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pure Python module that uses snakemake to construct and run a workflow
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Running this script is (intended to be) equivalent to running the following Snakefile:
include: "pipeline.conf" # Should be an empty file
shell.prefix("set -euo pipefail;")
rule all:
rule unpack_fastq:
'''Unpack a FASTQ file'''
output: "{file}.fastq"
input: "{file}.fastq.gz"
resources: time=60, mem=100
params: "{file}.params"
threads: 8
log: 'unpack.log'
'''zcat {input} > {output}
echo finished 1>&2 {log}
rule count:
'''Count reads in a FASTQ file'''
output: counts="{file}.counts"
input: fastq="{file}.fastq"
n = 0
with open(input.fastq) as f:
for _ in f:
n += 1
with open(output.counts, 'w') as f:
print(n / 4, file=f)
from snakemake.workflow import Workflow, Rules
import snakemake.workflow
from snakemake import shell
from snakemake.logging import setup_logger
workflow = Workflow(__file__)
snakemake.workflow.rules = Rules()
snakemake.workflow.config = dict()
### Output from snakemake --print-compilation follows (reformatted)
shell.prefix("set -euo pipefail;")
@workflow.rule(name='all', lineno=6, snakefile='.../Snakefile')
def __all(input, output, params, wildcards, threads, resources, log, version):
@workflow.rule(name='unpack_fastq', lineno=17, snakefile='.../Snakefile')
@workflow.docstring("""Unpack a FASTQ file""")
@workflow.resources(time=60, mem=100)
"""zcat {input} > {output}
echo finished 1>&2 {log}
def __unpack_fastq(input, output, params, wildcards, threads, resources, log, version):
shell("""zcat {input} > {output}
echo finished 1>&2 > {log}
@workflow.rule(name='count', lineno=52, snakefile='.../Snakefile')
@workflow.docstring("""Count reads in a FASTQ file""")
@workflow.output(counts = "{file}.counts")
@workflow.input(fastq = "{file}.fastq")
def __count(input, output, params, wildcards, threads, resources, log, version):
n = 0
with open(input.fastq) as f:
for _ in f:
n += 1
with open(output.counts, 'w') as f:
print(n / 4, file=f)
### End of output from snakemake --print-compilation
print("Dry run first ...")
workflow.execute(dryrun=True, updated_files=[])
print("And now for real")
workflow.execute(dryrun=False, updated_files=[], resources=dict())
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