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Created September 26, 2018 04:50
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Smart Contract
// solium-disable linebreak-style
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
contract Election {
struct Candidate {
uint id;
string name;
uint voteCount;
// Map of candidates
mapping(uint => Candidate) public candidates;
// map of voters who have voted
mapping(address => bool) public voters;
// storing count of candidates
uint public candidatesCount;
event votedEvent(
uint indexed _candidateId
constructor() public {
addCandidate("Candidate 1");
addCandidate("Candidate 2");
function addCandidate (string _name) private {
candidates[candidatesCount] = Candidate(candidatesCount, _name, 0);
function vote (uint _candidateId) public {
// require that they haven't voted before
require(!voters[msg.sender], "Already Voted");
// require a valid candidate
require(_candidateId > 0 && _candidateId <= candidatesCount, "Invalid Candidate");
voters[msg.sender] = true;
emit votedEvent(_candidateId);
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