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Created March 22, 2012 15:01
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Java Implementation of the Google App Engine Ranklist
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.mortbay.log.Log;
public class Ranker
// Class variables
private DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
private Key rootkey;
private ArrayList<Long> score_range = new ArrayList<Long>();
private long branching_factor;
// 0-argument constructor for Java
public Ranker()
* Pulls a ranker out of the datastore, given the key of the root node.
* @throws EntityNotFoundException
* @param rootkey
* The datastore key of the ranker.
// @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
public Ranker(String rootkey) throws EntityNotFoundException
Entity root;
root = datastore.get(KeyFactory.stringToKey(rootkey));
// Initialize some class variables
this.rootkey = KeyFactory.stringToKey(rootkey);
// Need to convert arrayList of Longs to Integers
this.score_range = (ArrayList<Long>) root.getProperty("score_range");
this.branching_factor = (Long) root.getProperty("branching_factor");
// Sanity checking
assert this.score_range.size() > 1;
assert this.score_range.size() % 2 == 0;
for (int i = 0; i < this.score_range.size(); i = i + 2)
assert this.score_range.get(i + 1) > this.score_range.get(i);
assert this.branching_factor > 1;
* Constructs a new Ranker and returns it.
* @param score_range
* A list showing the range of valid scores, in the form:
* [most_significant_score_min, most_significant_score_max,
* less_significant_score_min, less_significant_score_max, ...]
* Ranges are [inclusive, exclusive)
* @param branching_factor
* The branching factor of the tree. The number of datastore Gets
* is Theta(1/log(branching_factor)), and the amount of data
* returned by each Get is Theta(branching_factor).
* @return
* @throws EntityNotFoundException
public Ranker Create(String rankerName, ArrayList<Integer> score_range, int branching_factor) throws EntityNotFoundException
Entity root = new Entity(rankerName);
root.setProperty("score_range", score_range);
root.setProperty("branching_factor", branching_factor);
return new Ranker(KeyFactory.keyToString(root.getKey()));
public String getKeyString()
return KeyFactory.keyToString(this.rootkey);
* Finds the nodes along the path from the root to a certain score.
* Nodes are numbered row-by-row: the root is 0, its children are in the
* range [1, self.branching_factor + 1), its grandchildren are in the range
* [self.branching_factor + 1, self.branching_factor**2 +
* self.branching_factor + 1), etc.
* Score ranges are lists of the form: [min_0, max_0, min_1, max_1, ...] A
* node representing a score range will be divided up by the first index
* where max_i != min_i + 1 (score ranges are [inclusive, exclusive)).
* Child x (0-indexed) of a node [a,b) will get the range:
* [a+x*(b-a)/branching_factor, a+(x+1)*(b-a)/branching_factor); Thus not
* all nodes will have nonzero ranges. Nodes with zero range will never be
* visited, but they and their descendants will be counted in the node
* numbering scheme, so row x still has self.branching_factor**x nodes.
* @param score
* The score we're finding the path for.
* @return A sorted list of (node_id, child) tuples, indicating that node_id
* is the node id of a node on the path, and child is which child of
* that node is next. Note that the lowest child node (which would
* be a leaf node) does not actually exist, since all its relevant
* information (number of times that score was inserted) is stored
* in its parent.
public ArrayList<NodeID_Child_Tuple> FindNodeIDs(Score_Tuple score) throws Exception
ArrayList<NodeID_Child_Tuple> nodes = new ArrayList<NodeID_Child_Tuple>();
long node = 0;
ArrayList<Long> cur_range = new ArrayList<Long>();
for (Iterator<Long> iter = this.score_range.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
Child_ChildScoreRange_Tuple which_child;
long child;
// The current range of scores. This will be narrowed as we move down
// the tree; 'index' keeps track of the score type we're currently
// changing.
for (int i = 0; i < cur_range.size(); i += 2)
while (cur_range.get(i + 1) - cur_range.get(i) > 1)
// Subdivide cur_range[index]..cur_range[index + 1]
which_child = WhichChild(cur_range.get(i), cur_range.get(i + 1), score.getByIndex(i / 2), this.branching_factor);
child = which_child.getChild();
cur_range.set(i, which_child.getChildScoreRange().get(0));
cur_range.set(i + 1, which_child.getChildScoreRange().get(1));
assert 0 <= child;
assert child < this.branching_factor;
nodes.add(new NodeID_Child_Tuple(node, child));
node = ChildNodeId(node, child);
return nodes;
* Determines which child of the range [low, high) 'want' belongs to.
