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Created September 22, 2014 19:36
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Rails 1 homework!
# Assign "Hello World" to a variable message
message = "Hello World"
# Assign a different string to a different variable
any = "First app"
# Assign a number to a variable
number = 9
# Use string interpolation to display the number in a string
# string interpolation = #{}
puts "#{number}"
# Make an array of your favorite movies or books or bands. Have at least 4 values.
favorite = ["Titanic", "Transformer", "Fast and Furious", "Expandable"]
# Make a hash of information about yourself. Have at least 4 keys+values
info = {:name=>"Thanh", :age=>28, :race=>"Asian", :location=>"Waco"}
puts info
# Make a blog and share the url in your homework
# Make an array of hashes containing more information
# about your favorite movies. The hash should have at least 3 keys+values
arrays = [{:action=>"Taken"}, {:romance=>"Titanic"}, {:horror=>"Saw"}]
p arrays
# Use .each to loop through the array of hashes and print only one property of the hash
# For example { title: "Gone with the Wind" } loop through and print only the [:title]
arrays.each {|array| puts array.keys}
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