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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Python Script for Extracting Records from SPARCS Limited IP Data Files
import sys, csv, os
### Author Jason Theobald, MD/MBA Student 2014
### This script reads all SPARCS files with the .DAT extension in the same folder as the script
### Use this to retrieve patients by ICD-9 Code and generate a .csv file
### To run: python on Mac OSX or Windows PC (with Python 2.7 installed)
### Shows what files are being read. Will open all .dat files in current directory.
files = [i for i in os.listdir(os.curdir) if i[-3:].lower() == "dat"]
print ""
print "Files to extract from..."
for f in files:
print f
### Wait for keyboard prompt to show user the files that are being read.
raw_input("Press enter to continue")
### Opens each .dat file
for i in files:
f = open(i)
o = open('JOINTS' + str(i[-6:-4]) + '.csv', 'wb')
output = csv.writer(o, delimiter=',')
### Header of .csv output file
### Here you enter the field names that will be the first row of your CSV file.
### Type them in order, as shown below.
output.writerow(["Type","Age","Zip","County","FacilityID","FacilityName","Principal ICD", "ICD2", "ICD3", "ICD4", "ICD5", "ICD6", "ICD7", "ICD8", "ICD9", "ICD10", "ICD11", "ICD12", "ICD13", "ICD14", "ICD15"])
### Refer to the SPARCS code list to tell the script where to look for each item of interest. Remember that python uses 0-based indexing, so you
### need to subtract 1 from the start number of all of the SPARCS codes. End number is the same.
### For each line in the file, grab the data of interest and load into a variable.
for line in f:
age = line[101:104].strip()
zip = line[164:169].strip()
county = line[173:175].strip()
facilityID = line[199:205].strip()
facilityName = line[206:276].strip()
PICD = line[1642:1649].strip() # Primary ICD code
ICD2 = line[1666:1673].strip() # All the other ICD codes
ICD3 = line[1690:1697].strip()
ICD4 = line[1714:1721].strip()
ICD5 = line[1738:1745].strip()
ICD6 = line[1762:1769].strip()
ICD7 = line[1786:1793].strip()
ICD8 = line[1810:1817].strip()
ICD9 = line[1834:1841].strip()
ICD10 = line[1858:1865].strip()
ICD11 = line[1882:1889].strip()
ICD12 = line[1906:1913].strip()
ICD13 = line[1930:1937].strip()
ICD14 = line[1954:1961].strip()
ICD15 = line[1978:1961].strip()
### Enter your collection of ICD-9 codes of interest. In this case, we are looking for hips and knees.
codelist = [PICD, ICD2, ICD3, ICD4, ICD5, ICD6, ICD7, ICD8, ICD9, ICD10, ICD11, ICD12, ICD13, ICD14, ICD15]
hiplist = ["8151", "8152", "0070", "0071", "0072", "0073", "8153", "0074", "0075", "0076", "0077"]
kneelist = ["8154", "8155", "0080", "0081", "0082", "0083", "0084"]
### Start by assuming this is not a hip patient or a knee patient.
hip = False
knee = False
### Go through each code in the code list. If any of them are found in the patient line, hip or knee = True
for code in codelist:
if code in hiplist:
hip = True
if code in kneelist:
knee = True
### After going through the codes, now you can say whether this is a hip patient, a knee patient, or both.
### If it's a hip, it will print the row. Same for knee.
if hip == True:
print "Hip"
output.writerow(["Hip"] + [age,zip,county,facilityID,facilityName]+ codelist)
if knee == True:
print "Knee"
output.writerow(["Knee"] + [age,zip,county,facilityID,facilityName]+ codelist)
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