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Last active March 20, 2019 02:32
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šŸ§ Brain JS
export function brainstore() {
let store = {}
let listeners = []
let ownProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
let allowed = {
string: 1,
number: 1,
boolean: 1,
object: 1,
function: 0,
function dispatch(type) {
return listeners.forEach(l => l(store, type))
function use(props) {
if (typeof props === 'function') {
return props(store)
if (!props || props.length <= 0) {
return store
const selecteds = {}
for (let i in store) {
if (props.includes(i) &&, i)) {
selecteds[i] = store[i]
return selecteds
return {
createStore: function(initialStore) {
store = initialStore
return this
is: function(name) {
return, name)
subscribe: function(callback) {
return listeners.push(callback)
map: function(callback) {
return callback && callback(use())
getState: function() {
return store
set: function(name, value, forceUpdae) {
if (!forceUpdae) {
if ( {
return this
if (!, typeof value) || allowed[typeof value] == 0) {
return this
store[name] = value
return this
get: function(prop) {
return use(prop)
use: function(props) {
return use(props)
clear: function(callback) {
store = {}
return callback && callback(this)
setState: function(props) {
let keys = Object.keys(props) => this.set(key, props[key]))
return this
connect: function(props) {
return function(component) {
return component(use(props))
const log = console.log
export const store = new brainstore()
store.createStore({ state: 'INITIALIZED' })
store.subscribe(function(state, type) {`$$subscribe ${type}`, state)
// store.set('maxwidth', 30).get('maxwidth')
// log('is:','maxwidth'))
// log('get:', store.get('maxwidth'))
// log('update:', store.set('maxwidth', 50).get('maxwidth'))
// store.set('height', { value: 1 }).get('height')
// store.setState({ age: 32, color: 'black', weight: 110 })
// {
// log('map:', entries)
// })
// const { connect } = store
// const App = props => console.log(props)
// function mapToProps(props) {
// return {
// largura: props.maxwidth,
// altura: props.height,
// age: props.age,
// }
// }
// setTimeout(() => {
// store.set('weight', '100kg', true) // forceUpdate
// log('use: ', store.use('weight'))
// store.clear()
// }, 3000)
// console.time('set items using set')
// for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
// store.set(`key_${i}`, i)
// }
// console.timeEnd('set items using set')
// console.time('set items using setState')
// for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
// store.setState({ [`key_${i}`]: i })
// }
// console.timeEnd('set items using setState')
// console.time(`mapToProps`)
// connect(mapToProps)(App)
// console.timeEnd(`mapToProps`)
// console.time(`connect string`)
// connect('maxwidth,height,age')(App)
// console.timeEnd(`connect string`)
// console.time(`connect array`)
// connect(['height'])(App)
// console.timeEnd(`connect array`)
// console.time(`connect all props`)
// connect()(App)
// console.timeEnd(`connect all props`)
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