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Last active November 2, 2018 17:47
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Proposed implementation of new TryGetChunk extension method (see
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
namespace System.Buffers
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
public static class BuffersExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Tries to get a chunk of output from the sequence.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Type of the sequence elements.</typeparam>
/// <param name="input">The input.</param>
/// <param name="position">The position to begin searching the sequence from.</param>
/// <param name="output">The output (see remarks).</param>
/// <param name="size">The size requested.</param>
/// <param name="advance">The advance.</param>
/// <param name="buffer">The optional buffer.</param>
/// <returns>
/// <see langword="true" /> if any more data was returned in <paramref name="output" />; otherwise <see langword="false" />.</returns>
/// <remarks><para>If a chunk is returned, the <paramref name="output" /> will contain a maximum of <see cref="size"/> elements.
/// This contrasts the existing behaviour of <see cref="ReadOnlySequence{T}.TryGet"/>, where the output may contain more than
/// one element as it will contain the remainder of the current sequence segment. This is by design as this method is
/// focused on reading a sequence as a series of fixed size chunks, rather than getting the remainder of the current sequence.</para>
/// <para>In the same way <paramref name="advance"/> moves the <paramref name="size"/> forward by exactly <see cref="size"/> elements,
/// when <see langword="true"/>; otherwise sets it to <see langword="default"/> when the end of sequence is reached.</para>
/// <para>If <paramref name="output" />.<see cref="ReadOnlyMemory{T}.Length">Length</see> is less than
/// <paramref name="size" /> this indicates the sequence has reached it's end, and a full chunk is not available.</para>
/// <para>If a <see cref="buffer" /> is <see cref="Memory{T}.IsEmpty">supplied</see>, and if an allocation is required,
/// this buffer will be used as such it must be at least <paramref name="size" /> elements. If no allocation is required the buffer will be unused. This is useful on repeated calls
/// as it can allow for a single buffer to be supplied and re-used on each call</para></remarks>
public static bool TryGetChunk<T>(this in ReadOnlySequence<T> input, ref SequencePosition position, out ReadOnlySpan<T> output, int size, bool advance = true, in Span<T> buffer = default)
// Short-cut
if (size < 1)
output = default;
return false;
Span<T> result = default;
Span<T> remainder = default;
int remainderLength = size;
SequencePosition nextSegment = position;
int segmentLength;
if (nextSegment.GetObject() is null || // Pointer is outside of sequence
!input.TryGet(ref nextSegment, out ReadOnlyMemory<T> segment) || // No more segments are available
(segmentLength = segment.Length) < 1) // See
// Only happens on first iteration, nothing available
output = default;
return false;
// Calculate remainder
ReadOnlySpan<T> segmentSpan = segment.Span;
if (segmentLength >= remainderLength || (nextSegment.GetObject() is null))
if (segmentLength > remainderLength)
// Truncate this segment
segmentSpan = segmentSpan.Slice(0, remainderLength);
if (advance)
// Advance the position by remainder length
position = input.GetPosition(remainderLength, position);
else if (advance)
position = nextSegment;
if (result.IsEmpty)
output = segmentSpan;
remainderLength -= segmentLength;
if (remainderLength > 0)
// The segment didn't fill the remainder so slice the result
result = result.Slice(0, result.Length - remainderLength);
output = result;
return true;
if (result.IsEmpty)
result = buffer.IsEmpty ? new T[size] : buffer;
remainder = result;
if (advance)
position = nextSegment;
// Shorten the remainder slice
remainder = remainder.Slice(segmentLength);
remainderLength = remainder.Length;
} while (true);
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thargy commented Oct 27, 2018

Benchmarking code, compares using TryGetChunk with Splite().CopyTo() for reading a sequence is fixed size chunks. However, poth approaches do use a buffer from the ArrayPool leading to 0-allocations. Note, the TryGetChunk version is more concise.

sing System;
using System.Buffers;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Order;

public class Chunkers
    [Params(1, 1000, 100000)]
    public int SequenceSize;

    [Params(0.1, 0.4, 0.8, 1.0)]
    public double SegmentSize;

    [Params(1, 4, 256, 81920)]
    public int BlockSize;

    private ReadOnlySequence<byte> sequence;
    private byte[] buffer;

    public void GlobalSetup()
        int s = (int)Math.Clamp(Math.Ceiling(this.SequenceSize * this.SegmentSize), 1, this.SequenceSize);

        this.sequence = Segment<byte>.CreateSequence(this.SequenceSize, 0, 0, s);

        this.buffer = ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Rent(this.BlockSize);