* @param loow
* An int, the low end of the range.
* @param high
* An int, the high end of the range.
* @param want
* An int, the score we're trying to determine a child for.
* @param branching_factor
* The branching factor of the tree being used.
* @return A tuple, (child, [child's score range]). Note that in general a
* score has multiple sub-scores, written in order of decreasing
* significance; this function divides up a single sub-score.
* @throws Exception
private Child_ChildScoreRange_Tuple WhichChild(Long low, Long high, int want, Long branching_factor) throws Exception
long x;
assert low <= want;
assert want < high;
* Need to find x such that (using integer division): x
* *(high-low)/branching_factor <= want - low <
* (x+1)*(high-low)/branching_factor Which is the least x such that
* (using integer division): want - low <
* (x+1)*(high-low)/branching_factor Which is the ceiling of x such that
* (using floating point division): want - low + 1 ==
* (x+1)*(high-low)/branching_factor x = -1 + math.ceil((want-low+1) *
* branching_factor / (high - low)) We get ceil by adding high - low - 1
* to the numerator.
x = -1 + (((want - low + 1) * branching_factor + high - low - 1) / (high - low));
assert (x * (high - low) / branching_factor <= want - low);
assert (want - low < (x + 1) * (high - low) / branching_factor);
ArrayList<Long> score_range = new ArrayList<Long>();
return new Child_ChildScoreRange_Tuple(x, ChildScoreRange(score_range, x, branching_factor));
* Calculates the score_range for a node's child.
* @param score_range
* A score range [min0, max0, min1, max1, ...]
* @param x
* Which child of the node with score range score_range we're
* calculating the score range of.
* @param branching_factor2
* The branching factor of the tree in question.
* @return A score range [min0', max0', min1', max1', ...] for that child.
* @throws Exception
private ArrayList<Long> ChildScoreRange(ArrayList<Long> score_range, long child, long branching_factor) throws Exception
ArrayList<Long> child_score_range = new ArrayList<Long>();
long low;
long high;
for (int i = 1; i < score_range.size(); i = i + 2)
if (score_range.get(i) > score_range.get(i - 1) + 1)
// child_score_range = score_range.clone();
for (Iterator<Long> iter = score_range.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
low = score_range.get(i - 1);
high = score_range.get(i);
child_score_range.set(i - 1, (low + child * (high - low) / branching_factor));
child_score_range.set(i, (low + (child + 1) * (high - low) / branching_factor));
return child_score_range;
throw new Exception("Node with score range " + score_range + " has no children.");
* Calculates the node id for a known node id's child.
* @param node
* The parent node's node_id
* @param child
* Which child of the parent node we're finding the id for
* @return The node_id for the child'th child of node_id.
private long ChildNodeId(long node, long child)
return node * this.branching_factor + 1 + child;
public Map<Long, Entity> GetMultipleNodes(ArrayList<Long> node_ids)
ArrayList<Key> keys = new ArrayList<Key>();
Map<Key, Entity> nodes;
Map<Long, Entity> dict = new HashMap<Long, Entity>();
if (node_ids.size() == 0)
return new HashMap<Long, Entity>();
// Remove dupes, preserve insertion order
Set<Long> set = new LinkedHashSet<Long>(node_ids);
for (Iterator<Long> iter = set.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
nodes = datastore.get(keys);
int i = 0;
for (Iterator<Long> iter = set.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
dict.put(, nodes.get(keys.get(i)));
return dict;
// # Although, this method is currently not needed, we'll keep this since we
// might need it and some point and it's an interesting relationship
* @param node_id
* @return The node id of the parameter node id's parent. Returns -1 if the
* parameter is 0.
private long ParentNode(int node_id)
if (node_id == 0)
return -1;
return (node_id - 1) / this.branching_factor;
* Creates a (named) key for the node with a given id.
* The key will have the ranker as a parent element to guarantee uniqueness
* (in the presence of multiple rankers) and to put all nodess in a single
* entity group.
