),
reflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor: cell("reflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor"),
reflectHas: cell("reflectHas"),
reflectIsExtensible: cell("reflectIsExtensible"),
ownKeys: cell("ownKeys"),
reflectPreventExtensions: cell("reflectPreventExtensions"),
reflectSet: cell("reflectSet"),
isArray: cell("isArray"),
arrayPrototype: cell("arrayPrototype"),
mapPrototype: cell("mapPrototype"),
proxyRevocable: cell("proxyRevocable"),
regexpPrototype: cell("regexpPrototype"),
setPrototype: cell("setPrototype"),
stringPrototype: cell("stringPrototype"),
weakmapPrototype: cell("weakmapPrototype"),
weaksetPrototype: cell("weaksetPrototype"),
functionPrototype: cell("functionPrototype"),
promisePrototype: cell("promisePrototype"),
typedArrayPrototype: cell("typedArrayPrototype"),
uncurryThis: cell("uncurryThis"),
objectHasOwnProperty: cell("objectHasOwnProperty"),
arrayFilter: cell("arrayFilter"),
arrayForEach: cell("arrayForEach"),
arrayIncludes: cell("arrayIncludes"),
arrayJoin: cell("arrayJoin"),
arrayMap: cell("arrayMap"),
arrayPop: cell("arrayPop"),
arrayPush: cell("arrayPush"),
arraySlice: cell("arraySlice"),
arraySome: cell("arraySome"),
arraySort: cell("arraySort"),
iterateArray: cell("iterateArray"),
mapSet: cell("mapSet"),
mapGet: cell("mapGet"),
mapHas: cell("mapHas"),
mapDelete: cell("mapDelete"),
mapEntries: cell("mapEntries"),
iterateMap: cell("iterateMap"),
setAdd: cell("setAdd"),
setDelete: cell("setDelete"),
setForEach: cell("setForEach"),
setHas: cell("setHas"),
iterateSet: cell("iterateSet"),
regexpTest: cell("regexpTest"),
regexpExec: cell("regexpExec"),
matchAllRegExp: cell("matchAllRegExp"),
stringEndsWith: cell("stringEndsWith"),
stringIncludes: cell("stringIncludes"),
stringIndexOf: cell("stringIndexOf"),
stringMatch: cell("stringMatch"),
stringReplace: cell("stringReplace"),
stringSearch: cell("stringSearch"),
stringSlice: cell("stringSlice"),
stringSplit: cell("stringSplit"),
stringStartsWith: cell("stringStartsWith"),
iterateString: cell("iterateString"),
weakmapDelete: cell("weakmapDelete"),
weakmapGet: cell("weakmapGet"),
weakmapHas: cell("weakmapHas"),
weakmapSet: cell("weakmapSet"),
weaksetAdd: cell("weaksetAdd"),
weaksetHas: cell("weaksetHas"),
functionToString: cell("functionToString"),
promiseAll: cell("promiseAll"),
promiseCatch: cell("promiseCatch"),
promiseThen: cell("promiseThen"),
finalizationRegistryRegister: cell("finalizationRegistryRegister"),
finalizationRegistryUnregister: cell("finalizationRegistryUnregister"),
getConstructorOf: cell("getConstructorOf"),
immutableObject: cell("immutableObject"),
isObject: cell("isObject"),
isError: cell("isError"),
noEvalEvaluate: cell("noEvalEvaluate"),
makeEnvironmentCaptor: cell("makeEnvironmentCaptor"),
getEnvironmentOption: cell("getEnvironmentOption"),
getEnvironmentOptionsList: cell("getEnvironmentOptionsList"),
environmentOptionsListHas: cell("environmentOptionsListHas"),
an: cell("an"),
bestEffortStringify: cell("bestEffortStringify"),
enJoin: cell("enJoin"),
makeLRUCacheMap: cell("makeLRUCacheMap"),
makeNoteLogArgsArrayKit: cell("makeNoteLogArgsArrayKit"),
unredactedDetails: cell("unredactedDetails"),
loggedErrorHandler: cell("loggedErrorHandler"),
makeAssert: cell("makeAssert"),
assert: cell("assert"),
isTypedArray: cell("isTypedArray"),
makeHardener: cell("makeHardener"),
constantProperties: cell("constantProperties"),
universalPropertyNames: cell("universalPropertyNames"),
initialGlobalPropertyNames: cell("initialGlobalPropertyNames"),
sharedGlobalPropertyNames: cell("sharedGlobalPropertyNames"),
