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Last active January 25, 2021 18:43
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Ark Server Commands

This is a guide of all the commands and cheats for ARK Survival Evolved, and some useful information aswell.

Command Parameters:

<> = Required Parameter
[] = Optional Parameter

Parameter Format

<Name:Type> This shows the name of the parmeter and what should be added.

Commandline Arguments

These are the commands to only be used when launching the server, so they will not work in-game.

A usage example would be:

Server.exe "TheIsland?listen?ServerCrosshair=true?MapPlayerLocation=true"

Commandline Argument Effect
ServerPVE Disables PvP, you are not able to kill other players
ServerHardcore When you die, your character is wiped to level 1
ServerCrosshair Turns on a crosshair
ServerForceNoHud Disables the floating names
AltSaveDirectoryName Saves server data to an alternate directory
GlobalVoiceChat Voice chat is global, everyone can hear each other
NoTributeDownloads Turns off outside downloads of characters/dinos
PreventDownloadSurvivors True/false enables whether or not you can download characters to the server
PreventDownloadDinos True/false enables whether or not you can download dinosaurs to the server
PreventDownloadItems True/false enables whether or not you can download items to the server
OnlyAllowSpecifiedEngrams Defaults false. If true, any Engram not explicitly specified in the EngramsOverride list will be Hidden.
AllowThirdPersonPlayer Enables 3rd person mode
AlwaysNotifyPlayerLeft Displays message when someone leaves the server
DontAlwaysNotifyPlayerJoined Disables message when someone joins the server
ShowMapPlayerLocation Shows your location on the map
DifficultyOffset=0 to 1 Changes the difficulty on the server, 0 being normal and 1 being x3 harder and more loot
DisableStructureDecayPVE Enables whether structures decay or not if left unattended
AllowFlyerCarryPVE Determines whether or not flying dinosaurs can carry
NewMaxStructuresInRange=6000 Changes the amount of structures allowed within a certain range
EnablePVPGamma Allows you to turn gamma on for your server at night
DayCycleSpeedScale=1 Changes the length of daytime
NightTimeSpeedScale=1 Changes the length of nighttime
DayTimeSpeedScale=1 Changes the speed daytime occurs
DinoDamageMultiplier=1.000000 Changes the amount of damage dealt by dinosaurs
PlayerDamageMultiplier=1.000000 Changes the amount of damage dealt by players
StructureDamageMultiplier=1.000000 Changes the amount of damage structures can take
PlayerResistanceMultiplier=1.000000 Changes players resistance
DinoResistanceMultiplier=1.000000 Changes dinosaurs resistance
StructureResistanceMultiplier=1.000000 Changes structure resistance
XPMultiplier=1.000000 Changes the amount of XP gained
TamingSpeedMultiplier=1 Changes the speed of taming
HarvestAmountMultiplier=1 Changes the amount of materials gained from harvesting
PlayerCharacterWaterDrainMultiplier=1 Changes how fast player water drains
PlayerCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier=1 Changes how fast player food drains
DinoCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier=1 Changes how fast dinosaur food drains
PlayerCharacterStaminaDrainMultiplier=1 Changes how fast player stamina drains
DinoCharacterStaminaDrainMultiplier=1 Changes how fast dinosaur stamina drains
PlayerCharacterHealthRecoveryMultiplier=1 Changes player health recovery rate
DinoCharacterHealthRecoveryMultiplier=1 Changes dinosaur health recovery rate
DinoCountMultiplier=1 Changes the amount of dinosaurs
HarvestHealthMultiplier=1 Changes the harvest health multiplier
PvEStructureDecayDestructionPeriod=0 Changes the structure decay period
ClampResourceHarvestDamage Enables whether dinosaur melee damage % affects harvesting amounts
ResourcesRespawnPeriodMultiplier=1 Changes the resource respawn time
KickIdlePlayersPeriod=2400 Changes the AFK kick timer
AutoSavePeriodMinutes=15 Changes how often the server saves
PvPZoneStructureDamageMultiplier=6.0 Changes the amount of damage structures near and inside caves take, the default is x6 the regular amount

Accessing Server Console & Logging in as Admin

To access the server console press tab (Is the default key for the console) and type in the cheats.
If you are playing multiplayer you must first type in enablecheats <adminPassword> (replace "<adminPassword>" with the admin password of course...


enablecheats querty

If you cannot open the console then check the keybinding options in your options menu.

