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Last active April 26, 2019 12:57
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MongoDB Design patterns based on application usage perspective:
The scheme depends on your application use case
Data Access Patterns
Number of reading vs update
what is the size of expected documents
Performance issues in MongoDB:
Schema Design:
Inherently slow operation
Blocked waiting for a slow operation
Insufficient or poorly tuned hardware
Design for :
Index makes faster = Effiecenit execution
many indexes extra memory and slow down
do not change index field because has to rebuild indexing again
Aggregation is a pipeline until output comes out stage by stage- 25 stages
$match - get results
$unwind - create separate documents from array
$group - group data
$project -> rename fields
$lookup - join
$indexState - index status
$out - storing result into new collection
Faster because of No join at run time and less code
Flexible schema structure
Handle messy Data
Combine different data from a different source
Database Normalization
1. Avoid data redundancy - repeative data
2. Ensure data integrity - Should able to CURD without negative affect on other data
Process of organizing database to avoid data redundancy and ensure data integrity.
1.each record represent one primary key columns should have single value ( atomic values)
3. no repeating groups - example class1, class2 ,class3
no partial dependacies - non primary columns should depeding only on primary column
Problem: lead to data redundancy
student_id class_id teacher
1 1 Smith
1 2 Jackson
2 3 James
2 2 Jackson
teacher is not depending on one primary key
There are no transitive dependencies.
Problem: lead to data redundancy
A determines B
B does not determine A
B determines C
id class_name teacher office
1 Math Smith A107
2 Programming Jackson B205
3 History James A100
4 Science Jackson B205
teach is not determine id and class so create them into separate table
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