uniqueGlobalPropertyNames: cell("uniqueGlobalPropertyNames"),
NativeErrors: cell("NativeErrors"),
FunctionInstance: cell("FunctionInstance"),
AsyncFunctionInstance: cell("AsyncFunctionInstance"),
isAccessorPermit: cell("isAccessorPermit"),
permitted: cell("permitted"),
makeIntrinsicsCollector: cell("makeIntrinsicsCollector"),
getGlobalIntrinsics: cell("getGlobalIntrinsics"),
default: cell("default"),
default: cell("default"),
default: cell("default"),
default: cell("default"),
default: cell("default"),
minEnablements: cell("minEnablements"),
moderateEnablements: cell("moderateEnablements"),
severeEnablements: cell("severeEnablements"),
default: cell("default"),
default: cell("default"),
makeEvalFunction: cell("makeEvalFunction"),
makeFunctionConstructor: cell("makeFunctionConstructor"),
setGlobalObjectSymbolUnscopables: cell("setGlobalObjectSymbolUnscopables"),
setGlobalObjectConstantProperties: cell("setGlobalObjectConstantProperties"),
setGlobalObjectMutableProperties: cell("setGlobalObjectMutableProperties"),
setGlobalObjectEvaluators: cell("setGlobalObjectEvaluators"),
alwaysThrowHandler: cell("alwaysThrowHandler"),
strictScopeTerminatorHandler: cell("strictScopeTerminatorHandler"),
strictScopeTerminator: cell("strictScopeTerminator"),
createSloppyGlobalsScopeTerminator: cell("createSloppyGlobalsScopeTerminator"),
makeEvalScopeKit: cell("makeEvalScopeKit"),
getSourceURL: cell("getSourceURL"),
rejectHtmlComments: cell("rejectHtmlComments"),
evadeHtmlCommentTest: cell("evadeHtmlCommentTest"),
rejectImportExpressions: cell("rejectImportExpressions"),
evadeImportExpressionTest: cell("evadeImportExpressionTest"),
rejectSomeDirectEvalExpressions: cell("rejectSomeDirectEvalExpressions"),
mandatoryTransforms: cell("mandatoryTransforms"),
applyTransforms: cell("applyTransforms"),
transforms: cell("transforms"),
isValidIdentifierName: cell("isValidIdentifierName"),
getScopeConstants: cell("getScopeConstants"),
makeEvaluate: cell("makeEvaluate"),
makeSafeEvaluator: cell("makeSafeEvaluator"),
tameFunctionToString: cell("tameFunctionToString"),
tameDomains: cell("tameDomains"),
makeLoggingConsoleKit: cell("makeLoggingConsoleKit"),
makeCausalConsole: cell("makeCausalConsole"),
filterConsole: cell("filterConsole"),
consoleWhitelist: cell("consoleWhitelist"),
makeRejectionHandlers: cell("makeRejectionHandlers"),
tameConsole: cell("tameConsole"),
filterFileName: cell("filterFileName"),
shortenCallSiteString: cell("shortenCallSiteString"),
tameV8ErrorConstructor: cell("tameV8ErrorConstructor"),
default: cell("default"),
makeAlias: cell("makeAlias"),
load: cell("load"),
deferExports: cell("deferExports"),
getDeferredExports: cell("getDeferredExports"),
provideCompartmentEvaluator: cell("provideCompartmentEvaluator"),
compartmentEvaluate: cell("compartmentEvaluate"),
makeThirdPartyModuleInstance: cell("makeThirdPartyModuleInstance"),
makeModuleInstance: cell("makeModuleInstance"),
link: cell("link"),
instantiate: cell("instantiate"),
InertCompartment: cell("InertCompartment"),
CompartmentPrototype: cell("CompartmentPrototype"),
makeCompartmentConstructor: cell("makeCompartmentConstructor"),
getAnonymousIntrinsics: cell("getAnonymousIntrinsics"),
tameHarden: cell("tameHarden"),
tameSymbolConstructor: cell("tameSymbolConstructor"),
tameFauxDataProperty: cell("tameFauxDataProperty"),
tameFauxDataProperties: cell("tameFauxDataProperties"),
repairIntrinsics: cell("repairIntrinsics"),
Object.defineProperties(cells[3], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(cells[2]));
const namespaces = => Object.freeze(Object.create(null, {
// Make this appear like an ESM module namespace object.