* @param node_id
* The node's id as an integer.
* @return A (named) key for the node with the id 'node_id'.
private Key KeyFromNodeId(long node_id)
String name = "node_" + Long.toString(node_id);
return KeyFactory.createKey(this.rootkey, "ranker_node", name);
* Returns a (named) key for a ranker_score entity.
* @param name
* Name of the score to create a key for.
* @return A (named) key for the entity storing the score of 'name'.
private Key KeyForScore(String name)
return KeyFactory.createKey(this.rootkey, "ranker_score", name);
* """Changes child counts for given nodes. This method will create nodes as
* needed.
* @param node_ids_to_deltas
* A dict of (node_key, child) tuples to deltas
* @param score_entities
* Additional score entities to persist as part of this
* transaction
* @param score_entities_to_delete
* Additional score entities to delete as part of this
* transaction
private void Increment(HashMap<Key_Child_Tuple, Integer> node_ids_to_deltas, ArrayList<Entity> score_entities,
ArrayList<Entity> score_entities_to_delete)
ArrayList<Key> keys = new ArrayList<Key>();
Key_Child_Tuple tuple;
Map<Key, Entity> nodes;
Map<Key, Entity> node_dict = new HashMap<Key, Entity>();
Entity node;
for (Iterator<Key_Child_Tuple> iter = node_ids_to_deltas.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
tuple =;
if (node_ids_to_deltas.get(tuple) != 0)
keys.add((Key) tuple.getKey());
if (keys.isEmpty())
nodes = datastore.get(keys);
for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++)
if (!nodes.containsKey(keys.get(i)))
node = new Entity("ranker_node", keys.get(i).getName(), this.rootkey);
ArrayList<Long> branchingList = new ArrayList<Long>();
for (int j = 0; j < this.branching_factor; j++)
branchingList.add((long) 0);
node.setProperty("child_counts", branchingList);
node = nodes.get(keys.get(i));
node_dict.put(keys.get(i), node);
for (Iterator<Key_Child_Tuple> iter = node_ids_to_deltas.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
tuple =;
int amount = node_ids_to_deltas.get(tuple);
if (amount != 0)
ArrayList<Long> child_counts = new ArrayList<Long>();
node = node_dict.get(tuple.getKey());
child_counts = ((ArrayList<Long>) node.getProperty("child_counts"));
Long a = child_counts.get((int) tuple.getChild());
a += amount;
child_counts.set((int) tuple.getChild(), (long) a);
assert ((ArrayList<Long>) node.getProperty("child_counts")).get((int) tuple.getChild()) >= 0;
ArrayList<Entity> entities = new ArrayList<Entity>();
for (Iterator<Entity> entityiter = node_dict.values().iterator(); entityiter.hasNext();)
ArrayList<Key> keyEntitiesToDelete = new ArrayList<Key>();
for (int i = 0; i < score_entities_to_delete.size(); i++)
if (!score_entities_to_delete.isEmpty())
* Sets a single score. This is equivalent to calling 'SetScores({name:
* score})'
* @param name
* the name of the score as a string
* @param score
* the score to set name to
* @return
* @throws Exception
public void SetScore(String name, Score_Tuple score) throws Exception
HashMap<String, Score_Tuple> map = new HashMap<String, Score_Tuple>();
map.put(name, score);
// Tuple<HashMap<Tuple<String, Integer>, Integer>, ArrayList<Entity>,
// ArrayList<Entity>>
* Changes multiple scores atomically. Sets the scores of the named entities
* in scores to new values. For named entities that have not been registered
* with a score before, a new score is created. For named entities that
* already had a score, the score is changed to reflect the new score. If a
* score is None, the named entity's score will be removed from the ranker.
* @param scores
* A dict mapping entity names (strings) to scores (integer
* lists)
* @throws Exception
public void SetScores(HashMap<String, Score_Tuple> scores) throws Exception
ScoreDeltas_ScoreEnts_ScoreEntsDel_Tuple tuple;
Map<Score_Tuple, Integer> score_deltas;
ArrayList<Entity> score_ents;
ArrayList<Entity> score_ents_del;
HashMap<Key_Child_Tuple, Integer> node_ids_to_deltas;
tuple = ComputeScoreDeltas(scores);
score_deltas = (Map<Score_Tuple, Integer>) tuple.getScore_deltas();
score_ents = (ArrayList<Entity>) tuple.getScore_ents();
score_ents_del = (ArrayList<Entity>) tuple.getScore_ents_del();
node_ids_to_deltas = ComputeNodeModifications(score_deltas);
Increment(node_ids_to_deltas, score_ents, score_ents_del);
* Compute which scores have to be incremented and decremented.
