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Created July 9, 2019 13:30
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Tendermint seed mode issue
# This is a TOML config file.
# For more information, see
##### main base config options #####
# TCP or UNIX socket address of the ABCI application,
# or the name of an ABCI application compiled in with the Tendermint binary
proxy_app = "kvstore"
# A custom human readable name for this node
moniker = ""
# If this node is many blocks behind the tip of the chain, FastSync
# allows them to catchup quickly by downloading blocks in parallel
# and verifying their commits
fast_sync = true
# Database backend: goleveldb | cleveldb | boltdb
# * goleveldb ( - most popular implementation)
# - pure go
# - stable
# * cleveldb (uses levigo wrapper)
# - fast
# - requires gcc
# - use cleveldb build tag (go build -tags cleveldb)
# * boltdb (uses etcd's fork of bolt -
# - may be faster is some use-cases (random reads - indexer)
# - use boltdb build tag (go build -tags boltdb)
db_backend = "goleveldb"
# Database directory
db_dir = "data"
# Output level for logging, including package level options
log_level = "main:info,state:info,*:info"
# Output format: 'plain' (colored text) or 'json'
log_format = "plain"
##### additional base config options #####
# Path to the JSON file containing the initial validator set and other meta data
genesis_file = "config/genesis.json"
# Path to the JSON file containing the private key to use as a validator in the consensus protocol
priv_validator_key_file = "config/priv_validator_key.json"
# Path to the JSON file containing the last sign state of a validator
priv_validator_state_file = "data/priv_validator_state.json"
# TCP or UNIX socket address for Tendermint to listen on for
# connections from an external PrivValidator process
priv_validator_laddr = ""
# Path to the JSON file containing the private key to use for node authentication in the p2p protocol
node_key_file = "config/node_key.json"
# Mechanism to connect to the ABCI application: socket | grpc
abci = "socket"
# TCP or UNIX socket address for the profiling server to listen on
prof_laddr = ""
# If true, query the ABCI app on connecting to a new peer
# so the app can decide if we should keep the connection or not
filter_peers = false
##### advanced configuration options #####
##### rpc server configuration options #####
# TCP or UNIX socket address for the RPC server to listen on
laddr = "tcp://"
# A list of origins a cross-domain request can be executed from
# Default value '[]' disables cors support
# Use '["*"]' to allow any origin
cors_allowed_origins = []
# A list of methods the client is allowed to use with cross-domain requests
cors_allowed_methods = ["HEAD", "GET", "POST", ]
# A list of non simple headers the client is allowed to use with cross-domain requests
cors_allowed_headers = ["Origin", "Accept", "Content-Type", "X-Requested-With", "X-Server-Time", ]
# TCP or UNIX socket address for the gRPC server to listen on
# NOTE: This server only supports /broadcast_tx_commit
grpc_laddr = ""
# Maximum number of simultaneous connections.
# Does not include RPC (HTTP&WebSocket) connections. See max_open_connections
# If you want to accept a larger number than the default, make sure
# you increase your OS limits.
# 0 - unlimited.
# Should be < {ulimit -Sn} - {MaxNumInboundPeers} - {MaxNumOutboundPeers} - {N of wal, db and other open files}
# 1024 - 40 - 10 - 50 = 924 = ~900
grpc_max_open_connections = 900
# Activate unsafe RPC commands like /dial_seeds and /unsafe_flush_mempool
unsafe = false
# Maximum number of simultaneous connections (including WebSocket).
# Does not include gRPC connections. See grpc_max_open_connections
# If you want to accept a larger number than the default, make sure
# you increase your OS limits.
# 0 - unlimited.
# Should be < {ulimit -Sn} - {MaxNumInboundPeers} - {MaxNumOutboundPeers} - {N of wal, db and other open files}
# 1024 - 40 - 10 - 50 = 924 = ~900
max_open_connections = 900
# Maximum number of unique clientIDs that can /subscribe
# If you're using /broadcast_tx_commit, set to the estimated maximum number
# of broadcast_tx_commit calls per block.
max_subscription_clients = 100
# Maximum number of unique queries a given client can /subscribe to
# If you're using GRPC (or Local RPC client) and /broadcast_tx_commit, set to
# the estimated # maximum number of broadcast_tx_commit calls per block.
max_subscriptions_per_client = 5
# How long to wait for a tx to be committed during /broadcast_tx_commit.
# WARNING: Using a value larger than 10s will result in increasing the
# global HTTP write timeout, which applies to all connections and endpoints.
# See
timeout_broadcast_tx_commit = "10s"
# The name of a file containing certificate that is used to create the HTTPS server.
# If the certificate is signed by a certificate authority,
# the certFile should be the concatenation of the server's certificate, any intermediates,
# and the CA's certificate.
# NOTE: both tls_cert_file and tls_key_file must be present for Tendermint to create HTTPS server. Otherwise, HTTP server is run.
tls_cert_file = ""
# The name of a file containing matching private key that is used to create the HTTPS server.
# NOTE: both tls_cert_file and tls_key_file must be present for Tendermint to create HTTPS server. Otherwise, HTTP server is run.