Single Player Commands

These are the single player commands, unlike the multiplayer commands, all of them don't have the word "cheat" infront of it. Also, you do not have to type in enablecheats since you are the only player.

Command Effect
setcheatplayer <bool> enables/disables the cheat menu
god Enables godmode, you can not die except you can still drown
fly Allows you to fly
walk Deactivates flying and allows you to walk again
teleport You are teleported in the way that you are facing
slomo <speed:int> Changes the speed on the server such as player movement, use slomo 1 to revert to normal speed
playersonly Freezes absolutely everything except players, this even includes crafting
ghost Turns on noclip, you are able to walk through walls and objects
forcetame Instantly tames a dinosaur, you can even ride it without a saddle
addexperience <amnt:int> <?:int> <share:int> Gives you a give an amount of experience, you can change the value and if you change the second 0 to a 1 it will share the xp among your tribe
giveresources Gives you 50 of all resources
infinitestats Gives you infinite hunger, stamina and infinite ammo
pause pauses the server, including yourself
damagetarget <amnt:int> Deals damage to the creature you are aiming at
destroyallenemies Destroys all enemies, they respawn eventually
hurtme <amnt:int> Deals x amount of damage to yourself
togglegun Toggles the visibility of your currently equipped weapon/tool
settimeofday <time:timeString> Changes the time of day, for example cheat settimeofday 12:00
setplayerpos <x:int> <y:int> <z:int> Allows you to teleport to coords coord map
saveworld Saves the current worldstate
quit Exits the current world, use after saving for a safe shutdown
execsetsleeping <bool> Puts your character to sleep/wakes them up
enemyinvisible <bool> Makes all creatures ignore you even if you attack them
destroyall <class:string> destroys all objects/dinosaurs of a classname, refer to the dinosaur or item lists for specific classnames, also works with structures WIP List.
summon <class:string> Summons a dinosaur at your location. A list of all dinosaurs can be found here. This command can also be used to summon structures, structures will be rotated depending on the players viewing direction
giveitemnum <id:int> <qty:int> <quality:int> <bool> Gives you an item, the list of items with their ID's can be found here example admincheat giveitemnum 1 1 1 false gives you a simple pistol and admincheat giveitemnum 1 1 100 false gives you an ascendant simple pistol
givetome Makes any structure/dino you are currently looking at yours
stat fps Shows your fps and latency, usable by anyone. commands do not need to be enabled for this

Multiplayer Commands

These are the multiplayer admin commands, unlike the singleplayer commands you have a lot of them starting with the word "cheat" which you do have to type in.

