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Last active May 5, 2019 05:12
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OOP concepts - DONE
Class, Constructors, Inheritance/asbstract, Extendable, Methods, Typescript - DONE
Queries , Joins, Normalization, Advantages, Disadvantages
Mongo Queries, Replica set, Sharding, Advantages, Disadvantages
Difference between mysql no sql
online nosql services
elastic search
How node works - Done
Event driven programming language - Done
run time vs programming - programming Langulage - JS, Runtime which run js (node, browser )
compiler or interpreter - Compiled(JIT - just in time) and interpreter language. (loop problem so JIT brought in)
how compiler works, Code -> tokenize -> Syntax tree -> then run it
Event loop - Done - task queue -> call stack -> c++ apis -> task queue
Event Loop (simple term) helps to js do non blocking io operations
global objects such as process done
JS hoisting - lift to top fun() declarations then var declaration
js closure - check for local, then parent, then global
promise - done es6
await and async- done es7
ES6 and basic array functions - Done
ecma scripts - to created for standardize JS
webpack - for bundeling
gulp/ Grunt - task runnner
babel - to transpiling code to support browsers
favorites NPM - chalk, express, node-schedule, nodemon
REST - pattern for making apis, get, POST, PUT, DELETE
TDD and unit testing
JS protypes
Caching techiniques and tools
Nodejs caching techiniques
Redis or something
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