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Last active December 4, 2023 23:14
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Terraform ECS log router fluentbit to Grafana Cloud Loki
# aws ecs module definitions
# ...
container_definitions = {
"log-router" = {
image = ""
essential = true
cpu = "128"
memory = "128"
memory_reservation = 50
readonly_root_filesystem = false
firelens_configuration = {
type = "fluentbit"
options = {
enable-ecs-log-metadata = "true"
"my-web-app" = {
image = "traefik/whoami:latest"
command = ["--verbose"]
essential = true
cpu = "384"
memory = "896"
environment = [
value = "80"
name = "WHOAMI_NAME"
value = "my-web-app"
port_mappings = [
name = "http"
containerPort = 80
protocol = "tcp"
dependencies = [{
containerName = "log-router"
condition = "START"
log_configuration = {
logDriver = "awsfirelens"
options = {
Name = "loki"
Host = ""
port = "443"
"tls" = "on"
"tls.verify" = "on"
labels = "job=firelens,enviroment=${local.environment}"
label_keys = "$container_name,$ecs_task_definition,$source,$ecs_cluster"
remove_keys = "$container_id,$ecs_task_arn"
line_format = "key_value"
secretOptions = [
name = "http_user"
valueFrom = "arn:aws:ssm:us-west-2:12345678910:parameter/loki/http_user"
name = "http_passwd"
valueFrom = "arn:aws:ssm:us-west-2:12345678910:parameter/loki/http_passwd"
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