    [Benchmark(Baseline = true)]
    public void SliceCopyTo()
        int i = 0;
        long blockSize = this.BlockSize;
        long remainder = this.sequence.Length;
        Span<byte> b = this.buffer;
        while (remainder > 0)
            if (remainder < blockSize)
                blockSize = remainder;

            this.sequence.Slice(i, blockSize).CopyTo(b);
            i += this.BlockSize;
            remainder -= this.BlockSize;

            // Use b here

    public void SliceCopyNew()
        ReadOnlySequence<byte> s = this.sequence;
        int blockSize = this.BlockSize;
        int remainder = (int)this.sequence.Length;
        Span<byte> b = this.buffer;
        while (remainder > 0)
            if (remainder < blockSize)
                blockSize = remainder;

            s.Slice(0, blockSize).CopyTo(b);
            s = s.Slice(blockSize);
            remainder -= blockSize;

            // Use b here

    public void TryGetChunk()
        SequencePosition position = this.sequence.Start;
        Span<byte> b = this.buffer;
        while (this.sequence.TryGetChunk(ref position, out ReadOnlySpan<byte> output, this.BlockSize, true, b))
            // Use output here not b

    public void GlobalCleanup()
        this.sequence = default;

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thargy commented Oct 27, 2018

BenchmarkDotNet=v0.11.1, OS=Windows 10.0.17134.345 (1803/April2018Update/Redstone4)
Intel Core i7-2600K CPU 3.40GHz (Sandy Bridge), 1 CPU, 8 logical and 4 physical cores
.NET Core SDK=2.2.100-preview2-009404
  [Host]   : .NET Core 2.1.5 (CoreCLR 4.6.26919.02, CoreFX 4.6.26919.02), 64bit RyuJIT
  ShortRun : .NET Core 2.1.5 (CoreCLR 4.6.26919.02, CoreFX 4.6.26919.02), 64bit RyuJIT