Command Effect
ShowMyAdminManager Enables the Admin UI
enablecheats <pass:string> Logs you in as the administrator
setcheatplayer <bool> enables/disables the cheat menu
cheat AllowPlayerToJoinNoCheck <steamID:string> Whitelists the persons Steam ID
cheat DisallowPlayerToJoinNoCheck <steamID:string> Removes the persons whitelist
cheat SetMessageOfTheDay <msg:string> Sets a message of the day that appears when people join the server
cheat broadcast <msg:string> Broadcasts a message to everyone on the server, and forces their chat window to open
cheat god Enables godmode, you can not die except you can still drown
cheat fly Allows you to fly
cheat walk Deactivates flying and allows you to walk again
cheat teleport Teleports you to coords 0 0 0 (X Y Z)
cheat slomo <speed:int> Changes the speed on the server such as player movement, use slomo 1 to revert to normal speed
cheat playersonly Freezes absolutely everything except players, this even includes crafting
cheat ghost Turns on noclip, you are able to walk through walls and objects
cheat forcetame Instantly tames a dinosaur, you can even ride it without a saddle
cheat addexperience <amnt:int> <?:int> <share:int> Gives you a give an amount of experience, you can change the value and if you change the second 0 to a 1 it will share the xp among your tribe
cheat giveresources Gives you 50 of all resources
cheat infinitestats Gives you infinite hunger, stamina and infinite ammo
banplayer <steamName:string> Bans the user from the server
unbanplayer <steamName:string> Unbans the user from the server
cheat damagetarget <amnt:int> Deals damage to the creature you are aiming at
cheat destroyallenemies Destroys all enemies, they respawn eventually
cheat hurtme <amnt:int> Deals x amount of damage to yourself
togglegun Toggles the visibility of your currently equipped weapon/tool
cheat settimeofday <time:timeString> Changes the time of day, for example cheat settimeofday 12:00
cheat setplayerpos <x:int> <y:int> <z:int> Allows you to teleport to coords coord map
cheat saveworld Saves the current worldstate
cheat quit Exits the current world, use after saving for a safe shutdown
cheat execsetsleeping <bool> Puts your character to sleep/wakes them up
cheat enemyinvisible <bool> Makes all creatures ignore you even if you attack them
cheat destroyall <class:string> destroys all objects/dinosaurs of a classname, refer to the dinosaur or item lists for specific classnames, also works with structures WIP List
cheat summon <class:string> Summons a dinosaur at your location. A list of all dinosaurs can be found here. This command can also be used to summon structures, structures will be rotated depending on the players viewing direction
cheat giveitemnum <id:int> <qty:int> <quality:int> <bool> Gives you an item, the list of items with their ID's can be found here example admincheat giveitemnum 1 1 1 false gives you a simple pistol and admincheat giveitemnum 1 1 100 false gives you an ascendant simple pistol
cheat givetome Makes any structure/dino you are currently looking at yours
stat fps Shows your fps and latency, usable by anyone. commands do not need to be enabled for this

Testing Required / Use at own Risk

These commands have been mentioned in the comments and require testing... most of these commands in multiplayer need to have the word "cheat" in front of them. Any command in the part of the guide can crash your game or make the server need a complete wipe.

Command Effect
destroytarget Destroys the object / dinosaur you are looking at, it can however destroy the entire floor of your world. Do not risk using this command
debugstructures Shows debug information of a structure if you look at it, information has no use at the moment
switchlevel testing. May change the map level?
giveengrams gives you all crafting recipes but can and probably will crash your client/game server

Dinosaur Class Name

These are the dinosaur class name for spawning in or destorying certian creatures.

Class Name Dino Name
Ankylo_Character_BP_C Anklyo
SpiderS_Character_BP_C Araneo
Argent_Character_BP_C Argentavis
Sauropod_Character_BP_C Brontosaurus
SpiderL_Character_BP_C Broodmother Lyrix
Carno_Character_BP_C Carno
Coel_Character_BP_C Coel
Dilo_Character_BP_C Dilo
Dodo_Character_BP_C Dodo
Mammoth_Character_BP_C Mammoth
Megalodon_Character_BP_C Megalodon
Bat_Character_BP_C Onyc
Para_Character_BP_C Parasaur
Phiomia_Character_BP_C Phioma
Piranha_Character_BP_C Piranha
Ptero_Character_BP_C Ptero
Raptor_Character_BP_C Raptor
Saber_Character_BP_C Saber
Sarco_Character_BP_C Sarco
Scorpion_Character_BP_C Scorpion
Spino_Character_BP_C Spinosaurus
Stego_Character_BP_C Stegosaurus
Rex_Character_BP_C T-Rex
BoaFrill_Character_BP_C Titanboa
Trike_Character_BP_C Trike
Turtle_Character_BP_C Turtle

Object Class Name

These are the object class names for destorying certian objects.