tls_key_file = ""
##### peer to peer configuration options #####
# Address to listen for incoming connections
laddr = "tcp://"
# Address to advertise to peers for them to dial
# If empty, will use the same port as the laddr,
# and will introspect on the listener or use UPnP
# to figure out the address.
external_address = ""
# Comma separated list of seed nodes to connect to
seeds = ""
# Comma separated list of nodes to keep persistent connections to
persistent_peers = ""
# UPNP port forwarding
upnp = false
# Path to address book
addr_book_file = "config/addrbook.json"
# Set true for strict address routability rules
# Set false for private or local networks
addr_book_strict = false
# Maximum number of inbound peers
max_num_inbound_peers = 40
# Maximum number of outbound peers to connect to, excluding persistent peers
max_num_outbound_peers = 10
# Time to wait before flushing messages out on the connection
flush_throttle_timeout = "100ms"
# Maximum size of a message packet payload, in bytes
max_packet_msg_payload_size = 1024
# Rate at which packets can be sent, in bytes/second
send_rate = 5120000
# Rate at which packets can be received, in bytes/second
recv_rate = 5120000
# Set true to enable the peer-exchange reactor
pex = true
# Seed mode, in which node constantly crawls the network and looks for
# peers. If another node asks it for addresses, it responds and disconnects.
# Does not work if the peer-exchange reactor is disabled.
seed_mode = true
# Comma separated list of peer IDs to keep private (will not be gossiped to other peers)
private_peer_ids = ""
# Toggle to disable guard against peers connecting from the same ip.
allow_duplicate_ip = true
# Peer connection configuration.
handshake_timeout = "20s"
dial_timeout = "3s"
##### mempool configuration options #####
recheck = true
broadcast = true
wal_dir = ""
# Maximum number of transactions in the mempool
size = 5000
# Limit the total size of all txs in the mempool.
# This only accounts for raw transactions (e.g. given 1MB transactions and
# max_txs_bytes=5MB, mempool will only accept 5 transactions).
max_txs_bytes = 1073741824
# Size of the cache (used to filter transactions we saw earlier) in transactions
cache_size = 10000
##### consensus configuration options #####
wal_file = "data/cs.wal/wal"
timeout_propose = "3s"
timeout_propose_delta = "500ms"
timeout_prevote = "1s"
timeout_prevote_delta = "500ms"
timeout_precommit = "1s"
timeout_precommit_delta = "500ms"
timeout_commit = "1s"
# Make progress as soon as we have all the precommits (as if TimeoutCommit = 0)
skip_timeout_commit = false
# EmptyBlocks mode and possible interval between empty blocks
create_empty_blocks = true
create_empty_blocks_interval = "0s"
# Reactor sleep duration parameters
peer_gossip_sleep_duration = "100ms"
peer_query_maj23_sleep_duration = "2s"
##### transactions indexer configuration options #####
# What indexer to use for transactions
# Options:
# 1) "null"
# 2) "kv" (default) - the simplest possible indexer, backed by key-value storage (defaults to levelDB; see DBBackend).
indexer = "kv"
# Comma-separated list of tags to index (by default the only tag is "tx.hash")
# You can also index transactions by height by adding "tx.height" tag here.
# It's recommended to index only a subset of tags due to possible memory
# bloat. This is, of course, depends on the indexer's DB and the volume of
# transactions.
index_tags = ""
# When set to true, tells indexer to index all tags (predefined tags:
# "tx.hash", "tx.height" and all tags from DeliverTx responses).
# Note this may be not desirable (see the comment above). IndexTags has a
# precedence over IndexAllTags (i.e. when given both, IndexTags will be
# indexed).
index_all_tags = false
##### instrumentation configuration options #####
# When true, Prometheus metrics are served under /metrics on
# PrometheusListenAddr.
# Check out the documentation for the list of available metrics.
prometheus = true
# Address to listen for Prometheus collector(s) connections
prometheus_listen_addr = ":26660"
# Maximum number of simultaneous connections.
# If you want to accept a larger number than the default, make sure
# you increase your OS limits.
# 0 - unlimited.
max_open_connections = 5
# Instrumentation namespace
namespace = "tendermint"
# This is a TOML config file.
# For more information, see
##### main base config options #####
# TCP or UNIX socket address of the ABCI application,
# or the name of an ABCI application compiled in with the Tendermint binary
proxy_app = "kvstore"
# A custom human readable name for this node
moniker = ""
# If this node is many blocks behind the tip of the chain, FastSync
# allows them to catchup quickly by downloading blocks in parallel
# and verifying their commits
fast_sync = true
# Database backend: goleveldb | cleveldb | boltdb
# * goleveldb ( - most popular implementation)
# - pure go
# - stable
# * cleveldb (uses levigo wrapper)
# - fast
# - requires gcc
# - use cleveldb build tag (go build -tags cleveldb)
# * boltdb (uses etcd's fork of bolt -
# - may be faster is some use-cases (random reads - indexer)
# - use boltdb build tag (go build -tags boltdb)
db_backend = "goleveldb"
# Database directory
db_dir = "data"
# Output level for logging, including package level options
log_level = "main:info,state:info,*:info"
# Output format: 'plain' (colored text) or 'json'
log_format = "plain"
##### additional base config options #####
# Path to the JSON file containing the initial validator set and other meta data
genesis_file = "config/genesis.json"
# Path to the JSON file containing the private key to use as a validator in the consensus protocol
priv_validator_key_file = "config/priv_validator_key.json"
# Path to the JSON file containing the last sign state of a validator
priv_validator_state_file = "data/priv_validator_state.json"
# TCP or UNIX socket address for Tendermint to listen on for
# connections from an external PrivValidator process
priv_validator_laddr = ""
# Path to the JSON file containing the private key to use for node authentication in the p2p protocol
node_key_file = "config/node_key.json"
# Mechanism to connect to the ABCI application: socket | grpc
abci = "socket"
# TCP or UNIX socket address for the profiling server to listen on
prof_laddr = ""
# If true, query the ABCI app on connecting to a new peer
# so the app can decide if we should keep the connection or not
filter_peers = false
##### advanced configuration options #####
##### rpc server configuration options #####
# TCP or UNIX socket address for the RPC server to listen on
laddr = "tcp://"
# A list of origins a cross-domain request can be executed from
# Default value '[]' disables cors support
# Use '["*"]' to allow any origin
cors_allowed_origins = []
# A list of methods the client is allowed to use with cross-domain requests
cors_allowed_methods = ["HEAD", "GET", "POST", ]
# A list of non simple headers the client is allowed to use with cross-domain requests
cors_allowed_headers = ["Origin", "Accept", "Content-Type", "X-Requested-With", "X-Server-Time", ]
# TCP or UNIX socket address for the gRPC server to listen on
# NOTE: This server only supports /broadcast_tx_commit
grpc_laddr = ""