[Symbol.toStringTag]: {
value: 'Module',
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: false,
for (let index = 0; index < namespaces.length; index += 1) {
cells[index]['*'] = cell('*', namespaces[index]);
function observeImports(map, importName, importIndex) {
for (const [name, observers] of map.get(importName)) {
const cell = cells[importIndex][name];
if (cell === undefined) {
throw new ReferenceError(`Cannot import name ${name}`);
for (const observer of observers) {
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
universalThis: cells[0].globalThis.set,
Array: cells[0].Array.set,
Date: cells[0].Date.set,
FinalizationRegistry: cells[0].FinalizationRegistry.set,
Float32Array: cells[0].Float32Array.set,
JSON: cells[0].JSON.set,
Map: cells[0].Map.set,
Math: cells[0].Math.set,
Number: cells[0].Number.set,
Object: cells[0].Object.set,
Promise: cells[0].Promise.set,
Proxy: cells[0].Proxy.set,
Reflect: cells[0].Reflect.set,
Set: cells[0].Set.set,
String: cells[0].String.set,
Symbol: cells[0].Symbol.set,
WeakMap: cells[0].WeakMap.set,
WeakSet: cells[0].WeakSet.set,
RangeError: cells[0].RangeError.set,
ReferenceError: cells[0].ReferenceError.set,
SyntaxError: cells[0].SyntaxError.set,
TypeError: cells[0].TypeError.set,
assign: cells[0].assign.set,
create: cells[0].create.set,
defineProperties: cells[0].defineProperties.set,
entries: cells[0].entries.set,
freeze: cells[0].freeze.set,
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: cells[0].getOwnPropertyDescriptor.set,
getOwnPropertyDescriptors: cells[0].getOwnPropertyDescriptors.set,
getOwnPropertyNames: cells[0].getOwnPropertyNames.set,
getPrototypeOf: cells[0].getPrototypeOf.set,
is: cells[0].is.set,
isFrozen: cells[0].isFrozen.set,
isSealed: cells[0].isSealed.set,
isExtensible: cells[0].isExtensible.set,
keys: cells[0].keys.set,
objectPrototype: cells[0].objectPrototype.set,
seal: cells[0].seal.set,
preventExtensions: cells[0].preventExtensions.set,
setPrototypeOf: cells[0].setPrototypeOf.set,
values: cells[0].values.set,
fromEntries: cells[0].fromEntries.set,
speciesSymbol: cells[0].speciesSymbol.set,
toStringTagSymbol: cells[0].toStringTagSymbol.set,
iteratorSymbol: cells[0].iteratorSymbol.set,
matchAllSymbol: cells[0].matchAllSymbol.set,
unscopablesSymbol: cells[0].unscopablesSymbol.set,
symbolKeyFor: cells[0].symbolKeyFor.set,
symbolFor: cells[0].symbolFor.set,
isInteger: cells[0].isInteger.set,
stringifyJson: cells[0].stringifyJson.set,
defineProperty: cells[0].defineProperty.set,
apply: cells[0].apply.set,
construct: cells[0].construct.set,
reflectGet: cells[0].reflectGet.set,
reflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor: cells[0].reflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor.set,
reflectHas: cells[0].reflectHas.set,
reflectIsExtensible: cells[0].reflectIsExtensible.set,
ownKeys: cells[0].ownKeys.set,
reflectPreventExtensions: cells[0].reflectPreventExtensions.set,
reflectSet: cells[0].reflectSet.set,
isArray: cells[0].isArray.set,
arrayPrototype: cells[0].arrayPrototype.set,
mapPrototype: cells[0].mapPrototype.set,
proxyRevocable: cells[0].proxyRevocable.set,
regexpPrototype: cells[0].regexpPrototype.set,
setPrototype: cells[0].setPrototype.set,
stringPrototype: cells[0].stringPrototype.set,
weakmapPrototype: cells[0].weakmapPrototype.set,
weaksetPrototype: cells[0].weaksetPrototype.set,
functionPrototype: cells[0].functionPrototype.set,
promisePrototype: cells[0].promisePrototype.set,
typedArrayPrototype: cells[0].typedArrayPrototype.set,
uncurryThis: cells[0].uncurryThis.set,
objectHasOwnProperty: cells[0].objectHasOwnProperty.set,
arrayFilter: cells[0].arrayFilter.set,
arrayForEach: cells[0].arrayForEach.set,
arrayIncludes: cells[0].arrayIncludes.set,
arrayJoin: cells[0].arrayJoin.set,
arrayMap: cells[0].arrayMap.set,
arrayPop: cells[0].arrayPop.set,
arrayPush: cells[0].arrayPush.set,
arraySlice: cells[0].arraySlice.set,
arraySome: cells[0].arraySome.set,
arraySort: cells[0].arraySort.set,
iterateArray: cells[0].iterateArray.set,
mapSet: cells[0].mapSet.set,
mapGet: cells[0].mapGet.set,
mapHas: cells[0].mapHas.set,
mapDelete: cells[0].mapDelete.set,
mapEntries: cells[0].mapEntries.set,
iterateMap: cells[0].iterateMap.set,
setAdd: cells[0].setAdd.set,
setDelete: cells[0].setDelete.set,
setForEach: cells[0].setForEach.set,
setHas: cells[0].setHas.set,
iterateSet: cells[0].iterateSet.set,
regexpTest: cells[0].regexpTest.set,
regexpExec: cells[0].regexpExec.set,
matchAllRegExp: cells[0].matchAllRegExp.set,
stringEndsWith: cells[0].stringEndsWith.set,
stringIncludes: cells[0].stringIncludes.set,
stringIndexOf: cells[0].stringIndexOf.set,
stringMatch: cells[0].stringMatch.set,
stringReplace: cells[0].stringReplace.set,
stringSearch: cells[0].stringSearch.set,
stringSlice: cells[0].stringSlice.set,