Class Name Object Name Tested Notes
AirConditioner_C Air Conditioner tested
Beam_Metal_C Metal Catwalk tested
Beam_Wood_SM_New_C Wood Catwalk tested
C4Charge_C C4 Charge tested
C4Tripwire_C C4 Charge (Tripwire) tested
Campfire_C Camp Fire tested
Ceiling_Door_Metal_C Metal Trapdoor tested
Ceiling_Door_Wood_SM_New_C Wood Trapdoor (Locked) tested
Ceiling_Doorway_Metal_C Metal Trapdoor Ceiling tested
Ceiling_Doorway_Wood_SM_New_C Wood Trapdoor Ceiling tested
Ceiling_Metal_C Metal Ceiling tested
Ceiling_Wood_SM_C Wood Ceiling tested
CompostBin_C Compost Bin tested
CookingPot_C Cooking Pot tested
CropPlotLarge_SM_C Large Crop Plot tested
CropPlotMedium_SM_C Medium Crop Plot tested
CropPlotSmall_SM_C Small Crop Plot tested
DeathItemCache_C Item Cache tested Bugged
Door_Metal_C Metal Door tested
Door_Wood_SM_C Wood Door tested
DoorFrame_Metal_C Metal Door Frame tested
Doorframe_Wood_SM_New_C Wood Doorframe tested
Electric_Cable_Vertical_C Electric Cable Vertical tested
ElectricCableDiagonal_C Electric Cable Diagonal tested
ElectricCableIntersection_C Electric Cable Intersection tested
ElectricCableStraight_C Electric Cable Straight tested
ElectricGenerator_C Electric Generator tested
ElectricJunction_C Electric Junction Box tested
FenceFoundation_Metal_C Metal Fence Foundation tested
FenceFoundation_Wood_SM_C Wood Fence Foundation tested
Flag_SM_C Flag tested
Flag_SM_Spider_C Spider Flag tested
Floor_Metal_C Metal Foundation tested
Floor_Wood_SM_New_C Wood Foundation tested
Forge_C Forge tested
Gate_Large_Metal_C Metal Behemoth Gate tested
Gate_Metal_C Metal Dinosaur Gate tested
Gate_SM_C Wooden Dinosaur Gate tested
GateFrame_Large_Metal_C Metal Behemoth Gate Frame tested
GateFrame_Metal_C Metal Dinosaur Gate Frame tested
GateFrame_Wood_SM_C Wooden Dinosaur GateFrame tested
IceBox_C Refridgerator tested
Keypad2_C Remote Activation keypad tested
Ladder_Metal_C Metal Ladder tested
LadderBP_C Wood Ladder tested
LampPost_C Lamp Post tested
MortarAndPestle_C Mortar and Pestle tested
Pillar_Metal_C Metal Pillar tested
Pillar_Wood_SM_New_C Wood Pillar tested
Ramp_Metal_C Metal Ramp tested
Ramp_Wood_SM_New_C Wood Ramp tested
Sign_Large_Metal_C Large Metal Signpost tested
Sign_Large_Wood_C Large Wood Signpost tested
Sign_Small_Metal_C Small Metal Signpost tested
Sign_Small_Wood_C Small Wood Signpost tested
Sign_Wall_Metal_C Metal Wall Sign tested
Sign_Wall_Wood_C Wall Sign tested
SimpleBed_C Simple Bed tested
SleepingBag_C Sleeping Bag tested
SpikeWall_C Spike Wall tested missing textures?
StandingTorch_C Standing Torch tested
StorageBox_AnvilBench_C Smithy tested
