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Created January 27, 2017 20:47
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Only hiring people who are like you leaves with you no diversity of thought.
I think that diversity quotas are necessary in places like tech because of how unbalanced things are in terms of race, sex, gender, etc. I think quotas are definitely misunderstood by most people but are necessary to make change happen.
I think the best strategy in counteracting bias is to be aware of that bias andd have discussions around it. We all have unconscious biases that are unavoidable. It's only when you're aware of your biasees that you can take actionable steps to correct them.
I think that the best thing that Turing can do is to continue to hold open discussions and trainings that are tackling these kinds of issues. I think it is especially important that a space is created where all members of the community can take part in a productive discussion.
I think that PotP does a good job of illustrating how people tend to self-segregate when they are unaware of their own biases. The visual aspects of the game are a nice way to see how small actions make a big difference in the end..
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