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Forked from oskansavli/DecimalFormat.js
Created June 2, 2012 06:36
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Javascript number formatter (Java DecimalFormat Implemented in Javascript)
* @class DecimalFormat
* @constructor
* @param {String} formatStr
* @author Oskan Savli
function DecimalFormat(formatStr)
* @fieldOf DecimalFormat
* @type String
this.prefix = '';
* @fieldOf DecimalFormat
* @type String
this.suffix = '';
* @description Grouping size
* @fieldOf DecimalFormat
* @type String
this.comma = 0;
* @description Minimum integer digits to be displayed
* @fieldOf DecimalFormat
* @type Number
this.minInt = 1;
* @description Minimum fractional digits to be displayed
* @fieldOf DecimalFormat
* @type String
this.minFrac = 0;
* @description Maximum fractional digits to be displayed
* @fieldOf DecimalFormat
* @type String
this.maxFrac = 0;
// get prefix
for (var i=0; i<formatStr.length; i++) {
if (formatStr.charAt(i) == '#' || formatStr.charAt(i) == '0') {
this.prefix = formatStr.substring(0,i);
formatStr = formatStr.substring(i);
// get suffix
this.suffix = formatStr.replace(/[#]|[0]|[,]|[.]/g , '');
// get number as string
var numberStr = formatStr.replace(/[^0#,.]/g , '');
var intStr = '';
var fracStr = '';
var point = numberStr.indexOf('.');
if (point != -1) {
intStr = numberStr.substring(0,point);
fracStr = numberStr.substring(point+1);
else {
intStr = numberStr;
var commaPos = intStr.lastIndexOf(',');
if (commaPos != -1) {
this.comma = intStr.length - 1 - commaPos;
intStr = intStr.replace(/[,]/g , ''); // remove commas
fracStr = fracStr.replace(/[,]|[.]+/g , '');
this.maxFrac = fracStr.length;
var tmp = intStr.replace(/[^0]/g , ''); // remove all except zero
if (tmp.length > this.minInt)
this.minInt = tmp.length;
tmp = fracStr.replace(/[^0]/g , '');
this.minFrac = tmp.length;
* @description Formats given value
* @methodOf DecimalFormat
* @param {String} numberStr
* @return {String} Formatted number
* @author Oskan Savli
DecimalFormat.prototype.format = function(numStr) { // 1223.06 --> $1,223.06
// remove prefix, suffix and commas
var numberStr = this.formatBack(numStr).toLowerCase();
// do not format if not a number
if (isNaN(numberStr) || numberStr.length == 0)
return numStr;
//scientific numbers
if (i = numberStr.indexOf("e") != -1) {
var n = Number(numberStr);
if (n=="Infinity" || n=="-Infinity") return numberStr;
numberStr = n+"";
if(numberStr.indexOf('e') != -1) return numberStr;
var negative = false;
// remove sign
if (numberStr.charAt(0) == '-') {
negative = true;
numberStr = numberStr.substring(1);
else if (numberStr.charAt(0) == '+') {
numberStr = numberStr.substring(1);
var point = numberStr.indexOf('.'); // position of point character
var intStr = '';
var fracStr = '';
if (point != -1) {
intStr = numberStr.substring(0,point);
fracStr = numberStr.substring(point+1);
else {
intStr = numberStr;
fracStr = fracStr.replace(/[.]/ , ''); // remove other point characters
var isPercentage = this.suffix && this.suffix.charAt(0) === '%';
// if percentage, number will be multiplied by 100.