Job=ShortRun  Runtime=Core  IterationCount=3
LaunchCount=1  WarmupCount=3
Method SequenceSize SegmentSize BlockSize Mean Error StdDev Scaled ScaledSD
TryGetChunk 1 0.1 1 35.11 ns 0.0757 ns 0.0043 ns 0.75 0.01
SliceCopyTo 1 0.1 1 46.71 ns 6.9399 ns 0.3921 ns 1.00 0.00
SliceCopyNew 1 0.1 1 63.02 ns 4.2804 ns 0.2418 ns 1.35 0.01
TryGetChunk 1 0.1 8 35.60 ns 2.6714 ns 0.1509 ns 0.75 0.00
SliceCopyTo 1 0.1 8 47.38 ns 0.6350 ns 0.0359 ns 1.00 0.00
SliceCopyNew 1 0.1 8 63.09 ns 3.5805 ns 0.2023 ns 1.33 0.00
TryGetChunk 1 0.1 81920 35.45 ns 0.0603 ns 0.0034 ns 0.76 0.00
SliceCopyTo 1 0.1 81920 46.57 ns 0.7040 ns 0.0398 ns 1.00 0.00
SliceCopyNew 1 0.1 81920 64.84 ns 1.1925 ns 0.0674 ns 1.39 0.00
TryGetChunk 1 0.4 1 35.43 ns 7.5579 ns 0.4270 ns 0.75 0.01
SliceCopyTo 1 0.4 1 47.39 ns 0.4709 ns 0.0266 ns 1.00 0.00
SliceCopyNew 1 0.4 1 63.47 ns 1.1935 ns 0.0674 ns 1.34 0.00
TryGetChunk 1 0.4 8 34.96 ns 0.1832 ns 0.0104 ns 0.75 0.00
SliceCopyTo 1 0.4 8 46.75 ns 0.1188 ns 0.0067 ns 1.00 0.00
SliceCopyNew 1 0.4 8 63.97 ns 0.8438 ns 0.0477 ns 1.37 0.00
TryGetChunk 1 0.4 81920 35.09 ns 3.0166 ns 0.1704 ns 0.75 0.00
SliceCopyTo 1 0.4 81920 46.57 ns 1.8770 ns 0.1061 ns 1.00 0.00
SliceCopyNew 1 0.4 81920 62.98 ns 0.2920 ns 0.0165 ns 1.35 0.00
TryGetChunk 1 1 1 35.05 ns 3.2711 ns 0.1848 ns 0.76 0.00
SliceCopyTo 1 1 1 46.38 ns 0.8914 ns 0.0504 ns 1.00 0.00
SliceCopyNew 1 1 1 63.56 ns 14.2743 ns 0.8065 ns 1.37 0.01
TryGetChunk 1 1 8 35.53 ns 0.5488 ns 0.0310 ns 0.76 0.00
SliceCopyTo 1 1 8 46.81 ns 3.7416 ns 0.2114 ns 1.00 0.00
SliceCopyNew 1 1 8 63.36 ns 11.5906 ns 0.6549 ns 1.35 0.01
TryGetChunk 1 1 81920 35.24 ns 0.8808 ns 0.0498 ns 0.75 0.00
SliceCopyTo 1 1 81920 46.76 ns 2.2220 ns 0.1255 ns 1.00 0.00
SliceCopyNew 1 1 81920 63.52 ns 10.6904 ns 0.6040 ns 1.36 0.01
TryGetChunk 1000 0.1 1 16,207.63 ns 81.8012 ns 4.6219 ns 0.36 0.00
SliceCopyTo 1000 0.1 1 45,556.15 ns 5,218.3483 ns 294.8464 ns 1.00 0.00
SliceCopyNew 1000 0.1 1 54,618.79 ns 11,779.3987 ns 665.5579 ns 1.20 0.01
TryGetChunk 1000 0.1 8 2,125.60 ns 16.3101 ns 0.9216 ns 0.36 0.00
SliceCopyTo 1000 0.1 8 5,987.04 ns 378.7742 ns 21.4014 ns 1.00 0.00
SliceCopyNew 1000 0.1 8 7,066.41 ns 25.2971 ns 1.4293 ns 1.18 0.00
TryGetChunk 1000 0.1 81920 210.49 ns 19.0390 ns 1.0757 ns 0.98 0.00
SliceCopyTo 1000 0.1 81920 214.42 ns 1.5311 ns 0.0865 ns 1.00 0.00
SliceCopyNew 1000 0.1 81920 239.47 ns 41.7122 ns 2.3568 ns 1.12 0.01
TryGetChunk 1000 0.4 1 16,067.91 ns 704.2364 ns 39.7907 ns 0.41 0.00
SliceCopyTo 1000 0.4 1 39,435.50 ns 3,238.6385 ns 182.9891 ns 1.00 0.00
SliceCopyNew 1000 0.4 1 52,782.66 ns 789.1048 ns 44.5859 ns 1.34 0.01
TryGetChunk 1000 0.4 8 2,071.42 ns 1,217.0226 ns 68.7640 ns 0.42 0.01
SliceCopyTo 1000 0.4 8 4,931.15 ns 37.4050 ns 2.1135 ns 1.00 0.00
SliceCopyNew 1000 0.4 8 6,677.68 ns 1,113.0950 ns 62.8919 ns 1.35 0.01
TryGetChunk 1000 0.4 81920 91.36 ns 4.5369 ns 0.2563 ns 0.79 0.00
SliceCopyTo 1000 0.4 81920 115.09 ns 2.8835 ns 0.1629 ns 1.00 0.00
SliceCopyNew 1000 0.4 81920 135.88 ns 0.4992 ns 0.0282 ns 1.18 0.00
TryGetChunk 1000 1 1 15,127.86 ns 1,374.6168 ns 77.6684 ns 0.46 0.00
SliceCopyTo 1000 1 1 33,042.55 ns 4,218.6817 ns 238.3633 ns 1.00 0.00
SliceCopyNew 1000 1 1 47,790.33 ns 824.9460 ns 46.6110 ns 1.45 0.01
TryGetChunk 1000 1 8 1,916.98 ns 368.0294 ns 20.7943 ns 0.48 0.00
SliceCopyTo 1000 1 8 4,031.53 ns 20.1829 ns 1.1404 ns 1.00 0.00
SliceCopyNew 1000 1 8 5,935.10 ns 34.6723 ns 1.9591 ns 1.47 0.00
TryGetChunk 1000 1 81920 35.11 ns 6.2488 ns 0.3531 ns 0.52 0.00
SliceCopyTo 1000 1 81920 67.82 ns 1.3987 ns 0.0790 ns 1.00 0.00
SliceCopyNew 1000 1 81920 84.46 ns 0.3885 ns 0.0219 ns 1.25 0.00
TryGetChunk 100000 0.1 1 1,616,748.28 ns 15,104.9084 ns 853.4553 ns 0.36 0.00
SliceCopyTo 100000 0.1 1 4,432,609.93 ns 43,559.3676 ns 2,461.1850 ns 1.00 0.00
SliceCopyNew 100000 0.1 1 5,399,884.88 ns 779,747.9765 ns 44,057.2067 ns 1.22 0.01
TryGetChunk 100000 0.1 8 202,650.95 ns 10,184.6886 ns 575.4538 ns 0.36 0.00
SliceCopyTo 100000 0.1 8 557,300.72 ns 40,635.9979 ns 2,296.0092 ns 1.00 0.00
SliceCopyNew 100000 0.1 8 660,653.63 ns 2,189.5992 ns 123.7164 ns 1.19 0.00
SliceCopyNew 100000 0.1 81920 3,530.48 ns 16.6025 ns 0.9381 ns 0.98 0.00
TryGetChunk 100000 0.1 81920 3,578.62 ns 74.7265 ns 4.2222 ns 0.99 0.00
SliceCopyTo 100000 0.1 81920 3,597.94 ns 204.0785 ns 11.5308 ns 1.00 0.00
TryGetChunk 100000 0.4 1 1,620,093.01 ns 820.6985 ns 46.3710 ns 0.42 0.00
SliceCopyTo 100000 0.4 1 3,889,326.13 ns 22,643.6837 ns 1,279.4101 ns 1.00 0.00
SliceCopyNew 100000 0.4 1 5,330,647.46 ns 1,149,405.4897 ns 64,943.5417 ns 1.37 0.01
TryGetChunk 100000 0.4 8 201,303.36 ns 7,176.9988 ns 405.5137 ns 0.41 0.00
SliceCopyTo 100000 0.4 8 487,841.79 ns 68,171.4087 ns 3,851.8110 ns 1.00 0.00
SliceCopyNew 100000 0.4 8 652,271.12 ns 1,291.2192 ns 72.9563 ns 1.34 0.01
TryGetChunk 100000 0.4 81920 3,387.50 ns 132.3330 ns 7.4771 ns 0.98 0.01
SliceCopyTo 100000 0.4 81920 3,451.68 ns 799.5655 ns 45.1769 ns 1.00 0.00
SliceCopyNew 100000 0.4 81920 3,461.91 ns 957.7346 ns 54.1138 ns 1.00 0.02
TryGetChunk 100000 1 1 1,716,825.08 ns 29,777.0998 ns 1,682.4614 ns 0.52 0.00
SliceCopyTo 100000 1 1 3,302,254.55 ns 22,682.6610 ns 1,281.6124 ns 1.00 0.00
SliceCopyNew 100000 1 1 4,725,121.94 ns 18,508.9365 ns 1,045.7892 ns 1.43 0.00
TryGetChunk 100000 1 8 192,421.59 ns 517.3142 ns 29.2292 ns 0.48 0.00
SliceCopyTo 100000 1 8 399,447.64 ns 7,098.5682 ns 401.0823 ns 1.00 0.00
SliceCopyNew 100000 1 8 596,178.49 ns 2,227.9159 ns 125.8814 ns 1.49 0.00
TryGetChunk 100000 1 81920 51.57 ns 4.1468 ns 0.2343 ns 0.02 0.00
SliceCopyTo 100000 1 81920 3,338.23 ns 1,269.0726 ns 71.7050 ns 1.00 0.00
SliceCopyNew 100000 1 81920 3,380.18 ns 49.8324 ns 2.8156 ns 1.01 0.02

