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Created March 6, 2014 22:43
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Setup Heroku sensitive configs
* @fileOverview Passwords and sensitive shit.
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
var local = false;
var herokuOverride = {
cookies: {
session: {
secret: 'xxx',
crypto: {
salt: 'xxx',
mongo: {
user: 'xx',
pass: 'xx',
hostname: 'xx',
redis: {
main: {
host: 'xx',
port: 'xxxx',
user: 'xx',
pass: 'xxx'
mandrill: {
apiKey: 'xxx',
var jsoned = JSON.stringify(herokuOverride);
var re = new RegExp('"', 'g');
var cmd;
if (local) {
cmd = 'export NODE_CONFIG="';
cmd += jsoned.replace(re, '\\"');
cmd += '"';
} else {
cmd = 'heroku config:set NODE_CONFIG="';
cmd += jsoned.replace(re, '\\"');
cmd += '" --app heroku-app';
console.log('Executing:\n', cmd);
exec(cmd, null, function (err, stdout, stderr) {
console.log('Finished executing:', err, stdout, stderr);
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