StorageBox_Fabricator_C Fabricator tested
StorageBox_Large_C Large Storage Box tested
StorageBox_Small_C Small Storage Box tested
Thatch_Ceiling_C Thatch Roof tested
Thatch_Door_C Thatch Door tested
Thatch_Doorframe_C Thatch Doorframe tested
Thatch_Floor_C Thatch Foundation tested
Thatch_Wall_Small_C Thatch Wall tested
Wall_Metal_C Metal Wall tested
Wall_Wood_Small_SM_New_C Wood Wall tested
WaterPipe_Metal_Intake_C Metal Water Intake pipe tested
WaterPipe_Metal_Intersection_C Metal Water Pipe Intersection tested
WaterPipe_Metal_Straight_C Straight Metal Water Pipe tested
WaterPipe_Metal_Up_C Diagonal Metal Water Pipe tested
WaterPipe_Metal_Vertical_C Vertical Metal Water Pipe tested
WaterPipe_Stone_Intake_C Stone Water Intake Pipe tested
WaterPipe_Stone_Intersection_C Stone Water Pipe Intersection tested
WaterPipe_Stone_Straight_C Straight Stone Water Pipe tested
WaterPipe_Stone_Up_C Diagonal Stone Water Pipe tested
WaterPipe_Stone_Vertical_C Vertical Stone Water Pipe tested
WaterTap_C Stone Water Tap tested
WaterTap_Metal_C Metal Water Tap tested
Window_Metal_BP_C Metal Window tested
Window_Wood_BP_C Wood Window tested
WindowWall_Wood_SM_New_C Wood Window Wall tested
ArtifactCrate_1_C Artifact Of The Hunter Crate tested
ArtifactCrate_2_C Artifact Of The Pack Crate tested
ArtifactCrate_3_C Artifact Of The Massive Crate tested
ArtifactCrate_5_C Artifact Of The Clever tested
ArtifactCrate_6_C Artifact Of The Skylord tested
ArtifactCrate_7_C Artifact Of The Devourer tested
SupplyCrate_Cave_QualityTier1_C Level 10 Cave Supply Crate tested Green
SupplyCrate_Cave_QualityTier2_C Level 25 Cave Supply Crate tested Blue
SupplyCrate_Cave_QualityTier3_C Level 40 Cave Supply Crate tested Yellow
SupplyCrate_Cave_QualityTier4_C Level 55 Cave Supply Crate tested Red
SupplyCrate_Level03_C Level 03 Supply Crate tested White
SupplyCrate_Level03_Double_C Level 03 Supply Crate Better tested White
SupplyCrate_Level15_C Level 15 Supply Crate tested Green
SupplyCrate_Level15_Double_C Level 15 Supply Crate Better tested Green
SupplyCrate_Level25_C Level 25 Supply Crate tested Blue
SupplyCrate_Level25_Double_C Level 25 Supply Crate Better tested Blue
SupplyCrate_Level35_C Level 35 Supply Crate tested Purple
SupplyCrate_Level35_Double_C Level 35 Supply Crate Better tested Purple
SupplyCrate_Level45_C Level 45 Supply Crate tested Yellow
SupplyCrate_Level45_Double_C Level 45 Supply Crate Better tested Yellow
SupplyCrate_Level60_C Level 60 Supply Crate tested Red
SupplyCrate_Level60_Double_C Level 60 Supply Crate Better tested Red
TributeSpawner_Test1_C Spawns Broodmother Lyrix tested

