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Last active October 4, 2023 12:04
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A python script to convert annotated data in standoff format (brat annotation tool) to the formats expected by Stanford NER and Relation Extractor models
# A python script to turn annotated data in standoff format (brat annotation tool) to the formats expected by Stanford NER and Relation Extractor models
# - NER format based on:
# - RE format based on:
# Usage:
# 1) Install the pycorenlp package
# 2) Run CoreNLP server (change CORENLP_SERVER_ADDRESS if needed)
# 3) Place .ann and .txt files from brat in the location specified in DATA_DIRECTORY
# 4) Run this script
# Cross-sentence annotation is not supported
from pycorenlp import StanfordCoreNLP
import os
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
CORENLP_SERVER_ADDRESS = 'http://localhost:9000'
NER_TRAINING_DATA_OUTPUT_PATH = join(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, 'ner-crf-training-data.tsv')
RE_TRAINING_DATA_OUTPUT_PATH = join(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, 're-training-data.corp')
if os.path.exists(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY):
if os.path.exists(RE_TRAINING_DATA_OUTPUT_PATH):
sentence_count = 0
# looping through .ann files in the data directory
ann_data_files = [f for f in listdir(DATA_DIRECTORY) if isfile(join(DATA_DIRECTORY, f)) and f.split('.')[1] == 'ann']
for file in ann_data_files:
entities = []
relations = []
# process .ann file - place entities and relations into 2 seperate lists of tuples
with open(join(DATA_DIRECTORY, file), 'r') as document_anno_file:
lines = document_anno_file.readlines()
for line in lines:
standoff_line = line.split()
if standoff_line[0][0] == STANDOFF_ENTITY_PREFIX:
entity = {}
entity['standoff_id'] = int(standoff_line[0][1:])
entity['entity_type'] = standoff_line[1].capitalize()
entity['offset_start'] = int(standoff_line[2])
entity['offset_end'] = int(standoff_line[3])
entity['word'] = standoff_line[4]
elif standoff_line[0][0] == STANDOFF_RELATION_PREFIX:
relation = {}
relation['standoff_id'] = int(standoff_line[0][1:])
relation['name'] = standoff_line[1]
relation['standoff_entity1_id'] = int(standoff_line[2].split(':')[1][1:])
relation['standoff_entity2_id'] = int(standoff_line[3].split(':')[1][1:])
# relations.append((standoff_id, relation_name, standoff_entity1_id, standoff_entity2_id))
# read the .ann's matching .txt file and tokenize its text using stanford corenlp
with open(join(DATA_DIRECTORY, file.replace('.ann', '.txt')), 'r') as document_text_file:
document_text =
output = nlp.annotate(document_text, properties={
'annotators': 'tokenize,ssplit,pos',
'outputFormat': 'json'
# write text and annotations into NER and RE output files
with open(NER_TRAINING_DATA_OUTPUT_PATH, 'a') as ner_training_data, open(RE_TRAINING_DATA_OUTPUT_PATH, 'a') as re_training_data:
for sentence in output['sentences']:
entities_in_sentence = {}
sentence_re_rows = []
for token in sentence['tokens']:
offset_start = int(token['characterOffsetBegin'])
offset_end = int(token['characterOffsetEnd'])
re_row = {}
entity_found = False
# searching for token in annotated entities
for entity in entities:
if offset_start >= entity['offset_start'] and offset_end <= entity['offset_end']:
ner_anno = entity['entity_type']
# multi-token entities for RE need to be handled differently than NER
if offset_start == entity['offset_start'] and offset_end <= entity['offset_end']:
entities_in_sentence[entity['standoff_id']] = len(sentence_re_rows)
re_row['entity_type'] = entity['entity_type']
re_row['pos_tag'] = token['pos']
re_row['word'] = token['word']
entity_found = True
elif offset_start > entity['offset_start'] and offset_end <= entity['offset_end'] and len(sentence_re_rows) > 0:
sentence_re_rows[-1]['pos_tag'] += '/{}'.format(token['pos'])
sentence_re_rows[-1]['word'] += '/{}'.format(token['word'])
entity_found = True
if not entity_found:
re_row['entity_type'] = DEFAULT_OTHER_ANNO
re_row['pos_tag'] = token['pos']
re_row['word'] = token['word']
# writing tagged tokens to NER training data
ner_training_data.write('{}\t{}\n'.format(token['word'], ner_anno))
# writing tagged tokens to RE training data
token_count = 0
for sentence_row in sentence_re_rows:
re_training_data.write('{}\t{}\t{}\tO\t{}\t{}\tO\tO\tO\n'.format(str(sentence_count), sentence_row['entity_type'], str(token_count), sentence_row['pos_tag'], sentence_row['word']))
token_count += 1
# writing relations to RE training data
for relation in relations:
if relation['standoff_entity1_id'] in entities_in_sentence and relation['standoff_entity2_id'] in entities_in_sentence:
entity1 = str(entities_in_sentence[relation['standoff_entity1_id']])
entity2 = str(entities_in_sentence[relation['standoff_entity2_id']])
relation_name = relation['name']
re_training_data.write('{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format(entity1, entity2, relation_name))
sentence_count += 1
print('Processed file pair: {} and {}'.format(file, file.replace('.ann', '.txt')))
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Hello, I am trying your script but I am facing issues with the corenlp server. I downloaded the folder from, started the server in my command prompt, imported, and installed the corenlp package in google colab, however it fails with 'Exception: Check whether you have started the CoreNLP server'. So I logged onto the localhost:9000 server and tried getting the output on the server for a random single sentence. The server doesn't respond and my command prompt shows the error of ' java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space'. While starting the server I used the command 'java -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer -preload tokenize,ssplit,pos,lemma,parse \ -port 9000 -timeout 75000'.

I am aware this is not directly related to NLP, however, I would like to try your code for my project and would like any help that you can offer for this. Thank you.

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Hey Gurikat, try adding a question on StackOverflow with tags like stanford-nlp, core-nlp, etc.

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