stringSplit: cells[0].stringSplit.set,
stringStartsWith: cells[0].stringStartsWith.set,
iterateString: cells[0].iterateString.set,
weakmapDelete: cells[0].weakmapDelete.set,
weakmapGet: cells[0].weakmapGet.set,
weakmapHas: cells[0].weakmapHas.set,
weakmapSet: cells[0].weakmapSet.set,
weaksetAdd: cells[0].weaksetAdd.set,
weaksetHas: cells[0].weaksetHas.set,
functionToString: cells[0].functionToString.set,
promiseAll: cells[0].promiseAll.set,
promiseCatch: cells[0].promiseCatch.set,
promiseThen: cells[0].promiseThen.set,
finalizationRegistryRegister: cells[0].finalizationRegistryRegister.set,
finalizationRegistryUnregister: cells[0].finalizationRegistryUnregister.set,
getConstructorOf: cells[0].getConstructorOf.set,
immutableObject: cells[0].immutableObject.set,
isObject: cells[0].isObject.set,
isError: cells[0].isError.set,
FERAL_EVAL: cells[0].FERAL_EVAL.set,
noEvalEvaluate: cells[0].noEvalEvaluate.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
makeEnvironmentCaptor: cells[2].makeEnvironmentCaptor.set,
getEnvironmentOption: cells[2].getEnvironmentOption.set,
getEnvironmentOptionsList: cells[2].getEnvironmentOptionsList.set,
environmentOptionsListHas: cells[2].environmentOptionsListHas.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./src/env-options.js", 2);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "../commons.js", 0);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
an: cells[4].an.set,
bestEffortStringify: cells[4].bestEffortStringify.set,
enJoin: cells[4].enJoin.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
makeLRUCacheMap: cells[7].makeLRUCacheMap.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "../make-lru-cachemap.js", 7);
observeImports(map, "./internal-types.js", 6);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
makeNoteLogArgsArrayKit: cells[8].makeNoteLogArgsArrayKit.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "../commons.js", 0);
observeImports(map, "./stringify-utils.js", 4);
observeImports(map, "./types.js", 5);
observeImports(map, "./internal-types.js", 6);
observeImports(map, "./note-log-args.js", 8);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
unredactedDetails: cells[9].unredactedDetails.set,
loggedErrorHandler: cells[9].loggedErrorHandler.set,
makeAssert: cells[9].makeAssert.set,
assert: cells[9].assert.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
observeImports(map, "./error/assert.js", 9);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
isTypedArray: cells[10].isTypedArray.set,
makeHardener: cells[10].makeHardener.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
constantProperties: cells[11].constantProperties.set,
universalPropertyNames: cells[11].universalPropertyNames.set,
initialGlobalPropertyNames: cells[11].initialGlobalPropertyNames.set,
sharedGlobalPropertyNames: cells[11].sharedGlobalPropertyNames.set,
uniqueGlobalPropertyNames: cells[11].uniqueGlobalPropertyNames.set,
NativeErrors: cells[11].NativeErrors.set,
FunctionInstance: cells[11].FunctionInstance.set,
AsyncFunctionInstance: cells[11].AsyncFunctionInstance.set,
isAccessorPermit: cells[11].isAccessorPermit.set,
permitted: cells[11].permitted.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
observeImports(map, "./permits.js", 11);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
makeIntrinsicsCollector: cells[12].makeIntrinsicsCollector.set,
getGlobalIntrinsics: cells[12].getGlobalIntrinsics.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./permits.js", 11);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
default: cells[13].default.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
default: cells[14].default.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
default: cells[15].default.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
default: cells[16].default.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
default: cells[17].default.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
minEnablements: cells[18].minEnablements.set,
moderateEnablements: cells[18].moderateEnablements.set,
severeEnablements: cells[18].severeEnablements.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
observeImports(map, "./enablements.js", 18);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
default: cells[19].default.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
observeImports(map, "./error/assert.js", 9);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
default: cells[20].default.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
makeEvalFunction: cells[21].makeEvalFunction.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
observeImports(map, "./error/assert.js", 9);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
makeFunctionConstructor: cells[22].makeFunctionConstructor.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