Item List

This is the item list for the items in Ark, with some extra stuff. When spawning in items you can only spawn in the max stack even if you try to spawn in more.

Item Quality Guide

Item Quality Color
Primitive Grey
Ramshackle Green
Apprentice Blue
Journeyman Purple
MasterCraft Gold
Ascendant Red

Item Categories

Item Categories
Ammo Food Egg
Attachment Misc Seed
Clothes Mission Skin
Consumable Resource Structure
Dye Saddle Tool

The Item List

Item-ID Item Category Stack Size
0 BluePrint:Second Helmet Blueprint 1
1 Simple Pistol Weapon 1
2 Assault Rifle Weapon 1
3 Rocket Launcher Weapon 1
4 Simple Bullet Ammo 50
5 Bow(Stone Arrow) Weapon 1
6 Grenade Weapon 10
7 Wood Resource 100
8 Stone Resource 100
9 Metal Resource 100
10 Hide Resource 100
11 Chitin Resource 100
12 Raw Meat Food 20
13 Spoiled Meat Food 100
14 Cooked Meat Food 30
15 Water Jar(Empty) Tool 1
16 Water Jar(Full) Tool 1
17 Cloth Pants Clothes 1
18 Cloth Shirt Clothes 1
19 Cloth Hat Clothes 1
20 Cloth Boots Clothes 1
21 Cloth Gloves Clothes 1
22 Hide Pants Clothes 1
23 Hide Shirt Clothes 1
24 Hide Hat Clothes 1
25 Hide Boots Clothes 1
26 Hide Gloves Clothes 1
27 Chitin Leggings Clothes 1
28 Chitin Chestpiece Clothes 1
29 Chitin Helmet Clothes 1
30 Chitin Boots Clothes 1
31 Chitin Gauntlets Clothes 1
32 Stone Arrow Ammo 50
33 Stone Pick Tool 1
34 Stone Hatchet Tool 1
35 Metal Pick Tool 1
36 Metal Hatchet Tool 1
37 Torch Tool 1
38 Paintbrush Tool 1
39 Campfire Structure 3
40 Standing Torch Structure 3
41 Hide Sleeping Bag Structure 3
42 C4 Remote Detonator Weapon 1
43 C4 Charge Ammo 50
44 Blood Extraction Syringe Tool 1
45 Blood Pack Resource 100
46 Improvised Explosive Device Weapon 10
47 WaterSkin(Image1) Tool 1
48 WaterSkin(Image2) Tool 1
49 Berry Bush Seeds Seed 100
50 Fertilizer Resource 100
51 Bingleberry Soup Food 100
52 Medical Brew Food 100
53 Energy Brew Food 100
54 Small Dinosaur Feces Misc 1
55 Human Feces Misc 1
56 Stegosaurus Egg Egg 100
57 Spear Weapon 1
58 Red Coloring Dye 100
59 Green Coloring Dye 100
60 Blue Coloring Dye 100
61 Yellow Coloring Dye 100
62 Purple Coloring Dye 100
63 Orange Coloring Dye 100
64 Black Coloring Dye 100
65 White Coloring Dye 100
66 Brown Coloring Dye 100
67 Cyan Coloring Dye 100
68 Purple Coloring Dye 100
69 Rex Saddle Saddle 1
70 Tranq Arrow Ammo 50
71 Pistol Hat Skin Skin 1
72 GPS Tool 1
73 Flint Resource 100
74 Metal Ingot Resource 100
75 Thatch Resource 100
76 Fiber Resource 100
77 Charcoal Resource 100
78 Crystal Resource 100
79 Thatch Roof Structure 100
80 Thatch Door Structure 100
81 Thatch Foundation Structure 100
82 Thatch Wall Structure 100
83 Thatch Doorframe Structure 100
84 Wooden Catwalk Structure 100
85 Wooden Ceiling Structure 100
86 Wooden HatchFrame Structure 100
87 Wooden Door Structure 100
88 Wooden Foundation Structure 100
89 Wooden Ladder Structure 100
90 Wooden Pillar Structure 100
91 Wooden Ramp Structure 100
92 Wooden TrapDoor Structure 100
93 Wooden Wall Structure 100
94 Wooden Doorframe Structure 100
95 Wooden WindowFrame Structure 100
96 Wooden Window Structure 100
97 Wooden Sign Structure 100
98 BluePrint: Note Blueprint 1
99 Citronal Consumable 100
100 Parasaur Saddle Saddle 1
101 Raptor Saddle Saddle 1
102 Stego Saddle Saddle 1
103 Trike Saddle Saddle 1
104 Pulmonoscorpius Saddle Saddle 1
105 Storage Box Structure 100
106 Large Storage Box Structure 100
107 Mortar and Pestle Structure 100
108 Sparkpowder Resource 100
109 Gunpowder Resource 100
110 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Intake Structure 100
