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Last active December 29, 2020 20:25
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Simple Rholang with higher-order channels and continuations
// Recordings:
object rholang {
* This interface represents terms in our Simple Rholang language.
* Everything is a process.
trait Process
* AST of our Simple Rholang language. It's private and accessible only
* inside this object. The only way to change the state (Set[Process]) is to
* call defined operations (nil, par, send, receive).
private final case class Par(
sends: Seq[(Process, Process)] = Seq(),
receives: Seq[(Process, Process)] = Seq(),
exprs: Seq[Process] = Seq()
) extends Process {
override def toString: String = {
val ss = { case (n, v) => s"Send($n, $v)" }
val rs = { case (n, v) => s"Receive($n, $v)" }
val es = { case p => s"$p" }
val all = ss ++ rs ++ es
if (all.isEmpty) "nil" else all.mkString(" | ")
* `nil` and `par` are Monoid operations (empty, combine).
* All terms (processes) are collected in a Set defined in Par(Set[Process]).
def nil: Process = Par()
def par(p1: Process, p2: Process = nil): Process = (p1, p2) match {
// Combine states from both Par's
// This rule also "erase" `nil` from both sides of Par
// nil | p == p == p | nil
case (Par(s1, r1, e1), Par(s2, r2, e2)) =>
Par(sends = s1 ++ s2, receives = r1 ++ r2, exprs = e1 ++ e2)
// Next two cases flatten nested Par's
// Par(Set(Par(Send(A)))) => Par(Set(Send(A)))
case (Par(s, r, e), p2) => Par(s, r, e :+ p2)
case (p1, Par(s, r, e)) => Par(s, r, e :+ p1)
// All other cases just collect as expressions
case (p1, p2) => Par(exprs = Seq(p1, p2))
* `send` and `receive` represent basic operations.
def send(name: Process, value: Process): Process = Par(sends = Seq((name, value)))
def receive(name: Process, cont: Process): Process = Par(receives = Seq((name, cont)))
* Support for ground types (built-in processes).
private trait Ground extends Process
private final case class GString(x: String) extends Ground {
override def toString: String = s""""${x}""""
private final case class GInt(x: Int) extends Ground {
override def toString: String = s"${x}"
private final case class GSystem(id: String, proc: Process) extends Ground {
override def toString: String = s"SYS($id, $proc})"
private final case class GTuple(args: Seq[Process]) extends Ground {
override def toString: String = s"(${args.mkString(", ")})"
def string(x: String): Process = Par(exprs = Seq(GString(x)))
def int(x: Int): Process = Par(exprs = Seq(GInt(x)))
def sys(x: String, proc: Process): Process = Par(exprs = Seq(GSystem(x, proc)))
def tuple(p1: Process, p2: Process): Process = Par(exprs = Seq(GTuple(Seq(p1, p2))))
* Converter to process
trait ToProcess[A] {
def convertToProcess(a: A): Process
// Helper if process cannot be converted automatically
def p[A](x: A)(implicit instance: ToProcess[A]): Process = instance.convertToProcess(x)
def par[A: ToProcess, B: ToProcess](x: A, y: B): Process = par(p(x), p(y))
// Tuples defined as infix function e.g. (a ~ b)
def t[A: ToProcess, B: ToProcess](x1: A, x2: B): Process = tuple(p(x1), p(x2))
// Extensions
def send[A: ToProcess, B: ToProcess](n: A, v: B): Process = send(p(n), p(v))
def receive[A: ToProcess, B: ToProcess](n: A, v: B): Process = receive(p(n), p(v))
def sys[A: ToProcess](id: String, proc: A): Process = sys(id, p(proc))
* Matching
type TupleSpace = Seq[(Process, Process)]
def matchProc(name: Process, st: TupleSpace): (TupleSpace, Option[Process]) = {
type Param = (TupleSpace, Option[Process])
st.foldLeft[Param]((Seq(), None)) {
case ((acc, None), (n, v)) if n == name => (acc, Some(v))
case ((acc, b), pp) => (acc :+ pp, b)
def matches(ts1: TupleSpace, ts2: TupleSpace): (TupleSpace, TupleSpace, Seq[Process]) =
ts1.foldLeft[(TupleSpace, TupleSpace, Seq[Process])](Seq(), ts2, Seq()) {
case ((t1, t2, cs), (name, value)) =>
val (t2a, matched) = matchProc(name, t2)
matched.fold(t1 :+ (name, value), t2a, cs) { cont =>
// Match found, collect continuation (we don't have a way to use value from Send)
(t1, t2a, cs :+ cont)
def executeExprs(exprs: Seq[Process]): Seq[Process] =
exprs.foldLeft(Seq[Process]()) {
// System processes
case (acc, GSystem(id, arg)) if id == "rho:io:stdout" =>
// Standard output
println(s"> ${arg}")
case (acc, p) => acc :+ p
import scala.annotation.tailrec
* Reductions of our Simple Rholang language.