# Maximum number of simultaneous connections.
# Does not include RPC (HTTP&WebSocket) connections. See max_open_connections
# If you want to accept a larger number than the default, make sure
# you increase your OS limits.
# 0 - unlimited.
# Should be < {ulimit -Sn} - {MaxNumInboundPeers} - {MaxNumOutboundPeers} - {N of wal, db and other open files}
# 1024 - 40 - 10 - 50 = 924 = ~900
grpc_max_open_connections = 900
# Activate unsafe RPC commands like /dial_seeds and /unsafe_flush_mempool
unsafe = false
# Maximum number of simultaneous connections (including WebSocket).
# Does not include gRPC connections. See grpc_max_open_connections
# If you want to accept a larger number than the default, make sure
# you increase your OS limits.
# 0 - unlimited.
# Should be < {ulimit -Sn} - {MaxNumInboundPeers} - {MaxNumOutboundPeers} - {N of wal, db and other open files}
# 1024 - 40 - 10 - 50 = 924 = ~900
max_open_connections = 900
# Maximum number of unique clientIDs that can /subscribe
# If you're using /broadcast_tx_commit, set to the estimated maximum number
# of broadcast_tx_commit calls per block.
max_subscription_clients = 100
# Maximum number of unique queries a given client can /subscribe to
# If you're using GRPC (or Local RPC client) and /broadcast_tx_commit, set to
# the estimated # maximum number of broadcast_tx_commit calls per block.
max_subscriptions_per_client = 5
# How long to wait for a tx to be committed during /broadcast_tx_commit.
# WARNING: Using a value larger than 10s will result in increasing the
# global HTTP write timeout, which applies to all connections and endpoints.
# See
timeout_broadcast_tx_commit = "10s"
# The name of a file containing certificate that is used to create the HTTPS server.
# If the certificate is signed by a certificate authority,
# the certFile should be the concatenation of the server's certificate, any intermediates,
# and the CA's certificate.
# NOTE: both tls_cert_file and tls_key_file must be present for Tendermint to create HTTPS server. Otherwise, HTTP server is run.
tls_cert_file = ""
# The name of a file containing matching private key that is used to create the HTTPS server.
# NOTE: both tls_cert_file and tls_key_file must be present for Tendermint to create HTTPS server. Otherwise, HTTP server is run.
tls_key_file = ""
##### peer to peer configuration options #####
# Address to listen for incoming connections
laddr = "tcp://"
# Address to advertise to peers for them to dial
# If empty, will use the same port as the laddr,
# and will introspect on the listener or use UPnP
# to figure out the address.
external_address = ""
# Comma separated list of seed nodes to connect to
seeds = ""
# Comma separated list of nodes to keep persistent connections to
persistent_peers = ""
# UPNP port forwarding
upnp = false
# Path to address book
addr_book_file = "config/addrbook.json"
# Set true for strict address routability rules
# Set false for private or local networks
addr_book_strict = false
# Maximum number of inbound peers
max_num_inbound_peers = 40
# Maximum number of outbound peers to connect to, excluding persistent peers
max_num_outbound_peers = 10
# Time to wait before flushing messages out on the connection
flush_throttle_timeout = "100ms"
# Maximum size of a message packet payload, in bytes
max_packet_msg_payload_size = 1024
# Rate at which packets can be sent, in bytes/second
send_rate = 5120000
# Rate at which packets can be received, in bytes/second
recv_rate = 5120000
# Set true to enable the peer-exchange reactor
pex = true
# Seed mode, in which node constantly crawls the network and looks for
# peers. If another node asks it for addresses, it responds and disconnects.
# Does not work if the peer-exchange reactor is disabled.
seed_mode = false
# Comma separated list of peer IDs to keep private (will not be gossiped to other peers)
private_peer_ids = ""
# Toggle to disable guard against peers connecting from the same ip.
allow_duplicate_ip = true
# Peer connection configuration.
handshake_timeout = "20s"
dial_timeout = "3s"
##### mempool configuration options #####
recheck = true
broadcast = true
wal_dir = ""
# Maximum number of transactions in the mempool
size = 5000
# Limit the total size of all txs in the mempool.
# This only accounts for raw transactions (e.g. given 1MB transactions and
# max_txs_bytes=5MB, mempool will only accept 5 transactions).
max_txs_bytes = 1073741824
# Size of the cache (used to filter transactions we saw earlier) in transactions
cache_size = 10000
##### consensus configuration options #####
wal_file = "data/cs.wal/wal"
timeout_propose = "3s"
timeout_propose_delta = "500ms"
timeout_prevote = "1s"
timeout_prevote_delta = "500ms"
timeout_precommit = "1s"
timeout_precommit_delta = "500ms"
timeout_commit = "1s"
# Make progress as soon as we have all the precommits (as if TimeoutCommit = 0)
skip_timeout_commit = false
# EmptyBlocks mode and possible interval between empty blocks
create_empty_blocks = true
create_empty_blocks_interval = "0s"
# Reactor sleep duration parameters
peer_gossip_sleep_duration = "100ms"
peer_query_maj23_sleep_duration = "2s"
##### transactions indexer configuration options #####
# What indexer to use for transactions
# Options:
# 1) "null"
# 2) "kv" (default) - the simplest possible indexer, backed by key-value storage (defaults to levelDB; see DBBackend).
indexer = "kv"