111 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Straight Structure 100
112 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Inclined Structure 100
113 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Intersection Structure 100
114 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Vertical Structure 100
115 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Tap Structure 100
116 Amarberry Seed Seed 100
117 Amarberry Consumable 100
118 Azulberry Consumable 100
119 Tintoberry Consumable 100
120 Mejoberry Consumable 100
121 Narcoberry Consumable 100
122 Stimberry Consumable 100
123 Narcotic Resource 100
124 Stimulant Resource 100
125 Refining Forge Structure 100
126 Smithy Structure 100
127 Compost Bin Structure 100
128 Cooking Pot Structure 100
129 Simple Bed Structure 3
130 Small Crop Plot Structure 100
131 Pteranodon Saddle Saddle 1
132 Longneck Rifle Weapon 1
133 Citronal Seed Seed 100
134 Specimen Implant Misc 1
135 Bronto Saddle Saddle 1
136 Wooden Fence Foundation Structure 100
137 Compass Tool 1
138 Scope Attachment Attachment 1
139 Slingshot Weapon 1
140 Pike Weapon 1
141 Radio Tool 1
142 Obsidian Resource 100
143 Dinosaur Gateway Structure 100
144 Simple Rifle Ammo Ammo 50
145 Summon Broodmother Mission 1
146 Cementing Paste Resource 100
147 Dinosaur Gate Structure 100
148 Artifact Of The Hunter Mission 1
149 Artifact Of The Pack Mission 1
150 Artifact Of The Massive Mission 1
151 Artifact Of The Devious Mission 1
152 Artifact Of The Clever Mission 1
153 Artifact Of The Skylord Mission 1
154 Artifact Of The Devourer Mission 1
155 Artifact Of The Queen Mission 1
156 Artifact Of The Strong Mission 1
157 Artifact Of The Flamekeeper Mission 1
158 Argentavis Talon Mission 1
159 Megalodon Tooth Mission 1
160 Tyrannosaurus Arm Mission 1
161 Sauropod Vertebra Mission 1
162 Oil Resource 100
163 Silica Pearls Resource 100
164 Gasoline Resource 100
165 Electronics Resource 100
166 Polymer Resource 100
167 Metal Catwalk Structure 100
168 Metal Ceiling Structure 100
169 Metal Hatchframe Structure 100
170 Metal Door Structure 100
171 Metal Fence Foundation Structure 100
172 Metal Foundation Structure 100
173 Behemoth Gate Structure 100
174 Behemoth Gateway Structure 100
175 Metal Ladder Structure 100
176 Metal Pillar Structure 100
177 Metal Ramp Structure 100
178 Metal Trapdoor Structure 100
179 Metal Wall Structure 100
180 Metal Doorframe Structure 100
181 Metal Windowframe Structure 100
182 Metal Window Structure 100
183 Super Test Meat(Raw) Consumable 20
184 Flare Gun Weapon 1
185 Fabricator Structure 100
186 Water Tank Structure 100
187 Parachute Misc 20
188 Air Conditioner Structure 100
189 Electrical Generator Structure 100
190 Electrical Outlet Structure 100
191 Inclined Electrical Cable Structure 100
192 Electrical Cable Intersection Structure 100
193 Straight Electrical Cable Structure 100
194 Vertical Electrical Cable Structure 100
195 Lamppost Structure 100
196 Refrigerator Structure 100
197 Auto Turret Structure 1
198 Remote Keypad Structure 100
199 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Inclined Structure 100
200 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Tap(Intake) Structure 100
201 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Intersection Structure 100
202 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Straight Structure 100
203 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Tap Structure 100
204 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Vertical Structure 100
205 Flashlight Attachment Attachment 1
206 Silencer Attachment Attachment 1
207 Carbonemys Saddle Saddle 1