* When Send channel matches Receive channel, receive continuations are evaluated.
* TODO: value from Send is not used currently. We need more machinery to bind it in Receive.
def eval(proc: Process): Process =
proc match {
case Par(ss, rs, es) =>
// Match sends and receives
val (sends, receives, continuations) = matches(ss, rs)
// Execute system processes and ground terms
val exprs = executeExprs(es)
// Result of evaluation (reduction)
val evalRes = Par(sends, receives, exprs)
if (continuations.nonEmpty) {
// Matched continuations evaluated in par with the result of reduction
val proc = (continuations :+ evalRes).fold(Par())(par)
} else
// If matching has no continuations we are at the end
case p => p
import rholang._
// Implicit conversion for Process (identity)
implicit object ProcessIdentity extends ToProcess[Process] {
def convertToProcess(x: Process): Process = x
// Implicit conversion for String
implicit object StringToProcess extends ToProcess[String] {
def convertToProcess(x: String): Process = string(x)
// Implicit conversion for Int
implicit object IntToProcess extends ToProcess[Int] {
def convertToProcess(x: Int): Process = int(x)
// Binary infix functions
implicit class syntaxRholang[A](private val p1: A) extends AnyVal {
// Defines pipe `|` as nicer syntax for `par`
// `|` is not the best choice, already defined for numbers. `||` maybe?
// a | b ==> par(a, b)
// a | b | c ==> par(par(a, b), c)
def |[B: ToProcess](p2: B)(implicit to: ToProcess[A]): Process = par(p1, p2)
// Defines tilde `~` as nicer syntax for tuple (how to lift Scala tuple?)
// a ~ b ==> t(a, b)
// a ~ b ~ c ==> t(t(a, b), c)
def ~[B: ToProcess](p2: B)(implicit to: ToProcess[A]): Process = t(p1, p2)
* Our first Simple Rholang program.
val prog1: Process = {
val p1 = send(nil | 42 | "A", 42) | send("A" | 42, 11)
val p2 = send("B", 42) | send("B", 4222)
val p3 = receive("B", receive("B", 444)) // | receive("B", 444)
val p4 = send("C", 42) // | receive("C", sys("rho:io:stdout", "CONT PRINT"))
val p5 = sys("rho:io:stdout", "Special channel!" ~ 42)
val p6 = receive("A" | 42, sys("rho:io:stdout", "In continuation!"))
p1 | p2 | p3 | p4 | p5 | p6 | nil
val prog2 = "Process String in par with Int" | 42
// P | Q == Q | P
val prog3 = send("A" | "B", 42) // sends = Seq("A", "B")
val prog4 = send("B" | "A", 42) // sends = Seq("A", "B")
val prog3_4 = prog3 == prog4
val isSetSame = Set("A", "B") == Set("B", "A")
val s1 = Set("A", "B")
val s2 = Set("B", "A")
val li1 = List("A", "B").sorted
val li2 = List("B", "A").sorted
val isListSame = li1 == li2
val printExample = sys("rho:io:stdout", "Example continuations!")
// @{"A" | "B"}!(42) | for (_ <- @{"A" | "B"}) { *printExample } | @"C"!(42)
val prog5 = send("A" | "B", 42) |
receive("A" | "B", printExample) |
send("C", 42)
val prog5_res = eval(prog5)
* Evaluate the program and get remaining processes (state inside Par).
val res = eval(prog1)
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