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Last active December 16, 2021 21:30
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  • Save thatsumoguy/912ba0de72c4e042ee345f20707d6b16 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save thatsumoguy/912ba0de72c4e042ee345f20707d6b16 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace AdventOfCode2021
class Day16
public static (long result, long time) PartOne()
var sw = new Stopwatch();
var bits = ConvertToBits(File.ReadAllText(@"Input.txt"));
var version = 0L;
var (_, _, totalVersion) = ReadPackets(bits, ref version);
return (totalVersion, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
public static (long result, long time) PartTwo()
var sw = new Stopwatch();
var bits = ConvertToBits(File.ReadAllText(@"Input.txt"));
var version = 0L;
var (_, totalResult, _) = ReadPackets(bits, ref version);
return (totalResult, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
private static byte[] ConvertToBits(string lines)
var bytes = Enumerable.Range(0, lines.Length).Where(x => x % 2 == 0).Select(x => Convert.ToByte(lines.Substring(x, 2), 16)).ToArray();
var bits = new byte[bytes.Length * 8];
for(var i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
var curr = bytes[i];
var baseNum = 7;
for (var j =0; j < 8; j++)
bits[i * 8 + j] = (byte)((curr >> baseNum) & 1);
return bits;
private static (int totalOffset, long totalResult, long totalVersion) ReadPackets(byte[] bits, ref long totalVersion)
var offset = 0;
var version = GetValue(bits.Slice(offset, 3));
offset += 3;
totalVersion += version;
var packetType = GetValue(bits.Slice(offset, 3));
offset += 3;
if(packetType == 4)
(long result, int addedOffset) = GetTotalValue(bits[offset..]);
offset += addedOffset;
return (offset, result, totalVersion);
var results = new List<long>();
int typeID = bits[offset];
if(typeID == 0)
var length = GetValue(bits.Slice(offset, 15));
offset += 15;
var totalLengthOffset = 0;
while(totalLengthOffset < length)
(int addedOffset, long result, _) = ReadPackets(bits[offset..], ref totalVersion);
offset += addedOffset;
totalLengthOffset += addedOffset;
else if(typeID == 1)
var length = GetValue(bits.Slice(offset, 11));
offset += 11;
for(var i = 0; i < length; i++)
(int addedOffset, long result, _) = ReadPackets(bits[offset..], ref totalVersion);
offset += addedOffset;
return (offset, GetResult(packetType, results), totalVersion);
private static long GetResult(int packetType, List<long> results)
return packetType switch
0 => results.Sum(),
1 => results.Aggregate(1L, (a, b) => a * b),
2 => results.Min(),
3 => results.Max(),
5 => results[0] > results[1] ? 1L : 0L,
6 => results[0] < results[1] ? 1L : 0L,
7 => results[0] == results[1] ? 1L : 0L,
_ => 0L,
private static int GetValue(byte[] bits)
var result = 0;
foreach (var bit in bits)
result = result << 1 | bit;
return result;
private static (long value, int addedOffset) GetTotalValue(byte[] bits)
var offset = 0;
var value = 0L;
bool notZero;
notZero = bits[offset] == 1;
var group = GetValue(bits.Slice(offset, 4));
offset += 4;
value = value << 4 | (uint)group;
} while (notZero);
return (value, offset);
public static class Helper
public static T[] Slice<T>(this T[] bits, int start, int length)
var slice = new T[length];
Array.Copy(bits, start, slice, 0, length);
return slice;
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