Format Notes:
{CounterType} 0x{CounterCode} : Status according to the PPR {CounterName}
✔ PMC 0x00 : Removed (FPU Pipe Assignment) @done(19-12-19 13:29)
fpu_pipe_assignment.dual: Measureable but always samples to zero in zen2 for, removed in this patchset. Sub-counters by pipe missing in zen1, added in this patchset. Measurable and non-zero in zen2, not removed in this patchset. Sub-counters missing in zen1, added for both zen1 and zen2.
✔ PMC 0x01 : Removed (FP Scheduler Empty) @done(19-12-19 13:29)
Measureable but always samples to zero in zen2, removed in this patchset. Confirmed working for zen1.
✔ PMC 0x02 : Removed (Retired x87 Floating Point Operations) @done(19-12-19 13:29)
Measureable but always samples to zero in zen2, removed in this patchset.
✔ PMC 0x03 : Removed top 4 sub-counters for sp/dp split, merged into bottom for (SP and DP flops) @done(19-12-19 13:30)
as per f17m71 PPR section (Large Increment per Cycle Events), this uses merge counters PMCxFFF and requires an MSR write to MSR::PERF_CTL. Current mainline for zen1 does not seem to be using the MSR but I cannot test whether this produces actual output on zen1 systems. Confirmed working.
✔ PMC 0x04 : Removed (Number of Move Elimination and Scalar Op Optimization) @done(19-12-19 13:32)
Measureable and non-zero in zen2, not removed in this patchset. Confirmed working.
✔ PMC 0x05 : Changed; reversed sub-counter order for bottom nibble (Retired Serializing Ops) @done(19-12-19 13:32)
✔ PMC 0x0E : Added with 4 sub-counters (FP Dispatch Faults) @done(19-12-19 13:33)
✔ PMC 0x24 : Added as one sub-counter (STLI other) @done(19-12-19 13:38)
✔ PMC 0x26 : Added (Retired CLFLUSH Instructions) @done(19-12-19 23:11)
✔ PMC 0x29 : Changed sub-counter names for more consistency (Load/Store Dispatch) @done(19-12-23 21:18)
✔ PMC 0x27 : Added (Retired CPUID Instructions) @done(19-12-19 23:11)
✔ PMC 0x2B : Added (SMIs Received) @done(19-12-19 23:12)
✔ PMC 0x2C : Added (Interrupts Taken) @done(19-12-19 23:12)
✔ PMC 0x2D : Added (Time Stamp Counter Reads) @done(19-12-19 23:12)
✔ PMC 0x41 : Added in zen1 and zen2 (MAB Allocation by Pipe) @done(19-12-19 23:17)
Added for both zen1 and zen2 in this patchset. Confirmed working.
✔ PMC 0x43 : Added with 5 sub-counters (Data Cache Refills from System) @done(19-12-20 06:00)
✔ PMC 0x46 : Removed (Tablewalker Allocation) @done(19-12-20 06:01)
Measureable and non-zero in zen2, not removed in this patchset. Confirmed working.
✔ PMC 0x52 : Changed 2 sub-counter brief descriptions @done(19-12-20 06:05)
✔ PMC 0x59 : Added with 5 sub-counters (Software Prefetch Data Cache Fills) @done(19-12-20 06:08)
✔ PMC 0x5A : Added with 5 sub-counters (Hardware Prefetch Data Cache Fills) @done(19-12-20 09:10)
✔ PMC 0x78 : Added (All TLB Flushes) @done(19-12-20 09:10)
✔ PMC 0x80 : Removed (32 Byte Instruction Cache Fetch) @done(19-12-20 09:12)
Measureable and non-zero in zen2, not removed in this patchset. Confirmed working.
✔ PMC 0x81 : Removed (32 Byte Instruction Cache Misses) @done(19-12-20 09:12)
Measureable and non-zero in zen2, not removed in this patchset. Confirmed working.
✔ PMC 0x85 : Added with 3 sub-counters (L1 ITLB Miss, L2 ITLB Miss) @done(19-12-20 09:22)
✔ @TODO: Make sure the umask 0xFF works as a cumulative of sub-counters @done(19-12-22 05:05)
✔ PMC 0x86 : Removed (Pipeline Restart Due to Instruction Stream Probe) @done(19-12-20 09:26)
Measureable and non-zero in zen2, but not in PPR for f17m01::B2 or f17m71::B1. Not removed in this patchset from either zen1 or zen2. Confirmed working.