# Comma-separated list of tags to index (by default the only tag is "tx.hash")
# You can also index transactions by height by adding "tx.height" tag here.
# It's recommended to index only a subset of tags due to possible memory
# bloat. This is, of course, depends on the indexer's DB and the volume of
# transactions.
index_tags = ""
# When set to true, tells indexer to index all tags (predefined tags:
# "tx.hash", "tx.height" and all tags from DeliverTx responses).
# Note this may be not desirable (see the comment above). IndexTags has a
# precedence over IndexAllTags (i.e. when given both, IndexTags will be
# indexed).
index_all_tags = false
##### instrumentation configuration options #####
# When true, Prometheus metrics are served under /metrics on
# PrometheusListenAddr.
# Check out the documentation for the list of available metrics.
prometheus = true
# Address to listen for Prometheus collector(s) connections
prometheus_listen_addr = ":26660"
# Maximum number of simultaneous connections.
# If you want to accept a larger number than the default, make sure
# you increase your OS limits.
# 0 - unlimited.
max_open_connections = 5
# Instrumentation namespace
namespace = "tendermint"
Jul 9 12:53:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:53:02.996] Starting RPC HTTP server on [::]:26657 module=rpc-server
Jul 9 12:53:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:53:02.999] Started node module=main nodeInfo="{ProtocolVersion:{P2P:7 Block:10 App:1} ID_:afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 ListenAddr:tcp:// Network:testnet_abcd Version:0.32.0 Channels:4020212223303800 Other:{TxIndex:on RPCAddress:tcp://}}"
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.133] Starting Peer module=p2p peer=8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee@ impl="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}"
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.133] Starting MConnection module=p2p peer=8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.133] Added peer module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}"
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.206] Starting Peer module=p2p peer=a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98@ impl="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.206] Starting MConnection module=p2p peer=a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.206] Added peer module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:54:02.246] Connection failed @ recvRoutine (reading byte) module=p2p peer=8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee@ conn=MConn{} err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.246] Stopping MConnection module=p2p peer=8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:54:02.246] Stopping peer for error module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}" err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.246] Stopping Peer module=p2p peer=8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee@ impl="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}"
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.246] Stopping peer gracefully module=p2p
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:54:02.306] Connection failed @ recvRoutine (reading byte) module=p2p peer=a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98@ conn=MConn{} err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.307] Stopping MConnection module=p2p peer=a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:54:02.307] Stopping peer for error module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}" err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.307] Stopping Peer module=p2p peer=a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98@ impl="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.307] Stopping peer gracefully module=p2p
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.307] Stopping gossipVotesRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.307] Stopping gossipDataRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.334] Stopping gossipDataRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}"
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.334] Stopping gossipVotesRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}"
Jul 9 12:54:03 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:03.494] Starting Peer module=p2p peer=50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6@ impl="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:03 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:03.494] Starting MConnection module=p2p peer=50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:54:03 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:03.494] Added peer module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:03 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:54:03.658] Connection failed @ recvRoutine (reading byte) module=p2p peer=50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6@ conn=MConn{} err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:54:03 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:03.658] Stopping MConnection module=p2p peer=50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:54:03 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:54:03.658] Stopping peer for error module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}" err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:54:03 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:03.658] Stopping Peer module=p2p peer=50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6@ impl="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:03 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:03.658] Stopping peer gracefully module=p2p
Jul 9 12:54:03 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:03.694] Stopping gossipDataRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:03 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:03.695] Stopping gossipVotesRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:04.092] Starting Peer module=p2p peer=a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396@ impl="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:04.092] Starting MConnection module=p2p peer=a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:54:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:04.092] Added peer module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:04.133] Stopping queryMaj23Routine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}"
Jul 9 12:54:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:04.207] Stopping queryMaj23Routine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:54:04.257] Connection failed @ recvRoutine (reading byte) module=p2p peer=a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396@ conn=MConn{} err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:54:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:04.257] Stopping MConnection module=p2p peer=a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:54:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:54:04.257] Stopping peer for error module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}" err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:54:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:04.257] Stopping Peer module=p2p peer=a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396@ impl="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:04.257] Stopping peer gracefully module=p2p
Jul 9 12:54:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:04.292] Stopping gossipDataRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:04.293] Stopping gossipVotesRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:05 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:05.494] Stopping queryMaj23Routine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:06 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:06.092] Stopping queryMaj23Routine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:32.169] Starting Peer module=p2p peer=8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee@ impl="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}"
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:32.170] Starting MConnection module=p2p peer=8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:32.170] Added peer module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}"
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:32.208] Starting Peer module=p2p peer=a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98@ impl="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:32.208] Starting MConnection module=p2p peer=a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:32.208] Added peer module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:54:32.281] Connection failed @ recvRoutine (reading byte) module=p2p peer=8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee@ conn=MConn{} err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:32.281] Stopping MConnection module=p2p peer=8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:54:32.282] Stopping peer for error module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}" err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:32.282] Stopping Peer module=p2p peer=8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee@ impl="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}"
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:32.282] Stopping peer gracefully module=p2p
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:54:32.308] Connection failed @ recvRoutine (reading byte) module=p2p peer=a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98@ conn=MConn{} err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:32.308] Stopping MConnection module=p2p peer=a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:54:32.308] Stopping peer for error module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}" err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:32.308] Stopping Peer module=p2p peer=a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98@ impl="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:32.308] Stopping peer gracefully module=p2p
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:32.310] Stopping gossipVotesRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:32.310] Stopping gossipDataRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:32.371] Stopping gossipDataRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}"
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:32.371] Stopping gossipVotesRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}"
Jul 9 12:54:33 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:33.684] Starting Peer module=p2p peer=50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6@ impl="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:33 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:33.685] Starting MConnection module=p2p peer=50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:54:33 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:33.685] Added peer module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:33 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:54:33.848] Connection failed @ recvRoutine (reading byte) module=p2p peer=50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6@ conn=MConn{} err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:54:33 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:33.848] Stopping MConnection module=p2p peer=50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:54:33 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:54:33.848] Stopping peer for error module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}" err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:54:33 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:33.848] Stopping Peer module=p2p peer=50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6@ impl="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:33 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:33.848] Stopping peer gracefully module=p2p
