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Last active June 16, 2019 01:32
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SDL2 Squarewave
#include <math.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
struct squarewave {
float phase_inc;
float phase;
float volume;
void audio_callback(void *userdata, uint8_t *stream, int len)
union floatbytes {
float f;
uint8_t bytes[4]; // Assume little endian
union floatbytes overlay;
struct squarewave *swdata = (struct squarewave *)userdata;
SDL_Log("Audio callback! len: %d\n", len);
SDL_Log("phase_inc: %f\n", swdata->phase_inc);
SDL_Log("phase: %f\n", swdata->phase);
SDL_Log("volume: %f\n", swdata->volume);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 4) {
overlay.f = swdata->volume;
if (swdata->phase > 0.5) {
overlay.f = -1 * swdata->volume;
stream[i + 0] = overlay.bytes[0];
stream[i + 1] = overlay.bytes[1];
stream[i + 2] = overlay.bytes[2];
stream[i + 3] = overlay.bytes[3];
swdata->phase = fmodf((swdata->phase + swdata->phase_inc), (float)1.0);
int main()
int err;
SDL_AudioDeviceID dev;
SDL_AudioSpec want, have;
struct squarewave swdata;
SDL_Log("SDL Squarewave");
if (err != 0) {
SDL_Log("Init error: %s", SDL_GetError());
return 1;
swdata.phase_inc = 440.0 / 44100.0;
swdata.phase = 0.0;
swdata.volume = 0.25;
SDL_memset(&want, 0, sizeof(want));
want.freq = 44100;
want.format = AUDIO_F32;
want.channels = 1;
want.samples = 2048;
want.userdata = &swdata;
want.callback = audio_callback;
dev = SDL_OpenAudioDevice(NULL, 0, &want, &have, SDL_AUDIO_ALLOW_FORMAT_CHANGE);
SDL_Log("freq: %d, format: %d, channels: %d, samples: %d, size: %d", have.freq, have.format, have.channels, have.samples, have.size);
if (dev == 0) {
SDL_Log("Unable to open audio device: %s", SDL_GetError());
SDL_PauseAudioDevice(dev, 0);
SDL_PauseAudioDevice(dev, 1);
return 0;
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