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Last active October 12, 2015 19:28
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  • Save thattommyhall/4075632 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save thattommyhall/4075632 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
; Analyze a Tic-Tac-Toe Board - Hard
; A <a href="">tic-tac-toe</a>
; board is represented by a two dimensional vector.
; X is represented by :x, O is represented by :o, and empty is represented by :e.
; A player wins by placing three Xs or three Os in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row.
; Write a function which analyzes a tic-tac-toe board and returns :x if X has won, :o if O has won, and nil if neither player has won.
; tags - game
; restricted -
(ns offline-4clojure.p73
(:use clojure.test))
(def __
(fn [board]
(let [triples
(fn [board]
(map #(map (partial get-in board) %)
(for [x [0 1 2]]
[[x 0] [x 1] [x 2]])
(for [y [0 1 2]]
[[0 y] [1 y] [2 y]])
[[[0 0] [1 1] [2 2]]
[[0 2] [1 1] [2 0]]])))]
(ffirst (filter #(or (= [:o :o :o] %)
(= [:x :x :x] %))
(triples board)))))
(defn -main []
(are [x] x
(= nil (__ [[:e :e :e]
[:e :e :e]
[:e :e :e]]))
(= :x (__ [[:x :e :o]
[:x :e :e]
[:x :e :o]]))
(= :o (__ [[:e :x :e]
[:o :o :o]
[:x :e :x]]))
(= nil (__ [[:x :e :o]
[:x :x :e]
[:o :x :o]]))
(= :x (__ [[:x :e :e]
[:o :x :e]
[:o :e :x]]))
(= :o (__ [[:x :e :o]
[:x :o :e]
[:o :e :x]]))
(= nil (__ [[:x :o :x]
[:x :o :x]
[:o :x :o]]))))
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