Jul 9 12:54:33 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:33.886] Stopping gossipDataRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:33 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:33.886] Stopping gossipVotesRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:34 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:34.171] Stopping queryMaj23Routine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}"
Jul 9 12:54:34 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:34.209] Stopping queryMaj23Routine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:34 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:34.275] Starting Peer module=p2p peer=a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396@ impl="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:34 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:34.276] Starting MConnection module=p2p peer=a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:54:34 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:34.276] Added peer module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:34 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:54:34.436] Connection failed @ recvRoutine (reading byte) module=p2p peer=a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396@ conn=MConn{} err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:54:34 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:34.436] Stopping MConnection module=p2p peer=a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:54:34 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:54:34.436] Stopping peer for error module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}" err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:54:34 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:34.436] Stopping Peer module=p2p peer=a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396@ impl="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:34 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:34.436] Stopping peer gracefully module=p2p
Jul 9 12:54:34 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:34.477] Stopping gossipDataRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:34 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:34.477] Stopping gossipVotesRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:35 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:35.686] Stopping queryMaj23Routine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}"
Jul 9 12:54:36 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:36.277] Stopping queryMaj23Routine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:02.170] Starting Peer module=p2p peer=8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee@ impl="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}"
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:02.170] Starting MConnection module=p2p peer=8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:02.170] Added peer module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}"
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:02.208] Starting Peer module=p2p peer=a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98@ impl="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:02.209] Starting MConnection module=p2p peer=a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:02.209] Added peer module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:55:02.282] Connection failed @ recvRoutine (reading byte) module=p2p peer=8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee@ conn=MConn{} err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:02.282] Stopping MConnection module=p2p peer=8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:55:02.282] Stopping peer for error module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}" err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:02.282] Stopping Peer module=p2p peer=8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee@ impl="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}"
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:02.282] Stopping peer gracefully module=p2p
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:55:02.310] Connection failed @ recvRoutine (reading byte) module=p2p peer=a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98@ conn=MConn{} err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:02.310] Stopping MConnection module=p2p peer=a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:55:02.310] Stopping peer for error module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}" err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:02.310] Stopping Peer module=p2p peer=a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98@ impl="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:02.310] Stopping gossipDataRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:02.310] Stopping peer gracefully module=p2p
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:02.372] Stopping gossipDataRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}"
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:02.372] Stopping gossipVotesRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}"
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:02.410] Stopping gossipVotesRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:02.999] Saving AddrBook to file module=p2p book=/home/tendermint/.tendermint/config/addrbook.json size=0
Jul 9 12:55:03 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:03.683] Starting Peer module=p2p peer=50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6@ impl="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:03 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:03.683] Starting MConnection module=p2p peer=50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:55:03 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:03.684] Added peer module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:03 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:55:03.845] Connection failed @ recvRoutine (reading byte) module=p2p peer=50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6@ conn=MConn{} err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:55:03 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:03.845] Stopping MConnection module=p2p peer=50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:55:03 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:55:03.845] Stopping peer for error module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}" err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:55:03 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:03.845] Stopping Peer module=p2p peer=50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6@ impl="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:03 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:03.845] Stopping peer gracefully module=p2p
Jul 9 12:55:03 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:03.884] Stopping gossipDataRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:03 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:03.884] Stopping gossipVotesRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:04.170] Stopping queryMaj23Routine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}"
Jul 9 12:55:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:04.209] Stopping queryMaj23Routine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:04.275] Starting Peer module=p2p peer=a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396@ impl="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:04.276] Starting MConnection module=p2p peer=a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:55:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:04.276] Added peer module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:55:04.441] Connection failed @ recvRoutine (reading byte) module=p2p peer=a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396@ conn=MConn{} err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:55:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:04.441] Stopping MConnection module=p2p peer=a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:55:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:55:04.441] Stopping peer for error module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}" err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:55:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:04.441] Stopping Peer module=p2p peer=a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396@ impl="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:04.441] Stopping peer gracefully module=p2p
Jul 9 12:55:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:04.477] Stopping gossipDataRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:04.477] Stopping gossipVotesRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:05 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:05.684] Stopping queryMaj23Routine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:06 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:06.276] Stopping queryMaj23Routine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:32.170] Starting Peer module=p2p peer=8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee@ impl="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}"
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:32.171] Starting MConnection module=p2p peer=8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:32.171] Added peer module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}"
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:32.208] Starting Peer module=p2p peer=a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98@ impl="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:32.208] Starting MConnection module=p2p peer=a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:32.209] Added peer module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:55:32.282] Connection failed @ recvRoutine (reading byte) module=p2p peer=8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee@ conn=MConn{} err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:32.282] Stopping MConnection module=p2p peer=8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:55:32.282] Stopping peer for error module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}" err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:32.282] Stopping Peer module=p2p peer=8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee@ impl="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}"
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:32.282] Stopping peer gracefully module=p2p
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:55:32.310] Connection failed @ recvRoutine (reading byte) module=p2p peer=a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98@ conn=MConn{} err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:32.311] Stopping MConnection module=p2p peer=a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:55:32.311] Stopping peer for error module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}" err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:32.311] Stopping Peer module=p2p peer=a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98@ impl="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:32.311] Stopping peer gracefully module=p2p
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:32.372] Stopping gossipDataRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}"
