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Created July 7, 2022 17:19
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Save thakyZ/24551e95bb78bfecc766c9b9af21e1e7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Update PowerCord Plugins via a PowerShell 7 script file.
$PrevWD = "${PWD}";
Set-Location "${PSScriptRoot}\src\Powercord\plugins";
$Git = (Get-Command -Name "git")
if ($null -eq $Git) {
Write-Error -Message "[ERR] Git not found on path. Exiting..."
Set-Location "${PrevWD}";
Exit 1
Get-ChildItem -Path "${PWD}" -Depth 0 -Directory | ForEach-Object {
$FullName = $_.FullName;
$BaseName = $_.BaseName;
if ($null -eq (Get-ChildItem -Path "${FullName}\.git" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
Write-Warning -Message "[WRN] Plugin `"${BaseName}`" is not a git repository.";
Set-Location -Path ${FullName};
$CurrentBranch = (& "${Git}" "rev-parse" "--abbrev-ref" "HEAD");
$GitOutput = (& "${Git}" "remote" "-v");
if (($GitOutput -match "upstream") -and ($GitOutput -match "upstream").ToLower().Split('\n')[0].ToString().Contains("upstream")) {
$GitOutput = (& "${Git}" "fetch" "upstream");
if ($GitOutput) {
$GitOutput = (& "${Git}" "pull" "upstream" "${CurrentBranch}");
if ($GitOutput -contains "Already up to date.") {
Write-Host -Object "Plugin `"${BaseName}`" is already up to date.";
elseif ($GitOutput -like "Merge made by the '*' strategy.") {
Write-Host -Objecy "Plugin `"${BaseName}`" automatically merged."
elseif ($GitOutput.Split("\n")[$GitOutput.Split("\n").length - 1].ToString().Contains("Automatic merge failed")) {
Write-Warning -Message "[WRN] Failed to automatically merge plugin `"${BaseName}`" you must do this yourself."
Write-Host -Object $GitOutput;
else {
Write-Host -Object "[INF] Undescript output in plugin `"${BaseName}`". `nPlease patch accordingly...`n${GitOutput}"
else {
$GitOutput = (& "${Git}" "pull" "origin" "${CurrentBranch}");
if ($GitOutput -contains "Already up to date.") {
Write-Host -Object "Plugin `"${BaseName}`" is already up to date.";
elseif ($GitOutput -like "Merge made by the '*' strategy.") {
Write-Host -Objecy "Plugin `"${BaseName}`" automatically merged.";
elseif ($GitOutput.Split("\n")[$GitOutput.Split("\n").length - 1].ToString().Contains("Automatic merge failed")) {
Write-Warning -Message "[WRN] Failed to automatically merge plugin `"${BaseName}`" you must do this yourself.";
Write-Host -Object $GitOutput;
else {
Write-Host -Object "[INF] Undescript output in plugin `"${BaseName}`". `nPlease patch accordingly...`n${GitOutput}";
elseif (($GitOutput -match "remote") -and ($GitOutput -match "remote").ToLower().Split('\n')[0].ToString().Contains("remote")) {
$GitOutput = (& "${Git}" "fetch" "remote")
if ($GitOutput) {
$GitOutput = (& "${Git}" "pull" "remote" "${CurrentBranch}");
if ($GitOutput -contains "Already up to date.") {
Write-Host -Object "Plugin `"${BaseName}`" is already up to date.";
elseif ($GitOutput -like "Merge made by the '*' strategy.") {
Write-Host -Objecy "Plugin `"${BaseName}`" automatically merged.";
elseif ($GitOutput.Split("\n")[$GitOutput.Split("\n").length - 1].ToString().Contains("Automatic merge failed")) {
Write-Warning -Message "[WRN] Failed to automatically merge plugin `"${BaseName}`" you must do this yourself.";
Write-Host -Object $GitOutput;
else {
Write-Host -Object "[INF] Undescript output in plugin `"${BaseName}`". `nPlease patch accordingly...`n${GitOutput}"
else {
$GitOutput = (& "${Git}" "pull" "origin" "${CurrentBranch}");
if ($GitOutput -contains "Already up to date.") {
Write-Host -Object "Plugin `"${BaseName}`" is already up to date.";
elseif ($GitOutput -like "Merge made by the '*' strategy.") {
Write-Host -Objecy "Plugin `"${BaseName}`" automatically merged.";
elseif ($GitOutput.Split("\n")[$GitOutput.Split("\n").length - 1].ToString().Contains("Automatic merge failed")) {
Write-Warning -Message "[WRN] Failed to automatically merge plugin `"${BaseName}`" you must do this yourself.";
Write-Host -Object $GitOutput;
else {
Write-Host -Object "[INF] Undescript output in plugin `"${BaseName}`". `nPlease patch accordingly...`n${GitOutput}";
else {
$GitOutput = (& "${Git}" "pull" "origin" "${CurrentBranch}")
if ($GitOutput -contains "Already up to date.") {
Write-Host -Object "Plugin `"${BaseName}`" is already up to date.";
elseif ($GitOutput -like "Merge made by the '*' strategy.") {
Write-Host -Objecy "Plugin `"${BaseName}`" automatically merged.";
elseif ($GitOutput.Split("\n")[$GitOutput.Split("\n").length - 1].ToString().Contains("Automatic merge failed")) {
Write-Warning -Message "[WRN] Failed to automatically merge plugin `"${BaseName}`" you must do this yourself.";
Write-Host -Object $GitOutput;
else {
Write-Host -Object "[INF] Undescript output in plugin `"${BaseName}`". `nPlease patch accordingly...`n${GitOutput}";
Set-Location -Path "${PrevWD}";
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