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Last active March 22, 2018 19:09
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//- Simple inline paragraph text
p I am inline text
//- These two pipes will create 2 new lines
//- This will add empty line between above code and below code
Literal html will also work.
Pug will simply ignore any text starting with `<` left angle bracket.
Hence you need to manually close tag.
<p>I am literal html code </p>
Unlike block comments, we can not add more text in new lines.
Because any text inside a tag is valid pug code and pug will try to compile it.
Hence, we need to use `.` dot or `|` pipe character.
//- Using pipe character in every line, we can span text over multiple lines.
//- Pipe character will treat text as normal text and add new line.
//- But we can mix any valid pug code in new line using this style.
| Hello World!
| I am Pug, your buddy to write simple HTML templates.
em Let's explore the world, shall we?
| Very nice to meet you :)
//- To create block of text with auto line break, we can use `.` character.
//- There should not be any space between tag name and `.` dot character.
//- Any text in this block is not processed by Pug, hence you need to use HTML literal unline previous example.
//- Dot character must start right after the tag name,
or after the closing parenthesis `)` if the tag has attributes.
Hello World!
I am Pug, your buddy to write simple HTML templates.
<em>Let's explore the world, shall we?</em>
Very nice to meet you :)
//- Using `.` dot character, we can make use of block of text to write style or script code,
//- since, all text in this block will not be processed by pug.
console.log("Geolocation available!")
console.warn("Geolocation not available!")
html, body{
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
//- We can also create a dot block of plain text after other tags within the parent tag.
p Hello World! I am in a paragraph. I am optional here :(
Hey there!
I am in a block but in `div` tag.
Because, dot without a tag will put me in parent tag.
//- Pug provided tag interpolation.
//- syntax for tag interploation is like `#[tagName content]`
b Hi there! I am #[strong John Doe].
//- Pug provided `:` operator to make block expression into inline.
p: b Hi there! I am inline #[strong John Doe].
//- Pug automatically closes self closing tags like `img`, `br`, `link` etc.
//- But to force pug to self close a custom tag is to put `/` forward slash at the end of the tag
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