observeImports(map, "./make-eval-function.js", 21);
observeImports(map, "./make-function-constructor.js", 22);
observeImports(map, "./permits.js", 11);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
setGlobalObjectSymbolUnscopables: cells[23].setGlobalObjectSymbolUnscopables.set,
setGlobalObjectConstantProperties: cells[23].setGlobalObjectConstantProperties.set,
setGlobalObjectMutableProperties: cells[23].setGlobalObjectMutableProperties.set,
setGlobalObjectEvaluators: cells[23].setGlobalObjectEvaluators.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
observeImports(map, "./error/assert.js", 9);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
alwaysThrowHandler: cells[24].alwaysThrowHandler.set,
strictScopeTerminatorHandler: cells[24].strictScopeTerminatorHandler.set,
strictScopeTerminator: cells[24].strictScopeTerminator.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
observeImports(map, "./strict-scope-terminator.js", 24);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
createSloppyGlobalsScopeTerminator: cells[25].createSloppyGlobalsScopeTerminator.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
observeImports(map, "./error/assert.js", 9);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
makeEvalScopeKit: cells[26].makeEvalScopeKit.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
getSourceURL: cells[27].getSourceURL.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
observeImports(map, "./get-source-url.js", 27);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
rejectHtmlComments: cells[28].rejectHtmlComments.set,
evadeHtmlCommentTest: cells[28].evadeHtmlCommentTest.set,
rejectImportExpressions: cells[28].rejectImportExpressions.set,
evadeImportExpressionTest: cells[28].evadeImportExpressionTest.set,
rejectSomeDirectEvalExpressions: cells[28].rejectSomeDirectEvalExpressions.set,
mandatoryTransforms: cells[28].mandatoryTransforms.set,
applyTransforms: cells[28].applyTransforms.set,
transforms: cells[28].transforms.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
isValidIdentifierName: cells[29].isValidIdentifierName.set,
getScopeConstants: cells[29].getScopeConstants.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
observeImports(map, "./scope-constants.js", 29);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
makeEvaluate: cells[30].makeEvaluate.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
observeImports(map, "./strict-scope-terminator.js", 24);
observeImports(map, "./sloppy-globals-scope-terminator.js", 25);
observeImports(map, "./eval-scope.js", 26);
observeImports(map, "./transforms.js", 28);
observeImports(map, "./make-evaluate.js", 30);
observeImports(map, "./error/assert.js", 9);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
makeSafeEvaluator: cells[31].makeSafeEvaluator.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
tameFunctionToString: cells[32].tameFunctionToString.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
tameDomains: cells[33].tameDomains.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "../commons.js", 0);
observeImports(map, "./types.js", 5);
observeImports(map, "./internal-types.js", 6);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
makeLoggingConsoleKit: cells[34].makeLoggingConsoleKit.set,
makeCausalConsole: cells[34].makeCausalConsole.set,
filterConsole: cells[34].filterConsole.set,
consoleWhitelist: cells[34].consoleWhitelist.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "../commons.js", 0);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
makeRejectionHandlers: cells[35].makeRejectionHandlers.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "../commons.js", 0);
observeImports(map, "./assert.js", 9);
observeImports(map, "./console.js", 34);
observeImports(map, "./unhandled-rejection.js", 35);
observeImports(map, "./types.js", 5);
observeImports(map, "./internal-types.js", 6);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
tameConsole: cells[36].tameConsole.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "../commons.js", 0);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
filterFileName: cells[37].filterFileName.set,
shortenCallSiteString: cells[37].shortenCallSiteString.set,
tameV8ErrorConstructor: cells[37].tameV8ErrorConstructor.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "../commons.js", 0);
observeImports(map, "../permits.js", 11);
observeImports(map, "./tame-v8-error-constructor.js", 37);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
default: cells[38].default.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
observeImports(map, "./error/assert.js", 9);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
makeAlias: cells[39].makeAlias.set,