✔ PMC 0x87 : Removed (Instruction Pipe Stall) @done(19-12-20 09:26)
Measureable and non-zero in zen2, but not in PPR for f17m01::B2 or f17m71::B1. Not removed in this patchset from either zen1 or zen2. Confirmed working.
✔ PMC 0x8C : Removed (Instruction Cache Lines Invalidated) @done(19-12-20 09:26)
Measureable and non-zero in zen2, not removed in this patchset. Confirmed working.
✔ PMC 0x8E : Added (Dynamic Indirect Predictions) @done(19-12-20 09:32)
✔ PMC 0x91 : Added (Decoder Overrides Existing Branch Prediction (speculative)) @done(19-12-20 09:34)
✔ PMC 0x94 : Added with 3 sub-counters (ITLB Instruction Fetch Hits) @done(19-12-20 09:40)
✔ @TODO: Make sure the umask 0xFF works as a cumulative of sub-counters @done(19-12-22 05:16)
✔ PMC 0x99 : Removed (ITLB Reloads) @done(19-12-20 09:27)
Measureable and non-zero in zen2, not removed in this patchset but moved from cache.json to branch.json due to name prefix `bp`. Confirmed working.
✔ PMC 0x28A : Removed (IcOcModeSwitch) @done(19-12-21 01:57)
Measureable and non-zero in zen2, not removed in this patchset but moved to cache.json due to semantic grouping. Confirmed working.
✔ PMC 0xA9 : Added (Micro-Op Queue Empty) @done(19-12-21 08:29)
✔ PMC 0xAA : Added with 2 sub-counters (UOps Dispatched From Decoder) @done(19-12-21 08:29)
✔ @TODO: Make sure the umask 0xFF works as a cumulative of sub-counters @done(19-12-22 05:11)
✔ PMC 0xAE : Added with 8 sub-counters (Dispatch Resource Stall Cycles 1) @done(19-12-21 02:04)
✔ PMC 0xC7 : Removed (Retired Branch Resyncs) @done(19-12-21 09:08)
Measureable and non-zero in zen2, but not in PPR for f17m01::B2 or f17m71::B1. Not removed in this patchset from either zen1 or zen2. Confirmed working.
✔ PMC 0xD2 : Removed (Retired Conditional Branch Instructions Mispredicted) @done(19-12-21 08:44)
Measureable but confirmed always zero for both zen1/zen2, but not in PPR for f17m01::B2 or f17m71::B1. Removed for both zen1/zen2 in this patchset.
### L2 Events:
✔ PMC 0x60 : Changed; minor name change for sub-counter 2. @done(19-12-21 20:56)
Not changed in this patchset, too minor of a change.
✔ PMC 0x62 : Removed (L2 Latency) @done(19-12-21 08:46)
Measureable and non-zero in zen2, not removed in this patchset. COnfirmed working.
✔ PMC 0x63 : Removed (LS to L2 WBC requests) @done(19-12-21 20:50)
Measureable and non-zero in zen2, not removed in this patchset. COnfirmed working.
✔ PMC 0x6D : Removed (Cycles with fill pending from L2) @done(19-12-21 08:48)
Measureable and non-zero in zen2, not removed in this patchset. COnfirmed working.
✔ PMC 0x70 : Added (L2 Prefetch Hit in L2) @done(19-12-21 08:54)
✔ PMC 0x71 : Added (L2 Prefetcher Hits in L3) @done(19-12-21 08:54)
✔ PMC 0x72 : Added (L2 Prefetcher Misses in L3) @done(19-12-21 08:54)
### L3 Events:
✔ L3PMC 0x01 : Removed (L3 Cache Accesses) @done(19-12-21 08:59)
Measureable and non-zero in zen2 with elevated privilages, not removed in this patchset. Confirmed working.
✔ L3PMC 0x06 : Removed (L3 Miss) @done(19-12-21 09:08)
Measureable and non-zero in zen2 with elevated privilages, not removed in this patchset. Confirmed working.
[] Why is ls_ret_cpuid (PMC 0x27) catagorized under load/store?
[] for PMC 0x29 why is the naming of sub-counters so inconsistent, should we change the counter names to be more consistent at the cost of diverging from the PPR:
+ 2: LdStDispatch
+ 1: StoreDispatch
+ 0: LdDispatch
[] Why have the public description be the same as brief description for some counters such as memory:0x45
[] PMCs 0x86,0x87,0xC7,0xD2 are only listed in the PPR for f17m1 stepping B1 from 2017, and not in the latest 2019 guide for B2, but are still sample-able and non-zero even in both zen1 and zen2 and implemented in the current perf version.