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:32.372] Stopping gossipVotesRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}"
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:32.409] Stopping gossipDataRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:32.409] Stopping gossipVotesRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:33 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:33.685] Starting Peer module=p2p peer=50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6@ impl="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:33 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:33.685] Starting MConnection module=p2p peer=50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:55:33 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:33.686] Added peer module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:33 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:55:33.849] Connection failed @ recvRoutine (reading byte) module=p2p peer=50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6@ conn=MConn{} err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:55:33 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:33.849] Stopping MConnection module=p2p peer=50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:55:33 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:55:33.849] Stopping peer for error module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}" err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:55:33 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:33.849] Stopping Peer module=p2p peer=50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6@ impl="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:33 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:33.849] Stopping peer gracefully module=p2p
Jul 9 12:55:33 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:33.886] Stopping gossipDataRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:33 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:33.886] Stopping gossipVotesRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:34 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:34.172] Stopping queryMaj23Routine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}"
Jul 9 12:55:34 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:34.209] Stopping queryMaj23Routine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:34 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:34.278] Starting Peer module=p2p peer=a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396@ impl="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:34 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:34.279] Starting MConnection module=p2p peer=a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:55:34 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:34.279] Added peer module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:34 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:55:34.441] Connection failed @ recvRoutine (reading byte) module=p2p peer=a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396@ conn=MConn{} err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:55:34 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:34.441] Stopping MConnection module=p2p peer=a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:55:34 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:55:34.441] Stopping peer for error module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}" err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:55:34 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:34.441] Stopping Peer module=p2p peer=a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396@ impl="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:34 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:34.441] Stopping peer gracefully module=p2p
Jul 9 12:55:34 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:34.480] Stopping gossipDataRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:34 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:34.480] Stopping gossipVotesRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:35 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:35.686] Stopping queryMaj23Routine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}"
Jul 9 12:55:36 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:36.279] Stopping queryMaj23Routine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}"
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:02.170] Starting Peer module=p2p peer=8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee@ impl="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}"
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:02.171] Starting MConnection module=p2p peer=8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:02.171] Added peer module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}"
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:02.209] Starting Peer module=p2p peer=a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98@ impl="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}"
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:02.209] Starting MConnection module=p2p peer=a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:02.209] Added peer module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}"
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:56:02.282] Connection failed @ recvRoutine (reading byte) module=p2p peer=8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee@ conn=MConn{} err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:02.282] Stopping MConnection module=p2p peer=8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:56:02.282] Stopping peer for error module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}" err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:02.282] Stopping Peer module=p2p peer=8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee@ impl="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}"
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:02.282] Stopping peer gracefully module=p2p
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:56:02.310] Connection failed @ recvRoutine (reading byte) module=p2p peer=a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98@ conn=MConn{} err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:02.311] Stopping MConnection module=p2p peer=a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:56:02.311] Stopping peer for error module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}" err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:02.312] Stopping Peer module=p2p peer=a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98@ impl="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}"
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:02.312] Stopping peer gracefully module=p2p
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:02.372] Stopping gossipDataRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}"
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:02.373] Stopping gossipVotesRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}"
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:02.409] Stopping gossipDataRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}"
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:02.409] Stopping gossipVotesRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}"
Jul 9 12:56:03 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:03.681] Starting Peer module=p2p peer=50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6@ impl="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}"
Jul 9 12:56:03 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:03.682] Starting MConnection module=p2p peer=50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:56:03 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:03.682] Added peer module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}"
Jul 9 12:56:03 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:56:03.843] Connection failed @ recvRoutine (reading byte) module=p2p peer=50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6@ conn=MConn{} err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:56:03 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:03.843] Stopping MConnection module=p2p peer=50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:56:03 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:56:03.843] Stopping peer for error module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}" err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:56:03 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:03.843] Stopping Peer module=p2p peer=50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6@ impl="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}"
Jul 9 12:56:03 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:03.843] Stopping peer gracefully module=p2p
Jul 9 12:56:03 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:03.883] Stopping gossipDataRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}"
Jul 9 12:56:03 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:03.883] Stopping gossipVotesRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}"
Jul 9 12:56:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:04.172] Stopping queryMaj23Routine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} 8e0694fdbe7726dc86d673b5b89bb9db1670e4ee in}"
Jul 9 12:56:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:04.209] Stopping queryMaj23Routine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 in}"
Jul 9 12:56:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:04.279] Starting Peer module=p2p peer=a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396@ impl="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}"
Jul 9 12:56:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:04.280] Starting MConnection module=p2p peer=a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:56:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:04.280] Added peer module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}"
Jul 9 12:56:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:56:04.440] Connection failed @ recvRoutine (reading byte) module=p2p peer=a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396@ conn=MConn{} err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:56:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:04.440] Stopping MConnection module=p2p peer=a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:56:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:56:04.440] Stopping peer for error module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}" err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:56:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:04.440] Stopping Peer module=p2p peer=a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396@ impl="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}"
Jul 9 12:56:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:04.441] Stopping peer gracefully module=p2p
Jul 9 12:56:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:04.480] Stopping gossipDataRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}"
Jul 9 12:56:04 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:04.480] Stopping gossipVotesRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}"
Jul 9 12:56:05 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:05.683] Stopping queryMaj23Routine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} 50ff478bca12987f3124ea5b62a1a41841dfc4e6 in}"
Jul 9 12:56:06 ip-172-31-92-165 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:06.280] Stopping queryMaj23Routine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} a72a6e71947abc75ad3be822bc2b716dde8e7396 in}"
