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Created October 6, 2017 21:37
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Jenkins Pipeline Groovy snippet
import hudson.tasks.test.*
import hudson.model.Actionable
import groovy.json.*
def getJunitData() {
testResults = withContext(hudson.tasks.test.TestObject)
echo "describe " + testResults.getFullName()
def jsonStr = '';
if (testResults != null) {
def total = testResults.getTotalCount()
def failed = testResults.getFailCount()
def skipped = testResults.getSkipCount()
def passed = testResults.getPassCount()
jsonStr = '{ "total":'+total+', "pass":'+passed+', "fail":'+failed+', "skip":'+skipped+' }'
} else {
jsonStr = '{ "total":0, "pass":0, "fail":0, "skip":0 }'
echo "JUnit Test Result Totals: \n" + jsonStr
return jsonStr
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