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Last active December 8, 2023 04:49
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Advent of Code 2023 day 7 scala
// Dev using scala-cli and vscode
//> using scala 3.3.1
import Hand.*, Kind.*
import scala.math.Ordering
enum Kind:
case HighCard, OnePair, TwoPair, ThreeOfAKind, FullHouse, FourOfAKind, FiveOfAKind
object Hand:
val Joker = 'J'
val Order1 = "23456789TJQKA"
val Order2 = "J23456789TQKA"
def ord(kind: Hand => Kind, cardOrder: String): Ordering[Hand] = (x: Hand, y: Hand) =>
val (k, k2) = (kind(x), kind(y))
if k != k2 then
k.ordinal - k2.ordinal
case (c, c2) if c != c2 => cardOrder.indexOf(c) - cardOrder.indexOf(c2)
case class Hand(cards: String):
def kind: Kind =
val m = { c => c -> cards.count(_ == c) }.toMap
m.size match
case 5 => HighCard
case 4 => OnePair
case 3 => if m.values.max == 3 then ThreeOfAKind else TwoPair
case 2 => if m.values.max == 4 then FourOfAKind else FullHouse
case _ => FiveOfAKind
def kind2: Kind =
val cs = cards.replace(Joker.toString, "")
if cs.isEmpty() then FiveOfAKind
val m = { c => c -> cs.count(_ == c) }.toMap
val c = m.maxBy(_._2)._1
Hand(cards.replace(Joker, c)).kind
case class Game(hand: Hand, bid: Long)
val input = """32T3K 765
T55J5 684
KK677 28
QQQJA 483"""
val games = input.
map { line =>
val Array(cs, b) = line.split(' ')
Game(Hand(cs), b.toLong)
def win(using ord: Ordering[Hand]): Long = games.sortBy(_.hand) { (g, i) => * (i + 1) }.sum
@main def part1() =
println(win(using Hand.ord(_.kind, Order1)))
@main def part2() =
println(win(using Hand.ord(_.kind2, Order2)))
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