# A global identifier to apply across the entire test network. Will be added
# to the `Group` tags on all created AWS resources. This identifier is included
# in metrics submitted from the Tendermint nodes in this network.
id: testnet_abcd
# Configuration relating to monitoring of the Tendermint network nodes. Right
# now, the idea is to support SignalFX and/or InfluxDB. At least one of the two
# must be configured.
# Any SignalFX-related configuration parameters will go here.
enabled: no
enabled: yes
# Set to `yes` to deploy the Grafana/InfluxDB monitoring server. If set to
# `no`, you will need to supply InfluxDB details to which to send the
# metrics.
deploy: yes
# If deploy is set to `no`, the InfluxDB URL is required.
#url: https://your-own-influxdb-host:8086
# What password should we use for InfluxDB? If not specified, a strong
# password will automatically be generated.
# A mapping of named sub-groups of nodes within the desired test network
# resource group. All group names (e.g. `my_validators`, `my_seeds`, etc.) are
# totally arbitrary. You can have as many groups with different identifiers as
# you want.
- my_seeds:
# If you want to deploy an official release of Tendermint, just specify
# a version number here and its binary will be deployed from GitHub.
tendermint: v0.32.0
# Are these nodes to be validators? (Default: yes)
validators: no
# Should these nodes' Tendermint services be started? (Default: yes)
start: yes
# Where to find the configuration file to use as a template for
# generating configuration for all of the nodes in this sub-network.
config_template: ./my-seeds-config.toml
# persistent_peers:
# - my_validators
# Where to deploy nodes for this group. Note that nodes are numbered
# according to the order in which the regions appear here.
- us_east_1: 1
- my_validators:
# If you want to deploy an official release of Tendermint, just specify
# a version number here and its binary will be deployed from GitHub.
tendermint: v0.32.0
# Are these nodes to be validators? (Default: yes)
validators: yes
# Are these nodes' details to be included in the `genesis.json` file?
# (Default: yes)
in_genesis: yes
# Should these nodes' Tendermint services be started? (Default: yes)
start: yes
# Where to find the configuration file to use as a template for
# generating configuration for all of the nodes in this sub-network.
config_template: ./my-validators-config.toml
# The group name(s) for nodes to consider as seeds
- my_seeds
# To prepopulate persistent peers' addresses, specify a list of group
# names here. Can specify this group's own name here.
# persistent_peers:
# - my_validators
# Where to deploy nodes for this group. Note that nodes are numbered
# according to the order in which the regions appear here.
- us_east_1: 1
- us_east_2: 1
- us_west_1: 2
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.185] Starting multiAppConn module=proxy impl=multiAppConn
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.185] Starting localClient module=abci-client connection=query impl=localClient
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.186] Starting localClient module=abci-client connection=mempool impl=localClient
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.186] Starting localClient module=abci-client connection=consensus impl=localClient
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.186] Starting EventBus module=events impl=EventBus
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.186] Starting PubSub module=pubsub impl=PubSub
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.190] Starting IndexerService module=txindex impl=IndexerService
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.190] ABCI Handshake App Info module=consensus height=0 hash= software-version=0.16.0 protocol-version=1
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.191] ABCI Replay Blocks module=consensus appHeight=0 storeHeight=0 stateHeight=0
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.193] Completed ABCI Handshake - Tendermint and App are synced module=consensus appHeight=0 appHash=
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.193] Version info module=main software=0.32.0 block=10 p2p=7
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.193] This node is a validator module=consensus addr=9350C3764530A13CC66A03333AD8038562DFCDE0 pubKey=PubKeyEd25519{618C28E7D953D4F243A1C56770BF91ED880914FCE0E2C1A9A9B1D8E603BBF6EE}
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.197] P2P Node ID module=p2p ID=a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 file=/home/tendermint/.tendermint/config/node_key.json
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.197] Adding persistent peers module=p2p addrs=[]
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.197] Add our address to book module=p2p book=/home/tendermint/.tendermint/config/addrbook.json addr=a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98@
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.198] Starting Node module=main impl=Node
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.198] Starting P2P Switch module=p2p impl="P2P Switch"
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.198] Starting Reactor module=mempool impl=Reactor
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.198] Starting BlockchainReactor module=blockchain impl=BlockchainReactor
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.198] Starting BlockPool module=blockchain impl=BlockPool
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.198] Starting ConsensusReactor module=consensus impl=ConsensusReactor
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.198] ConsensusReactor module=consensus fastSync=true
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.198] Starting EvidenceReactor module=evidence impl=EvidenceReactor
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.198] Starting PEXReactor module=pex impl=PEXReactor
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.198] Starting AddrBook module=p2p book=/home/tendermint/.tendermint/config/addrbook.json impl=AddrBook
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.201] Starting RPC HTTP server on [::]:26657 module=rpc-server
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.202] Saving AddrBook to file module=p2p book=/home/tendermint/.tendermint/config/addrbook.json size=0
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.203] Started node module=main nodeInfo="{ProtocolVersion:{P2P:7 Block:10 App:1} ID_:a93260d745d068e7c6017cf2df5101002ff19e98 ListenAddr:tcp:// Network:testnet_abcd Version:0.32.0 Channels:4020212223303800 Other:{TxIndex:on RPCAddress:tcp://}}"
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.203] Ensure peers module=pex numOutPeers=0 numInPeers=0 numDialing=0 numToDial=10
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.203] No addresses to dial. Falling back to seeds module=pex
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.203] Dialing peer module=p2p address=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.206] Starting Peer module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ impl="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.206] Starting MConnection module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.206] Added peer module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:54:02.306] Connection failed @ recvRoutine (reading byte) module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ conn=MConn{} err=EOF
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.306] Stopping MConnection module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:54:02.306] Stopping peer for error module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}" err=EOF
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.306] Stopping Peer module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ impl="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.406] Stopping gossipDataRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:54:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:02.406] Stopping gossipVotesRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:54:04 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:04.206] Stopping queryMaj23Routine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:32.206] Ensure peers module=pex numOutPeers=0 numInPeers=0 numDialing=0 numToDial=10
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:32.206] No addresses to dial. Falling back to seeds module=pex
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:32.206] Dialing peer module=p2p address=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:32.208] Starting Peer module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ impl="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:32.208] Starting MConnection module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:32.208] Added peer module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:54:32.308] Connection failed @ recvRoutine (reading byte) module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ conn=MConn{} err=EOF
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:32.309] Stopping MConnection module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:54:32.309] Stopping peer for error module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}" err=EOF
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:32.309] Stopping Peer module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ impl="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:32.408] Stopping gossipDataRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:54:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:32.408] Stopping gossipVotesRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:54:34 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:54:34.208] Stopping queryMaj23Routine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:02.206] Ensure peers module=pex numOutPeers=0 numInPeers=0 numDialing=0 numToDial=10
