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Forked from peterbe/
Created September 8, 2018 16:46
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import hashlib
from functools import wraps
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.utils.encoding import force_text, force_bytes
def cache_memoize(
"""Decorator for memoizing function calls.
:arg int time: Number of seconds to store the result if not None
:arg string prefix: If you want to assure you don't clash with other keys.
:arg function args_rewrite: Callable that rewrites the args first useful
if your function needs nontrivial types but you know a simple way to
re-represent them for the sake of the cache key.
:arg function hit_callable: Gets executed if key was in cache.
:arg function miss_callable: Gets executed if key was *not* in cache.
:arg bool store_result: If you know the result is not important, just
that the cache blocked it from running repeatedly, set this to False.
300, # 5 min
args_rewrite=lambda user:,
hit_callable=lambda: print("Cache hit!"),
miss_callable=lambda: print("Cache miss :("),
def hash_user_email(user):
dk = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha256',, b'salt', 100000)
return binascii.hexlify(dk)
Or, when you don't actually need the result, useful if you know it's not
valuable to store the execution result::
300, # 5 min
def send_email(email):
somelib.send(email, subject="You rock!", ...)
Also, whatever you do where things get cached, you can undo that.
For example::
def callmeonce(arg1):
callmeonce('peter') # will print 'peter'
callmeonce('peter') # nothing printed
callmeonce('peter') # will print 'peter'
Suppose you know for good reason you want to bypass the cache and
really let the decorator let you through you can set one extra
keyword argument called `_refresh`. For example::
def callmeonce(arg1):
callmeonce('peter') # will print 'peter'
callmeonce('peter') # nothing printed
callmeonce('peter', _refresh=True) # will print 'peter'
if args_rewrite is None:
def noop(*args):
return args
args_rewrite = noop
def decorator(func):
def _make_cache_key(*args, **kwargs):
cache_key = ':'.join(
[force_text(x) for x in args_rewrite(*args)] +
[force_text(f'{k}={v}') for k, v in kwargs.items()]
return hashlib.md5(force_bytes(
'cache_memoize' + prefix + cache_key
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
refresh = kwargs.pop('_refresh', False)
cache_key = _make_cache_key(*args, **kwargs)
if refresh:
result = None
result = cache.get(cache_key)
if result is None:
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
if not store_result:
# Then the result isn't valuable/important to store but
# we want to store something. Just to remember that
# it has be done.
cache.set(cache_key, True, timeout)
elif result is not None:
cache.set(cache_key, result, timeout)
if miss_callable:
miss_callable(*args, **kwargs)
elif hit_callable:
hit_callable(*args, **kwargs)
return result
def invalidate(*args, **kwargs):
cache_key = _make_cache_key(*args, **kwargs)
inner.invalidate = invalidate
return inner
return decorator
def test_cache_memoize():
calls_made = []
def runmeonce(a, b, k='bla'):
calls_made.append((a, b, k))
return '{} {} {}'.format(a, b, k) # sample implementation
runmeonce(1, 2)
runmeonce(1, 2)
assert len(calls_made) == 1
runmeonce(1, 3)
assert len(calls_made) == 2
# should work with most basic types
runmeonce(1.1, 'foo')
runmeonce(1.1, 'foo')
assert len(calls_made) == 3
# even more "advanced" types
runmeonce(1.1, 'foo', k=list('åäö'))
runmeonce(1.1, 'foo', k=list('åäö'))
assert len(calls_made) == 4
# And shouldn't be a problem even if the arguments are really long
runmeonce('A' * 200, 'B' * 200, {'C' * 100: 'D' * 100})
assert len(calls_made) == 5
# different prefixes
@decorators.cache_memoize(10, prefix='first')
def foo(value):
return 'ho'
@decorators.cache_memoize(10, prefix='second')
def bar(value):
return 'ho'
assert len(calls_made) == 7
# Test when you don't care about the result
@decorators.cache_memoize(10, store_result=False, prefix='different')
def returnnothing(a, b, k='bla'):
calls_made.append((a, b, k))
# note it returns None
returnnothing(1, 2)
returnnothing(1, 2)
assert len(calls_made) == 8
def test_cache_memoize_refresh():
calls_made = []
def runmeonce(a):
return a * 2
assert len(calls_made) == 1
assert len(calls_made) == 1
runmeonce(10, _refresh=True)
assert len(calls_made) == 2
def test_cache_memoize_hit_miss_callables():
hits = []
misses = []
calls_made = []
def hit_callable(arg):
def miss_callable(arg):
def runmeonce(arg):
return arg * 2
result = runmeonce(100)
assert result == 200
assert len(calls_made) == 1
assert len(hits) == 0
assert len(misses) == 1
result = runmeonce(100)
assert result == 200
assert len(calls_made) == 1
assert len(hits) == 1
assert len(misses) == 1
result = runmeonce(100)
assert result == 200
assert len(calls_made) == 1
assert len(hits) == 2
assert len(misses) == 1
result = runmeonce(200)
assert result == 400
assert len(calls_made) == 2
assert len(hits) == 2
assert len(misses) == 2
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