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Last active April 9, 2020 18:53
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Convert a Markdown transcript exported by oTranscribe to a format importable by Atlas TI.
author: Thor Galle <@th0rgall>
original version: April 3, 2020
last updated: April 9, 2020
A script to convert a Markdown transcript exported from to something importable in Atlas TI v8.
USAGE: python <input_file> [output_file]
[output_file] defaults to out.txt
Note: oTranscribe text is assumed to start with a timestamp on each line
Sample text before (input)
02:03 I think it's just the way it should be when it comes to.. online streaming services
02:06 T: Yes, so you've seen this before?
02:08 Uhuh. I don't know what the other buttons do though. It's like (un) .. oh ok, now I see
Sample text after (output)
[00:02:03]Participant: I think it’s just the way it should be when it comes to.. online streaming services
[00:02:06]Thor: Yes, so you’ve seen this before?
[00:02:08]Participant: Uhuh. I don’t know what the other buttons do though. It’s like [unclear] .. oh ok, now I see
This scripts works by:
1. Cleaning and transforming the oTranscribe output so that it works for Atlas TI
2. Replacing some shorthand formulations I used with their full equivalents via regular expressions
The rules:
T: => Thor: (replace with your own name using the variables in the code below)
for other lines, it inserts Participant:
(un) => [unclear]
(un: is it this?) => [unclear: is it this?]
Customize as needed!
Update April 9, 2020: changed to implement specification recommendations from Atlas TI tech support
for a discussion
import sys, re, traceback
PARTICIPANT_NAME = 'Participant'
OUTPUT_DEFAULT = 'output.txt'
OTRANS_TIMESTAMP_REGEX = re.compile(r'(\d{1,2}:\d{2})')
# get the input & output files
def getFileNames():
inputFile = None
if (len(sys.argv) > 1):
inputFile = sys.argv[1]
if (len(sys.argv) > 2):
outputFile = sys.argv[2]
return (inputFile, outputFile)
# rules for replacing text parts
def getReplaceTuples():
singleQuoteR = (re.compile(r"'"), r'%s' % TYPOGRAPHIC_SINGLE_QUOTE)
# TODO: this should converting to double quotes, but that requires more complex logic to detect start/end of a double quotation
# and dealing with edge cases
doubleQuoteR = (re.compile(r'"'), TYPOGRAPHIC_SINGLE_QUOTE)
timeStampsR = (OTRANS_TIMESTAMP_REGEX, r'[00:\1]')
ampersandR = (re.compile(r"\s?&\s?"), r' and ')
unclearR1 = (re.compile(r'(\(un\))'), r'[unclear]')
unclearR2 = (re.compile(r'\(un:([^\)]*)\)'), r'[unclear: \1]')
interviewerR = (re.compile(r'(\s*%s:)' % INTERVIEWER_SHORT, re.I), r'%s:' % INTERVIEWER_NAME)
colR = (re.compile(r'(\(collision\))'), r'[collision]')
participantR = (re.compile(r'(\d{2}\])(\s*)(?!%s|\s)' % INTERVIEWER_NAME), r'\1%s: ' % PARTICIPANT_NAME)
regexes = [singleQuoteR, ampersandR, doubleQuoteR, timeStampsR, unclearR1, unclearR2, interviewerR, colR, participantR]
return regexes
def isValidLine(line):
# empty line -> not valid
if len(line) == 0:
return False
# no timestamp -> not valid
elif not OTRANS_TIMESTAMP_REGEX.match(line):
return False
return True
def replaceLine(line):
outLine = line
for i in getReplaceTuples():
outLine = i[0].sub(i[1], outLine)
return outLine
def main():
(inputFile, outputFile) = getFileNames()
with open(inputFile) as f:
content = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()]
content = [replaceLine(l) for l in content if isValidLine(l)]
with open(outputFile, 'w') as fo:
fo.writelines("%s\n" % l for l in content)
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