* @param scores
* A dict mapping entity names to scores
* @return ScoreDeltas_ScoreEnts_ScoreEntsDel_Tuple 'score_deltas' is a
* dict, mapping scores (represented as tuples) to integers.
* 'score_deltas[s]' represents how many times the score 's' has to
* be incremented (or decremented).
* 'score_entities' is a list of 'ranker_score' entities that have
* to be updated in the same transaction as modifying the ranker
* nodes. The entities already contain the updated score.
* Similarly, 'score_entities_to_delete' is a list of entities that
* have to be deleted in the same transaction as modifying the
* ranker nodes.
private ScoreDeltas_ScoreEnts_ScoreEntsDel_Tuple ComputeScoreDeltas(HashMap<String, Score_Tuple> scores)
ArrayList<Key> score_keys = new ArrayList<Key>();
for (Iterator<String> scoreiter = scores.keySet().iterator(); scoreiter.hasNext();)
Map<String, Entity> old_scores = new HashMap<String, Entity>();
for (Iterator<Entity> oldScoresFromDatastoreIter = datastore.get(score_keys).values().iterator(); oldScoresFromDatastoreIter.hasNext();)
Entity old_score =;
old_scores.put(old_score.getKey().getName(), old_score);
HashMap<Score_Tuple, Integer> score_deltas = new HashMap<Score_Tuple, Integer>();
// Score entities to update
ArrayList<Entity> score_ents = new ArrayList<Entity>();
ArrayList<Entity> score_ents_del = new ArrayList<Entity>();
for (Iterator<Entry<String, Score_Tuple>> scoreiter = scores.entrySet().iterator(); scoreiter.hasNext();)
Entry<String, Score_Tuple> scoreEntry =;
String score_name = scoreEntry.getKey();
Score_Tuple score_value = scoreEntry.getValue();
Entity score_ent;
Score_Tuple old_score_key;
Score_Tuple score_key;
if (old_scores.containsKey(score_name))
score_ent = old_scores.get(score_name);
if (new Score_Tuple((String) score_ent.getProperty("value")).equals(score_value))
continue; // No change in score => nothing to do
old_score_key = new Score_Tuple(((String) score_ent.getProperty("value")));
if (!score_deltas.containsKey(old_score_key))
score_deltas.put(old_score_key, 0);
score_deltas.put(old_score_key, score_deltas.get(old_score_key) - 1);
score_ent = new Entity("ranker_score", score_name, this.rootkey);
if (score_value != null) // WARNING: line 453????
score_key = new Score_Tuple(score_value.getScore(), score_value.getScore_time());
if (!score_deltas.containsKey(score_key))
score_deltas.put(score_key, 0);
score_deltas.put(score_key, ((Integer) score_deltas.get(score_key)) + 1);
score_ent.setProperty("value", score_value.toString());
// Do we have to delete an old score entity?
if (old_scores.containsKey(score_name))
return new ScoreDeltas_ScoreEnts_ScoreEntsDel_Tuple(score_deltas, score_ents, score_ents_del);
* Computes modifications to ranker nodes. Given score deltas, computes
* which nodes need to be modified and by how much their child count has to
* be incremented / decremented.
* @param score_deltas
* A dict of scores to integers, as returned by
* _ComputeScoreDeltas.
* @return A dict of nodes (represented as node_key, child tuples) to
* integers. 'result[(node_key, i)]' represents the amount that
* needs to be added to the i-th child of node node_key.