208 Sarco Saddle Saddle 1
209 Anklyo Saddle Saddle 1
210 Mammoth Saddle Saddle 1
211 Megalodon Saddle Saddle 1
212 Sabertooth Saddle Saddle 1
213 Carno Saddle Saddle 1
214 Argentavis Saddle Saddle 1
215 Plesiasaur Saddle Saddle 1
216 Chitin/Keratin Resource 100
217 Keratin Resource 100
218 Metal Sign Structure 100
219 Holo-Scope Attachment Attachment 1
220 Laser Attachment Attachment 1
221 Wooden Billboard Structure 100
222 Flak Leggings Clothes 1
223 Flak Chestpeice Clothes 1
224 Flak Helmet Clothes 1
225 Flak Boots Clothes 1
226 Flak Gauntlets Clothes 1
227 Enduro Stew Food 100
228 Lazarus Chowder Food 100
229 Calien Soup Food 100
230 Fria Curry Food 100
231 Focal Chili Food 100
232 Savaroot Consumable 100
233 Longrass Consumable 100
234 Rockarrot Consumable 100
235 Azulberry Seed Seed 100
236 Tintoberry Seed Seed 100
237 Mejoberry Seed Seed 100
238 Narcoberry Seed Seed 100
239 Stimberry Seed Seed 100
240 Savaroot Seed Seed 100
241 Longrass Seed Seed 100
242 Rockarrot Seed Seed 100
243 Metal Billboard Structure 100
244 Fabricated Pistol Weapon 1
245 Advanced Bullet Ammo 50
246 Advanced Rifle Bullet Ammo 50
247 Rocket Propelled Grenade Ammo 50
248 Medium Crop Plot Structure 100
249 Large Crop Plot Structure 100
250 Rare Floower Resource 100
251 Rare Mushroom Resource 100
252 Raw Prime Meat Food 1
253 Cooked Prime Meat Food 30
254 Battle Tartare Food 100
255 Shadow Steak Suate Food 100
256 Rockwell Recipes: Enduro Stew Recipe 1
257 Rockwell Recipes: Lazarus Chowder Recipe 1
258 Rockwell Recipes: Calien Soup Recipe 1
259 Rockwell Recipes: Fria Curry Recipe 1
260 Rockwell Recipes: Focal Chili Recipe 1
261 Rockwell Recipes: Battle Tartare Recipe 1
262 Rockwell Recipes: Shadow Steak Suate Recipe 1
263 Notes on Rockwell Recipes Recipe 1
264 Wall Sign Structure 100
265 Metal Dinosaur Gateway Structure 100
266 Metal Dinosaur Gate Structure 100
267 Shotgun Weapon 1
268 Simple Shotgun Ammo Ammo 50
269 Metal Wall Sign Structure 100
270 Amarberry Seed Seed 100
271 Azulberry Seed Seed 100
272 Tintoberry Seed Seed 100
273 Narcoberry Seed Seed 100
274 Stimberry Seed Seed 100
275 Mejoberry Seed Seed 100
276 Citronal Seed Seed 100
277 Savaroot Seed Seed 100
278 Longrass Seed Seed 100
279 Rockarrot Seed Seed 100
280 Flag Structure 100
281 Hunter Hat Skin Skin 1
282 Rex Stomped Glasses Saddle Skin Skin 1
283 Spyglass Tool 1
284 Spider Flag Structure 100
285 Phiomia Saddle Saddle 1
286 Medium Dinosaur Feces Misc 1
287 Large Dinoasaur Feces Misc 1
288 Brontosaurus Egg Egg 100
289 Parasaur Egg Egg 100
290 Raptor Egg Egg 100
291 T-Rex Egg Egg 100
292 Triceratops Egg Egg 100
293 Parasaur ARK Founder Saddle Skin Skin 1
294 Dodo Egg Egg 100
295 Preserving Bin Structure 100
296 Metal Spike Wall Structure 100
297 Cooked Meat Jerky Food 30
298 Prime Meat Jerky Food 30
299 Rex Bone Helmet Skin Skin 1
300 Nerdy Glasses Skin Skin 1
301 Rockwell Recipes: Medical Brew Recipe 1
302 Rockwell Recipes: Energy Brew Recipe 1
303 Primitive Spino Saddle Saddle 1
304 Rockwell Recipes: Meat Jerky Recipe 1
305 Heavy Miners Helmet Clothes 1
306 Vault Structure 100
307 Wood Spike Barricade Structure 100
308 Dino Glasses Skin Skin 100
309 Bookshelf Structure 100


Contributor Contribution
Scatman 15 commands & dinosaur id list
Hostiletake0v3r 6 commands
JDimensionalGaming 4 commands & item id list, dinosaur id list, coord list
SpiRe 2 commands
_o2q coord map
4CrazyGreen 1 command
POGSARK 1 command
Falcon911 1 command
Kappa 1 command
Jimmon 1 command
Gato 1 command
RuntheRedRaptor 1 command
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