var minInt = this.minInt, minFrac = this.minFrac, maxFrac = this.maxFrac;
if (isPercentage) {
minInt -= 2;
minFrac += 2;
maxFrac += 2;
if (fracStr.length > maxFrac) { // round
//case 6143
var num = new Number('0.' + fracStr);
num = (maxFrac == 0)? Math.round(num) : num.toFixed(maxFrac);
// toFixed method has bugs on IE (0.7 --> 0)
fracStr = num.toString(10).substr(2);
var c = (num>=1)? 1:0; //carry
var x, i=intStr.length-1;
while (c) { //increment intStr
if (i==-1) {
intStr = '1'+intStr;
else {
x = intStr.charAt(i);
if (x==9) {x='0'; c=1;}
else {x = (++x)+''; c=0;}
intStr = intStr.substring(0,i) + x + intStr.substring(i+1,intStr.length);
for (var i=fracStr.length; i<minFrac; i++) { // if minFrac=4 then 1.12 --> 1.1200
fracStr = fracStr + '0';
while (fracStr.length > minFrac && fracStr.charAt(fracStr.length-1) == '0') { // if minInt=4 then 00034 --> 0034)
fracStr = fracStr.substring(0,fracStr.length-1);
for (var i=intStr.length; i<minInt; i++) { // if minInt=4 then 034 --> 0034
intStr = '0' + intStr;
while (intStr.length > minInt && intStr.charAt(0) == '0') { // if minInt=4 then 00034 --> 0034)
intStr = intStr.substring(1);
if (isPercentage) { // multiply by 100
intStr += fracStr.substring(0,2);
fracStr = fracStr.substring(2);
var j = 0;
for(var i=intStr.length; i>0; i--) { // add commas
if (j != 0 && j%this.comma == 0) {
intStr = intStr.substring(0,i) + ',' + intStr.substring(i);
j = 0;
var formattedValue;
if (fracStr.length > 0)
formattedValue = this.prefix + intStr + '.' + fracStr + this.suffix;
formattedValue = this.prefix + intStr + this.suffix;
if (negative) {
formattedValue = '-' + formattedValue;
return formattedValue;
* @description Converts formatted value back to non-formatted value
* @methodOf DecimalFormat
* @param {String} fNumberStr Formatted number
* @return {String} Original number
* @author Oskan Savli
DecimalFormat.prototype.formatBack = function(fNumStr) { // $1,223.06 --> 1223.06
fNumStr += ''; //ensure it is string
if (!fNumStr) return ''; //do not return undefined or null
if (!isNaN(fNumStr)) return this.getNumericString(fNumStr);
var fNumberStr = fNumStr;
var negative = false;
if (fNumStr.charAt(0) == '-') {
fNumberStr = fNumberStr.substr(1);
negative = true;
var pIndex = fNumberStr.indexOf(this.prefix);
var sIndex = (this.suffix == '')? fNumberStr.length : fNumberStr.indexOf(this.suffix, this.prefix.length+1);
if (pIndex == 0 && sIndex > 0) {
// remove suffix
fNumberStr = fNumberStr.substr(0,sIndex);
// remove prefix
fNumberStr = fNumberStr.substr(this.prefix.length);
// remove commas
fNumberStr = fNumberStr.replace(/,/g , '');
if (negative)
fNumberStr = '-' + fNumberStr;
if (!isNaN(fNumberStr))
return this.getNumericString(fNumberStr);
return fNumStr;
* @description We shouldn't return strings like 1.000 in formatBack method.
* However, using only Number(str) is not enough, because it omits . in big numbers
* like 23423423423342234.34 => 23423423423342236 . There's a conflict in cases
* 6143 and 6541.
* @methodOf DecimalFormat
* @param {String} str Numberic string
* @return {String} Corrected numeric string
* @author Serdar Bicer
DecimalFormat.prototype.getNumericString = function(str){
//first convert to number
var num = new Number(str);
//check if there is a missing dot
var numStr = num + '';
if (str.indexOf('.')>-1 && numStr.indexOf('.')<0){
//check if original string has all zeros after dot or not
for (var i=str.indexOf('.')+1;i<str.length;i++){
//if not, this means we lost precision
if (str.charAt(i) !== '0') return str;
return numStr;
return str;
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