* @throws Exception
private HashMap<Key_Child_Tuple, Integer> ComputeNodeModifications(Map<Score_Tuple, Integer> score_deltas) throws Exception
HashMap<Key_Child_Tuple, Integer> node_to_deltas = new HashMap<Key_Child_Tuple, Integer>();
for (Iterator<Entry<Score_Tuple, Integer>> iter = score_deltas.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
Entry<Score_Tuple, Integer> entry =;
Score_Tuple score = entry.getKey();
int delta = entry.getValue();
ArrayList<NodeID_Child_Tuple> nodeIDs = FindNodeIDs(score);
for (Iterator<NodeID_Child_Tuple> iter2 = nodeIDs.iterator(); iter2.hasNext();)
NodeID_Child_Tuple nodeTuple =;
long node_id = nodeTuple.getNode_id();
long child = nodeTuple.getChild();
Key_Child_Tuple node = new Key_Child_Tuple(KeyFromNodeId(node_id), child);
node_to_deltas.put(node, node_to_deltas.get(node) + delta);
} catch (NullPointerException e)
node_to_deltas.put(node, delta);
return node_to_deltas;
* Utility function. Finds the rank of a score.
* @param node_ids_with_children
* A list of node ids down to that score, paired with which child
* links to follow.
* @param nodes_dict
* A dict mapping node id to node entity.
* @return The score's rank.
private long FindRank(ArrayList<NodeID_Child_Tuple> node_ids_with_children, Map<Long, Entity> nodes_dict)
long tot = 0; // Counts the number of higher scores
for (Iterator<NodeID_Child_Tuple> iter = node_ids_with_children.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
NodeID_Child_Tuple node_id_with_child =;
long node_id = node_id_with_child.getNode_id();
long child = node_id_with_child.getChild();
if (nodes_dict.containsKey(node_id))
Entity node = nodes_dict.get(node_id);
for (int i = (int) (child + 1); i < this.branching_factor; i++)
// tot += ((int[]) node.getProperty("child_counts"))[i];
tot += ((ArrayList<Long>) node.getProperty("child_counts")).get(i);
// If the node isn't in the dict, the node simply doesn't exist.
// We are probably finding the rank for a score that doesn't
// appear in the ranker, but that's perfectly fine.
return tot;
* Finds the 0-based rank of a particular score; more precisely, returns the
* number of strictly higher scores stored.
* @param score
* The score whose rank we wish to find.
* @return The number of tracked scores that are higher. Does not check
* whether anyone actually has the requested score.
* @throws Exception
public ArrayList<Long> FindRank(Score_Tuple score) throws Exception
ArrayList<Score_Tuple> scoreList = new ArrayList<Score_Tuple>();
return FindRanks(scoreList);
* Finds the 0-based ranks of a number of particular scores. Like FindRank,
* but more efficient for multiple scores.
* @param scores
* A list of scores.
* @return A list of ranks.
* @throws Exception
public ArrayList<Long> FindRanks(ArrayList<Score_Tuple> scores) throws Exception
ArrayList<ArrayList<NodeID_Child_Tuple>> node_ids_with_children_list = new ArrayList<ArrayList<NodeID_Child_Tuple>>();
ArrayList<Long> node_ids = new ArrayList<Long>();
Map<Long, Entity> nodes_dict;
ArrayList<Long> ranks = new ArrayList<Long>();
// Find the nodes we'll need to query to find information about these
// scores:
for (Iterator<Score_Tuple> iter = scores.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
for (Iterator<ArrayList<NodeID_Child_Tuple>> iter = node_ids_with_children_list.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
ArrayList<NodeID_Child_Tuple> node_ids_with_childern = new ArrayList<NodeID_Child_Tuple>();
node_ids_with_childern =;
for (int i = 0; i < node_ids_with_childern.size(); i++)
// Query the needed nodes
nodes_dict = GetMultipleNodes(node_ids);
// # Call __FindRank, which does the math, for each score:
for (Iterator<ArrayList<NodeID_Child_Tuple>> iter = node_ids_with_children_list.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
ArrayList<NodeID_Child_Tuple> node_ids_with_childern = new ArrayList<NodeID_Child_Tuple>();
node_ids_with_childern =;
ranks.add(FindRank(node_ids_with_childern, nodes_dict));
return ranks;
* To be run in a transaction. Finds the score ranked 'rank' in the subtree
* defined by node 'nodekey.'
* @param node_id
* The id of the node whose subtree we wish to find the score of
* rank 'rank' in.
* @param rank
* The rank (within this subtree) of the score we wish to find.