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thargy commented Oct 27, 2018

As can be seen from the benchmarks above, TryGetChunk is consistently faster than CopyTo, and is normally 2-3 times faster.

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pakrym commented Oct 30, 2018

        this.sequence.Slice(i, blockSize).CopyTo(b); 

This is an inefficient way of slicing ROB, you are slicing from the beginning every time. Fair comparison would be to do:

var s= this.sequence;
long blockSize = this.BlockSize;
        long remainder = this.sequence.Length;
        Span<byte> b = this.buffer;
        while (remainder > 0)
            if (remainder < blockSize)
                blockSize = remainder;

            s.CopyTo(b.Slice(0, blockSize ));
            s = s.Slice(blockSize);
            remainder -= blockSize;

            // Use b here

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thargy commented Oct 31, 2018


The following line:

            s.CopyTo(b.Slice(0, blockSize ));

Throws an ArgumentOutOfRangeException as s is of length > blockSize. Also, b is always of length blocksize already, so I assume you meant to write:

public void SliceCopyNew()
    ReadOnlySequence<byte> s = this.sequence;
    int blockSize = this.BlockSize;
    int remainder = (int)this.sequence.Length;
    Span<byte> b = this.buffer;
    while (remainder > 0)
        if (remainder < blockSize)
            blockSize = remainder;

        s.Slice(0, blockSize).CopyTo(b);
        s = s.Slice(blockSize);
        remainder -= blockSize;

        // Use b here

Which prevents a re-scan from the start of the sequence which 'should' be faster. However, in reality, it's slower for all tests, probably because it needs 2 calls to Slice instead of one and this outweighs the speed of the several jumps needed to scan to the correct slice start in a single call? Currently, I only have segments going up to 10 segments per sequence (SegmentSize of 0.1 means 10% of SequenceSize, or 10 segments). I could extend the tests to include ones for much greater segments per sequence, but I felt these were pretty representative of network streams already and gives an idea of the general trend.

This illustrates how hard it is to get this implementation right for end users, and is another justification for having an implementation ready provided, particularly as it remains significantly faster.

(Rather than spam comments, I've updated the original code and benchmark above)

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