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:02.206] No addresses to dial. Falling back to seeds module=pex
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:02.206] Dialing peer module=p2p address=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:02.208] Starting Peer module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ impl="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:02.208] Starting MConnection module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:02.209] Added peer module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:55:02.310] Connection failed @ recvRoutine (reading byte) module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ conn=MConn{} err=EOF
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:02.310] Stopping MConnection module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:55:02.310] Stopping peer for error module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}" err=EOF
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:02.310] Stopping Peer module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ impl="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:02.409] Stopping gossipDataRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:55:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:02.409] Stopping gossipVotesRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:55:04 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:04.209] Stopping queryMaj23Routine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:32.206] Ensure peers module=pex numOutPeers=0 numInPeers=0 numDialing=0 numToDial=10
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:32.206] No addresses to dial. Falling back to seeds module=pex
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:32.206] Dialing peer module=p2p address=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:32.208] Starting Peer module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ impl="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:32.209] Starting MConnection module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:32.209] Added peer module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:55:32.310] Connection failed @ recvRoutine (reading byte) module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ conn=MConn{} err=EOF
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:32.310] Stopping MConnection module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:55:32.310] Stopping peer for error module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}" err=EOF
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:32.310] Stopping Peer module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ impl="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:55:32.310] MConnection flush failed module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ err="write tcp> use of closed network connection"
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:32.410] Stopping gossipDataRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:55:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:32.410] Stopping gossipVotesRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:55:34 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:55:34.210] Stopping queryMaj23Routine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:02.201] Saving AddrBook to file module=p2p book=/home/tendermint/.tendermint/config/addrbook.json size=0
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:02.206] Ensure peers module=pex numOutPeers=0 numInPeers=0 numDialing=0 numToDial=10
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:02.206] No addresses to dial. Falling back to seeds module=pex
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:02.206] Dialing peer module=p2p address=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:02.209] Starting Peer module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ impl="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:02.209] Starting MConnection module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:02.209] Added peer module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:56:02.310] Connection failed @ recvRoutine (reading byte) module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ conn=MConn{} err=EOF
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:02.310] Stopping MConnection module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:56:02.310] Stopping peer for error module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}" err=EOF
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:02.310] Stopping Peer module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ impl="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:02.410] Stopping gossipDataRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:56:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:02.410] Stopping gossipVotesRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:56:04 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:04.210] Stopping queryMaj23Routine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:56:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:32.206] Ensure peers module=pex numOutPeers=0 numInPeers=0 numDialing=0 numToDial=10
Jul 9 12:56:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:32.206] No addresses to dial. Falling back to seeds module=pex
Jul 9 12:56:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:32.206] Dialing peer module=p2p address=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@
Jul 9 12:56:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:32.208] Starting Peer module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ impl="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:56:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:32.209] Starting MConnection module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:56:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:32.209] Added peer module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:56:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:56:32.314] Connection failed @ recvRoutine (reading byte) module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ conn=MConn{} err=EOF
Jul 9 12:56:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:32.314] Stopping MConnection module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:56:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:56:32.314] Stopping peer for error module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}" err=EOF
Jul 9 12:56:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:32.314] Stopping Peer module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ impl="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:56:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:32.414] Stopping gossipDataRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:56:32 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:32.414] Stopping gossipVotesRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:56:34 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:56:34.209] Stopping queryMaj23Routine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:57:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:57:02.206] Ensure peers module=pex numOutPeers=0 numInPeers=0 numDialing=0 numToDial=10
Jul 9 12:57:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:57:02.206] No addresses to dial. Falling back to seeds module=pex
Jul 9 12:57:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:57:02.207] Dialing peer module=p2p address=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@
Jul 9 12:57:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:57:02.208] Starting Peer module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ impl="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:57:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:57:02.208] Starting MConnection module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:57:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:57:02.208] Added peer module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:57:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:57:02.309] Connection failed @ recvRoutine (reading byte) module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ conn=MConn{} err=EOF
Jul 9 12:57:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:57:02.309] Stopping MConnection module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ impl=MConn{}
Jul 9 12:57:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: E[2019-07-09|12:57:02.309] Stopping peer for error module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}" err=EOF
Jul 9 12:57:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:57:02.309] Stopping Peer module=p2p peer=afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8@ impl="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:57:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:57:02.409] Stopping gossipDataRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:57:02 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:57:02.409] Stopping gossipVotesRoutine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
Jul 9 12:57:04 ip-172-31-82-59 tendermint: I[2019-07-09|12:57:04.208] Stopping queryMaj23Routine for peer module=consensus peer="Peer{MConn{} afb1add194750a1e064a9aa73b4e671cba6b50c8 out}"
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