* @param score_range
* The score range for this particular node, as a list. Derivable
* from the node's node_id, but included for convenience.
* @param approximateDo
* we have to return an approximate result, or an exact one? See
* the docstrings for FindScore and FindScoreApproximate.
* @returnA tuple, (score, rank_of_tie), indicating the score's rank within
* node_id's subtree. The way it indicates rank is defined in the
* dosctrings of FindScore and FindScoreApproximate, depending on
* the value of 'approximate'.
* @throws EntityNotFoundException
* @throws Exception
private Score_RankOfTie_Tuple FindScore(long node_id, int rank, ArrayList<Long> score_range, boolean approximate) throws EntityNotFoundException,
// # If we're approximating and thus allowed to do so, early-out if we
// just need to return the highest available score.
if (approximate && rank == 0)
ArrayList<Long> arr = new ArrayList<Long>();
for (int i = 1; i < score_range.size(); i += 2)
arr.add(score_range.get(i) - 1);
return new Score_RankOfTie_Tuple(arr, 0);
// Find the current node.
Entity node = datastore.get(KeyFromNodeId(node_id));
ArrayList<Long> child_counts = (ArrayList<Long>) node.getProperty("child_counts");
int initial_rank = rank;
for (int i = ((int) this.branching_factor - 1); i > -1; i--)
// If this child has enough scores that rank 'rank' is in there,
// recurse.
ArrayList<Long> child_score_range = ChildScoreRange(score_range, i, this.branching_factor);
if (rank - child_counts.get(i) < 0)
child_score_range = ChildScoreRange(score_range, i, this.branching_factor);
if (IsSingletonRange(child_score_range))
// # Base case; child_score_range refers to a single score.
// We don't store leaf nodes so we can return right here.
ArrayList<Long> arr = new ArrayList<Long>();
for (int j = 0; j < child_score_range.size(); j += 2)
return new Score_RankOfTie_Tuple(arr, initial_rank - rank);
// Not a base case. Keep descending into children.
Score_RankOfTie_Tuple ans = FindScore(ChildNodeId(node_id, i), rank, child_score_range, approximate);
// # Note the 'initial_rank - rank': we've asked the child for a
// score of some rank among *its* children, so we have to add
// back in the scores discarded on the way to that child.
return new Score_RankOfTie_Tuple(ans.getScore(), ans.getRank_of_tie() - rank);
} else
rank -= child_counts.get(i);
Log.debug("FindScore(int node_id, int rank, ArrayList<Integer> score_range, int approximate) returns null!");
return null;
* Returns whether a range contains exactly one score.
* @param child_score_range
* @return
private boolean IsSingletonRange(ArrayList<Long> child_score_range)
boolean var = true;
for (int i = 0; i < child_score_range.size(); i += 2)
if (child_score_range.get(i) + 1 != child_score_range.get(i + 1))
var = false;
return var;
* Finds the score ranked at 'rank'.
* @param rank
* The rank of the score we wish to find.
* @return A tuple, (score, rank_of_tie). 'score' is the score ranked at
* 'rank', 'rank_of_tie' is the rank of that score (which may be
* different from 'rank' in the case of ties). e.g. if there are two
* scores tied at 5th and rank == 6, returns (score, 5).
* @throws EntityNotFoundException
* @throws Exception
public Score_RankOfTie_Tuple FindScore(int rank) throws EntityNotFoundException, Exception
return FindScore(0, rank, this.score_range, false);
* Finds a score that >= the score ranked at 'rank'. This method could be
* preferred to FindScore because it is more efficient. For example, if the
* objective is to find the top 50 scores of rank X or less, and those
* scores are stored in entities called scoreboard_row: score, rank =
* myrank.FindScoreApproximate(X) query = datastore.Query('scoreboard_row')
* query['score <='] = score result = query.Get(50 + X - rank)[X-rank:]) #
* Takes care of ties.
* @param rank
* The rank of the score we wish to find.
* @return A tuple, (score, rank_of_tie). If there is a tie at rank
* 'rank-1': rank's score <= score < rank-1's score, rank_of_tie ==
* rank else: score == rank's score, rank_of_tie == the tied rank of
* everyone in the tie. e.g. if two scores are tied at 5th and rank
* == 6, returns (score, 5).