load: cells[39].load.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./module-load.js", 39);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
observeImports(map, "./error/assert.js", 9);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
deferExports: cells[40].deferExports.set,
getDeferredExports: cells[40].getDeferredExports.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
observeImports(map, "./transforms.js", 28);
observeImports(map, "./make-safe-evaluator.js", 31);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
provideCompartmentEvaluator: cells[41].provideCompartmentEvaluator.set,
compartmentEvaluate: cells[41].compartmentEvaluate.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./error/assert.js", 9);
observeImports(map, "./module-proxy.js", 40);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
observeImports(map, "./compartment-evaluate.js", 41);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
makeThirdPartyModuleInstance: cells[42].makeThirdPartyModuleInstance.set,
makeModuleInstance: cells[42].makeModuleInstance.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./error/assert.js", 9);
observeImports(map, "./module-instance.js", 42);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
link: cells[43].link.set,
instantiate: cells[43].instantiate.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
observeImports(map, "./global-object.js", 23);
observeImports(map, "./permits.js", 11);
observeImports(map, "./module-load.js", 39);
observeImports(map, "./module-link.js", 43);
observeImports(map, "./module-proxy.js", 40);
observeImports(map, "./error/assert.js", 9);
observeImports(map, "./compartment-evaluate.js", 41);
observeImports(map, "./make-safe-evaluator.js", 31);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
InertCompartment: cells[44].InertCompartment.set,
CompartmentPrototype: cells[44].CompartmentPrototype.set,
makeCompartmentConstructor: cells[44].makeCompartmentConstructor.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
observeImports(map, "./compartment.js", 44);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
getAnonymousIntrinsics: cells[45].getAnonymousIntrinsics.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
tameHarden: cells[46].tameHarden.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
tameSymbolConstructor: cells[47].tameSymbolConstructor.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
tameFauxDataProperty: cells[48].tameFauxDataProperty.set,
tameFauxDataProperties: cells[48].tameFauxDataProperties.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "@endo/env-options", 3);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
observeImports(map, "./make-hardener.js", 10);
observeImports(map, "./intrinsics.js", 12);
observeImports(map, "./permits-intrinsics.js", 13);
observeImports(map, "./tame-function-constructors.js", 14);
observeImports(map, "./tame-date-constructor.js", 15);
observeImports(map, "./tame-math-object.js", 16);
observeImports(map, "./tame-regexp-constructor.js", 17);
observeImports(map, "./enable-property-overrides.js", 19);
observeImports(map, "./tame-locale-methods.js", 20);
observeImports(map, "./global-object.js", 23);
observeImports(map, "./make-safe-evaluator.js", 31);
observeImports(map, "./permits.js", 11);
observeImports(map, "./tame-function-tostring.js", 32);
observeImports(map, "./tame-domains.js", 33);
observeImports(map, "./error/tame-console.js", 36);
observeImports(map, "./error/tame-error-constructor.js", 38);
observeImports(map, "./error/assert.js", 9);
observeImports(map, "./get-anonymous-intrinsics.js", 45);
observeImports(map, "./compartment.js", 44);
observeImports(map, "./tame-harden.js", 46);
observeImports(map, "./tame-symbol-constructor.js", 47);
observeImports(map, "./tame-faux-data-properties.js", 48);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
repairIntrinsics: cells[49].repairIntrinsics.set,
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./assert-sloppy-mode.js", 1);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
observeImports(map, "./lockdown.js", 49);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
observeImports(map, "./compartment.js", 44);
observeImports(map, "./tame-function-tostring.js", 32);
observeImports(map, "./intrinsics.js", 12);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./commons.js", 0);
observeImports(map, "./error/assert.js", 9);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
importMeta: {},
imports(entries) {
const map = new Map(entries);
observeImports(map, "./src/lockdown-shim.js", 50);
observeImports(map, "./src/compartment-shim.js", 51);
observeImports(map, "./src/assert-shim.js", 52);
liveVar: {
onceVar: {
importMeta: {},
return cells[cells.length - 1]['*'].get();
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