* @throws EntityNotFoundException
* @throws Exception
public Score_RankOfTie_Tuple FindScoreApproximate(int rank) throws EntityNotFoundException, Exception
return FindScore(0, rank, this.score_range, true);
* Returns the total number of ranked scores.
* @return The total number of ranked scores.
* @throws EntityNotFoundException
public int TotalRankedScores() throws EntityNotFoundException
int sum = 0;
Entity root = datastore.get(KeyFromNodeId(0));
ArrayList<Long> root_counts = (ArrayList<Long>) root.getProperty("child_counts");
for (int i = 0; i < root_counts.size(); i++)
sum += root_counts.get(i);
return sum;
// Custom Tuple Data Structures
protected final class NodeID_Child_Tuple
private long node_id;
private long child;
NodeID_Child_Tuple(long node, long child)
this.node_id = node;
this.child = child;
public long getNode_id()
return node_id;
public void setNode_id(long node_id)
this.node_id = node_id;
public long getChild()
return child;
public void setChild(long child)
this.child = child;
protected final class Child_ChildScoreRange_Tuple
private long child;
private ArrayList<Long> childScoreRange;
Child_ChildScoreRange_Tuple(long child, ArrayList<Long> arrayList)
this.child = child;
this.childScoreRange = arrayList;
public long getChild()
return child;
public void setChild(long child)
this.child = child;
public ArrayList<Long> getChildScoreRange()
return childScoreRange;
public void setChildScoreRange(ArrayList<Long> childScoreRange)
this.childScoreRange = childScoreRange;
public final static class Score_Tuple
private int score;
private int score_time;
private Score_Tuple(String s)
String[] arr = s.split(",");
this.score = Integer.parseInt(arr[0]);
this.score_time = Integer.parseInt(arr[1]);
public Score_Tuple(int score, int score_time)
this.score = score;
this.score_time = score_time;
public int getByIndex(int i)
if (i == 0)
return score;
else if (i == 1)
return score_time;
Log.debug("Score_Tuple: getByIndex() exception");
return -1;
public int getScore()
return score;
public void setScore(int score)
this.score = score;
public int getScore_time()
return score_time;
public void setScore_time(int score_time)
this.score_time = score_time;
public String toString()
return Integer.toString(score) + "," + Integer.toString(score_time);
protected final class Key_Child_Tuple
private Key key;
private long child;
Key_Child_Tuple(Key key, long child)
this.key = key;
this.child = child;
public Key getKey()
return key;
public void setKey(Key key)
this.key = key;
public long getChild()
return child;
public void setChild(long child)
this.child = child;
protected final class ScoreDeltas_ScoreEnts_ScoreEntsDel_Tuple
private HashMap<Score_Tuple, Integer> score_deltas;
private ArrayList<Entity> score_ents;
private ArrayList<Entity> score_ents_del;
ScoreDeltas_ScoreEnts_ScoreEntsDel_Tuple(HashMap<Score_Tuple, Integer> score_deltas, ArrayList<Entity> score_ents,
ArrayList<Entity> score_ents_del)
this.score_deltas = score_deltas;
this.score_ents = score_ents;
this.score_ents_del = score_ents_del;
public HashMap<Score_Tuple, Integer> getScore_deltas()
return score_deltas;
public void setScore_deltas(HashMap<Score_Tuple, Integer> score_deltas)
this.score_deltas = score_deltas;
public ArrayList<Entity> getScore_ents()
return score_ents;
public void setScore_ents(ArrayList<Entity> score_ents)
this.score_ents = score_ents;
public ArrayList<Entity> getScore_ents_del()
return score_ents_del;
public void setScore_ents_del(ArrayList<Entity> score_ents_del)
this.score_ents_del = score_ents_del;
protected final class Score_RankOfTie_Tuple
ArrayList<Long> score;
int rank_of_tie;
Score_RankOfTie_Tuple(ArrayList<Long> arr, int rank_of_tie)
this.score = arr;
this.rank_of_tie = rank_of_tie;
public ArrayList<Long> getScore()
return score;
public void setScore(ArrayList<Long> score)
this.score = score;
public int getRank_of_tie()
return rank_of_tie;
public void setRank_of_tie(int rank_of_tie)
this.rank_of_tie = rank_of_tie;
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